Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/9/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/9/13


Episode # 10154 ~ Nick questions Adam and Sharon's relationship; things heat up between Dylan and Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Have you been cheating on me? Just tell me. Is that it?

Lauren: Michael...

Michael: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't get to delay or ponder or stall. Have you been cheating on me?

Lauren: We're talking about our marriage here.

Michael: Yeah. I want to know the reason I haven't been able to fix us no matter what I do. So is it because you have found somebody else and you don't want it fixed? Is that it?

Lauren: Don't do this.

Michael: Don't require the truth from my wife? Don't try to understand why everything I care about has gone to hell?

Lauren: No, don't push, Michael, please.

Michael: Oh, come on! For months -- for months, I thought that this, us, wasting away -- I thought that was because of how I hurt you and Fenmore. Look, if there was, um... anything else, if there's more to it, if it... wasn't just me...

Lauren: It wasn't just you.

Michael: Have you been with someone else? Is there someone else?

Lauren: [Sighs] I can't do this.

Michael: No. What you cannot do is run away again. Just tell me. Yes or no -- are you in love with another man?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Carmine: Look, man, you can leave before your shift's over if you want. I can cover.

Dylan: You sure?

Carmine: Yeah. I mean, look -- its dead here anyways, and I got to work off a debt to the boss.

Dylan: Thanks. I wouldn't mind clocking out a little early.

Carmine: Hot date?

Dylan: Dinner.

Carmine: Her place?

Dylan: Yeah.

Adam: You and Chelsea sharing more than a kid now?

Chelsea: Of course I'm nervous about seeing Dylan.

Chloe: What's to freak about? You're gonna have a nice, quiet, intimate dinner.

Chelsea: Intimate? No. That's not... wait, you don't think that he thinks that I invited him over to -- because I didn't.

Chloe: Well, I think most guys would think that.

Chelsea: Well, that's not what tonight's about.

Chloe: Okay, well, then you'll make that clear, and then nice-guy Dylan will be all over the chance for you guys to get to know each other better.

Chelsea: But I don't want that.

Chloe: Why not? Sleeping with him may have started out as a one-time hookup, but tonight will be the start of something more.

Chelsea: No. Tonight is the end of something.

Chloe: Oh, no.

Chelsea: Oh, yes.

Chloe: [Sighs] You're gonna dump him.

Chelsea: I can't dump him. We were never a couple.

Chloe: So then why do you invite him over to your place?

Chelsea: Because I need privacy to do what I need to do.

Chloe: Chelsea.

Chelsea: I'm gonna tell Dylan the truth, that he's not the baby's father -- Adam is. And when I do, he will walk out the door, and I'll never see him again.

[Knock on door]

Sharon: Hey.

Nick: Hey. You here to tuck Faith in?

Sharon: Uh, yes, among other things. Noah left these at my place.

Nick: When?

Sharon: I don't know. A while back.

Nick: Well, let's hope he doesn't need gloves for the next few months.

Sharon: You never know. It's Wisconsin. You, uh, just getting here, or are you on your way out?

Nick: Uh, Avery invited me to dinner.

Sharon: That's a funny way to put it.

Nick: What would you call the third meal of the day?

Sharon: Well, it's just you make it sound so formal, like you need a special invitation to have dinner with your fiancée. It's not like it's your first date.

Nick: Well, actually it kind of is.

Chloe: You have Adam exactly where you want him -- in the dark. And Dylan, he's probably picking out baby names. No one's getting hurt. Why wreck it?

Chelsea: Because Dylan is a stand-up guy, and he deserves to know the truth.

Avery: The truth about what?

Chloe: Hello? Private conversation.

Chelsea: It's okay. Um... Dylan should know that I'm not sure I'm gonna stay in Genoa City once the baby's born.

Chloe: I-I'm gonna go talk to my husband. Are you okay?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Avery: Uh, Chloe is right. I shouldn't have been eavesdropping.

