Y&R Transcript Monday 4/29/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/29/13


Episode # 10146 ~ Sharon starts to see her relationships with Adam and Nick differently; Dylan's questions unsettle Avery.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: So, is that what you want? For us to stop seeing each other?

Adam: Let's call this what it is -- sex.

Sharon: [Sighs] So, do you want it to stop?

Adam: No. I don't. But I don't want anything complicated, either.

[Liquid pours]

Sharon: And by "Complicated," do you mean that you won't be able to find the time to be kind or respectful?

Adam: No.

Sharon: Because I'm not gonna be treated like some call girl.

Adam: Well, I'm sorry if you felt like I was abrupt with you.

Sharon: Oh, but you're not sorry that you were abrupt. Congratulations, Victor Newman, you've mastered the art of the non-apology.

Adam: Can we talk about this another day when I'm not feeling so kicked in the teeth?

Sharon: You know, I'm not the one who hurt you, Adam, so just don't take it out on me.

Adam: Duly noted. So, are we clear on the arrangement? No strings.

Sharon: You want to go through life numb, feeling nothing?

Adam: It's a hell of a lot easier that way.

Summer: Oh, my God.

Courtney: I know, right? I heard that place was amazing.

Summer: Well, duh, of course it's amazing. My dad owns it.

Courtney: And you're sure he's not gonna be there tonight?

Summer: Yes, I am positive. My aunt Avery texted me to make sure I'm not gonna be home tonight. She's planning something special for my dad.

Avery: Nick, answer me, please. Are you calling off our engagement?

Nick: Avery, I can't even believe we're having this conversation.

Avery: Neither can I.

Nick: That is not my intention -- to call things off.

Avery: I'd like to feel relieved, hearing you say that.

Nick: You don't?

Avery: If I ask you a question, will you be totally straight with me?

Nick: Absolutely.

Avery: Okay. Did you propose because you thought you would lose me to Dylan if you didn't, or does he really have nothing to do with this?

Nick: I don't know what you mean.

Avery: Deep down, are you really not ready to talk about marriage? Did you rush into something with me, and now you regret it, and my feelings for Dylan are just a convenient way for you to get out of this?

Tyler: You were, um -- you were about to go to bed?

Quinn: All by myself. Tragic, really. Would you like some wine? I have some open.

Tyler: No, thanks. I, um -- I've actually had enough. I just...

Quinn: Needed someone?

Tyler: You -- you know I still can't get you that modeling job, right?

Quinn: [Chuckles] I don't want the job. I want you.

Noah: The deejay was sick -- from Philly, I think. The guy that does all our marketing -- he found him.

Donna: Hmm.

Noah: Next time he's here, I'll V.I.P. you. Want another drink?

Donna: Not here.

Noah: Okay. Where?

Donna: Someplace cozier... quieter.

Noah: Mm-hmm.

Donna: Sexier.

Noah: Mm. Okay, let's get out of here.

Donna: Let's go to your place.

Nick: Avery, I didn't propose to you too soon, and I didn't do it because of Dylan. My feelings for you haven't changed since I bought you that ring.

Avery: Mine haven't changed, either. I know you think I'm kidding myself about being over Dylan, but that is not true. That was never true.

Nick: Well, your eyes tell me that you're confused, and I can hear it in your voice.

Avery: No, I'm not confused! I'm frustrated because you're telling me that I don't know my own heart! You're -- you're reading things that aren't there!

Nick: Am I?

Avery: Okay, if you are determined to misread what I am saying, look at my actions. I'm here with you, not Dylan. I'm here to have a romantic evening with you. I'm wearing your ring. I'm looking into your eyes, holding your hands, not Dylan. [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Yeah? All right, uh, I'll be there soon. Okay. I got to get to the club. Noah's got the night off, and we're shorthanded.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Avery. I'll call you tomorrow.

[Door slams]

Sharon: I know that you like to think of yourself as this cold and aloof, kind of above-it-all type of guy, but I know better than that. I know that you care deeply about your family, about your work. You're a very passionate guy.

Adam: Who's tired of passion, tired of involvement.

Sharon: You're tired of being hurt. That's what all of this is about.

