Y&R Transcript Friday 4/5/13
Episode # 10130 ~ Adam and Victor come to an understanding; Nick plans a surprise for Avery.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Leslie: I'm just picturing the look on Wheeler's face when the police show up and arrest him.
Neil: Right. Yeah? You think he'll be a little less smug than usual?
Leslie: Oh, well, I don't know. But whatever the case, it won't bring my mother back.
Neil: No.
Leslie: Or make up for the years my dad lost in prison or the hell Tyler and I went through, but...its justice.
Neil: Yeah.
Leslie: And it's gonna taste so sweet.
Neil: I know it will. Come here. Give me a hug. Mm!
Leslie: Mm.
Neil: All right. Now, it's been a long day.
Leslie: Yeah.
Neil: You should go home, kick back, take it easy. You deserve it.
[Knock on door]
Tyler: Hey. Finished the layouts.
Neil: Oh, yeah. Right on time. Appreciate that.
Leslie: My talented brother.
Tyler: Yeah, okay. You were all upset before. What's changed?
Leslie: It's over, Tyler. Dad's free.
Nick: Oh! Justice crusader of the year.
Avery: Well, I don't know about that. It's still pretty early in the year.
Nick: Look at what you've accomplished in the last 24 hours. Wheeler is about to be arrested for murder, and your client is about to be released.
Avery: Yes, I have to go find Leslie and fill her in on what happens next.
Nick: Yeah, so, what are you doing? Let's celebrate.
Avery: Yes. Hopefully without being interrupted this time.
Nick: Does that mean you're free?
Avery: Yes, it does. I am free. Tonight is perfect. I can't wait to be alone with you.
Nick: The feeling is mutual.
Kyle: Oh! Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Kyle: Sorry, I just got back from my run.
Abby: Oh, good. I just wanted to go over the sunscreen promo ideas.
Kyle: Aren't Dad and Phyllis handling that?
Abby: Yeah, well, with them in Istanbul, I thought we could just keep things moving. Why are you here? Why are you not at the office?
Kyle: I just decided to work from home today.
Abby: Really? How come?
Kyle: Yeah, I just kind of wanted a change of scenery.
Abby: Oh. Summer-free zone. Probably a good idea. You probably got a lot more done.
Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. You think I'm hiding out to avoid a high-school girl?
Abby: A high-school girl with an epic crush? I'll bet that's why you were texting me the day of the wedding sounding pretty desperate.
Kyle: I was? What?
Abby: So, what has little Miss Aggressive done now that has you hiding out at home?
Summer: So...what are you doing --?
[Cell phone chimes]
Summer: Oh, my God. [Sighs]
Noah: What's wrong?
Summer: My mom and Jack are in New York waiting for their flight to Istanbul and she just keeps texting me, "What are you doing? Who are you with?" I'm 18. When is she gonna get that?
Noah: Oh, it doesn't get any better when you're older. I'm 23. My mom still gives me a hard time about...stuff.
Summer: Oh. Thank you, Noah. That is really depressing. When is this gonna change? How old do we have to be?
Noah: I don't know. Maybe we could ask Dad when Grandpa stopped interfering in his life.
Summer: Oh, my God. It's never gonna stop.
Noah: But at least I can do something right now so that my family's not on top of me all the time.
Summer: What are you talking about?
Victor: You took that bullet for me. You saved my life. Why?
[Footsteps approaching]
Sharon: Knock, knock.
Adam: Sharon. Hey.
Sharon: Am I interrupting?
Victor: Yep.
Adam: It's okay. Come in.
Sharon: I'm sorry I haven't been around, but, you know, I've been busy at Newman. How are you doing?
Adam: Feeling halfway decent, actually.
Sharon: That is so good to hear.
Adam: Jack tells me you're doing a fine job.
Sharon: Well, it hasn't been that long, but that's nice. You know, I'm just keeping the seat warm until you come back.
Victor: You got that right. You're not gonna run the company into the ground again.
Tyler: What are you talking about? Gus' appeal was denied.
