Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/8/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/8/13


Episode # 10153 ~ Jack receives an unexpected visit from Traci; Michael puts Lauren on the spot.

Provided By Suzanne

Kyle: All right. See you later, dad.

Jack: Hold on a second! I got a favor to ask.

Kyle: Can it wait till I'm done at the gym?

Jack: Uh, it's about tonight. Summer is planning to --

Kyle: Uh, look, dad. If you need somebody to babysit, you're gonna have to ask someone else. I already have plans tonight.

Jack: Actually, that's perfect. Summer is planning to spend the night at Courtney's, and I was hoping to do something romantic with Phyllis here tonight.

Kyle: So you want me to get lost.

Jack: I wouldn't put it in those words, but...yeah. Would you mind?

Kyle: Not a problem.

Jack: I owe you one. And thanks for being so cool about summer and Phyllis moving in here.

Kyle: Well, listen, dad. It's worth it just to see you so happy.

Jack: Oh, I am happy. I definitely took the right step. I just can't wait to take the next one!

Kyle: Is that what tonight's about? Are you gonna propose to Phyllis?

Michael: No one goes into marriage expecting it to fail, but here I am, headed for divorce.

Paul: Well, I thought you were gonna give this some time. I mean, that's the reason you moved out, wasn't it -- to let things settle so you could work on your marriage?

Michael: And what happened the minute I left? Lauren disappears for days, no explanation of where she went or who she was with.

Paul: Michael, you... you got to hang in there. At least give it some more time. I know in my heart it's gonna be worth it. Lauren loves you.

Michael: Then why is she lying to me?

Michael: Where'd they come from? Who wrote the note?

Lauren: You're treating me like a criminal that you're interrogating.

Michael: Was it the same person I heard in the café when you finally answered your phone?

[Knock on door]

Lauren: What are you doing here?!

Carmine: You ran out on me. You've been ignoring my calls all week. I-I-I was worried.

Lauren: No, I'm fine! I'm fine. But you've got to go.

Carmine: Okay. Lauren, just wait.

Lauren: No! I cannot wait. You've got to go!

Carmine: Just listen to me. Just tell me something. Is it something I did?

Lauren: [Sighs] It's what we're doing.

Carmine: What -- making each other feel good?

Lauren: Yeah, while my husband is worried about where I am, and my -- my son is skipping school.

Carmine: That was only a few days. Look -- he'll still get into Harvard.

Lauren: That is not the point! The point is that I shouldn't have left him, and I shouldn't have let this happen. It's -- [Sighs] It's wrong. It's wrong, and now it's got to stop.

Carmine: Whoa -- what if I don't want it to stop?

Lily: I was so surprised when you called me.

Cane: Oh, really? What -- a husband can't take his beautiful wife out to lunch?

Lily: Of course he can, but not when that husband is the new C.E.O. Of chancellor industries!

Cane: That is the beauty of being a C.E.O. Whose official duties don't start for a few days.

Lily: You know Jill's just waiting for you to make a mistake, right?

Cane: Jill...loves me.

Lily: Yes, but she also loves being in charge. Don't give her any reason to go to Katherine and criticize you.

Cane: Well, it's a good thing, then, that Katherine is all about balance nowadays, 'cause she would be the first to approve of our plans this afternoon.

Lily: Plans?

Cane: We're gonna walk around the lake with the sun at our back, eating ice cream from the decadent dessert truck, and then I'm gonna take you --

Lily: Hold on. That sounds amazing, but I have the fitting for the models today, and I have to be there.

Cane: Can't, uh, Tyler deal with that? 'Cause I thought his area of expertise was models.

Leslie: Perfect timing. We just got back from Neil's.

Tyler: Did you get a chance to get any sleep?

Leslie: I mean, a little. Couldn't get comfortable.

Tyler: Did you guys ever figure out who broke in?

Neil: No. No, Tyler. No. I don't know if they ever will, you know? Um, how late were you at the hospital?

