Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/21/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/21/13


Episode # 10162 ~ Cane tries to get Jill on his side; Chelsea's pregnancy intrigues Adam.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

[Knock on door]

Nick: Be right there!

Avery: Good morning.

Nick: Good morning.

Avery: Cranberry orange muffins and freshly brewed coffee courtesy of Café Clark.

Nick: Uh, thanks.

Avery: That's all I get? No kiss? Uh-huh. Um...no. No. Newman, I have come to expect some pretty great kisses from you, and that was subpar. What's wrong?

Nick: Uh... don't worry about it.

Avery: Mm-hmm. Quickest way to make someone worry is to tell them not to worry. Talk to me.

Nick: Um, well...I'm afraid that, uh, Summer... I think she's, uh -- she's getting worse. Um, she bailed on prom and had some people over at the penthouse, and, uh, she didn't tell Phyllis. She didn't tell me. And guess who the guest of honor was.

Avery: Okay. Kyle.

Nick: Yeah. To make matters worse, there was some alcohol there. A fight broke out.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: I mean... [Sighs] It's just -- really, I don't know -- what are you doing?

Avery: Uh, I am postponing my meeting with Adam.

Nick: Adam?

Avery: Yeah, I'm still on retainer at Newman.

Nick: No, no, no. Don't do that. Go to work. Don't antagonize Adam by making him wait.

Avery: Well, I'm thinking he's less trouble than Summer.

Nick: You know, I never thought I'd say this, but you might be right.

Summer: I...hope this is okay. I mean, I know I don't live here anymore.

Kyle: Yeah, no. Uh, what's -- what's going on? Why is there a cab waiting out front?

Summer: Yeah, I just wanted to grab the last of my things since my dad took my car keys.

Kyle: Oh, that sucks.

Summer: Yeah.

Kyle: But if that's all he did, you probably got off pretty easy. He was -- he was mad.

Summer: [Chuckling] Yeah. I mean, it was pretty brave of you -- the way that you were talking to him. It kind of looked like a wrestling match. You know, two guys facing off, you know, chests all puffed up.

Kyle: [Chuckles] Yeah, maybe, but I thought he was gonna knock me into next week.

Summer: Um, did you mean what you said to him, you know, about you and me? [Chuckles]

Kyle: About there would be nothing wrong with us dating if we want to.

Summer: Do you want to?

[Dylan dreaming]

Dylan: Just shove it over to me.


[Helicopter blades whir]

Dylan: Keep your head down!


Dylan: Sullivan!

[Dylan wakes up]

Dylan: [Gasps]

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: Dylan! It's Chelsea. You home? Hi.

Dylan: If you can call this home. [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Well, it will be by the time you get through with it. And just to be sure, I got you a little housewarming gift.

Cane: I like this. I like having breakfast out with you for a change. You know, instead of having a protein bar or something while we get the kids ready for preschool.

Lily: Well, I didn't want to go back to our old routine after...last night.

Cane: Oh, really?

Lily: [Laughs]

Cane: Did something happen last night that I should remember?

Lily: I don't know. I can think of one or two things.

Cane: Only one or two?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: You know, 'cause, uh, I'm thinking of maybe three things, but, you know, who's counting, huh?

Lily: [Laughs]

Cane: What time do you have to be at the photo shoot?

Lily: Too soon for what you're proposing.

Cane: No.

Lily: Okay, plus, it's for the fashion rollout, which I'm really looking forward to. I can't believe it's almost here, after all the planning and all the hard work.

Cane: All the late hours.

Lily: But it has definitely been worth it. When I look at what we've created, it has definitely gone beyond my expectations.

Cane: I'm proud of you.

Lily: Thank you. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Cane: Well, I've got to go and have a meeting with Katherine, so I can't, unfortunately, loiter any longer.

Lily: All righty. Well, at least I get to see you in a few hours.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Well, in the meantime... [Smooches]

Tyler: Good morning.