Leslie: There's new evidence. So, the DNA that they found in our house that didn't belong to any of us -- they matched it to the real killer.
Neil: Marcus Wheeler.
Tyler: Wheeler killed our mom?
Leslie: She was having an affair. And since she worked in Wheeler's office, it makes sense that he's the man she got involved with.
Neil: You know, it's interesting, but when the Congressman talked to your sister, he referred to your mother as Lin instead of Belinda.
Tyler: Yeah, that's -- that's the name that Gus used to call her -- Lin.
Leslie: A nickname used by two men she was close to. Made me suspicious.
Neil: And now, see, with the DNA evidence linking Wheeler to the crime scene --
Tyler: Whoa, so he not only had an affair with her, but he killed her?
Leslie: I know. I know, it's a lot to take in right now. But I'm hoping maybe one day you'll be able to forgive our father.
Avery: Dylan, what are you doing? Why are you wearing that t-shirt?
Dylan: I'm working, to pay you back your bail money.
Avery: You hired him?
Nick: The sooner he can pay you back, the happier I will be.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: I got to take this. Nick Newman.
Avery: Okay, what -- what are you doing? You don't have to pay me back.
Dylan: What do you mean? You know I don't like being indebted to people.
Avery: That's not how we see this.
Dylan: That's how I see it. You helped me, and I can't go anywhere for a month, anyway.
Avery: Okay, well, can't you find a way to make money where you're not working for my boyfriend?
Dylan: Uh... maybe I can relaunch my career as a pool hustler. Mm-hmm.
Avery: Oh, well, if you're gonna go that route, not only will you never pay me back, but you'll also starve.
Dylan: I'm not that bad.
Avery: You are the worst non-vision-impaired pool player I know.
Dylan: Come on. I might be better since then.
Avery: I hope so, because you couldn't get any worse.
Dylan: [Laughs] That was my plan. I was trying to make you think I was terrible, then I could swoop in for the big score.
Avery: That was your plan? To lose 100 or so games to me and suddenly start playing for real?
Dylan: I'm all about long-term thinking.
Avery: Ah.
Dylan: You don't believe me, let me show you. We'll play sometime.
Avery: Okay, it's a date. I mean, it's not -- it's not a date.
Dylan: [Laughs]
Avery: Stop it. You tricked me. That's not even funny.
Sharon: Do you really want to do this in front of Adam?
Victor: My son was gravely injured when he put you in charge. I don't think he knew what he was doing.
Adam: No, I -- I knew what I was doing. You didn't -- you didn't come here to check up on me, did you, Dad? Came to check up on the company, gauge how ripe it was for the taking. How long until you go to the board members behind my back, start talking about me?
Victor: You know, Son, for your information, that wasn't it at all. If that had been the case, I would have told you, okay?
Adam: Well, naturally, you want to start to take advantage of this situation, Dad.
Sharon: So, I have to get going. I'm gonna get back to work, but I'll see you later.
Adam: You know where to find me. I'm not going anywhere.
Sharon: [Chuckling] Okay.
Adam: Okay, Dad. You've made your appearance. So, why are you still here?
Victor: [Sighs] Because you and I aren't finished, Son.
Abby: Summer was in the office half naked? Which half?
Kyle: I'm not joking, Abby.
Abby: I'm not joking, okay? It is important.
Kyle: She claimed that she spilled coffee down the front of her shirt.
Abby: Oh, how convenient.
Kyle: So I walk in and she's standing there in her bra, so I give her my jacket, and then Phyllis walks in.
Abby: Oh, good! I bet that calmed everyone down.
Kyle: Yeah, not exactly, but I made it clear that nothing is going on between us.
Abby: Right. Did Phyllis buy that?
Kyle: I wasn't lying, Abby! Okay, sure, if Summer were my age, I might go for her. She's cute. She's fun.
Abby: She's throwing herself at you every chance she can.
Kyle: And that never hurts, really.
Abby: Except that she's in high school! You have to stay away from her!
Kyle: I know!
