Y&R Transcript Monday 6/3/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/3/13


Episode # 10171 ~ Chelsea talks to Adam; surprising news upsets Lily and Cane.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

[Silverware clattering]

Chelsea: Ouch.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Chelsea: I saw Delia outside with the nanny. She was looking down at the ground, saying mommy's mad at her, but it looks to me like mommy's mad at the counter.

Chloe: No. The counter is innocent. And Delia, even with what she did, is innocent, too. But me and my occasional lapses of morals and ethics -- not innocent. And the husband who thinks that it's okay to continue to steal is not innocent -- not innocent by a long, long shot.

Kevin: What?

Alex: Excuse me?

Kevin: You called. You told me to come. I'm here. So, what?

Alex: So, don't come in with an attitude. Whoa. Okay. One more eye roll, one more [Sighs] And I'm throwing you in a jail cell -- you understand? -- Just to see you bug out like you did the other day.

Kevin: So, this is how it is? What about our blossoming relationship?

Alex: Oh, no. But, see, this is what happens when you skip doing community service. Showing up here is not optional, Fisher.

Kevin: I had things to do today.

Alex: You have what? You had things to do?

Kevin: I had things to do today. I can data-process tomorrow.

Alex: You're a thief, you little twerp! You stole jewelry from an old lady because, hey, that's what you wanted to do, right? Who cares about other people's privacy and private property, right? And Neil Winters -- he got robbed by a little punk like you who you should be looking for. But, no -- hey, he had things to do, right? He had things to do. Did you just shake your head at me?

Kevin: Yeah.

Alex: That's it. Spending the night in jail.

Lily: Hi, Guys.

Neil: Baby girl, happy birthday.

Lily: Dad, did you do this? [Chuckles]

Neil: No, it wasn't me.

Lily: It wasn't you?

Devon: Give me some of that. Come here, Sis.

Lily: Oh, hey! Hello! Roxy, where have you been all my life?

Roxy: Happy birthday, Lily!

Lily: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Roxy: Oh, those twins are keeping you young and gorgeous.

Lily: Well, you know. [Chuckles] Cane!

Cane: Hey.

Lily: You're here! You're not in Chicago!

Cane: You think I'd leave on your birthday, huh?

Lily: I love you. I love you so much. I had no idea. I didn't even [Chuckling] Know.

Cane: That's why we call it a surprise party.

Lily: I'm sorry I'm late. I'm really sorry.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: It kind of looks like the party started without us, though, huh?

Lily: What?

Avery: Busy night.

Adam: Glad you could make it.

Avery: Well, only to tell you that I'm off the clock, so whatever contract you need drawn up, it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow.

Adam: I called you here as a friend, not as your employer.

Avery: A friend? By what definition are you and I --?

Adam: Colleagues whose personal lives might intersect to one degree or another.

Avery: This is about Chelsea and Dylan. Adam, if you're gonna summon me every time you're thinking about your ex-wife, we're gonna have a problem.

Chelsea: Maybe I should bang on the counter, too, since everything about my child's entire existence is a lie, and I will continue to live that lie every day of my life. How have I turned into my mother? I'm running a lifelong con.

Chloe: No. Wait. Look, you made your decision, and you were happy with it. You were like, "Yay! Happy!" You found the best guy for your kid. Dylan is your savior, and Adam is a good-looking, rich ogre.

Chelsea: Well, Adam doesn't do anything vicious anymore, even illegal, I don't think.

Chloe: He just traded you in for the chance to run Newman. Don't you think he'd do the same for the kid?

Chelsea: He told me -- he said that he really wished things had ended differently. He did, you know? He said that he was broken over the fact that we lost our baby and that he wanted things to be different.

Chloe: Yeah. Things are different. You traded up.

Chelsea: But if he still loves me...

Chloe: Says who?

Chelsea: The fortune-teller.

Chloe: Ugh! You're killing me! You're just killing me!

Chelsea: But you don't understand, Chloe. She knew things about me -- things that a stranger would not know.

Chloe: It's a load, and you know it. You are just looking for an excuse to change your mind so you don't have to tell Adam and Dylan the truth.

Tyler: Uh, you know, it's my fault that the guest of honor was late. Um, I just wanted to see if I could pick Lily's brain for a couple of brilliant ideas before she moves on to a new project, but, um... you know, if I'd had known about the party...

