Y&R Transcript Monday 4/15/13
Episode # 10136 ~ Dylan and Avery discuss difficult memories; Lily gets carried away with Tyler.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
[Door opens]
Noah: Hey, Dad.
[Door closes]
Nick: Noah?
Noah: You know, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I'm...
Nick: You look terrible. You been drinking?
Noah: Drank. Slept it off. All better now. [Chuckles] I don't want to talk about it.
Nick: Okay. Well, do you have time for me to tell you some news?
Noah: Is it bad news? Can it wait for tomorrow or... after coffee?
Nick: It's pretty much, like, the best news ever.
Noah: I get a do-over for every mistake I made in the last six months. No. Never mind. All right, best news ever. Hit me with it.
Noah: Avery and I are engaged.
Noah: Wow.
Nick: "Wow"? Like, "Wow" good "Wow" or what?
Noah: Uh, Avery's great. Yeah.
Nick: Son, you don't seem super fired-up about this.
Noah: Obviously you love Avery. It's great.
Nick: What, you think it's too soon?
Noah: I'm just wondering... you know what? I'm -- I'm in a bad mood, and that does nothing to take away from the outstandingness that is your news. Congratulations.
Nick: Noah, hold on. Hold on. What's going on? What are you thinking?
Noah: How much of this has to do with Dylan being back in town?
Dylan: Do you think about the baby we lost?
Avery: I try not to.
Dylan: Sorry.
Avery: Dylan --
Dylan: No, it makes sense. Why would you want to go there?
Avery: No, I used to all the time. When I thought you were dead, I wanted so much to have a part of you still. I would have given anything... anything to look into our baby's eyes and see his daddy staring back at me.
Dylan: And later?
Avery: Later I realized what I should have known all along. It just -- it wasn't meant to be.
Dylan: No, that's not true. Remember how excited we got? I mean, w-when we found out, we were making plans --
Avery: What happened to our baby... it was punishment for what we did.
Neil: Find those keys.
Leslie: I don't --
Neil: You know what? I will let us in.
Leslie: Why?
Neil: Why? Because you, young lady, you are dead on your feet.
Leslie: [Sighs] Just a little power nap.
Neil: Holy smokes.
Leslie: What?
Neil: I thought I was exaggerating, but you're actually physically sleeping standing up. I love that.
Leslie: Just a little nap.
Neil: Yeah. Mm. After the day you've had and the mess with Tyler... give me a kiss. Come on.
Leslie: Mm.
Leslie: Dad? What are you doing?
Gus: Oh, well, since brunch didn't go as planned, this is a do-over. I made spaghetti, your favorite. My personal recipe. What's up, Neil?
Neil: Hey. H-how you doing, Gus?
Lily: Look, you can stop hurting now. Your mom would want you to. And you deserve to have good things in your life, because you are such a good person.
Chloe: It's been forever since you just took a night off.
Chelsea: What happened to no lectures on girls' night?
Chloe: I lied. Lecture number one. You work too hard. It's time to have some fun.
Chelsea: Well, question. Since the small person I'm growing isn't into alcoholic fun, why are we in a bar?
Chloe: To meet some guys.
Chelsea: [Scoffs]
Chloe: Who knows? Your fake baby daddy may be in this room.
Chelsea: And for the umpteenth time, that plan is ridiculous.
Chloe: Oh, really? Have you come up with a better idea? Because that baby is going to be a very noticeable bump in, like, a minute and a half.
Chelsea: Loose, billowy graphics are on trend for summer.
Chloe: Billowy graphics don't hide the second trimester. You need to recruit a fake baby daddy, or Adam is gonna find out.
Chelsea: Don't even say something like that.
Chloe: Okay, look, he's gonna be all over you for a custody battle. Is that what you want?
Chelsea: No, but I also don't want to saddle some unsuspecting guy with a kid that's not his. Okay, Chloe? It just wouldn't be fair.
Chloe: Is it fair for you to spend the rest of your life alone?
Chelsea: I'll live.
Chloe: Yeah. You'll exist. But you're a beautiful, smart, very soon to be successful designer.
Chelsea: Who is doing just fine on her own.
Chloe: And wouldn't it be nice if you had an attentive, hot guy around?
Chelsea: No, thank you.
Chloe: Well, we're not going anywhere until you start talking to someone.
Chelsea: [Scoffs]
Chloe: Hmm. Starting with that one right there.
