Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/5/13
Episode # 10173 ~ Lily talks to Neil about a blog post; Victoria worries about Billy's secrecy.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: Was that not the most awesomest breakfast ever? Chocolate-chip pancakes shaped as ninja warriors.
Victoria: Um, actually, those were teddy bears.
Billy: Ninja-warrior teddy bears. That's what we said.
Victoria: No, I am trying to raise our son in a violence-free environment. Come here...
Billy: Good luck with that.
Victoria: ...Before daddy completely corrupts you.
Billy: "Corrupts"? I am an excellent role model.
Victoria: There, its okay, Johnny. Pretty soon, mommy and you will spend a lot of time together 'cause mommy won't be working anymore, and then you and me and daddy will find lots of peace-loving ways to spend our time.
Billy: Okay, hippies. You're gonna have to form the flower chains by yourself because the Boulevard beckons.
Victoria: Wait a minute. You don't usually go in till dinner.
Billy: Right. I know, but now that my main man here has a responsible parent to watch him during the day, I can go in early and be back at night to be with my family.
Victoria: Great.
Billy: Okay?
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay. Goodbye. Mwah!
Victoria: Goodbye. [Chuckles] Right. [Sighs] Okay. Now what?
Dylan: Morning.
Chelsea: Mm. Morning. [Chuckles]
Dylan: You fell asleep. You looked so peaceful -- I didn't want to wake you up.
Chelsea: Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't --
Dylan: No, no, no. I'm the one who should apologize. This is a poor excuse for a bed.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: [Chuckling] And you're probably more tired now than you were last night.
Chelsea: Mm, actually, I slept better than I have in ages.
Chloe: Hey.
Kevin: Chloe. Hey. Um, I thought that you had a meeting with Chelsea.
Chloe: You researching your next crime?
Kevin: Absolutely not. And don't say that I'm strutting or doing that thing with my face.
Chloe: You're hiding something. What is it?
Devon: So, I have been going over yours and Lily's ideas for the fashion launch.
Tyler: You know, uh, can I get a cup of coffee before we start?
Devon: Had a long night?
Tyler: Yeah, I've definitely had better.
Devon: What, did you hit the clubs after Lily's party?
Tyler: No, I went to Boulevard, grabbed a drink.
Devon: Alone?
Tyler: Well, I mean, I didn't hook up, if that's what you're asking. Not that the girl that I met wasn't interested.
Devon: Well, why weren't you?
Lily: So, I'm guessing that you all heard?
Alex: About the latest online post from your dad's flash drive? Yep.
Lily: Then you've seen it.
Leslie: Yes.
Lily: Dad, how could you?
Neil: Lily, do you really think I'd do anything to hurt you?
Lily: Oh, really? You wouldn't? Then, uh, what about this -- "Cane's told Lily so many lies, she doesn't know what to believe. She needs to be able to trust someone. That's why she turned to Daniel." Those are your words, aren't they?
Neil: Y-yes. Those are my words, but --
Lily: And these ones -- "It seems Lily will use any excuse to cheat on her husband. A little rough spot in her marriage, and she's looking for someone other than Cane to console her."
Neil: Lily, come on, stop.
Lily: [Chuckling] Oh, no, no, no. I haven't even gotten to the best part. "She doesn't want realism. She wants magic. How long before she's again seeking comfort she can't find at home?"
Neil: Okay, I know how this...
Lily: Yeah.
Neil: Leslie, uh, I thought you had that taken down.
Leslie: Yeah, and I did, but once something hits the internet, someone can always access it. It was re-posted last night.
Lily: Yeah, and e-mailed to me.
Alex: Do you mind if I take a look? When did you get this?
Lily: Last night. But you guys all knew about it before this, didn't you?
Neil: We only found out a couple of days ago.
Lily: A couple of days ago?!
Neil: Yes.
Lily: And you didn't tell me?!
Neil: No --
Lily: [Laughs] I can't even believe you.
Neil: Hey, Lily, if you'd let me expl--
Lily: Do you really think that I would "Seek comfort" from someone other than Cane?
Tyler: Why are you so interested in my personal life?
Devon: I was just curious, man -- a guy like you turning down a lady?