Leslie: Hey. Good morning. Glad you could join me.

Tyler: Yeah. I can't stay long, though. I got to get to the office.

Leslie: Why? What's the hurry?

Tyler: I want to catch Lily before the photo shoot.

Leslie: Oh, well, so much for our talk the other night.

Tyler: No. You made me realize that I had to confront my feelings for her. It's, uh -- I did. And...I came to a big decision. But it's something that, uh, I need to tell her face-to-face.

Chelsea: Sorry I woke you.

Dylan: Uh, no. I'm glad -- I'm glad you did. I guess I have to use my new tool kit today, huh?

Chelsea: Yeah. Well, it looks like you've made a lot of progress -- some progress.

Dylan: Uh, some -- yeah. It's going a lot slower than I thought, but, you know, basically, I have the layout down.

Chelsea: Which room's the nursery?

Dylan: You're -- you're standing in it.

Chelsea: Oh. No wonder I feel so at home. Um, I mean, I'm not saying I want to live here. [Chuckles] I was just...

Dylan: No, of course not. I mean, it's not much of a place to live. You know, everybody thinks this building's abandoned.

Chelsea: No, they don't.

Dylan: Oh, yeah, they do. They post their flyers advertising everything from used car parts to time-shares in Timbuktu.

Chelsea: Uh, well, I did see a couple when I came in. One was advertising an accordion band playing at the owl's lodge.

Dylan: Oh, they are good.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Dylan: Let me tell you.

Chelsea: And there was another one for, um, a spring fair and a carnival.

Dylan: Are you serious? 'Cause I'm -- I'm a sucker for those. When is it?

Chelsea: Uh...this week.

Dylan: We have to go.

Chelsea: We do?

Dylan: What are you doing for the next couple hours?

Chelsea: Uh, waiting around for a photo shoot.

Dylan: Not anymore you're not.

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Kyle: Part of what I said last night was just to stand up to your dad.

Summer: Yeah, and the other part?

Kyle: [Sighs] Well, Summer, I just don't think that we should...jump into anything without really thinking it through, you know?

Summer: Yeah. I guess it's what I get for being a psycho stalker and sneaking into your bed and other creepy stuff. [Chuckles]

Kyle: No, it wasn't creepy. You were -- you were only trying to get my attention.

Summer: Yeah, but instead, I scared you away.

Kyle: Actually, it was your dad who tried to do that.

[Both chuckle]

Summer: Uh, you know, hey, if I haven't totally blown it, maybe you'd like to stop by my photo shoot today. You know, just as another eye. I-I really value your opinion.

Kyle: I was really impressed last time. Yeah, I'll try and make it.

Summer: Okay. I'm gonna grab my things.

Kyle: Okay.

Summer: Yeah.

Leslie: So, is that all you're gonna tell me?

Tyler: For now, yeah.

Leslie: Come on, Tyler. If this decision of yours is so important --

Tyler: Hey, look -- I just don't want to risk the fact that you might talk me out of it.

Leslie: Oh. Now I'm really concerned.

Tyler: No. I thought this whole thing through, Sis. Everything that you said about, you know, Lily reminding me of Mariah -- you were right.

Leslie: Okay, then why put yourself out there again to be hurt, especially when you know Lily is in love with her husband? She's never gonna give you what you want. She's never gonna be avail-- is that it? Is that why you're hanging on -- because she is unavailable? You think it's never gonna get far enough for you to be burned again?

Tyler: Okay, look, just trust that I know what I'm doing, all right?

Leslie: I mean, I wish I could, Tyler, but a lot has happened the past few weeks. This is not the time to be making life-changing moves and decisions.

Tyler: No. My life has already changed. I'm just -- I'm not fighting it anymore.

Leslie: [Sighs]

Chelsea: How did you do that?

Dylan: What? I just swung the mallet and hit the bell.

Chelsea: Nobody else even came close. What are you gonna name him? Dusty McBearson, Jr.?

