Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/7/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/7/13


Episode # 10152 ~ Leslie asks Gus about a secret from his past; Victoria tries to get Abby and Nick involved in her war against Adam.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Avery: Hi.

Dylan: Hi.

Avery: How was the lake? Were you able to finalize your dad's affairs?

Dylan: All taken care of.

Avery: Good.

Dylan: Sorry about the phone call.

Avery: No, no, no. It's okay. It's -- its -- its fine. It's water under the bridge, so...

Dylan: How did things go for you here?

Avery: Um...

[Avery remembering]

Avery: "One of these days, you'll pick up the phone and call. Or if you want, you can write me back. We can revive the ancient art of the love letter, because that's what this is, Nick -- a love letter, hoping to show you where my heart is and where it wants to be -- with you. Avery."

[Back to present]

Avery: The ball's in Nick's court. He knows what I want.

Chelsea: Hi! Sorry I'm late. We still on for breakfast?

Dylan: Yeah, absolutely.

Avery: Oh, I'll let you guys talk. Give you some privacy.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. Am I -- am I interrupting something?

Billy: Are you sure this pow-wow's a good idea?

Victoria: Yes, I'm sure! It's the only way to handle the situation. I just wish I'd thought of it sooner.

Billy: Dee Dee, Honey, Sweetheart, I got eyes. Please don't poke them out. I need them to see you with! I need them to see you with! [Growls]

Delia: [Screams]

Billy: Who put a nickel in her?

Victoria: Yeah. She's just a little wound up about Reed coming to stay, I think.

Billy: Do we know when that's gonna happen, by the way?

Victoria: Well, J.T. texted me earlier to, you know, confirm that it was okay, but he still didn't give me any details, and it's just not like him to be so vague. Something really big must be happening, I think.

Billy: I'm sure he'll explain soon.

Victoria: So, are you okay with Johnny and Delia?

Billy: You kidding me? Piece of cake. Besides, I've got Hannah as backup.

Victoria: Good, good, good. Then it sounds like you have everything under control.

Billy: I do.

Victoria: Good.

Billy: You know, we might not like our new schedule, but the kids do, because they get one of us 24/7.

Victoria: Guess it'll be practice for if the fertility treatments pay off.

Billy: You mean when they pay off, when they pay off.

Victoria: Have I told you lately how much I love being married to you?

Billy: I can't remember. Damn, I guess you're gonna have to tell me again. [Growls]

Victoria: I love being married to you.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victor: I did speak to Victoria last night about taking the company private again.

Adam: Wild guess -- she didn't scream "Yippee!" And cut you a check with a bunch of zeros on it.

Victor: Son, it's an enormous investment. She would like to sleep on it. You would understand that.

Adam: Did she tell you that, or is that what you inferred because you think she's still this sweet, worshipful daughter? Do you deny you're biased?

Victor: What are you saying?

Adam: Victoria's a Newman. That inherently makes her dangerous. I don't want to be blindsided.

Victor: Son... your father doesn't have a blind spot where any of his children are concerned. Any of them. You'd do well to remember that, okay?

Leslie: You're here kind of early.

Tyler: Yeah, I'm here to check on Gus...and you. You know, hopefully you'll let the man get a little bit of breakfast before you decide to start in on him about who Rose was.

Leslie: A woman our father may have had an affair with.

Tyler: He said that he didn't.

Leslie: Then why won't he just tell us who she is?

Tyler: Hmm. Let me think. Maybe 'cause it's none of our business.

Leslie: Is that it? Are you worried you might find something worse out about our father?

Gus: For 12 years, you thought I killed your mother. [Scoffs] What could be worse?

Leslie: I'm afraid to find out.

Avery: Uh, you're not interrupting anything! I'll give you some privacy.

Dylan: No, you don't have to rush out.

Avery: No, you obviously -- you have plans, so...

Chelsea: Just breakfast.

Avery: Uh, I-I heard about the baby. Congratulations.

Chelsea: Thank you so much.

Avery: Yeah, Dylan loves kids. He's gonna be an amazing father. I'm really happy for you both. Um, well, I have to go have a good day, so, um, I'm gonna scoot. And you -- you enjoy your --

Dylan: Breakfast.

