Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/3/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/3/13


Episode # 10128 ~ Victoria and Billy consider plans for the future; Chloe and Kevin take a walk on the wild side.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Honey, it's got magical powers. I promise you.

Delia: It's the wrong color!

Billy: Your dad wears socks that don't match all the time. Look. Okay, this is much cooler, all right? Look, I can hear your little popsicle toes going... [High-pitched voice] "Please, please, please, put me on! Put on that sock!"

Delia: I want the blue one.

Billy: [Normal voice] Vick! My kingdom for a blue sock, please.

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. One down.

Billy: Oh, wow. Looks like somebody else needs bath time.

Victoria: Cute, chubby, little-hand Johnny was clutching a meatball arsenal. I never saw it coming.

Billy: Kid's got hell of an aim.

Victoria: Yeah, well, you should see our freshly painted bathroom ceiling.

Delia: I know where my sock is!

Billy: Yay! Wow. Socks, screaming, spaghetti on the ceilings -- if these fertility treatments work, [Chuckles] We can have even more of this.

Chelsea: Things with me and Adam are...complicated right now.

Dr. Costner: The recovery process will take time, but your husband's improving every day.

Chelsea: I'm relieved, and I'm grateful.

Dr. Costner: Well, this is a lot to deal with. I understand.

Chelsea: No, you don't. [Sighs] Sorry. Look, I realize that all of the information about Adam's care, legally, should fall to me, but it's not right. Doctor, our marriage is over, so from here on out, I think any updates on his condition or any other information should... [Sighs] Should go to his ex-wife, Sharon Newman.

Lauren: [Sighs] How was the -- oh. I thought you were Fen. He's been at a swim meet in Hillsboro.

Michael: I'm just here to pick up some clothes.

Lauren: Mrs. Rosatti's gonna drop him off anytime.

Michael: Don't worry. I'll be out of here in a few minutes.

Lauren: Well, Michael.

Michael: Look, we don't have to rehash things right now. That was the point of time apart -- so we can both figure out what we really want.

Lauren: I...I know what I want.

Chloe: I did my part. I stole from the rich.

Kevin: Yeah, well, thank you, Robin Hood. And I'm doing mine.

Chloe: Clearly not, Little John, or this stuff would not be sitting here with a neon sign screaming, "Thieves." "Bonehead thieves."

Kevin: Look, Chloe, stealing it was one thing, okay? But selling it, it's... it's complicated.

Chloe: No. Complicated is trying to pay off the loan that we took out on this place with nothing but coffee beans. Complicated is raising my daughter to be a couch surfer.

Kevin: Come on. Delia is living like a princess at Mrs. Chancellor's.

Chloe: Uh, not if Katherine shows up to get a latte and sees her big, fat charity donation in our hot little hands.

Kay: Well, my mind is not that far gone.

Cane: And of that, I am well aware.

Kay: Well, then, uh, you should be spending all this time with your lovely wife instead of spending it with me.

Cane: Yeah, but I know what it's like to have to wait for medical-test results.

Kay: Oh, that's right. You were -- you were Lily's rock during that cancer ordeal.

Cane: And I know how much it means to have someone with you, so here I am.

Kay: [Chuckles] Well, if I'm going to be hovered over by someone, better it's a handsome, young man... with discretion. [Chucking] Sit. Oh.

Cane: Katherine, let me ask you something, friend to friend. Don't you think that your loved ones deserve to know?

Kay: Not yet. Not until I know.

[Telephone ringing]

Cane: Would you like me to get that?

Kay: No, no, I can get it myself, for heaven's sakes.

[Ringing continues]

Jill: Isn't anybody gonna answer that phone? Hello? That was disturbing, not to mention embarrassing.

Kay: Embarrassing?

Jill: It was Jenny Crenshaw.

Cane: From City Council?

Jill: Well, she's also on the board of the Barnes charitable foundation. They never received our donation for the auction. Katherine, you were supposed to take care of that. Oh, please don't tell me you forgot.

Kevin: There. You happy?