Dylan: Aww, that's nice. You remembered the name.

Chelsea: It was a sweet story.

Dylan: I wonder where the fortune teller is.

Chelsea: Ah, she's probably counting all the cash she got by ripping off gullible marks like yourself.

Dylan: What? No. You saw the sign. "Madame Miranda knows all." Chelsea, she knows everything.

Chelsea: The only thing Madame Miranda knows is how to pull a con.

Madame Miranda: Would you like to put that to the test?

Chelsea: Um, no. No, thanks. I'll leave that to Johnny Gullible here.

Dylan: Uh, 10 bucks, right?

Madame Miranda: Free of charge for you.

Dylan: Uh, why's that?

Madame Miranda: We owe you a great deal. You have seen battle, haven't you?

Dylan: Yes.

Madame Miranda: It still haunts you. You need to find peace at home.

Chelsea: Okay. [Chuckles] No offense, but "You've seen battle"? That could apply to anyone or anything. And who doesn't need a little peace in their lives. Come on, Dylan. I'm in the mood for the shooting gallery.

Madame Miranda: You're pregnant. Don't cut the father out!

Adam: And that's an executive order. From now on, we're gonna put all your efforts towards taking the company private. So, no time for eating, sleeping, breathing...

Avery: Ah. Well, I'm fine with the workload, but as for what I eat and when I sleep and breathe, that's entirely up to me.

Adam: Touché. I just assumed you had more time on your hands now that you've called off your engagement.

Avery: Why would you think that?

Adam: Your very naked, very bare fourth finger. Unless, of course, you traded in your diamond for an invisible decoder ring.

Avery: Wow. Adam, I had no idea you paid so much attention to my jewelry.

Adam: Haven't you heard? I'm writing a new bling column for the Genoa City Chronicle.

Avery: Well, I think we should stick to Newman business.

Adam: Mm. You do, huh?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Well...that's not how you felt last time we spoke. We were actually sitting right here, and you insisted on talking about our exes and their upcoming visit from the stork. Did you call off the engagement with my brother because you still have feelings for Dylan?

Avery: Okay, Adam, you do not know what you're talking about.

Adam: Mm, I don't. That's why I'm asking you, and you can talk to me, of all people, Avery, about this and these people. Are you trying to get him back?

Summer: Seriously?

Nick: Come on. Is that any way to greet your dad?

Summer: Do you blame me? Really, the way to freaked out last night? Okay, is that why you're here -- to go off on Kyle some more?

Nick: No. I tracked you down through your mother. I'd like to go have breakfast with you so we can talk about what's been happening.

Summer: I can't.

Nick: Summer, please. We really need to get past this.

Summer: Okay, it's not that I don't want to. I just have a photo shoot that I can't miss.

Nick: Okay. I'll come with you.

Summer: I don't think that that's really a good idea, okay? Kyle might be there, and I really do not need you getting into another fight with him.

Nick: Honestly, I'm hoping I won't have to again.

Cane: [Sighs] Jill, I'm glad I ran into you.

Jill: Are you?

Cane: Yes. I have a couple things I want to talk to you about, but I have a meeting with Katherine first.

Jill: Ah. You're scheming and strategizing behind my back.

Cane: No, no, no, no, no. No, you're gonna be included. I think you're gonna be happy. But first, I have to run my ideas past Katherine.

Jill: Mm.

Cane: Have you seen her?

Jill: No, but that's okay, because your meeting with Katherine is actually a meeting with me.

Lily: Hey.

Tyler: Hi. All ready for the big day?

Lily: Yep. Sure am. Just putting on the finishing touches. What do you think?

Tyler: It's beautiful.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Tyler: You're really gonna rock this thing.

Lily: Uh, correction -- we are gonna rock this.

Tyler: Um...yeah. A-about that -- I've been doing some thinking, and, um...as much as I would, you know, love -- as great as it's been working with you... [Sighs] It's time for me to walk away.

