Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/24/13
Episode # 10143 ~ Carmine has a tempting offer for Lauren; Lily is upset by her jealousy regarding Tyler.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Cane: Hey. Sorry we're late. I had a PR thing I had to deal with.
Lily: Yeah, sorry. We rushed over as soon as we... could. Oh.
Neil: Obviously, there was no need to.
Cane: Why? Where's Tyler?
Neil: He had some other matters to attend to.
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. He's not coming to the meeting at all?
Lily: No, he's probably off with his new fling.
Leslie: I fell asleep?
Tyler: Yeah. For about a half an hour.
Leslie: Well, did anything happen? Did the doctor come by or say anything?
Tyler: No. It's been pretty quiet. You know, it's probably a good time for you to take off, go home, get some real rest.
Leslie: No. I'm not leaving, not until I've seen Dad again.
Tyler: You already know that he's okay.
Leslie: No. I know that he regained consciousness. That doesn't mean he's okay. That's why I'm glad you showed up. It'll do Dad good to visit with you.
Tyler: I told you, I'm here for you, not for him. Besides, the way the two of us have been butting heads, I'd probably just give the guy another heart attack.
Leslie: Didn't you hear anything I said before?
Tyler: Yeah. With the whole "Wake-up call" thing, doing right by Dad, all that. Yeah, I heard it.
Leslie: Yes. So, you're just gonna be your stubborn self and ignore my advice?
Tyler: Don't I always?
Leslie: You think you can smile this away, that by not dealing with things, they'll some how just get better?
Tyler: You know what? I'm just -- I'm not ready to deal with all this today.
Leslie: Who is, Tyler? But you have to, and that's why you do it, because you may not get another chance. I-I know he was a lousy father. I know we deserved better, but, Tyler, you are never gonna have better unless you get the courage and you just face him. Don't cheat yourself. Please, make peace with him before it's too late.
Billy: What a mess. [Groans] Carmine, would you like to buy a restaurant?
Carmine: [Chuckles] On what you pay me? [Chuckles]
Billy: The distributor's truck broke down, so there will be no deliveries tonight.
Carmine: Oh. Well, at least we have plenty of vodka.
Billy: Vodka. Great. Okay. Fine. Vodka. Uh...push the martinis and the bloody marys and try to convince your customers to enjoy their cocktails neat.
Carmine: Ice machine's broken again?
Billy: Nice of Barry to fill me in on those things.
Carmine: Yeah, I think he was just glad to get rid of the place.
Billy: Yeah. I'm starting to get that idea. The place is a real money pit, isn't it?
Carmine: You can afford it. After all, you're an Abbott.
Billy: I'm also a husband, which means I can't go throwing money around without discussing it with my wife.
Carmine: Okay. Then set up another poker game. If you play anything like you did the other night, you could cover all your expenses here and have enough left over to buy another restaurant.
Billy: [Clears throat] Carmine, that game was a one-time thing. It stays between us, okay?
Carmine: Okay, Boss. Whatever you say.
Billy: I don't want anyone to hear about it, especially not Victoria.
Carmine: Okay.
Billy: Okay? It's just --
Carmine: Yeah, I get it.
Billy: She's got -- she's got a problem with gambling. It's just -- it's her thing.
Carmine: All right. No need to explain to me, okay? You're not the first person to ever keep a secret from a spouse.
Lauren: [Sighs]
[Lock clicks]
Lauren: I was hoping you'd be here when I came back from work.
Michael: Well, I had a busy day.
Lauren: Is that why you didn't return my calls?
Michael: Honestly, I wasn't sure what to say to you.
Lauren: Where were you last night?
Michael: At the Genoa City Motor Arms.
Lauren: Wish I'd known that. I might have actually slept last night.
Michael: I didn't sleep very well, either. Couldn't stop thinking.
Lauren: About us?
Michael: About us. And I've come to a decision.
Phyllis: It is so good to see you.
Summer: I know.
Phyllis: Wow.
Summer: I missed you. It feels like you were gone forever.
Phyllis: What? Even though I posted pictures every single day?
Summer: Yes. So, was Istanbul as cool as it looked?
Phyllis: Uh...I wouldn't know. I spent most of my time shopping.
Summer: Yeah, you would.
[Both chuckle]
Phyllis: Hey, I wouldn't make fun, because you're gonna reap the benefits.
Summer: Ooh. What's this? Oh, Mom, it's so pretty.