Avery: Thank you.
Dylan: You know all we did was fall in love.
Avery: While I was married. Our affair hurt a good man.
Dylan: So God took our baby as payback? He doesn't work like that.
Avery: Then why did I lose everyone I loved? Why was I left all alone?
Dylan: I hate that you went through that. There was definitely consequences to our actions. But you weren't being punished for our affair.
Avery: Then why?
Dylan: Bad things blindside good people all the time. And you are one of the best people... that I know. And you more than anybody, Avery, you deserve to be happy.
Avery: [Sighs] I am happy... with Nick.
Nick: What Dylan and Avery had ended a long time ago.
Noah: If you say so.
Nick: Look, if I had any doubts about that at all, I never would have asked her to marry me. And she certainly would not have said yes.
Noah: The timing just seems a little sketchy, is all.
Nick: In what way?
Noah: I mean, the guy comes back into town, and, boom, you pop the question.
Nick: Look, I was planning on proposing to Avery before Dylan came back to town. In fact, I was in the middle of leading up to my proposal before we got the call about Dylan's arrest.
Noah: So Dylan has nothing to do with this.
Nick: I'm not saying that.
Noah: You're admitting that you're jealous?
Nick: I'm admitting that I'm lucky. What Dylan went through as a soldier... he lost two years of his life. And he comes home to find out that nothing's the same. It's tough.
Noah: Life sure can change in an instant.
Nick: And what happened at my mom and dad's wedding -- it only reinforces that feeling. I don't want to wait one more day before starting my life with Avery now and forever.
Noah: I really am happy for you, Dad. And I hope that your future is everything you want it to be.
Kay: I really appreciate the suggestion. Uh, I really wasn't ready to go home yet.
Cane: Well, I appreciate you keeping me company until Lily is done with work. Thank you.
Kay: Well, you, uh, know that I needed time to decompress. And I appreciate that.
Cane: Glad to do it.
Kay: You know, it's bad enough having a brain tumor, but, my God, facing that biopsy...
Cane: You know there is a good chance the tumor could be benign.
Kay: Brain surgery is very, very intimidating.
Cane: Yeah. I, uh...I checked out the neurosurgeon.
Kay: And found?
Cane: He's one of the best. He does the procedure all the time.
Kay: Well, what's to worry?
Cane: Exactly. What good would it do?
Kay: [Chuckles] Absolutely. Precisely. Ah!
Cane: Katherine --
Kay: No. You said it yourself. Uh... my husband, my family, my friends -- they're better off served telling -- telling them nothing.
Cane: That's not what I meant, and you know it.
Kay: You let me make myself clear right now, young man. I respect the fact that you don't keep secrets from Lily. But aside from your wife, you're to tell no one. I mean it. This is between us.
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: [Gasps] Oh, my God.
Tyler: Lily.
Lily: No, I have to go.
Tyler: Okay, w-wait a minute. Let me explain.
Lily: Don't. It's fine. Okay, you're -- you're drunk and upset, and I'm here, and it just happened.
Tyler: No, no. Wait, wait. Things like that don't just happen.
Lily: Tyler, its fine. I understand.
Tyler: You're making it sound like I was looking to be with just any woman, like you could have been anyone.
Lily: Yeah. You know what? That's probably true.
Tyler: No, it had to be you.
Cane: You know I wish that you would reconsider.
Kay: To what end?
Cane: Jill and Murphy would want to help you.
Kay: [Chuckles] [Sighs] The last thing that I would want is them helping. I mean, Murphy would just do nothing but coddle. Jill would launch into histrionics, and I'd wind up comforting her.
Cane: I don't think that you are giving them enough credit.
Kay: Cane, I know my family. Once I utter that word "Tumor," they will all become self-conscious. They'll be weighing every word. And then they will hover and -- uh, and be fretful, just terrorized with dread. And then the questions. "Is she dying? If so, how soon?" Come on. Who needs that?
Cane: You need them.
Kay: What? Tears and pity? I think not. No.
Cane: Okay. All right, let's get some menus, and we can --
Kay: Yeah, see, you're doing that very, very thing. You're not saying what you think just to "Protect" me. Come on. Spit it out.
Cane: You know what I think? I think that you are a strong woman, and I don't think that telling them what you're going through makes you weak, nor do I think it burdens them. It gives them a chance to face it with you so you just won't be alone.
