Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/30/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/30/13


Episode # 10147 ~ Nick and Phyllis can't agree on how to protect Summer; everyone awaits the results of Katherine's surgery.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: What?

Phyllis: How about now?

Jack: "How about now" what?

Phyllis: Are you sick of me yet, all this togetherness -- in bed, in the kitchen, later in the office?

Jack: No, it's good.

Phyllis: Yeah, but every time you turn the corner, here I am. It's Phyllis.

Jack: Every time I turn the corner, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Phyllis: But you didn't expect there would be a kid in the deal, did you?

Jack: I think someone might have issue with your terminology. She is 18 years old. She's an adult.

Phyllis: Yeah. And she reminds me of that every single day.

Jack: You do know I am thrilled to have her here. I'm crazy about the girl -- have been since the day -- since the moment she was born.

Phyllis: I know. Which is a story she hates, by the way, so let's just continue to tell her.

Jack: How's Nick reacting to all this?

Phyllis: She said she was gonna tell him, so I think... right about now, his head is probably exploding.

Nick: Morning.

Avery: Hi. I hope you don't mind. I didn't call first.

Nick: It's sad you even have to ask that. You should be living with me at this point.

Avery: I couldn't sleep last night.

Nick: Me either.

Avery: [Sighs] Help me, Nick. Tell me how to convince you that it's over with Dylan. Tell me how to convince you that I only want you.

Dylan: Oh, I bet it wasn't that bad.

Chelsea: Worse. Much worse. What are you doing here? Looking for a modeling job?

Dylan: No, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm going up north to my family's cottage to finalize some stuff for my dad's business, but my cell phone will be on.

Chelsea: I'm fine, thanks. I won't be calling. You can leave town.

Dylan: And when I get back, I'm actually gonna get a real apartment.

Chelsea: I really don't want you to do anything for me. You really don't have to.

Dylan: Well, I just want you to know, if you need help with the doctors' visits, the --

Chelsea: Just stop, okay? Stop acting like you're my husband.

Tyler: You know, I bet this coffee tastes better than when Kevin's behind the counter. Put something special in here, don't you?

Chloe: [Chuckles] I make it the same way Kevin does.

Tyler: Well, maybe it's just you that makes it special.

Chloe: "A," she knows better than to trash her boss, my husband. And, "B," why are you harassing my employees? Shouldn't you be over at the test shoot, checking out that new hot guy you want to hire as a model?

Tyler: It is better, though. You're pretty excited to see those shots, aren't you, huh? Is that why you're shoving me out the door? Because you know that I was right about my girl Summer, even though you put up a fight.

Chloe: Okay, she doesn't have the job yet, but you butted in to private business there.

Tyler: Well, Chelsea said things were fine. And it seemed like you're the one that had the problem. So if you still got issues with Summer, you need to take it up with your business partner.

Chloe: Look, all I'm saying is that I want to lay my eyes on this guy before we get all excited. I think that we need a woman's perspective when it comes to hiring beefcake. I'm sorry, but I just don't trust a straight man's opinion when it comes to who's hot and who's not.

Tyler: Oh, no? Well, I'm a straight man, and I think that you're smokin' hot.

Chloe: Oh, my God. That is so sweet. And so obvious.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Chloe: What does Lily think?

Tyler: I actually didn't tell Lily about Mason.

Chloe: My world is rocked, 'cause I thought you guys were joined at the hip.

Devon: Hey, Lily, how is Katherine?

Lily: The tumor is benign.

Devon: That's great news. I want to see her.

Lily: No, wait. Yes, it's great news, but there's more.

Murphy: Come on, old girl. What is this? You hate sleeping in, wasted time. I mean, you always say, "I'll sleep when I'm..." come on, just tell me you're okay. That's all I'm asking for here.

Jill: Come on, Katherine. Murphy's right. Wake up. I'm tired of this. My nerves are on edge. Wake up and pick a fight or something.

Jack: So, if Nick's head is blowing up over Summer's decision to live here...

