Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/4/13
Episode # 10172 ~ Michael talks to Gloria about his failed marriage; Carmine tries to hold onto Lauren.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Here you go.
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: This is funny. You're cooking for me. I'm your dinner guest. It's civilized and grown-up.
Nick: Well, after the, uh, real fun talk we had with Summer tonight, it's the least I could do -- cook us up some pasta.
Phyllis: Yeah. She wants to be an adult so bad. And I look at her...
Nick: Still see that sick little kid in Switzerland, dragging around Mr. Ears.
Phyllis: Meanwhile, she's graduating in two days and going off to college, and it's more than I can deal with.
Nick: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: How about you?
Nick: What about me?
Phyllis: Don't make me say this out loud, please. Your engagement to my sister. You're reunited, and yet...
Nick: Yet?
Phyllis: And yet... she's not wearing your ring on her finger. Is there a reason you're holding back?
Avery: It seems so difficult -- impossible sometimes -- but I think we're all due for some pure happiness. May I? Do you mind? It's amazing... seeing your baby for the first time.
Dylan: You okay?
Avery: Sorry. I just... think back.
Dylan: Yeah, I know. I do, too. [Sighs] I've been this far before, so...
Avery: Dylan, no. No, it's not like our baby and the miscarriage. You don't have to be scared.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Adam: We're going to the E.R., okay? I'm gonna help you.
Chelsea: No, no. The dizziness has passed.
Adam: I'm gonna call an ambulance if you don't let me help you. I'm not letting you lose another baby, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Adam, what happened with the baby wasn't your fault, okay? Things happen, and that's not happening now. I can take care of myself. Oh! Oh!
Adam: Hey, come here. To hell with this. We're going to the E.R.
Chloe: Hey, you know, you don't have to do that right now. I could ask my mom to help. She'll dust all that off, alphabetize it, have it all done in no time.
Kevin: It's my mess. I got to clean it up.
Chloe: It's not just your mess, Kevin. It's the perfect storm of the economy and bad decisions. And you are cleaning up your mess by doing your work-release program and selling this place to Dylan. Hey. Delia and I love you. And we're very proud of you.
Kevin: You're gonna be really proud of me when Chavez calls tonight, telling me I'm on hacking duty.
Chloe: You're doing your work-release program. You're taking responsibility. You are setting an example. So, yes, I am proud.
Kevin: Yeah, work release tonight, work here tomorrow, except I'm not longer my own boss.
Chloe: Dylan just wants you to show him the ropes.
Kevin: We both know he offered me this job so that I won't be panhandling. You know, when I bought this place, I was so stoked. I was on top of the world. Now look at me. I'm right back where I started.
Gloria: Michael! Darling! You miss me?
Michael: I didn't know you were back from your trip.
Gloria: Yes, traveling Europe, spreading the good word about Chelsea's fashion line, trend-spotting. Do you know that the street style on the continent is so glorious, so invigorating?
Michael: You look invigorated.
Gloria: Thank you. And I brought lots of fun stuff back for, um, Fen's graduation. And what is this? Too many files, or you're moving in. Michael, please don't tell me that. Not you and Lauren. Oh, come on. That's not possible.
[Knock on door]
Lauren: What are you doing here?
Gloria: A mother never judges.
Michael: Because that would be a touch too ironic, given her romantic history.
Gloria: Shut up, Michael, and tell me what happened.
Michael: [Sighs] It started with Fenmore. The bullying. But it wasn't his fault. Lauren and I just --
Gloria: Are the magical couple.
Michael: Well... the spell wore off. Reality intruded.
Gloria: Oh, come on. That, uh, bullying thing was ages ago. Plenty of time to get over that. Leaving the D.A.'s office, starting over, a little stubborn male pride, Michael?
Michael: Excellent work, Gloria, on the whole non-judgment front.
Gloria: Just trying to understand.
Michael: If I can't, how can you? Let's just drop it and bask in the glory of your return, Gloria, quietly.
Gloria: You and Lauren are the untouchable couple, the glorious pair who never fight, never stray, never lose hope. You strayed? You stupid, thoughtless man! Jeffrey is that kind of man, not you. Lauren is a-a goddess, an angel. You go to her right now, and you ask her -- no, you beg her, on bended knee --
Michael: It wasn't me.