Cane: That's, uh, 'cause it was small. It was just friends and family, Tyler.

Tyler: I hear you. Just wanted to make sure Lily got home safe. That's all.

Cane: I appreciate that.

Devon: Well, hey, now that you are here, please open these presents up...

Lily: Yay!

Devon: ...'Cause some of us have P.R. meetings in the morning.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Neil: Well, well, check you out. You've had the job for less than five minutes. You're already complaining. I love it.

Devon: I'm not complaining at all. I just want to be on top of my game. I have big shoes to fill, replacing Ms. Ashby here.

Lily: Ohh.

Leslie: You ever wear stilettos? [Chuckling] Because you are in for a shock.

Lily: You and Tyler are gonna be a great team, and you can call me anytime. You know that.

Devon: Thanks.

Roxy: Open mine first, okay? I found this in Toronto, and it reminded me of you.

Leslie: You want some company? I can tell Neil I have to go with you.

Tyler: For what reason?

Leslie: Cheer you up, give you a gentle reminder about coveting wives and whatnot.

Tyler: I'm good. Just tell Lily I said happy birthday.

Lily: That is so pretty! Oh, my gosh. Oh, there we go. [Chuckles] Wow! I love that! That is [Chuckling] So me. I want to put it on. Put it on me now.

Kevin: You're throwing me in jail? Are you serious?

Alex: Look, you and I both know that the only reason you're not doing hard time is because your big brother got you out of jams and people let him.

Kevin: So, what is this -- my scared-straight lesson? Because, trust me, I've seen scarier. His name was Tom, and you wouldn't have lasted five minutes with him.

Alex: Tom? Okay. I'm gonna make myself clear. I'm the only thing standing between you and a jail cell, okay? So, you skip a day of work -- cell. You show up late -- cell. [Chuckling] Hey, you come here with bad breath, guess what -- that's right -- cell!

Kevin: What is your deal? Is this your way of buffing up your ego after getting fired by the NYPD?

Alex: Ooh. [Chuckles] Ooh.

Kevin: You want to call a judge? Go ahead. Do it. Do it. A cell might be better than sitting around, watching my business tank, my marriage fall apart. I'll end up cowering in a corner, losing whatever's left of my sanity, but you're cool with that? Go ahead and do it!

Alex: Well, you are gonna lose everything, you idiot! And I want to make sure that you don't let that happen!

Dylan: Is there, uh -- is there a problem?

Chloe: No.

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: No. Everything's great.

Dylan: I was just wondering if the baby...

Chelsea: What -- what about the baby?

Dylan: ...Was giving you any trouble. You okay?

Chelsea: Yeah, we're great. You heard the doctor. Everything's great.

Dylan: Okay. Did Chelsea show you?

Chelsea: Oh. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Ultrasound picture.

Chloe: No! Let me see. Ohh. Aww, what a good-looking baby.

Dylan: You see the picture and you hear the heartbeat, and it just -- it just really gets to you. It's crazy. It's crazy that we made this.

Chloe: Yeah, you did.

Dylan: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: So, what are you doing here?

Chloe: Oh, I actually had him come by to show me the money. Kevin and I agree -- it's time to finally pass the torch on this place -- not to be confused with torching the place. Are you still interested?

Dylan: Absolutely. Yes. With the whole situation now, I want to put some roots down here, and I got the loft, and I'm building a cradle.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Wow. He's gonna build a cradle. Best dad ever.

Dylan: And the last piece of the puzzle is income.

Chloe: Right. Well, then, this is the place for you. You know what? I'm gonna go call Kevin. I'm gonna tell him that you're here. Don't go anywhere, okay?

Chelsea: Wow. Congratulations. It's huge. This is a really great place.

Dylan: Yeah, so many changes.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Dylan: I'm gonna be a dad and business owner. Would you like to celebrate over dinner with me?

Chelsea: Yeah. Sure. Um, I just have to take care of something first.

Dylan: Okay.

Chelsea: [Sighs deeply]

Dylan: Why don't you stop by the loft when you're done?

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: Oh, hey, you're not leaving yet, right? 'Cause I just talked to Kevin, and he's gonna swing by and run the numbers with you. And I told him that he has to, so he has to be here, so you're not gonna go, right?

