Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/6/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/6/13


Episode # 10174 ~ Adam surprises Sharon; Lauren tries to mitigate damages.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

[Door opens]

Lauren: Oh, Michael, thank God. Oh, thank God.

Michael: What? What's wrong? Is it Fenmore? Is something wrong?

Lauren: No, no, no. He's fine, he's fine. I didn't mean to scare you.

Michael: What is going on, Lauren?

Lauren: I'm overreacting. That's all.

Michael: About?

Lauren: I woke up, you weren't there. I checked the guest room, and it hadn't been slept in.

Michael: I went out for a run, and you thought I'd walked out.

Lauren: Knee-jerk reaction. Hmm. No thinking involved.

Michael: We said we would put off the divorce for 30 days so we could work on things.

Lauren: I know.

Michael: I'm sticking to that.

Lauren: And that is so much more than I deserve after the way I hurt you.

Michael: We hurt each other. Let's not recount the ways, okay? I'm gonna take a shower.

Lauren: Michael?

Michael: Yeah?

Lauren: We can do this, right?

Michael: I don't know. But we won't know unless we try, right?

Carmine: Yes, it's to Lauren Fenmore. Apartment 632. And can you, um, put a rush on that? No, I don't mind paying extra. No, she's definitely worth it.

Lily: Looks like a pretty intense business meeting.

Tyler: Devon and I were just discussing how we see this playing out.

Devon: It seems pretty clear to me.

Lily: Well, Tyler and I came up with a strategy to launch Chelsea's line, and I went over it with you.

Devon: And I decided to make a couple changes.

Lily: That you don't agree with?

Devon: I think Tyler's just having a hard time letting go, but you'll get there.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Summer: I am so jealous.

Noah: Because of how much more organized I am than you? Look at all the stuff I am fitting into this bag.

Summer: Yeah, no. Because you're getting your own place.

Noah: With a roommate because I can't afford the rent on my own.

Summer: You know, if you and Tyler got another roommate, you would have so much more money to buy stuff.

Noah: You're not moving in with us.

Summer: Okay, you know that that would be so cool.

Noah: You already have a roommate -- Phyllis.

Summer: Okay, moms don't count.

Noah: She loves to hang out with her baby girl.

Summer: Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Those days are over.

Noah: Why is that?

Summer: Okay, when you were 18, did you want to live with your mom?

Sharon: Absolutely not. He had and has much better things to do.

Noah: Hi, Mom. That is not true. I always have time for you.

Sharon: Well, at least somebody does.

Victor: Well, Son, I am very proud of you.

Adam: Yeah? What did I do this time?

Victor: Well, your hard work has put Newman Enterprises back to where it belongs -- in our family's hands.

Adam: No thanks necessary, since I'm reaping some of those family benefits.

Victor: Why don't we have a party at your place tonight?

Adam: [Laughs] Way to invite yourself over to my house, Dad.

Victor: Of course. I'll bring Nikki and bring your siblings. How's that?

Adam: Yeah, it sounds like a fun party. Look, why don't we just hold off on inviting anyone over until we sign the contracts and we close the deal?

Victor: Talking about that, where the hell is Avery with the contracts?

Adam: You got me.

Victor: Huh?

Melanie: Excuse me. I'm looking for Adam Newman.

Adam: You found me.

Melanie: Forgive me for being late. I was tied up at the courthouse.

Adam: And you are?

Melanie: Extremely scattered, apparently. I'm Melanie Daniels. Avery Clark asked me to bring over the final paperwork for you and your father to sign.

Victor: Why would Miss Clark have an assistant handle this?

Melanie: I'm working for Miss Clark.

Victor: Uh-huh. Well, you didn't answer my question. Why did she not see this through to the end herself?

Adam: There's only a few signatures necessary to close the deal, so...

Victor: Son, you were uncomfortable discussing the party prior to the deal closing. How is it that you now are amenable to have a glorified assistant deal with us?

Adam: You'll have to excuse my father. He gets grumpy from time to time.

Melanie: I understand.

Adam: Let's discuss the paperwork, shall we?

