Y&R Transcript Friday 5/10/13
Episode # 10155 ~ Phyllis tells Michael to fight for his marriage; Leslie and Neil look for answers.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Avery: Thanks for waiting.
Dylan: Uh, well, you called. I was intrigued. It must be kind of important.
Avery: It is. It’s something I should have given to you long ago.
Dylan: It's not like I’m going into combat without I.D.
Avery: I understand that, but I shouldn't have them anymore. So...
Dylan: Um...why? Why not? I mean, you've held on to them this long.
Avery: Well, that's my problem. I hang on to things for too long. [Sighs] I hang on for so long that I forget to concentrate on what's ahead.
Nick: You got to be kidding me.
Traci: So, Phyllis is your housemate.
Jack: "Housemate"? Boy, is that clinical.
Traci: Maybe. How did this decision come about?
Jack: I offered her a place to put her toothbrush, and she brought a moving truck, instead.
Traci: [Chuckles] Jack, I'm just curious! This happened really quickly.
Jack: Traci, I asked her. Phyllis makes me happy. Logic indicated that the more time I spent with her, the happier I would be, and contrary to your assumptions, Phyllis needed convincing. She's the one that wanted to take things slow.
Traci: Really? Phyllis had some reluctance, and you didn't think that was worth listening to?
Jack: Hey, no matter what I say, you're gonna come after me, aren't -- I love her. Phyllis and I have been together one way or another for years. Now we are in a wonderful place, and I couldn't be more pleased.
Traci: Jack, I want you to be happy. I really do. That's why I'm so concerned. Phyllis hurt you before, badly. Don't you think there's a chance that she's gonna hurt you again?
Neil: "Leslie Michaelson aka Valerie -- what else does she have to hide?" How did -- how did you find this?
Leslie: Maya at the office. She e-mailed me a link. Must have popped up on a search or something. I mean, the things... the things this person is saying -- "So much to hide. She's running from her past -- lots of guilt, possibly with good reason. Who is Valerie? Maybe it's better to stay away." Who knows all this? Tyler? He'd never say a word. That leaves you, Neil. Are these your words? Did you say this about me?
Michael: Nice place?
Carmine: Excuse me?
Michael: The Geneva Pines Inn. Is it any good? My wife, Lauren...and I have talked about going there. Is it as romantic as they say it is?
Lauren: [Sighing] Oh. What have I done?
Neil: Yes. Leslie, those are my words. But listen to me. Those words -- they were never, never ever meant for public consumption, all right? It was a journal entry. I've been writing a diary for years -- ever since I got sober, right? It's a running stream of consciousness. It's a dumping ground for my emotional baggage because if I let it build up, I'm gonna pick up that bottle again and I'm gonna drink, and I don't want to do that. Those words -- that's not how I feel about you now. I swear to you -- the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. The last thing I ever expected was for this information to go public.
Leslie: But there's more, isn't there? You wrote more.
Neil: Yes, I did.
Leslie: Oh, goodness. What's the rest?
Neil: About how you make me feel when I'm with you... the way you touch me... how beautiful you are, inside and out... how grateful I am that you've finally let down those walls, and you trust me enough to tell me your secrets. That's what matters -- not this stuff that I wrote that I didn't even really know you back then.
Leslie: Okay, so you didn't put it out there. Someone did. Who? Who would want to hurt me like this?
Neil: Leslie...
Leslie: Especially now, now that Gus is gone.
Neil: That's exactly what we're gonna find out. I promise.
Carmine: I don't know much about Geneva...Plains.
Michael: Pines.
Carmine: Yeah. Whatever. The place looks expensive, anyways.
Michael: And yet you have the matches.
Carmine: People leave things behind here all the time -- scarves, credit cards. You know, actually, a guy left his leg here once -- prosthetic leg. I mean, how'd he get home, right? [Chuckles]
Michael: So, people leave behind their matchbooks?
Carmine: All the time.
Michael: I find that strange. It's not like you're able to smoke in here.
Carmine: [Sighs] Something you want to say, Counselor?
Michael: You son of a bitch.
Carmine: [Sighs] [Sighs]
[Cell phone vibrates]
Lauren: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Fenmore: Mom?
Lauren: Hi. Hi, Sweetheart. I'm so glad you're home. Kevin told me that you were staying with him and Chloe. I wasn't sure you would come home at all.
