Y&R Transcript Friday 4/19/13
Episode # 10140 ~ Chelsea makes plans for her baby's future; Adam receives shocking news from Sharon.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: Why not? [Sighs]
[Bottle stopper thuds]
[Glass clinks]
Billy: [Sighs]
[Billy remembering]
Adam: Maybe I should wish you some luck. 'Cause you're gonna have to go home to my sister, explain how you went out for a beer and you came home with a restaurant. Good win, though. Nice pot.
[Back to present]
Victoria: Billy?
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Billy: I'm fine. I just needed a little something to help me sleep, that's all. Go back to bed. I'll be up in a minute.
Victoria: No. Not until you tell me what's going on.
[Sharon dreaming]
[Pounding on door]
Adam: Hello?
[Pounding continues]
Sharon: Adam?
Adam: Hope I didn't get you at a bad time.
Sharon: Well, it's got to be past 1:00 in the morning. What are you doing here?
Adam: Couldn't stay away. Couldn't stand it.
Sharon: Couldn't stand what? What are you talking about?
Adam: The lies. Pretending that we just -- we're friends. Pretending that I don't want more when I do.
Sharon: Adam.
Adam: I should never have ever sent you away. I don't know what I was thinking.
Sharon: You were thinking about Chelsea and your father.
Adam: Who cares about them? [Sighs] Chelsea? Bye. Newman? I'll walk away from that so long as I can have...you.
Sharon: Adam, you're drunk.
Adam: Mm. We belong together. [Smacks lips] Always have. Always will.
[Sharon wakes up]
Sharon: [Gasps] [Sighs]
Adam: Chelsea.
Chelsea: [Gasps] Oh, my God. Adam.
Adam: I didn't mean to startle you. Just took the back stairs up.
Chelsea: What do you want? What are you doing here so late?
Adam: I saw the light on. I was in the neighborhood, passing by. Took it as a sign.
Chelsea: A sign?
Adam: You do know what day it is, right? Don't you?
Tyler: What can I say? I'm not a morning person myself, either.
Woman: They totally fired me for it. But that just means that I can stay up as late as I want, doing anything I want with anyone I want.
Tyler: Yeah.
Lola: Hey, Babe. Sorry I'm late.
Leslie: Are you kidding me with this?! What in the world is going on? It is the middle of the night!
Gus: I'm sorry. I just couldn't sleep. I'm not used to such a thick mattress, and all that quiet. Ugh.
Leslie: What quiet?
Gus: Well, your kitchen was a little messy, so I-I figured I'd come in here and help organize it. Hope you don't mind.
[Dishes clinking]
Nick: I want to know what the hell you were thinking, asking Avery to leave me and marry you instead.
Dylan: Just take it easy.
Nick: After everything that's happened, knowing the way she feels, how can you pressure her to change her mind?
Dylan: I didn't pressure her. And she turned me down. I don't even know why we're having this conversation.
Nick: Because I don't trust you to leave it alone.
Dylan: I paid the bail money back. There's nothing keeping me here.
Nick: Yeah? Well, how many times have you tried to leave town, Dylan? Two? Three? Yet you somehow always end up in some kind of trouble. And who do you call every time to come to your rescue? I want to know how hard is it for you to actually get in your car and leave town. See, I'm starting to think that every move you make is calculated to make Avery feel bad for you.
Dylan: Oh, you think that's how I operate? I sneak around, plotting and scheming to get sympathy?
Nick: I have no idea how you operate.
Dylan: You're damn right you don't. You don't know anything about me. Back off.
Nick: I'll back off when you give me reason to, like when you're actually able to get five miles outside of the city limits.
Dylan: You're not gonna let up, are you? You're always gonna be worried about what's unresolved between me and Avery.
Nick: There's nothing unresolved for Avery.
Dylan: You don't thinks she asks herself, "What if?"
Nick: Not the way you do.
Dylan: If you were in my position, wouldn't you wonder what could have been, with a woman like that? You have less history with her than I do, and look what you're willing to do to hold onto her.