Phyllis: It is, isn't it?
Summer: Thank you.
Phyllis: Although I'm thinking maybe it's a little too young, like it's something you would have worn last year. When did you get...so grown-up?
Summer: [Chuckles] Um, I've started to dress a little bit older.
Phyllis: Any particular reason why?
Summer: Yeah. Now that you ask, there is.
Announcer: The role of Kyle Abbott is now being played by Hartley Sawyer.
Billy: All right, all right, all right. Crisis averted. Thank you very much.
Kyle: So, it's true what Abby said. You really bought this place.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Carmine: Lucky for us. We finally have a classy owner.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Kyle: Well, congratulations, man.
Billy: Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Couldn't be happier. You, uh, make sure that you --
Carmine: Yeah. I'll guard it with my life.
Billy: Thank you.
Carmine: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Walk with me. Take a look.
Kyle: So, have, uh, you been thinking about this for a while?
Billy: Actually, no, but when the opportunity presented itself, I just couldn't pass it up.
Kyle: Is it gonna be full time?
Billy: I don't know. Why?
Kyle: Just wondering about Jabot.
Billy: Oh, Jabot.
Jack: Yeah. I was wondering the same thing.
Kyle: Hey, welcome back, Dad.
Jack: Thanks, Son. Missed you.
Kyle: Yeah, sure you did.
Jack: [Chuckles]
Billy: How was Phyllis -- I mean, Istanbul?
Jack: Istanbul was fine. I want to talk about your message. What is this business venture you have for Jabot?
Billy: Um, I never said it was for Jabot.
Jack: What, then?
Billy: Well [Clears throat] Maybe you'd like to take a seat.
Lauren: Shouldn't any decision about our marriage be made by both of us?
Michael: Not when only one of us is in it.
Lauren: How can you say that? I am home, Michael. I am here. I am trying.
Michael: By avoiding me every time I ask you what's wrong?! By sleeping just as far away from me as you can?! Jumping out of your skin when I try and touch you, as if the thought of it makes you sick?!
Lauren: It's not that.
Michael: Then what is it?! What?! Tell me! I'm sorry. You don't deserve that. Why would you want to touch me after what I did? I was just hoping that after some time had passed that maybe, just maybe, you would forgive me, but...
Lauren: I was hoping that, too.
Michael: We never had a chance, did we? The minute I doubted Fenmore, the minute I forced you to choose between him and me, I blew it.
Lauren: No.
Michael: Of course I did.
Lauren: No.
Michael: Of course, I did. I blew it. I failed our marriage.
Lauren: No.
Michael: I failed our marriage.
Lauren: I did it, Michael. It started from not believing that -- that Fen could actually bully somebody, and I-I don't know why I did. I-I-I don't know whether it was because of my mother, who I just -- I couldn't do anything right, and I swore that I would never, ever do that to my own child, or whether I was in denial over the fact that I was a bully at his age. Whatever it was, I blamed you for everything. And I went out. You know, I-I tried to forget. I tried to feel...better. [Voice breaking] And all I did was I made things worse, much worse.
Leslie: Do you really believe Dad will pull through?
Tyler: He's got every reason to.
Leslie: Or he did until I practically drove him out of my apartment.
Tyler: He knows you didn't mean all that.
Leslie: I set my expectations so high, I mean, he couldn't help but fail. Do you think I did that on purpose -- to sabotage him, to make him pay for all those times he disappointed us?
Tyler: You just wanted him to be the daddy that you always dreamed of.
Leslie: [Sighs] That's a little girl's dream. I-I-I really want to build a real relationship with him now. I want him to know the grown-up Leslie and find out what kind of man he's become. I mean, is he religious, political? Does he have any friends? Is Rose one of them?
Tyler: Rose?
Leslie: Yeah. That's the first name he said when he woke up is, "I'm so sorry, Rose." Does that name mean anything to you?
Lily: So, we launch the line with unknown faces, representing all those unknowns out there who want their clothes to make them feel special and confident and adventurous.
Neil: Hmm. "Dare to be different," huh? I like it.
Lily: Good.
Neil: It has the right amount of danger and romance. I tell you what -- I think you and Tyler should get on it right away.
Lily: Oh, no. I think -- I think that's a mistake. I just think that Tyler and I are a bad match. I'm not nearly daring enough.
Cane: See, I disagree. I think that you were daring enough to support Tyler when the rest of us didn't.
