Y&R Transcript Monday 4/8/13
Episode # 10131 ~ Nikki cautions Adam against betraying Victor; Summer schemes to seduce Kyle.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: You know, it's customary when a guy asks you to marry him that you give him an answer.
Avery: Mm-hmm. I-I just... I don't know what to say.
Nick: [Chuckles] Well, you could, uh...say yes.
Nikki: Well, congratulations. You finally made it into the 21st century.
Victoria: Yeah. Thanks.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victoria: It looks like a place where people might actually live, right?
Nikki: Oh, Honey, it's beautiful. You and Billy did a wonderful job.
Victoria: Thanks. And now all I have to do is decorate for Johnny's birthday.
Nikki: Take lots of pictures.
Victoria: I will. Are you sure you don't mind that it's just gonna be Billy and me and the kids?
Nikki: Honey, look, you only turn one year old once, and I think it's more meaningful if you keep it intimate. We'll save the chaos and pandemonium for tomorrow night when the family celebrates at the ranch.
Victoria: Well, thank you. It will be really nice to enjoy the peace and quiet while we still can.
Nikki: While you still can? What do you mean?
Victoria: Uh...nothing. It's just that Billy and I are expecting to be busy later.
Nikki: You're expecting to get busy? Victoria...are you pregnant?
Victoria: No! Really, no.
Nikki: But you're trying, aren't you?
Summer: Come on in. Your bed is so comfy.
Chelsea: Hi. Uh...tall latte, please. Actually, no. I'm sorry. Um...make that an herbal tea. Thanks.
Dylan: Chelsea.
Chelsea: Dylan.
Dylan: Hey.
Chelsea: Hi. I-I-I thought you left town.
Dylan: Uh, turns out that I'm staying for a while.
Adam: So, we're gonna do this -- the father and son thing?
Victor: Don't expect me to fawn over you, okay?
Adam: Or take a bullet for me?
Victor: Well, hopefully that opportunity never arises. Having said that, I'm in your debt.
Adam: Loyalty only goes so far with you, Dad, especially with Newman, so can you really look me in the eye and tell me you're not gonna try and push me out?
Abby: Hey.
Alex: Hey.
Abby: Oh, you know, wait. The name will come to me.
Alex: Huh.
Abby: Hmm. Mnh-mnh.
Alex: I'm sorry. I know I haven't been in touch. We've been slammed here --
Abby: Yeah, working 24/7 to try to catch the slimeball who tried to take out my family. Well, um...that's why I brought you dinner. I figured you hadn't had a decent one in a while.
Alex: Well, I have been surviving on candy bars and stale doughnuts. [Sniffs] [Speaking Spanish] I just realized how hungry I was. Thank you, Abby.
Abby: You're welcome. [Smooches] Coincidentally, there's enough in there for two. Like, I could set it up in the break room and maybe, I don't know, make us a little picnic for two.
Alex: Yeah. Let me...finish right here, and I'll meet you there.
Abby: I'll take it back. [Chuckles]
Alex: Hey! Congressman, good evening. It's funny you should stop by --
Wheeler: I've heard there's a warrant out for my arrest, so I'm turning myself in.
Alex: That's very nice of you. I appreciate the favor.
Wheeler: I'm only here because this ridiculous charge against me will never stick.
Victor: You're more like me than I've ever given you credit for, Son. No sooner have we reconciled than your mind is on business. It's never far from what we are thinking about, is it?
Adam: Still haven't answered my question.
Victor: Which is what?
Adam: Well, that tells me all I need to know. If you had anything to do with it, I wouldn't be in charge of Newman.
Victor: I didn't say that.
Adam: You didn't have to.
Victor: Well, Son, you'd do well never to second-guess me, okay?
Adam: I'll stop second-guessing you when you start accepting that I've done something that Nicholas and Victoria could not do. Can you do that?
Victoria: [Sighs] Okay. Um... yes. Billy and I are gonna try to have a baby.
Nikki: Have you been to a doctor about it?
Victoria: I had my initial appointment, but I haven't done any of the testing yet.
Nikki: To see if you're a candidate for fertilization treatments.
Victoria: This is something that I considered in the past, but it just... you know, it never really seemed urgent until...
Nikki: Until my wedding -- the attempt on our lives.
Victoria: So, Billy and I discussed it, and we decided that we're gonna go forward with it.
Nikki: Well, I'm very happy for you, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Uh, no, you're not.