Avery: Yes! Yes. See you. Bye-bye.

Dylan: What?

Chelsea: Avery's not just your lawyer, is she?

Nick: Hey.

Abby: Hey! I ordered some rolls. I hope you don't mind, I already ate. I was starved.

Nick: Nah, that's cool. I wouldn't have waited for you.

Abby: Ah, thanks, Big Bro.

Nick: So what do you think this mysterious summons from Vick is all about?

Abby: I don't know, but something tells me it's not about taste-testing new dishes that Billy wants to add to the menu. I still can't believe he bought this place, can you?

Nick: I don't ever pretend to try and understand what's going on through that dude's head.

Abby: That's probably for the best.

Victoria: Good morning!

Nick: Morning. Coffee?

Victoria: Thanks!

Abby: There's some Danishes and stuff, too.

Victoria: Oh, great.

Abby: So...here we are. Why'd you want to meet?

Victoria: I have some news. Dad came to me last night, and, um...he wants to privatize the company.

Nick: We're here to talk about Newman? Business?

Victoria: Listen, Nick, I realize that you've backed away from the company, but Dad's gonna come to you, and he's gonna ask you both for the money that you won in the lawsuit to finance this.

Abby: All of it?!

Victoria: I assume most of it.

Nick: Okay, well, what's this all about? Because you know Dad was gonna come to us anyways.

Abby: Well, I think it's very courteous. Thank you, Victoria.

Nick: Nah, I think this is a heads-up. You have a plan, don't you?

Victoria: Good call.

Abby: What kind of plan?

Victoria: I want for the three of us to pool our money and buy as much stock in Newman as we can to take over the company... and kick Adam out for good.

Nick: Okay. And if Dad stands by Adam, are you prepared to kick Dad out, too?

Adam: Victoria won't be contributing one red cent as long as I'm running Newman.

Victor: Son, I've asked her several times to give you a chance... which I'm sure she will. I wish you would extend her the same courtesy.

Adam: Well, I hired her, didn't I? That was against my better judgment, so how's that not giving her a chance?

Victor: Now, come on, my boy. Be honest. You said you hired her. What -- to do menial jobs? You need to treat her as an equal.

Adam: Treat her as an equal? She works for me!

Victor: Do you know that you and she are more alike than either one of you wants to admit?

Adam: Dad, if this particular buyback works... I just think it's a situation where there's too many cooks in the kitchen. You think this company's big enough for three -- not two, three -- people who are strong-willed and are certain that they are always right?

Victor: [Chuckles] You inherited that from your father, didn't you? Well, Son, there are times when it's necessary for family to pull together.

Adam: And let me guess -- that time is right now.

Victor: You bet. And I will make it work.

Tyler: Are you okay?

Leslie: D-dad, maybe you should sit down. Just sit down.

Gus: Why don't you just quit your fussing, huh?

Leslie: Have you taken your pill this morning?

Gus: Yes, Ma'am!

Leslie: Okay. All right, now. It's important that you stay on top of your medication schedule.

Gus: Yeah. Well, n-never mind all that. There's something more important that we need to talk about.

Tyler: Like what?

Gus: If we're gonna have any chance at a relationship... [Voice breaking] As a family... ...we need to put our cards on the table.

Tyler: Yeah, but come on. We don't have to do that right this second.

Gus: Look. You know, I was so hopeful when your sister reached out to me, and now you're trying the same thing! That means the world to me, Davis.

Tyler: I know.

Gus: You guys keep saying that we can't go back to where I was before I went to prison. Well, I don't see any way around it. I mean... we need to go back... to the night your mother died.

Delia: [Shrieking]

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! All right! Take it easy! Pumpkin, Baby, simmer down. Simmer down. Act like a teapot and simmer down, okay? We don't want to wake up your little baby brother. It took me forever to get him to sleep! Please, please, please? Please take it easy. [Sighs]

Delia: Sing me the teapot song, Daddy!

Billy: Okay. You -- you -- you play the game that daddy just got you, all right, and leave him alone for a little bit, 'cause you're freaking him out, and he needs to recharge his batteries.