Kay: I have you. Who else do I need?
Cane: You know, if I got the diagnosis you did, I would not hesitate to tell Lily or Jill or you. How would you feel if I hid that from you?
Kay: I wouldn't like it.
Cane: Damn straight you wouldn't like it. You know, when Lily had cancer... when Lily had cancer... sometimes the only things that got me through that were you -- all of you caring and praying... and just being there.
Kay: Well, this part will be over...soon.
Cane: Your family's more than window dressing, Katherine. They're more than people who just turn up for weddings and for the holidays and for birthdays.
Kay: Oh. And funerals.
Cane: Because what matters the most is not the events, but the moments in between, and sharing them with your family. That's what matters.
Tyler: I've always felt this connection since we first met, and...I don't know. Maybe it's because you have this, like, incredible secret power.
Lily: Power?
Tyler: You put people at ease... make them feel like they can tell you anything.
Lily: Wait, wait. Are you saying this is my fault because I listened to you?
Tyler: I'm saying that people can trust you. I mean, I trust you. And that never happens with me. Never. But when I sit down and I talk to you, I don't know -- things that I didn't even know that I was thinking and feeling -- they just come pouring out.
Lily: Yeah, I'm glad I was here, because obviously you needed a friend.
Tyler: Past tense, huh?
Lily: Tyler, I don't -- I don't know. I just --
Tyler: You know what? You are my friend. And saying it like that out loud, it doesn't even sound like a big enough word to describe someone that I value so much... and I respect and that I would miss if...
Lily: Okay. Thank you. Thank you for explaining.
Tyler: Okay, you know what? I'm not saying this right.
Lily: No, it's fine.
Tyler: With everything that I've been going through with my dad, if you hadn't been there for me, I wouldn't have been able to get through it. So when I say that it had to be you, that's what I mean. Lily, you're the only person that I can trust. And you have been a true friend to me. I'm just -- I'm sorry I haven't been there for you.
Leslie: Now, Dad, just because you're living here, I don't want you to think you have to go through all this trouble.
Gus: Nothing to it.
Leslie: No, really. We could have ordered in or gone somewhere. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of restaurants you want to try.
Gus: This is what families do.
Neil: Wow.
Gus: They sit down and eat dinner together. Boom! And you know what? I made so much that there's gonna be plenty left. So if Tyler decides to come by...
Leslie: I don't want you to get your hopes up about that.
Gus: You know how many lawyers have said that to me?
Neil: 12 years' worth?
Gus: Thank God for Avery Clark and the Innocence Foundation. I got a second chance. And I'm not gonna waste it. I am gonna seize the moment. I am gonna be the best daddy that my kids deserve. Eat!
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Avery: I spent two years thinking I'd never be happy again. I mean, how could I be when the person who always knew exactly how to make me laugh was gone?
Dylan: And then you met Nick.
Avery: Well, I mean, it didn't exactly happen like that. There were a few wrong turns and false starts in there. But, yes, I met Nick. And suddenly I found myself smiling again.
Dylan: That's good. But you must be the one doing all the work, because I've seen Nick smile twice, and both times I was actually headed out the door.
Avery: [Chuckles] Well, you know, his favorite thing in the world these days is watching you leave, so...
Dylan: Yeah, sure.
Avery: [Sighs] I feel like he and I are a good team. I feel like we complement each other. And -- and when we got together, there was no expectations.
Dylan: Why not?
Avery: Well, he was just coming out of a relationship himself.
Dylan: With your sister. I bet that went smoothly.
Avery: You know, in a weird way, I think Phyllis helped us. We knew we couldn't get serious right away, and so we kept everything light and fun and -- and we didn't need to label, you know, what we were, what we were doing, and we didn't have to reveal our deepest, darkest secrets.
Dylan: What about now? Have you told Nick all your secrets? No? What is it you haven't told him?
Chloe: I just got a really good view of blue eyes on the way back from the bathroom.
Chelsea: You were staring at him? Please don't embarrass me. Or yourself, but mostly me.
Chloe: You know, this lighting really does not do him justice.
Chelsea: Did he see you?
Chloe: He is drop-dead gorgeous. I mean, he puts the "Rugged" in "Ruggedly handsome." And the "Handsome" in it, too. You should go and talk to him.
Chelsea: Mnh-mnh. No, no. He's -- he's with somebody.
