Y&R Transcript Monday 5/6/13
Episode # 10151 ~ Paul faces off with Lauren; Chelsea considers telling Adam the truth.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Johnny: [Babbling]
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Billy?
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: [Sighs] Hey.
Billy: [Chuckling] The little guy running you ragged?
Victoria: [Sighing] Yeah. He's got a new tooth.
Billy: I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry.
Victoria: That's okay. Johnny should be in his crib anyway. I'm gonna put him there. And I think we should talk.
Billy: Okay, yeah. Let's talk. Good night, little buddy. [Smooches] You don't sound sleepy, though. [Chuckles]
Johnny: [Babbles]
Billy: Bye!
Michael: Where the hell is Fenmore?! What is going on?! What --
Kevin: He's okay. He's at my place.
Michael: If everything's okay, why isn't he home?
Kevin: He's okay as in safe, not okay as in ready to go home. He's -- he's a little too hurt and wounded to make nice right now.
Michael: Well, that sounds very familiar.
Kevin: He asked if he could crash with Chloe and me. I said yes, just for the night. That's it.
Michael: Look, thank you. Thank you. Uh [Chuckles] Who knows what kind of trouble he would have gotten into otherwise?
Kevin: Mikey, I'm stuck here. You need to know he's okay, but he was adamant I not tell you or anyone else what is going on with him or where he is. And now I'm one more person violating his trust.
Michael: Then he better get used to it, because it happens all the time to every last one of us.
Carmine: Hey, Gorgeous. Uh, it's me. Uh, you, uh -- you took off without me. And I-I know you said you had to get going, but I'd have, uh -- I'd have gone with you. I mean, I get it. I get it. You know, you're trying to... [Sighs] You're trying to take care of everyone, but, you know, someone, uh -- someone's got to take care of you. And that's what I'm here for. Okay.
[Cell phone buzzes]
Chloe: Wait. But what about the asymmetrical hems?
Chelsea: The ones I mentioned 10 minutes ago and you hated?
Chloe: I didn't hate them.
Chelsea: You said, "Gag."
Chloe: Maybe I meant gag in a good way.
Chelsea: This is pointless. You're out there somewhere in the ether.
Chloe: On a desk, actually. Kevin and I are in a rut. We were trying to liven things up -- like on the drafting table and in the back room. [Chuckles]
Chelsea: You had sex at the office? I work there, Chloe. I use that desk.
Chloe: What? It had to happen. Don't worry. We were careful. And plus, don't get all over me and my husband for trying to have a little zest for life, because, you know, you haven't really been very focused, either.
Chelsea: I have pregnancy mush brain. I'm allowed.
Chloe: Yeah, you just want Dylan to come over and talk baby names.
Chelsea: No. That is the last thing I want -- the last thing.
Chloe: Don't tell me that you're wrestling with your conscience again. You still want to tell Dylan that he's not the baby's father. [Sighs]
Adam: You see my numbers on the Langston deal?
Victor: Yeah, and I agree with your decision. That's excellent work, Son. And a hell of a day.
Adam: Such a great day that it's now turned into night.
Victor: My goodness. Time flies, doesn't it, when one has fun?
Adam: It does fly when you're having fun.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Adam: But there's one last order of business -- Chalice Technologies. They're on the block. I'm thinking about making a move. They'd be a hell of an acquisition -- cut our I.T. costs while generating income. Two birds, one stone.
Victor: Good idea, but it would be very expensive to buy that company. I wonder if the stockholders will go along.
Adam: Yeah. They're always thinking about the short term, which makes it very difficult to implement the long term.
Victor: But, Son, I've been in business a little longer than you have, and that is the problem with a lot of corporations. Executives who run these damn places are mostly interested in the short-term profits to satisfy their stockholders.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: And pension funds.
Adam: Sure.
Victor: And to make themselves look good. They forget about the long perspective.
Adam: Which is why I've thought of a way around all this. I ditch the stockholders. Let's take this company back, you and me -- make it a family-run company again. Let's make it ours.
Nikki: Oh, Dr. Costner. Thank you so much for coming. I think something's wrong, and I'm really scared. I woke up this morning exhausted -- I mean, just spent, and the muscle aches have been terrible today. It's the M.S. I can feel it.
Dr. Costner: I know you must feel like that, but remember what I told you about the new medicine. You might have flu-like symptoms for two or three days at most. Now, I can prescribe other medications, but you'll still have it in your system.
