Y&R Transcript Friday 5/31/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 5/31/13


Episode # 10170 ~ Sharon spies Nick and Phyllis sharing a moment; Michael considers an offer.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Yes. It's a paternity test. Right. Is there any way to put a rush on that? No, it's not a medical emergency. Okay. Thank you very much.

[Knock on door]

Nick: Come in!

Sharon: Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: Sorry. I'm a little early. I guess I'm just kind of anxious about this.

Nick: Understandable. I'm expecting this to be a little tense.

Sharon: How could it not be?

Nick: Look, I really appreciate you coming by, but if you want to back out, I completely understand.

Lauren: We can talk better in here.

Fenmore: It won't change how I feel. If you and Dad are just staying together because --

Lauren: We are staying together because we want to work things out.

Fenmore: [Chuckling] I'm not blind, okay? You think you're doing what's best for the child. But I'm not a child anymore, all right? You don't have to be miserable on my account.

Michael: All right, listen to me. I don't want you to take this on, Fenmore. As your mother and I explained, you did not cause our problems.

Fenmore: Well, then, what did? In case you haven't noticed, my whole life is a mess because of this, and I deserve to know why. There's got to be some reason you can't stand being together in the same room.

Phyllis: You're a sexy guy, Carmine.

Carmine: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: I'll give you that.

Carmine: Oh...you're not so bad yourself.

Phyllis: Aww, thank you. I can see why Lauren was attracted to you at first.

Carmine: I don't know where you're getting this.

Phyllis: You're not that dumb. I know that you and Lauren were involved.

Carmine: Okay, so? What's it to you?

Phyllis: Oh, well, this is what it is to me -- Lauren and Michael are my best friends.

Carmine: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: She's planning to stay with her husband. Forever.

Carmine: Hmm. Is that, uh, her talking, or is that you?

Phyllis: Are you telling me that this affair isn't over?

Cane: Jill and Katherine are at a fundraiser for the symphony, so they send their regrets, but...we are gonna have a small, but hopefully very cheerful group tonight.

Neil: I love it.

Cane: Yes.

Neil: So, what ruse did you use on Lily?

Cane: I, uh, told her that I was in Chicago on business and the twins are with the sitter.

Leslie: Oh, giving her a chance to work late while you set up the party.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Leslie: Very clever.

Neil: You think she'll be surprised?

Cane: I guarantee she's gonna be surprised. She has no idea I'm doing this. All we need now is for the guest of honor to arrive.

Tyler: [Sighs] So, wonder what's good tonight.

Lily: Well, I only promised to have a drink with you. Just a farewell toast to what we've accomplished together.

Tyler: Well, that's fine, but I still got to eat, so you're welcome to watch.

Lily: Well, I-I mean, I am kind of hungry. And Cane did get a sitter before he left, so...I have time. What the heck. You buying? [Laughs]

Chloe: $432? That's it? That's our entire life savings?! [Sighs]

Kevin: Could be worse.

Chloe: It will be if we don't sell this place.

Kevin: No.

Chloe: It's the only way out of this mess.

Kevin: [Scoffs] We are not getting rid of the one thing that we care about.

Chloe: We care about each other. We care about Delia, or at least I thought we did.

Kevin: Of course we do. I'm just saying that --

Chloe: Look, I-I know. I get it. It's hard to watch another business go down the tubes. But Crimson Lights has ceased to be relevant. Cute, little indie coffee houses were all the rage until the big chains came in and ate our lunch. Our customers have moved on, and I think it's time that we do the same.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: We have to think about our future.

Kevin: We have put so much into this place. But I guess part of being a good entrepreneur is knowing when to cut your losses and walk away.

Chloe: Now, that sounds like a man who's being smart and reasonable and learning from experience, and that's what I want to hear. [Sighs] Look, I guess -- I guess I could take a loan out against my share of the fashion business. [Sighs] But -- God, no bank is gonna have any interest in doing that with this albatross hanging around our necks. We need to get out from under. We need to start fresh, Kevin.

Kevin: What if I got a second job?

Chloe: You already have a second job. You're working community service at the police station. Look, meantime, we have a buyer. We have Dylan, and he's ready to drop off a check. We need that money, and we need it now. If there was any other way --

Kevin: There is another way. You know there is. What? I'm just saying --

Chloe: Yeah, I know what you're saying, and it's not happening. You want to pull off another heist and go find some rich person to rob?! It's not happening, so you can think again.