Tyler: Late. Had to fill out a lot of paperwork. Then they took, uh, dad's body to the funeral home.

Leslie: Thanks for doing that, Ty. You know I was in no condition to do any kind of paperwork.

Tyler: Yeah, it was...

Neil: Ooh, honey, you're cold. How about I fix you a nice, hot cup of tea? You'll be right as rain, all right? What about you, Tyler? You want a cup?

Tyler: Nah, I'm -- I'm good. Thanks. Hey, you should sit down. [Sighs]

Leslie: Oh, I better clean up this mess.

Tyler: It's fine. Leave it. I'll get it.

Leslie: No, no, no, no. It's fine. I got it.

Tyler: You missed one.

Leslie: What? Oh. Well, that's -- that's only 10, though.

Tyler: What are you talking about -- 10?

Leslie: 10 pills. There should be 11.

Tyler: What difference does it make?

Leslie: No, keep checking! It's got to be here somewhere.

Tyler: Leslie, come on.

Leslie: No, check under the couch! No, I know it's here somewhere. We've got to find it!

Tyler: No, no, no, no! No, we don't! We don't! Let it go. Dad doesn't need them anymore. Come here.

Michael: All of a sudden, Lauren can't look me in the eye. She's hiding something... and not very well, either.

Paul: If I were you, I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

Michael: I'm tired of all the questions that never get answered. I'm tired of spewing this out to you and Kevin and anyone else who will listen, because god knows my wife won't. When do I say enough? When do I say I'm done fighting for this by myself?

Paul: I know Lauren. She wants to save this marriage, and you know it, too.

Michael: Do I? Because I look at Lauren now, and I do not recognize her!

Paul: She could probably say the same thing about you, when you had fen taken out in handcuffs.

Michael: I have done everything I can to make up for that. I have owned my mistakes! Isn't it time Lauren did the same?

Lauren: No, it's not gonna work this time. I am not giving in to you.

Carmine: Think how happy it makes you.

Lauren: At Michael's expense!

Carmine: He doesn't know.

Lauren: He found the note and the deck of cards you gave me.

Carmine: What'd you tell him?

Lauren: I told him I didn't know where they came from, which is a stupid excuse! No one would believe it, least of all Michael. You should've seen his face. I can't do this anymore. It doesn't feel good, not anymore. I have got to stop lying.

Carmine: But it's okay to lie to me?

Lauren: What do you mean?

Carmine: In lake Geneva! You told me to go to the kitchen to get us food, and then -- then you ditched me.

Lauren: I did that because I knew you would try and stop me.

Carmine: Yeah, maybe I would've. But all you had to do was turn me down. Look, Lauren. I get you have responsibilities here. I do not want to be in the way of those, especially anything that has to do with your son. You do trust me on that, right?

Lauren: That's the problem. When I'm around you... I don't trust myself.

Summer: No, no -- okay, look. Before you say anything, it took me the entire yoga class to un-stress, so if you're gonna try and start another fight with me, I do not --

Fenmore: I'm not. Really. I'm here to get rid of some stress, too.

Summer: School?

Fenmore: Actually, it's my parents. My dad moved out.

Summer: Really? I-I didn't know that it was that bad.

Fenmore: It's all my fault. My parents weren't having any problems until the whole Jamie thing happened.

Summer: I wish I would've never started that whole Jamie thing. I mean, really -- bullying Jamie because Ronan was helping him out? What was I thinking?

Fenmore: You were pissed off at Ronan.

Summer: Yeah, but I was pissed off at my mom. How could she do that to my dad? How could she do that to me, you know? It broke up our whole family.

Fenmore: Right. That is exactly what my dad is doing with ours. Weird thing is, for the longest time, I was just -- I was hoping -- I was hoping that he would just move out, you know? Instead, he -- he waits till he makes up with me, then gets me to care again, and then he just takes off. [Scoffs] How messed up is that?

[Cell phone chimes]

Summer: Oh. I'm sorry, fen. I really have to take this. I'm gonna be late.