Adam: You want to talk about pain? You want to talk about damage? You want to talk about seriously bad consequences? What happens if we get all wrapped up in each other again? What would that do to you?

Sharon: Well, I appreciate the concern, but I'm not that fragile. I've worked very hard, and I've come a long way.

Adam: Dr. Watkins said that you should be nothing more than friends with me. So has every single person in your life. So why not start listening?

Sharon: It's not like we're two strangers that just met in a bar. We have a history.

Adam: Yeah, we have a history, and a lot of it ain't pretty. So why go back and repeat that history?

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: Sharon, you've done very well since the fire, okay? And I don't want to mess that up for you.

Sharon: Well, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself.

Adam: So long as you know I can't give you any more.

Sharon: Maybe not right now.

Adam: Maybe not ever. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a bit of a mess, Sharon. I just got a divorce. I just got shot. And I'll tell you this -- and only you -- but one of those two things hurt a lot worse than the other.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: Sharon. I'm empty. I'm drained, okay? I can't spell this out for you in black and white. It just is what it is, and you can handle it or you can't.

Sharon: That makes sense. Thank you for explaining that.

Adam: So, where does that leave us? You think you can handle the gray?

Sharon: If you're okay with where things are between us right now, then so am I.

Quinn: Well... [Chuckles] This was very fun. I had a great time.

Tyler: Yeah, me too.

Quinn: You don't look like you had a very fun time. What are you thinking about?

Tyler: A million things. But, you know, that's actually what was so great about this for me is that it gave me some time when I didn't have to think about anything... except how gorgeous you are.

Quinn: There's something you should know about me, though. I'm not a serious kind of girl.

Tyler: Well, there's something you should know about me. I am crazy about not-serious kind of girls.

Dylan: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Avery: We need to talk.

Courtney: And here's yours.

Summer: Wow.

Courtney: Don't go flashing it around.

Summer: You would never know that this was a fake I.D. The details are incredible.

Courtney: I know. You can't tell it from the real thing.

Summer: Where did you get these?

Courtney: Oh, my brother's friend's cousin knew a guy. But you think they'll get us in the door at Underground?

Summer: Why not? I mean, we look old enough.

Courtney: Hmm. You sure you're ready for this?

Summer: Yeah, I mean, tonight might be my only night to pull it off. My dad is busy with my aunt Avery, and my brother's not working.

Courtney: So, party time.

[Both laugh]

Summer: Okay. Let's go.

Noah: You know what? I'd rather go to your place. Would that be cool? I mean, I know that you said you live with some other girls, but you have your own room, I assume?

Donna: What's wrong with your place?

Noah: What's wrong with... um...I'm still looking for one. I live with my dad just out of town. Him and me and my two sisters -- it's not exactly, you know, conducive.

Donna: No problem, Noah. Some other time, okay?

Noah: Uh [Sighs] Donna, Donna. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come on.

Donna: Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Mason: Excuse me. Hey, I'm looking for the owner, Nick Newman. Is he around?

Noah: You been in here before.

Mason: Yeah, once or twice.

Noah: Mason, right?

Mason: Yeah.

Noah: What are you looking for my dad for?

Mason: I'm hoping Nick's the kind of guy who keeps good on his word. I need him to follow through on an offer he made.

[Knock on door]

Sharon: I come in peace.

Nick: [Chuckles] It's cool, but I got to get out of here.

Sharon: Oh, this won't take long. I just wanted to let you know that I'm picking up Faith tomorrow from her sleepover and taking her to school. She needs to turn in that permission slip so that she can go on that jelly-bean-factory tour.

Nick: Yeah, I got that.

Sharon: You know, it needs to be signed by both of us.

Nick: Yeah, no, it's -- I already signed it. I just got to find it.

Sharon: Okay. I still feel kind of bad about yesterday, forgetting to pick her up.

Nick: You made up for it later by helping me talk to her about Avery.

Sharon: You know, it's perfectly natural for a child her age to have issues with her father getting engaged... especially when her father's having his own issues.

Nick: [Chuckles] What are you talking about?

Sharon: I talked to Avery.

Nick: Why?

Sharon: I guess she and I are getting close, and she came over. She knows that I'm a fan of both of you and Dylan, and I think she feels that I'm someone she can confide in.

Nick: So, then, you know what's going on?

