Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/9/13
Episode # 10132 ~ Victoria and Billy celebrate Johnny's birthday; Cane and Jill lend Katherine their support during a crisis.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: Um...mm. A little bit up. To the right.
Billy: To the right.
Victoria: I mean, the other right. To the left.
Billy: That's left, Honey.
Victoria: Okay. Now a little bit higher.
Billy: Are you messing with me? Because I would kind of like to have this done before Johnny's old enough to live-tweet his birthday.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I was enjoying the view. And you following my orders.
Billy: Oh, yeah?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Well, if me following your orders turns you on, then you must live in a state of perpetual bliss.
Victoria: Can you believe our little boy is turning one today? I mean, the past year of his life just flew by so fast.
Billy: One minute, he fits in the crook of your arm. The next minute, he's this self-propelled little being zooming himself across the floor.
Victoria: Wreaking inspired havoc.
Billy: [Chuckles] Gets it from his mom.
Victoria: Mm. Isn't it great?
Billy: You know what else is great?
Victoria: Hmm...cake.
Billy: Yes. I like cake. Cake is great. But seeing you just as happy preparing for your son's birthday as you are brokering deals -- that's pretty great.
Victoria: Nothing is more important than what we have right here.
Billy: That's true. Mm.
Jill: Yes. I would like to report a robbery, please.
Kay: No. No, um..sorry. It's, uh...sorry to disturb you. Thank you.
Jill: Katherine, we need the police. A crime has been committed.
Kay: Don't you understand? We don't even know anything has been stolen. I mean, that box could have been waylaid.
Jill: Where? The charity never received our delivery, and the box isn't here.
Kay: [Scoffs]
Jill: Come on. Those very pricey items you meant to donate -- we know where they are. They're in the hands of a fence. Come on.
Adriana: Ooh, look at that one.
Noah: Look at the price.
Adriana: [Scoffs] Why do you worry about that? I mean, you have money. Your family owns this whole town.
Noah: I told you. I can't touch my trust until I'm 25.
Adriana: Yeah, but is that, like, for real, or is just 'cause you don't want to pick up a check?
Noah: Oh, no. It's for real. I-I live on my bartending jobs, and that's barely enough to cover rent. What about utilities?
Adriana: You can eat by candlelight.
Noah: If I could afford candles. Or food.
Adriana: Well, with both of us splitting the rent, I think that we'd be --
Noah: Hold up. Hold up. We never discussed living together.
Adriana: We're discussing it now.
Noah: But you don't have any more money than I do.
Adriana: You sure about that?
Noah: Okay, what are you -- what are you hiding, Adriana?
Lily: Coffee?
Cane: No, thanks. Sorry I was out --
Lily: I'm sorry I fell asleep. I tried to stay awake until you got back from Katherine's.
Cane: I tried to get back earlier, but, uh, something came up.
Lily: What's going on?
Cane: She's having a problem with her memory.
Lily: Did she see a doctor?
Cane: Yeah. I took her. Uh, she got some tests done.
Lily: And what did it say?
Cane: Don't have the results back yet. I'll see her today and find out.
Lily: Well, I hope it's nothing serious.
Cane: Me too. [Sighs]
Lily: So, are we gonna keep avoiding talking about Tyler?
Cane: That works for me.
Lily: I know that you have your issues with him.
Cane: I don't issues with him. I have one issue, and that's that he keeps following you around everywhere you go.
Lily: Well, he's not here now, so we have some things that you and I have to straighten out.
Leslie: They're on the way up.
Neil: Hey, Honey, listen to me. Don't be so nervous.
Leslie: My father just got out of prison.
Neil: I know.
Leslie: And my brother went to pick him up.
Neil: Well, that's a good sign.
Leslie: Uh...maybe. Last time I spoke to Tyler, he couldn't stand breathing the same air as my dad. Why would he make that trip to Milwaukee? And what am I supposed to say to them?
Neil: Try "Hello." You, Tyler, your dad -- you're all in uncharted territory. You're all gonna move at your own pace, and you're all gonna figure it out as you go along. I promise.
Leslie: Okay.
Neil: All right? You're gonna be fine.
Leslie: [Chuckling] Hello. Hi.
Gus: It is so nice seeing you outside of that visiting room.
