Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/4/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/4/13


Episode # 10129 ~ Chelsea and Adam share a tender moment; Lauren struggles with her feelings for Carmine.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: Well, come on in. Sit down.

Michael: Wow.

Paul: Get some coffee. It, uh...tastes awful but still does the job. Looks like you can use something.

Michael: Yeah, well, late night. But look at you. See what happens when you stop being a P.I.? They put you in charge of the GCPD and sing "Hail to the Chief."

Paul: Well, it would've been a lot more fun if you were still D.A. instead of sitting at the defense table. How is your private practice going?

Michael: Well, I will never have to press charges against family and friends anymore, and more predictable work hours means more time at home.

Paul: Right. How are things at home? Everything okay with Fen?

Michael: Fenmore and I are in a good place. Lauren says she forgives me. Um...it's still kind of, you know, off. Better -- better that she's home, but, you know, still...

Paul: Hey, that's progress.

Michael: Yeah. There you go. I thought so, anyway. I mean, last night, I really thought we were getting someplace until she got this call from work.

Paul: Oh. So that's why you were up late. Waiting for the wife to come home? That's very good. Nice. Romantic. What time did she make it in?

Michael: She didn't. Lauren never came home last night.

Carmine: Mm. Morning, Beautiful.

Lauren: Morning? It's -- it's morning?! I -- oh, my God. Oh, my God. I-I fell asleep?! You let me fall asleep?!

Carmine: You were pretty wiped out.

Lauren: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness! You knew I had to get home!

Carmine: Well, the bed was warm, you were here. It was peaceful, so I dozed off.

Lauren: And why -- why didn't you just wake me when you got up?

Carmine: Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you're asleep? I just wanted to watch you for a bit, put it in my brain... since this is the last time we're gonna be alone like this.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Neil: Hey, hey. I know it's hard, you know? But I'm right here with you. And if you need me to back off, I can do that, too. Whatever you need.

Leslie: I put my own father in prison. And now I have to face him and say, "I'm sorry," as if that makes a bit of a difference. Then I get to leave here, and he stays. [Sighs]

Neil: Leslie, honestly, you have nothing to be sorry about. The judge ruled against the appeal. Okay. So it's a setback. But you did everything you could. You and Avery will find another way.

Leslie: Avery's basis for appeal was the unidentified DNA found at my mother's crime scene. The judge did not care. We'll need to find a new argument.

Neil: Then you'll find it.

Leslie: Yeah, I look at my father, and I know he's not a murderer. I don't think that's sufficient grounds for appeal.

Neil: Know what I think? I think it makes a difference. I think it means that you got the fire to find another way. And my money is on you.

Leslie: I failed my father. And now I failed my mother. Her killer's still out there.

Paul: So, the crisis was in Australia?

Michael: I woke up to a cold bed. No Lauren, no message. I'm not in retail, but I can't imagine an issue that would take all night.

Paul: Well, let's not jump to conclusions. You know Lauren's a perfectionist, right? She dots the I's, crosses the T's. And sometimes, Michael -- sometimes there is... relief in concentrating on something you can control, like invoices and spreadsheets. I don't know. It doesn't necessarily mean you're moving backwards, right?

Victor: Hey.

Michael: Victor.

Victor: Michael.

Michael: Wow. Hey.

Victor: Nice to see you.

Michael: It's good to see you, Victor.

Victor: Paul.

Michael: Any word on Adam's health?

Victor: It's improving.

Michael: Yeah, well, that's good to hear. That's good news. Listen, I have to go see a client, if you gentlemen would excuse me.

Victor: Nice to see you.

Michael: Yes, yes.

Victor: Thank you. So, is the DNA test back yet from the sample on Wheeler?

Paul: No, it isn't.

Victor: So we don't know if it matches the evidence we found on Belinda Rogan's murder scene?

Paul: Nothing so far.

Alex: We put a rush on Wheeler's sample.

Victor: Well, why isn't it ready yet?