Dylan: Uh, I'm happy to wait, especially if you tell me what's really going on with Chelsea.

Avery: Wine will not convince me that you are suddenly over your ex.

Adam: Or that you're over yours?

Avery: Adam.

Adam: I joke -- sort of. But I did not call you here to talk about Dylan.

Avery: Ah. Did you call me because you need a drinking buddy? Maybe you should get out more.

Adam: I have a social life, thank you.

Avery: Yes, I-I saw the woman leaving. [Clears throat]

Adam: Have a seat. Newman Enterprises can be all-consuming, especially as we work to take it private. So, I hope it's not interfering with your, uh, personal life.

Avery: It's okay. I'm used to it.

Adam: Well, I noticed that you, uh -- you're not wearing your engagement ring. While it is no business of mine...

Avery: [Clears throat]

Adam: ...I have to assume that it's because you've just been too busy to put it back on. Or perhaps there's something more?

Avery: Well, you have a hypothesis, obviously.

Adam: I understand lingering emotions. And, uh... perhaps you're just not wanting to commit to my brother because you still have feelings for Sergeant McAvoy.

Avery: He was a lieutenant, and Dylan and I have moved on, and you know that.

Adam: Sex and love... two entirely different things. Dylan may be playing daddy to Chelsea's baby bump, but I think you and I both know that his heart is still with you.

Avery: You know, it's funny. You are usually quite unreadable, except with the topic of Chelsea, where you become completely transparent.

Adam: So, you're saying you can see the wall behind me?

Avery: You're trying to shove me back into Dylan's arms because you want Chelsea in yours.

Kevin: You've got your boot on my neck, but you care about my well-being?

Alex: Your wife sat in a cell for you. From what I hear, her daughter's crazy about you -- says you're the best thing ever. So, what happens if you get caught, if you do time? What happens to them? And I'm not talking, like, they'll end up on the streets, okay? Because they'll be fine. Chloe's way smarter than you. They'll have food. They'll have a roof over their head. But they believe in you. So, you let them down, and you're saying they're idiots. You're saying that they can't trust anyone ever. So, what kind of a lesson is that you want for that little girl?

Kevin: What, are you trying to earn your angel wings or something?

Alex: I'm done with you. You do what you want. Come here.

Avery: When I first met you, you were the man Sharon put her trust in -- the man she loved, the man she hurt, who was hurt by. You blew it with her big-time, and then, miraculously, you got a chance at something just as powerful with Chelsea. You were in love. You had a baby on the way.

Adam: Didn't work out.

Avery: Adam, I know what it's like to come so close to a miracle and -- and then lose it. I know how awful that feels. I lost a baby with Dylan. And I thought it was... punishment for breaking my marriage vows. I thought I didn't deserve to be happy with Dylan, and it was too late to be happy with my husband, and so I just pushed everything down. And I came to Genoa City, and I focused on other wounds, and... I tried very hard to not think about the life that could have been.

Adam: I'm sorry you went through that.

Avery: I'm sorry you did, too. And the side effect to your pain is that you focused everything on Newman and you let Chelsea walk out. And now...

Adam: Right. And now what?

Avery: And now Chelsea is gone, and I'm sure you still have part of her heart. That's how love works. But she's reaching for happiness, so just let her have it. Let her move on. Let yourself move on.

Adam: I'm usually pretty good at walking away from things. I feel this pull. Maybe it's the baby.

Avery: You think the baby is yours.

Adam: And I'm sure that very thought has crossed Dylan's mind, as well.

Avery: [Sighs] Adam, it's a child. I know that Chelsea has had a colorful past, but it makes no sense that she would lie about who the baby's father is.

Dylan: It looked like I walked in on something before.

Chloe: Uh, with me and Chelsea? I'm just having a really bad day -- really bad day. You want details?

Dylan: Chloe, Chelsea is on edge. Now, I'm asking you why. Please?

Chloe: The baby.

Dylan: What about the baby?

Chloe: The doctor appointment. Um...yeah. You know, it was really rough for her, too, okay? You know, she was really looking forward to having a baby for a long time, and you originally weren't a part of that plan, and now you are. And it's -- you know, it's -- it's difficult enough just raising a kid with someone that you're committed to, and, I mean, you guys didn't even know each other's last names when you conceived the lima bean.