Chloe: He's with Avery, who's with Nick Newman, which means that he's totally available. So go talk, flirt, and have sex.
Chelsea: [Scoffs] I came out to have a fun girls' night with you, not to -- not to pick up some random guy.
Chloe: I don't mind playing wing-woman. Especially if it means my friend having another steamy one-night stand.
Chelsea: That's okay. That's okay. One was enough to last me.
Chloe: Really? It was that good? You're really satisfied for a whole year? Two years?
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Chloe: Five years? It was that good? You had a five-year boff?
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Chloe: Plus, you still haven't filled me in on the details.
Chelsea: There's really nothing to say.
Chloe: Aside from his name.
Chelsea: It's nobody you know.
Chloe: Okay, lecture number two. An essential part of girls' night out is girl talk. Start talking.
Dylan: Why haven't you told Nick about the baby?
Avery: It's not something that I get into with people.
Dylan: He's your fiancé. Nick lost a child.
Avery: How do you know about Cassie?
Dylan: Sharon told me. Nick would understand.
Avery: It's not the same. You know, Nick spent years loving Cassie, raising her. I never got to meet our child.
Dylan: It doesn't make our loss less painful or less valid. In the time -- in the time that you were pregnant, we had lived a lifetime with our kid.
Avery: I know. Practically mapped out every second.
Dylan: First step, first word would be "Dad."
Avery: "Mom." [Laughs] And kindergarten. Soccer. [Chuckles]
Dylan: And then prom and college.
Avery: Yeah. [Sniffles] And then everything fell apart when I had the miscarriage.
Dylan: Are you afraid that could happen again?
Avery: More than anything.
Nick: Looking better.
Noah: Smoke and mirrors. It's an illusion.
Nick: Probably gonna take more than a shower to get you actually feeling better.
Noah: You want to ask me about it?
Nick: Son, you're obviously going through something. I'd like to help. But you're a grown man now. You can keep some things private if that's what you want to do.
Noah: I'll spare you the details. You were right. Everybody was. Except for this guy. Got played like a fool again.
Nick: Adriana?
Noah: Yeah, you know, she hit it and quit it.
Nick: It happens.
Noah: To you?
Nick: Couple times. Hurts like hell, doesn't it?
Noah: Mm.
Nick: Would you like the benefit of my 20/20 hindsight?
Noah: Sure.
Nick: I honestly believe that I'm a better person because of all the women that didn't turn out to be "The one." And you will, too.
Noah: I will sure as hell be smarter for it. Won't let anybody hurt me like that again.
Nick: Ah. Closing yourself off. One way to deal with it. I've tried it.
Noah: Didn't work?
Nick: Yeah, it works. You know, it protects your heart... and your wallet.
Noah: [Chuckles]
Nick: But honestly it's... it's no way to live your life, Son. You got to find the right woman. Give everything you got to her. Open yourself up. It's the only way to do it. I mean, it's the only way to do anything in life. It's like... it's like pick-up basketball.
Noah: Okay, you lost me there.
Nick: Just follow me. I'm onto something here. So when you're with all your buddies and you're shooting hoops, when's it the most fun, when you guys are sleep-walking through it or when everyone's busting tail, diving on the ground, playing defense?
Noah: Obviously it's better when everybody's trying.
Nick: Of course. Now, it makes the losing sting a little more, you know. But, man, when you give that all-out effort, makes the winning so good.
Noah: So, if you think of love like basketball, is that why the full-court press on Avery? Afraid of losing her?
Gus: You wash, I'll dry?
Leslie: Oh, no, Dad. You cooked. I can handle the dishes.
Gus: Yeah, but it'll go easier with the two of us.
Leslie: Yeah. [Chuckles] Why don't you go for a walk? Just go out, get some fresh air, get out of the house.
Gus: Now, look, you worked a full day today. I'll clean the kitchen. You go relax.
Leslie: It's okay. I actually like cleaning.
Gus: And I like helping you.
Leslie: But, D--
[Glass shatters]
Gus: [Sighs]
Leslie: Please! Please! Just leave it.
Gus: Okay. I guess I should go take that walk after all.
Leslie: Dad, I'm --
Gus: No, we could probably both use some space right now.
Leslie: You must think I am a horrible person.
Neil: Leslie, I think you're a strong person who took care of herself and her brother pretty much all on her own after her family fell apart.
Leslie: I didn't have a choice.
Neil: Well, now you do. [Smooches] He'll be just fine.