Lily: Yeah, but that's... different.
Cane: Sweetheart, you are perfect for this, okay? You are intimately familiar with the line and our philosophy, and you wear these kind of clothes. You are our target audience.
Neil: Okay. Now that that's settled, I got a phone call to make. Excuse me.
Cane: Hey, uh, I have somewhere I have to be.
Neil: Yep.
Lily: Um, I'll walk you out.
Cane: Sure. I'll leave it. I'll get that later.
Lily: Is this about Katherine?
Cane: Yeah. She has some blood test for her surgery tomorrow.
Lily: Will you please send her my love?
Cane: Of course, I will. [Smooches]
Lily: Wait, um...before you go, why were you pushing for Tyler and me to work together when you've been so against it in the past?
Cane: 'Cause I know how Tyler feels about you, and I know how you feel about me. And, uh, I think it's about time I trust it as opposed to just paying lip service to it. Not to mention, the businessman in me knows that when you guys put your heads together, the result is magic. So, I think that you two should come to the office and work it, and then, um, you come home, and then you work it with me. Okay?
Neil: Okay. Thanks. Right, Jim. We'll be in touch. Bye-bye. Okay. Lily, what's going on between you and Tyler?
Lily: [Scoffs]
Tyler: Nothing. That name doesn't mean anything to me.
Leslie: Yeah. Me neither. I've never even heard Dad or Mom mention a Rose before today.
Tyler: I mean, the guy definitely has his secrets.
Leslie: Yeah. And I think I know where he keeps them.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Leslie: Dad has this box that he brought with him from prison, and he keeps trying to keep it hidden from me.
Tyler: Yeah? What's in it?
[Door opens]
Doctor: Hi.
Leslie: Hi. How's my dad?
Doctor: He's awake now.
Leslie: So, can we -- can we see him?
Doctor: Um, just one at a time, though. We don't want to get him too excited.
Leslie: Okay, yeah. Of course. Thank you.
Doctor: You're welcome.
Leslie: [Sighs]
Tyler: Go ahead.
Leslie: No, no. You should go.
Tyler: I told you.
Leslie: All right. I mean, well, at least just stick around in case you change your mind. Hold this for me. Thank you. Someone sure looks a lot better than the last time I saw him.
Gus: [Sighs] I don't mean to be so much... trouble.
Leslie: No, Dad. Please, please, don't apologize. This is -- this is my fault. I just -- I just expected you to be everything I needed at once, and that was unfair.
Gus: I should have never come back here.
Leslie: You followed your kids. Where else would you have gone?
Gus: You need me ruining your life.
Leslie: You're not ruining anything. This can all still work.
Gus: As soon as I'm better, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna go somewhere.
Leslie: Oh, really? Well, you're just gonna have to get past me first. And let me tell you something -- not even Adrian Peterson could get around me if I wanted to stop him.
Gus: [Laughs] Listen to you, talking football.
Leslie: Yeah, that's my game.
Gus: That's mine, too.
Leslie: See? Progress already. We have something in common. You're gonna have to stick around so we can find out what else we share.
Gus: It'll be a privilege getting to know you again.
Leslie: I feel the same way.
Gus: I led a pretty simple life the past 12 years. There's not much to tell.
Leslie: You could start by telling me about Rose.
Gus: Where did that come from?
Leslie: From -- from you. You were calling her name. Who is she?
Billy: No. I'm just not cut out for the corporate lifestyle.
Jack: But you're cut out for slinging hash?
Kyle: This isn't exactly a greasy spoon, Dad.
Billy: [Chuckles] And it's not like I'm gonna be in the kitchen dreaming up recipes.
Jack: You're gonna be handing out menus, ordering crates of butter, and getting busboys to clear your tables.
Billy: What's not to like?
Jack: Oh, come on, Billy.
Billy: Look, I-I can be myself here. I'm free. I can say what I want to say. I can dress the way I want to dress. There's no one looking over my shoulder, telling me what to do.
Jack: That's when you usually get in trouble.
Billy: Uh, that's when I'm at my happiest -- slinging drinks at Sammy Seagull's bar and grill.
Kyle: Sammy's in Miami?
Billy: Sammy's in Miami.
Kyle: Dude, that place is awesome.
Jack: You're not helping here.
Kyle: Dad, who are we to tell Uncle Billy how to live his life?