Tyler: Uh, attraction's got to go both ways, I guess.
Devon: No, I hear you. I do. It's, uh -- one person's into it, and the other one isn't -- never works.
Tyler: Yeah, you know, um, I think the caffeine's kicking in. Why don't we, uh, just get down to business?
Devon: Fine by me. So, you and Lily, um -- I see you guys discussed a possible web series to promote Chelsea's line.
Tyler: Yeah. We decided to go with it.
Devon: It's -- I think it's cool, and I have a few thoughts on how to improve the concept a little bit, too.
Tyler: Improve what? I mean, I'm fine with what Lily came up with. I don't think we should mess with it, man.
Devon: Well, I wasn't thinking of messing with it. I just had some ideas about the music.
Tyler: Uh, yeah, I know that's your thing, but, um, I mean, we're selling clothes, so, we really need to focus on the visual aspect of the campaign. You know -- the apparel, the makeup, models -- which has all been taken care of.
Devon: By Lily?
Tyler: Well, yeah. She's put a whole lot of hard work into this thing. You know, I think her ideas are solid.
Devon: I'm not saying they aren't.
Tyler: You just want to "Amp" them. Yeah, no. I get it.
Devon: Right. You have a problem with me doing that?
Tyler: I mean, with all due respect, man, why mess with something that works?
Devon: I'm a little confused, Tyler. You've been, like, the king of tweak since the first day you walked into Jabot, and now, all of a sudden, the ideas from marketing our very first fashion line are just perfect? I mean, how did that happen? Is it 'cause they came from Lily?
Chloe: You lying, cheating, thieving --
Kevin: Oh, don't leave out "No-good."
Chloe: ...No-good, son of a waste of space. What happened to a new life and new dreams? The only thing that you're dreaming about is finding something that's gonna land you back in jail.
Kevin: [Sighs] Wow. Thank you for all that.
Chloe: Well, what am I supposed to think, Kevin?
Kevin: I don't know. Maybe that what I was doing is part of my community service for the police department.
Chloe: Well, why would I think that?
Kevin: Because it's the truth.
Chloe: It is?
Kevin: Yeah. It is. [Sighs] Chavez said that he would add more time to my sentence if I talked about the details, which is why I have to be quiet about it.
Chloe: You don't have to tell me the details. I'm just relieved that you're finally on the right side of the law, for a change.
Kevin: Yeah, clean living -- it's so rewarding.
Chloe: Community service is not that bad.
Kevin: Right. That's true. It could be worse. I could be losing my business -- oh, wait. That literally just happened. [Sighs]
Chelsea: [Sighs] How do I look? [Chuckles]
Dylan: Like somebody who slept in her clothes and used me for a pillow.
Chelsea: Oh. That bad, huh? Well, your eyes look like they, um -- they stayed awake all night.
Dylan: Well, I got a little sleep.
Chelsea: And by "A little," you mean none?
Dylan: I just wanted to make sure you were okay...after what happened last night.
Chelsea: I'm fine. Adam reacted -- he overreacted by [Chuckling] Taking me to the hospital like that.
Dylan: He wouldn't have had to if he hadn't pushed you too far in the first place.
Chelsea: All that matters is the baby and I are fine now. And spending the night with you -- it made us very calm and relaxed. So... sadly, I have to get to work.
Dylan: Maybe you should, you know, take the day off. I'm available for pillow duty.
Chelsea: [Chuckling] That's very tempting...
Dylan: Yes.
Chelsea: ...Um, but it's the launch of my line, so I kind of have to be there.
Dylan: It's gonna -- sounds kind of stressful.
Chelsea: What if I promise to take it easy?
Dylan: Okay. I'm gonna check in with little Mac later just to make sure you did.
Chelsea: All right. So, now -- I see how it is. Now it's two of you against the one?
Dylan: No, no. It's the three of us. We're a team.
Chelsea: I should go, I guess, so...
Dylan: Yeah.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Well, uh, I'll call you later.
Chelsea: Okay. Great. Bye.
Dylan: I need your help.
Neil: Of course, I don't think you cheated on Cane.
Lily: Then why would you say those things on the internet?
Neil: I didn't.
