Y&R Transcript Monday 5/27/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 5/27/13


Episode # 10166 ~ Phyllis and Nick team up to help Summer; things grow tense between Adam and Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: [Sighs]

[Keyboard clacking]

Billy: Want some coffee?

Victoria: No, thanks.

[Clacking continues]

Victoria: I'm surprised you're here after last night.

Billy: Well, I figured you'd had time to cool down, but just in case, I kept Reed's bicycle helmet nearby. If you wanted to throw something at my head, I had protection.

Victoria: Good. Good call.

Billy: Look, I'm sorry about last night, okay? Things got out of hand. It was my fault.

Victoria: Oh, you mean when you accused me of wanting to have a baby to one-up Adam?

Billy: Yeah. That kind of came out wrong.

Victoria: Yeah, I...I know it did.

Billy: You know that? Oh, good. That's a relief.

Victoria: You were looking for a way out, and that's the best you could do.

Billy: I'm sorry, what?

Victoria: You tried to make it sound like I want to have a baby for all the wrong reasons, when the truth is you don't want to have one at all.

Victor: Newman Enterprises back in Newman hands. I think it's time to celebrate, don't you?

Adam: Well, Avery's still going over the contract.

Victor: Well, Son, that's a mere formality. Let's go down to the club, have some champagne. What do you think?

Adam: It's a bit early for that, don't you think?

Victor: I thought you'd be happy about this. Got a problem with the financing, or what?

Adam: I told you before, Dad -- the financing's fine. Finding it difficult to trust me?

Victor: Son, if I found it difficult to trust you, I wouldn't have entered into this agreement with you. What's going on? What's troubling you?

Adam: It has nothing to do with work, Dad.

Victor: Well, what the hell does it have to do with, Son? I want to help you.

Adam: I think I'm gonna have to do this one on my own.

Chelsea: You know, I have to admit -- at first, I wasn't sure about using Summer and Mason as models, but they look incredible together.

Chloe: Wait, was I dreaming last night when you called and told me that Victoria said that she knew that Adam was the father of your baby?

Chelsea: You weren't dreaming. I called you.

Chloe: And that he's trying to confirm it with your O.B.?

Chelsea: All true.

Chloe: And you're not freaking out?

Chelsea: Because Victoria doesn't want Adam to know he's going to be a father any more than I do.

Chloe: She's helping you?

Chelsea: Well, she's helping herself, but I don't really care as long as she keeps her mouth shut, and I found myself a new doctor, so we're all good.

Chloe: Yeah, and Adam's just gonna let things go. I told you what to do.

Chelsea: I am not tricking Dylan into marrying me. I am starting to think that this whole thing is a big mistake, though. I just can't stop thinking about what Madame Miranda said.

Chloe: Madame who?

Chelsea: A fortune-teller I met at the fair.

Chloe: [Chuckling] Wait a minute. Wait -- you are listening to what a crackpot told you at some carnival? I mean, come on -- I can run crackpot circles around this crackpot. Madame Macadamia nut -- what? [Sighs] Aw. Okay, what did she say?

Chelsea: She warned me not to leave the baby's father out of its life.

Chloe: She said that?

Chelsea: Yeah. I wonder what else she would have said if I hadn't cut her off.

Chloe: 20 bucks more. Come on. I cannot believe that you're gonna fall for that. She's just running a scam, and you call yourself a con artist.

Chelsea: No, I call myself a designer who has to get to work. Are you coming?

Chloe: Um, no, I have a meeting.

Chelsea: With who?

Dylan: Me.

[Knock on door]

Nick: Come in!

Phyllis: Um, hey.

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Is this a bad time?

Nick: Uh, I was just about to take off, but I got a couple of minutes. What's up?

Phyllis: The usual -- Summer.

Nick: Please tell me she's not in more trouble.

Phyllis: No, no, no. She's on her best behavior.

Nick: Well, that's good to hear.

Phyllis: Yeah, she's doing great. [Sighs] I'm hoping you're open to something.

Nick: What's that?

Phyllis: Rethinking her punishment.

Nick: No. No. She needs to know that getting drunk with her friends is a terrible and dangerous idea.

Phyllis: I-I agree with you 100%. It's, um -- I just think taking her car away is not the best way to send that message across.