Chloe: No. That -- that's just a fancy doorstop until you get it sold.

Kevin: [Sighs] Chloe, I have to be smart about this, okay? I need to be careful and cover my tracks.

Chloe: I thought you had connections. Right? I mean, what about "The Cleaner"? Doesn't he have a brother? "The Fencer"?

Kevin: Oh, that's funny. Look, even if the cleaner did have a brother, we -- we can't afford to pay some expensive middleman. We need every single dime to pay off the loan on this place.

Chloe: Okay, then why don't we just launder the money through the coffee house? Oh, wait. We already did that.

Kevin: If we had gone through with that plan, you and I would both be wearing matching orange jumpsuits. And we would be watching Delia grow up on prison visiting days.

Chloe: Are you telling me to look on the bright side? Because we are broke and homeless.

Kevin: I got this, okay? Would you just have a little faith in me?

Chloe: You know, why don't you show me the money, and I'll show you my faith? In the meantime, I am gonna go to work, because maybe this new fashion business will be our last best hope, and Chelsea, well, she can afford to go hang out at the hospital with Adam, 'cause she has all that Newman money to fall back on. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I love you, Kevin. I just never expected our marriage to be like this.

Lauren: I don't want any more time to think things through or figure things out. I want my family back. I want my husband back.

Michael: Well, I've been waiting, praying for you to say that.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: And mean it.

Lauren: I know. Those legal separation papers really scared the hell out of me.

Michael: Kevin thought it was a mistake for me to take that step. Said it would just push you away from me. But I could feel us heading towards this point of no return.

Lauren: I was so angry. So confused.

Michael: Yeah. Right. Even after Fen forgave me, no matter what I said or did, I could just feel the door closing.

Lauren: No. That's not it.

Michael: No. You're the love of my life. I know you. I could see it in your eyes.

Lauren: Well, it shouldn't have taken separation papers to shock me back to my senses, to make me realize what I was doing. [Sighs] I -- I don't -- I don't want to lose you.

Michael: Do you mean that? 'Cause we are nothing if we don't have honesty.

Lauren: I'm so sorry.

Michael: You have to be willing to put in the work. I mean, we have to get to the bottom of all of this. Can you tell me that you are willing and ready to make that kind of commitment?

[Cell phone ringing]

Chloe: Hey, you're here.

Chelsea: Yeah. I realize I have dropped the ball since Adam's been in the hospital. We really need to get to work. Jabot's given us a really great opportunity.

Chloe: Yeah. I'm all for that, but first I want to hear about Adam.

Chelsea: He woke up.

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Chelsea: He's, you know, still weak, but his condition's improving.

Chloe: Um, are you gonna make me drag it out of you? How is he taking the news about the baby?

Chelsea: Um, he's not.

Chloe: But you decided to tell him...after you decided not to, before you changed your mind.

Chelsea: Uh, no. I-I did tell him.

Chloe: But you just said that he didn't --

Chelsea: I told him while he was unconscious, and that's when he woke up.

Chloe: It's...an actual miracle.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] I don't think I would call it a miracle, no.

Chloe: Oh. Hearing that he was the father of the baby saved Adam's life.

Chelsea: He woke up, and he didn't realize that I was even in the room, and then the first thing out of his mouth was... "Sharon."

Chloe: Okay, so not the preferred answer, but you did say that Sharon was in the room with him when he went into the coma. So, it would be natural that he would say her name. You know, like they just picked up the conversation where they left off.

Chelsea: I'm not gonna tell him about the baby, Chloe.

Chloe: [Scoffs] You know what? It's your decision to make that you've made several different times.

Chelsea: Listen, I had a moment of weakness when I saw Adam just laying there in the hospital bed, thinking that he might die, but, you know, my first instinct on this was right. I-I almost ruined everything by opening my big mouth.

Chloe: Yeah, but if you said that he didn't hear you --

Chelsea: Well, I don't think he heard anything that I said, but somebody else might have overheard me. Someone who could use it to cause a whole lot of trouble.

Chloe: Who?

