Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/18/13
Episode # 10139 ~ The guys of Genoa City play a high-stakes game of poker.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: All right. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, guaranteed to take the edge off.
Avery: Great. I should have given some to Faith.
Nick: Come on. It couldn't have been that bad.
Avery: Okay, you know that monster she tells you is hiding under her bed? She would have rather he babysat her tonight.
Nick: [Chuckles] Look, she was probably just surprised when she woke up to find you here and not Amy.
Avery: No, I think she was genuinely unhappy to see me.
Nick: Okay. It's gonna take some getting used to -- the fact that we're getting married. All right? But it will happen for her. I promise.
Avery: Nick, I have never really gotten along with babies and little kids.
Nick: It's only because you haven't spent much time with them. Avery, you're going to be an amazing mother... and not just to Faith but to our kids, too.
[Cell phone ringing]
Avery: Excuse me. Hello?
Dylan: Ave, it's me.
Avery: What can I do for you?
Dylan: I need to talk.
Avery: It's late.
Dylan: I-I know. It's important.
Avery: Is this about what we were discussing before?
Dylan: Just meet me. Please. Crimson Lights.
Victor: Is Billy Boy around?
Victoria: No. He's, um -- he's getting some fresh air.
Victor: Ah.
Victoria: I thought you'd be spending the rest of Mom's birthday with her at the house.
Victor: Well, she's very tired these days, you know. She needs a lot of rest.
Victoria: I hope I didn't spoil her party with my announcement.
Victor: That is what I came to talk to you about.
Victoria: Yeah, maybe I should have waited to tell everybody that I was coming back to work with you at Newman.
Victor: With me and Adam.
Victoria: Of course. Yes, it's a family company, and Adam is family.
Victor: But you know he has always felt like an outsider ever since he arrived in Genoa City and, admittedly, has embraced that role.
Victoria: Wholeheartedly.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I think that he is willing to make an effort to change. I think we should respect that.
Victoria: Dad, I'm coming back to work with both of you.
Victor: Sweetheart, what I'm asking you now is are you coming back to strengthen the family ties or to sever them?
Barry: Wild Bill. What do you say? A little pot limit Omaha? Stud hi-low? Oh, maybe some good old-fashioned no-limit hold 'em?
Billy: With a shark like you? No, Sir, I don't think so.
Barry: Aw, you swam with the best of us.
Billy: That was a long time ago. I don't even go near the ocean anymore.
Barry: Well, suit yourself. What about the rest of you? Anybody interested in a friendly game?
Billy: [Clears throat] Here in the restaurant?
Barry: [Chuckles]
Billy: [Chuckles] I think the owner might have a little problem with you conducting illegal activities in the middle of his establishment.
Barry: You think so?
Billy: I do.
Barry: I'm gonna check. Yo. You mind if me and the boys do a little after-hours gambling in your joint? Be my guest. [Chuckles] No problem.
Billy: You own On the Boulevard?
Barry: Lock, stock, and poker table.
Billy: Yeah? Wow.
Barry: Does that change your mind, Billy? Just a friendly game in a legitimate establishment.
Billy: A legitimate establishment? I had dinner here earlier. It was so poorly run that I thought it must be a front for something else. You know what I mean? Sorry, no offense.
Barry: You spent your hard-earned money here, and you don't want to try to win it back?
Billy: [Sighs] Man.
Adam: You can count me in.
[Glass thuds]
Adam: You're always trying to tangle horns with me, Billy. I'll be your huckleberry.
Carmine: All right.
Barry: Boom.
Carmine: All right.
Adam: Stack 'em up, Billy?
Billy: Yeah.
Mason: Hey, can I get a drink?
Carmine: Sorry, man. We're closed. Private party.
Mason: All right, man.
Barry: Hey, Kid. You a player?
Mason: No, but I'm willing to learn.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Mason: Will you teach me how to play?
Barry: Ha! I've seen that act before. Let me guess -- you went to college on a poker scholarship?
Mason: Something like that.
Barry: [Chuckles]
Mason: I took a lot of money off rich frat boys back in school. Same game, different version -- "Take from the rich and give to me."
Barry: You boys know each other?
Adam: [Snickers]
Mason: He's my ex-boss.
Barry: Oh. Sit down here, Kid. I love it when the stakes are personal. [Chuckles]
Adam: Me, too. What about you, Billy? Want to play a little game of "Take from the rich"?
Billy: You know, I think I'd rather play a little game of "Wipe that smug smile off of your face."
Adam: But it's such a pretty smile, don't you think?