Lily: Whoever wrote it knew about Daniel and me.
Neil: Okay, understand something. That was from my journal. I wrote that many years ago.
Lily: Oh. Okay. So, then you do think these things?
Neil: I wasn't questioning your integrity. I was -- I was expressing my concern. The person who posted my private thoughts is twisting my words. They want to hurt people that I care about.
Lily: Well, you know what, Dad? It's working.
Neil: Okay, Babe, I'm sorry. I really am sorry about this. I...
Leslie: Hey, um, so, Detective Chavez is taking your phone to forensics to see if they can trace an e-mail address.
Lily: Well, it doesn't make a difference because everyone's already seen the post.
Leslie: Okay, Lily, trust me. I was upset, too, when I saw what your dad wrote about me.
Lily: Okay, then you understand.
Leslie: Yeah, I do, but, you know, you have to understand that your dad is a victim here. Someone is using his private thoughts and feelings to publicly humiliate us.
Neil: It's not just you two.
Leslie: What? What -- what do you mean?
Neil: There was another post late last night.
Lily: Who was this one about?
Nikki: Uh, are you cleaning? It looks fine to me.
Victoria: What? No. It's a wreck. Do not go into the kids' rooms. There's shoes stuffed under the bed and toys in all the wrong places. Reed had a plastic dinosaur in his sock drawer.
Nikki: Oh, my heavens -- a dirty, messy kid's room? I've never heard of such a thing. Are you baking?
Victoria: Yes. I found this amazing recipe online -- ginger-molasses spice cake with mascarpone cheese and caramelized apples. So then I just started craving it.
Nikki: Craving?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Victoria...
Victoria: Mom, why are you looking at me like that?
Nikki: I...don't know. All this nesting and baking -- are you --
Victoria: Pregnant. Uh, no.
Nikki: Well, you're still trying, though, right?
Victoria: Yeah. We're not having very much luck in that department.
Nikki: Oh, Honey, I'm sorry. I know how much it means to you, having Billy's baby.
Victoria: Well, you know, Mom, the doctor said it was a long shot.
Nikki: But your heart is saying something else.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Nikki: And now you have nothing but time on your hands to worry about why you're not conceiving.
Victoria: I have plenty of things to do to keep me busy around here.
Nikki: Cooking and cleaning?
Victoria: And the kids. Don't forget the kids.
Nikki: Honey, it's okay to admit you miss working at Newman.
Victoria: I don't miss Adam.
Nikki: Oh, well, try not to think of him.
Victoria: It's hard not to. He set out to get me out of Newman, and he succeeded. I don't like losing, Mom, but what's worse is I don't like seeing him win.
Billy: Oh, well, look at this -- my sister and my niece in my establishment. Should I be worried, or should I be honored?
Traci: Well, I don't know. Have you done something to be worried about?
Abby: Uh, hasn't he always? [Chuckles]
Billy: And I was gonna comp your meal.
Traci: [Laughs]
Abby: That is okay because Aunt Traci is buying -- a thank you for letting her move in with me.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Got tired of big brother, huh?
Traci: Actually, I think Jack, and especially Phyllis, got tired of me. So, I'm gonna spend the rest of my visit staying at Abby's house.
Abby: Yay.
Billy: Visit? So, I guess you worked things out with Steve?
Traci: [Sighs]
Abby: Are you and Uncle Steve having problems?
Traci: No. No. No. I came here to spend time with my family and not to get away from my husband.
Billy: Whatever you say. I love you.
Traci: Ugh.
Billy: Have fun.
Traci: Okay.
Abby: Okay, spill. What's going on with you and Uncle Steve?
Traci: Nothing. Like I said before, I --
Abby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard you lie to Billy. "Everything's fine, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." But what's the real story?
Traci: [Sighs]
Dylan: Hey, Billy.
Billy: Hey, Dylan.
Dylan: What's up?
Billy: Man, you're not on the schedule today.
Dylan: I'm not here to work.
Billy: Did you buy that business you were telling me about?
Dylan: Crimson Lights.
Billy: Wow. Kevin and Chloe sold Crimson Lights.
Dylan: Yeah.
Billy: Where are they gonna do their gossiping?