Tyler: I don't want things to be weird between us.
Lily: Neither do I, but...
Tyler: We can keep working together? And we can just pretend that tonight never happened.
Lily: This can never happen again, ever.
Tyler: It won't. So, friends?
Lily: Yeah, we're -- we're friends. Look, I'll see you tomorrow, okay.
Tyler: Yeah. Tomorrow.
[Door closes]
Kay: You've made several excellent points.
Cane: So will you consider telling your family?
Kay: I will think about it.
Cane: You know, if it will make it easier for you, I will be there when you tell them.
Kay: I'm sure you will. And I am grateful for that.
Cane: I know you're scared. But you know what? We can do this, okay?
Kay: See, that's the conundrum. It's actually not about "We." It's about me. See, I have the tumor. I'm the one who's going to have to deal with all of the -- the tears and the hand-wringing and the questions and the God-awful pity.
Cane: Not if you let them know how you want to be treated.
Kay: Stop. It's my life. It's my body. It's my decision. You don't have a vote.
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Sorry it took me so long to get here. Thank you for waiting.
Cane: You're worth waiting for. You know that.
Lily: So, what happened with Katherine?
Cane: She doesn't want to tell her family about it.
Lily: Oh. Okay.
Cane: But you know what I told her? I told her I don't keep secrets from you anymore and that we tell each other everything.
Tyler: If -- if you're looking for Lily, she, um... she left a while ago.
Neil: No, I'm not looking for Lily. Uh, it's kind of late. Why haven't you gone home yet?
Tyler: Ah, you know, work. Deadlines. The usual.
Neil: Well, well. Shame on your boss. He's a hard taskmaster.
Tyler: [Chuckles] He's all right. But I'm betting that you're not here as my boss. Did my sister send you to check up on me?
Neil: Okay, well... this isn't any easier on her, Tyler... letting your father back into her life.
Tyler: She didn't have any problem inviting him into our house.
Neil: The man did just get out of jail, didn't he? I mean, he's low on cash. Where do you think he should stay?
Tyler: I'm not trying to think about him at all.
Neil: Tyler, I know you've got conflicting issues when it comes to your father, but Gus is making an honest effort to earn your respect and affection.
Tyler: You know what, Neil? No offense, but I really don't need to hear you plead Gus' case.
Neil: Life's short. You only have one dad. My concern is really more your sister. How you feeling about her?
Tyler: [Sighs] You know what? As long as she's being all welcoming with him, I don't --
Neil: Tyler, don't shut her out. She needs you. You know she's not gonna reach out and ask you for help, so I am. I'm asking you. I'm reaching out for her. I think you two need each other now more than ever.
Gus: Whew! You were right about that walk. What are you doing going through my things?!
Leslie: No, no, no, no, no, dad. I-I -- really, I just wanted to know what this box was in my kitchen. I wasn't prying.
Gus: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that.
Leslie: It's okay.
Gus: [Sighs] These are what you call personal effects. Seems like I can fit my whole life inside of this box.
Leslie: What's in it?
Gus: Odds and ends. Some letters. Couple books. Things that are personal to me.
Chloe: Well, I give up. Since you're totally shutting me out on the identity of your one-night stand, I think we should just go home. [Sighs] I bet he is one bobcat in the sack.
Chelsea: What?
Chloe: Blue eyes. Can you imagine what it's like to be in bed with a guy that hot? You're totally imagining it right now, aren't you?
Chelsea: No!
Chloe: Chelsea, you're practically blushing.
Chelsea: I'm not blushing. Its hormones.
Chloe: No, you are totally picturing blue eyes wearing nothing but a smile and a fine sheen of sweat.
Chelsea: Okay. [Laughs] That's just -- that's just uncalled for. I thought we were having a G-rated girls' night.
Chloe: Okay, well, then you shouldn't have invited me out. Come on. Go ahead. Turn your fantasy into reality. Just go over and introduce yourself. What's stopping you?
Avery: I wouldn't survive another miscarriage. And the thought of trying again and failing...
Dylan: Quit blaming yourself. Avery, you are not a failure.
Avery: Really? [Chuckles] Have you seen my track record? My first marriage came to a bitter end. You and I... we were already on shaky ground. And then ultimately we couldn't survive the loss of our baby.
Dylan: That's -- that's... that's a tough situation for anybody.