Lily: [Chuckles] Okay, look, I don't have time for these games right now.

Tyler: Hey, no. I've never been more serious. I'm resigning from Jabot. And I'm sorry to spring it on you like this. It's just -- I wanted you to hear it from me before I --

Lily: Wait. No. No. No. Tyler, you cannot quit. I won't let you.

Tyler: Okay, look. You really don't have a say in this.

Lily: The hell I don't.

Tyler: This is my life, okay?

Lily: Yeah, and it's my life, too, and it's my career, and I will be damned if I let you trash it.

Tyler: Okay, you're gonna be fine without me, all right?

Lily: Is this about your dad? Okay, because if you need more time off to mourn, that's fine.

Tyler: No. That's not it.

Lily: Look, I understand the pain. You know I do. And running away is not the answer.

Tyler: Okay, look, I'm not running away.

Lily: Yes, you are. You've been running away ever since your mom died -- ditching every connection that you've ever made. Is that how you want to go through your life -- just not following through with anything?

[Door opens]

Summer: Um, you're Oliver Jones from Forrester Creations, right?

Oliver: That would be me.

Summer: Okay, I have seen every single picture that you have ever taken. [Chuckles]

Oliver: Is she for real?

Mason: Totally star-struck.

Summer: You guys, you guys, Oliver Jones is taking our pictures today. [Chuckles]

Oliver: All because of this guy. Long time, no see, man.

Tyler: Yeah, we go back a ways.

Lily: Yeah, lucky for us. Definitely one of the better decisions that Tyler has made.

Oliver: I'm gonna set up.

Summer: Okay.

Lily: So, Chelsea called and said that she's gonna be late, and Chloe's at a parent/teacher conference, so as soon as you guys are ready, we can get started.

Summer: Okay. Well, we better get ready.

Mason: Let's do it.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Tyler: [Sighs]

Lily: So, what about you?

Tyler: What about me?

Lily: Well, you should at least stick around for the shoot, because you owe me that much.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Cane: Is Katherine okay?

Jill: I'm sure she's okay. She's probably at home discussing dusting with Esther or something.

Cane: Okay. All right. So, why are you here, and why am I here?

Jill: Well, you see, I arranged this meeting, okay? I arranged it with your assistant. I told her it was with Katherine. [Chuckling] It was remarkably easy.

Cane: Why? Why would you do that?

Jill: Because I'm worried about you.

Cane: No. No, no, no, no. There's something going on here, okay? This is -- you're up to something. This is one of these Jill-plot things, right? Are you trying to hustle me out of Chancellor? I just started.

Jill: Cane, please.

Cane: You said to me I could run the company any way I wanted to, and you said you wanted me to succeed. Are you going back on that?

Jill: No, of course I'm not. Of course I want you to succeed. And of course I want Chancellor to thrive, but there are issues here. I just managed to steal an entire hour of the C.E.O.'S valuable time with one phone call.

Cane: So, you're worried about my time-management skills?

Jill: Among other things, yeah. Lately, every time I've gone to your office, it has been total chaos, okay? I want you to fire that assistant of yours and hire someone competent.

Cane: No, no, no. Alicia is good at her job, and it's a very difficult job to do.

Jill: Oh, there -- see? This is it. This is exactly why I'm worried about you.

Cane: What?

Jill: You're too nice.

Cane: [Laughs]

Avery: You are coming very close to being seriously out of line.

Adam: For telling it like it is. I thought you would appreciate some transparency -- a little honesty.

Avery: I'm not hiding anything -- not from you and certainly not myself.

Adam: Okay, Avery. Then why the naked ring finger, huh? I mean, if everything is as grand as you say it is with you and Nicholas, you could have taken the ring off and done some dishes, forgot to put it back on. You could have lost the ring in some cupcake batter. Either way, the lack of the ring on your finger -- it's rather symbolic, don't you think?

Avery: You know, I don't. I don't think that. What I do think is that you're projecting your own situation onto me.