Jack: There's just something here that's missing -- it's like a piece you're not telling me about. If you have to work in the restaurant business, then all I can say is... tell the kitchen not to use cilantro in everything and congratulations.
Billy: Thank you. Thank you, Brother.
Jack: I guess Phyllis and I will be dining here more often.
Billy: Oh, yeah? The trip went well, huh?
Jack: She's moving in.
Kyle: What? When I suggested you two go to Istanbul, I had no idea you'd come home with a roommate.
Jack: Fantastic, huh? Phyllis is fantastic. Kyle, I hope some day you have a woman like Phyllis in your life.
Summer: The reason I've been dressing like this is because I want to look more like you.
Phyllis: Like me? Really?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, you're so glamorous, but professional, and it's really hard to pull off, but you do it every day.
Phyllis: As flattered as I am by that, Summer, I think you're trying to be a woman too quickly.
Summer: Okay. I am a woman.
Phyllis: Yeah. You are a young woman, is what you are, emphasis on young.
Summer: Yeah, your emphasis.
Phyllis: No, not just my emphasis. Listen, you have a very, very short period of time to be 18 and carefree. All right? Revel in it, believe me. Do you think -- this is hard to do, isn't it?
Summer: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: Do you think that -- that I get this by not working at it? No. This takes a lot of work. I mean, when I'm out, you know, do I want to eat the whole plate of French fries? Yeah, I do. But, no, I just pick one or two off of your plate. Don't be too eager to grow up. You have it better than you think.
Summer: So, do you need help unpacking?
Phyllis: I can see that sunk in. [Chuckles] Yeah, I'm unpacking, then I'm packing again.
Summer: Really? You just got back. Where are you going?
Phyllis: Jack asked me to move in with him.
Summer: Wow. That -- that's huge.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's huge. Listen, I know there have been a lot of changes, and we can talk about this, and I don't have to do it if you don't want me to.
Summer: No, no, no. Mom, no. It's -- its fine. Really, I'm happy for you.
Phyllis: You are?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, look, you get to live with the guy that you love, and then I get this whole place to myself.
Phyllis: Yeah...no. Oh, wait. No, no. No. No, you don't. No.
Summer: Okay, then, I guess I'll just move in with you and Jack.
Phyllis: You want to live with me and Jack?
Summer: Yeah.
Phyllis: And Kyle? How about we think about this?
Billy: Well...she was surprised, but, uh, I think she understands that I need something that kind of fulfills me, especially now that she's back at Newman.
Jack: Wait, back at Newman with Adam?
Billy: Oh, with Adam and Victor.
Jack: I go on vacation, and apocalypse has begun.
Billy: Yeah, well, I imagine we'll survive.
Jack: Are you sure this is what you want? Seriously -- crazy hours, all kinds of people you have to mix with, and all kinds of time on your hands, no one to tell you what to do with it. That's a lot of temptation, Billy.
[Cards shuffling]
Billy: You know, Jack, I've got my temptations under check. They're under control, just like yours.
Summer: Seriously? You think that I want to move in to Jack's with you because of Kyle?
Phyllis: No. I think you want to move in to Jack's with me because of Mrs. Martinez.
Summer: Okay, I-I-I am over Kyle.
Phyllis: Since when?
Summer: Since I've had enough of him rejecting me.
Phyllis: Okay. So you're not picturing bumping into him right after you get out of the shower in your little towel or sitting with him in the hot tub looking at the stars together?
Summer: Okay, did it ever occur to you that maybe I just wanted to be closer to you?
Phyllis: Listen, Sweetie, that's very sweet, but you can't manipulate a manipulator, okay?
Summer: Okay, I mean it, Mom. I-I miss being around you, and I cannot take living at Dad's house now that he's engaged to Avery. Oh, I'm s-- did you know?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I knew. I just found out.
Summer: Are you okay with it?
Phyllis: Oh, I'm completely fine with it. I'm really happy as long as everybody else is happy.
Summer: Yeah, well, I'm not. She's there all the time. [Sighs]
Phyllis: I -- is there a problem? I mean, I thought you were really close to her.
Summer: Yeah, we used to be, until she decided to be my mom, and now she gives me all of this advice and tries to run my life. Okay, I cannot take it, Mom. I really cannot take it. Can you please talk to Jack?
Phyllis: Um... yeah, Baby. I'll -- I'll talk to Jack. Don't worry about it. I'll talk to Jack. I'll see what I can do.
Summer: Thank you.
