Y&R Transcript Monday 5/20/13
Episode # 10161 ~ Kyle makes an unexpected confession; Nick takes action in the face of the fallout from Summer's party.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Sharon: Lucky our houses are so close, because Faith has my gift for leaving things everywhere.
[Both chuckle]
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: What's wrong?
Nick: Uh, it's just, uh, you know, some dad stuff. I guess I get a little antsy this time of year.
Sharon: Anniversary of losing Cassie.
Nick: No matter what people say, it doesn't...get any easier, does it?
Sharon: No. Cassie's death changed everything.
Nick: For both of us.
Fenmore: Get off of me!
Kyle: You never touch Summer again.
Summer: No, Kyle -- Kyle, please. It wasn't -- it wasn't like that.
Kyle: What, he wasn't on top of you? You weren't telling him to stop?
Courtney: Oh, my God!
Summer: Fen, no!
Fenmore: [Grunts]
Summer: Kyle!
Fenmore: [Breathing heavily]
Phyllis: What -- what is going on here?!
Abby: [Laughs]
Alex: You know I can't afford your Uncle Billy's place, right?
Abby: I get some great comps here.
Alex: Yeah.
Abby: Family discount.
Alex: Too bad about the view.
Abby: What view?
Alex: That one.
Abby: Ugh, you had to point him out.
Alex: Well, it looks like he got into a little bit of trouble or some kinky fun.
Abby: What, are you psychic?
Alex: Trained detective. Check out his neck.
Abby: Huh. Well, I don't think it was getting frisky. What happened to your neck?
Michael: Aah! Mm. I can't.
Lauren: What? No, no, no, no, no. Michael. Michael, we're so close. Having your hands on me, feeling you...
Michael: No. I'm sorry. You don't think I-I want this? You don't think I've missed you? [Sniffles] [Crying] Kissing you and touching you... [Normal voice] He kissed you. He touched you. And when I look at you, I see you with Carmine.
Lauren: [Sighs] Michael, just see me -- no one else, just me. You once told me that our marriage could survive anything.
Michael: Well, that's when I thought it was us against the world, not each other.
Lauren: We're not fighting. I'm with you. [Crying]
Michael: [Crying] Now. You're with me now. How many times? How many nights, days, whatever? All those times you were with him. And I look at you, and that's -- that's all I see.
Lauren: [Crying] But you -- you're not your mistakes, and I'm not mine. I'm not. I'm just your wife who loves you so much, and I'm so sorry. Oh, God. Just tell me what to do. Tell what to do. [Sobbing]
Michael: Just...
Lauren: No.
Michael: Just -- just leave me alone.
Carmine: Guy didn't know when to say when, so I, uh -- I cut him off. He wasn't too happy about it.
Abby: So, he tried to choke the life out of you?
Carmine: People can get pretty nutty if they can't get what they want.
Alex: Hey. You know what? If you have a credit-card slip somewhere, we can run the name and press charges and we can find the charlatan.
Carmine: [Chuckles] Over this? Come on, man. Don't be serious. It's fine.
[Cell phone chimes]
Alex: One second.
Abby: Hmm. Duty calls?
Alex: Yeah. It's the chief.
Abby: All right, well, if it's not gonna take forever, I'll just wait here.
Alex: Okay. Bye, Baby.
Abby: Bye. So, now that the Five-O's gone, you can tell me the truth. Whose husband did you piss off?
Jack: Sis, try to see this from my perspective. You blow into town with an agenda -- save poor little Jack from big, bad Red. You know I love her. You know that. And still, you manage to make her feel unwelcome. That's not like you.
Traci: It's very like me to worry about you, Jack, especially now, at the very beginning of your addiction recovery. My God, this is an incredibly important time for you, Jack. And Phyllis is being herself, too. I mean, first, she wants us all to be together so that she can convince me how much she loves you, and then she moves out, like, two seconds later.
Jack: You gave her no choice, Traci.
Traci: Phyllis is no pushover. She doesn't run from a fight. She left here of her own volition.
Jack: She didn't want to come between me and my sister.
Traci: No.
Jack: I give you proof that she loves me, and you just ignore it?
Traci: No, Jack. I-I believe she cares about you very much. But Phyllis will always choose herself first. I mean, she just did it again. She is who she was and who she will always be. She hasn't changed. Jack, she will never give you everything you need.