[Billy dreaming]

Delia: [Cackles]

Billy: Oh. [Yelps] [Sighs]

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Oh! Whoa! I'm awake! I'm awake! Yep! Not sleeping on the job! [Clears throat]

Victoria: That's good, because you're gonna need all the energy you can get. These fertility treatments are just magic! Our family just keeps growing and growing and growing!

Billy: [Chuckles nervously]

[Baby crying]

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy, captain! Why are you crying? There's no crying! There's no crying!

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Billy: Wow. Oh --

[Babies crying]

Billy: Uh, uh, Delia, Sweetheart, will you come in here and turn off your dolls? They're crying! I don't know how to turn them off! It's really loud!

Victoria: Honey, stop kidding around. Those aren't dolls! Those are the twins!

Delia: [Laughing]

Billy: Okay. Okay. Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey! Daddy's got a splitting headache. Please turn that off.

Victoria: Oh, please tell me that you remembered to pick up the 1,000 mega-pack of diapers. We sure do go through them.

Delia: [Cackling]

Billy: Um, please stop?

Victoria: It's the life we've always dreamed of.

Billy: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles dryly]

Victoria: [Chuckling] Oh! The baby!

Billy: Yeah...yeah... okay. Okay --   

[Billy waking up]

Billy: [Gasps] [Grunts] [Exhales]

Victoria: I'm not proposing an attack on Dad.

Nick: I notice you didn't rule out the possibility.

Victoria: Well, I'm hoping that it doesn't go that way. I want Dad in charge. What I don't want is Adam in there, expecting all of us to kiss his ring.

Abby: Don't throw knives at me, okay? But from everything I've heard, Adam's doing great so far.

Victoria: He's on his best behavior, for now. But we all know that his true nature will come out, and then we'll all end up with knives in us, including Dad.

Nick: Do you really think Dad would let himself get fooled like that again?

Abby: I don't. Dad knows Adam better than any of us. If he's gonna pull something, trust me -- our father can handle it.

Victoria: You haven't seen them working together lately. It's a regular love fest. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Dad offered to take a bullet for Adam.

Nick: I don't think you're giving our old man enough credit.

Victoria: There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect him, Nick.

Nick: That's the same argument Dad's given us when he's not happy with the way we've been living our lives. We have fought against that, all of us, for years.

Abby: He's got a point, Sis.

Victoria: It's different this time.

Nick: Why, because of Adam?

Victoria: Yes!

Nick: All right. Piece of advice -- don't turn this into a battle over Dad and who's his golden child this week. He's using the company as a loyalty test again, and you are falling into the same trap again. If Adam wants to play this game, then let him. He doesn't know what we know. Let him learn the hard way.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Have you always been this cynical, or just since you left the corporate world?

Nick: You have no idea how grateful I am to be out of the rat race. I just wish you'd come with me, Sis.

Victoria: I guess you're not gonna go in on this with me, then.

Nick: I'm out. I love you both dearly. I got stuff to do.

Victoria: Thank you. I appreciate your time. Thank you very much.

Nick: You guys be careful.

Abby: [Sighs]

Victoria: I hope that you're not gonna let Nick's behavior influence your decision. As far as I'm concerned, Newman Enterprises is a very, very important part of our family.

Abby: Like Segundo, only bigger and a lot more teeth. I'm kidding.

Victoria: Okay.

Abby: I know what you're getting at.

Victoria: So where do you stand? Will you go in with me?

[Cell phone rings]

Abby: Um... hi, Dad.

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. I'd like to see you today. Do you think we can make that happen?

Dylan: Uh, why would you think Avery's my attorney?

Chelsea: Well, I saw you two having a pretty intense conversation one night at the Underground, so I just kind of assumed that it was a legal matter. Except just now, the way you two were looking at each other, it seemed a little more personal than that.

Dylan: We know each other pretty well.

Chelsea: Uh, I'm sorry. I'm not meaning to pry. I just --

Dylan: No! Uh, you're right. I mean, everything should be out in the open. Avery and I were involved once.

Chelsea: And it was serious, wasn't it? Well, then you have to go back to her... while you still have a chance!