Nick: Okay, so, what is it you're trying to tell me? That this is just never gonna be over for you? That you're gonna be in our faces for the rest of our lives?
Dylan: Just saying that it's taking time. I'm doing everything I can to bow out. By tomorrow morning, I'm gonna be gone.
Nick: Yeah, you make sure you go through with it this time, 'cause I'm getting tired of it. Do you need me to draw you a map?
Dylan: I said I was leaving. Don't cross the line.
Nick: Who's crossing the line? She's marrying me, not you.
Avery: Guys. I'm sorry. I couldn't wait at home. This is my life you're talking about.
Nick: No, it's okay. It's okay. I think Dylan and I have finally come to an understanding. He's not gonna bother us anymore, and I'm not gonna bother him, 'cause he's gonna be going far, far away.
Dylan: I only want what's best for you. And I always will.
Nick: Let's get out of here.
Avery: Good night.
Dylan: Goodbye.
Chelsea: Have you been drinking? If so, I'll call you a cab, but I have work to do, Adam.
Adam: Wow. I guess you did forget. And after all we went through?
Chelsea: "After all we went through"? And, no, I didn't forget that today was my due date, okay? I just don't see the point in getting into it. It's not like you ever wanted to talk about it before.
Adam: I was hurting.
Chelsea: I was hurting. I was the one who lost the baby. Our son. And you completely shut me out, so you don't get to walk in here now, expecting me to try to make you feel better.
Adam: Wow. So...
Chelsea: So what? So...harsh? So tough? Well, get used to it. It's the new me. No, actually, it's the old me before I fooled myself into thinking that you loved me and I let my guard down and you turned me into a sucker. Well, no more. I am back on track and making a hell of a life for myself, Adam, so stay out of my way.
Adam: So, I guess if we had just worked things out... and we had the baby, then you wouldn't have all this, would you?
Chelsea: Probably not.
Adam: So, maybe things worked out the way they were supposed to.
Chelsea: Go home, Adam. Sleep it off. Hopefully when you wake up, you won't even remember you came by.
[Papers rustling]
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
[Door slams]
Chelsea: [Sighs] [Sniffles] [Sighs] It's okay. It's all gonna be okay, I promise.
Woman: I was here first, so move on, Girl.
Lola: I don't think my fiancé would like that.
Noah: Congratulations, Dude. When's the wedding?
Tyler: W-- I, uh...
Lola: He's a huge flirt, but he knows better than to go astray. Don't you, Baby?
Tyler: I'm a one-woman man.
Woman: Well, the room is full of plenty of guys who aren't.
Noah: I'm studying to be a priest. [Scoffs] I'm sorry.
Woman: Hmm.
Noah: Well, I'll let you get back to the wedding planning.
Tyler: Okay, father. Thanks. And thank you. You know, the pretty wears off pretty quick once you realize you're dealing with a blank disc.
Lola: I hope that's not the case with me. Lola. Nice to meet you, Tyler.
Tyler: Oh, you know who I am?
Lola: Titan tech hero. Put the company on the map overnight, about to do the same for Jabot fashion. I'm a business geek. I have a weakness for hot guys with even hotter résumés. Any questions?
Tyler: Can I buy you a drink?
Billy: It's just one of those nights, Honey. Nothing to worry about.
Victoria: Whenever you say there's nothing to worry about, I know there's something to worry about.
Billy: Can't a guy be a little restless without his wife thinking that the world's coming to an end?
Victoria: What kind of trouble did you get into?
Billy: Oh, your honor, I am innocent of all charges, I promise.
Victoria: Billy, I swear, you ran out of here after we fought, and instead of insisting that we work it out like you usually do, you went God knows where and did God knows what.
Billy: I went drinking. I went drinking.
Victoria: Yeah, you went drinking, and you're still drinking.
Billy: Yes, I told you, I'm having a little bit of a hard time falling --
Victoria: You can't sleep. Okay, you can't sleep. So, what has you so upset?