Nikki: You're sure it's just the meds?
Dr. Costner: Any tremors?
Nikki: No.
Dr. Costner: Fever?
Nikki: Um...I don't know. Maybe a little.
Dr. Costner: It's the meds.
Nikki: [Sighs] I was so sure. And now I'm embarrassed. I'm sorry.
Dr. Costner: No, don't be. I'm surprised that Victor didn't call me himself.
Nikki: I didn't tell him. That's how scared I was.
Dr. Costner: Well, do you feel better?
Nikki: Other than dragging you away from your home. I'm so sorry I disrupted your evening for no reason.
Dr. Costner: Oh, no. Not at all. I-I was leaving the office to pick up food.
Nikki: Oh, you haven't even eaten?
Dr. Costner: Mnh-mnh.
Nikki: Have dinner with me, please. I insist.
Dr. Costner: Well, you must have plans.
Nikki: Listen, I've ruined your night. Victor's at work. I promise he won't be home for hours. It's what he lives for.
Adam: All we have to do is buy Newman Enterprises back.
Victor: I would like nothing better. We don't have the funds, though.
Adam: Ah. But we can raise them, you and I together. We already have the press. They know that Newman is poised for an even bigger market share coming up.
Victor: But who would we get the funds from, and what do they want in return?
Adam: Well, they can ask, but they won't necessarily get.
Victor: If we make this a family business again...I want to include the entire family. Nicholas, Victoria, and Abby have the funds to make it possible. They got those $500 million each in a wrongful lawsuit against me. This would be a way for them to return it...where it belongs.
Adam: Well...besides Victoria, they're not interested in Newman. So, uh, I'm not sure it would be worth the hassle.
Victor: Don't you think wounds have healed by now? Shouldn't we move on, don't you think?
Adam: [Sighs] So, we would co-own with a bunch of people who would slow clap if I got hit by a bus? Not the best business model. What makes you think they would want to invest with me still here?
Victor: Let me deal with that, Son.
Chloe: Seriously, we are not having this conversation again, okay? You cannot wake up every day and decide, "Today's a new day. I maybe tell Dylan the truth." You made a good decision. Now, stick with it and embrace the reality.
Chelsea: You have a very tricky relationship with honesty, don't you?
Chloe: Well, unlike you, I am not a waffler, a flip-flopper, a truth-teller, even, and I am okay with that. You need to look at the situation. Dylan wants to be a daddy, and you need a father for this heat monster that is currently residing in your belly. So, yay! Happiness for everyone.
Chelsea: Do you think I like being morally upright? This isn't easy for me, either. There's a ton of stuff I need to unlearn, like years of bad behavior.
Chloe: Okay, so then why concern yourself with all of it?
Chelsea: Because I swear it feels like a vice just -- just squeezing on my lungs -- the idea of having to lie forever -- through a pregnancy, through a birth, through Dylan becoming close to the baby, and then the baby becoming close to Dylan, and then I have to continue to lie and lie and keep on lying. [Sighs] He wants to meet with me tomorrow morning -- Dylan -- and talk about the baby and how much this means to him.
Chloe: Oh, all that and those big, beautiful blue eyes. You know what? You are so lucky. I hate you.
Chelsea: Sure. I'm pregnant by an ex-husband who can't stand me. Everyone wants to be me. The truth is, this baby exists because there was a time that Adam and I thought that we would make it. And I really loved him, and we so, so desperately wanted a baby together.
Chloe: And Adam turned out to be a giant soul-sucking bastard who deserved everything that he got.
Chelsea: And what about Dylan?
Chloe: I think that Dylan deserves to have a happy, little family. You are doing God's work, my child. And don't forget -- if you tell Dylan the truth, Adam will find out. And you can kiss that little muffin goodbye.
Victoria: I'm really sorry about before.
Billy: No, no --
Victoria: About blowing up -- I'm sorry.
Billy: Well, Honey, it was my fault. I'm a jackass. I tried to wrap up Newman and Adam and mood swings all in one conversation. That was stupid. That was stupid.
Victoria: You worry about me, and I love that, and I-I shouldn't flip out when you show it.
Billy: Well, I'm a big boy. I can take it. And I'm not ever going to again suggest that you leave Newman, because, uh, I'm in a bit of awe of you. Because you can do anything that you want to do. You are the toughest, coolest chick I have ever met, and I am just a little bit lucky that you like me that much.