Abby: Do you? Then why are you encouraging her with all this "Friend" stuff?
Kyle: Look, it's all moot anyway. She's been transferred to Neil's division. Once she's out of the building, she won't be bumping into me every two seconds. She'll forget I even exist.
Abby: I would not count on that. Summer -- she just asked me for advice on how to move out of the friend’s category with an older guy.
Kyle: [Laughs]
Abby: Yeah. Mm! I wonder who's she's talking about.
Kyle: [Groans]
Abby: If Summer is taking off her clothes to get you to notice her, you better be prepared for more of the same.
Summer: So, what is this plan?
Noah: I'm going to get my own apartment.
Summer: That is so cool! We could -- we could get a place together. How awesome would that be?
Noah: No, not awesome. That -- that's not remotely awesome, and you'd be a terrible roommate. How would you even pay for your share of the rent?
Summer: Seriously? Noah, you have a trust fund. You'd really make me pay?
Noah: I don't have access to that trust until I'm 25. Same as you. Besides, the idea is to be on my own. I was just looking at rental units.
Summer: Anything good?
Noah: Well, so far, the best I can afford is a flat with three roommates and a bathtub in the kitchen.
Summer: [Laughs]
Noah: And that's one of the nicer ones.
Summer: Yeah, like Dad and Sharon would let you live in some dump.
Noah: On my own. That means without help.
Summer: Okay, that is so stupid. We are Newmans. We should be living --
[Cell phone chimes]
Summer: Oh, my God!
Noah: Phyllis again?
Summer: [Sighs] "I am with Noah." 10 exclamation marks. Hmm. Smile. Smile. Mm! See? There's proof.
Noah: I know that your mom likes to micromanage, but this is a lot, even for her.
Summer: Yeah.
Noah: What did you do?
Summer: Why do you immediately assume that I did something?
Noah: Because I know you. I'll tell you what -- I'm gonna get a refill. You can tell me the truth when I come back, or at least it'll give you enough time to come up with something that doesn't involve... Kyle Abbott.
[Cell phone chimes]
Noah: Phyllis text you again?
Summer: No. It's your phone. Naked pictures, huh? Is that what that hoochie mama's sending you now?
Noah: She's been doing that lately.
Summer: Mm-hmm. It's bold. Very bold. Does stuff like that work? Noah.
Noah: Mm, we'll talk later. I got to go.
Summer: [Chuckles] All right, tell Adriana that I said hi.
Nick: Tomorrow night is gonna be huge. This band has a huge internet following. I think you can expect some pretty big tips.
Dylan: You are determined to make me rich so I can pick Avery back and get the hell out of town, aren't you?
Nick: No, I'm just trying to be helpful, but with this big night, there's gonna be a lot of underage college kids, so we got to be vigilant with the IDs.
Dylan: Got it. Thanks for the tip. And, really, thanks for the job. I do appreciate it.
Nick: You know, Dylan, I didn't do it for you. I did it for Avery.
Dylan: I'm sure she'll be pleased that you were looking out for me.
Nick: I think she'll be a lot happier when you finish up this court thing and you can leave town. She can focus on more important things.
Dylan: You know, the great thing about Avery is her loyalty, and once she gets close to somebody, she stays that way. It's one of the reasons I admire her so much.
Nick: I agree with you completely. When she commits to something, she does it with her whole heart. But if you lie to her, she's gonna move on and find someone else she can trust, someone who won't leave her.
Avery: After I filed the paperwork for Gus' release, I called the appellate judge's office in Milwaukee, and the clerk has informed me that the conviction has been vacated.
Leslie: So, it's official.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Leslie: Oh, my. Hallelujah. Does Dad know?
Avery: He was my second call.
Neil: Amazing. I can't imagine the joy he felt after hearing that.
Avery: A whole lot of joy and a whole lot relief.
Leslie: Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you so much, Avery, for hanging in there. You believed in my father when no one else would.
Avery: Tyler, are you okay?