Victoria: I know. I know that kids come with a lot of complications. The noise and the mess are the least of it, really.

Billy: Well, at least Reed and Delia are old enough to entertain themselves for 10 minutes. I'm just it's very nice to have a break.

Victoria: Are you 100% sure you want to have a baby?

Billy: I told you.

Victoria: Because, you know, maybe the initial excitement has worn off, and it would be perfectly natural and normal for you to be having second thoughts.

Billy: I would like nothing more than to have a baby with you -- a part of both of us. Well, actually, more you than me. And the other day, I heard Delia explaining to Johnny where spaghetti came from, and it made my whole week. It -- it made me realize that I want us to stop imagining our lives and start living it. Especially after, you know, what's going on with your mom.

Victoria: Okay. It's just that I could have swore that I felt you holding back.

Billy: The only reservation I have -- that I've ever had -- is what you're gonna have to go through. All this infertility stuff -- it's a --

Victoria: I -- I'm strong enough to handle it, okay?

Billy: There are no guarantees. And if it doesn't work...

Victoria: Yeah, but if it does, then we're talking about a baby. Our baby. And I think it's worth the risk. I think it's worth turning our lives upside down. Don't you?

Billy: So do I. Bring it on. [Laughs]

Delia: I found my sock!

Billy: See? I'm gonna take that as a sign that our kids are going to rise to the occasion. It's all gonna work out.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: We're gonna operate like a really well-oiled machine.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Delia: I found my sock!

Billy: So it's gonna be oiled with marinara sauce. [Chuckles]

Kay: No, I did not forget about the donation.

Jill: Well, they never received them.

Cane: Maybe they were misplaced.

Kay: Well, I certainly hope not. I mean, I selected some very expensive items that -- that I'd collected over the years.

Jill: What exactly did you do with those very expensive items?

Kay: Well, Esther boxed them all up ready to go. Ask her.

Jill: I did ask her, and she said that you offered to drop them off yourself.

Kay: Now, why would I do that?

Cane: Hey, listen, I'm sure it was just a simple misunderstanding.

Jill: Because you had a meeting at the charity that day. Don't you remember? Katherine, is it just me, or are you forgetting a lot of things lately?

Kay: Jill, is it just me, or have you become more caustic and insulting than ever?

Jill: Oh, for God's sake. A small fortune has gone missing, Katherine.

Kay: Through no fault of mine.

Cane: All right, guys. Listen, I'm sure the donated items will either turn up here or at the charity office, all right? We just need to look.

Jill: All right. Well, I hope so.

Cane: Okay.

Jill: I hope so, because the charity and all the good works they do -- they depend on that money they make at auction. And that old box of trinkets could do a lot of good for a lot of people.

Kay: [Clears throat]

Chelsea: Victoria could really have me in a compromising position.

Chloe: If she overheard you telling him that he was the daddy, which you're certain she didn't.

Chelsea: Very certain. But, you know, hypothetically, if she did hear --

Chloe: Listen. Unnecessary worrying is not good for the baby.

Chelsea: I'm asking you if you think I have cause for actual worry. Do you think Victoria would tell Adam?

Chloe: I don't want to get involved.

Chelsea: I'm your friend.

Chloe: Yes.

Chelsea: I'm your pregnant friend, and I'm your business partner.

Chloe: Yes, you are, but I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Chelsea: Victoria may be feeling, you know, really grateful to Adam for saving her father's life. Although, I mean, how long is that gonna last? She can't stand the guy, and she really wants to get the company back.

Chloe: Please, do not ask me to take sides.

Chelsea: Oh, I'm not asking you to take sides. I'm asking your opinion. Do you think if Victoria finds out that I'm pregnant, if she -- if she knows that this is Adam's baby, would she use that secret against me?

Chloe: I don't know. You're asking me if I think that she's above that kind of maneuver? No. She's Victor's daughter.

Chelsea: I was afraid you were gonna say that.

Chloe: But do I think that she'll use information like that at this time with all these lives affected?

Billy: Come on in.

