Y&R Transcript Friday 5/17/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 5/17/13


Episode # 10160 ~ A shocking secret is revealed as Michael and Carmine have a confrontation.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Traci: Oh. Working late, again.

Jack: Yeah, nature of the beast.

Traci: So, how many hours is the beast demanding lately?

Jack: You know what? Work keeps me focused and clean.

Traci: Well, good for you. Just try not to work yourself too hard, okay?

Jack: Just trying to get some work done before the weekend while it's quiet around here.

Traci: Yes, I did notice that the house was a little, um, empty. I hope that's not because of me.

Jack: Phyllis is not avoiding you, if that's what you're thinking.

Traci: The thought did cross my mind.

Jack: Tonight is Summer's senior prom. The girls went over to Nick's to take pictures.

Traci: Oh. [Sighs] I heard about Nick coming over here and ripping into Kyle.

Jack: Yeah, Nick's got a temper, but this is over-the-top, even for him.

Traci: Uh, I assume that he's not happy with the current living arrangements.

Jack: I think Nick is just having problems accepting the fact that his little girl is growing up.

Traci: Are you sure that's all there is to it?

Phyllis: Thank you for letting me come over early and take pictures.

Nick: I should be thanking you.

Phyllis: Why?

Nick: For giving me the time of day. I know I've been...kind of a jerk lately -- rushing into Jack's, accusing Kyle of a being a fiend.

Phyllis: It was a little out-of-control.

Nick: Maybe a little.

[Both chuckle]

Phyllis: Yeah. It's, um, very weird...picturing Summer being with Kyle, let alone anyone.

Nick: Are you trying to get me all riled up again?

Phyllis: [Chuckling] No. Just seems like yesterday that she was walking around here with Mr. Ears.

Nick: Yeah. Now she's doing fashion shoots and going to prom. [Chuckles] I mean, it won't be long until she's off at college, living her own life. I just want to be a part of it, you know, as much as possible.

Phyllis: Oh, of course you'll be a part of it. You're her dad.

Lauren: You know, I never got a chance to do this for your brother -- get him ready for the prom.

Fenmore: [Sighs] How do I look?

Phyllis: Incredibly handsome.

Fenmore: But you have to say that.

Lauren: [Laughs] I'm sure Summer will feel the same way.

Fenmore: [Chuckles] Yeah, I doubt that. I wasn't exactly her first choice.

Lauren: Ah, but that doesn't mean you can't have a good time. You're still friends, right?

Fenmore: I guess. And I haven't really been a lot of fun to be around lately.

Lauren: I know that's my fault. And I'm really sorry that my problems have become your problems.

Fenmore: I tried talking to Dad, you know, to see if there was a way that it could be fixed.

Lauren: What did he say?

Fenmore: "Sometimes people just want different things."

Lauren: Well, do you know what I want? I want you to have the best time tonight. Forget about your parents' problems, all right? All right? Can you do it? Can you do it? Come on.

Fenmore: I'll try.

Lauren: You look good, Babe. [Chuckles]

Michael: This is the deal I cut with Christine for your community service. Just need your signature.

Kevin: Thank you, Mike, for helping me. I would not have survived going to prison.

Michael: Well, this is the last time -- I repeat -- the very last time I save your sorry butt. You have got to clean up your act or your wife is gonna walk. Is that what you want?

Kevin: No, of course not. I know that Chloe's mad. She has every right to be. [Sighs] But I'm gonna make it up to her.

Michael: You made more than a mistake. You lied and you put your marriage at risk. It's gonna take a whole lot more than an apology to make things right again. Remember that.

Summer: Here I am!

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.

Nick: Wow.

Summer: [Laughs]

Phyllis: You look amazing. You look amazing.

Summer: Like out of a magazine?

[Both giggle]

Nick: If we still owned Restless Style, you would be front and center.

Summer: Well, at least then I'd have a stylist to get my hair to lay right.