Kevin: What if I guarantee you that I will not get caught?

Chloe: [Sighs]

Nick: Seriously, Sharon, if you would rather not do this, then just say the word. I don't want to stir up a bunch of bad memories.

Sharon: They weren't all bad.

Nick: No, they weren't. There were a lot of good ones.

Sharon: I'm happy to help you out with this, Nick. I just want to make sure that it turns out the way you're hoping.

[Door opens]

Summer: Hi.

Sharon: Hi, Summer.

Nick: Hi. So, you got my message?

Summer: Yeah. You and Mom needed to see me?

Nick: Yes. I assume she's on her way.

Summer: All right. Well, whatever this is, can we make it fast, 'cause I have plans? And if you're about to ask if they're with Kyle, don't, 'cause I do not plan on telling you or mom about who I'm seeing.

Nick: Well, you've been dodging me for days. That doesn't mean we're not gonna talk about what happened on prom night.

Summer: Okay, well, you already punished me by taking away my car for anything besides school. Okay, I messed up. I get it.

Sharon: No, Summer. I don't think you do.

Summer: Okay, no offense, Sharon, but what are you doing here? You're not my mom.

Sharon: You're right. I'm not. But I was the mother of another teenage girl -- the sister you never met -- Cassie.

Nick: And that's what we want to talk to you about.

Fenmore: I know I've given you plenty of reasons to be mad at me.

Lauren: Yeah, and you have to trust us that none of this has to do with you. We are working on our marriage because we want to.

Fenmore: You know, you keep saying this, but it's not how it feels.

Lauren: We're not lying to you, Fen.

Fenmore: So, then, what's the problem? Just tell me, all right? A-are you mad at Dad for having me arrested?

Lauren: No. I'm not -- I'm not mad at him anymore.

Fenmore: So, what happened?

Michael: Fenmore, Son, it happens. We've grown apart.

Fenmore: See, I might believe that I-if you guys weren't talking, but you walk around like you're ready to explode. Mom can barely keep from crying. Something happened. I'm stuck in the middle, and I have a right to know what it was.

Carmine: Look, I'm not gonna discuss my relationship with Lauren to you.

Phyllis: Relationship? [Chuckles] Carmine, you're not the kind of guy a woman has a relationship with. [Chuckles] That was sex.

Carmine: Mm. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You have no idea what we had, all right? We connected, and I gave her something that she needed.

Phyllis: She doesn't need it anymore. You got it? She doesn't need that. Don't make problems for her. It's over.

Carmine: Whatever you say, Doll. It's over. But, uh, be sure and tell Lauren that.

Cane: Hey, hey, come in. I want everyone in place when Lily arrives so we can yell "Surprise." Come on.

Devon: Okay. Well, we have time, 'cause she still had work to do at the office before I left her there with Tyler.

Cane: What, she -- what? I thought Tyler quit.

Neil: A little change in plans. Uh, we convinced him to stay. Lily's gonna be working on another project.

Cane: Oh, that's a shame. 'Cause I know how excited she was to launch Chelsea's fashion line.

Devon: Well, I'll definitely keep her in the loop, since I'm gonna be taking over for her.

Neil: You will?

Devon: Yeah. Yeah, I will. It's -- it's gonna be a challenge, but I'm up for it. Tyler actually wanted to dive in tonight, but I had to put him off, 'cause I couldn't explain with Lily standing there that we had to get to her surprise party, so... [Chuckles]

Roxy: Um, where -- where are we putting the presents?

Cane: Um, put them over there on the desk so she doesn't see them when she comes in.

Roxy: Got it.

Devon: Cool.

Cane: Okay, um...who wants a top-up?

Leslie: Oh, well, as long as you're pouring.

Cane: All right. Here. Whoop. Whoop.

Neil: Whoop. There it is.

Leslie: [Chuckles]

[Indistinct conversation]

Roxy: Uh...when were you gonna tell me that you're staying?

Devon: Uh, actually, Baby, I just made up my mind not too long ago.

Roxy: Well, I have to admit I'm relieved.

Neil: That makes two of us. Besides, you wouldn't like the food in England, and we got plenty here to keep you busy, brother.