Dylan: [Chuckles] Well, I'm not gonna really ban them from the place. Actually, Kevin's gonna stay on and work with me.
Billy: Are you sure that's a wise move? I mean, that boy's ethics -- sometimes, they puzzle me.
Dylan: Yeah, I guess you could say that about anybody, right? I mean, I've never had a problem with Kevin, and he gave me a good deal on the place.
Billy: I'm sure he did. That place wasn't exactly a cash cow for him.
Dylan: Yeah, that's true. I got some ideas to spruce it up and bring in some more customers.
Billy: Good luck, man. Running a restaurant isn't as easy as it looks -- I'll tell you that.
Dylan: I know what you mean. And you know what? You should look into this. I mean, there are some nights where I think we're just raking it in at the bar, and then I go at the end of the night, count the cash, and it's like somebody raided the cash register. Talk about puzzling ethics.
Billy: Hmm.
Chelsea: We're gonna be okay. Dylan's gonn-- your daddy's gonna make sure of it.
[Elevator whirs]
Chelsea: Oh, hey.
Chloe: [Panting] This is kind of heavy, actually.
Chelsea: What is that? Put it over here.
Chloe: Oh.
Chelsea: What is all that stuff?
Chloe: It's for you.
Chelsea: It's for me?
Chloe: Yeah, look. Your name's on it.
Chelsea: Aromatherapy lotion. Bath salts. [Chuckling] A relaxation candle? What is this stuff? [Gasps] A day at the Athletic Club spa.
Chloe: Somebody obviously thinks you need some pampering.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Chloe: Well, your name's on it. Here. Wait. Here's a card. Read it.
Chelsea: Um, no, that's okay. I-I know who it's from.
Chloe: Well, I don't.
Chelsea: No -- hey! [Chuckling] Stop. That's personal.
Chloe: Well, come on. Read it to me, and if it's dirty, read it really, really slowly.
Chelsea: "I'll always be a soft place for you to lay your head. Hope these help relieve your stress when I'm not around. Dylan."
Chloe: Oh...my...God.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Chloe: Dylan is perfect. I mean, those eyes, the gift, the card. I wish Kevin was half as romantic.
Chelsea: Well, Dylan is amazing, yes, but this isn't about romance. This is just him being protective over what happened last night.
Chloe: What happened last night?
Chelsea: [Sighs] Not much. Just... [Sighs] ...Everything changed. Wow. [Chuckles]
Leslie: Neil, who's the post about?
Neil: Me. They posted my journal entry verbatim.
Leslie: What could you have possibly written about...?
Lily: You don't have to tell us if you don't want to.
Neil: It's out there. So, you might as well hear it. [Sighs] "I haven't had a drink in six years, but I wrestle with my demons every day. I know decisions I've made in the past have hurt people that I love, and I worry my mistakes will come back to haunt me." Yeah.
Victoria: Newman Enterprises means more to me than it ever could to Adam.
Nikki: Yeah, he took that away from you.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Nikki: I know how you feel. He took something from me, too.
Victoria: What?
Nikki: Time. Ever since he saved your father's life, he seems to be able to command his attention more than any of his other kids.
Victoria: [Sighs] Listen, I know that Dad feels grateful to Adam, but... [Sighs] ...It seems like he's overcompensating by showering him with love. And I know that I sound childish right now -- I know that.
Nikki: I think that Victor feels he owes him -- not just because he took the bullet, but because he wasn't there when he was growing up.
Victoria: Does he have to make up for it at our expense?
Nikki: I don't think he looks at it that way. He and Adam have bonded. They have found something they're both passionate about.
Victoria: You know, Mom, Dad and I used to share that same passion.
Nikki: I know.
Victoria: Look at my son. He's a regular Jackson Pollock. [Chuckles]
Nikki: You know, your father and Adam have found their passion. Maybe it's time you find yours.
Billy: And yet more money out of my pocket.
Dylan: This is why your cash register's empty -- overpaying employees.
Billy: Yeah, you'll find out where the profits go soon enough -- busted pipes, broken dishes, unexpected expenditures just popping up all the time.
Dylan: Well, then I'd better start putting away for my kid's college fund now.