Dylan: Uh, no. No, we didn't plan this baby. But this baby's gonna be looked after and loved.

Chloe: Love is great. Love is awesome. And so is... continuity and stability. And kids -- they love same-old, same-old, day in and day out.

Dylan: Well, I'm not going anywhere, if that's -- if that's what you're asking. This is my baby, and this is my home now.

Chloe: Okay. So, your home...

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: ...Your baby.

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: And what is Chelsea?

Dylan: Uh, well, I -- you know, I really like Chelsea, and I hope things keep building to -- to where they've been going, but regardless what happens with us, I'm this baby's father, and nothing can change that.

Chelsea: Is this weird -- me asking you here? Or maybe you predicted it. [Chuckles] Sorry. Dumb joke.

Madame Miranda: [Foreign accent] I could sense that you were in conflict with your decision. The truth of this baby's father is churning inside of you.

Chelsea: Well, the baby's father is the man that I was with when I met you -- Dylan -- but you said that you were seeing another man, and I had questions about him.

Madame Miranda: Ah, yes -- the one who loves you, the one who wants to set things right. His pain is deep. [Sighs] So many regrets. And the biggest is losing you. You will have regrets, too, if you are not honest with yourself and with him.

Lily: I love it!

Roxy: Aww. [Chuckles]

Leslie: I, uh, may ask to borrow it sometime.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Roxy: After I do.

Lily: And I promise to share. I do. And you are gonna be amazing tomorrow. You're gonna take the campaign to a whole new level, and you can call me anytime.

Devon: Thanks.

Neil: That's right, and, you, my darling, are gonna have your hands filled with your own work.

Lily: Yes. Well, Abby and I are gonna be the new marketing dream team.

Devon: You're working with Abby?

Lily: Yeah.

Devon: She's awesome. She's crazy but awesome. [Chuckles]

Lily: Well, you have your brilliant partner, and I have mine.

Neil: Okay, it's been fun. It's been nice. We will meet tomorrow to discuss your ideas. I love you.

Lily: I love you. Can't wait.

Neil: Take care.

Lily: Thank you. Bye, you guys!

Devon: See you. Happy birthday.

Cane: Thanks for coming.

Leslie: Happy birthday.

Lily: Yes, thank you so much.

Leslie: You're welcome.

Lily: Drive safely.

Cane: Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Lily: Bye!

Cane: Bye, guys. Drive safe.

Lily: [Groans] Ahh. [Chuckles]

Cane: You tired?

Lily: Yes, but in a good way. That was very sneaky of you to say that you were in Chicago when you weren't in Chicago. [Chuckles]

Cane: How could I leave you on your birthday? You're the woman of my dreams and the mother of my children.

Lily: Aww.

Cane: Hmm. I have to admit, though, I was getting a little, um, concerned when you didn't get here sooner.

Lily: I know. I'm sorry. It just -- Tyler asked if I wanted to get a drink, and --

Cane: For your birthday, huh?

Lily: You know, just to say "Good job" and "Goodbye" and, you know, I'm -- for leaving the campaign, so...

Cane: Well, you did such an amazing job with it, I don't know what Neil was thinking, letting you go and bringing Tyler back.

Lily: Well, it was actually my idea. You know, I stepped away so that Tyler could come back. It was his marketing plan to begin with, so...

Cane: And you were just willing to walk away, huh?

Lily: Well, it's what I wanted.

Noah: Tyler, hey, you get Lily home okay?

Tyler: Yeah, mission accomplished.

Missy: Who's Lily?

Lisa: Should we be jealous?

Noah: Uh, Missy, Lisa, this is Tyler.

Both: Hi, Tyler.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Noah: The girls, uh, convinced me to go see a band. You're in.

Tyler: Actually, I got an early morning, man, so, um... I'm just gonna grab a quick drink and head home.

Noah: You find a place, yet?

Tyler: I haven't even had a chance to look.

Noah: Not much out there.

Lisa: Our place is great, and it's for rent.

Noah: If it's so great, why are you guys moving out?

Missy: Graduation.

Lisa: You should come check it out -- watch the sunrise.

Adam: [Sighs] Why would Chelsea lie about the baby? That is a deep and cosmic question.