Summer: Okay, trust me. It's not as bad as it looks. Kyle walked in at the wrong time and so did you.
Fenmore: Oh, like you didn't want him to walk in at that exact moment.
Phyllis: Okay, okay, okay. Wait a sec-- Courtney, that's your limo downstairs, right? Yeah. Okay. Why doesn't everybody get in it and just go away? Go -- go far away, okay? Now. Close the door behind you, please.
[Door closes]
Phyllis: Okay. So, you guys want to tell me what's going on here -- why you're throwing punches and drinking in my home? What about the prom?
Summer: It was lame.
Phyllis: Well, of course it was lame. Proms are lame. Was this impromptu, or did you plan this little gathering?
Summer: Wait. Just because we live at Jack's doesn't mean that this isn't my home.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. No, no. Not the point. You know it. You told your dad and me you were doing something and you decided to do something else. What are you doing here?
Kyle: Summer texted me that she was in trouble. I came, and this guy was out of control, as usual.
Fenmore: Oh, shut up, Thor. You have no idea what you're freaking talking about.
Kyle: Excuse me?! You were all over her, and she was telling you to stop.
Fenmore: Summer, can -- can you tell him?
Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait a second. Is that what happened? [Sniffs] You're drinking. Look at me. What were you doing to my daughter?
Sharon: I know how hard it is around this date.
Nick: The weather's so nice this time of year. [Sighs] I used to always look forward to May. Now I dread it. I just can't help but thinking about her.
Sharon: I know. I have it, too. And if you want to talk about it, I'm always here for you.
Nick: Thanks.
Sharon: Is there something else going on? Maybe with Avery?
Nick: No. Uh, things are good there, actually. I think, uh -- I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause Summer is going to prom.
Sharon: Mm. All grown-up. That will make anyone shaky. [Chuckles] Here's, uh, Faith's lunchbox.
Nick: Your hands are all shaky.
Sharon: Yeah. [Clears throat]
Nick: You okay?
Sharon: I...felt like my life was on track, but now...
Nick: Adam?
Sharon: Well, not everything has to do with him, Nick.
Nick: I know. Not everything, but most things.
Sharon: Well, not this time. It's -- it's a lot more.
Nick: How are the meds? You feeling okay?
Sharon: I have this, uh, strange, cloudy, sort of numb feeling, like I can't quite get close to my emotions, but if I could get closer to them, then I could work through them, and then I could feel normal again.
Nick: Well, sometimes, keeping your emotions at a distance isn't such a bad thing.
Sharon: Nick, this isn't about Cassie or the prom. What is it?
Phyllis: Truth or dare? What are you guys -- 10?
Fenmore: Look -- I got dared and kissed Summer, and she only freaked out when Kyle walked in. And he got to play hero. She's playing innocent damsel. I-I-it is ridiculous.
Summer: Okay, no. It was not just a kiss, and you know that.
Phyllis: Okay. Kyle, thank you for showing up. That was really nice of you. And, oh, wow, I need to call your dad. You shouldn't be here when Nick arrives.
Kyle: Well, if Nick wants to come at me, he can. I'm not taking off until I'm sure Summer's okay.
Fenmore: [Chuckles]
Kyle: I can tell Nick what I saw if I have to.
Summer: Okay, why would you call Dad anyways, okay? It's over.
Phyllis: Shh. Shh! Nice try. But you were having a party in my house with alcohol. Your dad needs to know.
Fenmore: A-are we done here? Because I'm out.
Phyllis: No, you're not out. You've been drinking. You're not driving. I'm calling your parents, too. Come here.
Kyle: Look, Summer, I'll stay long enough to talk to your dad, but you lied to get me here. That wasn't cool.
Summer: No. I needed your help, and you saved me.
Nick: Maybe thinking about Cassie, for both of us -- it's hitting us harder than we expected this year.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Excuse me. It's Phyllis. Hey. Okay. Uh, I'm on my way.
Sharon: What's wrong?
Nick: It's Summer. I got to go.
Sharon: Do you want me to take Faith?
Nick: Uh, no. I had some stuff that I had to take care of, so Amy's already upstairs.
Sharon: Are we on for tomorrow?
Nick: Absolutely. You're not shaking anymore.
Sharon: Not this moment.
