Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/16/13
Episode # 10159 ~ Adam rethinks his involvement with Sharon; Nick's concern for Summer is questioned.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Kevin: So -- so I can just go? No one's gonna try and Tase me if I walk out of here?
Michael: Well, the court looks well upon the fact that you confessed and that you can return some of the stolen goods.
Kevin: [Sighs] Wow. We are both so grateful, Michael.
Michael: Oh, don't thank me. Thank Christine for taking the D.A.'s job. She is cutting you one hell of a deal, agreeing to work release. It's probably better than what I would have offered. You're a very lucky man. Excuse me.
Chloe: So lucky that you let someone take the fall for you, let someone do that first, awful, terrifying night in jail for you, knowing that she was completely innocent and suffering for your sins. So lucky you. But me -- not so lucky. Because you let me spend the night in jail. So work release and payback, yeah, that's great for the victims and the cops, but what about me? You know, how do you intend to make all of this up to me?
Sharon: Hey.
Adam: Hello. Have a seat.
Sharon: Okay. Um, I didn't know that you were gonna be here. I'm meeting Noah.
Adam: Oh. Our guy is pretty smart. He knows there's no one better to talk to. Thanks for letting me bend your ear last night.
Sharon: It was my pleasure, as usual.
Victor: I guess Billy Boy's investment hasn't blown up in smoke yet.
Nikki: Now, you're not gonna be doing that all through lunch.
Victor: Doing what?
Nikki: I guess the honeymoon is over.
Victor: Let's just say we've reached an impasse on a certain issue.
Nikki: What a surprise.
Sharon: [Chuckles] I will take that under consideration. I'll see you later.
Adam: Absolutely.
Nikki: And the gears are turning.
Victor: I think I found a solution to the new mess.
Chelsea: Hi! Hello. Yeah.
Dylan: "Hi. Hello. Yeah." Is everything okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. [Laughs] Yeah. I was just, um -- I was just dropping something off for Chloe, some work stuff. But I was rushing 'cause I didn't want to keep you waiting, but here you are. So hi.
Dylan: You look great.
Chelsea: Oh, thanks. I-I wasn't sure what to wear because you didn't say where we're going on this date.
Dylan: No, I did not say. Just gonna have to trust me.
Chelsea: Hmm. Summer. Hi. Great jacket.
Summer: Oh, right? It's from this hot designer. It's not even on the racks yet.
Chelsea: Well, it's working for you. See you.
Courtney: Gosh, you don't have to rub it in how you might model her clothes. Or at least couldn't you just get me some fancy stuff, too?
Summer: Okay, we need to focus. Tonight has to go perfectly.
Courtney: It's gonna be sick how great tonight's gonna be.
Summer: Yeah, as long as my dad doesn't figure it out, then we're golden.
Avery: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Avery: Hi. I-I didn't mean to barge in.
Nick: No, you're -- you're not.
Avery: I thought you were gonna come back last night, and I thought we would pick up where we left off before Summer showed up.
Nick: Yeah, sorry. I got tied up at the club.
Avery: Yeah, of course. But you didn't return my call either. So I just wanted to come by and make sure things were all right.
Nick: Honestly, they're not.
Avery: Oh, God. Okay. Uh, so, we made love, and you've had time to --
Nick: Avery, hang on.
Avery: No, no, no. It makes sense. You know, you, uh -- you wanted to take things slow, and -- and what? It was our second date, right? We jump into bed. I mean, it was wonderful, but I understand if it's --
Nick: Can I explain?
Avery: No, no. Listen to me, please. I know it was fast, but... it felt right to me, being with you again. I know that we can't go back and start over completely. We know too much about each other right now. And -- and -- but I-I worry that maybe you know things about me and -- and you can't get past them, and so if -- if sleeping together [Sighs] Rushed that, then I just --
Nick: Can you just stop?
Avery: Listen, I come in here, and I barge in, and I'm acting like a lunatic, and I'm --
Nick: Do you call this stopping?
Avery: No.
Nick: Okay. Making love to you was right. You're so right. There's some stuff going on in my life right now. And I got to figure it out. That's why I didn't call you. That's why I didn't come back to your place. But believe me when I say this has nothing to do with us.