Sharon: Do you still think that she might have feelings for Dylan?

Nick: Do you?

Sharon: Well, what I told her was if she's not 100% committed to you, then she should not go forward with this marriage.

Nick: Avery says she's positive.

Sharon: It's so funny. At our age, I mean, after all this time, you'd think that things would get easier, but relationships are just so complicated, and even when you do everything that you possibly can to remove every possible impediment, things still don't always turn out the way you hoped.

Nick: Hmm. Something tells me that we are now talking about you and Adam.

[Sharon remembering]

Sharon: No, we can't. You went to see Chelsea, and she admitted that she was pregnant with Dylan's baby.

Adam: What, was he just passing out cigars to everyone?

Sharon: I think he was as shocked as you are.

Adam: Yeah. It's not likely. Being that he knew he was sleeping with my wife, and I had no idea. It's kind of ironic, huh? She accuses me of "Moving on" with you. Meanwhile, she's...hooking up with... who cares?

Sharon: You do.

Adam: I did. Really wish I had known about this before I gave her that huge settlement.

Sharon: You're angry, and you're hurt. You were hoping that you would go and see Chelsea and that she'd tell you that she's pregnant with your baby.

Adam: Well, that didn't happen.

Sharon: And that's what that kiss was about.

Adam: I kissed you because it felt good, and I want to feel good.

Sharon: And to forget.

Adam: Of course, I want to forget -- Chelsea, Dylan, the baby, everything. Of course.

Sharon: And you used me to do that.

Noah: When my dad makes a promise, he keeps it.

Mason: [Sighs] Good to know. So, what are we talking about? Bartender? Bouncer?

Noah: That's what I'm not so sure about. See, we did have somebody leave recently, but I'm not sure if my dad filled the position. I can't hire you without talking to my dad first. The door is pretty well-covered. I'm not sure if we have a position open.

Mason: So much for my fancy college degree.

Noah: Mixology?

Mason: [Chuckles] No, nothing nearly as practical. Business.

Noah: Well, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Mason: Look, man. I knew it was possible there wouldn't be anything. It's been awhile since he made the offer. I've been looking around in my field. I had a few interviews.

Noah: No bites yet?

Mason: Figured I'd find something to tide me over.

Noah: Well, I tell you what, man. Why don't you come back tomorrow? My dad will be here. In the meantime, I'll have the other bartender set you up with a free drink.

Mason: Thanks for your help, man.

Noah: Noah.

Mason: Good to meet you, Noah.

Noah: You too. Hey, Corey, would you mind setting my friend up, here? Uh, whatever he wants, on the house. Hey! He's back...empty-handed.

Tyler: Speak for yourself.

Noah: Huh? Yeah?

Tyler: Yeah, I just didn't want to stick around for the whole "So, tell me about your life" conversation.

Noah: Dude, why would you not want to tell Quinn about your life? She's...smokin' hot. Give me her number. I'll be happy to tell her my life story.

Tyler: All right, you struck out with Donna, huh?

Noah: Things were going great. Man, we were on our way out together.

Tyler: So, what happened?

Noah: Well, when she found out that I still live at home with the family, I got a lot less appealing.

Tyler: Ouch.

Noah: Yeah. I need to find my own place. Living with my dad and my two sisters is getting in the way of a lot of very interesting things.

Tyler: You know what? I'm actually in the market for a spot myself. The hotel I'm staying in is pretty much demolishing my paycheck.

Noah: Well, I've been hunting for some spots. I can print out the listings I have so far.

Tyler: Serious?

Noah: Yeah.

Tyler: Oh, that'd be awesome. Yeah, save me a lot of time.

Noah: Office has a printer. I'll be right back.

Tyler: Thanks.

Courtney: My heart totally stopped when that guy asked to see our second form of I.D.

Summer: I know. Like, a passport? Seriously, who brings a passport to the club?

Courtney: I know. Luckily, the valet guy came over and distracted him.

Summer: I know. Well, I thought that Kyle would be here, but I don't see him. That's okay. He would have just ratted us out anyways.

Courtney: Well, come on. Let's go get a drink. [Gasps] I could totally go for a piņa colada.

Sharon: What sent you leaping to that conclusion?