Tyler: My father was horrible to my mother. He was always calling her names, yelling in her face at the top of his lungs. He'd pick fights with her just to be mean. And you know what? Maybe if he wasn't such a bad husband, she wouldn't have had an affair and got killed.
Leslie: I know you're upset.
Avery: I understand why you feel the way you do, Tyler, but despite how Gus treated Belinda, he was not guilty of murder. Wheeler was. And so your mother and your father are both victims in this.
Leslie: You're right. Very right. And I just thank you again for your hard work.
Avery: Well, I'm sorry that it took 12 years to find the real killer.
Neil: Oh, Avery, it might never have happened if it weren't for you. I mean, you stirred up the hornets' nest which led the police to Wheeler.
Avery: Well...
Leslie: Oh, my goodness. That's right. Someone tampering with your brakes, breaking into your place. Wheeler had so much to lose, he wanted to stop you before the truth came out.
Neil: Yeah, just like he had so much to lose if his affair with Belinda came out.
Leslie: Yeah. Now that it's over... where do we go from here?
Dylan: I never lied to Avery.
Nick: You didn't?
Dylan: I was injured. And I couldn't make it back to my unit. Once I got back to the states and I got healthy, the first thing I did was track her down. I came to Genoa City to see how she was doing.
Nick: Under an assumed name so you could secretly check her out.
Dylan: Just to make sure she was okay.
Nick: She is okay. She's with me. Here. Here's your list for the week.
Dylan: That's a hell of a list. Doesn't look like I'm gonna have much free time.
Nick: Well, don't worry. Every hour worked over 40 will get you time and a half, and you can pay Avery back in record time.
Dylan: I'm sure you want me starting right away.
Nick: No. We're closed tonight.
Dylan: Closed? What, do we have a private party?
Nick: Yeah, you could say that.
Dylan: Are you sure you don't want me to help out?
Nick: No, I got it covered. Just go rest. We'll see you tomorrow.
Dylan: Somebody's got to serve drinks if it's a private --
Nick: Dylan, I got it covered. You know what? You're only gonna be working here nights, so maybe you could find a day job, pick up some extra cash, pay Avery back quicker, and then get out of town sooner.
Dylan: I can't. My court date's a month away. Guess we're stuck.
Nick: Right. You know, normally, I don't like to use my name for preferential treatment. It's just not my thing. But, in this case, I think I'd be willing to make an exception.
Dylan: What do you mean?
Nick: I could talk to the sheriff or the judge -- doesn't matter who. I can get these charges dropped, then you can be in your truck, headed out of Genoa City for good. How's that sound?
Avery: You know, I'm gonna grab some coffee.
Neil: Yeah, I think I'm going to join you.
Avery: Yes, I'll see you in a little while, Leslie.
Leslie: Everything we've ever believed has turned out to be a lie. It's enough to shake up anybody.
Tyler: Gus was still a very bad guy.
Leslie: Back then, yeah. He was. Even he admits that.
Tyler: What, and you think 12 years in prison mellowed him out? Made him an all-around nice guy?
Leslie: Well, after the few visits I've had with him, he does seem like a changed man.
Tyler: At least he wasn't lying about being innocent. I just find it really hard to accept that the same guy that made our life hell is now supposed to be looked at like he's some kind of saint.
Leslie: Oh, no. Come on, now. Wait, wait. No, listen. Listen. Nobody is saying that. But he has paid a high price for his mistakes, which I'm certain he regrets. I believe he deserves a second chance, Tyler, and then from there we can move forward, have some kind of relationship in the future.
Tyler: Yeah, well, not all of us. Mom doesn't have a future.
Leslie: I know you spent a lot of time wondering what life would have been like if mom didn't die. But maybe you should consider what you might lose if you reject our father again.
Tyler: [Sighs]
Kyle: As far as I'm concerned, this entire Summer situation is handled.
Abby: Famous last words.
Kyle: I'm going to take a shower. Are you good with these promo ideas?
Abby: Yes, we're good. Thank you for your input.
Kyle: No problem.
Abby: I have to make a few work calls and then I'll go.
Kyle: All right. See you tomorrow.