Chelsea: That's okay. Don't worry about it. Dylan told me that you two used to have a thing. And I made it very clear to him that if there's still something going on with --

Avery: No, no, no. It's long over between us.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, um...

Avery: I-I hope you'll reconsider moving away. Or at least wherever you land that you'll still let Dylan help raise his child.

Chelsea: We'll work it out.

Avery: Y-you can't keep him away from his baby, Chelsea. He's gonna make an amazing dad. And this baby means... it's just he's had so much loss.

Chelsea: Yeah, he told me about his father passing away.

Avery: And there are other things. And now he has so much love inside of him to give, and I just think that having someone finally to love him back... Chelsea, Dylan is a kind and caring man. He's one of the few genuinely good guys left.

Chelsea: You're sure you're not still in love with him?

Sharon: What happened between you and Avery?

Nick: Uh, you know what? Uh, the nanny is upstairs with Faith.

Sharon: Oh. And what's her ring doing here instead of on her finger? Is the engagement off? You don't want to talk about it.

Nick: What was your first clue?

Sharon: Well, I didn't need much since I already knew there was a strain in the betrothal named Dylan.

Nick: You done?

Sharon: Nope. Since you and Avery are now unengaged, I guess that means you took my advice not to move forward until you were 100% sure nothing's in your way. Or maybe Avery took my advice. Which one of you called it off?

Nick: It was a mutual decision. We're both taking some time to figure out where things stand.

Sharon: And dinner tonight?

Nick: It's a start to see if we can get things back to where they were before everything went off the rails.

Sharon: Before Dylan showed up.

Nick: Right. Avery needs to figure out where this guy fits into her life... and if we both want the same things for the future.

Sharon: And your feelings for her?

Nick: They got to take a back seat. If one person's more invested than the other, then the relationship is doomed to fail.

Adam: Word of warning. My ex -- she has champagne tastes. And I don't mean pouring champagne.

Dylan: See, I don't really give a damn what you think about me. But I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you insult Chelsea.

Adam: Well, I'm not certain I was actually insulting her.

Dylan: Well, when you told me to take care of Chelsea, I thought you were actually trying to be a gentleman. Was I wrong?

Adam: You're the gentleman... getting a woman pregnant that you don't even know.

Dylan: Enough of a gentleman to walk away before I do something I regret. Carmine... I'm out. I owe you.

Carmine: I, uh, made it a double. Temporary cure for women troubles. Hey, man, I get it. There are some women you just can't let go of.

Lauren: I am not in love with another man.

Michael: So you're not having an affair.

Lauren: Michael, you were the one who left. You were the one who said that it's possible our marriage couldn't be fixed.

Michael: Just answer the damn question.

Lauren: I did! You're my husband. I love you.

Michael: [Sighs] Which is not an answer! I am so sick of your evasions and lies like -- like the note, the one about the note I found with this deck of cards! What is this?

Lauren: It's a pen.

Michael: The Geneva Pines Inn. When did you go there? Was it on the day that, uh, nobody else could find you? Where were you, at, uh, the Geneva Pines Inn in Lake Geneva with him?

Lauren: You're being paranoid.

Michael: Yes! That's what I'm being! I'm imagining this pen, those cards, a note!

Lauren: [Sighs] You know something? It's very possible that a client left that in a meeting and I just slipped it in my purse.

[Pen clatters]

Michael: And the housekeeper left the cards. How stupid do you think I am?

Lauren: Why can you not just trust me?

Michael: I have to admit I have been pretty stupid not seeing what's there right in front of me.

Lauren: What are you accusing me of now?

Michael: I'm not accusing you of anything, Sweetheart. I am congratulating you. I'm a lawyer, a trained observer, and I'm damn good. But you blinded me to all the evidence around me.

Lauren: What evidence?

Michael: The way you've been distracted for months, continuously rushing off to meetings. The nights you didn't come home, the wrong numbers you kept getting on your cell phone. The perfume you're wearing that you haven't worn in years... you sure as hell didn't wear it for me.