Devon: No, I know. You know, I mean, I was having a tough time making up my mind until I, uh -- I saw Lily with Tyler recently, and, you know, even though they're not working together -- we talked about it. I just -- I don't like how he looks at her.

Neil: Yeah.

Roxy: Wait, wait, wait. That's the reason that you're staying? To keep Tyler away from your sister? I wasn't even a consideration?!

Leslie: This is really wonderful -- what you're doing for Lily. I know even a small gathering takes time to organize, especially when you're a busy CEO.

Cane: Well, uh, Katherine gave me some sage advice, which was to balance work and family. I love my job, but I love my wife and family even more. You know what's funny about this, though? Lily would laugh if she heard me saying this, because I used a business excuse to postpone her birthday celebration.

Leslie: Oh, well, she'll forget all about that when we yell, "Surprise."

Cane: Well, I just can't wait to see her face when she walks in.

Tyler: Am I not good enough company?

Lily: What?

Tyler: I mean, you keep checking your cell phone. I was --

Lily: Sorry, I -- [Chuckles] I don't mean to be rude. I just -- I'm expecting a call from Cane. He couldn't have forgotten.

Tyler: Forgotten what?

Lily: It's nothing. [Sighs] I'm sure he'll call, so...yeah.

Tyler: Hey, well, you know, I really like Devon's idea for the billboard. That's really good stuff.

Lily: Yeah, me, too. Just make sure that he understands that we're not just selling the clothes. We're also selling the lifestyle.

Tyler: I got it. I know.

Lily: You know Devon.

[Both laugh]

Oliver: If it isn't the dynamic duo.

Lily: Hi!

Tyler: Oliver. How you doing, man?

Oliver: Can't complain. Hi, Lily.

Tyler: Uh, have a seat.

Oliver: As long as I'm not intruding.

Tyler: No. Not at all. We haven't even ordered yet. In fact, let me flag a waitress and get you a glass. Can we get him a glass over here?

Oliver: Yeah, great.

Lily: Hi. By the way, the photos that you took of Summer and Mason -- oh, my gosh! They were incredible.

Oliver: Thank you. I had a lot to work with.

Tyler: I just wish we had you on board for the whole campaign.

Oliver: As cool as that sounds...

Tyler: I know. You got the amazing gig over at Forrester.

Lily: When do you go back to L.A.?

Oliver: Tomorrow morning. If you don't mind me asking, what's the plan for the rollout?

Lily: Um, actually, you'll have to ask Tyler, because I'm no longer on the line.

Oliver: What? Why not? That's crazy. You guys are too good of a team to break up.

Michael: Son, there is no one reason why your mother and I are where we are right now.

Lauren: I'm so sorry this is affecting you, Baby.

Fenmore: Yeah, well, not sorry enough to be straight with me.

Lauren: Wh-- [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Lauren: Thank you for not telling him the whole story.

Michael: Well, I imagine that would be a little tough for a son to hear about his mother. Besides, even though Fenmore didn't seem to believe me, I meant what I said. There's more to what's happened in our marriage than just...your affair.

Lauren: Well, thank you. I'm gonna take that as a hopeful comment.

Michael: I wouldn't. I said I'd stay for Fenmore's sake, but given that our highly intelligent son has seen through our pretense... [Sighs] It's really no longer a reason, is it?

Lauren: And can't we find another one?

Nick: I hope its okay. I asked Sharon to join us.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Of course.

Summer: Okay, I don't like the way that you guys are acting all weird and serious. What does Cassie have to do with my prom night?

Sharon: Everything.

Summer: Okay, I mean, I get that it was just the anniversary of when she died, so...I understand if you guys are feeling bad.

Nick: Summer, it's so much more than that. We have never told you the story behind your sister's death.

Summer: You said that she wasn't supposed to be driving -- that she was killed in the accident.

Phyllis: That's what happened to Cassie. She wasn't the only casualty.

Summer: I didn't know that anybody else died.

Phyllis: That's not what I meant.

Nick: Only Sharon and I lost a child.

Summer: I know.

Sharon: Well, you know the fact, but you don't know the feeling, and I hope you never do.

Nick: I think what your mother is trying to say there is it wasn't just our loss. It was our entire family's. Cassie had grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.