[Knock on door]
Abby: I'll get it. [Sighs] Summer, what are you doing here?
Summer: Hi, um, I was trying to get a hold of my mom, but she's away with Jack.
Abby: Yeah, and?
Summer: And she must not have any cell reception, because none of my calls have gone through, so I was just hoping that Kyle would have the number to the place they were staying.
Abby: Well, I mean, you could have called.
Summer: Oh, yeah, no, I was just down the street, so...
Abby: Well, no excuses, dear niece. Kyle's not here.
Summer: Um [Chuckles] Yeah, his car's outside.
Abby: Actually, you know what? I know where Uncle Jack is staying. I'll just text you the info, okay?
Summer: Yeah. That would be great. Thanks, Abby. Bye.
Abby: [Sighs]
Victor: Let me ask you something. When that mad man crashed our party and, um... aimed his gun with the intention of killing me, you leapt in front of me. Why?
Adam: [Sighs] No time to think, I guess.
Victor: That's exactly why I'm asking the question. Why did you want to save my life?
Adam: Well, maybe I don't hate you as much as you thought I did, Dad.
Victor: But, Son, you came into the party with the intent of wanting to embarrass me, didn't you? You wanted everyone to know that I hired a prostitute to set up Jack Abbott. Now, with that kind of rage seething in you... why would you want to save my life? I'd think you'd rather see me dead. Instead, you almost got killed. Why?
Adam: I don't know what to tell you, Dad.
Victor: Tell me the truth.
Abby: Okay. Great. Shoot me an e-mail and we'll go from there. I'm heading to the office now.
Dylan: Can you really do that? Can you just make the charges disappear?
Nick: Just say the word.
Dylan: Well, I got into a fight with the sheriff's son. I didn't think that would be the kind of thing that could go away so easily.
Nick: The Newmans have influence -- everywhere. One call, it'll be like the fight never happened.
Dylan: Well, I appreciate the offer.
Nick: So, what was the --
Dylan: Hold on. I got myself into this mess, and I need to take responsibility and get myself out of the mess by paying Avery back and making the court date. Besides, how do you think Avery would feel if she found out you used your influence, your name to sway a public official? I think she'd be pretty disappointed. So, I think it's best that I stay in Genoa City and see this thing through... no matter how long it takes.
Avery: I will let you know when Gus is released.
Leslie: When do you think that will be?
Avery: I think it will be soon, and I'm gonna send you some information for some organizations that will help him with the transition.
Tyler: Transition?
Avery: Yeah, this is an unusual situation. Normally there would be a parole officer and a halfway house with counselors to ease him into society, but Gus isn't gonna have any of that. He'll only have you.
Tyler: [Scoffs] So, we're supposed to help him find a job and a place to live?
Avery: Well, for starters. You know, he's been gone for 12 years. Think of all the things that have changed during that time, and who's gonna explain those changes to him?
Tyler: I guess we are.
Avery: Well, if not you, then who, Tyler?
Tyler: Oh, yeah, sure, whatever. We'll all sit around the table after a nice home-cooked meal. We'll teach him how to use a Smartphone.
Leslie: It's a little overwhelming, but we'll do our best.
Avery: Well, like I told you, I'm gonna put you in touch with some outreach groups that do great work, but, you know, the bulk of the work in this really comes from the family.
Tyler: Family?
Leslie: Thank you. Thanks, Avery, for working so hard.
Avery: Well, you know, when a door slams in my face, my usual response is to kick it open.
Leslie: Oh, well, thank God you did. [Laughs] All right, thanks, Avery.
Avery: I will be in touch.
Leslie: All right.
Avery: Bye.
Leslie: Uh-oh. Um...you need to adjust your attitude.
Tyler: What? I don't need some lawyer talking to me like everything's gonna be fine when Gus gets out, like we used to be some big, happy family.
Leslie: Avery did not say that.
Tyler: Well, not in so many words, but that's what I heard.
Leslie: Well, what I heard is your father is joining you in the real world and we are his support system.