Victoria: Hi. Chelsea, I'm surprised you're not at the hospital with Adam.

Chelsea: I do have other obligations.

Chloe: Hey, Squirt.

Delia: Hi.

Chloe: How did it go?

Billy: Great. A little loud, a little crazy. [Clears throat] It was a spaghetti fest.

Chloe: [Chuckling] Oh, I see.

Billy: Yeah, I did my best to get it out. I'm sorry.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. No worries. [Chuckles] So, did you guys have fun?

Billy: Yes, we did.

Delia: When can I see the new baby?

Lauren: I'm ready to make this commitment, Michael. I want to do whatever I can to repair the damage. I'll do whatever you want. I will go to couples therapy. Baby steps.

Michael: It's gonna take some time.

Lauren: As long as it takes. I want this to work.

[Cell phone ringing]

Lauren: [Sighs] It can wait. Nothing's more important.

Michael: [Chuckles] You better deal with it now, whoever it is, or they'll be interrupting us all night.

[Ringing continues]

Lauren: [Sighs] Hello?

Carmine: Hey, Beautiful.

Lauren: This really isn't a good time.

Carmine: Okay, you can't talk, so just listen. I got us a suite for the night.

Lauren: I'm in the middle of something very important.

Carmine: Everything's just the way you like it. I got your favorite bottle of wine, and I even managed to snag our favorite suite.

Lauren: That...won't be necessary. Everything's been settled.

Carmine: You did promise me one last night together. And tonight could be it, and then we're done. I hate doing this over the phone.

Lauren: The timing really couldn't be worse.

Carmine: When you needed me, I was there, and I was happy to be. If nothing else, I think you owe me this face-to-face.

Lauren: And this transaction will end our business?

Carmine: I'll be here waiting for you.

Lauren: I'm -- I'm so sorry. It's a work emergency, and I have to take care of it.

Michael: At this hour?

Lauren: It's the Sydney store. One of our major suppliers got flagged by the Australian taxation office, and I have to submit papers right away. Believe me, it is the last thing I want to be doing.

Michael: How many times have I left you sitting here because I had to run out at all hours to deal with some client?

Lauren: I'm sorry.

Michael: Stop feeling like you need to apologize. Deal with what you have to deal with. As long as it takes. I know we will have a lot more nights together.

Lauren: Somebody really screwed up. And I'm gonna go fix it. And then I'm coming home to you.

Billy: Baby? I don't know where she could have gotten that. I mean -- you know what? She must have overheard us talking about your friend who's expecting.

Victoria: Yeah.

Chloe: Which -- which friend?

Victoria: Oh, just a friend. A friend that I went to school with.

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: And you keep in touch after all this time? Wow.

Victoria: [Chuckling] Yeah.

Billy: Mm-hmm. Sorry. It doesn't look like you're gonna play with that kid anytime soon, so... [Chuckling] Uh, that's for letting her come over, even though it wasn't our usual schedule. I guess, uh, thinking about how lucky we were, how lucky Adam is...I needed it. So, thanks.

Chloe: Well, daddy time is the best time. The more the better.

Victoria: Oh, yes. I totally agree. It's very important for kids to have a strong father figure in their life.

Billy: And there's no one stronger than me when I got this little one in my arms. Come here. Mm, I love you, Munchkin.

Victoria: Bye, Delia.

Billy: Bye.

Delia: Bye.

Chelsea: "Daddy time is the best time"?

Chloe: What? It just slipped out.

Chelsea: It doesn't matter. Victoria knows.

Kay: Maybe I put it in the trash.

Cane: It's a box full of rare objects. You wouldn't have done that.

Kay: Yeah, well, my mind is, you know... you know, dazed space.

Cane: Katherine, you're having problems with your memory. You're not becoming a zombie.

Kay: [Chuckles]

Cane: All right?

Kay: [Laughs] Oh, I'll consider that as a compliment.

Cane: Listen, I am sure that there's gonna be some logical explanation about this.

Kay: Cane, I...appreciate your support, but, um...