Avery: [Sighs] Okay. What's wrong?
Sharon: So if you're getting tired of standing behind the bar at your father's club, you do have other choices. And have you thought about going back into music?
Noah: It was great for a while, but...
Sharon: Okay, well, you know what? If that's not giving you what you want, something else will. You just have to be patient. It'll come.
Noah: I think I might have something.
Sharon: Really? That's great. Tell me.
Noah: Not yet. Not yet.
Sharon: Okay. But you're okay, right? Are you seeing people? Are you seeing someone?
Noah: [Laughs]
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Noah: Subtle.
Sharon: I'm just asking.
Noah: I've been on a few dates. Nothing big yet.
Sharon: Well, it'll happen.
Noah: Well, until it's the right one, someone who puts in as much as I do, I'm not interested. You know, there's a big difference between somebody that really cares about you and someone that just takes advantage because you're around.
Victor: Son, I thought it was time that you and I discuss the tension between us. I thought that we were working well together for a while.
Adam: Well, it was delusional to think that this could last, acting like father and son, like equals.
Victor: You know fathers and sons aren't equals. They're fathers and sons.
Adam: That's a good point. But, uh, within the construct of business, we were equals. And we've been very effective.
Victor: I think we can get back there.
Adam: How are we gonna get back there when all you do is second-guess my decisions? Look, I got the money. I have the funds to take Newman private, make it a family company again. But because it's not --
Victor: Son, you're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. I should trust your instincts. Therefore I've decided that I will allow you to bring in that outside source of funding to buy our company back, okay?
Adam: You're serious?
Victor: I want us to get along, Son. That's an act of faith on my part.
Adam: Thank you, Dad. I can move on this right away.
Victor: But in return, I expect you to show me an act of faith.
Chelsea: Where's -- oh! Your warehouse.
Dylan: I hope you don't think it's too forward to bring you to my place on our first real date.
Chelsea: Well, considering our last fake date was in my hotel room, I'd say you're safe. This is amazing. You actually bought it?
Dylan: Yeah, I wasn't making sketches of some random place.
Chelsea: Well, give me a tour, then.
Dylan: Okay. Um... kitchen is right -- yeah.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Kitchen's gonna be over here. All this open shelving and a lot of stainless steel.
Chelsea: Yeah, you could put like some vintage industrial stools by the counter.
Dylan: Exactly. I like that. I like that. And the bathroom's gonna be over here.
Chelsea: I'm assuming you're gonna add a door. A door would be good for the bathroom.
Dylan: Good thinking. I'm gonna put a door.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] And what about this? What's this gonna be?
Dylan: It's my bedroom.
Michael: Good news. You will not be shoveling road kill for your work release. You'll be putting your computer skills to use for the greater good. Detective Chavez has suggested that you work at the GCPD doing whatever computer work they deem necessary.
Kevin: Huh? I work for the cops?
Michael: You have a problem with that?
Kevin: No. No. It's great. It's fantastic. I'm grateful not to do time because I was wrong, and I know it, and I'm sorry.
Chloe: Sorry you got caught? Sorry you stole? Sorry that you let the cops cuff me and print me and lock me in a cell? Sorry that you risked my daughter's entire future? Sorry that you lied and you lied and you lied again to my face?! Well, I'm not so sure that "I'm sorry" is gonna cut it.
Kevin: Chloe. Chloe, will you please let me try and make this up to you and explain?
Fenmore: Hey, d-don't worry. I haven't been busted again. Just came to see you. You know, this seemed like the one place I could make you stand still long enough to talk to me.
Michael: Son... this is not your problem.
Fenmore: My mom, my dad, my problem.
Michael: I know you think the problems between your mother and I all lead back to you. But none of this is your fault.
Fenmore: How does this happen? How do people get along and spend all of their time together and then suddenly she's seeing someone else?
Michael: What?
Fenmore: Summer blew me off for prom. There's another guy. [Scoffs] You should see the way she looks at him. She talks about him like she's in love.
Avery: That's why you've been unreachable, because of Summer? Nick, you are a great dad, the best. And Summer is a good girl. She is. Nothing happened with her and Kyle.