Melanie: Right, paperwork.

Sharon: Don't look so worried. I was just joking.

Noah: Did you come to help me pack?

Sharon: And enable you in your quest to put miles between us? No, I don't think so.

Summer: Yeah, no, I'm not helping him, either, since he's abandoning me.

Noah: Mom, what's going on? Why did you need to see Dad?

Sharon: Well, I just wanted to talk to him about Faith's play date schedule now that school's out. I've left him a few messages, but I haven't heard back.

Summer: Oh, you know, he's actually at the club right now. The pipes were really backed up last night.

Sharon: Sounds messy.

Noah: Oh, it is. Yeah, he's been with the plumber all morning trying to get it fixed so we can open up for business tonight.

Sharon: So you're gonna see him tonight?

Noah: At work, yeah. He let me out of mop-up duty so I could move out, but I'll let him know you're looking for him.

Sharon: Oh, don't bother. You know, I'm sure Nick has many other things to worry about right now other than Faith's play date schedule. So, you must be excited. You're all finished with school.

Summer: I know. I can't believe that I'm graduating tomorrow.

Sharon: I'm sure your parents can't believe it, either.

Summer: I know. That talk that you and my dad and my mom had with me -- I think that my dad's really scared of losing me, but --

Noah: That is because you're gonna take really good care of yourself, aren't you?

Summer: Yes, and make excellent choices.

Noah: And remember, no matter how old you get...

Summer: Yes, I will always be daddy's little girl.

Lily: What do you mean, changes? The campaign seems pretty solid to me.

Tyler: Yeah, me too. You should trust that we know what we're doing.

Devon: I do trust my sister.

Lily: Thank you?

Devon: There's a lot at stake here, guys.

Tyler: We get that.

Devon: Well, maybe you don't, really, Tyler, because it doesn't affect you the same.

Lily: Wait, wait. What does that mean? 'Cause Tyler initiated the campaign.

Devon: I understand that, but if this goes south, Tyler can always pick up another job to occupy his time. It won't be as easy for the others involved to move on.

Tyler: I'm not going anywhere.

Devon: Well, anything can happen. And then someone will be left holding the bag, cleaning up your mess, and it'll probably be someone I care about.

Lily: Okay, look. I know that you are feeling the pressure to make this campaign a success. We all are.

Devon: And I'll do a good job.

Lily: I know you will, but the changes that you're wanting to make --

Devon: I'm just clearing the decks with Tyler.

Lily: Okay, Tyler and I spent countless nights and weekends working on that campaign, time that I could have spent with my children. I don't want that to go to waste, Devon.

Tyler: Lily, Devon does not plan on taking all your hard work and throwing it away. Do you?

Devon: Of course not, Lily. All I want to do is build upon what you've already set up by making a few minor adjustments.

Lily: What adjustments?

Devon: Let Tyler and me work that out, all right? You've already given up enough for this project. I'm not gonna let it cost you anything else.

Lauren: Thank you. Oh. Wow. Beautiful. [Sighs] Mmm. Mmm. [Sighs] Hi, Baby.

Fenmore: Hey, Mom.

Lauren: Listen. Will you tell Dad that I had to do something? He's in the shower.

Fenmore: Wait. When did Dad get --?

Michael: Hey, surprise!

Fenmore: Dad. When did you get back?

Michael: Last night. [Sighs] Your mother and I are gonna try to work things out.

Fenmore: Oh.

Michael: This isn't what you wanted, is it?

Tyler: All right, you know what? We're gonna have to finish this another time.

Devon: You just leaving?

Tyler: Yeah. I'm meeting with Noah. We're signing a lease on a new apartment.

Lily: You didn't tell me that you found a place.

Tyler: I saw it last night after I dropped you off.

Devon: Who shows an apartment that late? Or wait, was it that girl's place, the one who wanted to hook up with you?

Tyler: Yeah. She and her roommate -- they were looking to get out of their lease.

Devon: Among other things. Must have been your lucky night.

Tyler: Later.

Lily: So, what do you know about this girl?

Devon: Why are you so curious?