Michael: You made things worse? How? How did you do that?
[Door opens]
Fenmore: Sorry I'm late, Mom. I was at -- Dad. Hey.
Michael: Hello, Son.
Fenmore: Wow. Wow, two parents in the same room at the same time. How did that happen?
Lauren: Uh, yeah, Honey, we're kind of in the middle of something.
Fenmore: Another argument?
Michael: Hopefully, Fenmore, there won't be more of those. I will be moving out.
Lauren: Are -- are you just saying that you need a couple of days at a motel, or...
Michael: I have to live someplace else.
Fenmore: Hey, permanently?
Michael: Uh, all I know is this isn't working, and to put any of us through it any longer than necessary is just cruel.
Fenmore: So, you're giving up.
Michael: What I'm saying is that if your mother and I are supposed to be together, we will be together.
Fenmore: You're giving up.
Michael: I love you. Listen to me. I love you more than anything. Nothing is gonna change that. Nothing.
Fenmore: Sure. Whatever.
Lauren: I wish you would reconsider.
Michael: Oh, yeah, well, we both need to figure out what we want, and trying to do it under these circumstances -- that's just, you know -- it's impossible. [Chuckles]
Lauren: I'm afraid that the, uh, longer that you're away, the easier it will be to stay away.
Michael: Yeah, maybe that's better than hanging in, killing the love we still have. [Chuckles] I...
Leslie: Well, I figure Rose must be important to you, since you --
Gus: I-I-I didn't -- I-I don't know her.
Leslie: Really?
Gus: I never heard of Rose.
Leslie: But why would you say her name?
Gus: I didn't. You must have...heard wrong.
Cane: Hey. What are you doing here?
Tyler: My dad had a heart attack.
Cane: Oh, Mate, I am sorry.
Tyler: Yeah, no, it's okay. He'll live.
Cane: So, that's why you weren't at the meeting, huh?
Tyler: The meeting.
Cane: Don't worry about it. It's -- its fine. Listen, Lily pitched it, and we're all on board.
Tyler: I owe her big.
Cane: No, just -- just do a good job, all right, and it's gonna pay off for everybody. Listen, um...I know I've been hard on you, okay, but, you know, I really do think that you and Lily make a good team. Just -- just don't give me a reason to, all right, and I won't get in the way of it. Okay?
Tyler: Yeah.
Cane: All right. Listen, Mate, I, um -- I wish your dad well. I hope he recovers. I'm sorry.
Tyler: Thanks. I appreciate it.
Cane: All right. Take care.
Tyler: [Sighs]
Lily: I don't know what you're talking about. There is nothing going on between Tyler and me. I mean, not like you're thinking. Yes, you know, he's a flirt, and who doesn't like to be flirted with? Especially when everybody else just sees you as a wife and a mom. Not that there's anything wrong with being a wife and a mom.
Neil: You sure about that?
Lily: Yes, I'm -- I'm sure. [Chuckles] If anything, the flirting with Tyler just reminded me how much I love my life. I mean it, okay? I do.
Neil: I believe you. I believe you, but if there's anything ever bothering you, I am always here for you.
Lily: I know I wouldn't have it any other way.
Jack: I thought you were moving in gradually.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. This is, um, gradual.
Jack: Well, I guess it's a good thing I told the staff to get one of the spare bedrooms ready as your closet.
Phyllis: Oh, speaking of spare bedrooms, you meant what you said when, uh, you told me that Summer could have one of the rooms?
Jack: Absolutely. Anytime she wants to stay here --
Phyllis: Okay, uh, long term?
Jack: I mean, you talked about her staying here a bit, but --
Phyllis: Yeah, apparently, she doesn't, um, want to stay at Nick's anymore. I guess that the future Mrs. Newman is spending too much time there playing house... which I'm completely fine with. Really, I am so fine with it.
Jack: Sit down. Sit down. If you think Summer would be happier here...
Phyllis: I know this is not what you had in mind when you asked me --
Jack: What I had in mind was living with the woman I love. She happens to be the mother of a bright, charming daughter. They are a package deal. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Phyllis: [Inhales deeply] Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Summer: Uh, Kyle, hi.
Kyle: Hey, Summer.
Summer: Hey.
Kyle: Been a while.
Summer: Yeah.
Kyle: How's it going over in fashion?
Summer: It's not as exciting as cosmetics.
Kyle: Believe me, you're not missing anything.
