Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/11/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/11/13


Episode # 10134 ~ As Adam and Victor connect, Victoria seethes; Christine shares advice that hits close to home for Michael.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: Morning.

Michael: Morning. You're up and at it early. I didn't even hear you get out of bed.

Lauren: Yeah. I didn't want to wake you. Here's your coffee.

Michael: Thanks.

Lauren: How'd you sleep?

Michael: Not as well as you. Your head barely hit the pillow, and you were out cold.

Lauren: Yeah. Um...I'm sorry about that.

Michael: I'm not worried about our not making love. It's the distance between us. You keep saying you want to fix it.

Lauren: I do.

Michael: Well, then, come to counseling with me. I've got the names of a couple of very good therapists.

Lauren: You know, I think I have a better idea. Let's go away... just the two of us, someplace... quiet and romantic.

Michael: You can barely stand being in our own bed with me... and you want us to go away together? Why?

Carmine: Enjoy.

Paul: Oh, thanks.

Christine: Thanks so much.

Paul: All right, Ms. District Attorney.

Christine: Yeah, how about to getting this one hour off to enjoy this celebration?

Paul: Wow. One hour, huh?

Christine: This is the first break I've had since I took over as D.A.

Paul: Mm, yeah, I've noticed that.

Christine: Oh, it's not like you haven't been busy, Mr. Chief of Police.

Paul: All right. Here's to making time to be together.

Christine: Even if it's just an hour.

Paul: A lot can happen in 60 minutes.

Christine: [Chuckles] You know, I was hoping that Michael and Lauren would join us. I left Michael a message, but I never heard back.

Paul: Well, that makes one of us. Who knows? You know, maybe, um, he and Lauren want to spend some time alone together, like we should. And, you know, she's moved back home now.

Christine: I know, and he was worried that that might never... happen.

Paul: Hi. Do you need something?

Carmine: Uh, yeah, I was wondering if you guys wanted to order anything for breakfast.

Paul: Oh, no. I think we're okay. Yeah?

Christine: Thanks, no.

Paul: Thanks.

Carmine: Okay.

Christine: Oh, God.

Paul: What now?

Christine: Well, it looks like we might come up short of an hour.

Paul: Okay, well, then, you can owe it to me. [Chuckles]

Christine: Bring your handcuffs.

Paul: Oh, you know, the red tape in requisitioning handcuffs is not easy.

Christine: Okay, just forget about it, please?

Paul: No, it's all right.

Christine: You know what? This officer of the court finds you’re playing by the rules sexy enough as it is. I will see you later.

Paul: All right. Text me.

Christine: Okay.

Paul: Well. [Sighs]

Alex: [Coughs]

Noah: Chavez.

Alex: Noah. What are you doing here?

Noah: Hey, uh, I need to talk to you.

Alex: What happened?

Noah: Have you spoken to Adriana lately?

Alex: No. Something wrong?

Noah: I-I think she's in trouble.

Alex: [Chuckles] What else is new?

Noah: No, I think she might need our help.

Gus: That was the best meal I've had in 12 years.

Leslie: Well, you know, it's not too late to order the bacon sundae.

Gus: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought the waiter was fooling about that.

Neil: Mm, no, no, no, no. Bacon's all the rage these days, right? They make, uh, bacon perfume, even.

Gus: Bacon perfume?

Neil: Yeah. Not where I work, not at Jabot, but they do. Somewhere out there, they're making bacon perfume.

Leslie: Bacon even has its own FacePlace page.

Gus: FacePlace?

Neil: Yeah, social media. It's...

Leslie: I'll show you. I'll show you later.

Gus: You know, I got a lot to catch up on. [Chuckles]

Leslie: You've got time. You've got time.

Gus: You know, mostly, I want to catch up on you... and your brother.

Leslie: Yeah, well, I did invite Tyler to join us this morning.

Gus: Hmm. He's got a lot to work through.

Leslie: He'll come around.

Gus: Maybe. Maybe not. Meantime, tell me all about you. Anything interesting?

Leslie: Oh, goodness. I-I don't even really know where to start.

Gus: What made you want to become a lawyer?

Leslie: Oh, that -- that's not an interesting story at all.

Gus: I'm interested. I mean, my little girl grows up to be a big-time lawyer. Why did you want to do that?