Fenmore: Like Dad. I've been making you both nuts for months -- same as I did to Jamie. I'm the guy who drives people to walking off a ledge.
Lauren: Sweetie, what happened?
Fenmore: What happened is I-I-I can't -- I can't stop screwing up. I swear I-I don't -- I don't -- I don't want to be this way. I-I don't want to do these things, but I do. I-I do it anyway. Then I drive people away. And now Summer. I love her, Mom. She can't stand me. And I deserve it.
Summer: Ah, hey. Look at you. Planning another morning walk of shame?
Kyle: Funny. Actually, I'm just meeting some friends for drinks at the Underground.
Summer: Ugh, gosh, I am so jealous. You know, my dad yanked my fake I.D., so I'm sorry -- you will -- you won't be seeing me shake my thang on the dance floor tonight. [Chuckles]
Kyle: Well, to be fair, getting busted by your dad at his own club proves your judgment was already a little impaired.
Summer: Ouch. That -- that really hurt. Um... well, why don't you ask your friends to meet us somewhere else?
Kyle: "Us"?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, we're dating, right? [Chuckles] That was the story to keep Fen from going all stalker on me again. You were the one that was so concerned.
Kyle: Oh, I see. Yeah. Well, my friends are in from Boston, and they really want to hit the Underground. And, you know, besides, maybe you were right about Fen. You know him a lot better than I do. If you say he's not a threat, then I trust you, Summer.
Summer: Wait. Wait. Um... I have a really big favor to ask you. Um, will you take me to prom?
Dylan: What is it you think you're seeing, Nick? 'Cause whatever it is, you're wrong.
Nick: Really? Then what is it?
Avery: I told you that I needed to give Dylan back what was his, and so I did. I had a nice time tonight. The dog tags almost ruined that, and so I needed to return them as soon as possible because the only thing that matters to me right now is moving forward.
Nick: Sorry. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut.
Avery: Are you, uh, working out?
Nick: Yeah, I got about 5,000 calories to burn off, thanks to your dinner. Thank you. It was amazing. I'll, uh, talk to you tomorrow.
Avery: Okay. Tomorrow. I should go.
Dylan: I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me, too.
Jack: Trace, if you're happy for me, be happy. If this is about bashing Phyllis, don't.
Traci: Bash-- Jack, this is about love and concern, and that's all!
Jack: Because, of course, I can't run my own life. I need my sister to help me do it. Gee, how did I ever get this far?
Traci: By the grace of God!
Phyllis: Hey! Hi. Wow. Sorry to interrupt. I need to go to work. I have a file to get at work.
Jack: [Sighs] Chicken. You're running away.
Phyllis: No, I'm devoted to work. Just, uh, you guys have a great time catching up.
Jack: Hello. Goodbye.
Phyllis: Bye.
Jack: Nice job of chasing her away.
Traci: You stop exaggerating. You heard Phyllis -- she has work to do. Why would she lie about something like that?
Jack: [Sighs]
Summer: Look, um, I know that it must sound really weird and stupid, but, um, you know, it's my senior prom, and I-I really need a date.
Kyle: Well, Summer, Walnut Grove has rules. There's no dates allowed over 21. Although I'm very flattered. Thank you for asking.
Summer: Okay, but they're not gonna card you. Come on, please? Look, I am practically a professional model now. I cannot show up stag.
Kyle: People do it all the time. It's a sign of confidence. Besides, how much would it suck if we went together and showed up, and they turned me away at the door? If you really don't want to go alone, just ask any guy at your school. I'm sure some lucky guy your own age would love to take you. You'll have a great time. You can call me after, tell me all about it.
Summer: [Sighs]
Lauren: Honey, you know, this is all part of growing up. You get off track. You lose your way. You find your way back. You know, you're just -- you're learning, and you're growing, and sometimes that can be very, very painful.
Fenmore: That doesn't change what I've already done.
Lauren: No. It doesn't.
Fenmore: Do you forget that stuff I did to Jamie -- things I've said to you and Dad? Do you forget any of that? Because I don't. I go over it all the time, and it makes me feel like a jerk -- like I just physically cannot do the right thing. And when -- when Summer looks at me, she sees what I see. It makes sense for her to hate me.