Avery: Dylan, when I love someone, it never lasts. Not once in my entire life -- my parents, my sister... and my husband... you. That's what scares me.
Dylan: It's not just up to you. Both people have to be committed to work at it every day. And I wasn't then. After you lost the baby, I just -- I just disappeared.
Avery: Even when you were still there. [Sobs]
Dylan: I know, but if we could have -- if we just could have grieved together, we could have moved past it together. And maybe we could be planning our wedding.
Cane: So then Katherine got angry because she's scared about the biopsy.
Lily: Yeah. We know how that goes.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: You okay?
Cane: I'm okay. I'm -- I'm just -- I'm scared for her. You know, I mean, I spend so much time with her. She's so -- she's so sharp, and she's, you know, smart.
Lily: Yeah, she's one of the smartest people I know.
Cane: I just don't want to see her change.
Lily: Well, the tumor could be benign, right?
Cane: Yeah. Could be.
Lily: Well, let's get you some food, so...
Cane: Hey, um, I know it was my idea to come here for dinner, but can we -- can we skip it?
Lily: Yeah, we can -- we can do whatever you want. That's fine.
Cane: You sure?
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: 'Cause you know what I want to do? I just want to go home and just crawl in bed with you. That's all I want to do.
Lily: [Chuckles] Well, I would love nothing more than to hold you all night.
Cane: Okay. So, did you, um... did you get everything done at the office you had to take care of?
Lily: I think so.
Cane: Come on.
Tyler: So, where is he?
Leslie: In his room with the door closed.
Tyler: My, isn't he social?
Leslie: Okay, now. Did you come over here so you can go in on Dad again?
Tyler: I came here because I don't like the way we left things.
Leslie: I didn't like that you left at all.
Tyler: Yeah, well, I couldn't handle that joy and harmony that you and Dad were tossing around.
Leslie: So that's how you deal with things, just walk away?
Tyler: [Sighs]
Leslie: This is our chance to get to know our dad. I mean, we actually have a real parent. Don't you want that?
Tyler: I don't know how to do relationships. And not with him.
Leslie: Just him?
Tyler: Okay, maybe not with anybody.
Leslie: I'm not sure I do, either.
Tyler: [Sighs] So, do we stay, or do we go?
Leslie: I'm not running scared this time. I'm going to try to make things work.
Tyler: Yeah, well, with or without me?
Leslie: Well, I'd like for you to consider trying, too. I mean, who knows? Gus may actually surprise us this time.
Tyler: [Scoffs] You know what? There's very little that wouldn't surprise me about our father.
Chloe: That gorgeous guy could be the future fake father of your very real child if you would just give it a shot.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Enough. Will you please drop this? Enough about Dylan.
Chloe: Dylan?
Chelsea: Oh. Well, I think maybe I met him one time -- one time somewhere randomly, maybe.
Chloe: You know him. Oh...my God. Here I am, giving you a hard sell on what it would be like to go to bed with him, and you don't even have to try to imagine. You already know.
Chelsea: No, I do not know. I don't know.
Chloe: He's the mystery one-night stand, isn't he?
Nick: I'm not afraid of losing.
Noah: I just think that it's a little weird that you talk about love like it's a sport. I mean, maybe you think of it like competition.
Nick: You misunderstood me.
Noah: Yeah? How long you been carrying around that basketball analogy?
Nick: Top of my head. I swear it. I mean, there might be some parts I need to fine-tune. Look...
Noah: [Chuckles] That's good.
Nick: Avery and I getting engaged is exactly what I'm talking about. It's so much more rewarding that we're just going through with it. There's no games. There's no dancing around. We're just making it happen. I love her. She loves me. Let's just spend our lives together.
Noah: Okay. She's the right one?
Nick: Yeah. I'm sure of it.
Avery: We could have made it. [Sniffles] We could have been married. But all these "Could haves", you know, it doesn't -- it doesn't change the fact that I've moved on and I --
Dylan: I know. I know you're trying to move on.
Avery: No, I have. I love Nick.
Dylan: You still love me. You always will. Just like I will always... always love you.
Avery: [Sighs]
Dylan: Just marry me.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Alex: I, uh, want to ask you a few questions about a recent burglary.
Sharon: You were hoping Chelsea would be here, weren't you?
Victoria: We will let Adam and Dad duke it out.
Billy: By the time they serve the appetizer, you're gonna want to pummel him, maybe with the appetizer.
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