Leslie: I'm so happy you're here, Dad. [Chuckles]
Neil: Good to see you, Sir.
Leslie: Uh...how was the drive?
Tyler: It was quiet.
Leslie: Um...well...there's been some developments.
Gus: About my case?
Leslie: Congressman Wheeler was arrested for Mom's murder.
Gus: After all these years. He -- he really did it?
Leslie: Yes. Yes. And, uh...now there's something we all need to do.
Jill: All right, so, you two agree we've got to get the police in on this, right?
Chloe: Well --
Kevin: What do you know about the missing items, exactly?
Jill: Nothing.
Kay: [Chuckles] My point exactly.
Jill: But Katherine's little go-to girl, Adriana, has been stealing.
Chloe: You have proof that Adriana stole?
Kay: Oh, please. Jill would deal with a small detail like that?
Jill: All right. All right. The evidence is circumstantial, okay? But nothing went missing before Katherine hired the girl, and now the charity items have disappeared.
Kevin: And -- and that's it?
Jill: I have noticed that you haven't been wearing that very lovely family-heirloom necklace in the past few weeks. I suspect that she took that, too.
Kay: Um... [Chuckles] Merely misplaced it, Jill. I merely misplaced it.
Jill: Would you stop lying to yourself about that girl? I knew from the moment I met her she couldn't be trusted. She gives her a ride home, and then she expects Katherine to give her a job in return.
Kay: I-I offered her a job. She -- she didn't...
Jill: [Scoffs] Him. He didn't trust her, either. He asked you not to hire her.
Kevin: Mrs. C, I'm sorry. I'm with Jill on this one. From the first time she walked into Crimson Lights, I had a bad feeling about her.
Kay: [Chuckles] Oh, well. Many have said the same about you, my darling.
Chloe: Okay. You know what? I-I really need to get Delia. We have to head over to Billy and Victoria's.
Jill: Oh, that's right. It's Johnny's birthday.
Chloe: Yeah. Are you coming?
Jill: No. Katherine and I are gonna see Johnny this weekend, but we did ask Esther to drop off his presents a few days ago. Please check that Adriana hasn't been poaching those, too.
Kay: Stop being ludicrous.
Jill: Well, then, you stop being blind, you old bat.
Kay: Oh, for God's sake. You follow me up these stairs, I swear to God you're gonna lose a limb.
Jill: [Scoffs] All right. I'm gonna get Delia for you. She's out playing.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: Well, we dodged that bullet.
Chloe: Barely.
Kevin: This couldn't have worked out any better.
Chloe: We can't let Adriana take the fall for this. Can we?
Kevin: She stole half a million dollars from us, remember?
Chloe: No. That money was already stolen. We stole the charity items. She could go to jail for this, Kevin.
Kevin: Better her than us.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: Oh, I'm kidding, okay? Jill is just on a rampage right now, and the things that we stole were going to charity anyway. There's no evidence. Nobody is going to jail. Trust me.
Adriana: My days of minimum wage are over.
Noah: So, did Mrs. Chancellor give you a raise?
Adriana: No. She's been very generous, but I can see some other opportunities coming up.
Noah: Opportunities?
Adriana: Mm-hmm. You know, just some stuff. She wants to help me.
Noah: All right, well, you're on the brink of independent wealth, and I can barely afford to rent the corner of a tool shed.
Adriana: That's why we should move in together.
Noah: [Chuckles]
Adriana: I mean, is it that bad of an idea?
Noah: I didn't say it was bad. I just...never considered it.
Adriana: There would be a lot of benefits. Remember our apartment in New York?
Noah: [Chuckles]
Adriana: Sunday mornings... Tuesday afternoons...
Noah: Friday nights.
Adriana: Mm-hmm.
Noah: Yeah, I remember.
Adriana: I've got to go.
Noah: You got to go now? It's just -- just when it's getting good?
Adriana: Yeah, I got to go to work. Got to go look into these opportunities.
Noah: Um... [Clears throat] None of this is shady, right? I mean, like the bag of cash? Everything's on the up and up?
Adriana: And up and up. Bye.
Lily: Tyler has been dealing with some intense family issues.
Cane: And I've been there with my family, too.
Lily: I know. So, you understand. He just was in pain, and he needed somebody to talk to.
