Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/2/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/2/13


Episode # 10127 ~ Kyle accidentally fuels Summer's crush; Victor and Jack join forces against Congressman Wheeler.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Leslie: Dillman's is interested in carrying the Jabot line, but they want an exclusive deal.

Neil: Did you tell them we already have an agreement with Fenmore's?

Leslie: Yeah, and that we're about to sign with, um...

Neil: With, um? Kessler's.

Leslie: Right. I'm sorry. Kessler's. I-I-I don't know what's wrong with me. [Sighs]

Neil: Leslie, we don't have to do this right now.

Leslie: No. I like keeping busy. It helps keep my mind off of things I can't control.

Neil: Like your father's appeal or what's happening between you and your brother?

Leslie: Yeah. Both, actually.

Neil: Hey, Kiddo. You've done everything you can for your father.

Leslie: Yeah, and now Tyler hates me for testifying for him.

Neil: He's upset. He'll get over it.

Leslie: I have never seen my brother this angry.

Neil: Why don't you call him?

Leslie: Uh, I don't think he wants to talk to me right now.

Neil: Ask him. [Clears throat]

Paul: We appreciate you coming back, Congressman.

Wheeler: Any news on who's responsible for trying to blow up Victor's house?

Paul: Uh...no. I'm afraid not.

Wheeler: I've told you everything I can about my relationship with Victor.

Alex: Actually, we're not interested in your relationship with Mr. Newman.

Paul: We want to ask you about your daughter, Stephanie.

Jack: Well, it's nice of you to drop by this morning.

Phyllis: Yeah. To be honest, I'm not feeling the love.

Jack: No, I'm sorry. I can't stop thinking about Victor and what happened at the ranch and Billy and Abby being in danger.

Phyllis: How is Adam?

Jack: Still critical.

Phyllis: They're gonna catch the guy who did this, right?

Jack: Yeah. They're gonna catch him. Listen, you better get going. Remember you have that meeting about the new hair-care line.

Phyllis: Yeah, I was hoping you'd be there.

Jack: I have a few things to deal with outside of the office. I'll be there soon.

Phyllis: I was hoping you'd be at both of the meetings.

Jack: Both?

Phyllis: Yeah, the meeting that I have with Summer telling her she's going to the fashion division.

Jack: Ah. Good luck with that.

Phyllis: Yeah, thanks. Hey, Victor. What are you doing here?

Victor: How the hell are you, Phyllis?

Summer: Whoo! Be careful. We wouldn't want to ruin another blouse.

Kyle: Yes. Whatever you do, please keep that on.

Summer: The other night was fun, wasn't it?

Kyle: This is me backing away slowly...to Ohio.

Summer: It's not like you've never seen a girl in her bra before.

Kyle: Usually not in my dad's office.

Summer: Usually?

Kyle: And look at that. It's time for me to go to work.

Summer: Oh, wait. Hold up. We can go together.

Kyle: Go where?

Summer: Duh, Jabot.

Kyle: Summer, what about school?

Summer: Its teachers' workshop. Come on. We get to spend the whole day together.

Nick: I missed you last night and this morning and now.

Avery: Yes, I am so sorry that I had to cut our evening short, especially after you went through all the trouble with the champagne and ordering my favorites foods.

Nick: Ordering? You say it like it's not as good as cooking.

Avery: Well, it's not as good as cooking is, but it's just as sweet. Uh, I'm sorry. I wanted to get back here to see what else you had planned, but it took so long with Dylan's bail.

Nick: Yeah. What was up with that? He got in, like, a bar fight or something like that?

Avery: Yeah, um...

Dylan: Your hot water runs out so fast. You didn't...

Nick: This is the complication?

Dylan: Uh, the guy I got into a fight with happened to be the local sheriff's son.

Nick: Well, of course he was.

Dylan: Yeah. You would think the son of a police officer would have just a little -- a little more respect, you know? I-I don't ever like to resort to violence, but this guy had it coming. And, of course, his dad wasn't too happy with the black eye I gave his kid.

Avery: Uh, Sheriff Maguire wanted to keep Dylan in -- locked up until his hearing, and, luckily, I was able to get him bail.

Dylan: Lucky? Avery, you out-lawyered him.

Nick: So, what? You just came back here and just crashed for the night?