Lauren: Oh, Sweetheart. No. Look, if you care about her that much, then you be the guy that she deserves, the one that she cares about. You'll work it out. I know you will.
Fenmore: Does -- does that go for you and Dad? You think you guys can work it out?
Lauren: I'm sure we can.
[Footsteps approaching]
Phyllis: Hey. You look like death. No offense.
Michael: None taken. I was right about Lauren.
Phyllis: [Sighs] So, she admitted...
Michael: That she's cheating on me? No. No. No admission yet... but I have confirmation.
Phyllis: Does she know you know?
Michael: About my suspicions? She knows I had them. Does she know that I'm certain now, that she went to another man, and... the phone calls, secrets, the lies she told right to my face? Well, now I know, and that changes everything.
Phyllis: Until you talk to her.
Michael: About what? And why? What point would that conversation be now? I've tried and tried to talk to her. She's run away over and over again, and now I know she was running to him.
Phyllis: Are you telling me your marriage is over?
Avery: [Sighs]
[Keys jingle]
[Music plays loudly]
Avery: [Sighs]
[Music plays loudly]
Nick: [Grunting] Did you come to work out, or you got something to say?
Dylan: It's time we settled this.
Nick: You know [Grunts] You show up here at my club, at Avery's apartment -- always getting in the middle of us. [Grunting] For somebody who says he's leaving town, you sure never seem to get too far. [Grunting continues]
Dylan: You're right, and honestly, I've tried more than a dozen times to make her see that this life with you is not what she wants, but the thing is, instead of me convincing her, she's convinced me that she loves you more than me, and if you can't see that, good. Because that means you will lose her...and I'm okay with that.
Nick: [Grunting]
Michael: I've ignored my wife. I arrested my son. Instead of protecting my family, I moved out. [Chuckles] I created this mess. I just opened the door and said, "Go, be with --"
Phyllis: Do you want to know why people cheat? Because they want to cheat, not because anybody forces them to. Sometimes an affair ends up very dramatic and horrible. Sometimes it ends up with two people getting married and having a child, and sometimes it's just a mistake that you want to forget. She made a mistake. It's not what defines her. It's not who she is. It doesn't mean that she should be loved any less, and it doesn't mean that she loves you any less. It's just a mistake. You guys have a great marriage. Life kicked you in the face. You go back and you kick it back. Do you understand me? You go home right now, and you talk to your wife.
Jack: Phyllis and I are in an entirely different place.
Traci: So, she's no longer emotional poison?
Jack: Traci.
Traci: I mean it, Jack. She can spread her misery to every man in Genoa City -- that is none of my business -- but not you. I will not stand by and let her hurt you again.
Jack: Did Ashley get you this worked up before you came here? Because as I remember, you were the sister that always at least heard me out!
Traci: [Scoffs]
Jack: Phyllis and I are together. We are great together. Yes, we have a lot of history. I remember it all -- the highs, the lows, the fights, the silences. Now we've been through the pills and her divorce, and we're at a new place -- both of us.
Traci: But is it a safe place, Jack? Not for you, and not for your recovery.
Jack: Traci, I think you know how much I love you. This is not a friendly visit. This -- this is an ambush! I don't need an intervention about Phyllis! I love her! I am happy! And if you can't be happy for me, maybe you shouldn't stay in this house.
Traci: What?! You are throwing me out of my home because of Phyllis, and you don't think there's a problem?!
Jack: Your home is in New York. This is my home now, with Phyllis! And, yes, I think maybe you should leave.
Neil: Hi, Detectives. We came for an update on the burglary at my place.
Sheryl: Still not much to go on, Mr. Winters. I mean, no video surveillance yet, and we have no hit on the prints in the database. Nothing fenced that we know of.
Neil: Well, I think I might have some information that'll help you two focus.
Alex: [Chuckles]
Neil: We don't believe that this was a random break-in. I-I think it was personal.
[Door slams]
Lauren: Michael. I'm glad you're home.
Michael: Is Fen here?
Lauren: He was. [Sighs] We talked. It was so good. He's reaching out. I -- he just left. Do you want me to call him? He'll come right back home.
Michael: No. No. If he needs some air to clear his head, I understand.
Lauren: I'm glad you're home.
Michael: You said that.
