Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/2/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/2/13


Episode # 10149 ~ Neil is shocked by unexpected misfortune; Victor manipulates Sharon's insecurities.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Neil: Thank you, Detective. Appreciate that.

Sheryl: Forensic team's finished. They're just, uh, running the prints they found through the system.

Neil: Yeah, most of the prints here, they belong to me, or, you know, I have a young son, my boy, Moses.

Leslie: Yeah, yeah, there are probably a few of my prints around here, too.

Sheryl: Well, hopefully, they lifted some that belong to somebody that was not supposed to be here.

Neil: Detective, is it okay if I start cleaning up, or -- or what?

Sheryl: If you give me a list of things that are missing, I can start checking with local pawn shops.

Neil: Yeah. Sure. I-I-I can do that.

Sheryl: Have you seen anybody suspicious hanging around the building lately?

Neil: Uh, no, not -- not -- not that I can think of.

Sheryl: If you do, let me know.

Neil: Yeah.

Leslie: Now, were any other units broken into?

Sheryl: Um, not recently.

Leslie: Oh. So you have no idea who could have done this?

Sheryl: No arrests yet. But there are a couple of people we're looking into.

Neil: [Sighs]

Chloe: That was...

Kevin: So not normal.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: I mean, who would have thunk that a night that started out so lame would end like this?

Chloe: [Chuckles] Hey, it's not over.

Kevin: What?

Chloe: Mm.

Kevin: You still got that cat suit in the back?

Chloe: Meow. Ooh!

Kevin: [Chuckles]

Chloe: Oh. [Laughs]

Kevin: Okay, so, we're gonna be prepping some inventory in the back. No interruptions. None, okay?

Michael: Uh, Fenmore, I know you're upset, but, um... please call me and let me know you're okay. All right? Thank you.

[Door closes, keys jingle]

Lauren: Hey. Where's Fen? Is he all right?

Michael: He's not answering my phone calls.

Lauren: He told me he was gonna be staying with Garret.

Michael: You should have told me that you were leaving.

Lauren: I was only going to be gone a couple of days.

Michael: Where were you?

Lauren: [Sighs] I explained on the phone. I needed time to think.

Michael: You explained. Hmm, hmm. You care to explain these?

Sharon: My contact information is on my résumé, so if you have any questions, please call or e-mail. Thank you again for meeting with me. I-I hope to hear from you.

Victor: Do you seriously think that anyone from a reputable company is gonna offer you a job?

Sharon: I have experience, references, and I'm -- I've proven that I'm capable.

Victor: You're not expecting a recommendation from anyone at Newman, are you?

Sharon: Well, there is more than one Newman.

Victor: I can't think of a single Newman who wants to keep you at the company.

Sharon: Adam realized that it was best for everyone that I move on.

Victor: Maybe he finally got his priorities straight... and realized you're not one of them.

Adam: When you're done decorating in here, can you take a look at my office? The color scheme just isn't right.

Victoria: I was dropping this off.

Adam: More interior design ideas?

Victoria: It's a comprehensive feasibility report on why Newman should pursue a takeover of Tanaka             International.

Adam: Impressive.

Victoria: Well, Dad will be just as impressed with that.

Adam: Your Rugrats?

Victoria: They're his grandchildren. And they're the future of Newman.

Adam: Well, no kids here, so I wouldn't know what you're talking about.

Victoria: Dad told me that Chelsea's pregnant.

Adam: So, apparently, bad news travels very fast.

Victoria: Yeah. He mentioned that the baby isn't yours.

Adam: Critical little detail.

Victoria: What if it weren't bad news?

Adam: I'm not as open-minded as you, Sis. Raising a baby my spouse conceived with someone else -- it just isn't in my wheelhouse.

Victoria: What if Chelsea's baby were yours?

Billy: You like that? Are you still looking for more presents? Yeah, you're still looking for more presents?

[Johnny coos]

Billy: Birthday presents? That was a fun day, wasn't it? [Smooches] Wasn't it? Well, another 11 1/2 months, and we can do it all over again.