Dylan: I crashed right on the couch.

Avery: Yeah, he was in no condition to drive.

Dylan: I only had two drinks. I wasn't even close to being drunk.

Nick: Well, I guess that's a good thing. It would have sucked to have had to drive to Chicago this morning with a hangover.

Avery: Uh, actually, Dylan won't be going to Chicago. He's not going anywhere.

Tyler: Sorry to interrupt. I got you e-mail about the new face of Jabot fashion. Figured I'd kick some ideas around with you.

Leslie: Are you really gonna do this, Tyler?

Tyler: I'm trying to do my job here.

Leslie: Okay, and you're just gonna pretend like the last time we spoke, you didn't threaten to disown me?

Neil: Okay. I'm gonna leave you two alone.

Tyler: Neil, it's cool. You don't have to leave.

Leslie: No, no, no. It's not cool, Tyler.

Tyler: I really don't want to do this.

Leslie: Okay, I see you. Here we go, handling problems the Tyler way -- just acting like they don't exist.

Tyler: They don't.

Leslie: Our father is about to be a free man for the first time in 12 years. You can't just ignore something like that.

Tyler: I'm not. I'm just not gonna let it tear us apart. Leslie, you're the only family that I have. That bond is stronger than any disagreement, so it doesn't matter what the judge decides.

Wheeler: Why would you ask me about my daughter?

Paul: Well, you and Victor are close. We were just wondering if he and your daughter crossed paths.

Wheeler: If she did, I wouldn't know anything about it. I haven't seen her in...I couldn't tell you how long.

Alex: Really? Your own daughter?

Wheeler: Stephanie cut off ties with the family a long time ago.

Alex: Do you know what's weird? I saw her. Yeah, on New Year’s Eve at the Athletic Club -- big party there.

Wheeler: I-I came to town after that.

Paul: But you've been in town ever since then, and you still haven't seen your daughter?

Wheeler: Well, I'm very busy in Genoa City when I'm here, meeting with constituents, backers.

Alex: Oh, you politicians -- always working the people.

Wheeler: [Chuckling] Yeah. It's a big part of the job, which I really need to get back to.

Paul: Yeah, I understand that, but I have a few more questions...about Gus Rogan.

Wheeler: Well, look, I barely knew the man.

Alex: You knew him well enough to testify against him in his trial.

Paul: Didn't his wife work for you?

Wheeler: Lin -- Belinda was a volunteer on my campaign staff, and that's how I came to know her husband, yes.

Alex: Did you know they were having problems?

Wheeler: I, uh, heard things.

Alex: Well, there were some rumors that Mrs. Rogan was having an affair. Do you know anything about that?

Wheeler: No. And I'm not sure what this has to do with me. I really am short on time.

Paul: Of course.

Alex: If you hear anything else...

Wheeler: I'll call you.

Alex: Okay.

Paul: That's reassuring -- he's gonna call. That didn't yield much, did it?

Alex: No, and unfortunately, we didn't get anything from that surveillance tape we tracked down. Not one shot of the Congressman with our shooter.

Paul: Can't say he doesn't cover his tracks.

Alex: And arrogant. The guy thinks he's untouchable.

Paul: That's good. Let him keep thinking that. Makes our job easier.

Jack: Victor stopped by to talk to me about Abby.

Phyllis: Oh. Did something happen to her?

Jack: No. He just wants to make sure she's safe when she's working with us at Jabot.

Victor: I'd rather she not work there, but then, I'm sure that you will take good care of your niece.

Phyllis: We all will.

Victor: Thank you.

Phyllis: You're welcome. I have to go. Be nice.

[Door closes]

Victor: Always the consummate liar, huh?

Jack: Shockingly, I'm not interested in your assessment of my character.

Victor: I assure you, the feeling is mutual, Jack. I can hardly wait for the day that you and I will not have to face each other.

Jack: Well, you can always thank me later.

Victor: For what?

Jack: For getting us out of this mess that you got us into.

Victor: You popping pills? Again? You're blaming me for our families being in danger? That was your doing.

Jack: Oh, you really don't know when to stop. I'm responsible for Wheeler being in our lives because I gave into a prostitute you hired to seduce me?

Victor: Don't you think it's time we stop bickering now and get to work on our plan?

Leslie: Are you serious?