Phyllis: Oh, gosh. It's that cowlick that you've had since you were 3. You know, I'm gonna go get a brush, and then, um, I'll take care of it. That's okay, if I --

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah. Okay.

Summer: Okay. Thank you. So, you really think that I look okay?

Nick: Summer, you look gorgeous. You also look very forgiving, because, you know, your old man really messed up.

Summer: Are we talking about the way that you went off on Kyle?

Nick: I may have been a little overprotective. Okay, a lot overprotective, but, uh, it's only 'cause I worry and 'cause I love you and I want what's best for you.

Summer: I know. I just wish that you'd trust my judgment.

Nick: I'm trying, okay? I promise. But I'm not gonna pretend it's gonna be easy.

Summer: You know, there's a part of me that still wishes that I was your little girl and that I never had to grow up.

Nick: Really?

Summer: Yeah, I remember when you used to take me to the pond, and we'd go and we'd feed the ducks and, afterwards, we'd go and we'd get ice cream -- just the two of us. I miss that.

Nick: Summer, we can still do all that.

Summer: Yeah?

Nick: Of course. We're gonna have all summer. We will go feed the ducks, and we will get ice cream, see a movie. We'll do whatever you want, you know, as long as you're not with all your friends and texting and whatever it is you guys do.

Summer: [Chuckles] I think I can make time for you in my really busy schedule. [Chuckles]

Nick: You promise?

Summer: Remember what I said the other night? I love you, and I always will.

Both: To infinity.

Nick: I love you.

Summer: I love you.


Alex: Did you see that bearded lady?

Abby: Oh, this is awesome. Wow. [Laughs]

Alex: All right.

Abby: You know, I still can't believe that a distinguished member of the GCPD can't shoot little duckies at a firing range.

Alex: Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. My marksmanship is excellent.

Abby: Really?

Alex: You want me to pull up my record -- NYPD?

Abby: Really? Okay, but who won this -- this cute little doggie? Me.

Alex: Okay.

Abby: This girl.

Alex: You are a decent shot, all right? My gun was off. He saw that, right? It was bent over. I would have shot myself.

Kyle: Yeah.

Alex: You want me to shoot myself?

Abby: [Laughs] I love the spring fair. Don't you, Kyle?

Kyle: Yeah, it's -- its fun, but it's more fun when I don't feel like a fifth wheel.

Alex: Well, that's why we're here. You know, we've got to find Madame Miranda. Maybe she can tell us where your date went.

Kyle: Oh! God, you got me!

Abby: [Chuckles]

Kyle: That is the best shot you've fired all night, Alex.

Abby: Well, I am sure that there's a good reason for Lindsey standing you up. So, uh -- hey, where is this psychic of yours?

Alex: I don't know, but I think I smell funnel cake. Kind of brings me back to Coney Island. Do you want one?

Abby: Uh... [Chuckles]

Alex: Yeah, I'm gonna get you one anyway.

Abby: Okay.

Kyle: I already know my fortune, Abby. Lindsey got a better offer, so now that I have officially been blown off, I think I'm gonna go home.

Abby: No, Kyle. Please, don't go. Lindsey could still show up, and even if she doesn't, we're gonna have a good time. Hey, it's good to get out of the house, isn't it? Away from Summer?

Kyle: Yeah, I mean, I guess Nick probably wouldn't track me down in the fortune-teller tent at the spring fair, but...

Abby: [Chuckles]

Kyle: Who knows? What is that guy's problem, anyway? How many times do I have to tell him that I am not interested in Summer?

Abby: Well, the way you look at his daughter -- your mind is telling you that it's a bad idea, but it's hard when someone really, really likes you to not like them back. It's good to feel wanted, even if it's by the wrong person.

Kevin: You -- turn around and go. You're not welcome here.

Carmine: You sure you want to refuse a paying customer? You're not exactly packing them in these days.