Nick: Hey, I hear the words "Impediments" and "Complications," my mind instantly goes to Adam.

Sharon: Really? With everything that's going on in your life right now? [Chuckles] Look, for what it's worth, I hope you guys work it out. I like Avery, and you two are good together. I mean, you seem very happy when you're with her.

Nick: You know, you're not the first person to say that.

Sharon: So, where'd you guys leave things?

Nick: Honestly, I have no idea.

Dylan: The reason I'm staying in Genoa City has nothing to do with you or Nick.

Avery: I know, because Chelsea is having your baby, but --

Dylan: But what? But what? But nothing! Come on, Ave, I just lost my dad. And this baby is gonna be the only close family that I have. I'm not gonna walk away from my kid because Nick can't get over our past!

Avery: Okay. I'm sorry.

Dylan: I mean, you, of all people, should know how much being a father is gonna mean to me.

Avery: I do. I know how much you want to be a dad. I'm sorry. I have no right to tell you how to live your life. Asking you to leave town -- I know it's selfish of me.

Dylan: And you're not selfish, so what happened?

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: Did Nick bail on you?

Avery: No. At least not yet.

Dylan: But you're worried he might?

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: I can't believe me being in town is causing all these problems. Why -- why is Nick worried?

Avery: I didn't say that he's worried.

Dylan: He thinks that I can't let you go, that I can't... that I can't move on? He thinks you're the one who can't let go of me.

Avery: [Sighs] I used to be very confident... about what I wanted, and now I'm not so sure.

Dylan: Nick is right. You and I aren't over.

Avery: Okay, maybe you think that.

Dylan: Just don't lie to yourself, Ave. It just makes things worse.

Avery: I love Nick. Why won't you accept that?

Dylan: I did -- I do accept it. I was trying to leave town because I want you to be happy. I do, but now you're here in front of me, and you're all upset.

Avery: Yes, I'm upset because I want a life with Nick! And everything was really great until --

Dylan: Until I came back.

Avery: Yes, and ruined everything! [Sighs]

Dylan: Is that really true? Or did it just prove that Nick might not be the right guy for you? Or that you still love me and you want us to be together. Is that why Nick broke up?

Avery: He didn't break up with me. He's just --

Dylan: He's just confused about your feelings for him because you don't even know how you feel yourself.

Avery: [Sighs]

Summer: Excuse us?

Courtney: Okay, so, the bartender's totally ignoring us.

Summer: Do you think he knows?

Courtney: I have a better idea. You see that guy over there?

Summer: Yeah. He's cute.

Courtney: Cute and unattached. Maybe he'll buy us some drinks.

Summer: Oh. Okay. Go for it.

Courtney: Oh, come on.

Summer: Okay. Okay.

Courtney: [Chuckles] So, you look lonely.

Mason: Who, me?

Courtney: Yeah, you. Are you by yourself?

Summer: Not anymore, he's not.

Courtney: Well, then, must be your lucky night.

Mason: Wait, wait, wait. How old are you girls, anyway?

Courtney: Old enough.

Tyler: Summer?

Summer: Tyler, hi.

Tyler: How'd you get in here?

Summer: Um, oh, this is my friend Courtney. Courtney, its Tyler Michaelson.

Tyler: Hi.

Courtney: Hello. Oh, and this is, um...

Mason: Mason. Mason Wilder.

Tyler: Good to meet you.

Mason: Same here.

Tyler: So, you gonna answer my question?

Summer: Um, yeah, no, Courtney and I -- we just wanted to check the place out. So it's no big deal.

Tyler: You know, it's not like I didn't crash my fair share of bars, you know, with a fake I.D. when I was your age. And it's not like I want to come off like a big brother or anything like that, so...

Summer: Thank you. One is plenty.

Tyler: The thing is, though, if you're gonna represent Jabot before the public, you kind of got to act the part. Keep your nose clean. You know what I'm saying? Do you really want to blow your chance by getting busted?

Summer: No, I-I get what you're saying.

Mason: Um...I don't.

Courtney: Oh, Summer's gonna be the face of Jabot's new fashion division.

Summer: N-n-n-nothing -- nothing's definite.

Mason: I'm impressed. I bet you had to work hard to get that.