Lily: [Chuckles] I was just wondering if it was some other model he picked up 'cause he has, like, a string of them, so...

Devon: Well, that wouldn't surprise me 'cause, clearly, the guy sees nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure. I just hope you're smart enough to know better.

Noah: [Sighs] That is everything. Summer?

Summer: Yeah. Sorry. Are you done?

Noah: Yeah. Where were you?

Summer: Just thinking.

Noah: Already? It's only noon.

Summer: Funny.

Noah: You need a ride somewhere? I can drop you off before I meet up with Tyler.

Summer: No, it's okay. Courtney's gonna come pick me up.

Noah: When is dad gonna give you your keys back?

Summer: I don't know. After graduation. You're coming to the ceremony?

Noah: Oh, I would never miss something so fun as commencement.

Summer: Oh, really?

Noah: Dad's making me go.

Summer: Yeah.

Noah: Plus, there's the chance you might trip on your gown, and I couldn't miss that.

Summer: Don't put that out there, okay? I am not gonna fall in front of all those people.

Noah: You're gonna be wishing that somebody does something viral to break up the monotony of all those boring speeches.

Summer: Boring? Okay, they're supposed to be inspiring, you know, motivate us to achieve greatness, to become president or cure cancer.

Noah: How about you start on your quest for greatness by deciding what college you want to go to?

Summer: Oh, well, I already did. GCU.

Noah: Oh, convenient, yeah. Kyle wouldn't have anything to do with your deciding to stay local, would he?

Summer: Okay, this is not the part where you start to lecture me about Kyle.

Noah: I just -- I want you to protect yourself, to not invest your heart in the wrong guy.

Summer: Okay, but what if Kyle feels like the right guy?

Noah: Summer -- I guess I'll leave that decision up to you.

Summer: Well, aren't you just the best big brother ever?

Noah: I know. I am, but don't tell dad that I stopped warning you about Kyle.

Summer: Thanks, Noah.

Noah: I'll see you at the ceremony.

Summer: That's gross.

Noah: Graduate.

Summer: Yeah.

Michael: So, are you excited about high-school graduation?

Fenmore: Really? You're talking cap and gown? Now?

Michael: Well, leaving high school is a big deal. And with everything that's been going on lately, I want to make sure that none of us, especially you, misses out on the fact that it's important and exciting.

Fenmore: Me getting my name called and shaking the principal's hand?

Michael: Well, hopefully, it will not be the high point of your life, but we're gonna make this as special for you as it should be.

Fenmore: With you guys faking it for the pictures and the ceremony and everything?

Michael: All right, listen to me, Son. Your mother and I -- we're truly proud of you.

Fenmore: Yeah, but you're miserable with each other, and you have been for months. Why would you want to live like that?

Michael: I don't.

Fenmore: So, why did you move back? For my sake? Because, from what I've seen, nothing's changed.

Michael: And it never will unless your mother and I make a considerable effort to try for a different outcome. Now, we may not succeed, but it is worth a shot.

Fenmore: Is it?

Michael: Love is always worth it. And believe me when I tell you I love your mother very much.

Fenmore: And you show it by hardly speaking to her and not even sleeping in the same bed?

Michael: We're in the middle of some rough times, but you don't give up on people you love, not without a hell of a fight.

Lauren: What is this?

Carmine: That's a gift. I remembered how much you enjoyed those chocolate-covered strawberries we had in Lake Geneva.

Lauren: You shouldn't be sending me gifts at all. What if Michael had answered the door? Or worse yet, Fen? Do you really want my son to know that you're the reason my marriage broke up?

Carmine: Wait a minute. Michael's around to sign for packages?

Lauren: I told you he moved back in. We're trying to make things work.

Carmine: Then what are you doing here?

Lauren: I am returning the gift and reminding you that we are over so you won't do stuff like this again.

Carmine: What? Are you afraid that I'm gonna do something to ruin your marriage or that you will?

Lauren: I love my husband. I'm committed to making this marriage work. That's not gonna change.

Carmine: You already told me that the other day.

Lauren: Then what is this? Thanking me for the memories?