[Both exhale sharply]

Billy: Unless... did dear, old dad just get you another present?! Look at that! [Gasps] Yeah, let's open it up and see what we got. Let's see what we got. Let's see what we got [Imitates fanfare] Look at this! Look at all the pretty colors look at all the pretty colors soft and spongy. You want to learn how to count? Huh? [Chuckles] [Smooches] All right, Buddy! You ready? It's your turn. We're gonna rol-l-l-l them up. We're gonna shake them, and we're gonna throw them, and we're gonna get -- [Grunts] Well, you know what? It looks like you got a seven. You got a four here. You got three here. You are a natural! You are a natural, just like your daddy. You know what? You -- you probably shouldn't tell your mom that, 'cause she wouldn't like it. Matter of fact, we probably shouldn't tell your mom about any of this, because, again, she -- she wouldn't like it. But you are a natural. [Smooching] [Laughs]

Adam: But Chelsea's baby isn't mine.

Victoria: Hypothetically, what if it was?

Adam: Realistically, it's not, so let's just discontinue this line of thought, all right? Drop it.

Victoria: I know how difficult it was for you and Chelsea to lose your son.

Adam: You might have babies on the brain, Victoria, but I don't. I'm trying to focus on work here.

Victoria: You can do both.

Adam: Apparently not so well?

Victoria: Oh, really? What is that supposed to mean?

Adam: I decided, and Dad concurred, that Tanaka isn't a good fit for Newman, so we're gonna be closing a deal with Yosuke Industries instead.

Victoria: You knew that... before I spent hours writing up that report.

Adam: Check your in-box from time to time. You might actually know what's going on around here.

Victoria: Oh, I see. I know what your game is. You're trying to make me look bad in Dad's eyes.

Adam: You don't need any help with that.

Victoria: Wow. You really are way more insecure than I thought. I just barely walked in the door, and you're already trying to push me out. Are you really that scared that I'm gonna steal Daddy's attention away from you?

Adam: Dad is interested, as am I, in the success of Newman. So as long as there's that, I guess I won't have to compete for his attention.

Victoria: Just his love. And you'll never have that.

Adam: Ohh. Do me a favor. Take a look at these projects. I need you to figure out which ones are fiscally sound and which ones need to be jettisoned.

Victoria: More busywork, huh?

Adam: It is what you make of it, Victoria.

Victoria: You know, Adam, I could be on your side, or I could be against you. The choice is really yours.

Adam: And you really think I need your support?

Victoria: You would be surprised how important I can be to your future.

[Cell phone chimes]

Victoria: I have to go.

Adam: So much for your devotion to Newman.

Victoria: You know, you wouldn't understand this, Adam, but Dad does. Family comes first.

Sharon: How did we get here, Victor?

Victor: How'd we get where?

Sharon: To this place. We were close once. There were times when I thought you were the only one on my side, but then you turned on me.

Victor: That's not quite how I recall it, Sharon.

Sharon: Well, we should have never gotten married. That was my fault. But we'd both been betrayed by people we loved, and I thought we could deal with that pain together. And we ended up hurting each other.

Victor: You're absolutely right. We should not have gotten married. I shoulder some of that blame. But what you have done to me and to my company and to my family is unconscionable.

Sharon: But is it forgivable? Can we ever get back to a somewhat normal, civil relationship?

Victor: Let me put it this way -- I think it is... the best solution that you left your job at Newman... especially for Adam.

Sharon: Well, that's funny, because you used to always think that he was bad for me.

Victor: When it comes right down to it, my loyalty is to blood... as it is for Adam.

Carmine: Hey, Buddy. Thanks for offering to cover my shift, but, um...plans got cut short. [Sighs] [Sighs]

[Paper crumples]

Michael: Where'd they come from? Who wrote the note?

Lauren: You're treating me like a criminal that you're interrogating.

Michael: Was it the same person I heard in the café when you finally answered your phone?

Lauren: Are you accusing me of lying?