Nick: And it can't. Not ever.
Avery: Okay, I hear you. But didn't you get my message? I told you I talked her down, and from what I can tell, Kyle isn't interested.
Nick: For now. Summer's 18, and she's a model now. Kyle is Jack's son.
Avery: And he's not interested. So you can stop with all the what-ifs.
Nick: Well, I don't know if I can. 'Cause my past is starting to come back, and I can't help but worry about my kid.
Dylan: I thought you might be craving red meat, so I got you roast beef and arugula right there. And I thought you might be a vegetarian, so I got a grilled-veggie Panini with cheese and without cheese, in case you were a vegan.
Chelsea: Did the people at the deli look at you like you're completely crazy?
Dylan: Uh, not until I bought a bottle of sriracha and jalapeņo hot sauce.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Wow. You're gonna do this to the baby, too, aren't you? Buy -- buy six toys just in case the first one doesn't do the trick.
Dylan: I'm cautious.
Chelsea: Not with your wallet, you're not.
Dylan: Four.
Chelsea: What?
Dylan: Well, I wouldn't buy him or her six toys, not right off the bat. I'll go with four.
Chelsea: Four. And what would those four be?
Dylan: Those four would be a ball, a bear... a puzzle, and a book. And then, you know, down the line, maybe a doll and a truck.
Chelsea: Which makes six.
Dylan: Yeah, but not all at once.
Chelsea: [Laughs] So a truck and a doll. It's very -- very gender-neutral of you.
Dylan: [Sighs] No guns.
Chelsea: You mentioned the army the first night I cried all over you.
Dylan: That was... that was the night my father died.
Chelsea: You were deployed. You never talk about it.
Dylan: There's not much to say.
Chelsea: You can talk to me if you want.
Dylan: Are you sure you're up for that?
Chelsea: I'm sure.
Dylan: The same goes for you. If you ever need to talk... here I am.
Noah: Mine was terrible. I didn't like it at all. I'm gonna have to get another one to go.
Sharon: I'm such a mom. You know, it makes me happy to see you eat. [Chuckles] And it makes me proud that you believe in love.
Noah: Well, it's kind of like believing in air and water. You don't believe in air and water?
Sharon: I have been very much in love in my life. Those ups and downs, the joy, the disappointment. But I would like to do love right, really connect with someone and let it grow into something special and real. The timing, thou, it's just not right.
Noah: It's so good to see you like this again, Mom. It's nice to know that there's not gonna be any surprises, that you're making all the right decisions for the right reasons.
Nikki: Noah. I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt, but I want to give you a squeeze. Mwah!
Noah: It's good to see you, Grandma. You look great.
Nikki: Thanks.
Noah: How's Grandpa?
Nikki: Well, you'll have to come over and see for yourself. We'd love to have you for dinner.
Noah: I'm there. Okay, with that, I got to go. Are you coming?
Sharon: No, no. I'm gonna settle up here. But you go. Have fun. Bye.
Noah: Thanks, Mom.
Sharon: Sure.
Nikki: Bye, Sweetheart. Sorry.
Sharon: Noah's right. You do look well. I was sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
Nikki: Well, now, Sharon, I'm not so far gone that I need your pity. And really, when you think about the things that matter, my life is quite wonderful. I have a loving husband, good doctors. I'm physically and mentally strong. So you save that pity for somebody who doesn't have the important things in life, okay?
Adam: Quid pro quo, huh? You want me to do something for you?
Victor: I'm asking you to demonstrate some respect for me, the family, and the company.
Adam: Let me take a shot in the dark here. So you want me to step down from the company, and then you'll start running it, all in exchange for me getting the funds to acquire Newman and take it private. Boggles the mind, Dad.
Victor: Just hold on, Son. I'm not asking you to step down. If you want me to approve of your source of funding, you have to do me a favor in return. You'd cut Sharon out of your life.
Sharon: Nikki, you're sober, and I'm on my medication. So, really, what fun would an argument be? But just to be clear, if you're implying that my life is empty, you're wrong. I'm very content with my life. And just because I don't go around rubbing it in people's faces doesn't mean it isn't true.