Billy: Okay, Fabio. Let's just play.
[Cards rustling]
Barry: Okay, Boys. This game is Texas hold 'em, no limit. Cut 'em up.
Carmine: Hey, Boss, hold on. Hey, Mike. [Sighs] Join the party.
Michael: That's probably not a good idea.
Billy: What's the matter, Mikey? Got nothing to worry about. Come on. It's okay. You're a private citizen now. Come on. Sit next to me.
Carmine: Yeah, you're just a regular guy, like the rest of us.
Michael: You and I have nothing in common.
Carmine: Well, you might be surprised.
Michael: I should be getting home.
Carmine: Yeah, because that's where you want to be.
Billy: You know, sometimes the best thing we can do for our families is give them a break from us.
Michael: You know, Billy, they probably agree with you.
Carmine: Come on. Sit down -- unless you're just afraid that I'm gonna take everything you got.
Michael: You think you can outsmart me?
Carmine: There are two things that I know I'm better at than you. One is playing poker.
Michael: Deal me in.
Carmine: [Chuckles]
Fenmore: Does this mean what I think it does? You -- you and Dad are working things out?
Lauren: [Gasps] Oh, Fen. I-I didn't hear you come in.
Fenmore: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Lauren: No, no. You -- you didn't. I-I was just, you know, waiting for your dad to come back.
Fenmore: Back? He was here and he left?
Lauren: Yeah, he was. He, uh --
Fenmore: He bailed. You went to all of this trouble, and Dad couldn't be bothered to stay?
Lauren: Uh, no, Sweetheart. Sweetheart, no, it was not like that at all.
Fenmore: I know how he is, Mom, especially when you don't do things exactly the way that he wants.
Lauren: Do not blame him for this, all right? We -- we both made mistakes.
Fenmore: No, but you -- you came back. You are trying to make it work with him. He walks out.
Lauren: [Sighing] It's not as simple as that. You know, relationships are hard. People change. Circumstances change. And [Sighs] You know, even when you've been with somebody a long time... sometimes you just can't get past your mistakes.
Fenmore: Mom, are -- are you saying...it's impossible to fix things between you and Dad?
Dylan: Thank you for meeting me here.
Man: You said you were ex-military and you really needed the money.
Dylan: Yes, Sir, I do.
Man: Happy to help one of our servicemen.
Dylan: This is the ring.
Man: You sure you want to do this?
Dylan: Yeah. I'm sure.
Man: Good luck to you, Son.
Nick: Who was on the phone?
Avery: Uh, just work.
Nick: Had to be important for them to call this late.
Avery: No, nothing that can't wait.
Nick: Okay. Then let's finish our talk.
Avery: Talk? Oh, wait. Were we having a talk?
Nick: I just didn't want one bad evening with Faith to scare you off.
Avery: Not at all. Listen, I know that it's gonna take everyone in your family some time to get used to us being together.
Nick: Hey, we're not just together. We're getting married.
Avery: Right -- married.
Nick: And they're gonna grow to love you as much as I do.
Avery: I would love to stay and do more of this.
Nick: Then let's do it.
Avery: Well, I, uh -- I have an early court date and have some work on this other case still that I have to...
Nick: Okay. You sure you're still not upset about what happened with Faith?
Avery: No. Nothing about my leaving has anything to do with Faith, but, you know, I do think we should maybe not talk so much about the engagement around her right now.
Nick: You're not changing your mind, right?
Avery: About marrying you? No.
Nick: No?
Avery: Never. Never.
Nick: Mm. Are you sure you have to go?
Avery: I do.
Nick: Totally sure?
Avery: I do. I'm -- [Chuckles] I'll call you.
Nick: Okay.
Victoria: What, you think that he's bringing you back to Newman so that he can put you back in charge or that you guys can work together? He just wants to prove that [Chuckling] He's better than you.
Victor: That's laughable, okay?
Victoria: He could destroy the company that you built in the process.
Victor: Sweetheart, if he had wanted to do that, he would have done that already. He could have run the damn company into the ground. Instead, he made it stronger.
Victoria: I see. In other words, he's done what none of the rest of us could do.
Victor: I didn't say that, and I don't want any competition between my children, all right?
Victoria: Adam has started this competition from the day he came to town! He arrived here jealous and resentful of Abby and Nick and me. [Chuckles] That's all there is to it.
Victor: Then you must admit that the three of you have done everything in your power to keep him on the outside. Maybe that's one of the reasons he committed these heinous crimes against our family.