Cane: But that doesn't give the guy a free pass to put his hands all over my wife.
Lily: Cane, it was a supportive hug.
Cane: That's what you intended.
Lily: That's what it was.
Cane: Sweetheart, you are being naive.
Lily: [Chuckles] You did not just call me that.
Cane: All right. I'm sorry. I should have said, um... that you're a good person and you're sweet and you see the good in everybody.
Lily: Yeah. That's called being empathetic, not naive.
Cane: When you don't know what the other person wants --
Lily: Oh, and you do?
Cane: Yes, I do. He's using his family issues to put the moves on you.
Lily: Oh, my God. You are so wrong.
Cane: It is the perfect manipulation. You just don't see it.
Lily: You know what? I am smarter than that. You should really give me some credit.
Cane: Okay. Has he said to you, "I just want to be friends"? Has he?
Lily: That's the truth. He does.
Cane: No. No. It's a line.
Lily: [Chuckles] It does not mean that anything is gonna come of it.
Cane: Okay, what are we gonna do, though, if this guy keeps putting the moves on you?
Lily: Okay, you know what? Forget Tyler. You're talking about me right now, all right? Either you believe in me or you don't, so which one is it?
Paul: I'll take it from here.
Wheeler: I've told you. I'm not answering any more of your questions.
Paul: Oh, I'm not expecting you to. You see, you're gonna be in Milwaukee soon, and you and your lawyer can decide what questions you want to answer then.
Wheeler: And what's this about?
Victoria: Aw, well, we -- we wish Reed could have been here, but this was definitely the next best thing. Thanks, Mackenzie. Okay. Bye-bye. Did you see Johnny? Did you see him smile when he saw his brother? That was so sweet.
Billy: Yes, I did. You are a very lucky kid to be so loved. Look at that belly.
Victoria: Yeah. He's got a big brother, big sisters, aunties and uncles, grandparents...
Billy: And if we are very, very lucky...we could add one more to that list.
Victoria: A new sibling by Johnny's next birthday.
Billy: Yeah. That'd be a heck of a party. You could have Delia and Reed over.
Victoria: The whole extended family.
Billy: Yep. Yep. Yep.
Victoria: Houseful of kids.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: What's so funny about that?
Billy: Uh, I think its present time.
Victoria: No, no. Actually, traditionally, it's food, cake, and then presents.
Billy: Okay, OCD. You tell him that. Yeah. [Chuckles]
Victoria: Aww.
Billy: He's just like his daddy -- he wants all his toys.
[Door opens]
Jill: [Whistles] Ah. Where is it?
Kay: Oh! Would you please let the girl have time to take her jacket off?
Adriana: What's going on?
Kay: You remember the -- the box that we put together for the charity? Well, it somehow seems to be, uh...missing.
Adriana: And you think I stole it?
Kay: No, I do-- I don't. But, uh...do you remember even seeing it somewhere around the house?
Adriana: Maybe it was misplaced or forgotten somehow.
Jill: Oh, please. [Chuckling] Don't play innocent with me. I used to be you.
Adriana: What -- unjustly accused?
Jill: No, Dear. A young woman who has nothing and wants everything.
Adriana: I didn't steal anything.
Jill: You lie. And you think I can't see that you're nothing but trouble for anybody who gets close to you?
Kay: Jill, enough. Enough.
Jill: Your presence in this house has caused problems since the day you walked in.
Adriana: Has it?
Jill: Please don't pretend that you care. Can you not see how much it's costing Katherine to be defending you like this? She's been nothing but kind to you.
Kay: Would you please let me handle this?
Adriana: Mrs. C, I'm sorry. Okay, look, I never meant to cause problems for you.
Jill: Fine. Then prove it. Give me your purse.
Adriana: What?! Why?
Jill: Because Katherine has a very lovely family-heirloom necklace that has gone missing, and I am looking at the person who took it.
Kay: Stop badgering the girl.
Jill: I'm giving her a chance to prove her innocence, okay? Unless -- unless there's some other trinkets in there you don't want me to see. Come on. Hand it over.
Cane: You know I believe in you.
Lily: Well, you're not acting like it.
Cane: I'm acting like a man who's stupid-crazy in love with his wife. That's what I'm doing.
Lily: I'm sorry. I only see the crazy-stupid part.