Phyllis: Too bad.

Jack: Okay. I'm all right with that.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Like you said, Summer's an adult. There's no custody agreement. She gets to live where she wants, and she chose to live with me -- me. She chose to live with me.

Jack: Not that you're gloating or anything.

Phyllis: I would never do that.

Jack: And her being here is all about togetherness with mother.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, what do you mean? As opposed to some super-secret plan to be with Kyle?

Jack: No, I said I would always protect her there, but Kyle has made it very clear he's not interested.

Phyllis: Okay, well, she's not, either. I got a bunch of texts from her, and one was about Nick, the other was about what time she'd be here with her stuff, and then a bunch of texts about her modeling audition. She's totally into being a star. She's at the "Kyle who?" Phase.

Jack: Ah, fickle youth. So, down the road, though -- well down the road -- if she decides she was interested in Kyle again?

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Like in her late 20s -- her late, late 20s? Yeah, I mean, the age difference would be fine.

Jack: And we'd sign off on Kyle and Summer being together.

Phyllis: Okay, wait a second. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? Another Newman/Abbott pairing... [Gasps] I know that Victor likes Kyle, but that would give him a meltdown.

Jack: Hey, Kyle!

Kyle: Hey, hi.

Jack: Strange. Those clothes look a lot like yesterday's clothes.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna take offense at you refusing to sleep here the first day that I moved in.

Kyle: Yeah, I was hanging with some friends. I should go change.

Phyllis: Okay.

Kyle: Listen, by the way, there's no Abbott/Newman pairing between me and Summer.

Jack: Oh, then you heard that.

Phyllis: Uh-oh.

Kyle: Yeah, she's a high-school kid, and I'm not interested. So her living here, it's not a big deal.

Summer: Is this the welcoming party?

Devon: So, Lily told me you were still asleep... and that everybody's been here all around you... telling you how much they love you. They want you to wake up. I'd like to think that you've just been waiting for me to get here all along. Just do me a favor, Katherine. Just don't let me down, okay? Don't leave me hanging.

Lily: Katherine is the strongest woman I know. She has gotten through so much. She can get through this.

Cane: Well, maybe this time, it's just too much for her to handle.

Lily: You know what? I'm not gonna go to that photo shoot. I'm gonna stay here. Yes.

Cane: No, go, go, go. I'm fine. I'm okay, all right? If anything changes, I'll let you know, either way.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: There is only gonna be good news. Please believe that. Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Cane: I love you. You know that. And after everything we've been through, we can get through anything, okay?

Lily: I know.

Cane: I love you.

Lily: Love you.

Cane: All right. [Sighs deeply]

Dylan: You're right. I didn't mean to overstep. I was just looking out for you and the spice monster.

Chelsea: Oh, God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Can I blame hormones for being such a witch?

Dylan: Is that really what it was -- hormones?

Chelsea: No. I guess I really just didn't like who my husband turned out to be, and I took it out on you, and I'm really sorry.

Dylan: Yeah, I was in the middle of a marriage once, and I don't want to be there again.

Chelsea: No, no, no, no. The divorce is final, and now he's clearly just being so... [Sighs] I don't know. I guess I'm just adjusting to a life I wasn't expecting.

Dylan: I hear you. Look, there's a baby... and I want to be a good father, but that doesn't give me the right just to barge into your life, so when you want me to back off, feel free to go off on me again.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] Why are you so good at talking down emotional wrecks? Is it the bartending or having lived in a war zone?

Dylan: Because we are all wrecks at some point. But you got a really great thing going here -- puts everything into perspective for both of us.

Chelsea: It is kind of amazing, isn't it?

Dylan: It really is. So, if I try to just give you a friendly hug -- you know, parent to parent -- are you gonna kick me?

Chelsea: [Laughs] No. No. No.

[Door opens]

Chelsea: You're really too nice for your own good. You know that?

Dylan: Uh-oh. Hormones swinging back the other way.