Victoria: Thank you for respecting my decisions, because I want to be at Newman, and I love being a mom, and I love being a stepmom, and I love, love trying for a Newman/Abbott baby. I do. I love it -- especially the trying part.
Billy: What part do you like -- the shots?
Victoria: Shh. We're not gonna talk about the shots. We're not gonna talk about work. We're not gonna talk about anything that isn't us. Can I fix you a drink?
Billy: [Chuckles] What?
Victoria: Yeah. I'll watch you sip it, and I'll drink my seltzer and my lemon.
Billy: I'm sorry. Are you hitting on me? Because I'll give you a little tip. Baby, I am a sure thing. You do not have to ply me with alcohol.
Victoria: I love it when a man doesn't play hard-to-get.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: You know, I should, uh, get this back in Johnny's crib.
Billy: That is a good idea.
Victoria: So we don't have any interruptions.
Billy: [Chuckles] I like where your head's at. Um...
Victoria: What is this?
Billy: It's a...
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: It's a what?
Billy: I'm gonna get the door. Uh, it's nothing. Victor. Hey. You missed Johnny and all his cuteness, but come on in.
Victor: Hello, Billy Boy.
Billy: Hello.
Victoria: Hi, Dad.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. I'm sorry for disturbing you so late.
Victoria: It's okay. What's going on? Is it Mom?
Victor: No, she's fine. She's fine. I have a proposition for you that I'd rather not put off till the morning.
Chelsea: Do you really think I would let Adam just grab my baby and run? Not a chance. I don't care what he thinks he's entitled to. He has Sharon and he has Newman, and that's all he's ever really wanted, so yay. Good for him.
Chloe: Listen to me. I know that you already love this baby. It's officially the center of your universe. You need to protect him or her. You need to give him a good life and a decent father.
Chelsea: How can you be so rational about such a huge lie?
Chloe: Well, I just don't want you to do something that you can't undo.
Chelsea: Okay, fine. I get it. Thank you. You should go. Go and work on your marriage that you're insanely lucky to have. And do not have sex on my desk.
Chloe: I'll try. Bye.
Chelsea: Bye.
Carmine: You, uh, want another cranberry?
Chelsea: I'd love one. Thanks. Um, and I'd like to order something to go -- the penne arrabiata, please.
Carmine: You like the heat. Good choice.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: You alone?
Carmine: [Sighs]
Kevin: What was that -- people letting you down? You talking about me? Lauren? Fen? Give me something --
Michael: Just saying, you know? I'm just saying that, uh, you and I are used to having parents who never stopped letting us down.
Kevin: That's not what you said. You said, "Get used to it."
Michael: Talk to me about Fenmore.
Kevin: He's having a tough time.
Michael: Because I moved out.
Kevin: He's been messed up since before you moved out. Everything with Jamie and Summer and now the stuff at the Underground -- he just needs some space. He'll be all right.
Michael: You think so?
Kevin: Yeah. He's not you. He's not me. He's gonna be just fine.
Michael: I got to give him credit for asking for help. It's not like you and I ever did that.
Kevin: Who would we have asked?
Michael: [Chuckles]
Kevin: At least Fen has people who care. As much as I want to help him, the only thing I can do is listen. I can't put his family back together for him the way he wants.
Michael: I'm not sure I can, either.
Lauren: Fen, its Mom. Please, please, just call me when you get this. Thank you.
[Knock on door]
Paul: Hi.
Lauren: Paul, hi.
Paul: I came to check on Fen.
Lauren: Yeah, well, he's taken off again. You know, first the fight, then the station, now this. I mean, he's 18. I can't ground him, and I can't control him. I just wish I could get through to him.
Paul: Well, there's a lot of anger in that kid, a lot of pain.
Lauren: I know. And he's aiming it toward me and Michael and anybody else who's close.
Paul: Well, then, he needs to hear it from you that you're not -- you're not backing down and you're not giving up.
Lauren: No, I'm not.
Paul: Michael needs to be on board, too.
Lauren: The problems between Michael and me are just temporary. Our family will be back together soon.
Paul: You sure?
Lauren: Yeah. I am doing everything I can to make that happen.
Paul: Does that include going away with Carmine Basco?
Victor: If...you and, uh, Abby and Nicholas were to pool your funds together with mine and Adam's, we would have enough money to buy the company back from the stockholders. And Newman Enterprises would once again be a family business.
Victoria: That's a pretty big leap, Dad. I didn't realize you'd been thinking about this.