Tyler: I mean, I still believe that Gus killed Mom and that he deserves to be locked up, but for 12 years, you're the -- you're the only person that's looked out for me.

Leslie: I will always look out for you, D.

Tyler: And I'm glad, too, because I think...right now, we need each other more than ever.

Leslie: I couldn't agree more.

Tyler: So, we're good?

Leslie: Yes. We are good. But, I mean, I do have to ask you something. What brought about this whole change of heart? You know not dealing is normally your way of dealing.

Tyler: Yeah, well...let's just say somebody else pointed out that that might not be the best coping strategy.

Leslie: Someone has more influence over you than I do. Must be somebody special.

Tyler: It's just a friend.

Neil: Just a friend, huh? Well, whoever it is must be a good friend. Good friends are hard to find. Keep them around.

[Both laugh]

Kyle: Hey, check it out. You made it all the way down here -- not a drop spilled.

Summer: Oh, I know. Ooh! I'm just kidding.

Kyle: Seriously? You want your mom to kill us both?

Summer: No.

Kyle: Phyllis. Morning.

Phyllis: Morning. This is the chemist's report on the new hair-care product. Please cross-reference it against the FDA regulations.

Kyle: Okay. I'll get right on it. See you.

Summer: Next time, coffee's on you. That was rude.

Phyllis: Watch how you talk to me. I'm your mother and your boss, and don't bother putting your bag down.

Summer: Why?

Phyllis: You're going to be working in the fashion division from now on.

Summer: We've been over this. Jack said that I could intern here.

Phyllis: Change of plans.

Summer: Why?

Phyllis: We have too many interns in cosmetics, and Neil requested you.

Summer: I thought we were gonna be truthful with each other.

Phyllis: I'm not lying. You're gonna be working in fashion.

Summer: This is because of what happened yesterday. Look, I spilled coffee, and you're gonna turn this into some federal case.

Phyllis: No. I walked into Jack's office, and you were standing there without your shirt. It was a little more than spilling coffee. It doesn't matter. This is a great opportunity for you.

Summer: That's why you're doing this -- the opportunity, right, Mom? Look, I'm 18. I can make my own decisions.

Phyllis: Then you decide. You work with Neil or you don't work at Jabot. You got it?

Summer: Fine. Move me to another department. Move me to another building. Okay, do all your little mom tricks that you have, but you're not gonna keep me and Kyle apart.

Nick: So, you decided to stay in Genoa City because, uh, of a bar fight. You know, Dylan, I think they have a lot of nice bars in Chicago for you to brawl in.

Dylan: I'm sure they do, Nick, but that's not what's keeping me here.

Avery: Okay, uh, Nick, Dylan's bail stipulates that he can't leave the county until after his hearing, which isn't for a month.

Nick: Okay, and was him moving in with you part of the bail agreement?

Avery: Really? Are you gonna do this?

Nick: Hey, I'm just saying, I know this couch very well, and it's comfortable. I want to know how long he'll be "Crashing" on it.

Avery: Listen to me. It was after midnight by the time I posted bail, okay? I didn't want him out there looking for a motel. I just thought it was easier if he...

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Crashed here. Excuse me. It's the courthouse. Avery Bailey Clark. Yes, yes. I do represent him. Uh-huh. When -- when will that be exactly? All right. Well, let me know as soon as you hear something. Thank you.

Dylan: Hopefully that was about the charges against me.

Nick: Yeah, please tell me his hearing was moved up.

Avery: No, that was -- that was the courthouse in Milwaukee. It's about the Gus Rogan case. The judge is gonna make a ruling today, so I need to go and tell Leslie and Tyler. Um, Nick... don't be mad.

Nick: No, it's cool. It's cool. I'm just gonna let Dylan fill me in on his plans.

Avery: Are you sure?

Nick: Yeah. I promise we're not gonna break anything.

Avery: Yeah. Don't make promises you can't keep.

Nick: Scout's honor.

Avery: You were never a scout. I'll talk to you later.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Nick: So, you want to tell me what really happened last night?

Jack: Thank you for coming by, Marcus.

Wheeler: You said you had a proposal for me? If you've called me here to make more empty accusations, you've wasted your time and mine.

Victor: No empty accusations, I assure you.

Jack: Gentlemen, let's have a seat, have some coffee, and discuss this like reasonable adults.