Lauren: Listen, what I-I said earlier...
[Glass slams]
Michael: About driving you to another man?
Lauren: That was just me lashing out in anger. You know, I was trying to find the most hurtful thing I could say to you, and it was -- it was cruel, and I'm sorry.
Michael: You're sorry. So, it's not true? You didn't walk away from me into that bartender's bed? Oh, Carmine -- always ready to fill your glass.
Lauren: [Sighs] Michael --
Michael: So eager to ask me how my day was while I'm miserable, drinking alone, and mourning my marriage. He's silently cheering as he pours my drink.
Lauren: Michael, p-please.
Michael: Why him? I'm curious. What made him the answer? I mean, that's what you said, wasn't it -- that you -- you did some things while you were looking for the answer? Why is Carmine the answer? Was it his muscles? His youth? His charm? Did he make you feel young and sexy? Did he remind you of your wild days? You know, you can stop me any time you want.
Lauren: Okay, okay, okay. [Voice breaking] It was a mistake. I wish I could take it back!
Michael: You can't unmake that bed...nor erase what happened in it. No. Nope, that can't be undone.
Lauren: [Sighs] So, what -- what now?
Michael: I don't know what this is -- grief, rage, uh, overload... [Chuckles] Or just a dull ache in my chest...
Lauren: [Sighs]
Michael: ...Which makes sense 'cause that's where my heart used to be. I'm surprised there's not a lot of blood everywhere. But, no. No mess. No nothing. Phyllis told me to come home and fight for you...fight for us.
Lauren: Well, sh-she's right. She's right. Fight. Please, Michael, yell at me. Tell me what I am! Tell me how I hurt you! And fight! [Sobbing] Hate me! And please, please love me again. Please give me another chance.
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: Shh! Shh! Oh. I'm at work. Don't tell anyone.
Summer: Okay. Are you hiding out?
Phyllis: I'm just -- Traci, Jack's sister, is at the house.
Summer: Oh.
Phyllis: She hates me. It happens.
Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, you could take her.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Please.
Summer: Oh, so, maybe for Mother's day, I was thinking of getting you some brass knuckles?
Phyllis: [Gasps] Oh, my daughter's so sweet.
Summer: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: Some daughters get their mothers brunches...
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: ...And flowers and candy, but you give me something I can really use.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Oh.
Summer: It's heartfelt. [Chuckles] Uh, do you think that Traci's gonna convince Jack that you guys shouldn't live together?
Phyllis: No. Ugh. The Abbotts -- they're so tight. He loves his sisters. Blah.
Summer: Yes, he loves his sisters, but Jack worships you. Okay, I mean, look -- he finds it hot when you get all mad and you yell. I mean, really -- how many guys find that adorable?
Phyllis: I'm lucky.
Summer: Yes. You're lucky.
Phyllis: [Giggles]
Summer: I mean, a guy that likes you for you -- when am I gonna get lucky? [Laughs] I did not -- I did not mean it like that. [Chuckling] I did not mean it that way.
Phyllis: Good to know.
Summer: Ye-- no, I'm just -- I'm just saying, you know, I want a guy to adore me for -- for me. You know, all my weirdness and quirkiness.
Phyllis: You are not weird at all, and you know what? You have a lot of time, so be patient and hold out for someone who's worth it, please? Don't get hypnotized just by a pretty face and nice abs. And you know why Jack and I are so good together? You know why? Because we're friends. Jack is my best friend, and being in love with your best friend -- it doesn't get any better than that.
Nick: [Grunting]
Dylan: If you don't want to hear me, that's on you.
Nick: Hey! Yeah, she did love you... a lot. I remember when we first started dating, I found your dog tags. She cried, telling me how much she loved you, but you were dead. You know, your memory couldn't touch us, but then you came back to town. I was so jealous because I could see how much she clung to that memory.
Dylan: [Sighs] Avery doesn't want to be with me. She's made that very clear.
Nick: I don't blame you for trying. You'd be an idiot to let her slip away.
Dylan: So, are you... an idiot? Don't let her slip away.
[Soft music plays]
Neil: And, see, now the information that was on that flash drive -- it's now on the internet. It's been posted by an anonymous blogger.
Alex: I don't think this is a casual theft, but it's good for us 'cause we can track down the I.P. address -- see if we can catch the perp. What's the site?