Avery: No, it's a rhetorical question, actually, meaning she wouldn't. Look, I know it hurts to know that the person you still care about took someone to bed and created a child...

Adam: Are we talking about me or you here?

Avery: ...But that happened, and now a one-night stand has turned into a new life for all three of them. Dylan will do right by Chelsea, and maybe this is some kind of fate.

Adam: [Chuckling] Oh. "Everything happens for a reason." You're one of those, huh?

Avery: I came to Genoa City, and I met Nick, and that's because Dylan went on a second tour, and I lost the baby --

Adam: No, no, no. The world went and kicked you in the head, okay? Plain and simple. And you got Nicholas as a consolation prize, and that's the way the world works. You got gypped, Avery.

Avery: Okay, well, Chelsea and Dylan have suffered, and the universe has given them both something wonderful.

[Glass thuds]

Adam: [Clears throat] Well, I want to know something. When is the universe gonna give me something wonderful? I want a date and a time and a place. So, read my palms, Avery. Check your crystal ball because I'm long overdue for some good news.

Chelsea: I am honest.

Madame Miranda: You do not believe what I have to say. Why did you call me here?

Chelsea: Well, I just thought --

Madame Miranda: He misses you. He misses the child you were supposed to have together -- the child you both longed for.

Chelsea: How did you know --?

Madame Miranda: This man -- I see him in a shimmer of light, strength, power, money. You and the child -- you would be loved and cared for, provided for in a way that no other man could.

Chelsea: And how much did this man provide you?

Madame Miranda: Madame Miranda does not understand.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] Oh. You oversold it. Adam paid you to feed me this nonsense, didn't he?

Madame Miranda: Madame Miranda is offering you the truth.

Chelsea: Oh, my God. How much? How much did he give you? $5,000? $5,000? $10,000? What's the going rate for a scam like this, hmm?

Madame Miranda: Madame Miranda... [American accent] Has a mortgage like everyone else.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] Oh. You know what? You're a decent con, but I was way better. You have been made, and Adam is going to regret ever trying to pull this one on me.

Abby: Things looked pretty intense between you and Kevin before he took off. [Chuckling] I thought I was gonna see cartoon steam coming out of your ears.

Alex: Yeah, well, the guy is stupid and stubborn. Here. It's a bad combination.

Abby: [Chuckles] Well, how stupid can a computer genius be?

Alex: He skipped out on community service.

Abby: Okay. So? Those things happen. There's lots of distractions, speaking from experience.

Alex: Yeah, well, whatever you did is nothing compared to all the stuff that Fisher has pulled. He's looking at doing some serious time if he doesn't get his act together, and the thing is now his brother's not here to make it all nice-nice.

Abby: You sound kind of bitter about Michael, considering that you've done the same for your sister.

Alex: And she handcuffed me to a railing and took my gun, making me look like a jerk, right? So, now she thinks she's untouchable. And same as Kevin, okay? A guy like that robbing houses...

Abby: Well, maybe he needed the money. Adam Newman did screw him out --

Alex: But what about the people who lose their businesses and their jobs and their houses -- the ones that don't resort to breaking and entering? The guy's a junkie, and that's his fix, okay? He needs the rush. He needs a bigger haul, something to feed that hunger -- to get that high going. He's got to stop. He's got to stop right now, cold turkey. I'm done.

Abby: Hmm.

Alex: [Sighs]

Abby: You know...

Alex: [Clears throat]

Abby: ...I have never seen you this fired up.

Alex: Well [Sighs] You ever been arrested by a detective that's this fired up?

Abby: Hmm. Let me think about it. The time I rode in naked on a horse?

Alex: Ooh.

Abby: Mm. No. The time that I took all of my clothes off for those little otters? No. Not that time, either.

Alex: [Groans] I miss all the good stuff.

Abby: Mm.

Alex: Mm.

Abby: This seems pretty good. What do you think you're missing?

Alex: Well, it seems like every time you're naked, there's a gust of wind, so...maybe we can open a window or something.

Abby: Well, I do think that I can relive my glory days. Maybe there's a stiff gust of wind in our future.

Alex: Mm.

Abby: Mm. [Chuckles]

Dylan: You know, I got cash in the bank from selling my dad's business, and this price -- I think it's pretty fair.