Cane: It's okay.

Kay: The truth is, I forgot to deliver the donation, and I forgot about the charity meeting the same day.

Cane: Okay, listen. That was a busy day for you, right? It was the same day I insisted you go and see the doctor. You had a lot on your mind.

Kay: [Chuckles] Mind? My mind, such as it is.

Cane: Okay, and whatever the news is, you and I are gonna face this together. I told you that.

Kay: [Sighs] I'm so grateful for that. And the way you dealt with Jill, earlier. [Chuckling] I mean, God forbid that I should have been here by myself. She would have never let up. Never.

Cane: [Sighs]

Kay: All right, come on. That's enough of this. Let's talk about you and, uh, Lily, the twins.

Cane: Twins, um...well, Mattie and Charlie have become, uh, masters in popsicle-stick/glitter picture frames, which you already know.

Kay: Yes, precious picture frames. They were just darling. [Clears throat] How's Lily? Because she's been conspicuously absent from the conversation.

Cane: There's nothing wrong with your powers of perception, is there?

Kay: Cane. If you're having issues at home, that's where you should be, not spending your time here with me.

Jill: All right. [Sighs] The charity has now triple checked, and Esther has triple checked, and the donation is not here, and it's not at the auction house, which leaves only one explanation.

Kevin: Uh, items that I recently, uh...acquired, uh, from an estate that's, um... it's not around here. It's pretty far away. Uh, anyway, um, you came highly recommended from somebody who knows the market for these types of, uh, valuable collectibles. No. No. You would be dealing with me directly. Look, I just -- I just need to get this stuff fenced as soon as possible.

Michael: What are you fencing?

Chloe: So, why do you think she knows?

Chelsea: Um, that comment about a "Strong father figure."

Chloe: Maybe she was talking about herself.

Chelsea: No. She seemed really confident, like she had something on me.

Chloe: Well, I didn't get that, but my eyes were on Billy. And did you see him? He was clueless. More clueless than ever, even. He has no idea that you're pregnant.

Chelsea: Which means Victoria didn't tell him.

Chloe: And she would have if she'd heard, so you're fine. You've got nothing to worry about.

Chelsea: I have a ton to worry about, Chloe. If Adam finds out the truth about all this, he's gonna -- he's gonna want to take the baby away from me. We're not gonna have some amicable joint-custody thing going like you and Billy have. This child will be tied to Newman in every single way. It'll be a new grandson for Victor. It will be a new weapon for Adam to use against his father. I mean, Adam's a complete control freak. He's gonna try to use his power and his influence to keep me out of my own kid's life.

Chloe: Not if you convince Adam that someone else is the father. It's still the best option on the table.

Chelsea: Chloe, I don't -- I don't want to talk about this, okay? I need to just focus on work.

Chloe: Okay. Fine. I will get my daughter home before she does a face plant into that video game. Listen. I'm gonna go. I'm just a phone call away, but don't worry. Okay? I think your secret is safe.

Chelsea: Aah. Ow. Aah! Ow!

Billy: Honey, you're being paranoid.

Victoria: Paranoid? Delia -- "I can't wait to play with the new baby!"

Billy: Chelsea could have taken that a hundred different ways. Delia got a new doll, Delia's friend has a baby sibling -- I don't know. Delia's --

Victoria: Expecting a new baby brother or sister.

Billy: You know, I thought there were a hundred. I guess there's only three.

Victoria: She's got to know.

Billy: [Sighs] [Chuckling] What if she does? What's she gonna do with that information?

Victoria: That is very personal, life-changing information.

Billy: [Sighs] Is this one of those times you put the answer into the question?

Victoria: [Sighing] Oh, gosh. I think we're in trouble here.

Billy: I think we're covered. I think we're fine. I think you're being paranoid. I think this is kidageddon. [Sighs]

Victoria: Are you sure that Chelsea and Chloe bought our story?

Billy: Yes. I am sure, but even if I'm not, if I'm wrong, and they know something, what's the harm? [Chuckling] I mean, come on.