Fenmore: Your new boyfriend.

Summer: No, actually, I have --

Fenmore: Forget it. You know, you're just like every other girl who drops you the second an older guy pays any attention.

Summer: You're jealous that I'm in a relationship with somebody else.

Fenmore: Oh, come on! Kyle does not do relationships, all right? He'll hang on long enough to get exactly what he wants, and then he's gonna move on to the next girl who'll just buy into him.

Summer: That is not true, fen.

Fenmore: You don't matter to Kyle, summer. And you never will.

Summer: [Scoffs]

Phyllis: Well, I guess I-I could pretend not to hear what you just said, but let's be honest. Um... I heard it.

Jack: Well, you weren't supposed to.

Kyle: I'm thinking this might be my cue to leave.

Jack: I'm kind of thinking the same thing.

Kyle: I will see you... when I see you.

Phyllis: So... you're planning to propose to me, as in down on one knee, as in an engagement ring, as in till death do us part -- of course, until I destroy it and you run to divorce court in six months?

Jack: No ring, and getting down on my knee now with the bad back and --

Phyllis: Okay. Then I'm confused.

Jack: So was Kyle. I told him I wanted to surprise you, and he got ahead of me.

Phyllis: How far ahead?

Jack: You don't have to worry about a thing. I am so happy you're living here with me now. I would not jinx that by asking you to do something that you're not ready to do.

Phyllis: So what's this surprise about?

Jack: You'll have to come back and find out. What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have a meeting?

Phyllis: Yeah. Um, I forgot my, uh -- my charts and my graphs. It's hard to impress a client when you don't have them.

Jack: Aha. So do you think maybe you left those on purpose so we could pick up where we left off this morning?

Phyllis: If I say yes, will you tell me what the surprise is?

Jack: The sooner the meeting's over, the sooner all will be revealed.

Neil: Here you go, honey. This ought to warm you up. Here you go.

Leslie: He should've stayed in prison.

Tyler: What?

Leslie: If he was still in prison, none of this would've happened, and dad would still be alive.

Neil: Oh, come on. You don't know that.

Leslie: Why couldn't I just listen to you and leave it alone like you told me to? I mean, he had just had a heart attack, and here I go, hammering him with questions about some woman from his past?

Tyler: Don't do that, all right? If you want to blame someone, blame me. I'm the one who pushed him to stay and make things right with us. Maybe he wasn't ready for all that. Maybe he'd have been better off on his own.

Neil: No. No. Being here with his children --

that's what was best. That's what Gus wanted. But I can tell you just as sure as I'm sitting in this chair that that man -- the last few weeks of his life, it was heaven compared to the last 12 years that he spent in jail, because you were willing to be a family again.

Leslie: I mean, if you can call it a family. We're no closer now to knowing what kind of man our dad was than we ever were.

Lily: So, I couldn't find Humphrey.


Lily: And then... I see Charlie's cowboy hat moving across the floor.

[Cell phone chimes]

Cane: Don't worry about it. Go. I want to hear the rest of the story.

Lily: No, you should see who that is.

Cane: Actually, I'm quite surprised that your phone has been so quiet, 'cause normally, you'd get 30 or 40 e-mails from Tyler by now about the campaign.

Lily: I actually haven't heard from him once today.

Cane: Maybe he's hanging out with all those models.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: But go ahead. I want to hear the story about the cowboy hat.

Lily: That could really be important.

Cane: What is more important than stories about cowboy hats and our children?

Lily: Oh, I don't know -- just putting a roof over their heads and food in their mouths? You know, simple stuff.

Cane: Hmm. You know what? That's a good point. Let me check this message. Oh, it's, uh -- it's Katherine. Let me go and check in with her, all right? Just give me one sec. Excuse me, baby.

[Cell phone chimes]

Neil: So if your father had died a few months ago, how would you have felt?

Tyler: Probably not much of anything, I guess.