Chloe: It's -- its fair. It's extremely fair.

Kevin: Yeah, well, I think that's a little more fair.

[Pen clicks]

Chloe: Is, uh -- is that the espresso machine acting up?

Kevin: I don't hear anything.

Chloe: Oh, no, actually, I think it is. Come over here. Excuse us. Are you deranged? He could buy three coffeehouses for that kind of money. I mean, he could pay the people to buy the coffee from him.

Kevin: Yeah, but his little doodle doesn't cover half of what we owe.

Chloe: Well, that's not fair, is it? Maybe we can pay the bank what we can now and then just pay the rest later.

Kevin: Okay, if his finances are so good, he can up his price.

Chloe: We're gonna squeeze the guy who actually wants this place and has a baby on the way? That's just swell.

Kevin: You know, we have a kid, too -- one that eats solid food.

Chloe: A kid who needs to see us do the right thing.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: She's stealing, Kevin. Delia took a doll from Brianna because she wanted it.

Kevin: And you're saying that's my fault? It is not like I took her with me when I --

Chloe: Stole and got me arrested when you should have been arrested? You're a bad example, Kevin. You are.

Kevin: Hold on, now. I love that kid.

Chloe: Will you just please prove it and be the guy that she wants to look up to? Please?

Kevin: [Sighs] We have a deal. So, uh, when can we do this?

Dylan: Uh, I can get to the money by Monday morning.

Kevin: Good. That's good.

Dylan: Yeah, this is great. This is great. I hate to ask you a favor. Uh, everyone says you're the master of the machine, and although I love this place, I don't know jack about coffee, so if you could stay on and maybe show me the ropes, I'd really appreciate that.

Kevin: Yeah, sure. That's not a problem.

Dylan: Thank you. Thanks.

Kevin: Okay. [Sighs]

Chloe: I am so proud of you.

Adam: Well, you make a very good argument for letting go of the past, Counselor.

Avery: Ah. Does that mean you'll listen?

Adam: It means... I'm feeling the urge to toast. To our exes. No?

Avery: No. I know that feeling. I had the same...loneliness when I came to Genoa City, and you know what? It passed. Something good is gonna happen for you, Adam. I believe that.

Adam: Maybe this is it. Chelsea and Dylan -- they get a chance at a new beginning, and I get -- I don't know what I get. But, hey, who'd have thunk it -- you and me, standing here right now, conversing as friends over drinks?

Avery: And I think this is where I say thank you for the wine and, as your friend, I tell you not to lose faith. Something is always around the corner.

Leslie: Your son is not taking off to London to work with Tucker.

Neil: Yeah. I was bracing myself to watch him go, but he stepped up, took over for Lily, working with Tyler. Honestly, watching Tyler and Lily together drove me crazy, but now they're not gonna be working together. Let's cheers to that. Yes!

[Glasses clink]

Leslie: It's all over?

Neil: You don't think so?

Leslie: Um, well, I mean, that attraction might not be entirely one-sided.

Neil: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. So, do -- do -- do you think that something happened between them?

Leslie: No. No. No. No. I do not think anything happened. I don't think it will. But, like I said before, Lily is -- as wonderful as Lily is -- she's extra, extra wonderful to Tyler because she's unattainable. He doesn't have to risk getting too close because he knows it will never get that far. I know my brother.

Neil: And I know my daughter.

Cane: You missed one.

Lily: What?

Cane: And that's -- you missed this one, and that's probably 'cause I had it hidden in the closet, so...

Lily: Oh. [Gasps] Is it not fit for mixed company?

Cane: No, it's not fit for mixed company.

Lily: Wow! That's -- that's gorgeous.

Cane: You like it?

Lily: But is this a present for me or a present for you?

Cane: [Smacks lips] I don't know. Do you want me to put it on?

Lily: No. I want you to take it off.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Yeah?

Noah: It's a nice place.

Tyler: Yeah. Decent-sized bedrooms.

Missy: Beer good?

Noah: Two? Thank you. So, what don't you like -- the place? Having a roommate? It's cool. I won't be offended.

Tyler: No, I mean, splitting the bills is -- that works for me. You know, and the place has character.

Noah: Chill out, man.

Tyler: [Sighs] It's just one too many parties tonight, man. That's all.