Billy: I bought a restaurant, okay? I bought a restaurant.
Victoria: Okay, yeah, that's funny. Stop fooling around.
Billy: Unh-unh, I'm serious. Look. [Clears throat]
[Keys jingle]
Billy: You are now looking at the proud new owner of On the Boulevard restaurant.
Victoria: Just like that? Just out of the blue, you buy a restaurant. You buy a restaurant without even discussing it with me first?
Billy: Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Victoria: Okay, so, then you're -- you're not liable. You can nullify the deal.
Billy: Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I like the idea of being my own boss, setting my own hours, escaping the corporate rat race.
Victoria: What are you talking about? You don't know the first thing about running a restaurant.
Billy: What's there to know? You make good food, strong drinks, good-looking people serve them, and the rest of the details, you and I, we can figure it out together.
Victoria: You and I?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: You and I?
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Really?
Billy: You and I, working side-by-side, creating something successful.
Victoria: So, you think I would be happy running a restaurant.
Billy: Well, I think it would be better than babysitting your dad at Newman.
[Keys rattle]
Victoria: I'm gonna go back to bed.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Bought a restaurant. You bought a restaurant. [Chuckles] That's great.
Billy: [Sighs] Oh, boy.
[Footsteps approaching]
Billy: Morning.
Victoria: Hi. Is there any coffee left?
Billy: Yeah, I just made a fresh pot.
Victoria: Oh. Thank you.
Billy: Where are you off to?
Victoria: Where do you think?
Billy: Are you really going through with this?
Victoria: Uh, yeah. I told you.
Billy: Even after all the reasons I gave you not to do it?
Victoria: Reasons? Reasons? Oh, right. Waiting tables at On the Boulevard. Yeah.
Billy: How are you going to avoid stress and get pregnant if you're going to work at the Newman family stress factory?
Victoria: You know, you're not really in a position to lecture me. And the whole point of going to work at Newman is to avoid stress. It's the only way to keep an eye on Adam.
Billy: Yeah, yeah. Have a great day.
[Knock on door]
Sharon: You busy?
Adam: Mnh-mnh. Come in. Didn't expect to see you here. Does this mean that you might --?
Sharon: No, no, no, no. I just came to clean out my office.
Adam: Is there anything I can say to change your mind?
Sharon: Well, I think this is for the best.
Adam: Yeah?
Sharon: Yeah, you know? It's time I find out if I can succeed on my own and not because of somebody who I'm -- I'm with. And, besides, you don't need me coming in between you and Victor. It's gonna be hard enough working together without trying to kill each other.
Adam: [Groans] I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.
Sharon: Yeah, I can see that.
Adam: Yes, I'm living on aspirin now. I had quite a bit to drink, and, um...I went and made a fool of myself in front of Chelsea.
Chloe: Oh, my God. Traffic was insane. It took me forever to get here. Unlike others, who've obviously spent the night here. FYI, that is not an optimal sleeping position for an expectant mother.
Chelsea: I was working on the sportswear line. I must have dozed off.
Chloe: Well, I hope you're gonna be able to function today, because you know we have a lot to do, Raggedy Ann. [Sighs] Working on the sportswear line, huh?
Chelsea: It's coming along.
Chloe: Good, but I only have one question. What was he doing here?
Chelsea: Nothing important. Ow.
Chloe: Right? Because you look like you're about to toss your -- oh, my God. You didn't tell him about the baby, did you?
Chelsea: No, I didn't tell him about the baby.
Chloe: But you wanted to.
Chelsea: I have to go home and clean myself up, okay?
Chloe: Okay, listen to me. You just promise me one thing. You do not give into him, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Stop! That's enough already, okay?! Enough! Stop pressuring me.
Lily: What's wrong?
Neil: Hey, Tyler.
Tyler: Neil. Morning.
Neil: Morning.
Tyler: You here to pick up Leslie?
Neil: Uh, we're actually carpooling -- doing our part to help the environment.
Tyler: Yeah. Get a few more minutes of private time?