Billy: Yeah, but why not, really? Just because a judge decided that you three deserve that money, why not just give it back? No big deal.
Victor: I thought you would understand, Billy, since Jabot's now back in the hands of the Abbotts. Although you are not lifting a finger over there, are you?
Victoria: You want Nick and Abby and me to hand you $1.5 billion. What exactly do we get in return?
Billy: I would think a box of chocolates, maybe a bouquet. That would be in order.
Victor: [Chuckles] Sweetheart, I came here to ask you to help me bring this family back together and to help me get our company back. I didn't want to negotiate a contract with you.
Victoria: It's a substantial investment, Dad. I wouldn't be a Newman if I didn't ask about the returns.
Victor: But what you're really saying is that you want me to remove Adam from the company. Isn't that right?
Chelsea: What do you want, Adam -- to insult me or make me feel awful? Is that your new hobby now that you don't have to hide Sharon in the guesthouse?
Adam: Offense as a defense. I like it. So, where's Dylan?
Chelsea: He's...away. He'll be back soon. Would you like his number?
Adam: Given how much he and I have in common, I should give him a call, take him out for a beer sometime. I heard you ordered arrabiata. Craving spicy food, huh, like you did with our baby?
Chelsea: [Crying] [Sniffles]
Nikki: I wanted to run up there and tell that pianist, "I have M.S., and I can play better than you. You're raising money for charity? People are gonna demand money from you for pain and suffering."
[Both chuckle]
Nikki: It was bad.
Dr. Costner: Well, I admit I tossed the invitation and just wrote a check.
Nikki: Aha. Smart move. But you must get out sometime.
Dr. Costner: Ah, my cases are always calling.
Nikki: How do you recharge? I mean, I have to say, I think I remember seeing you at events years ago.
Dr. Costner: Well, before Hope and I left town, I spent many evenings at the symphony and theater, and then my wife, Liz, and I returned, but, uh, we'd go out occasionally. Well, she died about two years now, so, uh, work has my full attention.
Nikki: I'm so sorry. Your other patients and I are very lucky to have you.
Dr. Costner: What about you? You getting enough attention at home? It's very important to take a holistic approach.
Nikki: I have to say, Victor has been wonderful since learning about the M.S. I mean, yes, he works a lot, but that's how he recharges, too. Actually, the whole family has been wonderful. I couldn't ask for more.
Kevin: You can't fix your family? Meaning what -- you give up?
Michael: I didn't say that. Stop trying to analyze everything I say.
Kevin: Then answer my question.
Michael: Then ask me a reasonable question, and I will gladly respond.
Kevin: Okay, since when is there something that you and Lauren can't get past?
Michael: Oh, there are lots of things people can't get past, and maybe, just maybe, Lauren has crossed the point of no return.
Lauren: Is that why you're here -- to accuse me of having an affair?
Paul: I came to check on Fen. But if you've done something that you want to talk to me about --
Lauren: Oh, well, according to you, I have.
Paul: Well, I have seen you staring at this guy Basco. And I busted him eavesdropping on Chris and me when we were talking about you and Michael.
Lauren: So, I have eyes, and the bartender has ears.
Paul: Then I saw Carmine here when he was supposedly returning a credit card.
Lauren: Which he did.
Paul: And then Michael told me when he was talking on the phone with you, he heard a man's voice when you were supposedly away by yourself.
Lauren: [Sighs] Paul, I explained this to Michael, and not that I have to explain it to you, but I will. It was a waiter. That's all.
Paul: Oh. You know, Carmine was out of town, too, at the very time you were.
Lauren: [Scoffs] I don't believe this. Am I a suspect? Do you have a file on me? You know, when we were married, you thought I was cheating, too, and I wasn't. And I really hope to God you are not talking to Michael about this and poisoning him while we are trying to make our marriage work.
Paul: I love you. You know that? You're like my best friend. I never thought that you would make a life with Michael Baldwin. But you have, and you've made a good life. He's a good husband. You have fought battles that would have crushed most couples. No more accusations from me, okay? No more evasion from you. I want to help you. That's what friends are for. So, tell me, are you sleeping with Carmine Basco or not?
Victoria: We both know that if I asked you to remove Adam, you wouldn't.
Victor: No, I wouldn't.
Victoria: And I'm sure he hates the idea of me investing in Newman and the power that entails.
Victor: Sweetheart, he has his reservations.