Gloria: Yes, on bended knee, and beg for her forgiveness. What in God's name were you thinking? Come on, Michael. A little cheap thrill instead of true devotion?
Michael: It wasn't me! I was not the strayer.
Gloria: Lauren? Who's the bastard? Tell me his name.
Michael: What are you gonna do, take him out?
Gloria: I know people. Who was it?
Michael: Carmine Basco.
Gloria: [Laughs] Carmine Basco, who was chasing after Angelina and tried to kidnap Chloe?
Michael: No, another Carmine Basco here in Genoa City.
Gloria: Oh! Well, he is kind of handsome... in a gigolo sort of way. He was pulling in all kinds of tips at Gloworm. Guess now we know the kind of services he was providing.
Michael: Thank you for your support. Now go back to Europe.
Lauren: You can't do this. You can't just show up.
Carmine: Relax. It's just us. I saw Fen earlier. He's crashing at a friend's house. And since Michael moved out --
Lauren: Yeah, and that's another thing. You need to stay away from my son and stop pretending to be his friend.
Carmine: Okay, who's pretending? He's a good kid. He just has a lot on his mind right now, so he needs someone to listen to him.
Lauren: Not you.
Carmine: Well, then who? 'Cause according to him, his dad's not around. Because your marriage is officially over. And that means I'm exactly where I should be -- right here with you.
Nick: Do you really want to talk about me and Avery?
Phyllis: Uh, well, I-I really don't. Um, I really don't want to discuss my ex-husband being my brother-in-law, but I'm just curious.
Nick: [Sighs] Avery and I are fine. We're doing great as a couple. You know, me... not so much. I'm kind of a mess. I mean, you were here with that talk with Summer. And I think Cassie's anniversary, it's just been -- it's been a lot -- a lot of parent stuff.
Phyllis: Even though they're grown-up, they're still your babies.
Nick: They're my kids. What about you and Jack? I mean, you told me you told him you weren't gonna move back in with him. Is he giving you the full-court press to change your mind?
Phyllis: I don't want to come between Jack and his sister Traci, so I took a step back. I didn't want him to have to choose between me and Traci.
Nick: Seems wise.
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Nick: But also seems a little chicken. I mean, I've never known you to run away from a good rumble.
Phyllis: I'm not running. Traci thinks I'm bad for Jack.
Nick: Oh, come on. You're not getting sucked into all that again, are you?
Phyllis: I haven't always been great for him. I don't want to... risk hurting him again.
Nick: Risk is always there. Sometimes you hurt the people you love, whether you want to or not.
Dylan: I can't help but worry, you know.
Avery: Yeah, I do, but you went to the doctor with Chelsea, and everything was fine, right?
Dylan: Yeah, it's all good. So far. But with Chelsea, you know, her last pregnancy was a miscarriage.
Avery: I know. I get it. You -- you want so badly to enjoy the pregnancy and the planning and the dreaming. And there's this panic, right, that you know how things can go wrong. [Sighs] Dylan, this is wonderful... this new chance you have, and I hope you'll put your fears aside and -- and enjoy this. You deserve this joy, this anticipation.
Dylan: Yeah, it's just not the medical stuff. You know, Adam's been all over Chelsea. It's not good for her. It's not good for the baby.
Avery: And I already told you he's gonna back off.
Dylan: I know that's what you said, but do you think he can?
Avery: I think he's grieving, too. And he did a very foolish thing. He gave up the woman he loves. And he sees that now.
Nurse: Can you rate your pain level, 1 to 10?
Chelsea: There's -- there's no more pain anymore. I just need somebody to tell me that my baby's gonna be okay.
Nurse: The doctor will see you right now. Dad, you wait here.
Chelsea: No, he's not --
Adam: I'm not the father. But I'm not going anywhere.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: Hey, Chelsea. Uh, we still on?
Adam: It's Adam, Dylan.
Dylan: What are you doing on Chelsea's phone?
Adam: I brought her to the E.R. You need to get here now.
Dylan: Chelsea, are you okay?
Chelsea: We're both fine. We're fine, me and the baby. I heard the heartbeat, and it was just as strong as the last time.
Dylan: What happened?