Neil: Got to take it while you can get it with your father staying here.
Leslie: Oh, my God! You're driving me crazy!
Neil: Leslie, open the door. What's happening?
Leslie: I'm gonna kill him. This is the second he's broken, and the antique vase? I'm telling you, if he keeps this up, I am going to be living in a pile of rubble.
Neil: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow your roll, young lady.
Leslie: No, no, no. Tell Dad that, okay? Cleaning at all hours, cooking things and burning it, fixing things that don't need to be fixed, and it's like I keep telling him, "You cannot make up for 12 years in 24 hours. You just can't do it." But he just won't listen.
Gus: No. I heard you. I should have figured this wouldn't work out. Uh...I'm gonna get a hotel room and leave y'all in peace.
Nick: Good morning. I was surprised to hear from you this early. I thought I was gonna see you later.
Avery: Yeah, ever since we left Dylan's, I've been thinking --
Nick: Look, if you are worried about how he and I left things --
Avery: Why did you ask me to marry you? Were you afraid you'd lose me to Dylan if you didn't?
Nick: You know why I asked you to marry me.
Avery: I know what you told me.
Nick: It's 'cause I love you, Avery.
Avery: And that the shooting at the ranch prompted you to act sooner than you would have. But I can't help wondering if Dylan doesn't factor into this even more.
Nick: All right, I'm not gonna lie to you. Dylan may have influenced my decision, but why do you care how it happened, as long as it did and we're both happy about it?
Avery: Because it's how my mind works. You know, it's always gonna be in the back of my thoughts. Did you marry me for the wrong reason?
Nick: You don't really think that.
Avery: I don't want to, but I can't help myself.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Gus: Thanks for, uh, putting up with me. I'll be in touch.
Leslie: Dad, no. No. Put your bag down. You are not going anywhere.
Gus: But you said that --
Leslie: I know, I know. I was just in the heat of the moment, Dad. Lord knows this transition is a hell of a lot harder on you than it is on me. I just -- I need some patience. [Laughs] And you need a hobby. Something safe, like stamp collecting.
Gus: Baby, you don't know how much I want for this to work out -- for all of us.
Neil: Hey, um, I think a nice burnt-free breakfast would be perfect for all of us. Restaurant of your choice, my treat.
Leslie: I'm all for that.
Gus: Amen.
Neil: Yeah? How about you, Kid?
Tyler: I got to get to a meeting.
Leslie: Why'd you even come by if you can't stay?
Tyler: Something went down last night I wanted to tell you about, but, um...it can wait. Just enjoy your pancakes.
Leslie: Well, that guy, he's just too busy for his own good.
Gus: You don't have to make excuses for him. I know why he left. He can't stand to be in the same room as me.
Lily: I don't mean to pry, but if something's wrong with the line...
Chelsea: The truth is... Chloe has been after me to finish the sportswear designs and I'm kind of getting sick of her harping.
Lily: Oh, those aren't due until next week, so no reason to put pressure on yourselves. It's fine.
Chloe: Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.
Chelsea: Anyway, I'm gonna go home for a bit, but I'll be back in time for Tyler's presentation later.
Lily: Okay.
Lola: What a cute place.
Chloe: Can we help you?
Lola: I'm looking for Tyler Michaelson. He told me to meet him here.
Lily: And you are?
Lola: Lola. Tyler and I are dating.
Sharon: Well, I'm sorry. Sounds like it must have been a rough day.
Adam: I made it worse by reminding Chelsea about it. Oh, I am never -- as in not ever -- drinking that much again. Well, at least not directly after being shot I won't.
Sharon: You shouldn't have been drinking at all. You just got out of the hospital.
Adam: Consequences of a family gathering. You know, being around all those Newmans, I still felt...wildly alone. So, I made acquaintances with a bottle of scotch.
Sharon: But you weren't alone. I mean...you don't have to be. All you have to do is speak up, reach out.
Adam: Really believe that? Think I can make things right with Chelsea?