Nick: Okay. Did you have a better idea?

Phyllis: Yeah, I think it's a better idea. Um, it's gonna be painful -- not so much for Summer, as it will be for you.

Sharon: Thank you for making room in your schedule for me.

Dr. Watkins: I'm glad you called. I was wondering how you were doing.

Sharon: Well, I was doing really well until yesterday.

Dr. Watkins: Anniversary of Cassie's death.

Sharon: I keep thinking that it'll get easier that she's gone, but it never does. I remember the moment she stopped breathing, and I stopped breathing, too. I really didn't want to take that next breath. I didn't want to live in a world without Cassie in it, and, sometimes, I still don't.

Dr. Watkins: I don't think anyone ever completely gets over losing a child. Best you can do is find ways to cope.

Sharon: Maybe it's the bipolar, but it just seems like it gets harder and harder for me to get up when I get knocked down.

Dr. Watkins: It's not the disease -- that's grief. It never takes a predictable path.

Sharon: Makes you wonder how much a person can take.

Dr. Watkins: You talking about what you've gone through with Adam?

Sharon: Actually, I was talking about Nick.

Billy: You think I don't want us to have a baby? Really?

Victoria: Do you deny that you've been having second thoughts?

Billy: Anybody who has a kid and doesn't have second thoughts is a fool. It's a big decision.

Victoria: How many second thoughts have you had? Are we up to 10 thoughts?

Billy: [Sighs] Honey, I love you, but I'm a guy. We don't get all gooey over babies the way that you do. That doesn't mean I don't want to have one. It just means I don't want our kid to become a trophy that you use to impress your father.

Victoria: Billy. I could go through months of fertility treatments, and I could still wind up with nothing. Do you think that I am really doing this to score points with my dad?

Billy: I think Adam moving up Victor's popularity pyramid is affecting you more than you would like to admit.

Victoria: Do you want to know why I want to have a baby? Because of my deep and profound love for you, you stupid jerk.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: And even after the doctor said that there was a chance that I would probably never conceive again, I never stopped dreaming that you and I would have a baby together, okay?

Billy: Well, if you really want that to happen, then you need to de-stress your life.

Victoria: Oh. [Sighs] Please don't tell me you've been talking to Abby, okay? Because I am not gonna take up meditation.

Billy: No, this does not involve incense or prayer beads or any downward-facing dogs. It requires you to walk away from Newman.

 Victor: Son, when I agreed to let your mother take you back to Kansas to raise you, I thought it would be the best for everyone concerned, but I missed out on your childhood, Son, and you're here now. Let me be part of your life.

Adam: Well, we just bought Newman Enterprises together, so there's always that.

Victor: And I thought you'd be happy about that. Why are you putting up these walls? What's troubling you?

Adam: Some might say my skepticism is a genetic trait that I've inherited.

Victor: Yeah, well, I've got to admit I would have been reluctant to divulge my inner-most feelings, but, um...I thought you and I had been working together to get over that.

Adam: Maybe my share of the work is done.

Victor: Son, what is really troubling you? I want to be your father. You understand that? I want to help you.

Chelsea: What are you two meeting about?

Chloe: Dylan is thinking about buying the coffeehouse.

Chelsea: Oh, you're selling the coffeehouse?

Chloe: Nothing's official. Just thinking about selling, and then I heard that Dylan was interested.

Dylan: Right. Nothing definite.

Chelsea: Hmm.

Chloe: Yeah, but it's a great spot, right? I mean, it's a great building, great location. Hey, we have got the best cappuccino machine ever. [Chuckles]

Dylan: It's, uh -- it's got lots of potential.

Chloe: Yeah, tons. So, um, what's your best offer?

Kevin: Hey, Guys. What's up?

Chelsea: Hi. Dylan was just about to make an offer on the coffeehouse.

Kevin: [Chuckling] Oh, fantastic. Um, can you hold off just a sec? I should have a word with the missus before we get into the numbers and all that.

Dylan: Yeah, sure. No problem.

Kevin: Cool. [Chuckles nervously] So, you're selling the coffeehouse...without talking to me about it first? What the hell, Chloe?

Phyllis: She's doing good. She's doing all right. It's just -- I'm just afraid that that part of her brain that alerts her to danger is gonna shut off.