Michael: Were you?

Lauren: Seems like you've made up your mind already.

Michael: All right, fine. Then you tell me. Where were you, and who were you with?

Lauren: You know, I really don't like the way that you're talking to me.

Michael: Forget it! Forget it.

Lauren: No -- Michael!

Michael: What? No! I tried! I tried everything to fix things between us, but you keep pushing me away!

Lauren: I don't mean to.

Michael: You won't look at me. You won't talk to me. You won't touch me. I can't do it anymore. I won't. I deserve better.

Lauren: Michael, wait! You're right. You do deserve better. I'm sorry.

Michael: For what?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: You tell me. Tell me! Look at me!

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: What are you sorry for?

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: It's Paul. He was looking for Fenmore. Yeah, Paul. You find him?

Paul: Yeah, I found him.

Michael: Oh, wow. Is he all right?

Paul: You need to come down to the station.

Michael: We'll be right there. Your son has been arrested, if you're interested.

Kevin: I said no interruptions.

Chloe: We didn't want to be disturbed, even if the cops were knocking on the door.

Sheryl: Detective Sheryl Gordon. Sorry to interrupt your accounting activities in the back room.

Kevin: Evening, Detective. Can I get you a latte, espresso, muffin?

Sheryl: I'm not here for coffee. Detective Chavez said I should talk to you.

Kevin: What's he accusing us of now?

Sheryl: Why don't you just tell me where you were tonight?

Chloe: I was at work.

Sheryl: And you?

Kevin: I met her there.

Sheryl: Anybody see either of you?

Kevin: We're not gonna answer any of these questions until you tell us why you're asking them.

Sheryl: Neil Winters' apartment was broken into tonight.

Chloe: And you're saying that we did it?

Sheryl: I'm just asking questions.

Kevin: Doesn't mean we have to answer them.

Sheryl: If you haven't done anything, why wouldn't you?

Kevin: Because we are very, very busy people.

Sheryl: Yeah, accounting. I heard. But I won't take up much of your time if you can just give me a couple of answers. Tell me everything you did tonight, starting with the moment the two of you met up. And don't leave anything out.

Leslie: Um, why don't you come stay with me tonight? We can just clean up this mess tomorrow.

Neil: Baby... [Sighs] ...Gus just got out of the hospital. You got your hands full.

Leslie: Well, okay. Well, what about Lily and Cane?

Neil: Cane and Lily are out celebrating Cane's new job at Chancellor, you know? I don't want to mess with their evening. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

Leslie: Okay, come on, now, Neil. Whoever did this could come back.

Neil: Whoever did this, they got what they wanted, right? They rifled through every drawer, every cabinet in my house. You don't --

Leslie: What?

Neil: No...

Leslie: What's wrong?

Neil: No, no, no!

Leslie: What -- is something missing? What is it?

Neil: Yes, something's mi--

Leslie: Is it something valuable? Neil.

Neil: It -- it's priceless!

Paul: Fen tried to sneak into the Underground.

Lauren: The nightclub? You have to be 21 to go there.

Paul: That's what the bouncer tried to tell him. Fen took offense and started throwing punches.

Fenmore: A-according to the bouncer.

Paul: And several eyewitnesses.

Michael: Paul, may we have a word with our son?

Paul: Sure.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Paul: Hey, no promises... but I'll see what all I can do about getting this off the books.

Lauren: Thank you. Oh, my God. Look at you! [Sighs] What was the bouncer -- twice your size? You could have been killed!

Fenmore: I got in a few good punches.

Michael: It's called assault, Fenmore, and you can get in big trouble for that.

Fenmore: It's not like I pushed anybody off a roof.

Lauren: Oh, Fen. Don't say that.

Fenmore: Hey, at least I have your attention.

Lauren: [Sighs] You're upset, and I understand. But, you know, skipping school, lying about staying at Garrett's, and now this? This is not the way to handle things.

Michael: Your mother's right, Fenmore. You can't just run away when things get out of hand.