[Knock on door]
Victoria: Good morning. It's such a beautiful day, don't you think? I cannot wait to get to work.
Sharon: Work?
Victoria: Yeah. Adam didn't tell you? I was so inspired by my father and brother's reconciliation for the good of the company that I decided to join them.
Adam: What my sister is saying is that she's spying on me. If I were you, I would spend my time looking after Billy. Newman doesn't need you nearly as much as he does.
Billy: "For every one success, there are hundreds of failures." Oh, man. [Sighs] [Muttering] [Sighs] [Inhales sharply] I can't do this.
[Keys jingle]
Billy: Hey, Barry.
Barry: Well, if it isn't Mr. Boulevard.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Barry: Hey, that was some hand you played last night. I never in a million years thought you'd make that call.
Billy: Yeah, that's the thing. I tossed and turned all night last night thinking about the hit you're taking because of me.
Barry: Well, you won the joint fair and square.
Billy: I feel like I backed you into a corner, and I can't live with myself for that, so I'll tell you what. I'm gonna forgive the bet. You keep the restaurant. I'll buy drinks at the bar.
Barry: Billy, you know me. I don't back out on bets. I mean, I may shoot an angle or play an edge here or there, but a man's got to be upright about a -- a wager. It's the code. It's what separates us from the animals. Besides, I got seven other restaurants.
Billy: [Laughs]
Barry: [Chuckles] What's one more -- or less, in this case?
Billy: Oh, okay. I see. I see. This is a write-off for you, then.
Barry: No, not at all. Because you, Billy Abbott, have a chance to find your true calling.
Billy: My true calling?
Barry: That's right. You're a people person, Billy. That's right. You're a schmoozer. People will be lining up around the block to get in here. You'll be a big star in this town, and that's what you've always wanted, isn't it? To outshine your brother and sisters? And all it takes...is one signature.
Billy: You are a hell of a poker player.
Barry: [Chuckles]
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: Come on, Adam. Is this any way for us to spend our first day working together? Acrimony and conflict?
Adam: Oh, it's apropos to the history we share, Victoria. We've never gotten along before.
Victoria: I want that to change. I mean it. I meant it when I said that you have nothing to worry about from me.
Adam: Mm. Of course I don't.
Victoria: Listen. You proved that you can be trusted when you risked your life to save Dad's, and you also saved the company, when you could have just as easily tanked it, so... what I'm feeling right now is gratitude. Gratitude and a desire to put the past behind us.
Adam: You really think I'm an idiot, don't you?
Victoria: No. Not at all. And I would never underestimate you, and if you don't underestimate me, then we might be able to find a way to make this work. I have to choose an office, so... I'll catch you later.
Adam: See all the fun you'd be missing out on?
Sharon: Ask me how sorry I am.
Adam: [Laughs] You never answered the question I asked earlier. You think I have a shot with Chelsea?
Sharon: I once did. But now... I'm afraid there's no chance.
Chloe: I just want to apologize away from any overly snoopy ears.
Chelsea: I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to come down on you like that.
Chloe: I deserved it. Listen, I took my anger at Kevin out on you.
Chelsea: What happened with Kevin?
Chloe: [Sighs] Just...arguing about financial issues. Same old.
Chelsea: Well, hopefully you won't have to worry about that any more once our line is launched.
Chloe: You know what? I really just want to go out and have some fun. Can we go to Underground? Let's just go off and blow off some steam.
Chelsea: Sure. Not like it's gonna solve my real problem.
[Footsteps approaching]
Nick: Where is this coming from? I mean, really, where is it coming from?
Avery: [Sighs] I guess part of me is just afraid. I used to be so much more trusting of people. And then finding out my dad lied to us all those years, you know, it opened my eyes. And maybe it's the defense attorney in me. You know, I find it hard to trust people's motives.
Nick: Look, there were a lot of things that motivated me, and even if Dylan was one of the main ones... is that such a bad thing? I mean, think about it. If I wasn't crazy in love with you, if I wasn't jealous of Dylan, worried about losing you to him... I mean, hell, I should be thanking him for coming to town, 'cause it gave me a kick in the pants that I needed.