Sharon: And a brother. They all suffered.

Phyllis: It affected Daniel, too. You should know that. He lives with the pain every day. He sent me this e-mail today. Um...I'm gonna read it to you. "Dear Mom, its 3:30 in the morning. I'm writing this to you 'cause I couldn't sleep. That's the way it is every year on this date. I stare at the ceiling, hating myself, thinking about Cassie. The night changed my life forever because of a kegger in the park. Cassie and I both lied to get out of the house so we could go to the party. She wanted to be there because she had a crush on me. All I cared about was getting wasted, because, to me, that was cool. Writing that now, I realize how pathetic that was, because if I hadn't passed out in the back of my car, I could have stopped Cassie from taking my keys, trying to drive me home so I wouldn't get in trouble. How am I supposed to live with that? My bad decision meant that her life was over when she was only 14. Of course, instead of facing what I had done, I panicked and I ran away. The bad decisions started to snowball, and my life was almost ruined." It wasn't just our family that was affected. The Winters family was affected by this, too. Lily ran off with Daniel, and then she was sent away because of that.

Summer: Yeah, but...Lily and Daniel are fine now.

Phyllis: Are they really? I can't speak for Lily. I can only speak for Daniel. He's made a great life for himself. But he lives with this. He lives with this pain every single day of his life.

Nick: What we're trying to show you is that actions have consequences far beyond what you could have ever imagined. It's not just for you. It's a ripple effect.

Sharon: When one person's mistake ends in tragedy, nothing is ever the same again.

Chloe: Are you out of your tiny, little mind?! Are you thinking about stealing again?!

Kevin: If the cops didn't catch me --

Chloe: Oh, well, the last time, you didn't think you were gonna get caught, except someone else had to spend the night in jail. Is that who I married -- a criminal? Is that who you really are?

Kevin: Oh, come on, Chloe. I was just kidding. Just trying to get you riled up. Can't you take a joke?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Oh, that's so funny. So funny.

Kevin: Come on! Chloe, I --

[Cell phone rings]

Chloe: Shh. Be quiet. It's Brianna's mom. Hi, Mavis.

Kevin: Hey, Fen. What's happening?

Fenmore: Nothing good.

Kevin: Things still pretty bad at home, huh?

Fenmore: Not sure what's worse -- my folks together and hating every second of it or splitting up, which is where I think they're headed.

Kevin: Pbht.

Chloe: I have to go pick up Delia. She has a tummy ache. Frankly, I'm not feeling so good myself.

Michael: I can't see my way past what happened.

Lauren: Well, try. And do it not just because we both love Fen but because we both still love each other.

Michael: [Chuckles] You are so much more certain of that than I am.

Lauren: I love you so very much. And you mentioned counseling before. Well, let's go. Let's do whatever we have to do to make this marriage work. We belong together. I truly believe that. Don't you? Michael.

Michael: Imagine if I were the one who had cheated on you. Yeah? Would you stand being able to kiss me if you knew that I had kissed another woman? Hold me when you knew my arms were around some other person, touching, caressing her naked body --

Lauren: Okay, don't.

Michael: Yeah. Hard to hear, isn't it? Well, it's still harder to live it.

Lauren: [Crying] Carmine meant nothing to me.

Michael: You told me that you fell into his bed in a moment of weakness. I'm no stronger. I want to forgive you. I wish I could. You have no idea how much I wish that. But I can't. I'm sorry.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: I'll have the divorce papers drawn up tomorrow.

Sharon: When Cassie died, I didn't only lose a daughter. One day, I had everything -- a family I loved. And we were happy. Sure, we had problems, but they were small. And we had no idea how small they were. Now, it's the little moments that matter, because we didn't get to have any of the big ones. It's hard for a couple to survive the death of a child.

[Sharon remembering]

Sharon: Well, I wish a lot of things, too, Nick.

Nick: Like what?

Sharon: I wish that Cassie hadn't died. I wish that we could have turned to each other when she did. But we didn't. You couldn't. I wish that we hadn't changed, but we both have. We're not the same people that we were a year ago. We've been fighting to hang on to something.

Nick: Yeah, we have.

Sharon: And?

Nick: Maybe we shouldn't anymore.

[Back to present]

Sharon: You have no idea what one impulsive act, one senseless tragedy can destroy.