Chelsea: I had some dizziness and -- and a little bit of pain.
Dylan: Okay. How about now?
Chelsea: None. I'm really fine. I had some high blood pressure when I got here, but now everything's back to normal.
Dylan: Everything was normal when we had the doctor check you out earlier. How'd this happen?
[Door opens]
Nurse: Hey. Doctor's cleared you to go. Watch the stress level, okay?
Dylan: Doctor thinks it's because of stress?
Chelsea: The doctor's orders were to avoid stress and avoid any triggers that might cause anxiety.
Dylan: That -- that makes sense to me. So where were you when this happened?
Kevin: At least we get to keep our house... for now.
Chloe: Kevin, stop. I know you had dreams when you opened this place. And look at how it paid off.
Kevin: In a bank vault full of irony?
Chloe: Ta-da! You got me! And Delia! And new dreams.
Kevin: Yeah, 'cause the old ones worked out so well.
Chloe: Babe, we are not the same people we used to be. We need new horizons. We need new dreams. I mean, we got to dream bigger! I'm dreaming big dreams all over the place.
Kevin: Such as?
Chloe: Dude, I am a part of a major fashion line. I am setting trends. I'm not just putting bracelets on models. I am front row with Anna D., Flying Jets. We're a power couple. Oh, what am I wearing?! It's a Chelsea Lawson original. Just don't step on my dress. I mean, I know you won't, but still, just don't do it, okay? Come on! Can't you feel it? I mean, it's just so close to reality.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. Totally.
Chloe: Thank you so much! You like me! You really, really like me!
Kevin: Ow!
Chloe: Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry!
Kevin: It's okay. [Scoffs] You know, obviously there's not enough room in your fantasy for both of us. But it's okay. Couples don't need to share everything, right?
Michael: If I cheated, I'm a miserable excuse for a man who needs to repent immediately. But Lauren -- Lauren, well, wow. That Carmine, he is a side of beefcake. You know what? Thank you. Thank you, Gloria. This has been lovely. And not entirely unexpected.
Gloria: Michael, she is a damn fool... or completely out of her mind to hurt you. You have been nothing but loyal and patient. I mean, all that craziness with Sheila and Sarah and sending your own son away because she jumped at every little thing in the night. Did you run away? Did you turn your back? No. Because you are the most loyal, most self-sacrificing, most devoted husband. And for her to stab you in the back like this... how long has this been going on? Carmine the first?
Michael: Oh, my God. You are gifted. [Chuckles] If there's a way to make me feel more miserable, you will instinctively find it. First my wife's a saint. Now she's a slut.
Gloria: Just saying maybe the "Saint" part was a little overplayed.
Michael: Just stop it. Stop it. My wife is not a saint, nor is she a... she's human, and she's filled with grace and love and compassion and flaws. And I don't want to hear you say anything else about that. Nothing. Are we clear on that?
Gloria: Mikey... it's not over between you two at all.
Michael: [Scoffs]
Lauren: You need to go. We will never be together again.
Carmine: "Together," like sex? Is that what you think I'm still after?
Lauren: [Sighs]
Carmine: Lauren, I know you don't want to admit this, but all of this, it means something. I care for you. I know you feel the same way about me. If you didn't, it would have never gotten this far.
Lauren: I needed a friend. You were a great listener. You're charming. You made me laugh. And then things got way out of hand.
Carmine: You know, Lauren... look at you. I mean, you could have sex with any guy you want. I don't have to be lonely if I don't want to. Being with you, that's what matters. And these feelings -- I don't think they're gonna go away.
Lauren: You never said that you --
Carmine: What, that I had feelings for you? What was I supposed to do, put more pressure on you? And now you're free. I just -- I thought you should know how I feel.
Lauren: I love Michael. And what you and I had, it's over.
Carmine: What if I don't want it to be over?
Chloe: That was a terrible dream.
Kevin: Hey, it's your dream. You're entitled to smack me in the head if that's what you want.
Chloe: No, no, no. This is our dream. This is it. This is perfect. I am glamorous. I am incredible. I am Mrs. Kevin Fisher, A.K.A., the tech God. Tell them.
Kevin: It's cutting-edge technology. It's bigger than FacePlace. It's bigger than the internet. I am the future of technology. Behold... hacktastica? That's my future?