Tyler: That criminal can support hisself.
Leslie: He was found innocent.
Tyler: Yeah, of murdering Mom. But you and I both know that he's guilty of so much other stuff.
Leslie: We need to be at that prison when he gets out, okay? He's faced this all alone all these years. He cannot come out the same way.
Tyler: Yeah, well, don't count on me to be there.
Leslie: Tyler, he needs us.
Tyler: I don't need him.
Leslie: Did you not hear what Avery just said? When fear slams a door in your face, you need to kick it down. Now, I don't know what you're afraid of, Little Brother, but you need to let it go.
Wheeler: You're my lawyer, Sherman, you tell me. Well, how much more harassment about this Victor Newman shooting at his ranch am I supposed to take? The Genoa City P.D. has called me in for questioning one too many times. Next time they come after me, I want you to run interference. Well, tell them the truth. Tell them that I've cooperated with their investigation, and I have nothing more to say. What kind of bad news?
Victor: That call I took was from Paul Williams. Seems they're about to arrest Marcus Wheeler for murder.
Adam: [Groans] Murder? Who?
Victor: A woman called Belinda Rogan that he worked with 12 years ago in Milwaukee. They had an affair. So, I guess it's just a matter of time before the cops realize that Wheeler hired the assassin sent to kill me and then ending up shooting you. So, I guess justice will be done.
Adam: Well, that's great news. Thank you for telling me, Dad. Now, if you don't mind, I'm very tired.
Victor: I understand that, Son. So, why don't you just lie back, relax, and I'll talk, okay? [Sighs] You know, I didn't come here to talk about Newman Enterprises. Didn't come here to talk about business. But about family.
Adam: What would that have to do with me?
Victor: Well, I'll tell you. I've often been accused of testing my kids for their level of loyalty, and there's some truth in that. Now, you're a hell of a businessman. You've proven that several times when you were asked to step in at Newman.
Adam: Careful, Dad. Being nice to me might kill you.
Victor: [Chuckles] But when you threw yourself in front of me to save my life... that proved something else to me. You're every bit a Newman as much as Nicholas... Victoria... and Abby. I'm very sorry it took me this long and that it took this... near-death experience for me to realize that. But you're my son.
Leslie: Here's the draft of the McPherson contract.
Neil: All right. Young lady. I thought I told you to go home.
Leslie: Yeah, no. I can't.
Neil: Sure you can. Yeah, yeah. You just get in your car, you drive there, you pour yourself a glass of whatever makes you feel right, turn on some good music, shut off the lights, and shut out the world.
Leslie: Yeah, I don't want to be at home right now.
Neil: Well, you don't even have to go home. You could go to a spa, you know? Get a massage. Maybe relax.
Leslie: Now's not the time, Neil.
Neil: Now's not the time? When is the right time? Honey, you've been working hard, stressing out for the past few months. You got to take some time off. You got to pamper yourself.
Leslie: I know, but I need to just focus on work, otherwise I'm gonna go crazy.
Neil: Come on, it's over. There's no need to go crazy now.
Leslie: Yeah, I'm just thinking about my dad and all the years he spent stuck in prison.
Neil: Hey.
Leslie: Years he can never get back.
Neil: Okay, look at me. I'm right here. I'm right here. Look forward to the future. And, thanks to Avery, your daddy's got one.
Leslie: Yeah. And once he gets out, what's supposed to happen? I mean, what kind of relationship are we really supposed to have? Gus is practically a stranger to me. I'm not a kid anymore. A lot has changed.
Neil: Hey. You know what I think? The relationship with your father -- it's up to you, you know? You got a clean slate. I don't think you should worry about it. I saw the way your dad looked at you. Leslie, he adores you. He loves you. Who wouldn't?
Leslie: Aww. Thank you. Thank you for trying to calm me down.
Neil: Trying? Oh, my goodness. Now what's going on in that head of yours? What else do you have to worry about?
Leslie: Tyler.
[Door opens]
Tyler: I'm here to meet a prisoner who's about to be released. His name's Gus Rogan. He's my father.