Neil: Come on, Tyler -- you would've partied all night long. You would've cheered the fact that the man who murdered your mother was finally where he belonged. And look at you both. What does that tell you? I mean, you know he wasn't a murderer. You know he wasn't the monster that two scared little kids thought he was.

Leslie: Yeah. If anything, he seemed kind of pitiful.

Neil: He had a lifetime of regrets, I'm sure, but the biggest regret being that he wasn't a better father. I-I watched him recently. He was desperate to try to change that.

Leslie: And we didn't make it easy on him.

Neil: You were angry. You were hurt. You still are -- with Gus... hell, even yourself. Especially yourself.

Tyler: Yeah -- for not listening to my gut, for getting too close to the guy. Everything inside of me was saying, "stay away. This is gonna end bad." You know what I know about my dad? That no matter how hard I tried, it didn't matter what I'd do. I knew it. I knew he was gonna leave again.

Jack: You know what she likes better than I do! So quadruple it, and get everything here by 5:00. Great. Thanks.

Traci: Hmm. What's the occasion?

Jack: Traci!

Traci: [Laughs]

Jack: You little sneak! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Traci: Oh, I wanted it to be a surprise.

Jack: Well, you got me there!

Traci: Good. We'll consider that retribution for the surprise I got when I heard you were getting back together with Phyllis.

Jack: Ashley sent you.

Traci: [Laughs] And, uh, not a moment too soon, from what it sounds like.

Both: Ohh!

Michael: Gosh, I'm so sorry!

Phyllis: [Laughs] That would've been funny at my business meeting -- trying to decide whether the coffee stain was, uh, a-a puffy cloud or an ax murderer.

Michael: Well, I vote for the latter.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] I like a puffy cloud.

Michael: Hmm.

Phyllis: Puffy cloud always.

Michael: Things going that good for you?

Phyllis: Yeah. I went on vacation. I moved in with jack.

Michael: Wow. Okay. Congratulations. That's terrific.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's so great. It's really great. Yeah, we -- we managed to find the balance between love, fun, and salty caramel ice cream -- not in that order.

Michael: [Chuckles dryly]

Phyllis: Fun.

Michael: Yeah, fun. Wow. It's nice to know that some people can find their way back to one another.

Phyllis: I know you and Lauren were having problems. I just figured maybe you worked it out by now.

Michael: While you were moving in with jack, I was moving out.

Phyllis: I'm sorry.

Michael: Well, you know, that's what you get for not calling me for a week.

Phyllis: Does this have to do with all the stuff with fen and the bullying?

Michael: Oh, so much more has happened since then.

Phyllis: How did Lauren take it when you moved out?

Michael: Oh. Well... she was too wrapped up in her new boyfriend to care.

Carmine: But doesn't that tell you something? I mean, if your impulse is to be with me --

Lauren: I can't act on every

impulse I have.

Carmine: Those impulses are what keep you alive. What do you think lake Geneva was about?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Carmine: A few days with me, and you were good to go again.

Lauren: It doesn't erase my problems. They're here every time I came back. And now I'm gonna deal with them.

Carmine: Just how Michael's dealing with them, too -- like, packing his bags and leaving? I mean, hell, if he can do it, why can't we?

Lauren: The only reason that he left is because I was unavailable for him, and because every time he looked at me or touched me... all I could think about was --

Carmine: Us?

Lauren: [Voice breaking] I want... my life back. I want my family back! And I'm gonna do everything I can to make that happen.

Paul: Then you need to end this now.

Traci: All right! How serious is this? When Ashley got back from her trip, she was...pretty upset, but that's been a few weeks ago now.

Jack: And a lot can happen in a few weeks, huh?

Traci: So, is that the answer to my question?

Jack: The answer to your question is, Phyllis makes me happy.

Traci: [Sighs] Ah, where have I heard that before?

Jack: Traci, it's different.

Traci: No, don't you dare tell me it's gonna be different this time!

Jack: It is different. I am different... all thanks to Phyllis. She got me through rehab! She saved my life!