Paul: It takes as long as it takes. If we start using shortcuts, the whole thing can be thrown out of court.

Alex: Patience isn't my thing, either, Mr. Newman, but it's the only option we got here, all right?

Victor: Patience certainly is not my strong suit right now. Someone was trying to kill me and my whole family, all right? My son is just coming out of a coma because he took a bullet for me. So ain't got no patience.

[Door opens]

Jack: He lives.

Adam: How can you be so sure?

Jack: Well, it's your smile that's lighting up the room, or maybe it's the machine that tells me your heart's still beating.

Adam: Who knew I had one of those, huh?

Jack: [Chuckles] Issues of the journal that you missed. Believe it or not, the business world didn't stop turning while you were unconscious.

Adam: [Chuckles, coughs] Have they no sense of decency?

Jack: Hey. Take it easy, there. I've been there. A gunshot is not a hangnail. Be kind to yourself. You had a lot of internal damage. And, uh, take it from me -- go easy on the meds.

Adam: I'll keep that in mind.

Jack: I'm glad you're okay. When I heard what happened to you, I...

Adam: You don't have to say it, Jack.

Jack: No, no, no, I want to say this. Um... I've been where you are. I know how frightening it is. I wanted to say you came through for me, and... I'm gonna do everything in my power to get you healthy and out of here... and back on your feet again.

[Chelsea dreaming]

Chelsea: [Gasps] [Laughs] Wow.

Adam: Too much?

Chelsea: No. Not at all. She -- she likes balloons. She told me so herself.

Adam: Oh, she told you so, huh?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: You love balloons? Well, I love you. And I love you.

Chelsea: We get -- we get the idea.

Adam: Oh, do you?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: Well, I'm sorry. I know I'm -- I'm overdoing it, but, uh... when we lost our last baby, I... it affected me more than I was willing to admit -- to anyone. And Sharon and Newman... it was easier to fixate on so that I didn't have to focus on what you and I lost together.

Chelsea: I know. I knew. But now... look.

Adam: Now... we have everything. And I am never, ever... never, ever, ever gonna let either of you go.

Chelsea: She's us, Adam. She's the best parts of you and me.

Adam: She's perfect. She won't grow up to be a grifter or a con. She'll have the best of everything -- a Newman.

Chelsea: But you and me and the baby...

Adam: Oh, you've given away a baby before. She and I will be fine... without you.

Chelsea: No, no. Adam, you can't take away my baby. [Gasps]

[Back to present]

Dr. Mallory: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Dr. Mallory... I lost the baby, didn't I? Please, just tell me.

Dr. Mallory: Your baby is fine, Chelsea. Nice, strong fetal heartbeat. And all your hormone levels are on track.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] You're so tough. You really are. You know I miscarried once before, so when I felt those cramps and that pain, I just thought --

Dr. Mallory: You did the right thing, coming in. At the very least, it puts your mind at ease, because you and the baby certainly don't need the stress, which means no strenuous activity or heavy lifting. If something feels off, give me a call or go to the E.R.

Chelsea: Okay. Okay. I want this baby so much, I will do whatever it takes.

Dr. Mallory: Now, is there someone we can call for you? Family or the baby's father?

Chelsea: Um... uh, no. I'm on my own.

Jack: You do know this is all Wheeler's doing, right?

Adam: Hiring the hit man to try and assassinate my dad just to shut him up about Stephanie.

Jack: Yeah, I guess he likes to take it to extremes. This time, he took it to a whole new level with the gas explosion. There were a lot of people in that room I give a damn about.

Adam: I don't see how he's gonna get away with this.

Jack: He's not gonna get away with it. He'll be dealt with. Your father and I are seeing to that right now.

Adam: Come again?

Jack: Victor and I have worked together to set a trap for the good congressman.

Adam: Oh. Well, I'm -- I need them to tweak my medication because I'm certain I just heard you say you were working with my father.