Billy: [Chuckles] College?
Dylan: Yeah.
Billy: Do you have any idea how much preschool costs?
Dylan: [Chuckles] Preschool? Are you -- are you being serious? That costs money? Finger paints and graham crackers? Come on.
Billy: The harsh reality of parenthood. Oh, yeah. Are you ready? Are you ready to back out now?
Dylan: [Chuckles] No, I'm not. Ah, no. I've been looking forward to being a dad since...forever.
Billy: Well, all right. Forever is almost here, so brace yourself.
Dylan: [Sighing] Yeah, is this, uh -- is this weird for you -- I mean, knowing that the kid you're raising with your wife is gonna have a half-sibling living across town?
Billy: Have you met my family? We bring a whole new meaning to the word "Blended." Right over there -- see Abby?
Dylan: Uh-huh.
Billy: Well, she's my niece. She's also my wife's half-sister.
Dylan: Oh, all right. Give me a -- [Chuckling] Give me a minute to wrap my head around that one.
Billy: Yeah, take your time. We're like the "Brady Bunch" on steroids.
Dylan: But Johnny's a part of that, which is cool. Me, Chelsea, and our baby -- you know, we're gonna -- we're gonna have our own thing, and I think it's gonna be...something pretty great.
Billy: You know, I never took you as the one who would want to, you know, have a kid so bad.
Dylan: Yeah, I just want to be a good dad. You know, none of this was planned, but it's...it's pretty damn awesome.
Billy: You know what? [Clears throat] Everything in my life has been unplanned. Victoria and I -- we spontaneously went off to Jamaica. We came back married. Actually, we came back faux-married, which led to us becoming real-married down the line, and then there was Johnny. Didn't see that one coming, but, uh...
Dylan: But so far, it all... it all worked out for you.
Billy: Yeah, it has. And maybe this baby will be the same for you and Chelsea.
Dylan: I got no doubt.
Chloe: You should have called me. I could have come to the hospital.
Chelsea: It was a false alarm. I'm fine. The baby's fine. Besides, I wasn't alone. [Sighs]
Chloe: Dylan was there?
Chelsea: And Adam.
Chloe: Is he stalking you? Do we need to slap a restraining order on him?
Chelsea: Not this time. I was at Adam's apartment when I almost collapsed.
Chloe: I hope you were going over there to stab something in his eye.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] I was going over there to tell him to stay out of my life and stop trying to manipulate me into admitting that this baby's his.
Chloe: Manipulate?
Chelsea: He was paying that Madame Miranda woman to feed me all the nonsense about the baby's father wanting to be in its life. Go on. Say it.
Chloe: That ass.
Chelsea: I was thinking something more along the lines of, "I told you so." I mean, you said it from the start this woman was a fake.
Chloe: Yeah, because I thought she was trying to make a buck.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Chloe: But Adam -- he is -- ugh -- he's scum. He's lower than scum. He is the fungus that lives on scum.
Chelsea: Well, I think I finally got through to him.
Chloe: Did you drop a brick on his head?
Chelsea: I-I told him that it was the stress that caused me to go into the hospital, and it was all of his badgering that caused the stress. [Sighs]
Chloe: And you really think he's gonna back off?
Chelsea: I hope so. Dylan is starting to ask questions. He wants to know why Adam keeps insisting that this baby's his.
Chloe: What did you say?
Chelsea: I told him that the baby's ours -- Dylan's and mine -- and it's funny -- when I said it out loud, I really believed it. I believe that we can raise this baby together and be happy.
Chloe: "Happy" happy?
Chelsea: It's crazy, but...I think I'm falling in love with Dylan.
Devon: Thanks. Bye-bye. All right. Where were we?
Tyler: Well, you were accusing me of compromising the quality of our marketing campaign.
Devon: No, I was actually suggesting that you might be letting your personal feelings interfere with your professional judgment.
Tyler: My personal feelings? For Lily?
Devon: Yeah. I don't think you're totally objective when it comes to her contributions.
Tyler: Okay, you know what? I don't think that you appreciate your sister's talent.
Devon: Okay. Listen, Tyler. It's our job to make sure Jabot's new fashion line is a success, and I think both of us should put our energies into that, and let's just leave Lily out of this.