Chloe: I just branded it with a name. You have to come up with the rest, with the genius part. We're gonna be so rich.
Kevin: In our dreams. That helps.
Chloe: We need to visualize to make it happen, together. Am I right?
Kevin: Yes, you are right.
Phyllis: Faith asleep?
Nick: Yeah. Love that about kids. They can just conk out.
Phyllis: Unlike us adults. All we do is think, think. We think of things. We think of our mistakes. We think of what you said earlier, that we hurt people when we don't mean to.
Nick: I wasn't talking about you.
Phyllis: Were you talking about Avery?
Nick: Maybe I was talking about you.
Phyllis: Oh.
Nick: I meant how I... hurt you. Going back and forth with you and Sharon and then... Faith was born.
Phyllis: Oh, we're past that, right? Faith is so sweet. She's a wonderful little sister to Summer. Plus, I think that, um... it's the third parties that tripped us up.
Nick: I hate it that you see yourself as this emotional wrecking ball. You were on the receiving end of a lot, and... most of it was from me. Some from Jack. You know, maybe that's why you're so cautious with Jack. It's, uh, self-protection.
Phyllis: I'm not fragile. Maybe I'm a little fragile. But can you blame me, given... how all my relationships have worked out?
Nick: Hey, no stone throwing coming from over here.
Phyllis: I want to be strong. I want to be competent. I want to be... so many things. I want to work past my stuff. I...
Nick: It's easier to stay guarded, pull back. Seems safe and smart.
Phyllis: Yeah. Right. If I'm just a cold, lonely, miserable woman, I'm good. [Chuckles] I won't get my heart broken, right? It's good.
Nick: Is it worth the trade-off?
Avery: How is she? Is Chelsea okay?
Dylan: Doctor thinks its stress, which isn't surprising, considering who she was with.
Adam: How you doing?
Chelsea: I'm fine.
Adam: You seemed pretty rattled before.
Chelsea: That was -- that was you projecting. You were scared. I'm gonna be okay, Adam. The baby and I are both gonna be okay if we listen to the doctor's orders.
Adam: Yeah, I know. No stress.
Chelsea: It's you, Adam. Starting this fashion line, it's exhausting, but it makes me happy. Being pregnant, it's draining, but it makes me happy. Dealing with you -- it's too stressful with no upside! You have to stop! Please! I can't do it anymore! You have to leave it alone! You have to leave me alone. Thank you.
Adam: Well, I'm glad you're feeling better.
Chelsea: I'm sorry that I -- that I scared you.
Dylan: Me? Nah, you're gonna have to do a lot worse than that to scare me. Please don't try.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Okay, I may be calm on the outside, but I can't -- I can't handle this.
Chelsea: It was really just -- it was low blood sugar. That's all it was.
Dylan: Chelsea, it wasn't just not eating. You were stressed. We both know what that stress was. What were you doing at Adam's?
Chelsea: I went there to tell him to leave me alone, and he said that he would, so I win. Yay.
Dylan: But he's been hammering you about this baby... thinking that he's the father. Is there any... reason Adam should think that this is his baby?
Michael: Ha!
Phyllis: What the hell?
Michael: Ooh, is that the way the kids are saying hello these days? Well, "What the hell?" to you, too.
Phyllis: I got a message from Lauren. She was obviously hysterical. She said you moved out. I see a suitcase and a drink in your hand.
Michael: Well, I'm sorry. My marriage is falling apart. Should I have it fall apart some other way? Why don't you tell me exactly how I should be handling it?
Phyllis: I will.
Michael: No, please, don't.
Phyllis: No, I'm going to. Put the drink down. Put the drink down. Listen to me and look at me. People hurt each other. We both know that. You have a marriage worth saving. You have a wife that wants to fight for it. So you fight for it, and you fight for her. You owe Lauren that much.
Lauren: What do you mean, what if you don't want it over?
Carmine: I just told you how I felt.
Lauren: And I'm touched. But if you think that I am gonna change my mind about us, then, well, I guess that's really my fault, because how many times did I push you away and then give in? Too many.