Neil: Yeah, Leslie, why did you? I don't know the story, either. Do you want to tell me?

Leslie: Yeah, well, it's -- it's nothing, you guys. It's really not even a story. How about that bacon sundae? It's not too late. You gonna order it?

Gus: What is it you don't want to say, Baby?

Leslie: [Sighs]

Neil: Leslie. It's okay. You don't have to say anything at all if you don't want to.

Leslie: You know, I'm -- I'm making too big a deal of this, but I actually decided I wanted to become a lawyer about 12 years ago.

Gus: Oh. At my trial.

Leslie: Yeah. See why I didn't want to say anything? I found my life's calling when my dad was sent to prison. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about it now, but I thought it was a noble calling.

Gus: Putting away the bad guys?

Leslie: Yeah.

Gus: Well, I guess some good things came out of that damn mess.

Leslie: [Chuckles]

Victoria: Are you sure you're up for this?

Billy: Honey, you're the one who has to get the shots.

Victoria: Yes, but you're the one that's got to give them to me.

Billy: You don't think I can handle a needle? Is that it? Really?

Victoria: Do you remember the time that you told Dee Dee that if she ripped the band-aid off faster, it wouldn't hurt as much?

Billy: She didn't cry...much. Look, you afraid I'm gonna be a lousy nurse? Is that your problem?

Victoria: I'm just afraid that I'm gonna be a lousy patient. And you heard Dr. Norris. The drugs and the hormones are gonna -- they're gonna make me bloated and feel nauseous and have mood swings.

Billy: Sounds like pregnancy. Boop!

Victoria: Yeah, but it might last longer than nine months, and we still won't have a baby.

Billy: [Sighs]

Adam: [Grunts] [Sighs]

Victor: Bravo.

Adam: Yeah? You should see what I do for an encore.

Victor: Well, go ahead. I have time.

Adam: [Sighs]

Victor: You could have called the nurse, you know.

Adam: [Groans] Would you have?

Victor: What do you think?

Adam: Well, what I think is you didn't come here to watch me do a circus act, so why are you here, Dad? Keeping tabs on me, huh? I'm flattered.

Victor: Well, you know I like to be informed about members of my family.

Adam: So do I fall somewhere between Segundo and Jupiter on that list?

Victor: [Chuckles] I love those animals.

Adam: [Chuckles]

Victor: So, what are your plans, Son?

Adam: Well, for starters, I want to get in these clothes, cover my backside.

Victor: I didn't mean that. What are your plans when you get out of here? I mean, are you going back to your house?

Adam: So, are you inviting me to move in with you and Nikki, then?

Victor: Yeah, right. Who will help you up there? You're all alone in that house.

Adam: Well, if you're talking about Sharon, she's not there anymore.

Victor: No, I'm talking about your wife. Is she gonna pick you up? You know, Chelsea waited around here. I mean, she watched over you while you were unconscious.

Adam: No, um... things are still the same between Chelsea and me.

Victor: Ah. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Adam: I hate to disappoint you, again, but, um, if you're looking for another Newman heir, you're gonna have to go somewhere else.

Billy: Baby or no baby, we are gonna be just fine.

Victoria: It's just that -- it's just, you know, these hormones could turn me into a raging crazy woman.

Billy: And that's gonna be different how? Ah. Sweetheart, maintaining a sense of humor is going to be crucial during this process.

Victoria: Okay. Well, you just remember that at 3:00 in the morning when I wake you up with a craving for something sweet.

Billy: [Clears throat]

Victoria: No, something salty. Something sweet and salty, like chocolate pretzels.

Billy: No problem.

Victoria: White chocolate...

Billy: You got it. Still smiling.

Victoria: ...From that little store in Chicago.

Billy: In Chicago?

Victoria: Yeah, the one next to the museum.

Billy: 3:00 in the morning.

Victoria: Do you see?

Billy: [Laughs] You're yanking my chain. You do have a sense of humor.

Victoria: I do. I do. I do, but I actually am still craving something.

Billy: You're not even pregnant.

Victoria: I know, but I'm practicing, so leave me alone.

Billy: Oh. Okay. We're practicing. That's fine. What would you like?

Victoria: I don't know.

Billy: Well, um, I saw a vending machine downstairs. I can get you one of everything. Okay. I'll go get you one of everything.