Cane: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. I am sorry if I offended you over there by calling you naive, all right? I didn't mean to offend you.
Lily: [Sighs] And I...I didn't mean to lose my temper. But you have got to trust me. Every time you get angry about Tyler --
Cane: I am sorry I lost my temper with Tyler.
Lily: You attacked him.
Cane: I am jealous. I'm a jealous guy. And what guy wouldn't be if he has half a brain and a set of eyes and he had a girl like you? Mm? Is this working?
Lily: I-I know what you're trying to do.
Cane: Really? Tell me it's working, 'cause you are funny and you are sexy and you're smart and you're beautiful.
Lily: I am smart.
Cane: Yes, you're smart.
Lily: And I'm smart enough to know that this is leading to a "However."
Cane: However...
Lily: However. Yes.
Cane: However -- okay -- it is your good heart -- it's your good heart, Baby, that's gonna be your strength and your weakness, and he knows it, okay? And he's gonna keep putting the moves on you because of it. He's gonna work it.
Lily: Okay, can we -- can we just drop this, please?
Cane: I would love to drop it. I really would, 'cause I hate fighting about this guy. I really, really do. I hate it, all right? Just -- just do one thing for me. I want you to consider the fact that just maybe this guy is trying to win you over.
Lily: [Sighing] Oh, my God. Cane.
Cane: Will you, please, just consider it for me?
Lily: You have got to trust me.
Cane: I do trust you. And I will always trust you, okay? Are we okay?
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Come here.
Wheeler: What's the meaning of this?!
Paul: Well, these people have something to say to you.
Gus: I've been waiting a long time to face the man that sent me to prison.
Wheeler: When I testified against --
Gus: When you killed my wife, you took both of my kids' parents away from them.
Wheeler: I won't be treated this way. Wait till the mayor hears about this.
Paul: And how is that gonna happen?
Wheeler: I'll call him!
Paul: Oh, really? Good luck with that. You know, that's the thing with powerful friends. They're only friendly as long as you're useful. Since you're going down, you're of no use to anybody.
Leslie: Paul, hey. You're taking a major risk for us. Thank you.
Paul: You're welcome.
Leslie: Yeah.
Paul: I know why you all need this. Neil.
Neil: Thanks, Paul.
[Door closes]
Chloe: Where's the birthday boy?
Victoria: Oh, he's in the living room. He can't wait to see his sister. Hi, Dee Dee.
Chloe: And she's excited, too.
Victoria: Come on in, everybody.
Billy: Come here. Say "Hello" to your father and your brother.
Kevin: Well, that's a good look for you.
Chloe: So, Delia brought little Johnny a gift, and we brought something, too.
Victoria: Oh, thanks.
Chloe: Wow. Oh, I know you revamped the place, but this looks great.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Thank you.
Kevin: Yeah. It's awesome.
Victoria: Thank you.
Chloe: I mean, retro was okay, but this is really amazing.
Victoria: Thanks.
Chloe: Well -- oh, I love that piece.
Victoria: Oh, this? Oh, yeah. Well, you know, I have the number of the designer if you're thinking of making some changes.
Kevin: We don't need --
Chloe: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Vick.
Victoria: Ah. Well, you guys should look around. I'd love to hear what you think.
Delia: [Giggles]
Billy: Thank you.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Thank you.
Kay: All right, Jill. Back off now.
Jill: What are you hiding?
Adriana: I'm protecting my privacy.
Jill: And I'm calling the cops.
Kay: No, you are not.
Jill: Then fire her, Katherine. Fire her right this minute, 'cause I don't want a thief in my house.
Adriana: No, you don't have to. Okay, I'm tired of being accused.
Jill: Then you should have stopped stealing.
Adriana: You said I stole your watch. I didn't.
Jill: Oh, you were just biding your time for the big haul.
Kay: Let me handle this.
Adriana: You're never going to stop, are you?
Jill: Not while I'm breathing.
Adriana: Then I quit.
Kay: No. No, please. Let's -- let's -- let's all just calm down.
Jill: Oh. [Chuckles] I couldn't be any calmer now that we're rid of her. Although you're getting off very lightly as far as I'm concerned.
Adriana: I should go.
Kay: No. No, please. Uh...you and I should talk privately.