Victoria: Well, he should, because whether or not you and I are ready to talk terms, we both know that if I put my money into Newman, I'm due something in return, not to mention Nick and Abby. It's just something that Adam couldn't support, Dad. It's a complete failing of logic. And if you want to bring our family together, this is definitely not the way to do it.
Victor: Sweetheart, don't you think it's time to put the past behind us? Adam has proven his loyalty to me in the most dramatic fashion. He risked his life for me. And he certainly has proved his loyalty to Newman Enterprises.
Billy: Oh, yeah, Kid. He's right. I mean, Adam did take a bullet to the back. That's got to be worth at least half a billion --
Victor: And you always told me that you would do what is best for the company. I believed you.
Victoria: With good reason.
Victor: I hope so. Be honest with yourself. You are as excited about taking Newman Enterprises private again as I am, aren't you?
Victoria: Obviously, I need to think about your proposition, Dad, and I need to discuss it with Billy, as well.
Victor: Oh, yes. By all means. I'm sure Billy runs his business decisions by you. Did you have a grease fire today in the kitchen, or did you look for baked potatoes that you ran out of?
Billy: [Laughs] Let me tell you something.
Victoria: You know, it's late, so we'll just discuss it tomorrow.
Victor: Let's discuss it tomorrow.
Victoria: Discuss it tomorrow.
Victor: All right, Billy. Good luck with your joint.
Billy: Thank you.
Victor: All right. I hope you will make the right decision for all of us.
[Door closes]
Billy: Some people -- they ask for cups of sugar. Other people ask for half a billion dollars.
Victoria: And some people buy restaurants without telling their wives.
Billy: Back to that.
Lauren: I am not having an affair, Paul. Believe me.
Paul: Well, there's something going on -- I mean, the looks, the talking, the confiding, even. You're focusing on someone else, because it's easier than dealing with what's going on at home. That's how it works. I know it. So do you. I mean, the sex is one thing, really, but an emotional affair can be just as destructive.
Lauren: And what happened to "No more accusations"?
Paul: You know how much I care for you, and I'm begging you to fight for your marriage. It's good for you and Michael. And most importantly, it's good for Fen. And you know what? Yeah, it's gonna take a lot of work, and it's gonna take some tears, and it's gonna take some brutal honesty. Lauren, listen to me. I think you can save your marriage...if you want to.
Chelsea: [Sniffles] You had to come over, right? You couldn't just walk on by.
Adam: I didn't know that my comment would upset you like that.
Chelsea: It's just hormones, okay? It's just -- it's just pregnancy hormones. Oh, and you constantly reminding me of the fact that I lost our baby. That always helps, too -- thinking that something could happen now, that I could lose this baby. [Sniffles] [Sighs]
Adam: I'm sorry, Chelse. I wasn't thinking. Losing our baby -- it was awful for you, for the both of us.
Chelsea: Well, I wouldn't know, because that's when you decided to completely shut me out and devote your life to Newman, so...
Adam: Fair enough. Who knows why it happened -- the car accident, something else -- but it won't happen this time.
Chelsea: Because you know?
Adam: I don't know. I just -- I'm sorry. I just -- I don't want to see you go through that kind of pain again. Look, I'm a jerk, Chelsea. You know it. I know it. Feelings and talking about those feelings --
Chelsea: I know. You don't do emotions.
Adam: Sometimes when I'm alone... I'll admit to myself that this whole thing -- it's on me -- losing you, losing what we had. We could have -- we could have had something amazing, something beautiful. Instead, uh... this is my fault.
Chelsea: Adam...
Chloe: So, Fen's gonna crash with us again?
Kevin: Yeah, do you mind?
Chloe: No. No, of course not. But if something really happens between Lauren and Michael...
Kevin: It, like, messes with my reality to think of the two of them splitting up.
Chloe: [Sighs] And then there's Chelsea and Adam, and, look, she's totally better off without him, but she's totally torn up about it, too. I mean, at least when we broke up, it was because of some big, fat lie -- because Angelina was such a nut. I mean, we've had our less-than-stellar moments, but it's nothing that we can't handle, right?
Kevin: Yeah. Totally.
Chloe: Well [Chuckles] That was convincing.
Kevin: Huh? I'm sorry. I was just -- my mind's on Michael.
Chloe: But we're good in all the ways that matter?
Kevin: Yeah, we are.
Nikki: Oh, hi, Darling.
Victor: Dr. Costner. Hi, Sweetheart.