Adam: Mm. My situation.

Avery: Well, if anybody is having issues with Chelsea and Dylan having a baby, I think it's you.

Chelsea: What did you just say?

Madame Miranda: The father of your child wants to be involved.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] What -- where are you getting this from? What do you mean?

Madame Miranda: Give me $10, and I'll tell you.

Chelsea: I wouldn't give you 10.

Madame Miranda: Some people are afraid of the truth. I'll be at the pie-eating contest, if you change your mind.

Dylan: Ah, it was a good call on that. I mean, you're starting to show. It doesn't take a psychic to figure out that you're pregnant.

Chelsea: Yeah. I told you she was a fraud.

Oliver: You're out for a night on the town, holding hands, window shopping.

Summer: Okay.

Oliver: No, relax your shoulders, Summer. You're having a great time. Really enjoying each other's company. Now give me a big smile. Not too big.

Summer: Okay.

Oliver: Now, hold the eye contact, Summer. With him.

Summer: Okay, sorry.

Lily: Don't worry about posing. Just -- just feel it.

Summer: [Chuckling] Okay.

Oliver: Summer. Nice, nice. Pull her in close. Feel the heat. And hold her tighter.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Lily: Summer, are you -- you okay?

Summer: Yeah. No, I-I'm great.

Oliver: That's great. Okay, bring her in. Bring her in. There you go. There you go. All right. Look at me. Now look at each other.

Lily: Nice. Nice.

Oliver: Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Now, twirl her around. Twirl her around.

Summer: Another? Okay.


Oliver: Okay. Now, big finish.

Lily: Whoa!


Oliver: And that's a wrap.

Summer: Yay!

Lily: Yeah! Whoo!

Mason: You were awesome.

Summer: Thank you so much.

Summer: Oh, my gosh.

Lily: Well, for someone who wants to leave, you sure did get into that, didn't you?

Tyler: Well, I guess there's nothing like watching all your hard work come together.

Lily: Exactly. So stick around for the rest of it, okay? Watch your vision come to life, and get the recognition that you deserve.

Tyler: You know, you can be pretty persuasive when you want to be.

Lily: See? Now you're starting to make some sense. [Chuckles] Oh, great job, you guys. That was amazing. [Laughs] Right?

Dylan: Why are you letting her get to you? You said it yourself -- she's a con artist.

Chelsea: Well, I have no respect for the bad ones. [Chuckles] I mean, I'm sorry. Come on -- that whole thing about the father wanting to be more involved in the pregnancy.

Dylan: Yeah, that was a safe bet, at least for this father.

Chelsea: That's the other thing. She was talking about you like you weren't even in the room.

Dylan: Well, she probably doesn't want to assume anything. For all she knows, we're just friends. We're not wearing wedding rings.

Chelsea: Well, if she were the real deal, all she would have to do is take one look at you and know that you're the baby's father.

Cane: So, you think I'm too nice.

Jill: Don't get me wrong. I love that you are a sweetheart, okay? And I'm very proud that you've gotten this far in life being such a nice guy.

Cane: I'm a nice guy?

Jill: [Laughs]

Cane: Okay, you know, actually, I do think I could find a couple dozen people who would disagree with you on that one, but --

Jill: Look, I am not saying that you haven't raised your voice on occasion or forgotten to say hi to somebody in the snack room, okay? But to be an effective C.E.O. of Chancellor, you need a real mean streak. And you have to stop doting on Katherine. Let other people do that. Have you ever spent any time with Victor Newman?

Cane: Mm, a little. Not much.

Jill: Well, then, you know. He is one of the most unpleasant people on this planet, okay? This reason he ran his company so well is because he did it that way. He's meaner than a sack full of snakes.

Cane: But you do know that people have different management styles. Mine just happens to be... amenable.

Jill: Mm-hmm. I am just afraid that you're gonna let people walk all over you, Darling.