Nick: Well, whenever she goes near Kyle, her brain does shut off.

Phyllis: Yeah. Boys. So, um, she just didn't think there was anything wrong with raiding my liquor cabinet on prom night and drinking with her friends because they weren't driving. She thought it was no big deal.

Nick: Well, I'm kind of hoping that me taking away her car makes her think it's a very big deal.

Phyllis: I don't think it's going to.

Nick: So, we just let her do whatever she wants?

Phyllis: Well, she is 18. She's going off to college soon. She's gonna do whatever she wants, anyway.

Nick: Look, I don't think giving her a free pass is the right answer.

Phyllis: I don't, either. That's not my plan. I think she needs a hard dose of reality.

Nick: Well, who's gonna give that to her? 'Cause she's not listening to us.

Phyllis: I think there's only one person. The sister she never got to meet.

Sharon: Nick and I visited Cassie's grave together.

Dr. Watkins: How'd that go?

Sharon: Well, it makes me think about what our life was like before she died and what it might have been if she hadn't.

Dr. Watkins: That's natural.

Sharon: When Cassie died, we didn't just lose our daughter. We...lost everything. And sometimes, I wonder if we had to.

Dr. Watkins: What do you mean by that?

Sharon: Well, I heard something that Nick said. It was only meant for Cassie, and I wasn't eavesdropping -- I just had walked back up to the grave, and he didn't know I was there.

Dr. Watkins: Well, whatever you heard obviously upset you.

Sharon: Nick is planning to test the paternity of his and Phyllis' daughter. Nick isn't Summer's father -- things could have been so much different for us.

Nick: Summer knows what happened to Cassie.

Phyllis: Yeah, she knows some things. She knows some facts. She doesn't really know how it affected all of us.

Nick: What brought all this up?

Phyllis: Got an e-mail from Daniel. He said he was thinking about you, Sharon, and Noah. He said that, um...that every year, on the anniversary of Cassie's death, he feels so much pain, and he knows it can't compare to what you're going through. He talked about wanting to go back and change things, and he knows he can't. And that will just haunt him for the rest of his life.

Nick: I really wish Daniel didn't feel like that. I don't think any of us will ever get over losing Cassie.

Phyllis: It's real for us. Is it real for Summer? It's just a story about somebody else that happened before she was born.

Nick: I used to think that, you know, that this was the kind of thing that happens to other people's kids.

Phyllis: Yeah. Me too. Sometimes, when I look at Summer, I'm just -- you -- you get nervous that -- that it's gonna happen again.

Nick: It started the same way -- with a crush on an older boy.

Phyllis: Exactly. So, that's why I want to talk to her about exactly what happened with Cassie. I wouldn't ask you to relive this if I didn't think it was gonna help our daughter.

Nick: All I've ever wanted to do is protect her. I don't want to lose her, too.

Sharon: Not long after Cassie died, I took a walk around the ranch. I wanted to visit all the spots that were special to us...so that I could feel the way I used to feel when we were together. I thought that it might make her feel closer and take away some of the unimaginable pain I was feeling. After I walked around for more than an hour, I couldn't find the tree with the tire swing on it or the flowers that we picked by the pond. It was -- nothing was the same. The places that I needed to make me feel better were gone, and that's how it was for me and for Nick. Everything was different. The pieces just didn't fit. Something was missing, and he turned to Phyllis.

Dr. Watkins: And she got pregnant.

Sharon: Yeah. And Summer was what Nick needed. She just filled a place in him that needed to be filled...but if Summer isn't really Nick's daughter... you know, yesterday, he mentioned to me that he made a decision a long time ago that still haunts him, and he had brushed aside his feelings of doubt, but now he was forced to take a look at what he'd done.

Dr. Watkins: And you have no idea what he meant?

Sharon: I didn't then, but now I'm wondering -- maybe I should tell Nick what I overheard.

Dr. Watkins: Why would you do that?

Sharon: Well, so that he knows he has someone he can turn to.

Dr. Watkins: Is that the real reason?

Sharon: I don't know what you mean.

Dr. Watkins: Do you want to help Nick, or are you reaching out to him because you want to feel needed by him again?

Adam: You want me to talk to you, huh? You think Victoria would be willing to share her daddy with me?

Victor: Son, there's plenty of room for both of you in my life.