Victoria: Oh, hold on a second. I remembered what I was craving.

Billy: Fantastic. What would you like, Honey? Hmm? Mm. [Chuckles]

Neil: Tyler, you want something to eat?

Tyler: No, thanks. I'm fine.

Gus: Hey, I'm glad you could make it, Son.

Tyler: So, um, how's your room at the club? Everything okay?

Gus: Aw, man. Boy, anything would be better than where I've been sleeping for the last 12 years.

Leslie: We just want you to be comfortable.

Gus: That bed is so soft. I mean, them sheets are crisp and clean. I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I hadn't died, gone to heaven.

Tyler: Yeah. The whole thing's kind of surreal.

Leslie: Yeah, well, we're just glad to have you back.

Gus: You know, I-I can't keep letting y'all pay my way, all right? I know how much a fancy room like that must cost.

Leslie: I-I-I've been thinking about that.

Gus: No. No. I'm gonna work it out, okay? Starting today, I'm gonna get out and start finding a room to rent.

Leslie: No, no. You don't have to do that.

Tyler: Well, I mean, he's right. He's got to live somewhere, and we can't afford to keep footing the bill at the club.

Leslie: Yeah, well, the place I'm thinking of won't cost him anything. I have an extra bedroom in my apartment. I was hoping you'd come live with me.

Tyler: What?

Lauren: I know things have been tense since I moved back.

Michael: [Chuckles] Feels like two strangers living in the same home.

Lauren: And that's why I think that -- that we should go away, you know? We should get away from here and Genoa City and everything.

Michael: And what good would that do?

Lauren: I believe that if we can just put all the bad stuff behind us...that we'll be able to find each other again.

Michael: Hmm. Well, I'd like to believe that... but it feels like no matter where we are, you still won't be with me.

Lauren: I am with you. I am committed to you, and I am committed to our marriage. So, let's go away. Let me prove that to you.

Michael: No. I... it doesn't feel right leaving Fenmore. I mean, we need to be here, all three of us... in our home, rebuilding our family. You want that, right? That's what you want?

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: Okay.

Lauren: Yeah. Of course.

Michael: All right. Then, um -- then, uh... we won't go away until after Fenmore's graduation. Then I'll be more settled in my practice then, and, you know, you and I will have our chance to reconnect. Meantime, we can work on our problems here.

Leslie: Yeah, it's gonna take Dad awhile to get back on his feet, find a job, a place to live. I don't want him living in some flophouse until then.

Neil: No, I'm sure Tyler doesn't want that, either, Babe.

Tyler: You know what I don't want? Is for us acting like we're one big, happy family.

Leslie: Okay, I'm trying to make this work.

Tyler: Let's just pick up where we left off 12 years ago. Oh, wait a minute. That's right. This isn't where we left off.

Gus: I don't want to cause any trouble.

Tyler: That's all you've ever done -- for me, for Les... for Mom. And now I walk in here, I see the two of you laughing and reminiscing about the good old days. There were no good old days.

Leslie: Tyler.

Tyler: No, if you guys want to rewrite history, go ahead, but I remember how it really was. You may have not killed my mom, but you made our lives a living hell.

Leslie: Come on, Tyler. Please. Not now, okay? We just got the family back together.

Tyler: Yeah. We're back together... everybody but Mom. Now, maybe you can forget that, but I can't.

Victor: You know, I'm thinking it'll be kind of difficult for you to live in that big house all by yourself.

Adam: I'm used to it -- being alone.

Victor: There's certainly an alternative to that living arrangement.

Adam: Well, we've ruled out me living with you at the ranch house, so what would you suggest?

Victor: The penthouse.

Adam: A shiny, new penthouse, huh? That's my reward for taking a bullet for you?

Victor: Well, not quite. I would offer to sell it to you.

Adam: Oh, wow. In this market, I don't know if the bullet was worth it.

Victor: At a reasonable price, of course.

Adam: Dad, I don't think your definition of reasonable and my definition of reasonable are the same definition of reasonable.

Victor: Try me, Son.

Adam: All right. Yeah, I could live -- I could live there. Why not? $500,000.

Victor: [Chuckles] That wouldn't get you the parking space.

Adam: Oh, there's parking? Well, that changes everything, then. $750,000.