Nikki: Why would you say that?
Victoria: I can tell by the look on your face. You think I'm making a mistake.
Kyle: Okay. I'm gonna walk out now so you can get dressed.
Summer: Get dressed? I-I thought that you and I --
Kyle: There is no "You and I," Summer. And if there is a "You and I," it is strictly professional, fully clothed, and not in my bedroom. Or yours or anyone else's. Ever. Now, please, Summer, just get dressed. [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Avery: I love you. I love you.
Nick: Okay. That is a start. But it's still not a yes.
Avery: [Sighs] Things are so good with us now.
Nick: And...you don't want to ruin it by making it official or putting any added pressure on it.
Avery: Well, if my first marriage is any indication --
Nick: You have had one marriage. That's amateur hour. I've got three times that under my belt.
Avery: Wow. Okay, shouldn't that tell us something?
Nick: Yes. It tells me that I was in relationships with two very special women, and I got some amazing kids out of that. But those relationships had to end because I believe I was supposed to wind up right here with you. I am crazy in love with you, Avery. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don't you believe me?
Avery: I do. I do believe you. It's just, I can't help wondering...you know, if we hadn't come so close to death the other day, would you really be proposing to me now?
Kyle: Summer, wait. Look, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Summer: Then why did you? What, because of my mom? What, and all of her whining that we shouldn't be together?
Kyle: Well, yeah. That's part of it. I mean, especially now that she and my dad are back together. You got to admit, it would be a little weird for their kids --
Summer: Okay, we're not even related.
Kyle: Yeah, but still, I mean, you don't want to see Marcia and Greg Brady together.
Summer: Who?
Kyle: "The Brady Bunch"? Never mind. We work together, you know, and it's just not cool for business associates to be hooking up.
Summer: Okay, yeah, but my mom and your dad did it, okay? And besides, we're not even in the same division anymore, so there shouldn't be a problem. I mean, Kyle, what do you have to lose?
Kyle: Uh, okay. I shouldn't even be having this conversation. [Chuckles]
Summer: I am not a little kid anymore. Okay, I am 18, about to graduate high school.
Kyle: But you know what I see? The little girl playing hopscotch, holding onto her security bunny.
Summer: Okay, well, no more security bunny, and as for hopscotch, I'm sure I could show you a lot better moves now.
Kyle: All right. That's it. You know why this can't happen? Because I'm into someone else. That's why.
Nikki: I don't know that I would call it a mistake. God knows if I were in your position, I'm sure I would take a chance and go through the process of trying to get pregnant. But right now, I'm thinking as a mother worried about her own baby.
Victoria: Because of the couple of times that I've tried to conceive.
Nikki: Sweetheart, I will never forget how devastated you were. Now, are you really prepared to go through that again? I mean, not that anything would necessarily go wrong.
Victoria: But it might. I know. I just think that I'm willing to take that chance. I just...I keep seeing Adam stepping in front of that bullet, and, you know, Mom, when I went to see him in the hospital, he was so small and so frail, like a gust of wind could just blow him away. We all could have died that night.
Nikki: If it hadn't had been for Billy.
Victoria: Exactly. And I don't know if he was being incredibly brave or incredibly stupid, but it really brought home how much I love him and how much I want to have a baby with him. I need to do this, Mom.
Nikki: Well, in that case, I am behind you every swollen ankle and water-retentive step of the way. [Chuckles]
Victoria: Thank you, Mommy.
Nikki: Oh, Sweetheart. Another grandchild. Your father is gonna be so thrilled.
Victoria: Uh...yeah. About that. Dad can't know.
Wheeler: You have no cause to charge me, nothing that links me to the shooting at the Newman ranch the other day.
Alex: Didn't say I did. I never even mentioned the ranch.
Wheeler: Well, then, why the hell did you issue an arrest warrant?
Alex: Well, we have evidence that puts you in a crime scene.
Wheeler: But you just said --
Alex: Uh, the Belinda Rogan crime scene.
Wheeler: Belinda Rogan?
Alex: You remember her, right? The woman you murdered? So sorry -- allegedly murdered.
Wheeler: You're damn right "Allegedly." I never touched Belinda Rogan.
Alex: Well, the DNA sample says otherwise.
Wheeler: What do you -- I never gave a DNA sample.
Alex: That is true. But we have probable cause to go after it ourselves.
Wheeler: Well, how did you get it?