Nikki: Actually, I was talking about my life. But just like when you married Victor and tried to take my place at the ranch, you seem to be confusing the two of us again. That is my life. And your life is -- well, let's see. No job, living alone, and mercifully, for the first time in your life, you're single.
Sharon: It's true. I was the lady of the manor for a moment. And then I realized the life you have with Victor -- I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even you.
Nikki: Well, then we're both happy with the lives we've chosen. And luckily they're the lives we both deserve.
Adam: Okay, well, I could fire Sharon, but she doesn't work at Newman. I could divorce her, but we're not married. So eliminating Sharon from my life -- it's not an issue. No problem. So I guess that means we can go forward with the financing, then, right?
Victor: Son, you don't quite understand me. Sharon is in your life. Okay? It's a reflection of your mentality... reflection on your ability to make the right decisions... regarding yourself and regarding the company. You put her in charge when you were in the hospital.
Adam: Dad, there were safeguards in place. She had no real power. You knew that. The press had a field day with it, but you and the board members knew about it.
Victor: But, Son, she did not know about it.
Adam: Dad, she -- she's not out to get you, okay. You're not on her radar.
Victor: Look... you want to be a respected, integral part of the Newman family? Sharon has done nothing but irreparable damage to us. You know that. So you're either with us or against us. Sharon is the latter. If you want me to approve of the outside funding you have to buy back this company, then you make sure that Sharon has no longer any access to our family -- none. Get rid of her. That clear?
Michael: I'm sorry you're hurting, but I don't think you and Summer were the perfect match. She instigated all that business with Jamie.
Fenmore: But I-I was the guy who kept it going. What about my blame? You're gonna come down on Summer and not --
Michael: You're both responsible for what happened. And I think there's someone more appropriate for you to date.
Fenmore: How about you? Is there someone more appropriate for you than, Mom? Is that what we do, just out with the old, in with the new?
Michael: I'm not the one --
Fenmore: Who moved out? Yeah. Yeah, that was you. But don't worry about it. No. It's not like any of this affects me, anyway. No problem.
Michael: Son, there are things that your mother and I have to deal with that you can't be involved in. And I don't know how to make this easier for you.
Fenmore: You can't make it easier. No one can. My life is this pit, this hole, and no one can do a damn thing about it.
Summer: Okay, everything is gonna fall right into place, and tonight's gonna be a good night.
Courtney: So text him.
Summer: Text who?
Courtney: Fen. If you want tonight to work, you have to go to prom, and he wants to go with you, so say yes.
Summer: No. Okay, Fen already freaked out on me for leading him on before. There's no way I'm doing that again.
Courtney: Fine. Then kiss your plans goodbye. If you don't want your dad --
Summer: You know what? Hi, Noah. Hi. Uh, Courtney, say hi to my brother, Noah.
Courtney: Hi.
Noah: Don't even think about it.
Summer: About what?
Noah: Whatever it is that you're planning. You wouldn't be dumb enough to do that fake-I.D. thing again, would you? Just tell me what you're up to so I can talk you out of it.
Kevin: Chloe, listen to me. Look. I panicked, okay? The idea of being in a jail cell was... I wasn't thinking, and I want to fix this.
Chloe: You want to steal me another piece of jewelry?
Kevin: I am so, so sorry. Look, this money thing has been hanging over our heads for -- forever. And you were with me in the beginning. You were into it, and we were paying our bills, and we were doing other stuff, and... I guess I just wanted to do it again on my own.
Chloe: As what? Foreplay? So you can work up the interest to want to have sex with me again? Wow. That's not insulting at all. It's not hurtful or -- or hateful or really mean. And ditto for you letting me get arrested for a crime that you committed.
Kevin: [Sighs] I was a coward. And I hate myself for that. Look at me and tell me what I have to do to make this right.
Chloe: I don't know. You know, we could just forget about it and move on, just go about our lives, la-di-da. But what you did -- it will always be there. I will never forget it. And it will just sneak up and beat us up when we least expect it.
Nick: You know how much I missed this?
Avery: I promise you I have missed it more.