Adriana: She's not gonna be satisfied until I'm gone. And I don't want to cause you any more trouble.
Kay: But you haven't.
Adriana: Mrs. C, what you've done for me -- the chance you've given me -- I don't know how I'll ever thank you.
Kay: You got what you wanted.
Jill: Because what I wanted was to protect you.
Kay: Oh, is it?
Jill: I could not stand for her to walk in day after day and lie to your face, Katherine.
Kay: Oh, shut the hell up.
Leslie: Cornering me at my job, preaching about how you were pursuing justice?
Wheeler: I was.
Leslie: You were working me, Wheeler.
Wheeler: That's Congressman Wheeler.
Gus: Not for much longer.
Leslie: You reinforced every misconception I had about my dad.
Wheeler: I reminded you of what you witnessed -- that man standing over your mother's corpse.
Leslie: But you knew he didn't kill her. You knew that. Why didn't you just let it go? Why would you compound the hurt by convincing me to tell the parole board that he should never be released? Why?
Wheeler: Because I thought he was guilty.
Leslie: You -- you killed my mother, you framed my father, you condemned my brother and me to life as orphans, and for what? So you could save your career?
Wheeler: Think what you want. It doesn't change the truth.
Leslie: Oh, the truth is in the DNA.
Wheeler: [Chuckles]
Leslie: Yours on her body.
Wheeler: It'll take more than that to bring someone like me to trial. Just wait till my attorney speaks to the judge.
Gus: You're never getting out.
Wheeler: Watch me.
Gus: We have. We've watched how you've lived your life like nothing's changed.
Wheeler: Because I'm innocent.
Leslie: I'll go get Paul, okay?
Tyler: We deserve more. We deserve answers.
Wheeler: I've answered every question.
Tyler: What about after? You remember after, right? When you drove home, maybe had a drink, ate, crawled into bed next to your wife -- then what?
Wheeler: I slept. As an innocent man would.
Tyler: Did you dream about her? I do.
Wheeler: I did not kill your mother.
Tyler: You had an affair with her. You wanted her. You used her. How could you forget her?
Leslie: Tyler...
Tyler: I want to know! Because I can't. I can't forget her smile. I can't forget her voice. I can't forget how much she loved us. How can you?
Wheeler: I am sorry for your loss. I am. But I did not kill Belinda.
Leslie: Yeah, yeah. We heard you the first 20 times. Tell us why, then. Why did you end it -- the affair?
Wheeler: What we had was over, so I decided to break it off, but I didn't kill her. And if Gus didn't do it, I don't know who did. God knows who else she was sleeping with.
Tyler: You shut your mouth about her, you son of a bitch!
[Indistinct shouting]
Tyler: Who do you think you are?!
Leslie: Stop it, Tyler!
Neil: We're at a police station.
Delia: To my little brother... love, Delia.
Victoria: Aww.
Billy: Did you do that by yourself?
Victoria: You made that pretty card? That's beautiful.
Kevin: [Sighs] What do you say? Should we get going?
Chloe: Well, why don't you, uh, help Johnny open up his present?
Victoria: Yeah. [Gasps] Oh! How did you know he'd like a dinosaur?
Delia: Boys love dinosaurs.
Victoria: That is so true. And he's gonna cuddle with this and he's gonna chew on it and everything.
Delia: [Giggles]
Chloe: Okay. We're gonna go. You have fun. Be good, okay? I'll see you later.
Victoria: Okay. Bye-bye.
Chloe: Happy birthday!
Kevin: Happy birthday, Johnny.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: I really appreciate the extra time with Delia.
Chloe: Yeah, any time. You know that.
Kevin: Yeah. It's good for her, too.
Billy: Yeah. You know, and now that Johnny's getting older, we really want him to know his siblings, have a sense of family.
Chloe: Well, that's definitely happening.
Billy: Good. All right. Good to see you guys.
Kevin: Bye.
Chloe: The house really looks amazing.
Kevin: Amazing. I mean, when Billy and Victoria renovated, they really went all out. Some of that stuff was really expensive.
Chloe: We couldn't.
Kevin: No. We couldn't.
Chloe: No. [Chuckles]
Kevin: No. Could we?
Jill: Look. I don't take any pleasure from seeing you upset.