Carmine: The strawberries were supposed to be an apology. Look, I put you in a bad position showing up at your apartment like I did. I just wanted to make it up to you, get you to smile like you did that afternoon at Lake Geneva.

Lauren: This is the wrong way to do it.

Carmine: You know, that day with you, that was probably the most perfect day I ever spent with anyone, at least it was until you decided to skip out early to come home.

Lauren: My son needed me.

Carmine: What makes you think I don't?

Lauren: Please. Please don't make this any harder than it has to be.

Carmine: Lauren... we can't help how feel about each other.

Lauren: Okay, I need you to stop, Carmine. Please, no more gifts, no more finding any reasons to see me, no more talks with Fen, no more calls, no more texts, nothing. I am trying to move past our affair, and I really need you to do the same thing.

Michael: I don't want to give you false hope.

Fenmore: So you're saying that just because you moved back in doesn't mean...

Michael: I'm saying that your mother and I are working on our marriage, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to succeed.

Fenmore: Why do you keep saying it might not work?

Michael: Because I'm your father, and I'm supposed to prepare you for any eventuality.

Fenmore: No, you think you guys splitting up is inevitable.

Michael: Do I?

Fenmore: Yeah. Why are you even going through the motions, Dad?

Michael: Because there's a chance. There's a chance. It's like being lost. And you remember home -- what it looked like, what it felt like, but you damn well can't remember how to get back there. So you take a step, you take a step, you take another step, and then you just pray that you're headed in the right direction.

Fenmore: How did you and Mom get so messed up?

Michael: Anger, hurt. I mean, when those things come into a marriage... maybe we can get past it, but there are some issues that we can't overcome.

Fenmore: What issues? And why are you angry? Every time I ask you, you and Mom just talk around it. Why can't you just be straight with me?

Michael: It is difficult to be honest with you, Son. It's difficult when your mother and I can't be completely honest with each other.

Sharon: Hey, Nick. It's Sharon. I stopped by earlier because we need to go over Faith's schedule, so let's talk about that. Noah told me you were having some plumbing issues at the club. That sounds awful. So if you need any help, I'm around. Just call me.

Dr. Watkins: Hello, Sharon.

Sharon: Oh. Dr. Watkins.

Dr. Watkins: I'm addicted to this coffee now.

Sharon: [Laughs] Its better with a piece of pie.

Dr. Watkins: Oh, God. I didn't need to know that.

Sharon: Well, I was just on my way out.

Dr. Watkins: I'll see you at our session tomorrow.

Sharon: Okay, great.

Dr. Watkins: Based on that conversation, we're gonna have a lot to discuss.

Sharon: You want to talk about my ex's maintenance issues in therapy?

Dr. Watkins: I want to talk about what that message implied. You know, you're no longer listening to me, Sharon.

Sharon: What?

Dr. Watkins: In fact, I think you should think about doubling our sessions -- twice a week.

Sharon: Because that will make me listen better?

Dr. Watkins: Since your diagnosis, we discussed the importance of you becoming less dependent on the men in your life.

Sharon: Yeah, and I have.

Dr. Watkins: Yet you continue to inject yourself into situations, hoping to feel needed by them.

Sharon: I was just offering to be there for my ex -- you know, the way that he's been there for me.

Dr. Watkins: He's been an integral part of your support system. I understand that.

Sharon: Well, then, why make such a big deal out of it?

Dr. Watkins: Are you a plumber?

Sharon: No, but --

Dr. Watkins: Then your offer of help was hardly practical.

Sharon: No, I was offering to help with Faith.

Dr. Watkins: It's not what you were offering. It's what you think you need.

Sharon: Which is?

Dr. Watkins: A relationship.

Sharon: No. No, no, no. You're way off base.

Dr. Watkins: In my opinion, you'd settle for any relationship at this point, even a dysfunctional one, because you are terrified of being alone.

Melanie: That covers it. The company is officially yours. Congratulations.

Victor: Thank you.

Adam: Thank you, Melanie, for walking us through this.

Melanie: It was no problem. And if you have any follow-up questions, my number is on the cover page.