Nick: Hey.

Avery: Hello.

Leslie: You're not looking all that well right now, Dad. What is it? Is it your heart? I want you to take some aspirin.

Gus: In a minute.

Leslie: Now, okay? And chew it so it gets in your system faster.

Gus: I ain't chewing no damn aspirin! [Breathing heavily]

Tyler: You know what? Why would we have to go back to the night that Mom died? That doesn't make any sense to me.

Gus: Lin was murdered, right? We all lost her, including me. And with that trial and all that ugliness, we never got a chance to grieve her properly as we should.

Leslie: I mean, well, right after your conviction, we moved. We changed our names. We just pretended we weren't related to either of you.

Gus: You hated me that much?

Leslie: We were scared of you and the people you knew! We were afraid they might come after us.

Tyler: Yeah, we hardly even talked about Mom, even in private, in case someone was listening in.

Gus: Yeah, you know, well... I lost my identity, too, right? I wasn't Gus Rogan anymore. I was a number, 12 long years. And Lin -- she became a painful memory, one that I desperately tried to forget. Now... none of us got to say a proper goodbye. But this -- this is where we can start.

Tyler: Maybe now we finally can.

Victor: Why wasn't this corrected during last month's close?

Adam: Beats me. Look -- let's contact Ted from accounting and have him answer for the discrepancies.

Victor: Would you kindly do that?

Adam: Well, it's got to be done. Mom would be so touched, seeing us working side by side like this.

Victor: [Sighs] Often thought about your mother, you know? A remarkable woman, she was. Was blind, and raised you by herself -- more or less by herself -- on that farm in Kansas. Such fond memories of her.

Abby: Hey! Sorry to barge in.

Victor: That's all right, Sweetheart. Come in!

Adam: Abby, we were just finishing up. Come on in.

Abby: Uh, great! Then you won't mind giving Dad and me a minute. Whatever it is that you wanted to talk to me about, I'd rather do it in private.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, actually... I thought the three of us could have lunch together.

Abby: No, thanks. I just had breakfast with Nick and Victoria.

Victor: Did you?

Adam: Well, aren't you just the busy bees? Didn't think you'd have time for some things as mundane as bacon and eggs.

Abby: Mm. We made time. That's how it works when you like each other. [Chuckles]

Victor: Whose decision was it for you to have a quick get-together?

Adam: Oh, I think we know the answer to that question. Victoria gave you and Nicholas the heads-up about our plan.

Abby: I don't know what you're -- uh, plan? I don't --

Adam: Yeah? Let me see if I can guess the rest of it. Victoria sounded the battle horn, and she told you not to throw in with Dad and me.

Abby: [Exhales] Well, you are so smart, Adam.

Adam: Thank you.

Abby: Yeah.

Victor: Well, is that what happened, Darling? Please tell us the truth.

Abby: I guess you'll hear about it soon enough. Uh...Victoria wants us to make a bid, buy back the company ourselves.

Adam: And I wonder why.

Victor: Um... what was your decision? Are you gonna go along with it, or what?

Dylan: Avery and I -- [Sighs] It was -- it was years ago.

Chelsea: It didn't look that way to me.

Dylan: Feelings don't always disappear, even when things weren't meant to be. But you got to move on, and Avery has.

Chelsea: Well, I mean, I heard that she was engaged to Nick, but still, it shouldn't stop you. I mean, you can fight for her.

Dylan: Why you pushing this?

Chelsea: You didn't want to come between me and Adam, so... I'm offering you an out. Look -- if you don't want to be a full-time dad, you're off the hook. You can walk away from me and this baby right now if you want to give it another shot with Avery.

Avery: I don't want to stalk you. [Chuckles nervously]

Nick: That's good, 'cause I don't want to be stalked. [Chuckles] How you doing?

Avery: Uh, I'll be a lot better when I know if you read my letter.

Nick: I-I did.

Avery: Um, the last time I wrote a note to a boy, I was in the 7th grade. [Chuckles] At least then I heard back by the end of class.

Nick: Well, I was, uh --

Avery: No, no. You know what? I-it's okay. If you were ready to respond, you would have.