Jack: No, it's true, it's true. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We couldn't just stand by, and the only way to get at Wheeler was to cooperate.

Adam: So I have a question. When you two hop in the Batmobile, who drives and who rides shotgun? [Coughs]

Jack: No, no, let me -- let me get that.

Adam: Thank you.

Jack: You gonna bust my chops about working with a mustache? I'm not the guy who jumped in front of a bullet to save him.

Adam: Mm. Is that what you heard? I was reaching for another glass of champagne. I fell. Anyway... none of it matters. As soon as my father finds out that I put Sharon in temporary charge of Newman while I'm here, he's gonna want the bullet right back in me. It's just a matter of time till he finds out.

Jack: He already knows.

Adam: Well, then... in that case, put an armed guard at the door, not that he would come visit me anyway.

Jack: He's been here -- before the surgery and after it.

Adam: Well... I'm sure it would've been no fun at all... tearing into a guy who was unconscious, so I'm sure he's coming back. I look forward to it.

Jack: You know what? I think your old man might actually surprise you.

Victor: Well, with all due respect, you know damn well that Wheeler's an enormous danger to me and my family. He had the audacity to try to destroy us all. I want him stopped -- not later, now.

Paul: I know. I want what you want, Victor, but I need evidence first. Meanwhile, I have officers patrolling your estate, as well as Victoria and Abby's homes.

Victor: Well, I have my own security team.

Paul: I know you do, but they're not cops. You and Jack did the right thing getting the GCPD involved in this. Now you need to let us do our jobs. I promise you, I will not let anything happen to Nikki, you, or anyone else in your family.

Victor: What about the other stuff we discussed? Has that been agreed upon?

Paul: The coroner has already ruled that Wheeler's daughter died of an accidental overdose. And since you and Jack assisted in...helping us get Wheeler's DNA, Chris has agreed not to prosecute you for obstruction of justice. So you and Jack have full immunity.

Victor: All right.

Paul: But none of this helps Stephanie Wheeler or will bring her back. That is something you'll have to answer to your own conscience.

Victor: I'm perfectly aware of that, Paul. But thank you for your efforts, okay? Let's get this son of a bitch.

Lauren: That was it, Carmine, all right? Last time. Just I cannot believe I let it go this far again!

Carmine: Hey, let me help you with that.

Lauren: No, please, don't. Don't touch me. Don't look at me like that.

Carmine: Like what?

Lauren: I have a marriage to glue back. Michael and I were -- were almost --

Carmine: Almost what? Happy?

Lauren: I told you, Michael and I are trying to fix what is broken with us.

Carmine: Well, I hate to see you like that, like this -- all broken up because you have to go home. Well, call me crazy, but I don't think it's supposed to feel that bad.

Lauren: You just -- you just don't -- you don't understand. You don't have a spouse. You don't have a child. You don't have someone that you've built your entire life around. Oh, God. I hope he didn't wait up for me.

[Cell phone rings]

Lauren: Not a word. Hi. I was just gonna call you. I am so sorry. That -- that tax mess with the Australians, it just -- it took so long, I ended up sleeping on the couch in my office. I should've called you. I'm so sorry.

Michael: As long as you're okay. I had to come to the station for a case. Have you had breakfast?

Lauren: No, not yet.

Michael: Good. Meet me at the club. I'll see you soon. Bye.

Lauren: Okay, bye.

Carmine: So you don't -- you don't come home, and he's cool with it?

Lauren: Because he trusts me. He will never find out about this.

Carmine: Oh, so that's it? You just walk out that door... like it never happened.

Lauren: Oh, it did. But never again. Please. Please. ‘

Lauren: Thank you.

Michael: Thank you. You have got to need some coffee after last night.

Lauren: No. Oh. Coffee. Yes, yes, please.

Michael: There you go. So, this whole down under issue...

Lauren: Oh, yeah. The demands and the expectations... damage control. I, uh -- I handled it, but... it certainly took some time.