Nick: Sharon, you're doing real well. And I'm proud of you. I know that meds and the therapy and the talking can probably be a pain sometimes, but it's all worth it, I promise you. Noah and Faith -- they know they can count on you. They just want you happy and healthy and okay. And so do I.
Carmine: You just can't let go.
Abby: [Sighs]
Carmine: You dumped me, and now I'm the one who got away.
Abby: Excuse me?
Carmine: You got yourself a new guy, so why are you in my business? And what's it like dating a cop? A lot of handcuff action? Or does he let you play with his siren?
Abby: Who tried to choke you senseless, Carmine?
Carmine: Well, if you want me to say a jealous husband, fine. You got me.
Abby: Former D.A. Michael Baldwin? Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to mess with Lauren.
Carmine: What do you care?
Abby: [Chuckling] You are stupid enough. My God, you are just as dumb as you are pretty.
Carmine: And you're a genius. Running around with a cop? Come on. What he probably makes a week, you probably spend on a pair of shoes.
Abby: You know that doesn't matter to me.
Carmine: Guys from the other side of the track -- they're just for fun, not for romance.
Abby: I dated you, if you recall.
Carmine: Well, look how well that turned out.
Abby: Well, no one's trying to crush my trachea. Listen, if you haven't broken it off with Lauren yet, do it now. Leave her alone.
Carmine: It's easier said than done.
Michael: All right. Someone tell me what happened. Now!
Fenmore: Do you want the truth or do you just want to hear Summer and Kyle spin it?
Michael: You did this? You split my son's lip open?
Kyle: Yeah, I did.
Summer: Yeah, because he had no choice, because Fen was about to hit him over the head with that.
Michael: Is that true? Answer me!
Lauren: All right. All right. Let's just go --
Michael: No! Just let me handle this! For once, let me handle it! Oh.
Dr. Watkins: Sharon.
Sharon: Dr. Watkins. Hi. I-I didn't realize -- how are you?
Dr. Watkins: I've been wondering about you. It's been a few weeks since we met.
Sharon: Yeah, well, everything is good. You know, my meds are nice and level, and my support system's been wonderful.
Dr. Watkins: Good. I'm glad your family's coming through for you.
Sharon: Yeah, even Nicholas. I mean, we just had a great talk.
Dr. Watkins: Good. And work's going well?
Sharon: Actually, there has been a transition on that front. Um, Victor has decided to go back to running Newman Enterprises -- with Adam -- and so, I just decided I-I preferred not to be there.
Dr. Watkins: And how does Adam feel about this?
Sharon: It's just business. But he has been wonderful on all other fronts. He gave me that job, you know? I mean, which means my résumé is really strong, and, in fact, when I needed to talk, Adam was a much better support system than my family was. I felt really grounded and, um...happy. And Adam was a huge part of that.
Dr. Watkins: I have time to talk, you know, Sharon. You don't have to do this standing in the middle of a room.
Sharon: It's happening again. I am so lost.
Lauren: Here you go, Fen.
Fenmore: No, I-I don't -- I'm fine.
Lauren: No. Put an ice pack on it now.
Michael: Uh... [Clears throat] Uh, Nick, uh...I just want you to know how sorry we are about all this. I apologize, Kyle.
Fenmore: [Chuckles] I'm the one with the ice pack, but, yeah. Yeah, apologize for me. That -- that works, too.
Michael: We will discuss this at home.
Fenmore: Summer, come on.
Summer: I don't like this either, but things got out of hand.
Fenmore: Just like you wanted them to.
Nick: Hey, watch your mouth.
Fenmore: I thought we were going.
Michael: Go.
Nick: That's a good idea.
Phyllis: Hey. Is everything okay?
Michael: Um, after we talk to Fenmore, I will call you. And, again, sorry.
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: So, whatever Fen did...
Summer: Which was plenty.
Nick: ...You invited your friends here and you had alcohol. What did you think was gonna happen here? You were gonna pull another one over on your parents? And then what were you gonna do, Summer? Get in your car and drive? I don't know how you can do this on the day before the anniversary of Cassie's death. Give me your car keys.
Summer: Okay, it's almost graduation.
Nick: I don't care. No car for one month. And what about you? What, do you party with teenagers now? I told you, you stay away from my kid.