Nick: No, no, no. Avery, it's just --

Avery: Clearly, you're not. Um, I'm being impatient. And here I am, barging into the house and pushing you for answers, and I'm very sorry. I'm gonna go, and you take all the time you need, and, uh, you get back to me...whenever.

Nick: I --

Avery: You know what? No. No, damn it. I can't take this! I can't take this! The bell has rung! Class is over! Tell me what you thought of the letter. I need to know.

Abby: I won't be teaming up with Victoria...or you and Adam.

Adam: Equal-opportunity rejection -- very nice.

Abby: [Sighs]

Victor: Sweetheart, why don't you listen to my proposal before turning me down?

Abby: Daddy, um, I'm sorry. And I can tell that you're disappointed, but my mind's made up. As tempting as it is to side with Victoria against Adam -- no offense --

Adam: None taken.

Abby: ...I feel like you and I are in a really good place right now, and I don't want to mess that up. And I also don't want to side against my sister, who I adore. I'm team Newman and team Abbott, which I am totally excited about... and money just -- it messes things up, so I'm gonna save my cash for now. I'm gonna put it towards an opportunity that doesn't side one half of my family against the other half. But, um... good luck to you both!

Victor: [Exhales] Betrayed by my own children. I'll be damned.

Adam: What's that you were saying about Victoria giving me another chance, because -- yeah. Now, I think we know where the rest of the family stands.

Victor: Do we, now?

Nick: Little anxious, huh?

Avery: Oh, no. No, because it's every day that I write a love letter to a boy. [Sighs] I'm sorry.

Nick: Don't be.

Avery: I need to know something. Anything, you know? The -- the tiniest hint of how you felt when you read it. I'll take a compliment on my penmanship at this point.

Nick: I found your letter to be very moving. How could I not? I love you, Avery. That has not changed.

Avery: I love you, too.

Nick: I know. I have it in writing. But a part of me just keeps wondering if you're just trying to convince yourself that you're really over Dylan.

Avery: Oh, Nick, what do I have to do to prove it to you? I saw him. He saw me without my ring. And he asked me to go to his family's cottage with him.

Nick: 'Course he did.

Avery: Yeah, so, if I wanted to be with Dylan, I would have. There was nothing standing in my way, except my deep love for you. Look -- I wish we could start over -- I do -- and pretend everything was back to before Dylan came into my life. Maybe you can -- maybe you can fall in love with me all over again.

Nick: It's not that simple.

Avery: It is. I'm quite lovable.

Nick: Look -- we can't just start over.

Avery: We could try. And I think I might know a way.

Dylan: I don't know where you get the idea that I'm looking for a way out.

Chelsea: I'm offering.

Dylan: Uh, why?

Chelsea: Because I don't want to get between you two. If she's the reason that you came to town, I mean, shouldn't you be with her? Call me a sucker for true love.

Dylan: Avery and I -- we were over...a while ago. We had an affair while she was married, and you might even say we were wrong from the start. And it seemed no matter how hard I wished for it to be more, it just never was, and things kept getting in the way.

Chelsea: Things that maybe you could get past now? Please. Please, Dylan. If this baby is what is stopping you from --

Dylan: No, it's not that! Believe me, I've tried with Avery. I have tried, even before I knew you were pregnant. And no matter what feelings she may still have for me, she's in love with Nick, and that's who she wants. And I'm not gonna turn my back on you and this baby. Avery was right on when she said how much this child will mean to me.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Dylan: What's wrong? What -- what is it? What aren't you saying?

Chelsea: [Sighs] I have to be honest with you, Dylan... about the baby.

Tyler: We should go visit Mom's grave. I'm sure we all have things we need to say to her.

Gus: I know I do.

Leslie: Okay. Okay, good. Well, then, if that's true, then prove it, all right? Uh, please. Just tell us the whole truth about this Rose person. But let's -- let's do it here, not standing in front of my mother's tombstone.

Gus: How could you think... for you that have -- that I would -- I would ever defile your mother's memory? [Crying] I loved her! And for you to suggest that I would --

Tyler: Hey, Gus. Gus.

Leslie: Dad! This can wait!