Lauren: It was for you.

Michael: You couldn't even bear to let me touch you. The man's voice I heard in the background when I tracked you down that day at that Geneva Pines Inn, no doubt! And yet you still have the gall to stand there and tell me that despite how everything looks... you are not having an affair.

Lauren: Who would blame me if I was?

Chloe: So, they liked the spread you took over to Ridgecliff Estates?

Kevin: Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. They seemed to.

Chloe: You know, that would be a really great account for us. Fancy gated community overflowing with rich people. I bet they have those clubhouse parties all the time.

Kevin: Maybe. You know, I just couldn't get over the amount of waste that goes on over there. This one guy was talking about the heated toilets he just installed in his house.

Chloe: Oh, wow. So you're really talking serious money, like, heated-toilet-seat money.

Kevin: People who are so rich, they just blow their cash on junk they don't need.

Chloe: Wait, but you're not thinking of liberating that junk from those people, right?

Kevin: No. Right.

Chloe: Okay, because even though we're broke, Kevin, we agreed that we're not gonna take those kinds of risks anymore...

Kevin: I know we did.

Chloe: ...Especially because the cops would obviously question us if anything went missing from anyone's house anywhere in town.

Kevin: Chloe, I get it. You are right, and I still agree with you.

Chloe: And we can still keep things hot and fun between us and hopefully find some money to keep the coffeehouse afloat in a conventional way. Hey, we had fun last night. Right? I mean, come on. We watched a movie together. We haven't done that together in forever.

Kevin: It was great, really. [Sighs] In bed by 10:00. What could be more fun than that?

Avery: Even though the romance with Dylan is long over and done, I still care about him, and I want him to be happy.

Chelsea: Of course.

Avery: And it would devastate him, Chelsea, if he couldn't be involved in his child's life. And more than that. It would be a shame to this child to not know his dad.

Chelsea: Yeah, I hear what you're saying.

Avery: Ultimately, it is your choice where you want to live, but I hope you will take Dylan into account when you make this decision.

Chelsea: Since I told Dylan, I haven't stopped thinking about what this means to him.

Avery: That's good. And I'm -- I'm sorry that I inserted myself in your conversation. I-I think that sometimes it's easier to solve other people's problems than your own.

Chelsea: That's probably true, but I don't remember saying I had problems.

Avery: No, you didn't. I apologize again. Uh, I think I'm just nervous. I'm out, I'm running errands, I'm procrastinating, when really I should be home cooking. I have a very important dinner tonight that might change everything.

Chelsea: What a coincidence. So do I.

Nick: To what do I owe this very unpleasant surprise?

Adam: So, Victoria met with you and Abby.

Nick: Yeah. So?

Adam: Well, she would have told you about the plan that Dad and I have to buy back the publicly owned Newman stock and take it private.

Nick: Ah, yes. Dad's big dream. One big happy family... running the big family business.

Adam: I share that dream, Nicholas.

Nick: Sure you do, as long as the family consists solely of you. Oh, and Dad, for the time being, as long as he's proving useful to you.

Adam: That's actually why I'm here. I want to talk to you about the idea.

Nick: Look at you. Like a little boy scout going door to door, selling magazines, trying to get all the siblings to turn over their money to save the company. It's cute.

Adam: Well, our sisters have already weighed in. I just figured I could come to you and, as a private-business owner, you might be inclined to see the wisdom of our plan.

Nick: Look, Adam, any plan that involves you is not a good one. You want to impress Dad, raise as much money as possible with this little drive of yours, well, you're gonna have to get the money somewhere else, Slick.

Adam: Guess I will.

Sharon: Faith looks so cute all cuddled up with her... Adam.

Adam: Sharon.

Sharon: I, uh, was just here saying good night to Faith. What are you doing here?

Adam: Business, more or less. But we're done. Uh, looking for a maid. Do you have any ideas?

Sharon: I might. I'll let you know.