Alex: This sounds more to me like a threat than gossip, Mr. Winters.
Neil: Yeah, but those are my words.
Alex: Okay, but he writes, "My mistakes will come back and haunt me." The blogger chose that passage.
Leslie: What -- what, do you think it's a warning?
Alex: Well, that's what my gut tells me.
Lily: This is really creeping me out.
Alex: Mr. Winters, you think of anybody that could want to hurt you or your family?
Neil: I've already talked about -- no, not offhand.
Kevin: Hey, Chavez, why didn't you respond to my messages?
Alex: Hey. I guess I figured you'd want to tell me in person you'd be late for community service? Again?
Kevin: Okay. Well, maybe I shouldn't share with you what I found out about Neil's case.
Lily: What? No. Tell us.
Kevin: I was able to trace the I.P. address the blogger's been using to send out those e-mails.
Neil: Okay, that's my private corporation. You already told us about that.
Kevin: Right, but I found out that the exact location of the computer is right here in Genoa City.
Neil: Damn.
Kevin: Yeah.
Abby: Okay, so we have talked about my hot new boyfriend...
Traci: [Chuckles]
Abby: ...Mom's nonexistent love life, Uncle Jack's precarious relationship with Phyllis, and Billy momentarily losing his mind and buying a restaurant. [Chuckles] So, that leaves you.
Traci: Well, I have nothing precarious or crazy going on in my life right now.
Abby: You fighting with Uncle Steve is both.
Traci: Oh, no, no. Honey, I told you before --
Abby: Listen, Aunt Traci. I know that I'm not the person in this family that people come running to for advice, but I've gotten it together recently. I've grown up.
Traci: Yes, I know you have, Abby.
Abby: And now that Colleen is no longer here, um -- look, I know that I could never -- I mean, she was the best. And I'm not her, but I'd like to help, if I can.
Traci: Abby, that's so sweet. [Sighs] Okay. Um, when a couple loses a child, uh, everything changes -- everything. [Sighs] And you sort of drift apart, you know? Um, uh, communication is very difficult, and I guess that's where Steve and I are right now. So, I felt like now was a good time for a little break. I wanted to come and see Jack, and I wanted to check on him. So here I am.
Abby: I am not a relationship expert, by any means. In fact, I am probably a case study in what not to do...
Traci: [Chuckles]
Abby: ...But it doesn't seem like the best way to fix a communication problem is to avoid the person that you want to communicate with.
Traci: Well, it's a little more complicated than that.
Abby: Isn't it always? [Chuckles]
Dylan: I saw the reservation book. It looks like another busy night.
Billy: I hope so.
Dylan: You need me to work the bar?
Billy: No, man, I'm good. You go just enjoy the calm before the storm.
Dylan: I do have something to take care of.
Billy: Hey, good luck, you know, with the coffeehouse and the kid.
Dylan: Yeah, man. Thanks. Appreciate it.
Billy: [Sighs] Hey, Ken, can you deal me in tonight? Yeah, look, I know my luck hasn't been running so great lately, but...I have a feeling tonight's gonna change.
Nikki: Oh, look at that. You are such a big boy.
Victoria: He's very good. Here. Here's red.
Nikki: And you are such an artist, too, like your mommy. Yes, your lines are beautiful.
Victoria: Yes, and Grandma is a patron of the arts. She knows talent.
Nikki: Well, yes, I do, and I noticed it in your mother very early on. Yes, she was so talented. She liked to paint when she was a little girl, and then she would make up stories to go along with it.
Victoria: Do you remember that story, that crazy story, I wrote about the dog and the pony that ran away from home?
Nikki: I sure do. And they were upset because the little girl that owned them wasn't giving them enough love or attention.
Victoria: Yeah, I think that was maybe inspired by a warning from someone.
Nikki: What, do you mean me? No. You were full of ideas, and I'll bet you still are.
Victoria: Yeah, I could probably fill a book with stories about Johnny and Reed.
Nikki: Mm-hmm, and illustrate them, too. [Gasps] Would that be fun? Would that be fun to have mommy write stories and then pictures that go with it? And you can see and hear the stories.