Kevin: I would rather hand the keys over to the bank than take a cent from you. Now turn around and go.

Carmine: Hey. How you doing?

Lauren: What are you doing? Are you following me?

Summer: Okay, good. [Chuckles]

Nick: You look beautiful, Sweetheart.

Summer: Really?

Nick: [Smooches]

Summer: Dad, Dad, please! I just fixed my hair!

[Knock on door]

Phyllis: All right. I'll get that.

Summer: Is it okay?

Nick: I don't know what I'm doing, but it looks great. Here we go.

Summer: Are you sure?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Hey. Come on in.

Nick: Hey. Right on time for your big night.

Fen: Yeah, I've been looking forward to this ever -- wow. You look -- wow.

Summer: I-I think that we should get going.

Phyllis: Uh, oh, I have to take some pictures.

Nick: Pictures. Uh, just stay right there and...

Phyllis: Yeah, stay there. All right. Here we go. That's good. Good.

Summer: Mom...

Phyllis: Get closer.

Nick: Not that close.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] All right, say "Cheeseburger."

Both: Cheeseburger.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. Okay, just one more. I just want one more.

Summer: Please, Mom.

Phyllis: All right. Humor me. Just one. There we go. All right. Oh, shoot. Fen, I think you blinked. Let me do it again.

Summer: We have to go to Courtney's, and I kind of want to get out before midnight, so...

Phyllis: Okay.

Summer: Thank you, but we got to go.

Fenmore: Okay. Bye.

Summer: Bye!

Nick: You guys have a good time.

Fenmore: Yeah.

Summer: Thanks.

Fenmore: Hey, wait. I'm really glad we're doing this -- going to prom together.

Summer: Uh, we're not.

Fenmore: What do you mean?

Summer: Um, I-I made other plans.

Jack: Remember when Colleen was at Walnut Grove and she had this killer crush on J.T. Hellstrom?

Traci: Do I ever.

Jack: Yeah. He was an older guy, had a way with women. We were very concerned, just like Nick is right now. The difference is, Kyle isn't interested in Summer that way.

Traci: So, do you think that some of Nick's concern is misplaced?

Jack: Or at least overblown.

Traci: Hmm. I wonder if this has more to do with things than just Kyle. Like, Summer's life is very much in flux right now, and Phyllis has moved her in here, you know, with a guy who was in rehab just a few short months ago, and everyone knows that when Phyllis commits to someone, she rarely commits for very long. I mean, Summer is living proof of that, Jack.

Jack: I could be insulted by everything you've just said.

Traci: But you won't be, because you know that I'm saying all of this out of love and concern.

Jack: Phyllis saw me at my very worst and stuck by me. She didn't go running for the hills. She stood by me and gave me strength to kick this pill habit. That, to me, is real commitment.

Traci: There's more to commitment than just being present. I mean, you have to be willing to give yourself entirely to the other person with your whole heart. And I don't think that Phyllis is ever going to be able to do that. I mean, there's a part of Phyllis that will always be with Nick because they share a child.

Phyllis: Okay, you should have those pictures in your in-box.

Nick: Thanks. Hey, was it just me, or did Summer seem like she wanted to get away from us as fast as she could?

Phyllis: Oh, I think she was just anxious to start her evening. I'd be more concerned if she wanted to hang out with us on the night of her prom.

Nick: All right.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Guess I'll stop being paranoid.

Phyllis: I know it's hard. You feel like you're losing your daughter. It's tough. I feel the same way, you know, when she goes to somebody else for advice.

Nick: Someone else or Avery?

Phyllis: I should be happy that she's not just diving into things, right? I should be glad, but it just hurts that she doesn't confide in me.

Nick: Look, Avery doesn't have any expectations. Summer doesn't have to worry about disappointing her like she does with us. And no matter how many times Summer tells us she has grown up, she still looks for our approval.

Phyllis: So, she doesn't come to us because she's afraid how we'll react?