Adam: So, how do you explain that stunt she pulled with all organic foods?

Victor: She simply asked the board to take a look at the specs. That's normal procedure. You know that.

Adam: And our guys in mergers and acquisitions gave us the green light to go ahead and make the purchase, and then thanks to Victoria's triple-checking, we lost out on a lucrative opportunity, and as far as I'm concerned, she threw a monkey wrench in the deal just to make me look bad.

Victor: Son, I think you're being paranoid right now. Victoria knew if that purchase had failed, and the board had not been informed about it, you and I would have been on the outs. We would not have been able to buy the company back.

Adam: That the spin that she gave you? It's good. I got to give her that.

Victor: Son, you and I had the same concerns when it was a question of buying Chalice technology, anyway.

Adam: That's right. And so you and I decided to say, "Screw the board. Let's buy Newman back."

Victor: And what if that had failed? You've got to understand that Victoria -- Victoria works for this company. She wants Newman Enterprises to work.

Adam: Are you suggesting that I don't? I neglected and gave up everything in my life for Newman.

Victor: And I thank you for all of that.

Adam: So then you should stop making excuses for Victoria.

Billy: The constant fighting is starting to wear on you, and I hate it.

Victoria: I won't let Adam beat me, okay?

Billy: [Sighs] Okay. What is winning if you're miserable? Hmm? You used to love your job. You would come home, and you would brag about some big deal you closed, or you'd be excited about some competitor that you outsmarted. You were happy. When is the last time you felt like that?

Victoria: I can't remember.

Billy: You don't have to live like this. Hey, it's not like we need the money. And you sure as hell don't need the grief. Leave Newman. Go do something else. Go do anything else. Whatever it is -- I don't care. I will be right behind you. I will support you -- just go be happy.

Chelsea: Are you...serious about buying this place?

Dylan: Yeah. I've been trying to figure out what to do with the money I got from selling my dad's construction business.

Chelsea: Well, what about going back to school and getting your degree in architecture?

Dylan: Yeah, you know, it takes time, and I need to make a living now. Maybe you heard -- I got a baby on the way.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] Yes, but I don't want you to give up on your dreams. Are you sure this is what you want?

Dylan: You know, a few months ago...I never would have pictured my life going in the direction it is, but it feels right.

Chelsea: I know what you mean. You're not gonna start making the coffee, are you?

Dylan: You don't -- what? You don't think I-I can make coffee?

Chelsea: Well, don't.

Dylan: What does that mean?

Chelsea: I like the coffee here -- please don't change it.

Dylan: [Chuckling] Okay.

Chelsea: Please?

Dylan: I'll get some help making coffee.

Chelsea: Okay, well, if you need any help with, you know, redoing the decor, some design stuff, you let me know.

Dylan: Yeah. I'd love to hear your ideas. Maybe, uh, over lunch we can talk?

Chelsea: I would love to. I can't today because I have a lot of work to do before my ultrasound.

Dylan: You're gonna see the baby?

Chelsea: Yeah. Well, maybe. I-I don't really know how much I'll be able to actually see.

Dylan: I would love -- I'd love to go with you.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

 Nick: I can’t lose Summer.

Phyllis: She's your Supergirl.

Nick: Feels like we're a long way away from those days.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Right? Well, you're her hero. You'll always be her hero.

Nick: I doubt that Summer feels that way.

Phyllis: Maybe not now, but... [Chuckles] ...One day, she's gonna realize how lucky she is to have you for a dad.

Nick: I made a lot of mistakes.

Phyllis: Oh, I have, too. We won't talk about those. Summer knows we love her.

Nick: I do. I love that kid so much.

Phyllis: I know. So do I. Listen. We're a family. We'll always be a family.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Um, anyway, I have a meeting to go to, so, um, I'll call you, and then we'll set up a time to talk to Summer. All right?

Nick: Yeah, sure.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Hey, Phyllis, uh... thanks.

Phyllis: You're welcome. It's gonna be okay. I promise.

[Door closes]

Sharon: I care about Nick. He and I have a long history together.

Dr. Watkins: Which means you may not be the most objective person when it comes to dealing with Summer's paternity.

Sharon: Well, right now, I'm concerned about Nick.

Dr. Watkins: If he needed your help, don't you think he'd ask you for it?