Adam: And why do you think I've lost any chance with Chelsea?
Sharon: It was just a feeling I had.
Adam: Sounded like more. Sounded like you knew something.
Sharon: Well, even if I do...
Adam: What's going on, Sharon?
Sharon: It's not my place to say.
Adam: It's your place to say if it affects me.
Sharon: Chelsea's pregnant. I recently found out by accident. I saw her with a bottle of prenatal pills, and she finally admitted it.
Adam: How long?
Sharon: What?
Adam: How far along is she?
Sharon: No, Adam, I thought you understood. The baby isn't yours.
Adam: Who's the father?
Sharon: I don't know.
Adam: Who... is the father?
Sharon: I don't know, I swear, and, besides, what does it matter? It's not yours. Adam, don't. Adam, it's not worth it. It's over.
Dylan: You ladies playing hooky from work today?
Chelsea: Just a short coffee break. We should get back.
Chloe: No rush. I'll cover for you. Don't worry about it. Plus you guys have a lot to talk about. [Laughs] Ooh, it's so chilly in here. Excuse me.
Dylan: Is she always...
Chelsea: That weird? Yeah. [Laughs]
Dylan: [Laughs] Why would she think that we have a lot to talk about?
Victoria: Adam? [Sighs]
Billy: Hi.
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Peace offering.
Victoria: That's nice. Thank you.
Billy: Nice enough for you to forgive me? 'Cause I hate fighting with you.
Victoria: Maybe you should have thought of that before you made a monumental decision without me.
Billy: Yes, you know, you're right. And I'm sorry. I have learned my lesson. So... can I get a do-over?
Victoria: Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous.
Billy: No, no, no, no, I'm serious. You're gonna love this. Check it out. Ready? Honey, the greatest thing happened today. I found out what I want to do with the rest of my life, but I'm not gonna go ahead with it unless you're with me on it. So, will you please, please come check out this place I found?
Gus: Whoa!
Neil: [Laughs]
Gus: I feel like a kid in a candy store. So many choices.
Neil: Mm. Gus, the whole world is open to you now. You know, but it's more than just eggs Benedict or a Monte Cristo sandwich. There are bigger choices to make, you know? Have you thought about what you might want to do?
Gus: Oh, I'm still trying to figure it out.
Neil: Yeah.
Leslie: Dad, Dad, you don't -- you don't have to guard your coffee like that. No one's gonna steal it.
Gus: Oh, it's habit.
Neil: Well, I guess it's gonna take awhile to unlearn some things, right?
Gus: Oh, Baby.
Leslie: You know what? I just -- I-I-I can't do this right now.
Neil: What? What happened?
Gus: Hey, Val. Leslie!
Neil: Gus.
Gus: [Sighs]
Neil: Just give her some space, huh?
Gus: Help me, Neil. I've lost both of my kids. And I don't know how to get them back.
Tyler: They won't sew anything on the premises. That'll all be done at the factory.
Lola: I'd love to see the process. This whole world is fascinating to me.
Tyler: Have you ever done any modeling?
Lola: No. You are talking to the world's biggest camera-phobe. I don't even like trying on new clothes in the fitting room at the store.
Tyler: Well, you know what? You may not realize it, but you've got an amazing sense of style. You really know how to rock some threads.
Lily: I really hate to interrupt, but we have to finish these mockups, so...
Lola: I'll get out of your way.
Tyler: Yeah, thanks for stopping by. You know, I was thinking maybe we, uh, catch a late lunch?
Lola: I was thinking the same thing.
Tyler: I'll call you.
Lola: Looking forward to it. Nice meeting you.
Lily: You too. Bye.
Tyler: You like?
Lily: [Laughs] Yeah, she's, uh, not really my type.
Tyler: I was talking about the mockups.
Lily: Oh, um... those. [Chuckles]
Billy: Prepare to be astonished.
Victoria: This is ridiculous.