Nick: What concerns me is that if she went to Avery asking about sex, then it means she's thinking about having it. Now, the good news is, Avery said she thinks she talked her out of it for now.

Phyllis: She's 18. She can do what she wants.

Nick: Oh, don't... yeah. Well, I'm -- I'm trying to get her to avoid making a choice that could come back to haunt her.

Phyllis: Why would it?

Kevin: Man, I hate that guy.

Michael: With good reason.

Kevin: Yeah, you didn't seem happy to see him, either. What was that about?

Michael: I never cared much for him.

Kevin: Well, not caring for him is one thing, but you were staring a hole through his brain. What's Carmine done now?

Michael: He's sleeping with my wife.

Carmine: Following you? Are you serious?

Lauren: Wouldn't be the first time you arranged to run into me.

Carmine: Look, I know I was out of line when I sent that text from your son's phone.

Lauren: Hmm, you think?

Carmine: But I've been respecting your wishes, staying away, giving you space. I-I just came here to get a cup of coffee.

Lauren: And where is it?

Carmine: Well, your brother-in-law refused to serve me.

Lauren: Oh, God. Kevin knows.

Carmine: He didn't hear it from me, if that's what you're thinking.

Lauren: No, I'm sure it was Michael. I guess there's no reason to keep our affair a secret.

Carmine: Looks like your husband isn't as forgiving as you'd hoped he be.

Lauren: He needs time.

Carmine: What if he doesn't come around?

Lauren: I'll keep trying.

Carmine: This may be something Michael can't get past. Do you really want to spend the next year begging for him to take you back and promising that you'll change when you don't have to? Not for me.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Carmine: I want you, Lauren.

Lauren: All right. Stop. It's never gonna work.

Carmine: Why not?

Lauren: Because you're not Michael. He's what I need. He's what I want. And he's what I'll always want.

Jack: There are some reasons that Phyllis and I won't work, but Nick ain't one of them.

Traci: Jack, Nick was the whole reason last time. Their relationship is what ruined your chances for reconciliation.

Jack: And I was devastated, I will admit, but we have long since worked through that, and our bond is all the stronger for it. Phyllis and I are very solid right now.

Traci: If that's true, why did you have to work so hard to convince her to move in?

Jack: Because we both have a long string of failed relationships, and she didn't want to repeat that. In fact, you want proof that Phyllis has changed? There it is right there. The old Phyllis would have acted first and dealt with the consequences later. She's learned. She doesn't want to make them over and over again.

Traci: [Sighs] Speaking of mistakes, I forgot to call Steve, so I'm gonna run upstairs and catch him before he turns in. But, Jackie, I'm very proud of you. It looks like you've got this figured out.

John: So, Jackie, seems like you got it all figured out.

Jack: [Sighs]

Nick: All right. Think back to when you were 18 and some of the choices you made. Wouldn't you like to change some of them? I know I sure would.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Yeah.

Nick: And if I could spare our daughter even some of that pain --

Phyllis: Well, you can't. She has to learn from her mistakes.

Nick: So Summer keeps telling me.

Phyllis: Well, she's right. We can't keep her in a bubble. And we can't protect her like that. She has to live. And if she makes some mistakes along the way, then it doesn't mean we were bad parents. It's life, right? [Chuckles] And you're an amazing father, by the way.

Nick: Thanks. I-I'd like to believe that.

Phyllis: Believe it. I have one concern.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: I ran into my sister, and she said that your engagement is off. She said it was temporary. I'm concerned how that will affect Summer.

Nick: I'm not sure you're concerned about Summer. You're just trying to figure out what's going on with me and Avery.

Phyllis: Yeah, I am.

Nick: It was a mutual decision. I may have proposed too soon. That doesn't mean I love her any less. Avery and I realize how important it is that we are really sure before we get married. And we want this to be a lifelong commitment. But if we rush things, then it could hurt our chances in the long run.

Phyllis: Okay.