Sharon: [Gasps] Whoa!
Dylan: I surrender.
Sharon: Déjà vu.
Dylan: Don't do it.
Sharon: All over again. Hey, what are you doing here? Nick told me you left.
Dylan: Yeah, I did.
Sharon: Oh, but you're back for a visit or...
Dylan: It's a long story. How's your kitchen holding up, by the way?
Sharon: It's great. I mean, not that I get to use it that much because I'm so busy at Newman since I took over for Adam.
Dylan: Yeah, I just heard about what happened at the ranch. Adam was shot?
Sharon: Yeah, he's in the hospital. The first few days were pretty scary, but he's on the mend now, and in the meantime, he put me in charge of the company.
Dylan: Wow, he must have a lot of faith in you.
Sharon: He does, and I intend on living up to it. And speaking of Faith --
Dylan: How is my little helper?
Sharon: She's terrific. And that sweet tool kit that you left for her, it was adorable. Thank you. She loves it.
Dylan: No problem. It's my pleasure. Well, it's good seeing you again.
Sharon: Yeah, good seeing you, too. So, um, so when do I get to hear the long story about why you're back?
Dylan: Uh, yeah, I guess I shouldn't make it sound so mysterious. I ran into some unexpected legal difficulties.
Sharon: Oh, well, I hope it's not too serious, but if you need a good attorney...
Dylan: Actually, Avery is helping me.
Avery: Oh, no. Do not tell me the electricity is out again. The contractor swore to me he fixed it.
Nick: No, the power is fine.
Avery: Why are you closed, then? Why are there candles everywhere?
Nick: It's because of you. Mm.
Avery: Really?
Summer: What took you so long?
Adam: Softening me up for the kill?
Victor: No, I'm speaking straight from the heart. I nearly lost you, Son.
Adam: You didn't. I'm right here.
Victor: And I'm very glad. More than you know.
Adam: You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that.
Victor: Yeah. There's been a lot of water under the bridge, hasn't there? You and I have gone through a lot together, Son. Didn't have a chance to raise you as your mother wanted you to. Grew up on a farm. You know, that was my intention, to keep you in Genoa City and raise you. She didn't want it. You grew up without a father. I know how that is. So I'm sorry it took me this long to accept you.
Adam: Well, if you really mean that... how about we stop this war between us?
Wheeler: I just heard from my lawyer. It appears there's a warrant out for my arrest. So be ready. If this charge sticks and I go down, I'm taking Jack Abbott and Victor Newman along with me.
Sharon: Avery? Well, she's a very good attorney. You know, she has helped me out on more than one occasion. Does Nick know?
Dylan: Does he know I'm back?
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh. I bet he's thrilled.
Dylan: Ecstatic.
Sharon: [Laughs] How long are you gonna stay?
Dylan: Uh, well, I have to be here for at least another month, and after that, I don't know. I just might have reason to stay here longer.
Sharon: You mean Avery?
Avery: This is so nice. My kind of celebration. The perfect end to the perfect day. [Chuckles]
Nick: Well, as great as your victory was today, on behalf of your client, this night's about so much more.
Avery: Yes, it is about putting Wheeler away.
Nick: Avery, look at me. I'm not a guy who makes a lot of big speeches. So I'm just gonna fire away and hopefully I can get through it this time.
Avery: Okay, Nick --
Nick: We think that we have our whole lives ahead of us. Maybe we don't. Everything can be gone in an instant. And if I've learned anything these past few weeks, it's that you have to cherish every second that you get to spend on this earth. I mean, I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I have everything a man could ever want right here, right now. I want more. I want a future with you, and I don't want to wait anymore. I just want to do it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you starting right now. I love you, Avery Bailey Clark. Will you marry me?
Avery: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: Are you pregnant?
Wheeler: Belinda Rogan?
Alex: Right, the woman you murdered. So sorry. Allegedly murdered.
Wheeler: I never touched Belinda Rogan.
Avery: I don't know what to say.
Nick: Well, you could say yes.
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