Avery: Nick, I told you I couldn't sleep. I wasn't up thinking about Dylan. I was thinking about you, about us, about how far we've come since I first came to town. We have something special and real and valuable, and I love you. Dylan is in town, but he is out of my heart, and I wish you could just believe that.

Nick: Do you believe that, or do you just wish that's the way it was?

Avery: Okay, I can't -- I can't open my heart and show you what's inside. And it feels like whatever words I use, you're not hearing me.

Nick: Avery, I want to feel like we're at the exact same place at the exact same time. But my gut is telling me that you're just not there, not really.

Avery: That's not true.

Nick: I could say, "To hell with it"... and grab you and kiss you... pretend like none of this has ever happened.

Avery: [Sighs] Then kiss me already.

Nick: I think you still have feelings for him.

Avery: [Scoffs] No matter what I say.

Nick: No matter what.

Avery: Wh-what am I supposed to do?

Chelsea: Well, I hope it's not messy, all the things you have to handle at your dad's estate.

Dylan: It's just something I got to do. It'll be quick, and I'll be back.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, I'll see you later.

Chloe: Bye. Kisses! Come back soon. [Giggles]

Tyler: Hey, you made it.

Mason: Yeah, last night, I was trying to get a job pouring drinks. You're telling me I can get a gig smiling, standing around with beautiful women? Of course I made it.

Chloe: Hey, there, smiles. What's your name?

Mason: Mason.

Chelsea: Didn't you used to work at Newman Enterprises?

Mason: Yeah, that didn't work out. Adam and I had a conflict.

Chelsea: I like you already. I have to give you credit. I've said hi to Mason like a hundred times, but the model light bulb never went off. Now I see. I get it.

Chloe: Oh, yeah, let's keep on hearing how Tyler has a knack for picking models.

Lily: Oh, he's great at finding models...and then moving on to the next one.

Tyler: Okay, you know what? Mason's cool and all, but I'm not asking him to dinner, all right?

Chloe: This handsome gentleman is a new option for the campaign.

Lily: Why didn't I hear about this? This is our campaign, isn't it?

Tyler: It is. But I was just taking a little something off your plate while you were tied up.

Lily: Have you taken any shots yet?

Chelsea: Summer will be here soon. We'll do a Chem test.

Mason: That mean what it sounds like?

Chloe: Yeah, see if sparks fly. Chemistry is everything. Isn't it?

Jack: So, I am clear that certain conversations are off-limits. Any conversation about the elevator or your birth or --

Summer: Okay, no, no. Don't even start, please.

Jack: I wouldn't dare. I am thrilled that you and your mom are moving in here. How much stuff are you bringing with you?

Summer: Uh, how much stuff did Mom bring?

Jack: That much?

Summer: Maybe more.

Phyllis: Yeah, way more. Anyway, your dad -- your dad and the news. What...

Summer: Yeah, he'll recover.

Phyllis: Yeah. Uh, do you guys wants some breakfast?

Summer: No, actually, I already had some, and now I have to go to the office, so...

Phyllis: Oh, listen to that. Listen to that. Filing and fetching coffee or being the new face of a very big fashion line.

Summer: No, no, no, please, please. Don't even -- don't jinx it. Just -- just be chill.

Phyllis: Chill. Chill. Yeah, I could do that.

Jack: How about we celebrate your arrival, the four of us, for lunch?

Phyllis: Oh, I'm in.

Summer: Yeah, absolutely.

Kyle: Uh, yeah, sure.

Jack: Great. I'll set that up. I have to prepare for a conference call. Excuse me.

Phyllis: Yeah. I do, too. Have to get my laptop. Upstairs. And the spreadsheet.

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: Uh...okay. Have a great day, Baby.

Summer: Thank you. Bye, Mom.

Phyllis: Bye.

Summer: So... are you nervous that I'm gonna spill coffee on my shirt every day while I live here?

Kyle: Yeah.