Michael: [Chuckles] Eh. It was odd when I woke up and you weren't there. I never got used to it when you were gone. For half a second, uh, I was worried that you'd moved out again.

Lauren: Michael, no. No, I'm home. And I'm hopeful. If we stay committed to each other and if we stay present with each other, then nothing will ever come between us again.

Leslie: I didn't think you'd want to see me once you got word the request for appeal was denied.

Gus: I knew better than to expect too much.

Leslie: Whatever you want to say to me, Dad, you can just say it. I-I do not blame you. This is my fault, and I deserve it. I really do.

Gus: Don't say that. I don't blame you, not at all. Don't even think it. Because I don't.

Leslie: Why? It's the truth. My testimony put you here, and I was supposed to get you out. And if you hate me, I understand.

Gus: Never. Not for one second. Look at me. That's the truth. Not for one second. Now, you were a scared young kid when you testified. Your mother was gone. You saw what you saw. And nobody can blame you for anything.

Leslie: Yeah, but then I went to law school, and I grew up, and I could have read the case files and I could have reviewed the evidence and the details and the facts, but instead, Avery -- Avery saw that the DNA was mishandled. Me, I just -- I changed my name, tried to forget everything.

Gus: That's on me. That's not on you. That name that you changed, that was from me. Look, I-I'm sorry for the man that I was, all right? I didn't deserve you or your brother... or your mother. I am so sorry.

Leslie: I forgive you, Dad. I forgive you.

Paul: So, how are you doing? Are you settling in to the department okay?

Alex: Yeah. It's nice to have a badge again. And I owe that to you, of course.

Paul: Well, that's NYPD's loss. You're the type that eats, sleeps, and breathes this job. That's the kind of detective I want here.

Alex: I got to tell you, though, I, um -- yeah, I thought this was gonna be dull. Maybe a couple of runaway cows or a kitten in a tree, but people here in Genoa City as equally dangerous as in new York City, if not worse, 'cause here they shoot you with a smile.

Paul: [Chuckles]

Wheeler: Excuse me.

Alex: I didn't hear a knock. Did you?

Wheeler: I'm on my way back to the capitol. This is my last chance to be of service regarding the Newman shooting. What's the latest?

Paul: I can't tell you anything right now, but I do appreciate your interest in this case. You're one of the more hands-on elected officials I've ever run across.

Wheeler: My constituents deserve nothing less. And I know my good friend the mayor's expecting a swift and effective prosecution of the lowlifes who did this.

Paul: Well, you and the mayor have my assurance that this perp will, indeed, be brought to justice, and your constituents will rest easy once again.

Wheeler: Very well. Carry on.

Paul: Yes.

Alex: [Laughs] "My good friend the mayor"? Oh, man, this guy has brass. But it sounds like he bought that story that Victor and Jack fed him about being on the same side.

Paul: Good. Let's hope this is the beginning of the end for Wheeler. 'Cause he has screwed over enough people.

Victor: How is he?

Chelsea: I'm sorry?

Victor: Is he awake?

Chelsea: Um, not yet. I-I just got here.

Victor: The doctor said he was getting better. Is that true?

Chelsea: You know, I'm not really sure. I, um -- I'll come back. You should go in first. I'll just come back later.

[Cell phone rings]

Victor: Hold on one second. I've got to take this. You just go in. Yes.

Chelsea: [Exhales deeply]

Adam: Chelsea.

[Door closes]

Adam: It's okay. I know.

Jack: No more reason to stall. You have handled the Kyle and Summer situation. I've taken care of the other loose ends. This time tomorrow, we will be sipping Turkish coffee at the Pierre loti café, looking out at the Golden Horn. I can't wait. Talk to you soon.

John: It's over, Son. Time to let go.

Michael: Lauren?

Lauren: What?

Michael: [Scoffs] I just asked you if you needed anything else.

Lauren: Oh. No. I'm fine.

Michael: [Chuckles] You are just a beat behind on everything. Last night really took it out of you.