Nick: I still can't believe what an idiot I was, letting all that garbage get in between us.
Avery: What's that, my history with Dylan or your divorce from Phyllis?
Nick: All of it. I mean, you can't love if you don't take the risk. Some weird drunk guy taught me that the night of the storm.
Avery: Oh, wow. Well, if a snowbound weird drunk guy says it, it must be true.
Nick: I love you. And I want to be with you.
Avery: Those are the best words I've heard.
Nick: Do you mean that? Not just the words. Knowing that no matter what I've done, it won't change the way you feel about me.
Avery: I do mean that, with all my heart. Look, I don't know everything you've done, but I know your soul. If there's something you want to tell me... last night, y-you said you wanted to talk about something. Is -- is that what's going on now? Is there something you want to say? Because you can tell me anything.
Kevin: You're it, Chloe. You and Delia and this marriage -- this is my life. I'm not giving up.
Chloe: Give up what? The need to steal to want to have sex with me and then let me get arrested for it? That is how much you love me.
Kevin: I love you so much that you cannot even understand. I can't explain to you how much I love you. The thought of not being with you makes me feel like I'm gonna implode. [Sighs] So if you need some time to cool down, take it. I will back off. But I am going to fix this, whatever it takes. I need you too much to give up on us.
Summer: You are a grumpy old man, Noah. You act like you're the oldest person alive.
Courtney: Well, you don't seem that old to me.
Noah: I'm not too old that I don't remember what prom night was like, okay? Lots of buildup, lots of drama, everybody blowing things out of proportion. Think it's the biggest night of their lives, and they do something they shouldn't.
Summer: Okay. Geez, old man Noah. Do you want us to get off your lawn, too?
Noah: I'm just saying, don't do something you think you can handle but you really can't.
Summer: Okay, you're killing me.
Noah: Fine. I'm old. But I know what I'm talking about. I don't want you guys getting hurt.
Michael: If I could change things for you, if I could magically get you through this, I would do it. But if life is really as awful as you say it is, maybe you should talk to someone about it.
Fenmore: Now I can't complain about life without going to a shrink?
Michael: Listen to me. Where you are now, you're gonna wander off the path, and you're gonna wander back on. You're gonna go to college. You're gonna get jobs. You're gonna lose jobs. You're gonna switch friends. You're gonna love someone who loves you back. But this moment, this awfulness, it'll end. And there is going to be something and someone new and amazing in your life.
Fenmore: I don't want someone else. I want Summer. [Scoffs] Then again, why should I even bother? We would probably just end up like you and Mom.
Chelsea: It's like an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet.
Dylan: I didn't know if you are a chocolate person or --
Chelsea: I like it all, thank you very much. I'll take this one. I'll take this one.
Dylan: Wha-- I almost lost a finger on that one.
Chelsea: Well, no one has ever called me "Dainty," that's for sure. No, really. This is... this is amazing. You thought of everything.
Dylan: Honestly, I wasn't sure. I was a little worried now that I know who your ex is.
Chelsea: Don't hold it against me.
Dylan: Adam's got money. You know, so if you're craving lobster and caviar --
Chelsea: No, thanks. I mean, all those things are great, but... fancy dishes with silver domes on top -- it's pretty, but... it doesn't keep you company. This baby might have things -- it might have a lot of things if you have your way, but... most importantly, this baby will have someone that loves him or her unconditionally... with all her heart.
Dylan: And his heart, too. Paper bags instead of silver domes... are you sure it's an okay tradeoff?
Chelsea: Yes. Yes. This is dining in style.
Victor: Son... Sharon is not the right woman for you. She's not someone who will help you in the future and be the mother of your children.
Adam: That supposed to make me feel any better, rubbing salt in the wounds because of what's going on with Chelsea? I mean, Dad, you're aware, okay, of what I'm dealing with. The fact that Chelsea's carrying another man's baby.
Victor: Talking about Chelsea, she tried to trap Billy Abbott with a child. Now she's trapped some other poor slop with a child. Thank God it's not you.
Adam: Don't talk about Chelsea like -- Dad, can we just... let's just address one romantic misstep of mine at a time.