Adam: Uh-huh.

Victor: Thank you, Melanie.

Adam: Well, that went well.

Victor: I'm surprised you were able to pay any attention at all, considering how distracted you were.

Adam: I was being polite.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Adam: Yeah. Now on to more important things. Which one of us is gonna break the news to Victoria?

Victor: About that -- please do not use our success to harass your sister again.

Adam: I thought that was the whole point of inviting everyone over to my penthouse.

Victor: Oh, yeah? It ain't, Son.

Adam: Yeah? Good luck convincing Nicholas and Victoria of that. Also, good luck getting them to show up.

Victor: You want to make a bet? They'll be there.

Adam: Yeah? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna blackmail them this time or are you gonna bribe them?

Victor: Let me think about that. I think neither.

Adam: All right. If you say so.

Victor: You know, children can easily be persuaded, which you will find out one day when you have family of your own.

Adam: I have a question. When are you gonna stop rubbing it in my face that I don't have any children?

Victor: When you stop using all of your time working, Son. Okay? I want you to, you know, start making a family. How's that?

Lily: Why won't you tell me the changes that you want to make?

Devon: 'Cause it doesn't require your input. You're not on this project anymore, Lil.

Lily: Then why are you trying to alienate Tyler?

Devon: I'm not trying to alienate anyone. I'm trying to do my job.

Lily: Your job is to roll out the campaign that Tyler and I came up with.

Devon: Is it?

Lily: Yes.

Devon: 'Cause he seems to think I was brought on board to keep something from happening between the two of you.

Lily: What, he said that?

Devon: Has something happened between the two of you?

Lily: No. I am married to an amazing man. The reason why I took a step back was to spend more time with Cane and the kids.

Devon: Then why aren't you doing that? Seriously, go home. I got this.

Tyler: Well, the girls cleared out of here fast. What, one night with you was all it took to send them packing?

Noah: No, no, no. That wasn't me. They were already moving out before they met me.

Tyler: What, did they get a look at you in the morning without your makeup and they head for the hills? Huh, is that what happened?

Noah: We just signed the lease. Haven't even moved in yet. Already busting my chops.

Tyler: Better get used to it.

Noah: Know what? Not having to share a bathroom with my little sister is better than anything you can throw at me. So bring it.

Tyler: Well... they left us a couch. That was nice.

Noah: You know what this place needs? It needs a pool table.

Tyler: That's a good idea. But it's not gonna fit in here with this couch.

Noah: You see, but who needs a couch when you have a pool table?

Tyler: This place is turning into a man cave already.

Noah: And I'm okay with that because Summer has been trying to talk me into moving in here with us.

Tyler: It hasn't even hit Summer yet. She's about to blow up as a model. Pretty soon, her face is gonna be on every bus and billboard in town. She'll be able to afford a much nicer apartment than this one.

Noah: Maybe we should have waited and moved in with her.

Tyler: [Laughs]

Summer: Okay, before we go to the mall, I want to show you this dress that I found.

Courtney: Ooh. That would be a great color on me.

Summer: You? I saw that first.

Courtney: Ooh, and it wouldn't really clash with our caps and gowns. Text from Kyle!

Summer: Let me see. Let me see.

Courtney: What did he say?

Summer: He said, "I can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow."

Courtney: Um, sexy.

Summer: Um, he's talking about graduation.

Courtney: Okay, but how do you think that he expects to celebrate afterwards? Ooh. Maybe naked celebrate.

Summer: Naked celebrate. I don't know. Tomorrow could be the night.

Courtney: Your first time.

Summer: Ever. Wow. I can't believe that that's happening.

Courtney: Come on. There's another stop we need to make.

Summer: Okay.

Sharon: This is not a therapy session.

Dr. Watkins: Then there's no co-pay for this friendly little chat.

Sharon: Are you like this with your friends, too?

Dr. Watkins: Yeah. Sometimes it's hard to leave work at the office.

Sharon: Which is why you're such a great doctor.

Dr. Watkins: At least I have a degree in trying to fix people.

Sharon: Why can't I help Nick?