Lauren: I can't do this.

Michael: 10 minutes ago, you said that we were gonna work on everything.

Lauren: No, Michael. I meant that. I mean, I can't do it here. It's so public. Can we go home, please? Now?

Chelsea: You know?

Adam: I'm sorry.

Chelsea: Oh.

Adam: Sharon told me.

Chelsea: Sharon? She told you what?

Adam: The next-of-kin stuff. The fact that we're still legally married. I know the doctor had to come to you for...wife stuff. Sorry to have put you in that position.

Chelsea: Oh, it -- that wasn't a big deal.

Adam: No, it was. Here you are trying to move on, and you're stuck dealing with things with me.

Chelsea: Stop. Stop. It was nothing. It was -- it was background noise, Adam. You had been shot. You know, you needed to be looked after and... cared for, and I thought maybe you wanted someone else making the big decisions. Your family.

Adam: You used to be family. But you're right. It's in the past.

Chelsea: So... what does -- what does the doctor say about your recovery?

Adam: Suck it up, walk it off.

Chelsea: In those words exactly?

Adam: The blood clot's dissolved. When my lung is back up and running, I'll be out of here in no time.

Chelsea: I'm glad.

Adam: Thank you. You know, I was talking to a visitor earlier. He and I were discussing this issue of... second chances. When you have a... bullet invade your personal space like that and you manage to survive, you realize you'll do anything you can not to blow it again.

Jack: It's not over, Dad. Never will be. Paul is right -- I have to spend the rest of my life living with my part in Stephanie Wheeler's death.

John: Oh, Jackie, she never had a chance, did she? The Congressman's daughter? Look, we're just finding out exactly what kind of man Wheeler is and was -- a killer, no conscience, willing to let someone else take the fall. I mean, my God. Can you imagine the home life this poor girl had? No, she was looking for a way out.

Jack: She still shouldn't have had to die that way -- alone, with me even in the room. Stephanie Wheeler died in the home of a man who barely knew her name.

John: Okay, Son, you screwed up. Then you and Adam put your heads together and you screwed up again. But once you became clean, then you made decisions that you could be proud of. And you went to Michael.

Jack: Coroner said the pills were in her system before I even met her. Still, the rest of it...

John: I know, Son. It's tragic. It's awful. But what can you do?

Jack: Maybe I can get justice for another woman who died too young... another woman who didn't have a chance because of Congressman Wheeler.

Leslie: I was so sure this was it. The appeal was just the beginning. We overturn the conviction, get you free.

Gus: Avery said that it was up to one judge, nobody else.

Leslie: I know. I know, and I have to tell you, when I first heard he rejected it, I... I lost hope. But just for a second. You can't give up, Dad. We will find you another judge, and we'll find new grounds for appeal.

Neil: Gus, I know you don't know me. I've known your daughter for a while now, and I know that she is a fighter, she's smart, and righteous, someone people have faith in.

Gus: She's always been like that -- a leader. Call you out if you crossed over to the wrong side.

Neil: Trust me. I know.

Gus: I missed way too much time with you. And I don't mean being in here. I missed out on two good kids because of the man I was.

Leslie: I promise you, you did not come this far for nothing.

Gus: This is proof now, sitting here with you, that it wasn't for nothing.

Alex: Little something from our boys in forensics -- results from the Wheeler sample.

Paul: Does it match the Rogan crime scene? Tell me we can finally nail this guy.

Michael: Better?

Lauren: Oh, much better. Actually, feels really good to be here.

Michael: I almost called you last night to see when you'd be home -- if you'd be home.

Lauren: But you didn't.

Michael: Well... we'd made so much headway. I didn't want to push you too far. You asked me for some space. I gave you some space.

Lauren: Thank you.

Michael: God knows how many times I took off, whether as the D.A. or when I worked for Victor. Too much time apart.

Lauren: It's not gonna happen again.