Victor: Son, let me put it very succinctly. If you want me to trust your judgment... you've got to help me inspire my faith in you. You remove Sharon from your life. And you get back to me once you've made that decision, okay?
Sharon: So, about that suggestion you made earlier, I think I'm going to want to slip into something more comfortable.
Adam: Now isn't a good time after all, Sharon.
Sharon: Why not?
Adam: I changed my mind.
Sharon: But at the restaurant, you said --
Adam: Yeah, I know. But... but it's not gonna happen.
Sharon: Not right now?
Adam: Not ever.
Sharon: Wait, are you... is this over?
Adam: Had to end sometime.
Sharon: This is it, right now, right after you just whispered in my ear at the restaurant that you --
Adam: I know what I said, Sharon. I know. But is this the kind of relationship that you really want, really?
Sharon: What, are you trying to protect me? Because I can protect myself.
Adam: What do you want me to say, Sharon? You want me to say I'm not interested anymore? Okay. I'm not interested anymore.
Sharon: This is just like the wedding in prison... when you proposed to me just so you could reject me at the last minute. I was your last friend, Adam. I stood by you. You stood by me. Why? Why, if this was the plan?
Adam: It was... there was no plan, Sharon. It just has to end. It's just over.
Sharon: To think about all the times that I defended you... to my son, to his father, to your father. And I was wrong. You really are the bastard that everyone says you are. [Voice breaking] And I'm the fool they say I am.
[Door slams]
Nick: You know what? There is something that I want to tell you. But I got to deal with an issue first. Do you mind?
Avery: No, you take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere.
Nick: Nowhere?
Avery: Nowhere.
Summer: Noah just had to walk in exactly when I'm talking about my dad not finding out.
Courtney: Your brother is stupid hot.
Summer: Okay, ew.
Courtney: What? You pick your older guy. I'll pick mine.
Noah: Real subtle, the way you guys stop talking when I walk by.
Summer: Oh, paranoid much?
Noah: Have fun tonight. You know, smart fun. Not stupid fun.
Summer: Oh, like physics homework? Like that kind of fun? Oh, we will get right on it.
Noah: Yeah.
Summer: Yeah. [Sighs] Who are you calling?
Courtney: I'm calling to see if Izzy has a prom date for you.
Summer: [Sighs]
Fenmore: Your date bailed on you?
Summer: Yeah, his grandma broke her hip.
Courtney: Wait. What about you? Who are you taking?
Fenmore: No one yet.
Summer: Okay, maybe...
Fenmore: Maybe what?
Summer: Oh, so you're gonna make me say it.
Fenmore: Well, you turned me down, so this one's on you.
Summer: Okay. Fen, would you like to go to prom with me? As friends.
Fenmore: Why not? It might be a decent night, after all.
Summer: It's gonna be better than decent. I can feel it.
Victor: Well... business is done. Thank you for waiting for me, my darling.
Nikki: I've known you long enough that I should be worried about that look, but God help me, I find it endearing.
Victor: What look are you talking about, Sweetheart?
Nikki: Your "Master of the universe" look. Oh, my. It seems that Sharon's sunny mood has clouded. I wonder what happened.
Victor: I don't know.
Nikki: Hmm.
[Adam remembering]
Victor: Sharon's not the right woman for you. Talking about Chelsea, she tried to trap Billy Abbott with a child. Now she's trapped some other poor slop with a child. Thank God it's not you.
Chelsea: I like that. Oh, well, I am stuffed. I think those cookies did me in.
Dylan: Well, three more cookies. Maybe we can do it again sometime.
Chelsea: Bye.
Dylan: Bye.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Chloe: Crummy day. Don't ask. I don't want to talk about it. I'm not ready yet. What's with the goo-goo eyes?
Chelsea: This isn't goo-goo eyes.
Chloe: Then what is it?
Chelsea: It's a decision. Dylan thinks he's the baby's father, and he will be. Forever. He and the baby will love each other, and no one will ever know the truth.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: It's not like we're breaking up. I'm just moving out.
Kevin: What's Carmine done now?
Michael: He's sleeping with my wife.
Lauren: What are you doing? Are you following me?
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