Dr. Watkins: The issue is your fixation on being the one to help Nick, whether it has to do with a problem in his club or the potential fallout of his daughter's paternity.

Sharon: I know how devastated Nick would be if he lost another daughter, and I know he's gonna need someone to lean on.

Dr. Watkins: Why does it have to be you? Nick's in a serious relationship.

Sharon: Oh, Avery. She wasn't around when we lost Cassie. She cannot relate to his grief the way that I can.

Dr. Watkins: And that will always assure you a place in Nick's life. That's got to make you feel reassured.

Sharon: I'm not afraid of being alone.

Dr. Watkins: Why do you keep going back to Adam, even though you know he is toxic for you?

Sharon: Because I...uh...

Dr. Watkins: Think about that. We can discuss it in our session tomorrow.

Adam: One minute, you are giving me a hard time, accusing me of flirting with a beautiful woman. The next, you're pushing me to move on with my life and create a new family. You do realize one leads to the other, right?

Victor: No kidding. I think I've heard that.

Adam: Yeah. Or did you just take issue with the fact that Melanie is a lowly law lackey?

Victor: Son, just the timing was a little off, you know? But I don't care who you start a family with, as long as it's not Sharon.

Adam: Well, it was just sex with Sharon. It wasn't a relationship, and we certainly weren't talking about kids.

Victor: Uh-huh. You realize, of course, that one thing leads to another?

Adam: Touché.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: But I'm not seeing Sharon anymore. That's the price that I had to pay to do business with you.

Victor: Uh-huh. And you consider that meddling?

Adam: Since that's what it is.

Victor: [Chuckles] Son... I just want you to be happy. I want my kids to be happy.

Adam: Well, I am happy, Dad, since you and I are majority shareholders of Newman now.

Victor: Good. The difference is, Son, between the two of us, that I have someone to go home to to celebrate with. You don't. You're going back into an empty house.

Adam: Well, my penthouse will be filled with plenty of Newmans as soon as your invite goes out.

Victor: So I suggest you go home now and get the place ready because we're coming over, all right?

Adam: [Sighs]

Tyler: We need to get rid of this couch. And not just to make room for the pool table, but because it is so, so ugly.

Noah: It's not that bad.

Tyler: Not that bad? This thing looks like it should be out on the curb somewhere. Heck, it probably was.

Noah: All right. Okay. [Both grunt] Dude, what was that? You're, like, supposed to be some big, strong guy.

Tyler: This thing is made of lead. Come on, let's do it again, on three. One, two, three.

Noah: [Grunting]

Tyler: Hold up. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Noah: No, Dude, let's just take it. Wait. Dude! [Groans] What the hell was that, Tyler?

Tyler: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I heard my phone.

Noah: Oh, you heard your -- who's important enough that you're gonna let me have a hernia?

Tyler: Nobody.

Noah: Let's get it. Okay.

[Keys jingling]

Lauren: Oh. Where's Fen?

Michael: He's at the gym. Do I want to know where you've been?

Lauren: Probably not.

Michael: I see.

Lauren: Look, Michael, I... I'm done lying to you. I went to see Carmine.

Carmine: [Sighs] [Sniffs]

Fenmore: Bad day?

Carmine: Yeah. Yeah. I've had better. I've had much, much better.

Fenmore: If you want to talk...

Carmine: Thanks, man, but I believe your parents don't want us being friends, right?

Fenmore: Right. My parents don't get to tell me how to run my life when they can't even manage theirs.

Carmine: [Chuckles] Okay. So, you want to hear my tale of woe?

Fenmore: You listened when I had nobody else to talk to, so I am returning the favor. Speak. What's wrong? Woman trouble?

Carmine: [Laughs] Actually, yeah. Yeah. And I would love to tell you all about it.

Sharon: Thank you very much.

Melanie: Hey.

Adam: Hey, there. Let me get your chair for you.

Melanie: Thank you. Good to see you.

Adam: You, as well.

Lily: Hi. So, I'm not working with Abby until later, so I have the entire afternoon free, and I thought I would treat my husband to a late lunch. Oh. Okay. What about -- what about dinner? No, that's fine. I-I understand. Yeah, I'll just -- I'll see you when you get home. Okay. Bye.