Oliver: Tyler couldn't stop talking about your fantastic marketing instincts.

Lily: [Chuckles] It's clear you know fashion.

Oliver: Why drop it for some other project? I don't get it.

Lily: Um...well...we -- Tyler and I -- we just agreed that it's -- it's for the best. [Chuckles]

Oliver: You know who it's best for? Forrester. They don't have to compete with you guys as a team.

Lily: Yes, well... [Singsong voice] Tyler's still gonna give them a run for their money.

Tyler: Yeah. I'm just, uh -- just gonna have to do it without my muse. That's all right.

Lily: [Normal voice] I'm gonna go to the bathroom. So, excuse me. [Chuckles]

Tyler: Oh! Are you okay?

Lily: [Laughs] Ow. Yes. Um, yeah. I think I just -- I shouldn't have waited so long to eat. I just, um -- I'm a little tipsy, but I'll be back. Don't worry. [Laughs]

Tyler: Oh, be careful. Hey.

Lily: No, I'm fine, you guys. I'm fine. Honestly. Maybe I should go home.

Cane: No. She's not answering.

Leslie: Um, well, maybe she's driving, which means she'll be home soon.

Cane: Maybe.

Neil: This party might be over before it even starts.

Leslie: Hmm.

Neil: Hey, where's your brother?

Leslie: I don't know. Why?

Neil: Nothing. Just wondering.

Devon: Baby, please, be reasonable. All right? You know I've had a lot going on.

Roxy: Yeah, but...a lot doesn't seem to consider me. I mean, did -- you didn't even think about our relationship when you were leaning towards Tucker's offer, moving out of the country, or when you decided to stay.

Devon: I saw no reason to debate it when I didn't even know what I was gonna do.

Roxy: Oh, I get it. You thought... [Chuckles] ...That you would wait till it was a done deal, and then ask my opinion.

Devon: Not at all. No.

Roxy: Look, if -- if we're as close as I think we are, then you should have included me in the process.

Devon: Honey...you are the process. You are why I want to be here. You're not gonna get rid of me that easy. A job offer in London? Come on. Really?

Roxy: [Sighs]

Devon: Wherever you are, that's where I want to be, okay? Is that better?

Roxy: Yeah, that sounds better.

Carmine: Hey. I, uh -- I got someone to cover for me at the bar, but I, uh -- I can't stay long. What's going on with you, man? Your text got me worried.

Fenmore: I took your advice. I told mom and dad not to stay together on my account.

Carmine: Okay. And?

Fenmore: Well, it looks like they won't.

Carmine: I'm sorry, man. That's rough.

Fenmore: It's like you said. I'm not a baby. I can tough it out. I just -- I wish it made more sense to me.

Carmine: Wh-what do you mean?

Fenmore: The whole reason they're having all these problems -- it's like it's a big secret. No one will tell me the whole story.

Carmine: Well, hey. I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee real quick, okay? I'll be right back.

Fenmore: [Sighs]

Lauren: Fen. I thought I'd find you here. Look, Honey, I didn't like the way we ended things.

Fenmore: Did anything change after I took off? Am I missing something?

Carmine: There's an emergency at work, so I got to get going. I'm sorry.

Fenmore: Okay. What was that about?

Lauren: Oh. Well, Carmine probably understands how dad and I feel about him, and it was uncomfortable to stick around.

Fenmore: Because of what happened with Chloe like a gazillion years ago?

Lauren: You know what? I don't want to talk about Carmine. I want to talk about you and why you think dad and I are shutting you out.

Fenmore: Because you are.

Lauren: I wish this wasn't so hard on you, Honey. I have not given up hope where dad's concerned. But it is gonna take me a little time to fix things.

Fenmore: Why are you making it sound like it's all your fault?

Lauren: There's, uh, a lot of hard work to do, you know, on both of our parts. And I'm just hoping that time will, uh -- will work it all out. And I want you to know that your dad and I love you very, very much. All right, Sweetie? I'll see you at home later, okay?

Fenmore: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Really? You have nothing else to say? This is it?

Michael: Toss me those other shirts, please. And the ties.

Kevin: You know, the rest of the world wanted to be you guys. You were like the -- the poster couple for a happy marriage.