Nick: What was that?

Sharon: What?

Nick: That stuff with you and Adam and the maid. It was creepy.

Sharon: [Chuckles] He, uh, bought Victor's penthouse.

Nick: Yeah, I heard that.

Sharon: So I guess he needs a little help.

Nick: Sharon... [Sighs] Please be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt.

Sharon: Back at you.

[Door closes]

Nick: [Sighs]

Adam: Resources I'd hoped for won't be available, so I'll need the full funding we discussed.

[Knock on door]

Adam: Yes, well, there will be dividends for everyone. Almost everyone.

Sharon: Bonsoir. Where would monsieur like me to begin?

Adam: I'm a little dirty. That's good.

[Door opens]

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: Hope I'm not late.

Chelsea: Not at all. Come on in.

Dylan: Brought you something. Sparkling cider.

Chelsea: You didn't have to do that.

Dylan: Wow. Your room's a little classier than mine at the motel.

Chelsea: Well, I won't be living here that much longer.

Dylan: Yeah, I hope to be moving soon, too. Seeing a place in the morning.

Chelsea: An apartment?

Dylan: It looks promising. Enough space for me and the baby and... I mean, if it's okay with you that the baby comes to stay with me sometimes.

Chelsea: Can we sit, Dylan? There's something important I have to tell you.

Avery: These are beautiful. Thank you. Why do flowers smell so good in the spring?

Nick: Well, you asked the right person. I happen to be an expert in the field.

Avery: Really? I did not know that.

Nick: Flowers in the spring. They -- they smell better because of, uh... nature, probably.

Avery: "Nature, probably." That's your expert answer?

Nick: You saying I'm wrong? I don't think so. I mean, forget the flowers. It smells great in here.

Avery: That is my strawberry spinach salad, shepherd's pie, and my famous key-lime pie for dessert.

Nick: All my favorites.

Avery: Yes.

Nick: How'd you know that?

Avery: Lucky guess. [Sighs] Why am I so nervous?

Nick: I'm, uh -- I'm a little nervous, too. I guess that's the way it is on first dates.

Avery: Well, yeah. There's so much pressure. Right? I mean, "Will he like what I'm wearing, my hair, my perfume?"

Nick: Yes. Yes. And hell yes.

Avery: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Nick: Well, we got through that.

Avery: [Chuckles]

Nick: Still feeling shaky?

Avery: Well, I think it's shifted from nerves to anticipation... of where this date could lead. Raise your glass.

Nick: All right. What are we toasting to?

Avery: New beginnings.

Nick: I'll drink to that.

[Glasses clink]

Chelsea: About the baby --

Dylan: I'm an idiot.

Chelsea: Wait. What?

Dylan: That stuff about me talking about taking the baby to my place and... it wasn't about me trying to pressure you or anything.

Chelsea: On, no. No. I didn't think that you were trying to pressure me.

Dylan: I was just thinking that if the baby could visit with me a day here and there when you're busy... it would just mean a lot to me. You know, this baby already means a lot to me.

Chelsea: I know. Avery told me the story.

Dylan: She told you about the baby that she and I...

Chelsea: No. Oh, no. I'm sorry. No, I meant Avery told me that you're great with kids and that you'd make a great father. What's the whole story?

Dylan: It's kind of hard to talk about.

Chelsea: Well, you can talk to me. We've always been good at that.

Dylan: Yeah, we kind of are, aren't we?

Chelsea: So tell me. No judgment. No pressure.

Dylan: Avery got pregnant when we were together.

Chelsea: Oh. Was it planned?

Dylan: No, it was not. But we were happy. You know, we had all these dreams about getting married and raising our family and... and then...

Chelsea: Something happened.

Dylan: Avery miscarried.

Chelsea: God, Dylan, I'm so sorry. So then when I told you about my miscarriage and you said that you understood --

Dylan: Yeah, I did.

Chelsea: Ah. So then what happened after that, you and Avery?