Fenmore: [Scoffs] Why not? You both did. If my own parents can't be bothered to stick around, why should I?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Adam: [Sighs]

[Cell phone chimes]

[Cell phone chimes]

Sharon: You're wrong about Adam, Victor.

Victor: We shall see.

Sharon: Oh, I already have. Have a good night. I plan to.

Carmine: Another?

Victor: Yes, please.

Carmine: All right. Oh -- oh, God. I'm so sorry!

Victor: Something to wipe this off?

Carmine: Yeah. Yeah.

Victor: I see Billy Boy hired someone as incompetent as he is.

Carmine: Look, I'm so sorry. I-I-I hope I didn't ruin your shirt, there.

Victor: Piece of advice, Son. You keep your eye on the ball, all right? You concentrate on your job, instead of thinking about... whatever you were concerned about, okay?

Carmine: Yeah.

Lauren: I was wrong to leave. I should have realized how much you needed me, but I am home now...and I'm gonna stay.

Fenmore: What about you? Are you coming back, too?

[Door opens]

Lauren: Paul. What's going on?

Paul: All right. I spoke to the bouncer. He has agreed to drop the charges if Fen promises not to show his face there until he's 21.

Michael: He won't.

Paul: I need to hear it from him.

Fenmore: Got it. Underground's off limits.

Michael: We really appreciate this, Paul. Thank you.

Lauren: Yes, we do. Don't we, Honey?

Fenmore: Sure. Thanks.

Paul: Okay. Officer Crockett will take your cuffs off, if you'd step outside. Oh, and, Fen... if this happens again... I won't be able to bail you out.

Lauren: Thank you.

Michael: Paul? I have tried everything. I have tried tough love. I have tried a softer approach. I don't know what else to do.

Paul: Try moving back home again.

Victoria: Billy! [Sighs]

Billy: Good. You're home, you're home I just put Johnny to bed, and I hate to kiss and run, but, Honey, I've got a manager meeting me at the bar --

Victoria: Look at this.

Billy: Okay. "J.T."

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: That's it? That's all he said?

Victoria: I know. I know. It's just it's so not like him.

Billy: Did you call him?

Victoria: I tried. It goes straight to voicemail, and nobody's picking up at the house, either.

Billy: Well, that's weird, but I don't see it as a problem, since you keep saying that you would like Reed to spend more time here.

Victoria: Yes, I know that, but I just wish that J.T. would have talked to me about this.

Billy: Okay. I don't think it would make much of a difference, but --

Victoria: No, I-I-I'm just -- I'm not good at surprises, especially with everything being so hectic right now, between you and me trying to have a baby, and -- and -- and me going back to work, and -- [Groans]

Billy: First day not so good, huh?

Victoria: Working at Newman is just gonna be a little trickier than I thought.

Billy: Yeah, well, I have a simple solution for you. Quit.

Victoria: I am not leaving Newman, Billy. I wouldn't give Adam the satisfaction.

Billy: Are you kidding me? He wants you to stay. He loves making your life miserable.

Victoria: I think I can handle my brother.

Billy: You know what? Under normal circumstances, my money's on you. Yes, I agree. But come on! You got a lot on your plate. Now Reed's coming. Obviously, something's wrong with J.T.

Victoria: I don't see you quitting your job.

Billy: Honey, I'm also not taking hormone shots and trying to get pregnant.

Victoria: Don't try to use that as an excuse for me to leave Newman, okay? You said that you supported me going back to work!

Billy: Okay, I-I do, all right? I -- it's just -- I'm worried about you.

Victoria: I can handle the job, and I can handle my family. And I can handle my jerk of a brother, and I can handle whatever's going on with J.T. but I cannot handle you getting on my case!

Billy: I'm not getting on your -- come on! Don't do that! I'm not getting on your case! Don't walk away! I got to go to work!

Victoria: Oh! Go! Go! I don't have a problem with you doing your job.

Billy: Yeah.

Michael: Fenmore.

Fenmore: What?

Michael: We need to talk.