Traci: All right. So, then, that would make you feel grateful, naturally --

Jack: I wish people could stop saying that! It's more than gratitude. She's a woman I can't seem to forget! I keep going back to her again and again, because no one and nothing else makes sense. She's part of who I am, Traci. And if you can't accept that, you might as well turn around and go home.

Traci: [Scoffs] Well, I don't think that'll be necessary. Jack, if Phyllis makes you happy, well, then, I'm happy for you.

Phyllis: I got to be honest. It sounds suspicious.

Michael: You think? I mean, if it was just the man's voice in the background, I could write that off. But there's the cards and the note.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Um...even if there is somebody, it doesn't mean it's serious. People have weak moments, so I hear.

Michael: Yeah. You wouldn't know anything about that, huh?

Phyllis: No. You know, some guy starts flirting with Lauren, right? Makes her feel good. She has problems at home. She talks to this guy --

Michael: You want to spare me the details?!

Phyllis: It just could be over. That's my point.

Michael: I suppose it could be.

Phyllis: Okay, but don't suppose, and talk to her.

Michael: Lauren's not gonna admit anything to me.

Phyllis: Sneaking around -- it chips away at your soul. You start wishing somebody would find out. Telling the truth is so much easier than living a lie.

Lauren: I-I know what this looks like. But, uh, you know, I-I was thinking about having a party and -- and needed bartender quotes, and -- and that's why I asked carmine over.

Paul: Oh! Oh. So I guess you're all out of the best excuses?

Carmine: [Sighs] Look, dude. It's not what it seems, okay? We're just friends.

Paul: You're not anything anymore. Now get the hell out, "dude."

Carmine: Says the guy who walked in uninvited.

Lauren: Carmine.

Carmine: Look. No. You don't have to take this.

Lauren: Can you just -- can you go, please?

Carmine: Yeah. Fine. I'll give you a call about those quotes.

Paul: [Scoffs]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Paul: The quotes? Really? Do I look that stupid?

Lauren: I'm not having an affair.

Paul: Okay.

Lauren: I broke it off. I told him I wasn't gonna see him anymore.

Paul: So you risk your marriage for that guy? Come on, Lauren. I don't care how great the sex is.

Lauren: That is none of your business!

Paul: That's too bad. You know what? Friends look out for each other. They tell them things they don't want to hear. They try and stop them from making mistakes. Come on, Lauren. This isn't you. This isn't the life you built for yourself!

Lauren: [Sighs]

Paul: Why would you do something like this?

Lauren: [Voice breaking] He was someone to talk to. When Michael and I were barely speaking... carmine listened. And, you know, for a while, I thought that he was just a simple, safe place. H-how do you go back? I mean, how do you -- how do you get rid of this guilt?

Paul: I'm not sure that you can.

Lauren: You're -- you're not gonna tell Michael, right? I do not want him to hear about this.

Paul: I'm not gonna tell Michael anything.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Paul: You are.

Cane: I will give Cindy a call -- thank you -- and remind her. What time do you want to make it? Hey. Hey. Honey. Baby.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Hello?

Lily: Yes. Hi.

Cane: Where did you go?

Lily: Um, I-I was just, uh, thinking about the fitting. But what were you saying?

Cane: What time do you want to make movie night tonight?

Lily: Mm. I don't know, because, unlike some big shots I know, I don't make my own hours.

Cane: You know, speaking of big shots, I happen to know one that has a very soft spot for you that would love to let you off work at least an hour early so you can come home and spend some time with his grandkids.

Lily: I know, but unfortunately, no matter what my dad says, I'm gonna have to do double the work, since Tyler is M.I.A.

Cane: Mm. Yep.

Leslie: I mean, he really didn't have much. But I suppose he could wear that suit he wore to court. I mean, but we'd have to take it to the cleaners, which is fine, because we have to decide on music and -- and flowers. Um, what do you think about lilies and chrysanthemums? Those are pretty standard for a funeral, right?

Tyler: Yeah, I guess. Whatever.