Fenmore: Why are we at your mom's?

Summer: You'll see.

Fenmore: I'm sure it will be a lot more fun than prom.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Fenmore: Wait a sec. If your mom moved in with Jack...

Summer: Yeah, no, she did. But she just hasn't decided what she wants to do with the penthouse yet, so it's just sitting here empty. [Chuckles] So, Courtney and I decided to skip the prom and go straight to the after party.

Courtney: Summer!

Summer: Hey.

Courtney: Hey. Wow, you look fantastic.

Summer: So do you.

Courtney: Thanks, well, you know, had to convince the P's that me and Dale were headed to prom.

Summer: Yeah. Us, too.

Courtney: Hey, Fen.

Fenmore: Hey.

Courtney: Oh, Alison made us these sour-apple thingies. They're so good.

Summer: Okay, yeah. I want to try some.

Courtney: Yeah.

Fenmore: Thanks.

Carmine: Look...if you're gonna tell me to stay the hell away from your wife... [Sighs] ...She beat you to it. I don't know why Lauren needs to beg for your forgiveness. I mean, you took her for granted and tossed her aside. She deserves better than that. So does your son. [Gasps]

Kevin: Michael! Michael! Michael, let him go. Let him go. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. You hear me? Let go. You deserve that and worse.

Jack: Yeah, I do think I have it under control.

John: So, you're choosing sides between a stranger and your own family.

Jack: You can't call Phyllis a stranger.

Jack: Oh, compared to Traci, I sure can. Your sister has known you her entire life and most of yours. But most importantly, Jack, she's always been there for you. Whereas Phyllis -- Phyllis comes in and out of your life as she pleases.

Jack: Traci has always been there for me? Where the hell was she -- where was everyone when I really needed them? A thousand miles away.

John: Jackie, you caused that distance.

Jack: And who was there for me when it got really ugly, really nasty? Who never left my side, and who will stick with me through thick and thin? Phyllis.

John: If you say so.

Jack: I do say so. It doesn't have to be a disagreement. We're -- we're all gonna work this out together.

John: So, you've got it all figured out?

Jack: You're damn right I do.

John: I want to know one thing. If you're so sure that you have everything under control, why am I here?

Abby: I don't think this Madame Miranda lady's showing up, so let's go on the Ferris wheel. Come on.

Kyle: Just the three of us?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Sounds pretty cozy, but, um, I'm not a lot of fun tonight. I think I'm gonna head home.

Alex: I agree.

Abby: Well, thanks for coming, Kyle. Keep the faith. I mean, maybe she got stuck in traffic or couldn't find a parking spot.

Kyle: Yeah, maybe.

Abby: Yeah.

Madame Miranda: Stop! She is not the one for you. Now, who's first?

Abby: Um... [Chuckles]

Summer: Have fun, you two. [Giggles]

Courtney: I thought you were bringing Kyle tonight. I mean, wasn't that kind of the whole point of this party -- so you two could be going upstairs, too?

Summer: Yeah, Kyle's not gonna come to a high-school party.

Courtney: Maybe he would if he thought you were in trouble. Remember the other night when Fen came by Jack's and he was acting all funky and weird?

Summer: Yeah.

Courtney: Kyle got all protective and threw him out, right? Which was beyond hot.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Courtney: So, maybe if he thought you needed rescuing again, he would --

Summer: He would send my mom or, even worse, my dad.

Courtney: Summer, Kyle's not stupid. He'd want the credit and probably your gratitude, too.

Nick: Hey, Squirt. I was thinking about you tonight. Summer was getting ready for prom. It was one of those things that you still had ahead of you. If I close my eyes, I can picture you -- hair done up, fancy dress, big, beautiful smile. [Voice breaking] You had the best smile. [Crying] I miss you so much. Losing you nearly killed me. I can't go through it again. I can't lose another daughter.