Nikki: How are you?
Victor: Fine. Anything wrong?
Nikki: No, nothing is wrong. I'm fine. I had a slight moment of panic, but Dr. Cos-- Kurt soothed my fears.
Dr. Costner: Nothing to worry about. It was a reaction to her new medication, so...she's fine and neither of you should worry about it at all.
Victor: Well, it's very nice of you to make a house call. Thank you.
Dr. Costner: Well, this was a false alarm, but I'm glad. And if you need anything -- I mean, if you're concerned about anything, just give me a call.
Nikki: I will. Thank you, Kurt.
Dr. Costner: Have a good night.
Nikki: Thanks.
Victor: Good night, Doctor.
Nikki: [Sighs]
Victor: "Thank you, Kurt"?
Nikki: He told me to call him Kurt.
Victor: That's very nice. Why didn't you call me when you called him?
Nikki: Because one of us panicking at the same time is enough.
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not panicked. I love you. I'm concerned about you.
Nikki: I know, and I adore you for it. But Kurt says I'm fine, and I am.
Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Nikki: So, how was work, other than late?
Victor: It's all right. Some surprises.
Nikki: Oh? Sounds like code for "Adam has done something." What's he up to now?
Carmine: Uh, whenever you're ready.
Chelsea: Thank you. Just let me -- one second. Ah. Shoot.
Adam: Let me help you out.
Chelsea: Sorry.
Adam: Dropped your phone. You got a message. You don't want to leave Dylan waiting.
Carmine: What will you have?
Michael: The truth.
Carmine: Truth? Well, about what?
Michael: Love, life... the meaning of it all. Isn't that what people want from their bartenders -- some truth about our very existence, some wise insights into the human condition?
Carmine: [Chuckles] Um... [Chuckles] Most people just ask me for booze.
Michael: In that case, scotch, neat.
Carmine: Okay. [Sighs] You know, maybe I'm a bad bartender...
Michael: That's a distinct possibility, Carmine.
Carmine: [Chuckles] ...But, um, well, most people don't care what I have to say. They just want me to listen and be, uh, concerned about their problems. That's all. So...how about it, counselor? You want to tell me your problems?
Michael: [Chuckles] No, thanks. I don't think you would begin to understand them.
Victor: And think about it -- with the investment of our children, Newman Enterprises could be privately held again.
Nikki: You're already writing that press release in your head.
Victor: Can you blame me?
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: It would be a hell of a last chapter, wouldn't it, in the long history of Newman Enterprises?
Nikki: But if the kids invest their money, they would be owners along with you and Adam. I can just see the power struggles. They would be endless. I don't think that's what Adam had in mind when he suggested you go private.
Victor: Sweetheart, what Adam has in mind is to take Newman Enterprises to the next level. He can only do that once the company's in private hands again. And he will certainly work with his siblings to make that possible.
Nikki: Well, Nicholas is a long shot. He's got some of his money in his club. I think Abby will just do what the others say. Now, Victoria, on the other hand --
Victor: Well, once she realizes that taking Newman Enterprises private again is really best for everyone concerned -- I think she is potentially very excited about it -- her siblings will follow. There may be some disagreements on the way, but I think it's the only way to unite our family -- really unite our family. And that is what I want more than anything else. I'll do everything in my power to make it happen.
Billy: Honey, you were right about that dinosaur. You put him right in Johnny's arms, and he passes right out.
Victoria: I'm sorry.
Billy: You are? Fantastic. What are you sorry for?
Victoria: I'm -- I just keep blowing up at you, and you keep -- you keep not blowing back.
Billy: Well, I'd say I earned it. Surprise! We have a restaurant now.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Billy: Anyway, enough about me. What do you think about this half-a-billion-dollar ante into Newman?
Victoria: With Adam in charge? He'd cash the check, and then he'd shove me overboard.
Billy: So, you're thinking no? I got to tell you, you've got an excellent poker face, 'cause I had no idea which way you were leaning. Half a billion dollars? Whoo-oo. Let me say it again -- whoo-oo.
Victoria: There's no way in hell I will give that weasel Adam my money. And I'm gonna make sure nobody else does, either.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: You're off the hook. You can walk away from me and this baby right now if you want to give it another shot with Avery.
Tyler: Hey, Gus. Gus. Take it easy, all right. Come on. We need to get you a doctor.
Victoria: I'm not proposing an attack on Dad.
Nick: I notice you didn't rule out the possibility.
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