Alex: Actually, we got help from some of your constituents. So, Congressman, if you wouldn't mind. Congressman Wheeler, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.
Victor: I'll say it as many times as you want to hear it, Son. You've gone above and beyond for me... more than I thought you would.
Adam: Or could?
Victor: I underestimated you, Adam.
Adam: And you overestimated your other children.
Victor: Oh, I would think that they would step in for me as you did.
Adam: Yeah, but would they step into Newman? That's what I'm talking about. All three of them bailed on you, Dad, time and time again, and I stayed. I fought to stay. And I have made Newman better off than it's ever been.
Victor: You've done a good job.
Adam: Can you imagine what we could do if we teamed up together?
Victor: Be a force to be reckoned with, don't you think?
Adam: You think it's possible?
Victoria: I mean, I'm not even pregnant, and who knows if I will be, so why -- why tell Dad now, right? And besides, I don't think he'll be as excited as you think he'll be about this grandchild.
Nikki: I don't know why you say that.
Victoria: [Sighs] It'll be half Billy's, Mom.
Nikki: We owe our lives to Billy. Victor is very grateful to him.
Victoria: Yeah, today and maybe tomorrow, but a week from now, he'll be remembering all the reasons that he hates Billy, and he'll be trying to talk me out of having a baby with him.
Nikki: Not necessarily. He adores Johnny, and he's not even your biological child.
Victoria: But, Mom, who could resist Johnny's cute little face? Not even Dad. I mean, he's real, and he's a fact. It's easier to discount an idea.
Nikki: I suppose you're right.
Victoria: I am right. I am right, and I'm not gonna stress myself out worrying about how Dad's gonna react. I'm not.
Nikki: Okay. Okay. You win. Your secret is safe with me.
Dylan: I wasn't sure that you would sit with me, much less welcome me back to town. It's very nice.
Chelsea: 'Cause it was so awkward last time we were here?
Dylan: It was so awkward.
[Both laugh]
Dylan: It was like a junior-high dance.
Chelsea: I know. I know. I think it was just because I really don't do that sort of thing.
Dylan: Uh, neither -- neither do I, really.
Chelsea: Okay, so, then it makes sense that it was awkward for us, 'cause neither of us knew what the hell we were doing. I think, um -- I think we both just needed a friend that night.
Dylan: I think you're right. So, no harm done?
Chelsea: No. No. Not as far as I'm concerned.
Dylan: Good. Good. Actually, I wanted to -- I wanted to see you again.
Chelsea: Oh. Oh, wait. I had a great time, but I'm not looking for --
Dylan: [Chuckles] Oh, no. I'm not talking about that. I remember you said that you were having some problems with your ex, and I just -- I wanted to see how you were doing, see if you got things resolved.
Chelsea: Oh, um...well, things are worse, actually.
Dylan: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.
Chelsea: Thanks. Something happened to him -- something serious -- and I, in the moment, considered taking him back. I had this vision, you know, of this dramatic reunion where we would tell each other what a mistake we made and that we belonged together.
Dylan: And I take it didn't go down that way.
Chelsea: No. He said something that reminded me of why our marriage fell apart in the first place. Snapped me right back to reality. Anyway, enough about that. Um, tell me about you. What happened? Why did you come back?
Nick: So, you want me to be honest?
Avery: Please.
Nick: Would I be here with this ring right now if that stuff hadn't gone down at my dad's? I don't know.
Avery: Okay. Well, then... [Chuckles]
Nick: But it did go down, Avery. And it knocked the hell out of me. It made me realize that I am an idiot for waiting. We have said when you find happiness in life, you have to grab it. And you make me happy. Like, really, really, like, super duper turbo happy.
Avery: Okay, stop. Stop. That's playing dirty, Newman. You can't show me your dimples. You know I can't resist your dimples.
Nick: Okay, well, these bad boys can be here full time. You just have to say the word. [Chuckles] You know that you are allowed to be happy, too, right? Yeah?
Avery: I am happy.
Nick: Then why are you crying?
Avery: [Sniffles]
Nick: I think it's 'cause you know that it can be better. When you make those vows to someone, when you commit to one another, there is no feeling like that in the world.
Avery: I'm afraid.
Nick: Of what?
Avery: I'm afraid of screwing it up... of hurting the person I love again.
Summer: Uh, who is she -- the girl that you're into?
Kyle: You don't know her.
Summer: Are you two...