Leslie: Or roses. Roses are always beautiful. We just have to decide on a color...or colors. Any preference?

Tyler: I can't do this.

[Door opens, closes]

Leslie: Only other funeral he went to was my mom's. Well, you know, I mean, I handled that one by myself. No reason I can't... do the same with this one.

Neil: Leslie, you won't have to. I say...white and yellow... roses... and, considering your dad's circumstance, um... "I'm free" for the hymn.

Leslie: Thank god for you, Neil.

Neil: Does Gus own a cemetery plot?

Leslie: Um, uh, not that I'm aware of. No.

Neil: Okay. Listen, sweetheart. Um, we could... take him back to Milwaukee, bury him...next to your mother, and that way, you and Tyler... can visit both graves at the same time. Bad idea?

Leslie: No, no. No, it's fine. I just, uh... uh, when -- when my mom died and, uh, my dad was locked up... Tyler and I considered ourselves orphans.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: As far as we were concerned, both our parents were dead. You ever build a tent in your backyard and imagine that you were in a forest somewhere far, far away? And, uh -- I mean, but you knew, if you suddenly heard a scary noise or got hungry in the middle of the night... you could always go back inside, and you'd be okay.

Neil: Yeah. Many times.

Leslie: Yeah. Tyler and I are still in that tent. The house is gone. We are really alone in the forest.

Neil: Hey. I know exactly how you feel.

Leslie: Did you lose your parents?

Kyle: [Exhales sharply] [Strained] Whoa! What the hell, man?

Fenmore: I thought you might need a spotter.

Kyle: Back off, dude!

Fenmore: Stay away from summer!

Kyle: This is about summer?!

Fenmore: If you want to sleep around, go take advantage of someone else.

Kyle: What are you talking about? You need to get your facts straight before you hurt somebody!

Fenmore: If you hurt her, it's gonna get a lot worse than this.

Kyle: [Grunts] All right. Listen to me, you son of a --

Carmine: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, guys, guys! Geez! What's wrong with you?

Fenmore: He came after me!

Carmine: Just get out of here before I call the cops! Go on! Geez!

Fenmore: I meant what I said.

Kyle: That boy is seriously messed up.

Lauren: I-I can't do that to Michael. I -- I can't do that to him!

Paul: Don't you think he already knows? I mean, Lauren, the guy just poured his guts out to me about his suspicions. And what do I do? I talk him down. I tell him to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you love him.

Lauren: I do love him!

Paul: Then you need to be honest with him. You say you want your old life back. That Lauren would put it all on the table and take what's coming to her. You love Michael? Then reach out to him... and be honest. It's gonna hurt him, yes. And you're gonna feel like hell. But come on -- isn't that a hell of a lot better than -- than making a fool out of him? Doesn't he deserve that much?

Lauren: [Sniffles]

Jack: Hey! All settled in?

Traci: Sort of. I went to my bedroom, and apparently, it's taken.

Jack: Oh, god. Traci, I'm sorry. We made that summer's bedroom.

Traci: Wait, Phyllis' daughter lives here?

Jack: Phyllis does, too.

Phyllis: All right. I'm back, and I'm ready -- hey.

Summer: Hey! I got your call, but I was on my way to a fitting, so I don't have a lot of time to talk.

Kyle: Don't worry. This isn't gonna take long. It's just not the kind of thing you tell somebody over the phone.

Summer: [Chuckles nervously] I'm -- I'm not getting fired, am I? I mean, I know I don't have a lot of modeling experience, but I --

Kyle: No, no, no, no, no. It's about fen.

Summer: Fen?

Kyle: Yeah. He, uh -- he freaked out on me earlier.

Summer: Oh, my --

Kyle: He got all possessive, and he warned me to stay away from you.

Summer: Oh, my god. I'm -- I'm really sorry. I cannot believe that he did that to you.

Kyle: I-I know I told you I thought he wasn't a threat...

Summer: Mm-hmm?