Madame Miranda: Your heart line is curved and branches upward. Oh, you are extremely interested in the opposite sex.

Alex: Hello.

Madame Miranda: And, uh, have no trouble expressing yourself. Oh! You don't have to look far for the man of your dreams.

Abby: [Gasps] That is totally me, don't you think?

Alex: Yeah, she's got you pegged, all right.

Abby: What else do you see?

Madame Miranda: I see young man with chin over there. I have strong feeling about you.

Alex: Ooh.

Kyle: Strong? What do you mean?

Abby: Maybe you two knew each other in a previous life.

Madame Miranda: You have a very strong aura.

Kyle: I do?

Madame Miranda: I-I see many obstacles in your path, having to do with love.

Alex: Ooh, maybe it's all the chicks that keep standing him up.

Abby: Shh. Shh.

Madame Miranda: Oh, the obstacles are big -- immense. But love will find a way, because love does not listen to what the mind is saying -- only the heart.

Alex: Mm.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Kyle: This has been fun, but, um, I got to go make my future happen.

Abby: Is it Lindsey? I knew he'd hear from her.

Alex: Do me.

Nick: I know if you were here right now, you'd understand why your old man's been acting crazy lately. I can't help it. I see this path that Summer's going down, and it scares the hell out of me, 'cause I know where that path ends. Yet everyone keeps telling me that I got to let Summer make her own mistakes. What if you can't come back from those mistakes? I got to protect her, right? I'm Summer's father. It's my job to keep her safe.

[Door closes]

Phyllis: Hey. Oh, you're still working.

Jack: Well, now that you're back, I'll knock off.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Where's Traci?

Jack: Upstairs in her room.

Phyllis: That's good. It gives us a chance to talk privately.

Jack: Everything all right? Problems with Summer? Glitch in the prom plans?

Phyllis: No, she's -- she's fine. It's -- I'm not doing so great.

Jack: Oh?

Phyllis: There have been so many people who have been giving us advice on our relationship.

Jack: Well, I hope you've been ignoring them.

Phyllis: Well, no. The opposite, actually. I think they're right.

Jack: Phyllis --

Phyllis: I mean, I know -- I just think that we rushed this. We -- we did this too quickly. We should have given it some thought.

Jack: I gave it plenty of thought.

Phyllis: No, we need to take a step back and think about this. It's -- it's the right thing to do. You know it, and so do I.

Jack: Speak for yourself here.

Phyllis: I-I just -- it's not like we're breaking up. I'm just...moving out, just to my own place.

Jack: When?

Phyllis: Tonight.

[Door opens]

Michael: Are we alone? Is Fenmore here?

Lauren: No. He's -- he's at the, uh, prom with Summer.

Michael: Really? When I talked to him, he said that she was seeing another boy. He was very upset about it. I could relate.

Lauren: Michael, I am so, so sorry. You know, you -- you once told me that -- that life is a gamble. Do you remember?

Michael: When I proposed to you. You have to take big risks to reap big rewards.

Lauren: And the problem with risking big is you have to be prepared to lose it all. [Sighs] And I wasn't. I didn't think about what was at stake. I stupidly gambled with our marriage and this beautiful life that we've built...and your heart... [Sighs] And I lost it all.

Michael: What if you haven't?

Lauren: Are you saying that you could forgive me?

Traci: In the time it took me to go upstairs and call Steve, Phyllis came home, packed, and moved out?

Jack: An overnight bag, yeah. She says she's gonna get the rest of the stuff later.

Traci: But you're not splitting up.

Jack: Not according to her. Go ahead. Say it. You want to say it. You warned me.

Traci: Oh, I'm so sorry. I really am. I'm sure you must be terribly hurt.

Jack: You know, I'm all right. Maybe Phyllis was right. We were really zooming right along.

Traci: But you don't really believe that.

Jack: No. I don't believe that. I thought it was going great. But it takes two. And if Phyllis isn't exactly at the same place I am, well, maybe she needs some time to catch up. And I can give her that time.