Sharon: Well, I can't just sit around and pretend like I didn't hear this or I don't know anything about it.

Dr. Watkins: I think you should...for your sake and Nick's.

Chelsea: I'm -- I'm not really sure what time I'm seeing the doctor.

Dylan: Uh, you don't have an appointment?

Chelsea: No, they're just squeezing me in, so they're -- they said they'd let me know later what time works, so...

Dylan: Okay. Just call me, and I'll meet you at the doctor's office.

Chelsea: No, it's okay. You really don't -- you don't have to be there.

Dylan: No, I want to. I do. I mean, unless you don't want me to go.

Chelsea: No. It's not that. It's not that at all. I just -- you know, I don't want to mess up your day.

Dylan: No, I mean, seeing him or her on the screen, hearing the heartbeat -- that's gonna make my day.

Chelsea: Okay. Um, well, then I'll -- I'll just let you know when.

Kevin: What did you think, Chloe -- that I wouldn't notice if you sold this place? I'm pretty observant. I would notice something like that.

Chloe: Well, you didn't seem to notice when I got arrested for a crime that you committed.

Kevin: So, that's what this is -- payback?

Chloe: No. It's survival. This debt is killing us, Kevin.

Kevin: Great. So, why don't we get rid of our primary source of income? That's bound to help.

Chloe: Because it's not making any money! It's losing it.

Kevin: We will never get enough for it to cover the loan.

Chloe: Then I'll find the money to pay it back. I mean -- listen, once Chelsea's line launches, I'm sure I'm gonna be getting a lot more money in.

Kevin: Or you could have none. [Sighs] We have got to come up with another way to pay back the bank.

Chloe: No. Don't. Don't -- don't go ahead and use some excuse so you can just break out the Chipmunk head again.

Kevin: I didn't say anything about stealing.

Chloe: Yeah, you didn't have to 'cause I see it in your eyes. I can hear the wheels just turning in your head.

Kevin: Maybe that is the sound of me coming up with something clever -- not something criminal.

Chloe: Yeah, maybe, but think about this. Michael gave you a break last time. He's not gonna do it again, and neither am I.

Dylan: You guys get a chance to talk some numbers?

Kevin: Uh, Dylan, Chloe and I still have some things we need to go over.

Dylan: Oh. Okay. Well, I want to move quickly, so just let me know when you're ready.

Kevin: I will.

Dylan: Great. And, uh, call me when you hear from the doctor's office.

Chelsea: Sure.

Dylan: Okay.

Sharon: Nick. Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: I was just having a session with Dr. Watkins.

Nick: I'm glad you're keeping up with your therapy.

Sharon: It's nice to have someone to talk to. What about you? What are you doing here?

Nick: Uh, just, uh, annual physical.

Sharon: Good luck.

Nick: Thanks. All right, I got to go.

Sharon: Um, Nick, I want to ask you something. I've been thinking, um, about something you said yesterday.

Nick: About Cassie?

Sharon: No, it was a decision you said you had made that you regretted.

Nick: I don't remember saying that.

Sharon: Oh. Okay, well, I just wanted you to know that I'm here if you need somebody to talk to.

Nick: Thanks. I appreciate it, but I'm good. All right, well... I don't want to be late. See you.

Victor: When I talked to Victoria, I made it very clear to her that the three of us are gonna run this company together.

Adam: You honestly think that she's gonna go along with that?

Victor: What you don't realize is that she is very, very committed to this company and to this family.

Adam: Well, you are a lot more optimistic than I am...

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: ...Or more naive.

Victor: Well, we shall see, now, shan't we?

Victoria: I'm here to see Dad.

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Adam: You're an hour and a half late. [Sighs] I hope you have your big-girl pants on. I'd hate for you to get all pouty and sad if he says some things that you don't want to hear.

Victoria: Childish behavior is your department, Adam.

Adam: Well, I wasn't the one tardy to class today, was I?

Victoria: Oh, I'm so sorry. I was home, dealing with my rich and fulfilling home life. How's yours going?

Victor: Would both of you please stop this? Okay?

Billy: Oh, look at you. Hey, man. [Chuckles] Skipping on in here.

Dylan: [Chuckles]

Billy: How are you?

Dylan: Everything's good, actually.