Victoria: Because it's none of their business. It's none of Chelsea's business, and who knows what she'll do with that information?

Billy: What could she possibly do with that information?

Victoria: She has done terrible things to us in the past. Maybe you've forgotten.

Billy: [Chuckles] You know, she also gave us Johnny, and none of your fears were realized there. I thought you'd forgiven her. I've forgiven her.

Victoria: I did. I forgave her, but that doesn't mean I trust in her. I mean, she could go to Adam. She could... it could hurt business at Newman, okay? Not that I care about Newman. Billy, what? What is it?

Billy: Um... you don't really care about what happens at Newman anymore, right?

Victoria: No. I just said I don't.

Billy: Good. Because, uh...given the grand scheme of things and our new priorities, what I'm about to show you is really not that big of a deal.

Victoria: What is this "Not big of a deal?"

Billy: Not big. "Big's" the wrong word. Small. Insignificant.

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: See, right there -- the way you just said "Billy," that makes me think that you're gonna turn this into a very big deal.

Victoria: Billy, you're already doing that.

Billy: Just remember that high blood pressure makes it very difficult to conceive.

Victoria: Show me!

Michael: What was that all about?

Kevin: Uh, fencing.

Michael: So I heard.

Kevin: Then did you also hear I was talking about the house? Chloe and I want to put up a new fence around the backyard before we move back in, so I was just getting estimates, looking at different styles. It's a lot more complicated than I would have thought.

Michael: Whether to go with white pickets or something crazier?

Kevin: Right? Exactly.

Michael: So, I assume this home renovation means that things are back on track with you and Chloe, money-wise.

Kevin: Uh...yeah. We put our heads together, and, uh, we found a way to make ends meet.

Michael: Why are you still staying at Kay's? I'd imagine the power would be back on at your place by now.

Kevin: It's not. Apparently, uh, we're in this part of the grid that was hit the worst -- some structural something or other. Anyway, I keep telling myself it could be worse. How are things at home?

Michael: Actually, we turned a corner tonight.

Kevin: Ah. I knew something was missing. It was that dark cloud.

Michael: It was the separation papers. It made her realize how far things had gone.

Kevin: You were right. It worked.

Michael: Lauren said she was willing to do whatever it takes to save the marriage.

Kevin: Michael, I am really, really happy to hear that. Have to admit, I was a little worried there for awhile.

Michael: Uh, well...yep. I feel like things are finally right again. I'm working back at my old practice, and I feel like I'm getting my wife back, too.

Carmine: Hey.

Lauren: Um...look, when I said that we would spend one more night together...

Carmine: Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation in the hall with a shirtless guy.

Lauren: Yeah, oh. Okay.

Carmine: Yeah.

Lauren: Oh, wait. Wait. When I said that we would do this -- that we would spend one more night together -- that was before --

Carmine: Look, I'm just glad you're here, okay? You made your decision. You don't owe me any explanations.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Carmine: Okay, I wanted to thank you, 'cause my heart has been battered more than once last year, and, um, I may not seem like the sensitive kind of guy, but I was a hot mess.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Carmine: And there it is -- that smile. When we talked and you smiled with that smile -- hell, just seeing you walk in the room made all that stuff just go away.

Lauren: I thought my life was falling apart. I was angry, and I was so hurt --

Carmine: I know. I know. And it was a shame. Because you didn't even realize how beautiful you were until I made you look in the mirror -- made you see yourself the way I see you.

Lauren: We were there for each other.

Carmine: And it was good. It was real good.

Lauren: And that's why I think we should just keep things the way they are.

Carmine: I -- don't tell me what you think. Tell me what you want. Where are you supposed to be right now?

Lauren: A business emergency.

Carmine: And...you came here.

Lauren: Carmine...

Carmine: Look, don't walk out that door and turn us into something cheap and ugly. We found each other 'cause we needed someone. And right now, I need you, just one more time.

Victoria: Great. [Chuckling] Adam must be insane.

Billy: He did lose a lot of blood.