Summer: Okay, well, don't worry. I am totally mortified by all of that. Its so two weeks ago -- a lifetime, okay? It's not gonna happen. Nothing like it.

Kyle: Good to know.

Summer: But I do have one small favor. Okay. So, I want to have a graduation party -- you know, the whole pool-and-patio thing -- which would be so awesome, but do you think you can help me convince my mom and Jack?

Kyle: Oh, nice try, but no. That would make me an enabler and the bad influence.

Summer: Oh, bad influence. Really? It's not like you're really a good influence. I mean, rumpled shirt, messy hair, same clothes as yesterday? Hmm. Morning walk of shame. Who was it? Come on. I wouldn't tell a soul. But it is really obvious, just F.Y.I. okay, well, I have to go to work. I might come back as the new face of Jabot. How cool would that be? Anyways, um... I'm really excited. This is gonna be so much fun, all of us living here. I'm just happy that we can still be friends. Bye.

[Door opens, closes]

Avery: I want a life together. But if you can't believe in me, in us... then you should take the ring.

Nick: I never wanted this.

Avery: I love you.

Nick: I love you.

Avery: But it's not enough. [Sighs] Okay.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Summer? You're not here? Are you serious? No, you told me that you were moving out, and then we didn't get a chance to talk about that. No, there is more to say. Okay, you listen to me, young lady. That little stunt you pulled at my club, it's not going away just because you're trying to dodge me. No, your job can wait. Do not hang up -- Summer?

Avery: [Sighs]

Chelsea: So, this is your thing, right? I'm gonna go back to my sketches and let you guys run the test shoot.

Lily: Yeah, of course.

Tyler: We got it covered.

Chelsea: [Laughs] Okay. Well, go make some magic happen.

Lily: We will.

Chelsea: That's getting weird.

Chloe: Okay. This is strictly about the business. I mean, nothing -- nothing -- personal, all about business, but damn, Mason is pretty. Like, really, really pretty.

Chelsea: Well, I'm sure he'd appreciate you objectifying him.

Chloe: Well, isn't that what you were doing with Dylan when we walked in -- objectifying all over him?

Chelsea: Enough about Dylan, already.

Chloe: Come on. You should have given him something to remember you by, like in the back room.

Chelsea: Not another word.

Chloe: Come on. Today is fun, all right? Finally, we have our business. I mean, it's actually happening. Stop being such a Debbie Downer.

Summer: Hi! Hi. Sorry. Sorry I'm late. Sorry. So, what are we doing today?

Tyler: Test shoot.

Summer: Another one? Oh! That's so exciting! How fun was the last one?

Lily: Yeah, except today it's with you and another model.

Summer: Oh, Mason! Hi! You made it.

Mason: Yeah, I thought I'd give it a shot.

Lily: Wait. You guys know each other?

Summer: Yeah, we met last night.

Mason: Hey, how'd it go with your dad? He didn't look happy.

Summer: Yeah. But it's a new day. All sunshine and smiles now that we're both here.

Tyler: You see that? This is what I saw last night. They got that look we want.

Jack: I'll call Neil. We need to get this packet to Chelsea.

Phyllis: I should have had Summer do it.

Jack: Hey, Kyle? You mind making a stop on the way to work?

Kyle: Chelsea's?

Jack: Yep.

Kyle: Yeah, sure.

Jack: Thanks, man. And we're still on for lunch?

Kyle: That's the plan.

Jack: I think our first day as a blended family has gone very well.

Phyllis: Yes, and my daughter did not fling herself at your son. He didn't even notice she was there.

Jack: I think this arrangement may actually work out.

Phyllis: Yeah. And the house is empty right now, isn't it? How much time before your phone call?

Jack: Ooh, enough time.

Phyllis: Oh, enough time? For what?

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: Whatever -- oh, come on.

Phyllis: Wait. Hello.

Nick: You moved Summer in here without talking to me first? What are you thinking?

Devon: Just nothing. I keep expecting her to wake up.