Summer: So, are you here with your girlfriend?
Kyle: Uh...no. Uh, not -- not tonight.
Summer: Oh. It's not working out?
Kyle: Actually, I think I'll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.
Fenmore: Summer. Summer, thanks for meeting me.
Summer: Hey.
Fenmore: I hope you haven't been waiting long.
Summer: No, no, no. I-I just got here.
Kyle: And I'm on my way out. Maybe I'll see you again soon.
Summer: Yes, you will.
Fenmore: Well, come on. Come on. Let's sit down. I have so much to tell you.
Summer: Okay. Is everything all right?
Fenmore: [Chuckles] Well, its better now. [Sighs] I-I-I've been thinking about you a lot.
Summer: Fen, I --
Fenmore: Look, look. Hear me out. I just want to apologize for all of that stuff I pulled with Jamie and being jealous, treating you like I owned you or something.
Summer: Yeah, that...wasn't fun.
Fenmore: It's like I was being everything I hate -- like these people I see who are -- they're so messed up, you know? Like, they're always hurting the people that they say they love the most. That's not gonna be me. When I'm with someone, I will give her no reason to doubt how I feel. And it could be that way with us. I know we could have something really, really good.
Summer: No, no, no, no. Fen, Fen, Fen, please. Please, okay, look. Okay, please. I -- look, I like you. I do, but I-I like you as a friend. Okay? And I'm kind of getting involved with someone else.
Fenmore: Who?
Summer: Okay, it doesn't matter. That's not what we're here to talk about, okay? I-I thought that you had something else to talk about with me.
Fenmore: No. No, no. I-I-I'm done.
Summer: Okay, well, I guess I better go help my mom move in to Jack's, then. Look, I'm -- I'm sorry that I can't be what you want me to be. Bye.
Carmine: Now I get why you look so bummed every time I see you. Hey, but take it from a guy who's already been there, man. Go after her with all you got. No girl can resist that. Okay, look. I know you said it was a one-time deal, but if you're ever interested in a little after-hours game, I can, uh --
Billy: I'm not.
Carmine: Okay. Well, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna need those. Okay, so... sometimes cheap tricks pay high dividends. Ah, now, that is what I call perfect timing. What's wrong?
Lauren: Everything. I just want to crawl into bed and disappear for days.
Carmine: How about I crawl in bed with you, and we disappear for a few days together?
Lily: Hey. Nice of you to finally show up. Ad campaign was a big hit, by the way, no thanks to you.
Tyler: Yeah, I know. I-I ran into Cane.
Lily: At the hospital?
Tyler: Coronary-care unit. My dad almost died.
Lily: Tyler, I am -- I'm really sorry. I... look, if -- if there's anything that you need...
[Cell phone rings]
Tyler: Hey, Veronica. Yeah. No, I'm starved, too. No, it's fine. I can meet you there. All right. Um...
Lily: It's fine. Just go. Relax. Just forget about everything. Go. It's fine.
Leslie: I'm telling you, Neil, I know what I heard.
Neil: Rose.
Leslie: Rose. Dad definitely said that name.
Neil: Mm. Wonder why he'd deny that.
Leslie: I don't know, but I am getting the feeling the answer may be in this box of his.
Neil: Leslie...
Leslie: Yes?
Neil: The man is entitled to his privacy.
Leslie: But he lied to my face, and maybe if I just open the box, I'll find out why.
Neil: And maybe if you open the box, you're gonna find out something you wish you didn't know.
Leslie: Yeah, but I --
Neil: So just leave it alone. Do yourself a favor.
Carmine: So, how about it? Tropical paradise far away from all of this, just you and me?
Lauren: You know something? I think that's exactly what I need.
Inside the lies desperately trying to be seen we fight, we try on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me?
On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me?
Don't look the other way when you're afraid when you're afraid don't let your heart betray the love we made when you still had me speaking soft so no one feels attacked we act relieved maybe we could use a little break we make-believe on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me?
On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me?
Don't look the other way when you're afraid when you're afraid don't let your heart betray the love we made when you still had me on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me?
On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me?
Don't look the other way when you're afraid when you're afraid don't let your heart betray
Leslie: "R. Turner." Are you Rose?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kay: I want you in charge. I want you to run Chancellor.
Adam: No, no, no. This gift you're actually gonna enjoy. It's our divorce papers.
Avery: Why are you still here?
Dylan: I'm -- I'm gonna be a father.
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