Cane: Like you're doing right now?

Jill: Exactly like I'm doing right now. Look, I just told you that I stole an hour of your time, and what did you do? You asked if you could join me, and you sat down. You should have told me to go to hell and thrown a drink in my face.

Cane: That would have worked?

Jill: [Chuckles]

Cane: Huh? [Chuckles]

Jill: [Laughing] For God's sake, it would have worked on anybody but me. I've had so many drinks thrown in my face I probably wouldn't have noticed.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Jill: Never mind that. You understand what I'm saying, right?

Cane: I -- um, yeah. I think I do.

Jill: And you understand it's coming from a place of love and of caring, because it is. Of course I want you to succeed, Honey, but you got to get tough. You got to get mean.

Cane: Okay. All right. I'm gonna work on this.

Jill: You're infuriating. All right. What did you want to talk to Katherine about?

Cane: Oh, nothing much, really. Just my plans to expand Chancellor.

Jill: Expand in this climate? Honey, I don't think so.

Cane: Jill! Go to hell.

Jill: Aww, I'm so proud of you.

Cane: Thank you.

Jill: [Chuckles] But, seriously, we can't expand.

Cane: No, sure we can -- in biotech and medical research. You know what? You are the person that's going to lead us.

Jill: Why me?

Cane: Because you were relentless when you had to find Delia a bone-marrow donor, you supported Lily through her cancer, and you always helped Katherine after her strokes.

Jill: Well, now, I don't know why I even bothered with that one.

Cane: You bothered because under that prickly exterior, you have a beautiful heart. And I want you to lead this project, because if you do, I know we'll get the profit, but, more than that, you'll put the patients and finding cures first. So...do you think this is something that maybe you would be interested in?

Jill: I think I might be persuaded.

Lily: Tyler, Tyler, wait! Wait!

Tyler: Lily, just leave me alone.

Lily: Tyler, look, let me help you. Tell me what you need. If it's too much for you to be committed to Jabot, than let me know and we can take you off staff and make you an independent contractor.

Tyler: That's not enough.

Lily: Then tell me what it is. Do you need vacation time?

Tyler: No.

Lily: An assistant?

Tyler: No. Come on. Don't you get it? Work is not the problem for me. You are. Yeah, I try to pull back. I try to shut off my feelings for you, but I can't. Damn it, Lily. Every time I look at you, every time I hear your voice, I just -- look, I'm putting you in a terrible position, all right? And expecting you to put up with it is just wrong.

Lily: I can handle it.

Tyler: Okay, but you shouldn't have to.

Lily: It's part of the job. I have learned to be professional and to work side by side with you and put my feelings at the door.

Tyler: Your feelings?

Adam: If it isn't the proud parents-to-be. That for you to practice with?

Chelsea: Dylan won him at the fair.

Adam: Well, now I am jealous.

Dylan: You want a bear, too?

Adam: I would have loved having cotton candy with you and riding rides all day.

Dylan: Yeah, I guess it's a matter of priorities.

Adam: I guess it is.

Avery: I was beginning to think you deserted me.

Adam: No. That is not my style. It might be other people's, but not mine.

Avery: Uh, Adam and I were just discussing --

Adam: Business.

Avery: Yes.

Chelsea: Dylan and I just came from the fair.

Avery: Oh! And I-I see it was a success. Was it the ring-toss game or the old -- the hammer bell.

Dylan: Guy couldn't guess my weight. I am great at that game. We, uh -- we had a good time.

Avery: I can tell. Chelsea, you're glowing. And -- wow -- starting to show, I see.

Chelsea: Oh, no, actually. It's just the clothes.

Avery: Oh.

Chelsea: They're from my maternity line -- not that I need them yet, um, I just like trying on my designs before they go into production. So, um, I'm just gonna get a drink. Excuse me.

Adam: Yeah. I'm gonna top this off. The fair -- really?

Chelsea: What's wrong with it?

Adam: It's not you. That's what's wrong with it.