Murphy: Uh, this is -- this is not right. I don't like it.

Cane: Let me go get a doctor.

[Door opens]

Cane: Excuse me. She's not responding. Can you call the doctor and see if we can get someone to come down? All right, thank you. [Sighs] Hey.

Jill: Anything?

Cane: No, nothing yet.

Jill: I just got a phone call from Oxford Hamilton saying that they had a call from us postponing the meeting indefinitely. Now, nobody at Chancellor has that authority but Katherine or me.

Cane: Not if there's someone else.

Jill: Well, who? Not you. You're at Jabot. Oh, unless you just presumed...

Cane: She asked me to.

Jill: Asked you to what -- change a meeting when she was unconscious?

Cane: No, no. Before she went into surgery, she asked me to take over if she couldn't lead Chancellor.

Jill: To take -- take over? She asked you to take over when she was panicked over surgery when her tumor was pressing on nerves so she was acting out of character?

Cane: No, no, no. She was coherent, okay? It... it's what she wants.

Jill: To screw me over. Again. Of course. Why am I not surprised? I'm not surprised. And, of course, she didn't have the nerve to do it herself. She asked you to do her dirty work. And you, Cane -- you let me find out like this?

Cane: It's what she wants.

Jill: How could you?

Cane: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Devon: Hey, she's waking up.

Tyler: You know what? We need some music.

Lily: True. I mean, just think about -- you know, some people, they can just react and take a good shot, and others have to feel something. So, I don't know -- think about being in love or being angry or sexy and playful, because you want whoever's gonna look at these photos to feel something, so...does that make sense?

Summer: Yeah.

Tyler: Right now, let's just have some fun.

Lily: Right. Have fun! Do it.

Chloe: Yes, fun and sexy.

Lily: And sexy.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Lily: Yeah, just smile. Think about, you know... something. [Chuckles] That's good. Maybe you could put your arm on him or something.

[Door closes]

Lily: There you go. Good job. Yeah. Nice. Very good. Can you put your arms around him, like, around his neck? Yeah.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Door closes]

Lily: Yeah.

Nick: Yeah, I won't even get into you moving back here without telling me.

Phyllis: Well, that's none of your business, Nick.

Nick: For you to move Summer here without talking to me is ridiculous.

Phyllis: Well, I'm sorry. Our daughter is an adult. She gets to pick and choose where she lives, and she wants to live with me.

Nick: So, you're really okay with her living here with this older guy?

Jack: I think you're misinterpreting the situation here, Nick.

Nick: Really? So Kyle doesn't live here anymore?

Jack: No, Kyle lives here. There's nothing going on between Kyle and Summer.

Nick: How long do you think that's gonna take with the two of them living under the same roof?

Phyllis: Do you think I can't control the situation?

Nick: I'm trying to focus on Summer right now, but if you need to turn this back around on you, no, I don't think you can control it.

Phyllis: As if I would let Summer stay here if I thought there was a problem, which there isn't, which is why she's here.

Jack: Phyllis is right. I've spoken with Kyle. There is no issue.

Nick: Jack, Kyle is your son.

Jack: What is that supposed to mean?

Nick: He's a player, and now he's living down the hall from my very teenaged daughter.

Jack: My son is a bright young man. He is not a Rottweiler in heat.

Nick: You know what, Jack? I really need to speak to Summer's mother about this.

Phyllis: I think that Jack has the right to have a bad reaction to you insulting his son.

Jack: That's right. I do. I'm gonna leave you two to talk. Do I need to remove any breakable items?

Nick: Did Summer happen to tell you why she moved back here?

Phyllis: No, but clearly, you have a theory.

Nick: It's not a theory. I busted our daughter in my club using a fake I.D. last night. Apparently, she didn't think I was gonna be there.

Phyllis: Oh, so your bouncer can't tell the difference between a fake I.D. and a real one? Sounds like you have a problem. This is your club. You should have been there. Why were you not?

Nick: I just wasn't, but that's not the point.