Kyle: When are you gonna ease up on Summer? Maybe if you didn't come down on her for every decision she makes, she'd actually tell you what's going on in her life.
Phyllis: Uh...
Alex: So, Gordon, did you actually canvas the neighborhood or...
Sheryl: Nah. It never occurred to me to ask people if they actually saw something. You mean, like, real police work?
Alex: [Chuckles]
Sheryl: Chief, how did this place last so long without NYPD's finest?
Alex: Ooh. [Hisses] Did you see that tone?
Paul: Yeah, yeah.
Alex: She should be ashamed of herself.
Paul: Look, you guys can bust each other's...chops as much as you like, just so you get the job done.
Sheryl: I'll take care of it.
Paul: Don't forget that part.
Alex: No, hey, I'm trying.
Abby: Hey.
Alex: Hey!
Abby: There you are. Hey.
Alex: I thought you were gonna meet me at the restaurant.
Abby: Uh...mission accomplished.
Alex: Oh, yeah? What dirt did you dig up on your ex?
Abby: It was so a jealous husband.
Alex: Ohh. That will always do the trick. Man, I've dealt with those before.
Jack: Hey, Phyllis. It's me. How about coffee tomorrow? It's too soon to give up on living together. We can work this out. We just have to do it at a pace that you're comfortable with. I love you. I want you back here.
Phyllis: Okay. Um, Nick, he didn't mean it like that. You didn't mean it like that, right, Kyle?
Nick: Look -- how I raise my kid is my business. And if you don't see her as a kid, then we have a bigger problem. I already told you, you better stay away from my daughter.
Kyle: Nick, what is it about the thought of Summer and I being together that drives you so crazy? It's only a few years age difference. She's 18. Do you really think that you could stop us from being together if we wanted to? Anybody ever stop you from being with the person you wanted to be with?
Phyllis: Okay. All right. All right. Don't... this is -- this conversation is very productive, but it's over. Thank you, Kyle. You can go now.
[Door closes]
Nick: Is it true -- what he said? That you don't tell me stuff because you're afraid I'm gonna come down on you?
Summer: Yeah. Only because you will.
Nick: What else don't you tell me?
Summer: Anything that will make your head explode. It -- it's just easier not to say anything to you.
Nick: It is my job to protect you. That is the whole point of being a father.
Summer: Protect me from what? Kyle? Kyle is the one that I call when I'm scared. Kyle came and saved me.
Phyllis: She's right. When it comes to Kyle, you kind of act insane, Nick.
Summer: Yeah, no. What is it that whenever Kyle comes anywhere near me, you go completely nuts?
Sharon: So, when Adam pushed me away today, it was so cold. It was so heartless. I trusted him. I let him have everything he wanted on his terms. And that makes me stupid. My judgment was way off again. I'm starting to wonder whether I've gotten any better at all. I'm making the same mistakes. And yet, I thought that I was okay.
Dr. Watkins: You have a legitimate illness that requires medication and vigilance. Adam letting you down doesn't mean you're stupid.
Sharon: [Voice breaking] You told me to stay away from him. You -- you didn't think it was a good idea, and I-I didn't want you to know that he and I... I, um -- I must have known that it was a mistake. I mean, I was keeping it a secret.
Dr. Watkins: We can get through this, you know? You can get through this.
Sharon: [Crying] I don't want to get through it. I don't -- I don't want to move past. I just want to go back in time. I want to go back to when Cassie was alive. Everything has been just such a mess since then.
Dr. Watkins: Not everything. It's easy to feel like you're sinking and only see the bad. But you've done so well regardless of Adam's behavior. You can get well again.
Sharon: I am so lonely.
Dr. Watkins: You told me once that being in love felt like your safe haven.
Sharon: And I really wanted my health and the kids to be enough for me. I-I really, really wanted that. There's just a part of me that really wants that other person. And Nick -- you know, I'm just somebody who he used to love. Adam -- I really don't know how he feels about me.
Dr. Watkins: You want that safe haven -- the place you feel whole.
Sharon: But that can't keep being my only goal in life, right? To be in love? I need a real purpose -- something to keep me going. I have to find it, whatever that is.
Fen: I get pounded and humiliated, and Summer just walks away. Poor her. Yet she set me up.
Michael: They said you were on top of her.