Dylan: Things just fell apart. You know, we kind of each drifted. I went overseas, and she went on without me.

Chelsea: You still think about the baby.

Dylan: You know, it really was a miracle... this, uh -- this life I helped create... and this child that I would never know. But, you know, I hoped some day that I would have another chance. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off on that whole thing.

Chelsea: Don't be silly. I asked you. I asked you. I'm really glad that you told me.

Dylan: I just want -- I want you to know that whatever happens, I am gonna be here for this child, no matter what. I mean, that kind of bond, that kind of love, it just -- it just lasts forever.

Chelsea: Even when nothing else does.

Dylan: [Sighs] I'm sorry. You -- you were gonna say something. You were gonna -- what is it?

Adam: I'm glad we bumped into each other at Nicholas'.

Sharon: You know, he asked me why you needed a maid.

Adam: I'll bet he did.

Sharon: And he told me to be careful with you.

Adam: It's good advice.

Sharon: I assured him I know what I'm doing.

Adam: That you do.

Sharon: So what were you guys talking about, what business?

Adam: Newman.

Sharon: And we are not discussing Newman anymore because I don't work there?

Adam: How's the, uh, lady-of-leisure thing working out for you?

Sharon: Well, in the here and now, I'm enjoying it. But I realize that it's gonna be time to figure things out soon.

Adam: Well, what do you want?

Sharon: In some areas of my life -- I don't know. But in others... it's crystal clear.

Michael: You are justifying having an affair.

Lauren: Things aren't all black and white in keeping with your district-attorney sensibility.

Michael: This is black and white.

Lauren: Like when our son was in trouble.

Michael: Oh. Oh-ho-ho! Here we go again.

Lauren: Yes, here we go! As far as you were concerned, he was either innocent or guilty. Our son needed his father, but the D.A. showed up! And me -- I needed a husband, a partner, a parent to share all that fear and guilt and worry over our son. But my husband and my partner never showed up!

Michael: At least I acknowledged my mistakes.

Lauren: But it didn't change the way it affected us. I begged you -- I begged you to come back, to listen to me, to be there for me, to be there with me. And why couldn't you do that?

Michael: I got caught up in following the law. I got caught up in worrying about where Fenmore was headed.

Lauren: That's right. You treated him like a common criminal and -- and me like I was guilty, too. And you know what? Maybe I was guilty... guilty of loving too much.

Michael: I love our son just as much as you do.

Lauren: Why couldn't you meet me halfway? Halfway! You shut me down! You drove me away, and you drove me to find peace and comfort and support elsewhere!

Michael: In another man's arms! Who is he?

Lauren: I never said there was a he.

Michael: Who is he?! Who is he?!

Lauren: Stop screaming! Stop it.

Michael: All right. Well... it's just as well. Because if I ever find the name of that son of a bitch... who had his hands on my wife... I probably won't be responsible for my actions.

[Door closes]

Lauren: [Exhales sharply] [Sighs]

[Laptop snaps]

Chloe: [Groans] [Yawns] Is it over?

Kevin: Huh?

Chloe: How did it end?

Kevin: Oh, you were sleeping? Um, well, the good guys got away, and the bad guys got caught.

Chloe: Good for them.

Kevin: Yeah, good for them. Uh, so... what about us?

Chloe: What about us?

Kevin: Well, watching other people commit crime didn't exactly have the same, uh, effect I was hoping it would.

Chloe: Babe...

Kevin: Hmm?

Chloe: We don't need to be like Robin Hood and Maid Marian or Bonnie and Clyde to have a great marriage. We don't need vicarious thrills. We can make our own.

Kevin: How?

Chloe: Well, remember that great trip we took to Thailand in my office?

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: We can go anywhere in the world whenever we want, and we don't even need to leave our own bed.

Kevin: Okay. And what happens when we run out of places to go?

Chloe: We... can go to the moon.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: And Mars. And Jupiter.

Kevin: Mm.