Wheeler: What's your proposition?

Jack: The police have been asking a lot of questions about Stephanie.

Wheeler: I'm aware.

Victor: And it won't take them a long time to figure out that the woman they found on New Year’s Day, dead in alley, the prostitute who died of an overdose, was your daughter. You don't want that to become public, do you?

Wheeler: Any more than you want him to discover you hired Stephanie to seduce Jack. Or that she was with you when she died.

Jack: If any of this got out, yes, it would cause problems for all of us.

Wheeler: What do you want from me?

Victor: Your silence.

Wheeler: And I get what in return?

Jack: Our silence in return. And a financial arrangement that all but guarantees that your opponent in your next election will be, uh...underfunded.

Wheeler: And if I agree?

Victor: Then this sordid business stays here, in this room.

Dylan: It's just like Avery said, you know, it was a stupid bar fight. It's no big deal, really.

Nick: Except it screwed up your plans to leave Genoa City.

Dylan: Yeah. It just...put my plans on hold. Once things get settled, I'm -- I'm out of here.

Nick: Well, lucky for you, you called the best lawyer in town.

Dylan: Uh, actually, I didn't call. The bartender picked up my phone after I left and he pressed "Send."

Nick: And Avery just happened to be the last person you talked to.

Dylan: Look, Nick, I would never drag Avery from whatever it was she was doing for a stupid bar fight.

Nick: Yeah, we both know Avery would come to the rescue of the unjustly accused. No matter who it is, she'll be there.

Dylan: Yeah, it's funny. I remember somebody tried to sue my dad for building with inferior materials or something like that, and Pop, he just wanted to settle, but Avery... [Chuckles] She would not have it. She said that the McAvoys are good, decent, honest people, and she was out to prove it.

Nick: And knowing Avery, I'm sure she did.

Dylan: The other side even had to pay our court costs.

Nick: [Chuckles]

Dylan: My, uh -- my Pop said he didn't know how God got so much brains, heart, and pretty into one body.

Nick: Your dad sounds like a smart guy.

Dylan: Yeah. And I like to think I take after him. Uh, listen, tell Avery that I'm gonna go find a place and find a job so I can pay back the bail money.

Nick: What's the going rate of knocking out the sheriff's son these days?

Dylan: It's, uh, ridiculously high, but somehow worth it.

Nick: What were you fighting about anyway?

Dylan: The guy was harassing a woman.

Nick: And you weren't gonna let that happen?

Dylan: Would you?

Nick: Looks like we have more than one thing in common.

[Knock on door]

Phyllis: Hey. Noah said you'd be here. Dylan. From Darien. Am I interrupting something?

Neil: So, you guys all good?

Tyler: I'm good. I don't know about Sis. She's a little bit on the uptight side.

Leslie: Okay, see, now I know we're back to normal.

Tyler: I mean, seriously, though, how can I -- how can I even be mad at you? You're just being who you've been your whole life.

Leslie: Okay, now. I feel another insult coming.

Tyler: I'm just telling it like it is.

Leslie: [Laughs] Listen, I know you may not have liked the way I've always acted towards you, but somebody had to keep you in line.

Tyler: Yeah, like when you were shoving me in those closets, huh, when Gus was always going after Mom? And keep me from freaking out when the walls were closing in on me.

Leslie: I was looking out for you. It's my job. I'm your big sis.

Tyler: Yeah. You know, it didn't matter. No matter how big or bad they were, you were always there.

Leslie: And I will always have your back, no matter what.

[Knock on door]

Avery: Hi. Okay if I come in?

Neil: Yeah, Avery. Come on in.

Avery: Oh, good. You're both here.

Leslie: Uh, any news on Dad?

Avery: The ruling is coming down today.

Wheeler: This is nothing but a business arrangement for you two. I lost my daughter. She died... in this house. Where was it, Jack? Here? In this room?

Jack: Yes.

Wheeler: My daughter wasn't just some drug-addicted prostitute, as you put it, Victor. She was my little girl -- my Steffy.

Jack: We are both very sorry for your loss.

Wheeler: And she'd be alive today if it weren't for the two of you.

Jack: The coroner's report --

Wheeler: I don't give a damn about the coroner's report! My daughter got swept away in your power struggle. You didn't care that she was someone else's child. You used her and then you discarded her like a piece of garbage.