Carmine: Yeah, but... I'm still here for you. Look, I get it. You said vows. You made promises. But so did Michael, and he broke those, and he left you all alone. You needed someone to be there. He did it before. And now he's done it again.
Lauren: I broke his heart, Carmine. He's not here because I hurt him.
Carmine: Instead of fighting for you? Come on, Lauren, if I had a woman like you, I would not walk away. But I guess it's better than the way he's treated other women. I mean, it's probably safer that a rapist leaves you alone.
Lauren: What?! What did you say about him?
Carmine: I'm sorry. Attempted rape.
Lauren: Okay, look, whatever you think you know about him, you don't know his heart and his soul and who he is now. Please, Carmine, just -- just let me go. Go and find somebody whose heart is available, because mine is taken, and it always will be.
Chelsea: Adam... wants this baby to be his because he thinks that I'm his. He thinks that Newman is his. He thinks that everything he sees or wants or touches is his. He always complains that his siblings are -- are entitled, you know, and -- and selfish. But meanwhile, he's the worst one of them all. He has this huge void in his heart because he's Victor Newman's outcast son, and he tries to fill that void, but he can't fill it, and then he blames everybody but himself. Adam walked away from me, okay? He walked away from me, and he walked away from our marriage. And then he thinks -- and then he thinks he can just try to say that this baby is his. It's not. I'm telling you --
Dylan: All right. All right. It's okay. It's okay. You need me to get the doctor?
Chelsea: No. No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Adam won't let this go, and I'm sorry that I keep letting him get to me. [Sighs] This baby -- this baby is ours, yours and mine. Not Adam's. And this baby is going to have the best father in the world, and that is all that matters. Okay?
Avery: What happened at your place after I left? I should have stayed.
Adam: I told you I'd back off, and I told Chelsea the exact same thing.
Avery: And she ended up in the E.R.
Adam: And I don't know how. I...don't know if it's...'cause she didn't believe what I was telling her. She just needed a sandwich.
Avery: [Sighs]
Adam: I don't know -- maybe I do cause her too much stress. I...I don't know.
Avery: You were frightened.
Adam: I was terrified. When we lost...when we lost the baby, I was useless to her. I...I couldn't prevent the accident from happening. I couldn't be there to help her grieve, to help ease her pain. If that happened again, I'd...
Avery: Well, it didn't. She's okay and so is the baby.
Adam: Well, I told her I'd back off, and I'm gonna do that.
Avery: Look, I know you care about her, and she can't admit this right now, but she cares about you, too. Dylan and I -- we can be happy for each other now. We can be friends. It's possible. It just takes time.
Adam: So, you think we should be friends, huh -- Chelsea and I? I thought that's what I had you for. How many friends does a guy need? Thank you.
Avery: You're gonna be okay.
Kevin: [Sighs] And that's a wrap. [Chuckles]
Chloe: That's one sad, little box of memories. [Sighs] But I guess the rest of the stuff is the heart of Crimson Lights. I'm gonna go to the office and get together all the personal papers and whatnot.
Kevin: Don't forget the whatnot.
Chloe: Hey. I know packing can be depressing, but come on. Let's think "New Adventures." Whoo-hoo!
Kevin: Whoo-hoo.
Chloe: Whoo...hoo. You need to dream up a big, fat dream, Kevin. We can make it happen.
[Kevin remembering]
[Panting] [Chuckles]
Kevin: [Chuckles] Whoo!
Chloe: Aah!
Kevin: We dodged 'em again.
Chloe: We're untouchable.
Kevin: Oh, Baby, we touch just fine.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
[Both sigh]
[Back to present]
Chloe: Kevin.
Kevin: What -- what? Oh. [Chuckles]
Chloe: You should have seen your big, fat smile. You've found a new dream already.
Kevin: I did. And we are going to be just fine.
Phyllis: Listen -- Lauren is a wreck. She realizes what a huge, huge mistake she made.
Michael: I understand that, but it doesn't undo the actions. It doesn't erase the images in my mind.
Phyllis: You know what I did tonight? I had dinner with Nick...
Michael: [Sighs]
Phyllis: ...In the house that we used to share together. He wasn't imagining me with Ronan. I wasn't imagining him with Sharon. Images go away.
Michael: All right, you and Nick are divorced, so this argument is helping me how?