Fenmore: I got nothing to say.

Lauren: Well, we do.

Fenmore: [Scoffs] So, talk.

Michael: All right. Is this the first time you've pulled a stunt like this, or have you been doing things like this for a while now?

Fenmore: Things like what?

Michael: Lying to us, skipping school, saying you're one place when you're another.

Fenmore: Well, if you were living here, you would know what I was doing.

Lauren: All right. Don't blame your bad behavior on your father.

Fenmore: You do.

Lauren: That is not true!

Fenmore: Well, then, why did he take off?

Michael: Listen to me. We've all had a rough couple of months.

Fenmore: Yeah, your solution was to bail.

Michael: My solution was to give us all a little space.

Fenmore: Oh. You dumped us, Dad. Then Mom saw no reason to stick around, so she took off, too. Yeah, but, hey. Hey, you know what? Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself.

Lauren: No. No, that is not what we want. And the only reason I left is because you told me you were staying at a friend's. Otherwise, I never would have gone! Now, I'm here now.

Fenmore: Oh --

Lauren: Your dad and I are both here now.

Fenmore: Are you?

Lauren: Yes, we are.

Fenmore: Really? You're here?

Lauren: Uh-huh!

Fenmore: [Scoffs] What do you have to say about this...Dad?

Michael: You're not a child anymore, Fenmore. Couples separate. Families change. Together, we'll get through this.

Fenmore: [Laughs] "Together"? "Together" -- that is -- that's really funny. [Scoffs]

Paul: Hey.

Carmine: Hey. What can I get you, Chief?

Paul: Uh, a beer. Whatever you have.

Carmine: All right. Coming right up.

Paul: So, burning both ends of the candle, I see.

Carmine: [Chuckles] Yes. Well, a guy has got to make a living.

Paul: Still, it's got to wear you down -- two jobs? Ever take some time off?

Carmine: Uh, yeah, actually. As a matter of fact, just got back into town.

Paul: Did you hit the casinos with your friends?

Carmine: Oh, no. Man, that'd be more exhausting than working a double.

Paul: Oh, so you took off on your own?

Carmine: No, I, uh -- I'm sorry. What's with all the questions?

Paul: Just making conversation.

Carmine: Well, look. I, um -- I got to get to other customers right now, so --

Paul: Uh, before you go, just one more question. What's going on between you and Lauren Fenmore?

Victor: Son, I appreciate the hours you're putting in at work, but I thought you could meet me at this place called On the Boulevard. I need to discuss something with you that's important, all right?

Adam: I take it you got my response to your text.

Sharon: Are you sure meeting here is a good idea?

Adam: Everyone's gone home.

Sharon: Even the cleaning crew?

Adam: Here and gone.

Sharon: So we have the place to ourselves, then?

Adam: We're all alone.

Sharon: Good. Then let's...get down to business.

Carmine: It's in your blood, isn't it -- detective work? Asking all these questions?

Paul: Even my dad was a cop.

Carmine: Mm. Bet you hear a lot of doughnut jokes.

Paul: [Chuckles] A few.

Carmine: Well, it goes the same with bartenders. You know, everyone always thinks that you're hitting on the rich, pretty lady.

Paul: Hmm. You know, the funny thing is, I like doughnuts.

Carmine: Hmm. [Chuckles] Okay, well, your job is to ask questions. Mine is to listen, and that's what I did with Lauren.

Paul: You're doing a lot of that. You do it here. You do it at the Athletic Club. Even do it at Lauren's apartment.

Carmine: Okay, look. I told you I was returning her credit card. That's all. It was just strictly business.

Paul: Right.

Carmine: [Sighs] You know, you seem very interested in a woman who's not even your wife.

Paul: I could say the same thing about you. You're not from here, are you?

Carmine: No. New York.

Paul: New York. Big city.

Carmine: Mm.

Paul: You know, that's the thing about a big city. A stranger in a bar is just that -- a stranger in a bar. But here in Genoa City, we all know each other. So we look out for each other. Sometimes, we even use our position to protect one another.