Victoria: Oh, I see. So, you're blaming everyone else for all of the pain and suffering that he's caused.
Victor: I, more than anyone else, know what that boy is capable of, all right? But now it's time to forgive and to forget and to move on.
Victoria: That's incredible. He's done it. He's completely turned you against the people who love you -- who love you so much -- and want to protect you.
Victor: I don't need any of you to protect me from Adam.
Victoria: He's done it. He wants you to believe that you can trust him...
Victor: What is the matter with you?!
Victoria: ...So that he can move in for the kill!
Victor: Have you lost all faith in me? Do you think I'm gonna allow that boy to run roughshod over me? Are you kidding or what? Who the hell do you think I am?!
Barry: Fold.
Mason: Well, not this time, Gentlemen.
Adam: And I'm out.
Carmine: Raise.
Michael: I call.
Carmine: Well, if I'm gonna lose to you, it might as well be here.
Michael: As opposed to where? What are you talking about?
Carmine: I don't know. Anywhere -- the courtroom.
Barry: Carmine, stop your chirping.
Carmine: [Chuckles] Okay. All right. Sorry. Um, but don't worry, Mike. I will be taking something from you before the night's over. [Taps table]
Barry: Up to you, Wall Street.
Adam: I re-raise.
Billy: Oh. Right back at you.
Michael: That's too rich for me.
Adam: [Clears throat] [Sighs] All right. I call. I hate to do this to you, Billy. That's a lie. I don't mind doing this at all. F5, spades on the river. Made me an ace-high flush.
Billy: [Whistles softly] That is nice. But, uh, gave me a full house.
Barry: Ohh! Ohh! Looky who's the big winner here -- Wild Bill!
Billy: Yeah, Wild Bill! This is fun.
Barry: [Chuckles]
Billy: Adam, you do know that we are playing for keepsies, right?
Barry: [Chuckles]
Adam: That I do, Billy. You know what? I'm gonna fatten my stack up. Let me re-buy in for a few more.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Hey, Carmine! Chips, table 1. Table 1 needs some chips. [Claps hands]
Michael: [Chuckles]
Fenmore: [Voice breaking] Mom, I can tell you're done with Dad, the family, all of it. And it's my fault.
Lauren: Oh, Fen. No, it isn't. Don't say that.
Fenmore: Yes, it is! It's true! If I hadn't gotten into all of that trouble with Jamie, none of this would have happened. You never would have fought with Dad. You never would have moved out.
Lauren: No. Good, solid marriages do not just suddenly implode because a teenage child is acting out. Other things come into play.
Fenmore: Oh? Like what?
Lauren: [Sighs] Like your dad's obsession with his work and the fact that he cannot separate his feelings about himself from you.
Fenmore: You know, you're just saying this to try and make me feel better, and thank you. Thank you. But I-I bullied Jamie. I lied about it. No, I didn't push him off that roof, but I did hurt a lot of people.
Lauren: Look, Sweetheart, you admitted your mistakes, and I know that you're doing everything you can to do better, and I am proud of you for that.
Fenmore: How could you be proud of me?! After what I did to you and Dad, to your marriage?
Lauren: You are not the reason that Dad and I aren't together.
Fenmore: Then you guys are breaking up?
Avery: [Sighs] Dylan, you can't keep calling me.
Dylan: I-I won't. I just want to give you this.
Avery: What is this?
Dylan: It's the bail money I owe you.
Avery: You couldn't have made this bartending.
Dylan: It doesn't matter where I got it. We're square. And tomorrow I'm gonna be going before the judge, and then I'm leaving town.
Avery: What are you talking about, you're going before the judge? I'm your attorney. The hearing isn't for two weeks.
Dylan: Yeah, I took -- I took care of it.
Avery: This is because of me, because I said I couldn't marry you.
Dylan: Look, I was headed out of town when I got arrested. You know, this was just -- it was just a detour, and it's time for me to get back on the road.
Avery: Are you sure?
Dylan: Yeah. I stayed so I can pay you back and make the court date.
Avery: Right, and... to see if there was still a chance for us.
Dylan: Yeah, that, too. Some things just aren't meant to be. It's time for me to move on.
Avery: Dylan... I can't let you go.
Victor: Well, Adam is on my side, too.
Victoria: So he says.
Victor: I believe him.
Victoria: What do you want from me?
Victor: I want you to accept him as your brother.
Victoria: I'm trying.
Victor: Really?
Victoria: That's so funny. You believe him but not me.