Victor: You know, the property is worth $3 million.

Adam: Oh, you paid $3 million for that place?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Dad, the bubble burst a few years ago. I don't know if you knew that, but, still -- $1 million.

Victor: Have you seen the view from that penthouse? Nothing like it in town.

Adam: $1.25 million.

Victor: $2 million.

Adam: I'm buying the penthouse, right -- not the whole building? $1.3 million.

Victor: $1.8 million.

Adam: $1.4 million.

Victor: $1.6 million, and that's it.

Adam: I'm sorry, I didn't hear the last thing that you said. My ears are still ringing from that gunshot.

Victor: I said $1.5 million in cash!

Adam: Would you throw in that goofy painting over the mantel?

Victor: [Chuckling] Oh. It's a deal.

Adam: All right. Deal.

Victor: Great doing business with you, Son. Careful. Careful, careful, careful.

[Door opens]

Adam: Pleasure's all mine, Dad.

Victoria: Hey.

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Victoria: What's going on?

Lauren: [Sighs] Carmine. You have to stop.

Carmine: Well, hey, Lauren. So, what can I get you today? Drink or just my ear? Of course, my body --

Lauren: All right, Carmine, please. You have to stop texting me. You have to stop flirting with me. Forget you ever met me.

Carmine: Sleight of hand, I can do...but getting you out of my mind... that trick I can never pull off.

Lauren: No, no, no. You promised that you would keep your distance.

Carmine: I never promised you that.

Lauren: If you ever cared about me, I am begging you -- just leave me alone.

Paul: Lauren. What's going on?

Christine: Michael, hi.

Michael: Hey, Ms. District Attorney. How are things going?

Christine: [Chuckles] Well, you know the drill -- 60-hour weeks, no personal life.

Michael: Oh. I'm glad I'm out of that. I got my life back.

Christine: So, what's your excuse for not meeting Paul and me for breakfast?

Michael: Oh, things were a little harried at my house this morning.

Christine: How are things going with you and Lauren?

Michael: Going.

Christine: Well, if there's anything I can do to help...

Michael: Well, actually, there is...on a professional level.

Christine: Ah, yes. I hear that you're representing Marcy Carlton -- the woman who torched her husband's car.

Michael: Allegedly torched, Counselor. My client insists it was an accident...

Christine: Of course she does.

Michael: ...And, as such, should be pled down to a misdemeanor, which unfortunately means we won't be crossing swords in the courtroom, which I was kind of looking forward to.

Christine: Don't put your saber away so fast.

Michael: Chris, it's a cut-and-dry case.

Christine: Okay. Wait. Short memory. I'm the D.A. now.

Michael: I know that.

Christine: Okay, which means I decide if a case gets pled down.

Michael: Are you serious?

Christine: Michael, you better start getting used to the fact that some things are out of your control now.

Lauren: What do you mean, "What's going on?" Nothing's going on.

Paul: You seemed upset.

Lauren: No. No. I just -- I-I wasn't upset.

Paul: So, what are you doing here?

Lauren: Meeting someone.

Paul: The bartender?

Lauren: Why would you say that?

Paul: He was at the club when we were there the other night, and now you're both here.

Lauren: Well, he works both places I frequent.

Paul: Are you sure that's all it is?

Lauren: What else would it be?

Paul: Is he giving you a hard time?

Lauren: Oh. No. [Sighs] Look, Paul, when I was staying at the club, I spent one too many nights talking about my problems at the bar.

Paul: So, you told him what was going on with you and Michael?

Lauren: You know, sometimes, it's easier to open up to a stranger instead of someone who might judge you.

Paul: Someone like, um...

Lauren: Carmine.

Paul: Carmine.

Lauren: He's been a great friend, and I just came here to thank him and to tell him that Michael and I are working things out.

Paul: Okay. Well, if you're in some kind of --

Lauren: No. No. Paul, I'm fine. There is nothing to worry about.

Noah: She was there one minute. I looked up, and she was gone.

Alex: Okay, so what makes you think she's in trouble?

Noah: I mean, no call. No text. She's not at her place. It's not like her.

Alex: [Chuckles] It's not? She's never done this before, just disappear?