Traci: That's a very prudent way to look at things.

Jack: Yes, and we are nothing if not prudent.

Traci: [Laughs] Jack, think about it. Maybe -- maybe Phyllis' moving out is a really good way to judge whether or not the relationship was gonna last. I mean, who knows? Maybe down the line, the two of you will come together even stronger. And if you don't...

Jack: We will. We will.

Traci: If you don't, then at least you'll know now, and you won't have to go through any more disappointment.

Abby: How eerie was it when Kyle got that text in the middle of his reading? It was, like, otherworldly.

Alex: Was it?

Abby: Yes!

Alex: The guy gets a text every other second, and they're all from this world.

Abby: [Laughs] Okay. Well, how about the part where the fortune teller said I was close to the man of my dreams?

Alex: Okay, okay. Now, that was eerie. It's like it was written in the stars...or you paid her beforehand.

Abby: [Laughs] Oh, I wish I had thought of that.

Kevin: Hello, Detective. What can I get for you, since I'm here, free to run my business instead of rotting in a jail cell?

Alex: Well, the rest of the time, you will be at the station working off your sentence at my request.

Kevin: So I heard. Care to explain to me why?

Alex: You're an expert hacker from way back, so who better to protect the computer system? And that way, I can keep a close eye on you.

Kevin: Well, I hope you're not expecting me to bow down and thank you.

Alex: [Chuckles] Look, the only reason your butt is not in jail is because your brother, the big-time lawyer, has a connection with the D.A. and the chief of police.

Kevin: Guess it pays to have friends in high places.

Alex: [Chuckles] Yeah, I guess. I guess. But, see, Michael might have fixed this, but he won't be able to fix everything. You feel me?

Kevin: Mm.

Michael: I'm tired of being angry at you. It's not good for either of us or for Fenmore.

Lauren: Is it a mistake to think that you might be willing to repair things with me?

Michael: I'm willing to try.

Lauren: That's all I can ask.

Courtney: I'm bored. Can we, like, play a game or something, you guys?

Fenmore: You mean like poker?

Courtney: Or strip poker.

Summer: Yeah, I don't -- I don't think that we have any cards here.

Courtney: I know. How about truth or dare? I'll go first. Angie, truth or dare?

Angie: Truth.

Courtney: Okay. Is it true that you hooked up with that Gordon kid from G.C. High School over Easter break?

Angie: [Chuckles] His name was Jordan, and no. We didn't.

Summer: Yeah, would your answer be different if Tommy weren't here? [Chuckling]

Courtney: Okay, okay. Angie, your turn. Fen, truth or dare?

Fenmore: Oh, I-I don't really want to play.

Dale: Everyone plays, Baldwin. Truth or dare?

Fenmore: Dare.

Angie: Make out with Summer.

Fenmore: I...

Summer: Don't I get a say in that?

Angie: Rules are rules.

Dale: Come on, Dude. The whole world knows what you want.

Fenmore: Well, can -- can I do truth instead?

Courtney: And he wonders why you want an older guy. At least they're not afraid to kiss.

Angie: [Laughing] Oh.


Summer: Stop. Stop, please. Stop, stop, stop. Stop, please, stop, stop. Stop, Fen!

Kyle: Get the hell off of her! What are you doing?!

Nick: [Sighs]

[Nick remembering]

Nick: So, I got some names here in town of labs that do DNA-marker testing. I called a couple of them to see if they have any openings.

Phyllis: If I were in your shoes, I'd be hoping it wasn't mine. I'm sure you are.

Nick: It would be the best thing for you, too, Phyllis, if, uh -- if the baby turns out to be Jack's.

Phyllis: I don't know about that.

Nick: I'm the father. The baby's mine.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: What were you doing to my daughter?

Sharon: Cassie's death changed everything.

Nick: For both of us.

Paul: Stay away from Lauren for good.

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