Tyler: Come on. We need to get you a doctor.

Gus: No, no! No! No doctors!

Leslie: Dad!

Gus: I got to get this out, right here, right now!

Leslie: Dad! Dad!

Tyler: I'm gonna get his pills.

Leslie: This is not important, okay? You just need to sit down. Just sit down, okay?

Gus: No. Listen to me.

Tyler: Here, here, here. Take one of these! Put it under your tongue!

Gus: No, I got to get this out! Rose... isn't what you think, all right? It was --

Leslie: This is not important! Just -- just calm down.

Gus: Okay. Listen. Rose is someone that I cared about.

Leslie: Dad, stop! Stop!

Gus: I loved your mother. [Crying] I loved her!

Leslie: I am so sorry. I should've never said anything.

Gus: Your mother knew about Rose, all right? She knew!

Leslie: Call 911. Call 911.

Gus: Rose was -- rose was --

Leslie: Dad.

Gus: Rose -- rose was --

Leslie: Dad, no more talk about Rose. Don't worry about Rose.

Gus: [Strained] Rose --

Leslie: No, no!

Tyler: It's ringing!

Leslie: Dad! Dad! Hello, emergency? Okay. My -- my dad, he just collapsed. He -- yeah, he just got out of the hospital. I think he's having another heart attack. Yes -- no, we need an ambulance! Please! Please hurry.

Tyler: Stay with us! Hey, stay with us! Don't leave us! Don't leave us, Dad!

Gus: [Weakly] "Dad"?

Tyler: Yeah -- Dad!

Gus: [Crying] Dad. Dad.

Adam: Trying to make an end run around your own father, huh?

Victoria: The end run was around you, Adam.

Victor: Son, would you give us a minute, please?

Adam: She's all yours, Dad.

Victor: You made a decision behind my back. You betrayed me.

Victoria: Dad...

Victor: No, don't give me this "Dad" business, okay? You know this company means more to me than just business. It's my family's legacy.

Victoria: Our family was being threatened. Our family is being threatened, by Adam.

Victor: Sweetheart, he deserves to be here.

Victoria: I cannot believe that you're taking his side when you know the damage that he's capable of! With no board to answer to, God only knows what that man is capable of!

Victor: What do you mean, what he's capable of? He saved my life! Don't you acknowledge that?

Victoria: Yes, he saved your life, and I will always be grateful for that.

Victor: Then please act like it!

Victoria: He didn't do it out of love! It was instinct, okay? He does not get a pass for all of the horrible things that he's done!

Victor: Well, he gets one if I want to give it to him!

Victoria: I know, Daddy. I know you feel like you owe him. But Adam's not a whole new person. He came to that wedding. He wanted to hurt you. Maybe you've forgotten that, but I haven't.

Victor: I haven't forgotten a damn thing. Not a damn thing. You have betrayed me.

Victoria: I don't trust Adam. I will never trust Adam. And I'm trying to protect you, and, damn it, I am not giving up!

Billy: Which one of your dolls is this? Is this Caryn? Hmm?

Delia: No, Becky.

Billy: Becky. Sorry. Becky.

Delia: And it's time to change her diaper.

Billy: Oh. Oh. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Um, why don't we play a game instead? Anything you want, just let's not change diapers. Daddy can't do diapers right now.

Delia: Um... go fish! I bet I'll beat you.

Billy: Honey, listen to me for a minute. Um, that word "Bet" is not a word that we should use in this house, okay?

Delia: Okay.

Billy: Because, uh, you should never bet, not even for fun, because sometimes it's not so fun. You can lose a whole lot more than a bet, and it's not good. It's very, very bad, okay?

Delia: Okay.

Billy: Okay. So... you still want to play a game?

Delia: I'll go get the cards.

Billy: You know what? [Grunting] Let's not do cards. Let's play a board game, and -- and maybe something without dice. You know that one with the spinner thing? You know what I'm talking about? Why don't you get that one? It's in the green box, okay? Go get that one. Let's play that one.

Delia: Okay...?

Billy: All right.

Man: Who's the target?

Victoria: Adam Newman, my half-brother. I need all of the information you can gather on him for me.