Victoria: I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Nikki: I would. "Once upon a time, there was a little girl who dreamed she could do anything she wanted."
Alex: Give me the address. I'll run it in our database and get a name.
Neil: Look, man, I really don't care what his name is. I just want to confront him.
Leslie: No. No. I don't think that's a good idea.
Alex: Yeah. She's right. Let the police handle this.
Neil: "Let the police --" you haven't done a very good job so far.
Alex: Hey, look, Pal, I know how you feel.
Neil: Hell, you do!
Kevin: Okay, everybody relax! Everybody calm down. No one is getting a name from the address I have, and nobody's confronting anybody.
Alex: [Clears throat]
Lily: Why not?
Kevin: Because the computer that's being used is the public-access computer in the business center at the Athletic Club.
Leslie: Well, the post about Neil was put up last night, so whoever sent it must have been there then.
Alex: They still could be. I got to get a warrant. Hey, uh, give me Judge Henderson's office.
Kevin: "Nice work, Kevin." [Sighs]
Chloe: Dark chocolate. You hit the fake-dad jackpot. You know what? I probably deserve a cut since I'm the one who steered you in the direction of the winning ticket.
Chelsea: You want the chocolate?
Chloe: That's not exactly what I had in mind.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Something's still really bothering me, though.
Chloe: What? The baby won't have those amazing blue eyes?
Chelsea: [Chuckles] No. Lying to Dylan. He's such a good guy, you know, and he...and he obviously cares about me and the baby.
Chloe: All good reasons not to tell him the truth. Another good reason -- you deserve to be happy.
Chelsea: I know, and I am happy. I haven't been this happy in a very, very long time. I just -- I wish there was a way I could be sure that this is the right thing to do.
Chloe: What, you mean like a sign or something?
Chelsea: Wouldn't hurt.
[Cell phone rings]
Chloe: Is that him? I bet it's him. Is it him?
Chelsea: Oh.
Chloe: [Gasps]
Chelsea: He wants me to come over later. He says he has a surprise for me.
Chloe: No, you have to go now!
Chelsea: I can't go now. We have work to do.
Chloe: No.
Chelsea: Chloe.
Chloe: You wanted a sign.
Chelsea: You realize --
Chloe: You've got it.
Chelsea: You're pushing a pregnant person. You do realize that, right? Now?
Chloe: You listen to me. A good guy is practically impossible to find. [Sighs] Trust me.
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: Abbott here. Oh, hey, Ken. Hey, um, do you have a seat for me? Awesome. What's the buy-in? Where? Same room at the club. All right. I got it. Yeah, I'll see you then. Thanks.
[Knock on door]
Dylan: Hey.
Chelsea: Hi.
Dylan: Uh, I wasn't expecting you until, uh, later.
Chelsea: Chloe insisted that I take the rest of the day off.
Dylan: Well, remind me to thank her.
Chelsea: Well, remind me to thank you for the great basket you sent me.
Dylan: You're welcome. Now, that oil's supposed to be pretty great for foot massages.
Chelsea: You are gonna spoil us, aren't you?
Dylan: That's kind of what I'm going for here, yeah.
Chelsea: So...
Dylan: So...
Chelsea: Is the big surprise you texted me about -- is that a part of spoiling me, or what?
Dylan: You decide.
Chelsea: Wow.
Dylan: [Chuckling] Yeah.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] I love what you've done with the place. All you need now is...everything else.
Dylan: This isn't just a couch.
Chelsea: Oh.
Dylan: This is a pull-out couch. One step up from the floor.
Chelsea: It's half a step, but, yeah. [Chuckling] No, it looks great. Its ver-- it's very sweet.
Dylan: You know, not that I'm, you know -- that you're gonna move in or anything, but if you sleep here again... I just thought... you know, I thought you could use a...actually a better pillow, too.
Chelsea: Ah, your chest was...fine. It's better than fine.
Dylan: I think I'll take the couch back.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Leslie: I can't imagine who would want to hurt a good man like you.
Neil: You need a key card to get into the business center at the Athletic Club. So, whoever did this is an employee or guest there.