Kay: [Chuckles] Why can't I believe that?
Jill: Well, I wish you would. All I was trying to do was stop that girl from taking advantage of you.
Kay: Jill, you don't know for a fact that she took that necklace and all those other things.
Jill: And you don't know that she didn't.
Kay: Well, how could I? I mean, you never gave her a moment or the opportunity to defend herself. You have no idea all the things that girl has done for me.
Jill: What has she done for you that I haven't? And why do you have this loyalty to somebody that you barely know?
Kay: Because she doesn't challenge my every turn.
Jill: You didn't notice how quickly she accused you of misplacing that box?
Kay: Well, I mean, you seemed to think that I may have forgotten where, uh, I put it. Yeah, you. It's not as though it's such a far-fetched theory.
Jill: What do you mean?
Cane: Katherine... I think it's time you tell her.
Jill: Tell me what?
Tyler: You shut your mouth about my mother.
Gus: He's just trying to stir you up, Son.
Leslie: You can't let him upset you like that. Calm down.
Neil: Relax. Calm down. The right man is going to jail finally. Don't you do anything impulsive, or you could end up sharing a cell with him.
Wheeler: I can assure you all that I will not be setting up permanent residence on a cellblock. Now, do you have any more questions, or can we bring this highly irregular insanity to an end?
Tyler: I don't need to hear any more from you. I know that you killed my mother. And you took my father's life away.
Gus: Davis...
Leslie: Tyler... Tyler!
Kay: It's nothing.
Jill: What are you keeping from me?
Kay: I killed the Wilkerson Chemical deal.
Jill: Behind my back? And you were in on it?
Kay: I trust Cane. Now, that is all you need to know.
Jill: [Sighs]
Chloe: We are not stealing from Billy and Victoria. No, no, no.
Kevin: No. No. That would be wrong.
Chloe: Right.
Kevin: But seeing their place reminded me that there are a lot of really rich people in this town -- rich people who buy a lot of expensive things that they don't need. Then they redecorate, right? They put all their old stuff away in storage, never to see the light of day ever again.
Chloe: So, you want us to continue our Robin Hood adventures?
Kevin: I like the idea of us stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
Chloe: The poor being us.
Kevin: So that we can pay our bills, yeah. Bonus -- I get to see you get a lot more wear out of that catsuit. What do you think?
Chloe: I think this.
Lily: Look, we can't just keep working like nothing happened.
Tyler: Sure we can.
Lily: And pretend like we didn't have a personal discussion about your past right before Cane walked in?
Tyler: I'm willing to pretend that Cane didn't just jump up in my face like some kind of jealous maniac.
Lily: Well, how do you want him to react?
Tyler: Like he trusts you.
Lily: Well, he has a lot of other stuff going on today.
Tyler: I get it. You want to defend your husband. That's admirable.
Lily: Then you understand.
Tyler: No. I don't.
Lily: [Sighs]
Tyler: [Sighs]
Lily: Geez. Hi.
Tyler: I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm actually glad that you're here. I feel like you're the only person that I can talk to.
Lily: Did the ruling come out about your dad?
Tyler: My dad's free.
Lily: And that's why you're so angry?
Tyler: No. I've wrong about that all these years. My -- my dad's been innocent.
Lily: What happened?
Tyler: I saw the man who really did it.
Lily: Who was it?
Tyler: And he just sat there all conceited and entitled, denying what he had done. He trash-talked my mom. He didn't give a damn about how my family suffered after we lost her, after he murdered her.
Lily: Tyler, I'm -- I'm really sorry.
Tyler: He took my mom away from me and Leslie forever. All the years that we should have shared with her, all of the memories that we should have made, all of that -- it died with her. And I don't know where to go from here.
Adriana: Find anything good?
Noah: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you had to work.
Adriana: Schedule changed.
Noah: Good, um, 'cause I was -- I was thinking about us moving in together. I think we should do it.
Adriana: You really want to?
Noah: Yeah. It'll be great. I mean, I think that things have changed between us and that there's some trust again. I think we're ready. Plus, I found some good possibilities. I think we just may be able to swing it.
Adriana: What if we looked together for places somewhere else? You know, not here.
Noah: I'm not going back to New York.