Fenmore: It wasn't like that. It was a kiss. Truth or dare with a bunch of other people in the room who dared me to kiss her. That's all. And I swear to God, she kissed me back. Until Kyle busted in, and suddenly, she's all, "Oh, no! Oh, no! Save me!" [Scoffs] She arranged it. She loved it. I get this, and she gets Kyle. You said if there's someone you want to be with, don't give up. And, yeah. Yeah, yeah, you said that she's not the right girl. So, I-I don't want to hear any more advice or any "I told you so's."
Michael: Son, when your heart's broken, it feels like the hurt is never gonna go away. But it's the heart. It goes on. And it will mend.
Fenmore: [Scoffs]
Lauren: And then it's stronger than ever.
Fenmore: Just lying right to my face while your marriage is falling apart. Don't tell me how strong the heart is. Don't tell me it heals. You know it's a lie.
Nick: Why wouldn't I have a problem with you and Kyle? You are 18 years old. You're going around having conversations about who you want to lose your virginity to.
Summer: Okay, that was a private conversation.
Nick: Whatever kind of relationship you think you're gonna get from Kyle, it's not gonna be like that. He's gonna break your heart.
Summer: So? I mean it. So? Okay, wh-what? Am I gonna crumble into dust? Am I gonna wind up rocking in the corner? Okay, haven't you and Mom ever had your hearts broken?
Nick: I do not want you to go through that -- not with that guy.
Summer: Okay, then what guy? Okay, and why do you always have to assume the worst?
Nick: Look, I love you, and I don't want to fight about this tonight.
Summer: Yeah, well, I am not a little girl.
Nick: You're not as grown-up as you think you are, young lady.
Summer: [Sighs]
Nick: Give me your car keys.
Summer: Mom.
Nick: You lied to her, and you lied to me. Give me your keys now.
[Keys jingle]
Nick: I love you so much more than you'll ever know.
Summer: Okay, Mom, this is ridiculous. Please, you know what I mean!
Phyllis: I know what you mean. I do. But what you did here tonight -- it was out of control, honestly, Summer. It was wrong.
Summer: Okay, when have you ever backed down? When have you ever said, "Nope. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna take a chance?" I just want to take chances. I just want to try.
Traci: Jack? Hi. I'm gonna go to the movies. Is there any chance you'd like to join me?
Jack: No, thanks. I'll pass.
Traci: Jack, it's just a couple of hours -- you know, forgetting the rest of the world? And who knows? Maybe when the lights come up, you'll have forgotten that you're upset with me.
Jack: I tell you what. Pick a comedy, go laugh your head off, and then come home and tell me all about it. You can act out all the parts like you did when you were a kid.
Traci: I-I wish I could say that I'm sorry that Phyllis moved out. But if it wasn't now, it was gonna be later.
[Door opens]
Traci: Hi, Honey. Hey, I'm going to the movies. Can I talk you into going with me?
Kyle: Uh, no. No thanks. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna pass. I'll see you later, though.
Traci: Okay.
Jack: Hey. Everything all right?
Kyle: Fen Baldwin. And before you hear about it, I had to get physical -- self-defense.
Jack: Sounds like he's out of control again.
Kyle: Yeah, and Nick was all over me about Summer again.
Jack: What is with this guy? I-I think we've all made it very clear to him you're not interested in Summer that way.
Kyle: Yeah, well...
Jack: "Yeah, well," what?
Kyle: Would it be so bad if I was interested in Summer?
Lauren: Those moments matter, too, you know? Those good, beautiful, perfect moments -- they matter, Michael. They matter so much more than just a handful of bad. They have to.
Michael: I wish that were true.
Lauren: [Sighs] No, don't -- don't go. Please.
Michael: I begged you not to go out that door. You went anyway.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Carmine: Oh, come on.
Paul: Drinking on the job? Is that to ease the pain from those strangulation marks or to ease your conscience? That's assuming you have one. You're disrupting my friends' lives, and I want you to stop.
Carmine: Well, I have stopped.
Paul: I don't think you have.
Carmine: I don't care what you think.
Paul: You know, as chief of police, I'm thinking about starting a stalking task force.
Carmine: So?
Paul: Well, it's my job to keep the crime rate down, and you keep chasing Michael Baldwin's wife. I don't want anything to happen. I don't want you to be mistaken for a stalker.
Carmine: Oh, come on. Are you serious? Are you threatening me right now?