Tyler: Actually, that's the beauty of this campaign -- no professional models.

Mason: Your campaign? You're into marketing?

Tyler: And design.

Mason: I'm in the business, too. More on the finance side, but -- well, at least that's where I'd like to be.

Tyler: Hey, Courtney, come over here for a minute. Summer, sit right here.

Summer: Okay.

Tyler: Mason, you ever modeled?

Sharon: Well, I'm sure you guys will work things out.

Nick: So, about you and Adam.

Sharon: There is no "Me and Adam."

Nick: Good. Keep it that way.

Sharon: You gonna let me off the hook that easily?

Nick: All right, I got to get to work, and you need this permission slip, which I have no idea where it is, so...

Sharon: Oh, well. Um, have you tried the cabinet over there, where we usually keep permission slips?

Nick: Bang.

Sharon: Oh, look at that.

Nick: And it's already signed.

Sharon: Perfect.

Nick: I'll walk you out.

Sharon: Okay. Nick?

Nick: Yeah?

Sharon: About my situation. It really means a lot to me, just knowing that you care. Even though I don't always like to hear it or follow it, I do listen to your advice.

Nick: All right. Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. I listen to yours, too.

Mason: Have I ever modeled? No, I-it's not my thing.

Tyler: I don't know. He's a hot guy, right, Ladies?

Courtney: Oh, my God. Are you kidding? Those eyes?

Summer: They're gorgeous.

Tyler: I think you two look great together. Tell you what -- come by my office in the morning. We'll see if the camera thinks the same thing.

Mason: I don't know, man. I've -- I've never thought about doing anything like this.

Tyler: Hey, hey. It's worth a try. You know what I'm saying? Besides, what else you got going on?

Courtney: I think this is time for a toast. I'll go get the drinks.

Noah: What's going on?

Summer: Um...Noah, over here, please?

Noah: This is a bar, Summer.

Summer: Yeah.

Noah: What the hell are you thinking?

Summer: Okay, Courtney and I -- we were bored. We just wanted to have some fun.

Noah: You're underage. Dad could lose his liquor license. The whole place could get shut down!

Summer: Okay. I didn't know that.

Noah: Go get Courtney. I'm gonna drive you guys home.

Summer: Noah, please don't tell Dad.

Noah: Now, Summer.

Summer: No, please!

Noah: Move it.

Summer: When you were my age, you were living in Paris, and even little kids there drink wine, so you're really gonna stand here and tell me that you never had a drop of alcohol? Well, I'm over here, and I haven't even ordered a soda. Okay, look, I know that our dad worked really, really hard to build this place, and, look, I just wanted to check it out. It's not a big deal! Am I supposed to be grounded for eternity because I wanted to see what our father accomplished?

Noah: Okay. Good speech. Nice job. Let's go.

Summer: Okay, well, wait. Can we agree that Dad does not have to know?

Nick: Too late.

Avery: I am not confused, Dylan. Nick is my future. You are my past. I'm sorry if that hurts you.

Dylan: You didn't call me.

Avery: What?

Dylan: You came to my motel room at this hour, face-to-face. What does that say, Avery?

Avery: It says -- it says that I wanted you to hear what I'm saying!

Dylan: Well, you could have waited until tomorrow.

Avery: Okay, what's your point?

Dylan: This is how you used to cope when things would get sticky with your husband. You'd come knocking at all hours when you wanted to be with someone.

Avery: Are you serious? This is completely different!

Dylan: You're right. This is completely different this time! I'm not settling for an affair with you, Avery.

Avery: Oh, good! Because I'm not asking you to settle for an affair with me! I would never do that again! I would never hurt people like that again! You know what? Nick is my future, and people just need to believe that!

Dylan: Well, maybe we'll believe it...when you do.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Fake IDs? You drinking again?

Summer: Okay, it's not like I had a drink in my hand.

Nick: Well, if Noah hadn't been here, you sure as hell would have.

Summer: [Sighs]

Nick: Summer, did you know that it is a felony to even have one of these? We're talking a huge fine, maybe even jail time. Did you or Courtney even think about that for one second? Of course you didn't, because that would have been too intelligent.

Summer: I'm sorry.

Nick: You know, you put your brother in a terrible position, too. Because he's an employee here, if you got him to look the other way, that's breaking the law, too.