Victoria: Ugh, he put Sharon in charge of Newman.

Billy: It's temporary, Honey.

Victoria: Why did we not see this, right?

Billy: Well, look on the back. I think that Delia used the paper as an art project. It's very good --

Victoria: Okay, Sharon's done it again. She's, uh -- she's used a tragedy to swoop in. You know, she practically destroyed the company, and now she's back. [Chuckling] Great.

Billy: Well, to be fair, she was married to your father, and she's been off her medication --

Victoria: She has to be stopped. This is my family's company.

Billy: It is. And this is your family right here. This is your, hopefully, soon to be expanding family.

Victoria: You know what? Women can have careers and they can have babies.

Billy: Yes, of course they can, but ours is not a run-of-the-mill situation. The doctor was very clear. This is going to be stressful. This is going to be difficult with all the tests and the uncertainty and the complicated procedures, okay? And if we are lucky enough to get pregnant, it's gonna come at a very high risk.

Victoria: Do you think I don't know what I'm facing?

Billy: I know you know, but I don't think you're willing or able to handle a full-on corporate war at the same time we're trying to get pregnant and the whole fertility thing. And it's not like we need the money.

Victoria: [Sighs] It's not about the money.

Billy: [Groans] We both decided that we would give up our nights, our sleep, our sanity, our clean ceilings to bring in a beautiful bundle of joy into the world. But are you willing to give up the fight for Newman?

Chelsea: [Panting] Oh, please, God, make it stop. [Voice breaking] I can't lose this baby. I can't. Ow! [Gasping]

Jill: It was stolen, and I know exactly who the thief is.

Kay: No, no, no, no, no. You -- you stop right there. Stop accusing Adriana of every hat pin that goes missing.

Jill: Hat pin? It was a small fortune earmarked for charity. I want that girl terminated.

Kay: No. No one gets fired, Jill! Not without proof.

Jill: You are just too proud and too stubborn to face the truth.

Cane: All right, listen. Why don't we just let Kay deal with this in her own way?

Jill: Okay. Fine.

Cane: All right, listen. If it was stolen, do you think Adriana could be responsible?

Kay: I'm not sure.

Chloe: Where have you been?

Kevin: Uh, I'll give you a hint. [Gasps] Where is that box of stolen goods we had stashed under here?

Chloe: You did it?

Kevin: Every last pricey bauble, and I got even more money than I thought we would get.

Chloe: [Laughs]

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: [Groans]

Kevin: What? What is it now?

Chloe: I don't know. Shouldn't we feel more guilty? Katherine was going to take all that stuff and donate it to charity.

Kevin: Look, in our current situation, we qualify as a charity case. And, since I made more than I thought we would, we're gonna give the surplus to Mrs. C's good cause.

Chloe: I love that idea. It's what Robin Hood would have done.

Kevin: Right. And then he would have taken Maid Marian and kissed her just like this.

Michael: Lauren?

Lauren: I told you. I can't do this.

Carmine: God, I love the smell of you.

Lauren: I can't do this.

Carmine: Touching you.

Lauren: This is a mistake.

Carmine: Just one more night.

Lauren: Carmine...

Carmine: Come on. Just one more night.

Lauren: Please. Please don't.

Carmine: Shh.

Lauren: Oh, God, I -- [Gasps]

Billy: You can't have it all, Vick. Not in this situation. And I say that with all the love in my heart.

Victoria: [Sighs] Well... then there is no choice. I want to have our baby.

Billy: Mm. Here we go. This is going to be great, because when my wife puts her mind to something --

[Johnny cries]

Billy: See? Even Johnny knows. He's so excited. He can't wait to have a little brother or sister to boss around. [Chuckles] This is gonna be good.

Chelsea: [Panting] I need help! I need help. I -- I think I'm losing my baby. Aah!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: So that's why you're up late? Waiting for the wife to come home?

Michael: Lauren never came home last night.

Carmine: You don't come home, and he's cool with it?

Lauren: [Voice breaking] 'Cause he trusts me.

Adam: It's okay. I know.

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