Kyle: No. Not yet.
Summer: So, she likes you.
Kyle: [Sighs] You know what? I'd rather not talk about this.
Summer: So if she wasn't in the picture, would I have a chance?
Kyle: Summer, don't do this to yourself. You are gonna find someone awesome some day, a guy who is --
Summer: Yeah, more my age? I've really grown to hate those words.
Kyle: I'm sorry about this.
Summer: Are you?
Kyle: Hang in there, okay? This is all gonna work out exactly how it's supposed to.
Summer: Yeah.
Kyle: [Sighs]
Nick: Look, I can't promise that you're not gonna hurt me or that I'm not gonna hurt you, but isn't it worth the risk?
Avery: I-I don't know. I don't know that it is.
Nick: Then what's the alternative? Are you just gonna live your life halfway? That's not who you are.
Avery: If it means sparing you the pain I caused my husband...
Nick: Look, I'm not Joe. And I would never neglect you the way he did and give you reason to turn to someone else.
Avery: Okay, you say that now, but...people change. You know, things change. Isn't that what happened with Sharon and with Phyllis?
Nick: Sharon was my first love. And Phyllis came along after Cassie died. There was so much tied up in both of those marriages. You're the first woman that I'm with...just because. Because you're fun and you're supportive and you're inspiring and you are sexy and gorgeous and sexy.
Avery: You said that already.
Nick: But most importantly, you showed me something I didn't think was possible. That I could be in love with someone who is also my best friend.
Avery: You're my best friend, too. [Sighs] And I can see it. I can see us spending a life together and sharing a home, and...there's just so much going on right now.
Nick: Yeah, there is. So, is that a no?
Avery: Uh...it is... I love you. I love you. And I am very moved by your proposal. And I hope you will be patient with me while I sort out my feelings.
Nick: Okay. If that's what it takes, that's what you'll get.
Dylan: Well, it's, uh -- it's kind of complicated, but I'm basically sticking around because I got into a little bit of trouble, and I need to make it right.
Chelsea: I hope it's nothing serious.
Dylan: Uh...I think it's gonna work out.
Chelsea: That's all I'm gonna get from you, huh? That's okay. I guess you communicate in other ways.
Dylan: [Chuckles] I guess you could say that.
Chelsea: About that night -- you really helped me out, so if I can ever return the favor, I would like to.
Dylan: No, you -- you already helped me. Because that night, I was hurting, too, and -- and you made it a lot easier for me.
Chelsea: I'm glad. I could see how much pain you were in.
Dylan: Yeah. Just before I ran into you, um... I-I found out my -- my dad died.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Dylan...
Dylan: Yeah, he was -- he was failing for a long time, and I knew... I knew it was coming, but I just -- I'm sorry. I just -- I wasn't expecting it. Does that even make any sense?
Chelsea: Yeah. Of course it does. I mean, you didn't get to say goodbye.
Dylan: No, I lost that chance. I've lost a lot of things lately. And in one case, I handled things the wrong way, and I got into a bar fight.
Chelsea: Ah. That's the trouble you were referring to.
Dylan: Yeah, it was stupid. I should have just left it alone.
Chelsea: Listen. None of us act rationally when we've suffered that kind of loss. All we can do is just try to look to the future so we can eventually stop hurting.
Victor: I got to tell you, speaking from experience, that partnership with anyone isn't easy under the best of circumstances. With the two of us together...
Adam: Yeah, you got to wrap your head around the idea of sharing power with me.
Victor: Not anyone.
Adam: Hmm. Not even the -- not even the person who saved your life?
Victor: You won't hold that over my head in the future, now, will you?
Adam: You think I would do that?
Victor: If I've learned anything in the past few days, it's about your capacity to surprise me.
Adam: Mm. And that worries you?
Victor: Challenges me.
Adam: Uh-huh. Well, I have never known you to back away from a challenge. So, you telling me you're gonna start now?
Alex: That's right. We have him in custody. We'll ship him over to you boys in Milwaukee tomorrow morning. Okay. Sounds good. Thanks. [Sighs]
Abby: [Clears throat]
Alex: Oh, no! Oh. I just realized why I'm so hungry -- the dinner in the break room. I'm so sorry. I got caught up with this case.
Abby: I'm trying not to take it personally.
Alex: I --
Abby: Yeah. It's okay. Okay. It's okay. If I'm gonna be the girlfriend of a cop, I have to accept that sometimes your work will come before me. Criminals don't know if we have dinner plans, right?