Noah: Yeah, okay. That was before. I mean, she was trying to turn her life around. She got a job with Mrs. Chancellor. We were talking about getting a place together. It was her idea. It doesn't make sense.

Alex: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to file a missing-persons report? I could do that.

Noah: I don't -- no, not yet. Just... I mean, did Adriana say anything about going back to New York? She say anything about somewhere else? She mentioned San Diego.

Alex: Adriana doesn't confide in me, Noah.

Noah: You're her brother.

Alex: Oh, well, in her mind, I'm a cop first, brother second.

Noah: Look. Could it have been somebody from her past? Did she owe money? Could somebody have come and grabbed her?

Alex: Noah. Noah. You're either the smartest dumb person or the dumbest smart person I know.

Noah: What is that supposed to mean?

Alex: It means open your eyes, man. She's gone, okay? You were just an easy mark. You're young. You're good-looking. You're trusting. You're rich -- everything Aid is looking for in a future husband.

Noah: You're wrong, okay? Adriana wasn't after my money. She knew I couldn't touch my trust for a few years.

Alex: Well, in the meantime, she was just happy mooching off your family's money.

Noah: I told her that I was gonna make it on my own. She was cool with that. She even offered to split half the rent -- Adriana.

Alex: All the lines she fed you about "Finding the money"? Hmm? Me pimping her out? Don't you know by now? You can't trust anything my sister says.

Noah: So, what are you saying? That she never had feelings for me?

Alex: [Sighs]

Noah: [Scoffs]

Adam: You here to offer me a sweet deal on a Bentley you might not be using?

Victoria: What?

Adam: Well, Dad is in a generous mood. I figured you might be.

Victoria: What is he talking about?

Victor: Adam is moving into the penthouse. And there are gonna be some other changes, as well.

Victoria: What kind of changes?

[Knock on door]

Billy: Hey. I thought I might find you here in the lion's den. Who's king of the jungle today?

Victoria: Um, I think I'm about to find out.

Victor: Adam and I are no longer fighting, all right?

Billy: Hey! You're back on the Christmas list. Just one bullet -- that's all it took. That's good stuff.

Victor: Well... he took a bullet for me. He saved my life. He is my son. He's a Newman. So, I think we should all express our appreciation for that.

Victoria: Adam knows how grateful I am for saving your life, but, you know, that doesn't really wipe the slate clean.

Victor: I didn't say that. I said it's time for us to move forward and heal.

Victoria: While he's running your company?

Victor: He and I have come to an understanding about that.

Victoria: What kind of an understanding?

Adam: I offered Dad to work by my side at Newman.

Tyler: Please what? Forget the past? Act like this is what we used to do -- sit around the table, share a few laughs? [Scoffs] It's a lie, Leslie. Our family never once sat down and had a meal together. And if you even try to say that Mom was just...

Gus: Boy.

Tyler: ...As much to blame for that --

Gus: Listen. I already told you. I wasn't the right daddy. I wasn't a husband. I wasn't the man that I should have been.

Tyler: Well, just admitting it does not give you a free pass.

Gus: No. But when you spend 12 years in the joint, that's a long time to think about the hell you put your family through. That's a long time to wish that you could make it different, to wish that you could change it all.

Neil: I hear you, Gus. There are whole chapters of my life that I wish that I could rewrite. You can't block and delete real life, you know? Once you do it, you can't go back and have a do-over.

Gus: Ain't that the truth?

Neil: You know, Gus, you don't know this about me, but I'm an alcoholic. That's part of my history. When I was drinking, I did a whole lot of damage to my family. And they found it very hard to forgive me, but eventually, they did. I hurt a lot of people, especially my daughter Lily. You know, she wanted to cut me out of her life.

Leslie: But she didn't.

Neil: No. She said we lost way too much time. She didn't want to lose any more.

Tyler: Maybe Lily's a better person than I am.

Leslie: Maybe she just gave herself some time.

Gus: I'm willing to take things slow, Davis.

Tyler: That's not my name. Yeah, that little kid that used to let his old man bully him around -- he's gone.

Gus: What do you want me to do, son? What do you want me to do to make it right?

Tyler: Nothing. And -- I-I can't do this. I...

Victoria: Work beside you at Newman? That's funny. You know, Dad founded that company, and he built it from the ground up.

Victor: Well, my darling, I have accepted Adam's offer, all right?