Leslie: Oh, I-I know you guys have to look at it, but I really wish you didn't.
Sheryl: I hear you, but it's okay.
Leslie: Well, here it is. [Clears throat]
Alex: Okay.
Sheryl: That doesn't look like some random blog template. This is a posting on GC Buzz. This isn't some nickel-and-dime operation. This is serious.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, I don't think this blog is a one-shot deal. I think there's more to come.
Fenmore: Hi.
Summer: Yeah.
Fenmore: W-would you mind? Can I talk to Summer for a second?
Phyllis: Um, I'm not sure that's a great idea, Fen.
Fenmore: No, I-I'm not gonna be a jerk or cause trouble. That's the point. I-I need to apologize.
Summer: Yeah, and then freak out after that?
Fenmore: No. I mean it.
Summer: Okay, um, yeah, it's -- its fine. I mean, really, you should go home anyways -- you know, stop hiding out. Really, you should prove that you have every right to be with Jack. Everybody deserves a second chance.
Michael: We've had some incredible moments -- I mean, a lifetime, really, hmm? And Phyllis says that we're the couple that everybody wants to be.
Lauren: Yeah, we've, uh [Sniffles] Seen a lot of people break up since we've been together -- a lot of people break each other's hearts, but... [Voice breaking] We beat the odds. [Sniffles]
Michael: Until now. [Sighs]
Lauren: [Inhales deeply] Look... we got this far because of love, because of Fen and... how good we are together. And I think that we can -- we can get that back. I know we can.
Michael: Yeah, well, can we, or do we even want to?
Lauren: Well, I do.
Michael: I mean, do you want a life with me, or is it just that now the truth is out, all this is from shame and guilt?
Lauren: [Sighs] I am ashamed... and I do feel guilty, but I'm not giving up. I love you so much, and I really hope that under all that anger and hurt...that you still love me.
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Cell phone vibrates]
[Knock on door]
Phyllis: You asked your sister to leave?
Jack: I decided this wasn't a good time for a visit.
Traci: Yeah, I think it's probably for the best.
Phyllis: No. That's insane. That's crazy. Um, Traci, hey, you don't think I'm right for Jack -- neither does Ashley, and probably a thousand other people in town think it's a bad idea.
Jack: That's probably a conservative estimate.
Phyllis: But I care very deeply for Jack -- um, more than you know -- probably more than he knows, too, 'cause I'm not really into mush and goo and feelings.
Jack: Gee, you make sweet-talking sound so sweet.
Phyllis: You care about Jack, right?
Traci: Well, of course I do.
Phyllis: Yeah. I do, too. We both do, see? So, um, you know, I can't convince you of that if you go back to New York, so stay. Put your suitcases back in your room, and, um, we will have dinner together, and we will smile and talk about things and -- and I will convince you that Jack and I can make this work -- because we can make this work. What -- what's for dinner?
Nick: Dylan asked me if I was an idiot. And I am. I was. Who am I to say that we need to take a break? I'm the one who has ex-wives and kids and about 6 tons of family baggage. I was here, trying to make you prove to me that you love me, prove that I'm the one. Screw that. I should be proving that to you. Avery, you have a beautiful heart. Dylan's a part of your life, and I know that's never gonna change, but I know I'm in there, too. So, yeah, I was an idiot. That's a shocker, huh?
Avery: [Chuckles]
Nick: I love you, and I want you. Do you still want me?
Avery: [Sighs] So much. So much.
Michael: I saw the look on his face -- Carmine -- daring me to punch him. All the times he looked at me, knowing that he'd had you in his bed. All the times you ran out of here, told me you had to work all night. Carmine -- he knows what you look like in the morning. He knows what you look like when you roll over in bed, and you smile. He knows what you look like when you... it's in here. It's in my brain. I can't change it. I can't erase it. I can't make it go away. I hurt you, and you hurt me back. This is all that's left.
Lauren: We both hurt each other, but that is not what's left. We can heal. I know we can. But we have to do it together. Please tell me that you will do that with me.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Fenmore: Carmine? What are you doing?
Carmine: Fen. Hey.
Nick: I told you to stay away from my daughter.
Chloe: You've had your sticky, little fingers all over somebody else's property, and now I'm gonna figure it out.
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