Carmine: [Chuckles] Oh. I've been keeping my nose clean. No kidnapping, no stalking. I-I don't have a parking ticket.

Paul: You'd be surprised how easy it is to cross the line.

Carmine: What's your point, Chief?

Paul: I think I already made it.

Billy: Hey, Paul!

Paul: Hi.

Carmine: [Sighs]

Billy: Oh, man.


Billy: [Chuckles] I take it all the other dining establishments in town are closed?

Victor: [Chuckles] Billy Boy. I just wanted to see if you ran this joint as badly as you did your magazine.

Billy: Okay. Well, then, in that case, how about I have the chef prepare something special for you, maybe something with a hint of... arsenic?

Victor: Billy Boy, you're a character, aren't you?

Billy: I do my best.

Victor: Why don't you save that for the rats that I'm sure are running around in your kitchen?

Billy: Did you give Nick the same props when he opened the Underground? I mean, with a father like you, who needs competitors hoping that you're gonna fail?

Victor: It's true. You know, Billy Boy... running a restaurant, or a bar, rather, is beneath Nicholas. But I assure you he'll be successful.

Billy: I hate to break it to you, but your no-confidence vote ain't working. In fact, I'm willing to wager that it's having the exact opposite effect of the one that you wanted.

Victor: I've been hoisted on my own petard?

Billy: [Chuckles] Fact is, that "You're doomed, Billy Boy" look on your face -- that's the exact thing that's gonna make this place a raging success.

Victor: [Chuckles] You're even a bigger fool than I thought.

Billy: Mm.

Victor: Gamblers... don't come out ahead in the end. But you already know that, don't you?

[Chair scrapes]

Billy: Thanks for coming!

Sheryl: So, you had lunch in the office you share with your design partners. Were they there?

Chloe: It was... a private affair.

Sheryl: How long did this "Affair" take?

Kevin: [Scoffs] I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you don't have much of a love life.

Chloe: We weren't watching the clock.

Sheryl: Approximately.

Kevin: A while. A good, long while.

Sheryl: All afternoon? Anything else? Maybe you went for a walk?

Kevin: Oh! That's right -- that walk we took, remember? We walked past Neil Winters' apartment. We robbed the joint. How could I have left that out? Are we good, Detective? Do you need anything else from us?

Sheryl: I need the truth, Mr. Fisher! You can give it to me here, or down at the station.

Chloe: Okay, look. I'll tell you the truth, okay? Kevin and I were just trying to spice up our predictable, two-job, one-child life, okay? We're in a rut. Have you ever been in a rut before? So, I'm sorry. We were just trying to spice things up and have some mad, crazy sex on our drafting table. And no -- no one saw us.

Sheryl: You were together the whole time?

Kevin: You cannot have mad, crazy, wild office sex by yourself! We were together the entire time.

Chloe: What? You don't believe that? Do you want to come over and dust the drafting table for prints or whatever?

Sheryl: That won't be necessary. I'll be in touch after I check video surveillance. I hope it doesn't show either of you near the Winters place today.

Kevin: [Sighs] Well... I never thought I would miss the charms of Detective Chavez, but I do.

Chloe: Yeah, it's okay. I got her off our backs.

Kevin: By telling the truth. Who'd have thunk that would work?

Chloe: Yeah, but I just left out one thing -- the time we were apart when you went to go get the whipped cream.

Leslie: Now, why are you so freaked out about a stolen flash drive?

Neil: Because... it's got a lot of sensitive information on it about Jabot. You know, we're talking about product development, marketing strategies -- stuff like that.

Leslie: Yeah, but all that data's backed up at the office, right?

Neil: Uh... yeah.

Leslie: Yeah.

Neil: Yeah, it is. I -- Honey, it could be damaging to Jabot if any of our rivals got a hold of those files. You get that?

Leslie: Oh. Well, you might want to tell Jack.

Neil: Why would I want to tell Jack a-- you're absolutely right. I should tell Jack. This -- this is just not good! This is not good at all! This is terrible!