Victor: [Sighs] You know, sometimes I wonder why I ever had the idea that we could all work together as a family. I, as the head of Newman Enterprises, with all my children working for me -- well, that's...an illusion. Your brother Nicholas is off doing whatever the hell he is doing, and Abby's now working at Jabot, and you and Adam are forcing me to choose between the two of you.
Victoria: Are you saying that you're choosing him?
Victor: Your mother told me that you and Billy plan to expand your family. Maybe that is what you should do.
Victoria: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Fenmore: Look, I'm not 5 anymore, Mom. I know what a relationship that's busting up looks like.
Lauren: Yeah, and this isn't a high-school romance, with all due respect. Your father and I share a life. We share you, and we're not gonna let it just all go away because things got difficult.
Fenmore: But we are just pretending that we're this one big happy family.
Lauren: Well, no one is pretending here. We will be happy again if we work at it.
Fenmore: [Sarcastically] Wow. Your enthusiasm is overwhelming, Mom.
Lauren: You know something? That is what tonight was all about. We were working at it, and this attitude of yours is certainly not helping.
Fenmore: Oh, I'm sorry. You think if I put on a big, fake, happy smile that it's just gonna fix everything -- undo all of this damage, make you and Dad love each other again?
Lauren: We do love each other.
Fenmore: Oh, it is a lie, Mom -- all of it. You know, maybe this mess is my fault. Maybe it isn't. But either way, this family -- it's screwed.
Lauren: No. Don't leave. Fen, do -- do not leave! Ugh!
[Door slams]
Michael: [Yawns]
Adam: Staring at your cards aren't gonna make them any better, Billy.
Billy: No matter what's here... what's here is always gonna be enough to beat you, Bud.
Adam: Mm. You've got some skills. Your mother would be so proud. And Victoria, too, is gonna be real proud of you when she hears about all the success you're having tonight. You plan on telling her, right? I mean, you're gonna have to to explain all this ATM activity -- how it's paid off.
Billy: Victoria trusts me.
Adam: And that, Billy, was my sister's very first mistake.
Barry: Ladies. When you're done trading recipes, there are cards to be played here.
Billy: [Chuckles] Raise.
Adam: Whatever. [Sighs]
Michael: Carmine! Carmine, can I get another...
[Glass thuds]
Michael: Where's that idiot?
[Knock on door]
Lauren: Carmine.
Dylan: You want -- you want me to stay?
Avery: I...don't want you to go.
Dylan: [Sighs] What are you -- what are you saying?
Avery: [Sighs]
Dylan: What?
Ave: Dylan [Sighs] When we were...
Dylan: In love?
Avery: Yes. We were friends. Do you remember? That's how we started -- those afternoons, talking and laughing. You knew me... better than anyone.
Dylan: Yeah, that's still true.
Avery: [Sighs] When we broke up, I missed our conversations more than anything.
Dylan: So did I.
Avery: Well, a friendship like that -- it's so rare, and when I lost it, there was this -- this place that I couldn't fill inside me, and... [Voice breaking] And then you came back. And you're here, and... I don't want to lose my friend again. [Sighs]
Dylan: I'll always be a phone call away.
Avery: [Sighs] [Sniffles]
Dylan: Look, I can't -- I can't -- I just can't watch you marry Nick. It would just be too -- too hard for me. I hope you understand.
Avery: [Sighs] [Sniffles] Mm. [Sighs]
Dylan: Goodbye.
Avery: Dylan. [Sighs] [Voice breaking] I'm so, so sorry for everything. [Sighs]
Dylan: Ave.
Avery: [Sighs]
Dylan: I should go.
Avery: Dylan.
Dylan: I'll let you know where I end up.
Nick: Why didn't you tell me you were meeting with Dylan? Is this about his case?
Avery: No.
Nick: You said you were leaving for work reasons.
Avery: I know. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
Nick: Well, what should I be thinking?
Lauren: You've got to stop showing up here.
Carmine: Well, I got your text.
Lauren: [Sighs] I shouldn't have sent it. I was...
Carmine: Lonely?
Lauren: [Sighs] Missing Michael, who's gonna be home anytime.
Carmine: I don't think so. Yeah, he's, uh -- he's out playing poker with the, uh -- the boys. Oh. Hmm.
Michael: Son of a bitch.
Billy: Ohh, and the brilliant Michael Baldwin loses again. Tough luck, Buddy. Tough luck.
Lauren: Michael...gambling? Doesn't seem like him.
Carmine: Hmm. The stakes are pretty high. He could lose a lot.
Lauren: You should go.