Tyler: Unh-unh, unh-unh.

Noah: [Panting]

Tyler: Well, no pool table, the couch says.

Noah: You know, it's not as bad if you look at it with one eye. This thing is so uncomfor-- ow! Ow! I think I'm gonna need a tetanus shot.

Tyler: You know what? I don't care if this was the ugliest couch ever made.

Noah: It is.

Tyler: Well, we're keeping it. Because there is no way that I'm hauling it down those stairs. That's not gonna happen.

Noah: Hey, to a fresh start. New friends, an old-ass couch. Let the adventures begin.

Summer: Could you please stop messing with that?

Courtney: Relax. The whole reason we're here is so that you don't end up with one of these alien babies.

Summer: Okay, Kyle is responsible. He'll have condoms, and I'll have condoms.

Courtney: And if the condom breaks?

Summer: That happens?

Courtney: Yes. It's how my aunt Harriet came to be. At least that's what my dad says.

Summer: Okay, well, either way, this is way overkill. I don't need this.

Courtney: Oh, really?

Summer: Yes.

Courtney: But do you need this, then?

Summer: That's really creepy. Please stop.

Doctor: Summer?

Summer: Yeah?

Doctor: How can I help you today?

Courtney: Um, she needs a prescription for birth control.

Doctor: Are you sexually active?

Summer: Not yet, but I'm about to be.

Carmine: Remember how you felt when Summer chose Kyle?

Fenmore: Mad, depressed, confused. You know, I couldn't understand how I read her so wrong.

Carmine: I wasn't reading this woman wrong at all. I mean, from the beginning, we had a connection.

Fenmore: So she was into you?

Carmine: Oh, completely. Then she broke it off, and she got back with her ex.

Fenmore: [Inhales sharply] Hot and cold.

Carmine: When I tell you this woman was perfect, I mean -- I mean the whole package. She's smart, strong, sexy as hell.

Fenmore: But she's with someone else?

Carmine: She's gone back to him before. It's not gonna last.

Fenmore: How do you know?

Carmine: Remember when I told you not to give up? Um [Laughs] I need to take my own advice. I need to make her see that I'm not letting her go.

Lauren: Carmine sent me a gift, and I went to return it.

Michael: What kind of gift?

Lauren: Do you really want these details?

Michael: No, I don't, but I think I should hear this, don't you?

Lauren: Okay. Um... when we went away together, we ate chocolate-covered strawberries.

Michael: And?

Lauren: He sent me a box of them with a note.

Michael: Why today? Was it some sort of anniversary?

Lauren: No.

Michael: Did you encourage him?

Lauren: No. Carmine sent them as an apology for coming by here.

Michael: He was here? He came here?!

Lauren: Yes. Fen told him that you had moved out, and he came by. I told him it was over, that I was committed to you and that he needed to move on. I'm so sorry. I know that it's really hard to hear this stuff, but I need you to know it. I don't want to lie to you. I want you to know the truth.

Michael: Oh. Big of you. I appreciate it. Maybe there's a chance for us if -- if we promise to stay honest with each other.

Adam: And that's how that one goes.

Melanie: [Laughs]

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Excuse me. [Clears throat] Hello. Good. Do it.

Sharon: That woman in there?

Adam: Hello.

Sharon: She's just a substitute.

Adam: For?

Sharon: For Chelsea, Adam. Who do you think you're kidding? She's the same height. She has the same hair color. Only she's not Chelsea, and she never will be.

Adam: And you're telling me this --

Sharon: You gave up the one woman you loved, and now you're having a hard time figuring out how to move on. Chelsea doesn't seem to have that problem.

Adam: I'm not the one who has trouble moving on.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Avery: Are you and I ever gonna have a chance to be sisters?

Dylan: You want the baby to have my name?

Chelsea: Would that be okay?

Victor: Son, I'm happy you came.

Adam: Yes, especially since I thought you were shunning all things Newman.

Nicholas: I have my own reasons for showing up.

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