Man: Some personal dirt?

Victoria: Mnh-mnh. Nope. I've got that already.

Man: Then why do you need me?

Victoria: I need something -- something related to Newman Enterprises. That's my concern. I have personal information on Adam and his ex, but I'm saving that little bundle of dynamite for a rainy day.

Dylan: Honesty's a good thing, so anything you want to tell me about our baby, about you -- big things, little things -- I want to hear it. Whatever's on your mind.

Chelsea: Okay. Um, I -- you know what? I'm not really comfortable talking about it here. Could we --

Dylan: Oh, okay. Um...I'll tell you what. I got a few things to take care of today, a bunch of apartments to look at. How about tomorrow? We could talk about it then, over...dinner?

Chelsea: Dinner?

Dylan: Yeah -- that's the meal that comes after lunch.

[Both chuckle]

Dylan: Are you -- are you -- are you busy?

Chelsea: Uh...no. No.

Dylan: Okay, then. It's a -- a date.

Nick: So, what'd you have in mind?

Avery: Dinner at my place, tomorrow night -- a first date. Well, not exactly, but sort of. [Sighs] I know that I can't erase what's happened. But I feel like we can get back to -- to what makes us work together. And I'm not willing to give that up without a fight. You hear that, Newman? I am willing to fight for you. [Sighs]

Nick: Okay. Well, I guess a lot of this hinges on...what you're gonna make for dinner.

Avery: Wow. Have I ever let you down with a meal?

Nick: No. But I'm saying if you are preparing a menu, I really enjoy things wrapped in bacon.

Avery: I know you do. I know you do. Is that a yes?

Nick: Yeah. It's a date.

Victoria: The night of my parents' wedding, Adam crashed the reception at the ranch. He claimed that he had a bombshell to drop, something that my dad knew but he hadn't revealed to anyone. But he was shot before he could follow through.

Man: So the secret's still a secret.

Victoria: I need you to find out what it was and exactly how explosive it could've been for Dad.

Adam: I assume you didn't get anywhere with Victoria.

Victor: Yeah. Give her time.

Adam: How much time -- enough time for her to marshal her own forces together, damage the company's reputation in order to "Save" it?

Victor: Family ties are a powerful thing, Son.

Adam: Yeah... except, apparently, when she's suing you for half a billion dollars.

Victor: She'll come around.

Adam: I know you want to believe the best of her, Dad. I get that. But this goes much deeper than sibling rivalry. Victoria wants a duel to the death. She's gonna put you in a position where you have to take sides.

Victor: She can't do that, because I won't give her the power.

Adam: I know you believe that. I know. But you're gonna have to be prepared, because there is gonna come a time... that she is going to force you to choose one or the other -- Victoria...or me.

[Leslie remembering]

Leslie: Dad, whatever you want to say to me, you can just say it. I-I do not blame you. This is my fault.

Gus: Don't say that. I don't blame you, not at all. Don't even think it. Because I don't.

Leslie: My testimony put you here, and I was supposed to get you out. And if you hate me, I understand.

Gus: Not for one second. Now, you were a scared young kid when you testified. Your mother was gone. You saw what you saw. And nobody can blame you for anything. I'm sorry for the man that I was, all right? I didn't deserve you or your brother... or your mother. I am so sorry.

Leslie: I forgive you.

[Tyler remembering]

Gus: It hurts that you got all these bad memories about me. That's a damn shame. Let's try to make it better.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Gus: Son? This thing between us...

Tyler: I'm willing to try.

[Back to present]

Tyler: Come on. Hang in there, Dad.

Leslie: Dear God, please let our father make it through this okay. Please, Lord.

Tyler: We're gonna get you to the hospital, all right? You're gonna be okay. Don't give up.

Leslie: What are you doing?! Don't stop!

Tyler: No! Come on! You have to! This is your job! Save him!

EMT: I'm sorry.

Tyler: No, no, no! This is your job! Do your job!

EMT: It's too late. I'm sorry.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kyle: Is that what tonight's about? Are you gonna propose to Phyllis?

Leslie: Did you lose your parents?

Lauren: I want my life back!

Paul: Then you need to end this now.

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