Billy: Yeah, I can tell by the look on your face.

Dylan: Yeah, for me. You should probably start looking for a new bartender.

Billy: Aw, man. Mr. "Please give me extra shifts so I can make more money" wants to quit?

Dylan: I know. I know. I'm just -- I'm looking to buy my own business.

Billy: Uh, no, don't do that, man. That's a bad idea.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Why? You want me to stay at the restaurant?

Billy: Yes, I do. You're my best bartender, and you fix the plumbing better than the plumber. But that's not why I want to deter you from owning your own business.

Dylan: Okay. Why? What's the reason?

Billy: Do you see these gray hairs? Do you see 'em?

Dylan: No, I don't -- [Chuckles] No, I don't see any gray hairs.

Billy: They're there. Trust me. They're there, and they weren't there two months ago. Now, "What happened in that time frame?" You might ask. I now own a restaurant. I mean, business, man -- it causes so many problems and strife. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. They're long hours. There are always problems. It damages your relationships.

Dylan: Well, my dad did all right, you know? He had his business for years. I ran it. It went pretty smooth.

Billy: We, then, I guess I'm the one who's doing it wrong.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Maybe you are, but I have great faith that everything's gonna work out for me.

Chelsea: Hey, Kevin, will you tell Chloe that I will meet her at the office, please?

Kevin: Yeah.

Chelsea: Okay.

Kevin: Ah! No, no. No, no, no, no.

Chelsea: Whoa. What's wrong?

Kevin: Her. Eliza Doolittle -- keeps coming in her and annoying all my customers -- well, both of them.

Chelsea: That's Madame Miranda -- the fortune-teller from the fair.

Kevin: Well, if she can actually read minds, she'd know that I'm about to kick her psychic ass out of here.

Chelsea: Wait -- no. Don't. Um, I'll make sure she doesn't bother anybody. Okay?

Kevin: Yeah.

Chelsea: Hi. Remember me?

Madame Miranda: Oh, the doubter. The pregnant doubter. Would you like a flower?

Chelsea: I will buy all of them from you, and I will pay you twice the amount you were charging at the fair if you give me a reading now.

Madame Miranda: What is it you are trying to find out?

Chelsea: I want you to tell me what you know about my baby's father. Are you getting something?

Madame Miranda: Oh, same as before. Your baby's father wants to be in the child's life.

Chelsea: What do you see?

Madame Miranda: Oh...a man... struggling with his feelings. Oh, he's been hurt.

Chelsea: That could be Dylan, the man I was with at the fair.

Madame Miranda: No, no. I see someone different.

Chelsea: Who?

Madame Miranda: Someone who loves you deeply. [Sighs] Someone who wants nothing more in this world than to have a child with you.

Chelsea: I-I don't know anybody like that.

Madame Miranda: He...he regrets the pain that he caused you. He desperately wants to make things right with you.

Chelsea: The person you're describing doesn't exist.

Madame Miranda: [Sighs] Ignoring a reality won't make it go away. Ignoring a man with goodness in his heart is foolish.

Adam: It takes two people to call a truce. I'm willing, Victoria. Are you?

Victor: Sweetheart?

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Victoria: Another mysterious phone call that he doesn't want us to hear.

Victor: [Sighs] Maybe it's a personal matter, okay? A man is entitled to his privacy.

Victoria: You don't find all of this secrecy the least bit suspicious?

Victor: Sweetheart, you've made it a habit of finding everything he does suspicious, okay? When is that gonna stop?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victor: I thought you were totally behind this family in the support of Newman Enterprises. I mean, what's going on?

Victoria: I am. I am, Dad. You know that.

Victor: Well, then, Sweetheart, prove it. Stop wanting to oust your brother from this company and from this family. I want you to become a team player.

[Machines whirring]

[Weight clangs]

Billy: Whoa! You look like hell.

Nick: Thanks.

Billy: [Clears throat] You want to talk about it?

Nick: No, I don't want to talk about it, all right? I just want to punch the bag. In fact, I want to punch this bag of sand until all of my problems go away. All right?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

[Knock on door]

Phyllis: Hey, Nick! Nick! Um, listen, I left a message for Summer! Um, I think that the sooner we talk to her, the bet-- the better.