Tyler: Yeah, no, I am beyond ready to get out of the club. Yeah. No, I'll be there. I just, uh -- I got a couple loose ends I got to, you know, tie up here, and then, um, I'll meet you there. [Chuckles] All right. All right. Later, man.
Devon: Tired of hotel life?
Tyler: Yeah. Noah and I -- we're, uh, signing a lease on an apartment today, so, uh, if we're done here...
Devon: I mean, yeah, sure. Uh, but listen, Tyler, eventually, you are really gonna have to at least consider my ideas.
Tyler: I did.
Devon: All right, and?
Tyler: And I think that what you're suggesting -- it takes this campaign in a completely different direction than what Lily and had in mind.
Devon: "You and Lily" -- obviously, you're having a difficult time getting this through your head. Lily is no longer on this project. It's really time you accept that.
Tyler: Okay, you know what? I don't need you telling me how to feel about Lily.
Alex: Nice work, Fisher.
Kevin: Ah. Chavez, thanks.
Alex: [Chuckles]
Abby: Just who I was looking for.
Alex: Hey.
Abby: The finest of GC's finest.
Kevin: Abby, you need to aim higher.
Alex: Pay no attention to the felon behind the computer.
Abby: Well, I only have eyes for you.
Kevin: And here comes my lunch.
Alex: Hey.
Abby: Excuse us. [Chuckles]
Alex: You know, every day, dealing with this. What's up?
Abby: So, I know that we were supposed to have dinner, but I was wondering if maybe you were free for lunch.
Alex: Ooh, I can't do either of them. Yeah, something came up on a case, and I got to be here most of the day.
Abby: Oh. Most?
Alex: But, you know, we can meet afterwards for dinner or... whatever.
Abby: Well, I will meet you for whatever whenever.
Alex: Yeah. Want to go to your house?
Abby: Oh, my aunt Traci moves in tonight.
Alex: Aunt -- okay. Well, we could go to my apartment. It's a little, you know, dingy, and the mattress is a little lumpy, if you don't mind.
Abby: You know, this could be where that half-a-billion dollars comes in handy.
Alex: Ooh. Yeah, well, kind of Latino here, so, we got pride. We don't let our women take care of us.
Abby: That is so old-fashioned.
Alex: Yeah.
Abby: And kind of sexy.
Alex: Really?
Abby: Hurry up and finish your work, and then I will find a place where we can be alone -- just the three of us.
Alex: Three?
Abby: Mm-hmm. You, me, and whatever.
Alex: Uh-huh. Huh.
Nikki: Thank you so much for meeting with me.
Traci: Oh, Nikki, thank you so much for calling. This is awesome. It gives me a chance to congratulate you on your wedding, first of all. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. [Sighs] There was so much going on in New York -- I really just couldn't get away.
Nikki: Don't worry about it. Um, Victoria says that you're in town for an extended visit.
Traci: Yes. I'm not exactly sure how long I'll stay, but, uh, is that what you wanted to talk about?
Nikki: Well, in a way. Um, I have a business proposition for you. It involves Victoria.
Victoria: What's going on?
Billy: Nothing. Work. You know, regular old restaurant stuff. What are you guys up to?
Victoria: Oh, nothing. You know, we just thought we'd stop by and have lunch with you since we're not gonna see you until tonight. Is that okay?
Billy: "Is that okay?" That's amazing. That's more than okay. Come on. Come on. I got a table for you. Hello, Buddy. Uh, right here.
Victoria: Who was that on the phone? It sounded like good news.
Billy: Ah, you know, nothing, really -- just a lead on a new bartender -- seems promising.
[Johnny fusses]
Billy: Oh, what? You like that giraffe? You know what? You need a high chair, so I'm gonna go get it, okay? Sit tight. Sit tight. Sit tight.
Victoria: Looks like mommy's not the only one who knows how to make up a story. I wonder how daddy's is gonna end.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: Then why are you trying to alienate Tyler?
Devon: Has something happened between the two of you?
Carmine: Are you afraid that I'm gonna do something to ruin your marriage, or that you will?
Victor: Why don't weave a party? I'll bring Nikki and bring your siblings.
Adam: Yeah, what are you gonna do? You gonna blackmail them this time, or are you gonna bribe them?
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