Carmine: Lauren, you want me here. You texted me.
Lauren: It was just -- it was a moment of weakness.
Carmine: You needed a friend.
Lauren: [Sighing] Carmine. We can't...
Carmine: What, be friends?
Lauren: Be anything.
Carmine: Too late.
Lauren: Michael...
Carmine: Isn't here.
Lauren: [Sighs] This is wrong.
Carmine: Does this feel wrong?
Lauren: [Sighs]
Carmine: Or this? Or this?
Lauren: No.
Carmine: Mm. Yeah.
Michael: [Yawning] Oh. Time for me to go home.
Billy: Already? You got cash in that wallet. I bet we'd take a check from you.
Michael: Ha ha. That's very funny. Well, Lauren's probably wondering where I am. [Groans] Gentlemen, thank you. Sir.
Barry: Pleasure.
Michael: Pleasure. All right. Nighty-night.
Adam: Good night, Michael.
Mason: I should get out of here, too, Guys.
Billy: Aw, come on. Fun's just getting started.
Mason: Well, this "Fun" is more than an unemployed guy can afford.
Adam: Why don't you get Billy to front you a few...thousand? He's got access to my sister's bank accounts.
Barry: Good night, Kid.
Mason: Take it easy.
Barry: Boys, I'm stuck $7,000, so let's pick up the pace and the stakes.
Adam: That is fine by me. What about you, Billy? Oh, wait -- do you have to check with your wife first?
Billy: At least I have a wife.
[Poker chips slam]
Victoria: Billy, how can I apologize if you won't return any of my calls? Would you just please come home? Dad was here, and I really, really need to talk to you. [Sighs]
Adam: I'm out.
Billy: Ah! Good for you. Good for you. Lay that down. I don't think you're a chicken at all.
Adam: You know, some people just know when to quit, Billy.
Billy: Yeah?
Adam: And they're able to do it.
Billy: That's right. You take pride in being a quitter. Good for you. I'm gonna go here... and it looks like my good buddy Barry the bluffer doesn't have enough in the tank. So, I guess this pot is mine.
Barry: Not so fast, Billy.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Barry: And I raise.
Billy: Whoa, Barry. Come on. You can't do that. You know the rules.
Barry: My place, my rules.
Billy: [Sighs]
Adam: Actually, you know what? Barry, I hate to agree with my brother-in-law here, but, uh, we're playing table stakes.
Barry: And those keys were on the table. You calling or folding, William?
Billy: Come on, Barry. What are these to, anyway -- your house, your car? I've got both. I don't want it. I can't do this.
Barry: You got a restaurant?
Billy: [Laughs] You're putting in On the Boulevard?
Barry: Play or fold, Billy. What's it gonna be?
Billy: [Sighs] Well...
Lauren: Mm. No. My God. No. We can't do this here.
Carmine: [Sighs] Okay. Then meet me -- meet me later at my place, the club, anywhere.
Lauren: Carmine. [Sighs]
[Keys jingle]
[Keys clatter]
Lauren: Do you see this? I don't want to lose it.
Carmine: Are you sure you haven't already?
Lauren: No. No. I promised my son tonight I would do everything I could to save my family.
Carmine: That sounds like a lot of work.
Lauren: It's worth it.
Carmine: Really? Seems like it should be easier, loving someone.
Lauren: It's easier to give up.
Carmine: I don't know. Sometimes I think it's harder to let go than it is to hold on.
Lauren: We were happy. I want them to be happy again.
Carmine: But what about you?
Lauren: You should go.
Carmine: Okay. Well, if you need anything... you know where I'm at.
Lauren: [Sighing]
Billy: [Chuckles] You're willing to risk your restaurant in one pot?
Barry: Play big, win big.
Billy: Barry Boy, you must have one monster hand.
Barry: I ain't worried.
Adam: There's a lot on the line here, Billy. You stand to lose a lot. To quote someone from earlier tonight, "You know we're playing for keepsies, right?"
Billy: [Inhales deeply] You know, I might forget to occasionally pick up the dry cleaning. I might forget to take out the trash. I might forget what a righteous jerk you can be, Adam. But I remember every hand of poker I've ever played, and I remember all the tells of all the players that I've ever sat with. Now, I probably shouldn't do this, but, uh... we were playing 20-40 stud five years ago, Barry. You three-bet me on Sixth Street. I folded two pair. You showed me the bluff just to needle me. Do you remember what you said to get me to fold?
Barry: Ooh, that's some kind of history lesson, Billy. Are you calling or what?