Sharon: Um, Phyllis, are you sure now is the right time to talk to Summer about this?

Adam: Sorry about that.

Victor: All right.

Victoria: It's okay. Dad and I were just discussing what a lousy team player I am, which is sort of ironic, considering I'm not the one sneaking off to make all these private phone calls.

Victor: Sweetheart, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of constantly attacking your brother, why don't you try to find some common ground with him?

Victoria: I'm sorry, Dad. I just avoid being on the side of anyone who's trying to destroy your legacy.

Adam: Mm. That is, unless, of course, it's Nicholas and Abby, and you're suing Dad for half a billion dollars apiece.

Victoria: All you've done is try to hurt this family.

Adam: Did it seem like I was trying to hurt the family when I got Newman back?

Victoria: Dad took you in when no one else would, and all you've done is lie to him and betrayed him...more times than I can count.

Adam: I've done horrible things in the past -- that's right. And, apparently, apologies don't go very far, but I do remember taking Chelsea from a frozen lake and delivering what would be your baby. I do remember taking a bullet for Dad.

Victoria: Dad may believe that you have changed, but I don't, and I am wholly behind Newman Enterprises, but if you're running it, Adam, that's not the Newman that I know.

Victor: Billy Boy lies to you every step he takes. Every time he opens his mouth, he lies to you.

Victoria: Oh, here we go.

Victor: And you're willing to give him a second chance?

Victoria: Oh, when all else fails, just blame...

Victor: I'm serious.

Victoria: ...Billy. Dad if you would take two seconds to get to know my husband, you would see why I choose him over Adam.

Victor: I am sick and tired of both of you raking over the coals! I want you to work together!

Victoria: Fine, Adam. You want Newman? You can have Newman. I choose Billy.

Victor: That is not what I wanted to hear!

[Door opens]

[Door slams]

Chelsea: It's unraveling.

Chloe: I told you that fabric wasn't gonna work.

Chelsea: My life, Chloe.

Chloe: Oh, well, that's a relief 'cause that fabric was expensive.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Chloe: I mean...that's awful. It was that fortune-teller, wasn't it? Madame Morticia?

Chelsea: Miranda. And, no, it's not her. Well... [Sighs] No, it's partly her. [Sighs] She keeps insisting that I belong with Adam.

Chloe: Okay, wait. That...freak who walks around my coffeehouse selling flowers out of a basket told you that you should still be with your ex-husband? And you paid her for that?

Chelsea: She was very specific, Chloe.

Chloe: I can be specific, too. Stay with Dylan. Where's my 20 bucks?

Chelsea: Dylan might not be an option after today, considering he wants to come with me to my ultrasound appointment.

Chloe: I heard.

Chelsea: Once he sees how big the baby is, he's gonna know I've been lying to him about how far along I am. God, I knew I shouldn't have lied to him about being the baby's father.

Chloe: Okay, will you look at me? Do not let that carnival freak and Adam make you second-guess yourself. You have been in tough spots before, and you've gotten through them.

Chelsea: Well, there's never been this much at stake.

Chloe: All the more reason to stay strong and not let Adam get to you.

Phyllis: Oh, Nick told you?

Sharon: Um...I found out.

Phyllis: Right. Yeah. I know it seems like it could be the wrong time to talk to Summer so close to...to the anniversary of Cassie's death, but she needs...she really needs to know that there are consequences to her actions.

Sharon: Wait, you...and Nick are going to talk to Summer about Cassie's death?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Sharon: Oh. Oh, that's fine. You know, I-I think you should. You should talk to Summer about that because maybe it'll give her some perspective, and you know what? We can take a terrible time and use it for some kind of good.

Phyllis: Right. What is it you thought I meant?

Sharon: Nothing. I just -- I mean -- it doesn't matter. I-I have to go. I'm getting Faith ready for a play date, but I'm gonna tell Nick you were here.

Nick: [Grunting]

Dylan: "A watched pot never boils." You ever hear of that saying, Billy?

Billy: Yeah, well, I just thought I'd hear something by now, but I guess not.

Nick: [Grunting]

Dylan: What's wrong with Nick?

Billy: I'd say all signs point to a bad day.

Dylan: And I think it just got worse.

Adam: What are the odds of this -- me interrupting a meeting of the Adam Newman Fan Club?

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