Lisa: [Clears throat]

Noah: [Clears throat] Thank you.

Lisa: So... you want it?

Noah: Yeah. I want it.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Noah: Welcome home.

Chelsea: It makes you crazy, doesn't it? Hmm?

[Purse slams]

Chelsea: That I'm not the same woman begging, "Pick me! Pick me, not Newman! Pick me!" Now I don't care who or what you pick, and that is too much for you and your huge, giant ego! You think you own me -- all of me, including the person inside of me, but you don't. It's bad enough that you're always running around saying something nasty or sweet or -- or confusing or -- or rude, but then you go and you try to bribe my doctor?! And then you hire a fortune-teller?! What is wrong with you?! And now what? Now what? What -- you're gonna hire Avery, huh, to slap me with contempt?

Adam: I don't think that'd work.

Chelsea: Shut up! You know what I mean. So, what is it, huh? What are you planning to have her do to me?

Adam: She came here as a friend. We had drinks, and then we talked.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] Oh, you're friends? Please.

Adam: Does that bother you?

Chelsea: Just stop, Adam. Just leave me and my baby alone.

Adam: I can do the math, Chelsea. Of course I was gonna wonder if that baby is mine.

Chelsea: It's not! For the hundredth time, it's not! Get that through your head. It's not that hard.

Adam: It's damn near impossible. Our life, our family, our dreams... okay, it's not ours right now, but in time, it could be, and I'll be patient. If it means staying away from you and the baby, that's what I'll do.

Noah: Um, I'm, uh -- I'm gonna go check out the -- the view from the bedroom.

Tyler: Uh... I should probably take off.

Missy: Oh. Okay.

Tyler: Hey, good luck with the move.

Missy: Thanks.

[Door slams]

Tyler: [Sighs]

Lily: [Clears throat]

[Glass thuds]

Lily: [Gasps]

Cane: You all right?! What's wrong? What's the matter? What's the matter? "Lily Winters -- sweet and beautiful and willing to stray. A little rough spot in her marriage, and she's looking for someone other than Cane to console her. She doesn't want realism. She wants magic. I have to wonder how long it's going to be before Lily once again is seeking the comfort that she can't find at home." What's that?

Lily: What -- why... who w-- who would do this?

Kevin: I am gonna follow the bread crumbs all the way to your computer, you weaselly little son of a -- [Chuckles]

[Cell phone buzzes]

Alex: Mm.

Abby: Mm. Are you vibrating?

Alex: Uh, is that a bad thing?

Abby: No. Works for me.

Alex: Okay.

Kevin: Hey, Chavez, it's your BFF Kevin Fisher. Listen, I'm working on my case, as ordered, and I am this close to finding out who's really behind Neil Winters' journal ending up on that gossip site.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Knock on door]

Dylan: Uh, it's open!

Avery: Oh. Bad time?

Dylan: Uh, not yet. What -- what's up?

Avery: Uh, I come with good news. I think Adam is gonna back off of you and Chelsea.

Dylan: You think so?

Avery: I do.

Dylan: Well, that's the second bit of good news I got tonight, and I feel that I owe you on the Adam front.

Avery: No, you don't. Listen, you and Chelsea deserve to be happy. You should be able to enjoy every moment with your child, and you don't need an ex looking over your shoulder every step of the way.

Chelsea: I'm supposed to just take your word for it? You'll leave me and my baby alone?

Adam: I didn't give you enough of what you wanted while we were married. The least I can do is do that now. If you want me away from you and the baby, then that's what I'll do.

Chelsea: See, you're still doing it. You're playing games. You're twisting your words around. "If that's what you want, then that's what I'll do." What does that even mean?

Adam: Oh.

Chelsea: Whoa.

Adam: Are you okay?

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Adam: Let me get a --

Chelsea: I'm fine. I'm fine, Adam! I'm pregnant and hungry, and I have low blood sugar. Whoa.

Adam: Hey!

Chelsea: [Panting]

Adam: Chelsea. You don't need a damn sandwich. You need the ER.

Chelsea: [Panting]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Carmine: Your marriage is officially over, and that means I'm exactly where I should be -- right here with you.

Phyllis: Your engagement to my sister -- is there a reason you're holding back?

Adam: It's Adam, Dylan.

Dylan: What are you doing on Chelsea's phone?

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