Chloe: I'm gonna go lock up.

Kevin: Okay.

[Keyboard clacking]

Chelsea: What I was going to say is...

Dylan: Is what? What? We can -- we can talk about anything, remember?

Chelsea: [Sighs] Um... I was just thinking that...

Dylan: You were thinking about...

Chelsea: Uh, I was -- I was thinking of leaving Genoa City after the baby's born.

Dylan: Uh...oh. Were -- were you thinking of someplace close or --

Chelsea: But then I realized, you know what? This is my home. [Chuckles] And I have family here, which means the baby will have family here, so I'm gonna stay.

Dylan: You are? That's -- that's great. That's great.

Chelsea: I think it's great, too.

Dylan: Yeah, I think it's great, 'cause we have so much to discuss.

Chelsea: Like what?

Dylan: Like... the baby cradle I'm making.

Chelsea: Oh, my gosh. Dylan, that's gorgeous.

Dylan: Yeah, and I followed all the safety guidelines.

Chelsea: Of course you did. Yeah.

Dylan: I was really thinking about maple. Possibly, depending on the colors that you pick for the nursery, we could do cherry or we could do walnut.

Chelsea: This is -- this is gorgeous. I love the design. I mean, I knew you were a carpenter, but this is art.

[Romantic music playing]

[Up-tempo music plays]

Nick: Hmm.

Avery: [Chuckles]

Nick: Maybe we should quit while we're ahead.

Avery: I don't want to quit.

Nick: I remember you saying something about dessert when I walked in, something key-lime-ish.

Avery: Yes, you did. Coming right up. This is nice, isn't it?

Nick: It's real nice.

Avery: Um, would you get me a whisk out of that drawer, please?

Nick: Getting a whisk.

Avery: Yes. Did you find it? I need that whisk. Um, I've been meaning to give those back to Dylan.

Nick: But you haven't.

Avery: Um, would you like seconds?

Nick: I should probably get home.

Avery: Well, I was hoping you could stay.

Nick: On a first date?

Avery: Well, I want a second date and a third date and a fourth date.

Nick: This is gonna take some time, Avery.

Avery: I know.

Nick: Thank you.

Avery: [Sighs] [Sighs]


Dylan: That was the first thing that I ever -- I ever built.

Chelsea: But a step stool? That sounds really complicated.

Dylan: Well, see, I thought it was easy, but it was so -- it was so uneven that every time -- oh, my poor mom -- every time she got on it, she just kind of was...

Chelsea: No! [Laughs] How often would she use it?

Dylan: Forever! She risked life and limb every time she got on that stool. But she wouldn't get rid of it because I made it for her.

Chelsea: It sounds like you had a really good mom.

Dylan: I did. I did. Although I tried to kill her with a step stool.

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Dylan: You're gonna be a really great mom.

Chelsea: I hope so.

Dylan: It's getting late. I should go.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Dylan: Thank you again.

Chelsea: You don't have to thank me. We ordered in. I don't even have dishes to do.

Dylan: I'm thanking you for, uh, just listening and talking to me and letting me be a part of our child's life... and yours. Good night.

Chelsea: Night. [Sighs]

Sharon: You know... the warm weather is moving in, and suddenly my air-conditioning is acting up.

Adam: Have you called a repairman?

Sharon: I was hoping maybe you might know someone, perhaps someone with an accent who can regulate my heat.

Adam: I'll see what I can do. Dad, hey. Just wanted you to know I got the money to buy out the public investors. No. Doesn't matter how. The point is Newman will soon be ours and only ours.

Lauren: [Sighs] [Crying]

Michael: [Breathes deeply]

Carmine: Another bad day?

Michael: Shut up and pour.

Carmine: Okay. [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: We don't believe that this was a random break-in. I think it was personal.

Nick: Did you come to work out, or you got something to say?

Dylan: It's time we settled this.

Jack: I love Phyllis! And if you can't be happy for me, maybe you shouldn't stay in this house.

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