Billy: Prepare to be wowed.
Victoria: I'm gonna fall down.
Billy: You're not gonna fall down. Take it easy. Ta-da!
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: Well, isn't it as amazing as I told you?
Victoria: Oh, yeah, it's just as amazing as the last time we were here -- last night.
Billy: No, it's even better now because I -- because we -- we -- we own it.
Victoria: How much did this paradise cost us?
Billy: Not nearly as much as you might think. You could say I got it at a steal.
Barry: Ha! Can't stay away from your new toy, huh, Billy? [Chuckles] And this must be the lovely Mrs. Boulevard. Barry Cantrell, former owner of this establishment.
Victoria: I'm Victoria. I don't know whether I should thank you or scold you for selling this place to Billy.
Billy: [Clears throat] My wife has some reservations about me buying the place. And I told her that my good buddy Barry would never steer me wrong. Am I right? I mean, he'd always be here for me. I can count on you, right, Barry?
Barry: Always, Billy. You can bet on it. Mm-hmm.
Neil: Are you kidding me? Yes, I love that. Got your breakfast.
Leslie: Thank you.
Neil: Sure.
Leslie: Mwah! Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking, running out of that restaurant like that, like a crazy woman. I owe you another apology.
Gus: No, you don't. I'm the one that's been acting strange. I feel like I'm an alien from another planet.
Leslie: Well, I mean, you have been in the state penitentiary, Dad, and it's selfish and it's unfair of me to expect you to morph into an ideal dad. Even in the best circumstances, that's not possible. Got to give you grace.
Gus: You have no idea how good that makes me feel. It's such a r-- [Gasps]
Leslie: What's wrong?
Gus: [Breathing heavily]
Leslie: Dad? Dad? Are you okay? What -- what is it? What is it, Dad? Call 911! Okay, can you -- can you breathe? Just breathe. Keep breathing, Dad.
Tyler: And, you know, I was thinking that because our clothes make the everyday woman feel special, we find a couple of unknown faces. Maybe an urban couple out on the town.
Lily: Actually, you know what? We should use Lola.
Tyler: Yeah, and Oscar, the security guard.
Lily: [Laughs] No, I'm -- I'm being serious. She has all the qualities that you're looking for.
Tyler: Minus the most important one. She doesn't like to take pictures.
Lily: Well, she'll get used to it. I'm telling you, your girlfriend is perfect.
Tyler: Okay, she's not my girlfriend.
Lily: Really?
Tyler: Yeah, really.
Lily: Said that you guys were dating.
Tyler: Yeah, we had a couple of drinks last night.
Lily: Oh, and?
Tyler: And nothing. We both went home. Separately.
Lily: Well, I think you guys look really cute together. Maybe you should date her.
[Cell phone rings]
Lily: Ah! Hey, Cane! I'm so glad that you called.
Tyler: [Sighs]
Nick: We need to do it.
Avery: I think we just did.
Nick: I mean, we need to get married, set a date.
Avery: Okay, first of all, you have to promise me we are not doing a traditional wedding.
Nick: Been there, done that.
Avery: Good. Let's elope.
Nick: Yeah, I've been there and done that, too.
Avery: Mm. All right, let's have a big wedding with 1,000 of our closest friends.
Nick: We could rent out Lambeau Field.
Avery: And we could skydive in.
Nick: That's a plan.
Avery: [Chuckles] You know, first of all, we have to decide who's gonna break the news to Phyllis.
Nick: Right.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: How about... I know. Let's flip a coin.
Avery: Okay, no. No. I'm her sister. [Sighs] I have to be the one to tell her.
[Cell phone beeps]
Chelsea: Who knows why Chloe says what she says? I spend half the day trying to interpret her and the other half apologizing for her. So...
Adam: Is it true?
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: Are you pregnant? Is this the father? You sleep with my wife?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: I was wrong. Our relationship is incredible.
Chloe: No, it's not.
Chelsea: We both know what that night was and what it wasn't, and I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything.
Dylan: What about what I owe the baby?
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