Alex: So, you're my girlfriend now.
Abby: The rule says that once you accompany someone to a wedding, you automatically become their significant other.
Alex: Oh. I guess I didn't read the rules, but had I known that --
Abby: What, you wouldn't have gone with me?
Alex: No, I probably would have taken you to a wedding weeks ago. Just...
Abby: Mm.
[Telephone rings]
Alex: Oh, come on!
Abby: Oh, no. Go. Please. You need to keep the streets of Genoa City safe.
Alex: All right.
Abby: Your dinner is in the fridge.
Alex: Okay.
Abby: Try this again when you're not so busy.
Alex: I promise.
Abby: Okay.
Alex: Bye.
Abby: Bye.
Alex: Chavez.
Dylan: So, that's all we have to do -- learn to leave the pain behind and move forward, and that's it?
Chelsea: See? It's that simple. That simple.
Dylan: I think you may have stumbled onto the key to life.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Okay, maybe it's easier said than done. I'm just saying I think a big part of being happy is not letting other people dictate your future, you know? You need to take matters into your own hands.
Dylan: Is that what you're doing?
Chelsea: I'm doing my best. Starting with my career, and things are actually really starting to come together.
Dylan: That's good. That's good for you.
Chelsea: Thank you. What about you? Did you think more about getting your degree in architecture?
Dylan: [Sighs] I don't know. I don't know. Really, I'm just gonna settle things here first.
Chelsea: I hate that word.
Dylan: What word?
Chelsea: "Settle." I don't think we should have to settle for anything.
Dylan: Stuff happens. Life happens. You can't control it.
Chelsea: No. You can roll with it. I used to surf a lot, and I kind of think of it -- it's like when you're looking out over the water in the distance and you see a set rolling in, and you get so excited. You know, you have that rush, and then, suddenly, it breaks too soon, and you totally missed your chance. But there's always gonna be another wave. And it's usually better than the one before.
Dylan: Well, I just may have to start surfing.
Chelsea: [Laughs] Hey, any time you want to learn -- just saying.
Dylan: I'll know where to go. And it's not here in Wisconsin.
Chelsea: [Laughs] Oh, yeah. No.
Dylan: No.
Victor: You know, Son, I admire your tenacity.
Adam: But?
Victor: No, no. No but.
And. Newman Enterprises was always about family. So, there's no reason why you shouldn't be as much a part of it as my other children. So, why don't we -- why don't we try to give it a go?
Adam: Give what a go, exactly?
Victor: Let's try to work together. What do you say? Nothing?
Adam: No. Hold on. Let me just pinch myself and make sure I'm still not in a coma.
Victor: [Chuckles] That's right. Well, Son, it's time for me to go. You have a good night. You think about all this, okay?
Adam: All right. Now, I'd be happy to cede that corner office to you so long as my name came first on the letterhead.
Victor: [Chuckles] Well, you -- you think again, Son. Get well, all right? We'll talk. That ain't gonna happen, Son, so you may as well not dream about that one, okay? But we can negotiate.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Nikki: Hi.
Victor: What are you doing here?
Nikki: Well, I talked to Victoria earlier. She said she had come by the hospital to see how Adam was. I thought it was time I did the same. How is he?
Victor: He's doing much better. In fact, we are talking business already. He wants to run Newman with me.
Nikki: Well, I trust you put him in his place.
Victor: Unh-unh. Took him up on it.
Nikki: You did not.
Victor: Yeah. He deserves another chance.
Nikki: Well, I suppose you know best. Keep your guard up, please.
Victor: Sweetheart, don't you ever worry about that on my account, okay?
[Cell phone rings]
Victor: I got to take this.
Nikki: All right. I'll see you later.
Victor: Go ahead. Excuse me.
Nikki: Hi, Adam. I thought it was time you and I talked.
Abby: Just the person I was looking for. My dinner plans fell through. You want to get something to eat? Uh... that's the old one.
Kyle: Huh?
Abby: You're reading the old Hastings Mill proposal. The new one came in two days ago.
Kyle: [Groaning] Oh, great.
Abby: It's not like you to miss a detail like that. You must be working too hard.
Kyle: Yeah, if only.
Abby: Oh, I'm sensing major dish. What happened?
Kyle: You don't want to know.