Chelsea: I'll be the judge of that, Adam.

Adam: Chelsea, look me in the eyes. Come on. See if you can look me in the eyes and tell me, honestly, that you don't regret leaving me. I would have given you everything. You could have had everything. And you would be carrying my baby now.

Avery: You bought a house?

Dylan: Actually, it's a warehouse. I'm just in the process of converting it.

Avery: Oh. For you and Chelsea and the baby.

Dylan: Uh...we'll see how that goes. How about you and Nick?

Avery: We worked things out.

Dylan: I knew you would. Nick's too smart of a guy to lose you.

Chelsea: How dare you come after me now?! You were the one that was only half there. How can you even say, Adam, that I would even want your baby?

Adam: Half there? I was half there? You're the one who left me, Chelsea.

Dylan: All right. All right. That's enough.

Chelsea: Just... [Sighs]

Dylan: You okay? Do you want to sit down?

Chelsea: I'm fine. Um, I'm actually late to the shoot, so I'm gonna go, but --

Dylan: I'll drive you.

Chelsea: No, I'm good. Thank you. Um, and thank you. I had a really great day.

Adam: Meeting's over.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Adam: I'll be in touch.

Avery: Mm-hmm. [Sighs] You're very protective of the mother of your child. She's more to you than that, isn't she?

Tyler: So, you're telling me that you have feelings for me?

Lily: No. No, you're putting words in my mouth.

Tyler: So, you don't have feelings for me?

Lily: No. Yes. No. No. The point is, is that we have to keep anything personal away from business. I have too much riding on this launch, and it is way too late to find someone to replace you.

Cane: All right, wait. Are you saying you can't deliver? Okay, well, no. That's unacceptable. If you can't do it this week, when? No. No. Figure it out. Call me back. All right.

Jill: Are you gonna say hello to your wife?

Cane: It looks like my wife's in the middle of something.

Jill: What's she in the middle of, though? What's going on over there?

Cane: I don't know. Maybe it's a, uh, creative difference. This is a big day for them.

Lily: Quitting right now is selfish.

Tyler: Selfish?

Lily: Yes.

Tyler: I'm doing this for you.

Lily: For me?! What about the hundreds of other employees who are counting on you to make this launch a success?

Tyler: What? Your other fellow professionals? I'm sure a little bit of disappointment will roll off of their backs. Lily, when I hurt, I bleed, all right? Your world -- it's no place for an amateur like me.

Cane: Hey. Is everything okay?

Chelsea: Oh, beautiful. Look at this one. It's gorgeous. You two just pop off the screen.

Mason: All right. Well, look, Guys. I'm gonna get to the gym.

Summer: Okay, uh, hey, maybe I'll meet you there. [Chuckling] We can work out together and stuff.

Mason: Sounds good. I'll see you there.

Summer: Okay.

Chelsea: I'm gonna e-mail these to Chloe. She's gonna flip out.

Summer: Okay.

Kyle: Hey, listen, Summer.

Summer: Yeah?

Kyle: Forget the gym. Why don't you...have dinner with me?

Summer: Are you asking me out on a date?

Kyle: It's just dinner.

Summer: Okay. Well, pick me up at 7:00, and don't be late.

Kyle: I'll walk you to your car.

Summer: Okay.

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: Hey.

Chelsea: If you came to check on me, I'm doing fine.

Dylan: I came to check on...

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Dylan: ...Dusty.

Chelsea: Oh.

Dylan: You okay? I would like this to be our...baby's first toy.

Chelsea: I'd like that, too.

[Adam remembering]

Adam: Chelsea, is everything okay? Wh-why would you come out in this weather?

Chelsea: I had to. Before I lost my nerve.

Adam: You -- you were upset before you even saw Sharon, and I want to know what it was.

Chelsea: Adam, I never should have come to see you in the first place.

Adam: No, but you did come to see me, okay, and I want to know what happened. Did something happen?

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