Phyllis: Okay, the point is, is that you're worried about our daughter growing up too fast, and if you are worried about that, maybe she should be in a more stable environment.

Nick: And what's that supposed to mean?

Phyllis: That means you're inflicting a new stepmommy on all of your children so soon after you divorced me.

Nick: This is not about how you feel about me and Avery.

Phyllis: Well, considering our daughter told me she doesn't want to live with you anymore because she's tired of all this "Togetherness." Avery is in her face all the time.

Nick: What are you talking about? Our daughter showed up to Avery's doorstep. When all this stuff with Jamie and Fen was going down, for a while, Avery was the only adult Summer trusted.

Phyllis: Well, maybe Summer has a problem with you marrying her aunt.

Nick: Well, that's not an issue anymore.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Oh. I'm sorry. Is there trouble in cupcake paradise?

Dylan: Hey. Didn't mean to startle you.

Avery: You didn't.

Dylan: So, all those times I was supposed to leave town... I'm actually doing it.

Avery: Really?

Dylan: Yeah, got to tie up all the loose ends from my dad's company.

Avery: Right. Of course. Has to be done.

Dylan: Yeah, you won't have to worry about running into me, at least for a little while.

Avery: Okay. Well, thanks for telling me --

Dylan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Careful.

Avery: Sorry.

Dylan: Hold on. There's no ring. There's no ring. Did Nick break off the engagement or did you?

Chelsea: Ooh! And that one.

Chloe: Yeah, yeah, I love this look between Mason and Summer. It's supersexy.

Lily: And these aren't retouched at all. That's just them.

Chloe: Exactly.

Tyler: This is good. This kind of talk -- we want people talking about this campaign.

Chloe: Yeah, and with these two, they're gonna be talking.

Chelsea: You guys were really great with the models -- your coaching and supportive.

Tyler: Yeah, well, you know, Lily, she knows how to talk the model language.

Lily: Well, your instincts are amazing. You have such an eye for talent. It's incredible.

Chloe: Aww! How cute? The mutual admiration society.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Chloe: Nice change-up from the snark before.

Tyler: Well, we're just a good team, like you two.

Chelsea: Mm.

Lily: You know, this was a good day. I am very proud of us all, so pats on the back all around. And I'm gonna go see Cane.

Chloe: Well, I'm gonna sit here, and I'm gonna swoon over all these photos.

Chelsea: Well, you, my friend, are a kick-ass stylist. Thank God you're with us, not in New York or Milan.

Tyler: Huh. You know, you ladies get the A-team here. There's no need to look any further.

Chelsea: Aww. Thanks.

Tyler: Go back. Let me see.

Chloe: This one. Oh, it's so hot.

Chelsea: That side, and the bottom right.

Chloe: Yeah, that's good.

Avery: I gave Nick back his ring -- and not because of you. And not for you. I didn't take his ring off so I could put yours on, so...

Dylan: I didn't think that was it.

Avery: No, you did, and you know what? I don't appreciate you telling me that -- that you know how I'm feeling and what I want. I love Nick. We just need some time.

Dylan: You're right. I have no business telling you how you feel. Just gonna throw this out there. I feel like this is our chance.

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: Avery, just you and me. We were so good together. There's nobody between us. All you got to do is say yes.

Avery: Why are you doing this? Why are you making this about us? It's not about us. That's over.

Dylan: There's nothing between us? What are you so afraid of?

Avery: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of anything. I don't know why we're having this conversation. You're about to be a father, so...

Dylan: Yeah, I am, but don't look for reasons that we can't be together, because we can. We can make it happen. I know what I want. Let's get out of town. Come with me.

Phyllis: So, Avery isn't an issue anymore, which means...

Nick: We agreed that we're moving too fast.

Phyllis: Oh! Oh, okay. So, that means...what? The engagement is off? That you're postponing the wedding? That you're really mad at my sister, so you've come here to take it out on me? Did I hit the bull's-eye with any of those things?