Abby: What?! Yes, I want to know. Do you know who you're talking to? I want to know everything, especially if you're reluctant to say it. It must be good. Now. Spill. Go.
Kyle: Summer was here looking for me.
Abby: I know.
Kyle: You know?!
Abby: Yeah. I got rid of her. I told her you weren't here.
Kyle: Ah. Well, one problem with that. She didn't believe you.
Abby: She came back?
Kyle: Yeah. In a big way.
Abby: Shut up.
Kyle: You know, you were right about Summer doing anything to get me to notice her.
Abby: How much did you notice?
Kyle: Don't worry. I didn't do anything stupid.
Abby: [Sighs] Thank God.
Kyle: Not that she made that easy for me.
Abby: She is Phyllis' daughter, and I know I would have gone all out if I thought I had a chance with a guy.
Kyle: Hey, what is that for?
Abby: For encouraging her.
Kyle: I didn't mean to. I thought I was just being her friend.
Abby: You can't be friends with a girl. What, have you never watched "When Harry met Sally..."?
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Abby: You, yourself, told me that if Summer was a little bit older, you would go for her. If she sensed even a hint of that --
Kyle: No. She didn't.
Abby: How can you be sure?
Kyle: Because I didn't leave any room for doubt this time. I made it absolutely clear that nothing will ever happen between us.
Adam: Go ahead. Tell me what kind of a terrible person I am for putting Sharon in charge of Newman while I'm recovering, but just so you know, I put safeguards in place so she cannot fail.
Nikki: I'd rather thank you for saving my husband's life instead.
Adam: That's why you came here?
Nikki: If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a husband now. I'd be a pretty small person if I couldn't get over here and show you my gratitude. I owe you more than I can say.
Adam: So, does this mean I'm invited to the next wedding?
Nikki: Well, there won't be any more weddings -- for Victor and me, anyway. But if he thinks that you should be at family events, I won't argue with him.
Adam: Well, what about... what about Newman Enterprises? You gonna argue with him about the two of us working together?
Nikki: I just heard about that, and I'm fine with it... as long as it's not one of your little tricks, if you've lured him into this just to break his heart. Because if that's the case, you'll not only have to deal with Victor, but you'll have to deal with me, because, trust me, I can be as ruthless as my husband if I need to be.
Victor: Well, Marcus, I heard the good news. I had to see it for myself.
Wheeler: It was you. You and Jack Abbott. You set me up, tricked me into getting that DNA sample.
Victor: That's right. I hope you enjoyed your cup of coffee. It's the last good one you'll have for years.
Wheeler: Oh, so that's how you did it. You son of a bitch.
Victor: [Chuckles] And that from a man who tried to kill me and my family.
Wheeler: Well, I know you don't have any proof of that.
Victor: Just a matter of time, Marcus, okay?
Wheeler: Good luck with that.
Victor: Oh, yeah? If you haven't learned by now, Victor Newman makes his own luck... you son of a bitch.
Chelsea: Unfortunately, there isn't much surfing in Genoa City.
Dylan: There are other reasons to stay.
Victoria: Chelsea. Hi.
Chelsea: Victoria. Hey. Um, this is my friend Dylan.
Victoria: Yeah. We met at the opening to my brother's club, only then you were calling yourself Mac.
Dylan: Uh...yeah. I'm sorry about that.
Victoria: Oh, no, that's all right. That's all right. No need to explain. Nick explained everything.
Dylan: You want to grab a seat?
Victoria: Uh, no, thank you. I'm just here to pick up a cake.
Chelsea: Johnny's birthday. Wish him a happy one for me, will you?
Dylan: How -- how old is your son?
Both: One.
Victoria: My husband and I are very fortunate to have him.
Dylan: Yeah, babies are a miracle.
Victoria: Yeah, they definitely are. Excuse me.
Dylan: What was that about?
Chelsea: I wish I knew.
[Keaton Simons' "Unstoppable" plays]
[Avery remembering]
Avery: You're very good at this.
Nick: It's one of my many talents.
Avery: Oh, the dimples again. How am I supposed to make a clearheaded decision with you smiling at me like that?
Nick: I can't help it if I'm irresistible.
Should get rollin' if I'm gonna catch my flight this afternoon
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: Were we gonna keep avoiding talking about Tyler?
Cane: It works for me.
Wheeler: What's the meaning of this?!
Paul: Well, these people have something to say to you.
Cane: Katherine, I think it's time you tell her.
Jill: Tell me what?
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