Michael: Yeah, well, things aren't always the way they seem from the outside...or even the inside, for that matter.

Kevin: You were really blindsided by this Carmine thing.

Michael: You can live your whole life with a person. You can wake up with them. You can share a home with them and never even realize that they're living this whole other life without you.

Chloe: Well, it looks like your tummy's feeling better. I guess you just wanted to spend the night in your own bed, huh? Okay. Well, you know, we can invite Brianna to sleep over at our house next time. If we have one.

[Cell phone rings]

Chloe: Hi, Mavis. Yeah, she's feeling a lot better. Thank you. Oh, okay. Hold on. Let me ask. Sweetie, Brianna can't find her favorite doll. Do you know where it is? Sorry. She doesn't know anything about it. Okay. Bye. Thanks. Okay. Well, I guess we should unpack this bag. Delia, this isn't your doll. What is it doing in your backpack? Look at me.

Summer: I guess I never wanted to think about the stuff that happened before I was born.

Phyllis: A lot of people were hurting, and then they hurt others.

Sharon: And that's the ripple effect your dad was talking about.

Nick: Kind of like when you drove your car that night and caused the accident with Adam and Chelsea. You wound up changing a lot of people's lives that night without meaning to because of your recklessness.

Phyllis: Hey, listen. We don't want to lay a guilt trip on you. That's not our purpose. We just need for this to sink in for once.

Nick: We want you to listen to what we're telling you. Listen to what Cassie's telling you.

Phyllis: Summer, punishing you hasn't worked. We're just hoping that being honest with you will.

Summer: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Phyllis: [Smooches]

Fenmore: Summer.

Summer: Fen. Why would you even want to talk to me after --?

Fenmore: The way you sold me out on prom night?

Summer: Yeah, I'm sorry. [Chuckles] I seem to be saying that a lot today.

Fenmore: Look, it's not all on you. I knew you weren't into being together with me. I knew you didn't want to kiss me, but I-I let myself get pressured into it. I was...drinking. My head was a mess.

Summer: Yeah, well, you don't look much better now.

Fenmore: [Chuckles] Yeah. It's -- I-I'm fine now.

[Phone thuds]

Fenmore: I'm just -- I'm pissed at my parents -- all the lies they keep telling me. What about -- what about you? You look like you've been crying.

Summer: I'm just really thankful for my parents for being honest with me.

Phyllis: I hope we finally got through to her.

Nick: I know she heard us. I know it. And you were right. She needed to hear the whole truth, no matter what it is.

Phyllis: The truth -- it's been a while since I thought about that and all the pain you were in after Cassie died... how that led to Summer being born.

Nick: Her coming into the world gave me hope again.

Phyllis: Yeah. I-I'm not saying that I'm happy about what happened, but... if it hadn't worked out that way, Summer wouldn't exist. Right?

Nick: Yeah. I wouldn't change that for anything.

Chloe: You took Brianna's doll? Why?

Delia: She has tons of dolls.

Chloe: But they're her dolls, Cordelia. What makes you think that you can just take something from someone's house just because they have more than you do? What you did was very wrong, and lying to mommy was wrong, too. We are going to Brianna's house tomorrow, and you are going to apologize, and you are never, ever going to take something from someone's house ever again. Do you understand?

[Mug clatters]

[Door closes]

Michael: In case I didn't make myself clear before --

Lauren: All right. I just need you to -- to hear me out. I know that you can't stand the sight of me right now. And I would really like the opportunity to change that.

Michael: I don't know what --

Lauren: 30 days. One month until you file for divorce.

Michael: What do you think you're gonna change?

Lauren: I don't know. Maybe nothing. And maybe everything. And then after that one month, if you want a divorce, well, then...I won't fight you. You know, the courts are closed right now. Even a brilliant attorney like you with all your connections won't be able to file till the morning. Can you tell me that maybe you'll just sleep on it?

Michael: Kevin's waiting.

Cane: Shh. She's here. She's here. Places, places, places. Shh. All right? One...two...

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: ...Three...

All: Surprise!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Avery: Adam, if you're gonna summon me every time you're thinking about your ex-wife, we're gonna have a problem.

Dylan: I'm happy to wait, especially if you tell me what's really going on with Chelsea.

Lily: [Gasps]

[Glass breaks]

Cane: You all right? What's wrong?

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