Victoria: What?

Victor: Well, you know, Newman Enterprises should be run by a Newman, and Adam has made that possible.

Victoria: Yeah, by stealing it from you.

Victor: No, no, no, no. He got it back from Jack Abbott and brought it back to our family where it belongs. So, let's all move forward together, all right?

Adam: You have some misgivings, Victoria?

Victoria: Uh, well, you know, it obviously doesn't matter how I feel. You two are -- you two are gonna be doing this.

Adam: Well, I was actually gonna ask you to join us.

Victoria: Thanks. Thank you. But no, thanks. Billy and I are actually working on a project of our own right now.

Victor: You and Billy Boy have a project?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Big project, but, you know, we're not really sharing the details at the moment, but I can assure you it's gonna take up the majority of Vicki's time and energy.

Adam: Well, good luck.

Billy: Yeah, thanks. I'm gonna leave you guys to it. You can duke it out over the corner office. Should be fun -- family time.

Victor: Would you kindly take all that? Thank you.

Billy: Oh, yeah. You didn't want this? Okay.

Victor: Bye, Sweetheart.

Victoria: What can Dad be thinking?

Billy: Well, Honey, experience tells me evil thoughts.

Victoria: That's it. Exactly. He's pretending to accept Adam's offer, and then he's gonna go back to Newman, and he'll boot Adam out and take control of the company.

Billy: That would be vintage Vic, but, Baby, I, uh... I don't think that's his game plan. The old man seemed sincere -- sincere for Victor.

Victoria: No. No, no, no. He would never choose this as a permanent solution.

Billy: Honey, not for nothing, but we are in the baby-making business now, so who cares if Satan and Satan Jr. want to make life hell for themselves?

Victoria: Yeah. Right. Yeah. Who cares?

Billy: Thank you.

Michael: Hey, Paul.

Paul: Michael.

Michael: I'm sorry Lauren and I missed you and Christine this morning.

Paul: Oh, don't worry about it. Chris had to leave early anyway.

Michael: We'd love to take you guys out to celebrate your new positions as soon as things, you know, settle down for us.

Paul: Oh, that would be great. Um, how are things going? I mean, last time we talked, you were, uh, worried because Lauren stayed out all night.

Michael: I know. Actually, she was video conferencing with a store in Australia. She was so exhausted by the time they finished, she fell asleep at her desk.

Paul: Oh.

Michael: Well...

Paul: So, things are good, then, huh?

Michael: Yeah. They're getting there. Why?

Paul: I care about you guys, and I just hope that, uh... it all works out for you.

Michael: Yeah. So do I.

Paul: All right. I got to get to work. I'll see you in a bit.

Michael: Yeah. See ya.

[Knock on door]

Lauren: Carmine. What are you doing here?

Alex: You're a good guy, Noah. You are, but you're too good. You never think that someone's trying to put something over on you because you would never do that yourself.

Noah: I'm not that naive.

Alex: I hope not. Really. 'Cause otherwise, women like Adriana are gonna be scamming you for the rest of your life.

Noah: It's not a scam, okay? She could really be in trouble.

Alex: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Hey, listen to me for once. Adriana's got a good heart, she does, but she's always wanted more out of life.

Noah: You think she's willing to use me to get to it?

Alex: Oh, she's gonna use anyone. Okay? She's been using me since the day she was born. 3 years old -- she would just look up at me with those big brown eyes. 10 years old -- stole my bike. Just came up to me -- [Speaking Spanish] And now what does she do? She steals my gun and skips town, okay?

Noah: I just really thought she was... she was turning her life around.

Alex: Yeah, I wanted to believe it, too. I did. But you and I both know people never really change.

Lauren: What are you doing here? Michael could come home at any time.

Carmine: He's at work. I checked.

Lauren: Well, someone could see you.

Carmine: So what? We're friends. And look, I brought you a present.

Lauren: You know I can't accept it.

Carmine: Not even if it's a goodbye present? Okay, look. Just remember that it's always good to have a little magic in your life.

Lauren: Carmine.

Carmine: Look. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm going. I just saw you talking to that Williams guy, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Lauren: Yeah. I will be once you go.

Carmine: Okay. Look, if things don't work out between you and Michael, there will always be a glass of champagne waiting for you with your name on it.