Billy: You said... [Imitating Barry] "I ain't worried." [Normal voice] I call. King-high straight.
Adam: Oh.
Billy: What do you got, Barry? Am I a restaurateur or what?
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Dylan remembering]
Dylan: [Panting] Sullivan. Talk to me. Sullivan! [Grunts] It's okay. [Grunts] Hey, it's gonna be okay. We got this. [Grunts] Come on. [Grunting] Come on. I told you -- I told you to keep your head down. Come on, Sullivan. Hey. Hey, come on. [Swallows, breathing heavily] I need you to open your eyes. Sullivan. Wake up! Come on, man. You got to help me! You got to help me! I need you to stay with me!
[Back to present]
Dylan: No. No, please. Not now. [Breathing heavily] Avery. Just think... think of Avery. Think of Avery. Avery.
[Door slams]
Nick: You lied to me.
Avery: I didn't want to upset you.
Nick: You lied.
Avery: Yes! I lied.
Nick: Look, I've been down this path with your sister. I was really hoping things would be different with you.
Avery: Nick, I --
Nick: She didn't trust me. She didn't trust us. I was really hoping things would be different with you, but maybe lying runs in your family.
Avery: [Shakily] No, it doesn't. It... Nick, I just needed to see what Dylan wanted. [Sighs] You're right. I-I-I-I was wrong. I-I should have told you that he was on the phone and that I was going to meet him.
Nick: So, why didn't you? Did you need to see if you were over him?
Avery: No. No. I was worried that he wasn't over me.
Nick: But you told him... that we're getting married, that there's no chance for you two to get back together?
Avery: No chance. No. I made it perfectly clear.
Nick: Why'd you feel you needed to? What'd Dylan say?
Avery: He just wanted to pay me back the bail money and tell me that he's leaving town -- for good this time.
Nick: But when you went to see him, you thought he was gonna say something else, right? Look, I... I can't do this, all right? I'm not gonna do this with you. I need you to be honest with me. What'd you think Dylan was gonna say?
Billy: So, how about it, Barry? Can you beat my straight?
Barry: Two pair.
Billy: Ooh. Yes. [Chuckling] Yes, I guess you're right. Wild Bill is back. Thank you very much. [Claps hands]
Barry: Congratulations, Kid. You still got it.
Billy: Thank you. Thank you. You sure you don't want to stick around, try to win your restaurant back?
Barry: And lose another one? No, thank you. You come by tomorrow, we'll draw up the papers. Good night, Gents.
Adam: Good night, Barry.
Billy: Tough loss, man. Better luck next time, Adam.
Adam: It's poker, Billy. Contrary to popular belief, I don't always win.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Adam: But maybe I should wish you some luck. You're just gonna have to go home to my sister, explain how you went out for a beer and you came home with a restaurant.
Billy: [Sighs]
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone beeps]
Michael: Hey.
Lauren: Michael, finally. Where are you?
Michael: Crimson Lights.
Lauren: I-I thought you were...
Michael: Thought I was what?
Lauren: Never mind. Never mind. [Inhales deeply, sighs] I've been calling you.
Michael: Yeah, I know. I haven't really felt like talking with anyone.
Lauren: We can't work things out if you're not home. Please come home.
Michael: I need some time to work out a few things on my own.
Lauren: How much time?
Michael: I'll call you tomorrow. Hey, tell Fenmore good night for me.
Lauren: M-Michael!
[Cell phone beeps]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
[Door opens, closes]
Carmine: Hey, Buddy. You look like you could use a friend.
[Keys jingle]
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Oh, hey.
Victoria: Where have you -- where have you been?
Billy: I am sorry, Honey. I didn't -- I didn't see you there.
Victoria: Yeah, I was waiting up for you. I guess I fell asleep. [Sighs] What time is it?
Billy: It's late. Let's go to bed. Come on. [Pats pillows]
Victoria: Is everything okay... between us?
Billy: Yeah, Baby. Yeah. Everything is fine. It's fine.
Victoria: Are you sure?
Billy: Yeah. It's all good. It's all good. [Smooches]
[Pounding on door]
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Pounding continues]
Dylan: All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.
[Pounding stops]
Nick: What's it gonna take, Dylan, for you to realize that it's over for you and that you need to stay the hell out of our lives?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: You buy a restaurant without even discussing it with me first?!
Chloe: You guys have a lot to talk about.
Dylan: Why -- why would she think that we have a lot to talk about?
Adam: What's going on?
Sharon: Chelsea's pregnant.
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