Nick: Summer should be home, with me.

Phyllis: Our daughter is an adult, and she gets to pick where she wants to live. Now, if she uses a fake I.D. --

Nick: Not "If."

Phyllis: We will deal with it if she uses a fake I.D. but not by ordering her around just because you want to control something. And you know what? Honestly, it's really great that she wants to stay with her mother so that you and Avery can be together and take things slower or work things out or whatever you want to do with your relationship. Our daughter made a decision, and that's done. That's how it is. Sorry, Nick.

Jack: Is it all right for me to be in my living room again?

Nick: No, we're done.

Phyllis: Mm.

Nick: Keep an eye on Summer. And you keep your son away from my daughter.

[Door closes]

Phyllis: I think I won that one. I think I won.

Tyler: I was hoping that you'd still be on duty.

Waitress: You almost got me fired. Chloe was not happy.

Tyler: Well, I guess I'm gonna have to make it up to you, then, huh?

Waitress: I get off soon.

Tyler: Perfect.

Devon: Katherine? Katherine, its Devon. You have a lot of fans here that want to hear that you're okay.

Kay: Chancellor...

Jill: Oh, please.

Kay: Please, what? You really want a piece of me?


Kay: No, no. No, no.

Murphy: My girl's back! You did it.

Phyllis: I want to hear about your day, but first, your dad came by.

Summer: Oh. And?

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, you're still living here, but he told me about you using the fake I.D. to get into the Underground. We're gonna have a conversation about that, okay, Sweetie? We're not gonna have it now, but we're gonna have a conversation about that. But first, our celebration lunch. You should see the dining room. It's spectacular.

Jack: Apparently, we should see Summer's photos. Kyle said she's like a professional model.

Summer: You were there? I didn't even see you. I was so focused on what I was doing. It was so weird. It was like I was playing dress-up as a little kid or something.

Phyllis: Do you have test shots in here?

Summer: Yeah, I think I have a few, yeah.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.

Jack: Oh, my gosh.

Phyllis: Summer.

Jack: This is not a little girl playing dress-up. Sweetheart, I hate to tell you, your little girl grew up.

Phyllis: Look at that -- my gorgeous model daughter. Oh, my --

Jack: Beautiful.

Summer: Thank you.

Phyllis: That is a gorgeous dress.

Jack: Wow.

Phyllis: That's a gorgeous dress.

Chelsea: Summer looks amazing in jackets. I feel a wave of inspiration coming on.

Chloe: That's good, 'cause I was afraid you were gonna be daydreaming of a Dylan all day.

Chelsea: He's leaving town for a few days. Poor guy should probably run while he has the chance. You know, Adam thinks that the baby isn't his, so Dylan has served his purpose.

Chloe: That's great. He wants to be a supportive dad. He's so sweet and handy and, God, those eyes.

Chelsea: You're obsessed.

Chloe: I am. With twisted fairy-tale endings. And this could be the perfect one.

Chelsea: It's a lie, Chloe. It is one big fat lie. And I'm not as good at lies as I used to be.

Chloe: Yo, yo, yo, you better not backslide into honesty. You hear me?

Chelsea: Yes. No. I don't know.

Chloe: Oh, you're worrying me.

Chelsea: I just don't know how long I can keep this up.

Dylan: I told you that you kept me alive over there. I waited for the week, for the day, for the second that I could tell you how much I missed you face-to-face. But ever since I got here, we never had a second that we didn't have outside pressure.

Avery: Okay. The pressure doesn't go away because we get out of town --

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, it does. Ave, it's you and me. We were always great at shutting out the world. Just come with me. We don't have to hide. We don't have to avoid anybody. We would be free for the first time ever. We would be free.

Avery: But I'm not free. I'm not free.

Dylan: I'm going up to the cottage. And you know the way. Just meet me there.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tyler: We had a chance to talk.

Lily: About what?

Tyler: About us.

Leslie: How long did the affair with Rose last?

Gus: You went through my things?

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