Phyllis: Give Lauren a break. Give her a break.
Michael: [Sighs] She wants me to wait 30 days before filing for divorce.
Phyllis: That seems fair.
Michael: What will 30 days do, exactly?
Phyllis: 30 days is a lifetime. 30 days is enough time to travel around the world. 30 days is enough time for me to move in and out of Jack's place twice.
Michael: Okay. Not helping.
Phyllis: In 30 days, will you love Lauren any less? Will you love her for the rest of your life?
Michael: You know, I'm the attorney. You're the defendant. I mean, more often than not.
Phyllis: [Sighs] In 30 days, you may have one split second when you realize, "Yeah, Lauren hurt me, badly, but it would hurt so much more without her." And you know that. Don't you? You brain knows it. Your heart knows it. You're just -- heart needs to kind of get more of a clue.
Carmine: When I look at you, I remember every second, every word, every inch of your body, and I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about being with you...knowing you. Have you forgotten all of that?
Lauren: We'll fade. Memories do, Carmine. Now please, please leave and never come back.
[Door closes]
Nick: You okay?
Avery: Mm-hmm. I just need a minute. I came from the hospital, with Dylan. Chelsea had a scare with the baby.
Nick: Is she all right?
Avery: Yeah, she's gonna be fine. She just has to avoid stress.
Nick: Tell a pregnant woman to avoid stress -- good luck with that.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Nick: What about you? You don't seem like yourself.
Avery: I was pregnant once. Obviously, it didn't work out.
Nick: [Sighs] I'm so sorry.
Avery: Thank you.
Nick: So, it -- your husband or...?
Avery: No, it was Dylan. It's just one of those things, and it's all in the past, but tonight brought back a lot of those memories for me. I'm just glad that Chelsea and the baby are okay.
[Door opens]
Lauren: Fen?
Michael: No. It's me.
Lauren: Did you come back for your tie? I know it's your favorite, and you don't like to be in court without it. I would hate for you to leave it. [Sighs] [Sighs] You're back?
Michael: I heard a lot can happen in 30 days.
Lauren: [Voice breaking] So much.
Carmine: [Sighs]
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Look at you. You look rough. Not your usual sex-oozing self, right? I guess you heard. Michael went back to Lauren.
Carmine: What? When was this?
Phyllis: Just now -- within the hour. When you have that kind of love, Carmine, nothing will get in your way.
Carmine: Yeah. Yeah, you might be right.
Phyllis: I'm definitely right.
Carmine: Hmm.
Nick: You never told me about the baby. Thanks for telling me now. Explains a lot about you not wanting to talk about having kids...
Avery: [Sighs]
Nick: ...The connection you and Dylan have. I'm very sorry you had to go through that.
Avery: I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
Nick: Hey. You told me now. You told me when you were ready. It was your loss, and it was your story. Sometimes, you know, you're just not ready to say the words.
Avery: Well, I know that when you're ready to tell me what's going on with you, you will.
Nick: You know, you are a keeper.
Avery: A keeper? What is that, exactly? Is that a fishing term?
Nick: You know, it is.
Avery: Is it?
Nick: It's, uh -- it is a fishing term, but it is the absolute best fishing term possible.
Avery: [Chuckling] Really? Thank you. Thank you for being the person that I can trust my stories with. The past -- it hurts less now that you're my future.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Dylan: Uh, what do you mean? It's just -- you know, it's just takeout.
Chelsea: No, it's...it's not just takeout. It's...it's this. And it's last time, and it's... coming to the doctor appointment, and it's rushing to the hospital tonight... [Sighs] ...Not freaking out that Adam was there. You never make me wonder when you're gonna let me down.
Dylan: Because I won't. I mean, not if I can help it.
Chelsea: I know. This baby's... [Sighs] ...Really lucky that he or she is gonna have a dad like you. We're...we're both really lucky.
Dylan: I think maybe...maybe I'm the lucky one.
[Glass clatters]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tyler: Okay, you know what? I don't need you telling me how to feel about Lily.
Billy: Hey, Ken, can you deal me in tonight? I have a feeling tonight's gonna change.
Chelsea: Dylan is starting to ask questions. He wants to know why Adam keeps insisting that this baby's his.
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