[Cell phone ringing]

Michael: [Sighs] Uh, Lauren. I'm sorry that I had to rush off to work before we finished our conversation. [Sighs] Can we meet for lunch? Let me know when you get this message. Thanks.

Lauren: I can't do this, Carmine. You've got to go. No. You're still here.

Michael: Oh, yes, I am. I was hoping to speak to the district attorney about a client of mine.

Christine: Oh?

Michael: Uh, the case involves a wife who allegedly set fire to her husband's car.

Christine: Marcy Carlton.

Michael: I was hoping that you would consider a plea bargain.

Christine: Well, I looked at the case. I think we can work something out.

Michael: Really?

Christine: If Mrs. Carlton admits that she purposely started the fire.

Michael: Mrs. Carlton insists that's not the case, and I don't think she did it, Christine.

Christine: Well, under the circumstances, I think she probably did, and I think she probably felt she was justified.

Michael: Under what circumstances, if you don't mind me asking?

Christine: Mr. Carlton was having an affair... with his much younger secretary.

Michael: I can assure you my client did not know about that.

Christine: Oh, come on, Michael. If your spouse is cheating on you, on some level, you know it.

Lauren: Oh, my God. Go! You've got to go.

Carmine: Magic, Lauren. We had it.

Lauren: Oh, my God. [Sighs]

Carmine: [Sighs] Oh, sorry. Police Chief Williams, right?

Paul: Right. And you're Carmine, the bartender at On the Boulevard and the club.

Carmine: Yeah.

Paul: So, um...now you're here?

Carmine: Oh, yeah. I get around. [Chuckles]

Paul: And what brings you around here?

Carmine: Oh, well, Lauren. She left her credit card at On the Boulevard, so I came back to return it.

Paul: Oh, wow. That's personal service.

Carmine: Well, yeah. She's a nice lady. Plus, she's a really big tipper.

Paul: I bet she is.

Carmine: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, hey, um, it was good talking to you, Chief. I'll, uh -- I'll see you around.

Paul: Yeah.

Carmine: Okay.

Paul: [Sighs]

Gus: Tyler's got a right to be angry. I didn't do right by him... by any of you.

Neil: Gus. Come on, man. Mistakes, right? We all make them. You're doing the right thing by moving forward.

Gus: Mistakes cost me 12 years of my life. I can't get those years back. I was just hoping that I could start with the family.

Leslie: You got me, Dad.

Gus: That's 'cause you got your mama's heart. But your brother... [Sighs] ...He's just like his old man.

Tyler: Hey. Is your dad around? I got some publicity mock-ups I want to show him.

Noah: You see him?

Tyler: What's your problem?

[Bottle slams]

Noah: What is my problem? I'm a sucker. I'm a stupid jerk who gave somebody a second chance and got burned.

Tyler: Yeah, people don't change, man.

Noah: I got that message loud and clear. You know what I say?

[Glasses clang]

Noah: Screw 'em. Who needs somebody in your life you can't trust?

[Glasses clink]

Billy: Hey. Sweet and salty.

Victoria: [Sighs] All right. You're right. This is what I should be focusing on.

Billy: I know I'm right. You know, Honey [Sighs] There's a whole life out there to grab on to that is free of all things Newman -- except for you, of course. Except for you.

Victoria: I know. I do. It's just...

Billy: Hey, you know what? There's not a whole lot of difference between being a Newman and an Abbott, except for, of course, my father is a nominee for great dad of the year -- of the world, really -- and your dad -- well, he's Victor Newman. But it's the same pool. It's the same pressure to be somebody or something that you don't want to be. And you and I -- we broke free. We're the lucky ones. We're like Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria. We got away from them, and we didn't have to die to do it. [Chuckles] So, we have this chance to have something ridiculously, incredibly, improbably ours, just ours. So, forget them. They deserve each other. We deserve each other.

Adam: Seems like, um, Sis is a bit reticent with the new family hierarchy.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I think she'll come around.

Adam: Oh, I don't know. She seems to have convinced herself that you've signed a deal with the devil.

Victor: Hmm. Maybe we both have.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Avery: Do you ever think about our baby?

Dylan: All the time.

Victor: But make no mistake -- I will bring you down.

Lily: You deserve to have good things in your life.

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