Paul: No, no. Not at all. I just don't want there to be any confusion. I do have a suggestion for you, though. Why don't you find a nice, single woman to spend some quality time with?
Carmine: Thanks for the advice.
Paul: I have some more. Stay away from Lauren. For good.
Carmine: [Sighs] Man...
Fenmore: Dad leave again?
Lauren: [Sighs] Yeah.
Fenmore: What happened?
Lauren: I made a mistake. [Sighs] And I want to make it up to him. [Sniffles] But I don't know how.
Fenmore: Well, remember when I was a little kid? You told me to say, "I'm sorry" -- not just say it, but mean it. That was enough. Why isn't that enough anymore?
Lauren: [Sighing] Come here, Baby. Come on. [Sighs]
Fenmore: Are you and Dad getting a divorce?
Lauren: Oh, Sweetie. [Cries] I hope not.
Michael: [Sighs]
Sharon: I'm sorry. I know that you just came in here to get a coffee, and...
Dr. Watkins: [Chuckles] I'm always happy to talk to you, Sharon, whenever you need me. You will get through this, you know? I'm happy to discuss adjusting your meds, but you need to make your appointments.
Sharon: You know, I can't really tell you how much of this is me or it's my brain or it's just the fact that I really miss Cassie right now. You know, I just finished telling Nicholas...when Cassie died, it changed everything. A piece of my soul is gone. And I can never get it back.
Kyle: Are you gonna come down on me, too, Dad? How could I have feelings for Phyllis' daughter?
Jack: You know what? She's fiery, she's impulsive, she's beautiful -- just like her mother. She's a terrific girl -- a-a young woman. Whatever happened to that girl Lindsay you were dating?
Kyle: It didn't work out. Why are you opposed to this?
Jack: Because she's Nick's daughter. And for some reason, he doesn't approve. Is that really a battle you want to fight?
Kyle: Why does it have to be a battle? What did I ever do to him? Nothing. He was a part of my life growing up. I just don't see what the problem is.
Summer: Geez, Court, could you have taken off any faster? I mean, seriously. Okay, not only did my mom make me clean up the entire mess, my dad took away my car keys. Yeah, oh, and FYI, I am never playing truth or dare again. Yeah, Fen was a complete freak. But Kyle... [Chuckles] Yeah, no. I know. He was a total hero. Oh, and the best part is when you left. You know what he said to my dad? He told my dad, "So what if Summer and I want to date?" Yeah! I know. I know. He totally wants me now. I knew he would.
[Knock on door]
Phyllis: Hey. Um, are you alone?
Nick: Yep.
Phyllis: Um... that was an evening to forget.
Nick: Yeah. It was unbelievable. Her going to the penthouse and partying with all her friends -- what the hell was she thinking?!
Phyllis: Well, she's 18. She's legally an adult. She's not legal to drink. I know that. We have to talk to her about that, but, um...you got to loosen the reins. She's an adult. Nick, you have to let her make her own decisions, and that means you have to let her make her own mistakes.
Nick: [Sighs] Okay. So, does Summer know you're here playing the nice mommy and, you know, trying to talk down the mean dad?
Phyllis: No. But I like being the nice mommy. [Chuckles] Listen, Nick, she is -- she is a young woman. You have to face that. She wants to experience life. I mean, she's full of life and curiosity, and she just wants to live. She just does, and we can be a safety net, but we have to give her credit for being brave enough to want to try.
Nick: Mm. [Clears throat] She has you snowed. She gets all her friends, they bail on prom, they start drinking at the penthouse, they're all underage. No. I'm not gonna make nice about this.
Phyllis: Okay, so is this just about the alcohol and the lying? It has nothing to do with her being interested in a boy that you're completely irrational about?
Nick: She made a lot of bad decisions last year. I'm not gonna let her keep making them.
Phyllis: That's it?
Nick: That's it.
Phyllis: Goodnight.
Nick: Goodnight. [Clears throat] [Sighs] Uh, yes, hi. This is, uh, Nick Newman. I need to come by in the morning and pick up a paternity-test kit.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tyler: I'm resigning from Jabot.
Lily: Tyler, you cannot quit. I won't let you.
Jill: You're scheming and strategizing behind my back.
Avery: Chelsea, you're glowing. [Chuckles] And -- wow -- starting to show, I see.
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