Summer: Obviously, he wasn't going to. He was just about to take Courtney and I home right now.

Nick: No, I think you showed up here tonight because you didn't think Noah was gonna be here. Were you also aware that I wasn't planning on being here, too? Did you really think that I wouldn't know that my daughter was in my own club on a school night? What were you planning to do, Summer? Go to class hung over?

Summer: Okay, can we change the channel? Okay, I do not need a lecture right now. I was not planning on drinking. Honestly, okay? It was Courtney's idea.

Nick: Well, you can forget about Courtney right now, and you are not going to her house tonight. You're gonna come home with me, and we're gonna have a long talk about this.

Summer: Yeah, well, I'll be in my room, packing.

Nick: What's that supposed to mean?

Summer: I'm moving into Jack's with Mom. What? You didn't know? Mom's living with Jack now.

Nick: When was this decided?

Summer: I don't know. Take it up with Mom. I'm out of here.

Avery: Adam.

Adam: Avery. It's been awhile.

Avery: How are you? I haven't seen you since the wedding.

Adam: I am, uh, doing fine, thank you. I got most of my strength back. You know, I eat bullets for breakfast. It's full of iron.

Avery: [Chuckles] You mind?

Adam: Not at all.

Avery: [Sighs] Uh, can I ask you a personal question?

Adam: Am I gonna regret saying yes?

Avery: I know about Chelsea, and I'm just... I'm wondering how you're dealing with it.

Adam: I wasn't expecting that one. What? Is she, uh, inviting everyone to the baby shower?

Avery: No. No, Dylan told me. He -- he thought I needed to know.

Adam: Why?

Avery: Uh, we used to be close...long before I came to Genoa City.

Adam: Is that why he's here now?

Avery: Yes, but...no. Now he has a-a-a different -- a real reason to be here.

Adam: Hmm.

Avery: So... we've been over for years. It's just, sometimes, when feelings are that strong, it's hard to let go.

Adam: Yeah, well, I can imagine how Nicholas must be feeling.

Avery: It's caused some tension.

Adam: I bet. I can see him now. I'm sure he's doing his furrowed-eyebrow thing.

Avery: [Chuckles]

Adam: But your story is more proof that love sucks.

Avery: Well, I couldn't disagree with you more.

Adam: Really?

Avery: Mm-hmm. After Dylan, I swore to myself, "Never again." I had had enough pain to last me a lifetime. And then Nick came along. Then I tried to fight it. But some people just have a knack for getting under your skin.

Noah: [Sighs]

Tyler: So much for your night off, huh?

Noah: A guy can only take so much rejection. Another drink?

Tyler: No, I'm good.

Noah: So, you and Quinn were hanging out for a long time.

Tyler: Uh, not really. I got a text from Leslie. My old man's not doing so hot. She's kind of freaking out about it, so I went down to the hospital, spent some time with her and Gus.

Noah: How'd that go?

Tyler: [Sighs] It was rough, man. Yeah, something upset him, and then all those machines and alarms started going off. The doctor came back in. He chased us out, said he needed to get his rest, so...

Noah: Is he gonna be okay?

Tyler: I don't know. Then, uh, went over to Quinn's. After that, came back here.

Noah: Just in time for Summer and her high-school drama.

Tyler: [Chuckles] Yeah, I remember those days, wanting to grow up so fast. I always felt that the sooner I put my childhood behind me, the better off I'd be.

[Cell phone rings]

Noah: Good news or bad?

Tyler: It's Leslie. She said that, uh, my dad's getting better and that he's gonna be home sooner than we thought.

Noah: That's great news.

Tyler: Maybe. You know what? I think I'm gonna have that drink after all.

Noah: Bourbon?

Tyler: Yeah. Better make it a double.

Noah: You got it.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Adam: [Sighs] [Exhales deeply]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: [Exhales slowly]

Nick: [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: Nobody at Chancellor has that authority but Katherine or me.

Cane: Not if there's someone else.

Jill: Well, who?

Nick: You moved Summer in here without talking to me first? What are you thinking?

Dylan: If you need help with the doctors' visits, the habanero shakes --

Chelsea: Stop acting like you're my husband.

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