Kyle: ...But that kid is messed up.

Summer: Yeah. I mean, actually, I was -- I was completely off about all of that stuff. Okay -- see, his parents are breaking up, and I think that's what's making him do all this crazy and stupid stuff, which I totally relate to. So, it's just a bunch of built-up rage, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Kyle: Yeah, that's what worries me. I think you should do your best to avoid him.

Summer: Well, I guess it's a good thing that he thinks you're my boyfriend. It'll explain why you're always around to look out for me.

Kyle: Yeah.

Carmine: Hey! Rocky! [Chuckles] How you feeling?

Fenmore: Uh, thanks for stopping me from doing something stupid. [Scoffs] The last thing I need is my parents all over me for beating some guy up at the club.

Carmine: B-beating him up? I-I don't think that's the way it was headed. He's, uh -- he's out of your weight class, kid.

Fenmore: That doesn't matter. I can use smarter tactics than him.

Carmine: Yeah. Right. Um...what was this about?

Fenmore: [Scoffs] What do you think?

Carmine: Oh. Girl problems, huh? Let me guess. You want her. She wants Kyle.

Fenmore: Yeah, and he just wants whatever he can get, whenever he can get it.

Carmine: Well... don't fight him. Prove that you're the better man.

Fenmore: How?

Carmine: By being there to pick up all the pieces when it all goes to hell.

Lauren: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sighs]

[Cell phone ringing]

Michael: Hello.

Lauren: Hi.

Cane: Well, as much as I would love to play hooky with you for the rest of the day --

Lily: Oh.

Cane: No, stay. Stay, stay. Finish your coffee.

Lily: Oh. Uh... well, I guess I have a few minutes.

Cane: Good luck with your fitting.

Lily: Thank you.

Cane: I love you.

Lily: Love you.

Cane: I'll see you soon.

Lily: Okay.

[Cell phone ringing]

Lily: [Sighs]

Leslie: You know, we never discuss your folks.

Neil: Not much to discuss. Come here. I lost touch with them... many, many moons ago. Anyway, listen. Um, that's not what's important. Right now, we are here trying to plan for your father's funeral. I know it's a tough time. Um... now, who's gonna be attending besides your family? That would be you and Tyler. It would be me and...Avery?

Leslie: I think we should invite rose.

Neil: You -- you don't even know who rose is, let alone where she is. And your dad made it perfectly clear that he wanted that subject left alone.

Leslie: But the woman obviously cared a lot about him. You could tell from the letters. She deserves to know he's gone.

Neil: Right. And if you can get your questions answered, even better.

Phyllis: Wow. That -- what a surprise.

Jack: Yeah -- for me, too. Actually, it was supposed to be an evening of, uh, dinner and flowers and candlelight and romance and --

Traci: And then I showed up, suitcase in hand, and barely a place to put it down because the house was so full!

Jack: It would've been a whole lot easier if you'd called first, and I could've told you there was little room at the inn.

Traci: Yes, well, family tradition dictates you could've called me to let me know that Phyllis was moving in. That's a pretty big step.

Phyllis: Well, not half as big as the step Kyle thought we were gonna take earlier.

Jack: Yeah. Remind me when I do ask you to marry me, not to let him step on my proposal.

Traci: Wow. Sounds like things are gonna get very exciting in Genoa city.

Phyllis: Yeah! How long are you staying?

Traci: Indefinitely.

Lauren: I'm glad you're here.

Michael: What did I do right for once?

Lauren: I know I've been really unapproachable lately. And I-I want to change that.

Michael: You'll forgive me if I don't accept that at face value.

Lauren: I love you, Michael. And I want to fix our marriage. Do you want to do that, too?

Michael: I want the truth. Are you having an affair?

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Chelsea: I'm gonna tell Dylan the truth -- that he's not the baby's father. Adam is.

Carmine: Hot date?

Dylan: Yeah.

Adam: You and Chelsea sharing more than a kid now?

Michael: The Geneva pines inn. When did you go there?

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