Michael: Well... what's not? What's not gonna happen? Talking business late at night or not calling me? I'm not -- I'm not pressing. I'm just trying to understand.

Lauren: Do you want to hear my plan? Because I plan to come home to you in our home every night. And if work takes me away, well... I'm just not gonna let it. Because this -- this matters.

Michael: Well... when you say it that way...

Lauren: [Chuckles] How did we get here? Huh?

Michael: Well, I missed you.

Lauren: Feels okay, doesn't it? And we're almost us again.

Michael: Yeah. We're almost us.

Lauren: And everything that we've been through, I mean, let's just... let's just focus on -- on being together, right now, in this moment. Come here.

Michael: Oh, oh.

Lauren: Come here.

Michael: Okay. Like this?

Lauren: Oh, yeah. See? You and Fen. That's what I want.

John: Yes, Jackie, you're fighting the good fight -- working with the police, gaining evidence on Wheeler.

Jack: It sure as hell better work. Billy and Abby almost died at that wedding. And Victoria and Reed and Nikki... that bastard almost killed Nikki. In fact, she's still in danger.

John: Ah, angry enough to work with Victor instead of against him? Like he worked for you even after you stole his company?

Jack: I bought his company, Dad. And, yes, I'm surprised, too. Victor and I loathe each other, but we happen to love a lot of the same people, and occasionally, we have the same enemy -- this time, Wheeler.

John: And Adam a second chance?

Jack: Adam deserves a second chance. Victor wouldn't be walking around today if it weren't for his son.

Chelsea: Second chances.

Adam: Cosmic reboot. Has to do it over again. Do it right.

Chelsea: Be a better man.

Adam: Now that I have all this time, I can sit and reflect and obsess over my... my failures and my shortcomings, not that I have many.

Chelsea: No, of course not.

Adam: This is my shot. And I'm gonna make it stick.

Chelsea: It sounds like you really mean it... like you're ready.

Adam: Not just ready. I'm not just gonna try. Can't change the past -- the damage I've done, the hurt I've caused. Today, tomorrow, and every day after, things can be different. They will be different.

Victor: You're awake.

Chelsea: I'll let you two talk.

Victor: Well, don't leave on my account.

Chelsea: It's fine.

Victor: Okay.

[Door closes]

Adam: Dad. Just happen to be in the neighborhood?

Neil: Paul, we got your message. We were visiting her father, who was denied an appeal. What's up?

Leslie: What was so urgent?

Alex: We just got it. The judge issued an arrest warrant.

Paul: That's what is urgent.

Leslie: Who is it for?

Alex: Marcus Wheeler.

Paul: We are charging him with the murder of Belinda Rogan. We've got it, Leslie. We have proof that Marcus Wheeler killed your mother.

Jack: There it is.

John: [Chuckles] Uh, you got your passport, your tickets, Turkish lira?

Jack: I thought you were a big-picture guy? You didn't deal with details.

John: I hope this trip makes you happy and that time with Phyllis is everything you've hoped for.

Jack: You hope but you're not sure? Dad, you're the one who told me I need someone in my life to share my successes with.

John: Yes, Son, but it's more than successes. It's all of it, and you know what they are. Love, family, and trust. That's the stuff you need to survive.

Lauren: I feel so stupid... the mistakes I made.

Michael: Eh, we both made mistakes.

Lauren: No. I need to tell you something, and I really want you to hear me. I did run. I ran from you and our home and our problems, and... what I ran to, thinking that I would find answers... I want you to know that it convinced me that this is where I belong -- with you... with Fen. And it's never gonna happen again.

Michael: We can put this behind us. We can be stronger than ever.

Lauren: That's all I want.

Dr. Mallory: There you are. I thought you might want this. Stay well, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Victor: [Sighs] I want to thank you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Summer: What took you so long?

Victor: You saved my life. Why?

Adam: I don't know what to tell you, Dad.

Dylan: I came to Genoa City just to make sure she was okay.

Nick: She is okay.

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