Leslie: Jack is not gonna blame you for this. How could he?

Neil: I knew how sensitive that information was on that file. I knew it! I should have been more careful! I should have locked it up with a key, a safe -- something!

Leslie: Neil, you are making too big a deal of this!

Neil: You have no idea how big a deal this is.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah, come in!

Sheryl: Chief Williams?

Paul: Detective Gordon, what can I do for you?

Sheryl: You said you wanted me to keep you updated on the Neil Winters break-in.

Paul: I did. What have you got?

Sheryl: Uh, I'm not sure. I mean, it looks like your garden-variety burglary on the surface.

Paul: But underneath?

Sheryl: Take a look at these. Drawers have been rummaged through, clothes tossed around, but an expensive watch was left sitting on top of a dresser in plain sight.

Paul: So, what are you telling me -- you think it was a staged robbery?

Sheryl: I mean, a robbery took place. But I think our thief was looking for something specific.

Paul: Maybe something personal to Neil? But what?

Sharon: Oh. Twice in one night. Must be my lucky day.

Adam: Thought I would be the only one using the office this late. Apparently, we're both burning the midnight oil.

Victor: What are you doing here, son?

Adam: Working hard, per usual.

Victor: You know, you have a brilliant business mind, but when it comes to women, you have made a string of bad choices, Sharon being the worst of them.

Adam: I'm fine if you want to talk about business, but my personal life -- it's off limits.

Victor: Son, you saved my life. And I'm trying to return the favor.

Adam: I'm good, dad. But if you're looking for a child to rescue, you might want to consider Victoria.

Victor: Why do you say that?

Adam: Your overachieving daughter thought that... the Tanaka acquisition was a sound one. So I filled her in, but you might want to give her a few pointers on mergers and acquisitions.

Victor: You know, your sister's... every bit as bright as you are when it comes to business. It is both your personal choices that have me very concerned.

Victoria: J.T. hey, it's me. Reed staying here is not a problem. Um, just call me when you can. [Sighs] I really -- I need -- I need more information. What's going on? Is -- is he okay? Are you okay? There's a lot going on here right now, so, um... don't let me worry about reed for nothing. Call me.

Billy: Hello, Carmine.

Carmine: Hey. [Clears throat] [Chuckling] Oh! A seven! Nice.

Billy: Yeah. You got a pen, man?

Carmine: Uh, yeah. Um... here.

Billy: Thanks.

Carmine: [Clears throat] Hey, you got natural luck, Boss. You ever think about going to Vegas? A lot of money to be made there.

Billy: There's a lot of money to be made here, too, Buddy... especially when you bother to show up for work.

Carmine: Yeah, I took a couple sick days.

Billy: I know. Derek told me you called in this morning. He said you could barely lift your head off the pillow.

Carmine: I was, uh -- I was pretty bad.

Billy: But yet here you are, looking like a million dollars.

Carmine: Yeah. Um... so, what -- what -- are you accusing me of something, here?

Billy: Lying, which is something that I will not tolerate in an employee of mine.

Carmine: So you're saying I'm fired?

Michael: Well, me moving back home and us pretending that everything's okay is -- that's not gonna help Fenmore.

Lauren: What is, then?

Michael: I don't know. But we should probably start with the truth... whenever we find out what that actually is.

Lauren: You're right. False pretense is certainly not gonna help him... or any of us.

Michael: You never answered me about the cards and the note. Are you gonna tell me where they come from?

Lauren: I-I don't know. You know, um... maybe Frances dropped them when she was cleaning.

Michael: You told me that you were sorry. Are you gonna tell me what you were sorry for?

Lauren: Everything.

Michael: Yeah. Me, too. Everything. You tell Fenmore that I'll give him a call.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: I will never be okay with my daughter hanging out with your son.

Billy: I'm not a gambler, Buddy.

Carmine: You won this restaurant on a poker game.

Dylan: Um, I'm at the cottage, and it's a gorgeous night, stars are out.

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