Adriana: No, no. Somewhere new. Someplace we can just get a fresh start. Someplace like...I don't know, San Diego?
Noah: [Chuckles] Yeah, okay. Look, why don't you just take a look at some of these apartments, and then I'm gonna get a refill, and when I come back, maybe we can look at one or two of those. Can I get a refill? Thank you. Hey, did you want -- Adriana?
Kay: We are not going to discuss Adriana anymore.
Jill: That's fine by me.
Cane: [Sighs] Why won't you let Jill know what you're going through?
Kay: [Sighs] Why? Because if she knew that I've been worried about Alzheimer's, that gives her a way to pull another deal exactly like the Wilkerson Chemical. I cannot afford to be weak.
Cane: She loves you too much. She's never gonna think you're weak.
Kay: Cane, I just think it's better if we wait until I find out.
Cane: How is it better?
Kay: That's the way I want it, Cane.
Cane: I gave you my word that I wouldn't tell anybody, but I think it's about time you let your family know so they can be there for you. Okay?
Delia: He really is excited to taste the cake.
Victoria: Okay. So?
Delia: Make a wish, Johnny.
Victoria: Yeah?
Billy: Well, Johnny can't speak just yet, so, uh, his mom and I are gonna help him out.
Victoria: Okay. Well, he wishes for more birthdays and more great gifts like his dinosaur that he's crazy about.
Billy: Yeah. He wishes his mom and dad success in their new family project, and he wishes for more times like these, 'cause he's having fun, and he wishes for cake. He's never had it, but he's very excited about the cake.
Victoria: Excited! Okay.
Billy: You guys ready?
Victoria: Ready?
Billy: One...
All: Two...three.
Billy: Yay!
Victoria: Yay!
Billy: Oh, look at that. Excited! Excited. Look at this.
Victoria: I can't wait. That looks really good. Which piece do you want?
Paul: So, did it help?
Neil: Well, it didn't go as they'd hoped. I think it was important for the family to have the chance to confront him. You know what I mean?
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Leslie: I can't believe how arrogant and callous he was.
Neil: Leslie...
Leslie: What if he actually beats these charges?
Neil: Don't get ahead of yourself, all right? There's a long way to go here.
Leslie: But he got away with it before. He could get off. Oh, I just hate the way he just sat there and just looked at us in the eye and denied, denied, denied.
Paul: What did you really expect to happen? I mean, that's what guys like this do.
Leslie: Yeah, well, what if he manages to convince a jury?
Gus: He won't, Baby. Even if they prove him innocent, he won't get away with it.
Leslie: Yeah, what I'm most worried about right now is Tyler.
Neil: Tyler is gonna be okay.
Leslie: Yeah, I-I thought we all needed this meeting for some closure, you know? And I forced it on him. Look what it did to him.
Gus: Yeah, well, Tyler was angry at Wheeler -- never you. He knows where your heart was.
Leslie: I hope so.
Tyler: So, now my father, who I thought that I'd never see again, is back after 12 years.
Lily: What does that mean for you?
Tyler: I mean, who knows? He swears that he's a better man. He wants to have a relationship with me and Leslie. Leslie's all in, but...
Lily: What, you're not?
Tyler: I don't know if I can handle that. I mean, he's -- he's been cleared of killing my mother, yeah, but that guy -- I'm telling you, he's -- he's guilty of so many other things. What, you think I should forgive him?
Lily: [Sighs] I-I would just hate to see you let the man who killed your mother take anything more away from you. If your dad really has changed, that means that you guys now have a chance to build a new future together.
Tyler: Why would I want to build anything with him? He didn't appreciate my mother until she was gone.
Lily: Look, I know what it's like to have your mom die and to feel like you're never gonna have a family again, but you have to try. You already lost one parent. You don't need to lose another.
Tyler: [Sighs] What if he hasn't changed?
Lily: Then...you walk away. But at least you can say that you tried.
Tyler: I'm not looking to do that guy any favors.
Lily: No. No. Don't do it for him. Do it for yourself. Otherwise, you're gonna regret it.
Tyler: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: If you're planning on proposing to Avery, why is the ring in this box instead of on her finger?
Avery: Yes, Nick proposed. But I haven't said yes.
Michael: You're leaving again.
Lauren: For work.
Michael: I just can't help thinking something else is going on.
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