Victor: You want to blame someone for your daughter's demise? Look in the mirror, Marcus.

Wheeler: How dare you?

Victor: You were always far more interested in your political career than you ever were in raising your daughter.

Wheeler: You son of a --

Jack: We know you are devastated by Stephanie's death. It makes no sense to let her life choices ruin your career.

Wheeler: Or yours. Or Victor's.

Victor: Oh, we all have something to lose. But you more than both of us.

Wheeler: What are you implying?

Victor: You do not want the death of your daughter to become public any more than you wanted the death of a woman 12 years ago to become public and end your political career.

Wheeler: [Chuckles] I don't know what you're talking about.

Victor: Oh, I think you do. How about Belinda Rogan, who you killed?

Phyllis: What, are you guys comparing notes?

Nick: Good morning, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Good morning, Nick. Uh... [Chuckles] Are you living here now?

Dylan: I'll let Nick fill you in on all the details.

Phyllis: Oh, I don't care about the details, thanks.

Dylan: See you later.

Nick: Hey, Dylan. You...still looking for work?

Dylan: Yeah.

Nick: Well, I still need a bartender.

Dylan: You're seriously gonna give me my job back?

Nick: The sooner you can pay back Avery, the sooner you can move on with your life, right?

Dylan: Right.

Nick: So, what do you think?

Dylan: Uh, yeah. Sure. I still have the shirt, so thank you.

Nick: All right. Give Noah a call. He'll hook you up with a schedule.

Dylan: All right.

Phyllis: Bye.

[Door closes]

Nick: [Sighs]

Phyllis: You guys have a thing going? A little bromance happening?

Nick: Avery's not here.

Phyllis: I wasn't here to see Avery. I'm here to see you.

Nick: What's going on?

Phyllis: It's our daughter. Um...we may have a problem.

Kyle: Coast clear?

Summer: Yep. Mom-zilla has left the building.

Kyle: Hey, Phyllis is just looking out for you.

Summer: Yeah, okay. I'm 18. I don't need to be looked out for.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I don't think this parenting thing has an end date.

Summer: Jack doesn't hover over you all the time. I wish my parents could be more like him.

Kyle: Well, my dad's got his flaws. Believe me. All right. I got to get this down to legal. What exciting project are you working on?

Summer: I'll have to ask Neil.

Kyle: Neil?

Summer: Yeah. My mom said that there are too many interns in the cosmetic division, so...I think it was just an excuse to get me over to fashion.

Kyle: Well, hey, even if it is, look on the upside of this.

Summer: I would if there was an upside. We don't even get to work in the same building.

Kyle: Summer, fashion -- that is you.

Summer: It is?

Kyle: Yeah. Are you kidding me? You're hot. You got killer style. You're gonna tear that place up.

Summer: Yeah. Maybe fashion isn't so bad. Right. It'll give me a chance to prove that I'm not some spoiled, little kid anymore. I'll make the best of it.

Nick: And what did Kyle have to say for himself?

Phyllis: Kyle knows that Summer's off limits. It's Summer. I'm just worried about her getting her heart crushed.

Nick: Well, I'm worried about a lot more than that.

Phyllis: Well, I'm worried about that, too, but it's just a really delicate time, you know, after everything that happened with Jamie.

Nick: What happened with Jamie?

Phyllis: The bullying.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Phyllis: Oh, my God. You don't know about this? Summer was supposed to talk to you about this. You don't know about this?

Nick: A few months ago, Ronan was accusing Summer of bullying some kid online. I haven't heard anything about it since he left town. It's just another reason I'm glad he left.

Phyllis: Nick. It was Summer. Summer was doing the bullying. This kid was so devastated he almost killed himself.

Nick: Oh, my God. Is he okay?

Phyllis: He -- he's good now. He moved to D.C. [Sighs] She was so torn up. Listen, she took full responsibility for what she did. She --

Nick: Did you punish her?

Phyllis: You know, living with it was punishment enough.

Nick: Sure. The world according to Phyllis.

Phyllis: Okay, whatever that means. You didn't even know about it, so we're not gonna go there. I felt there was no need to ground her for something she felt so bad about.

Nick: She needs to know that there are consequences.

Phyllis: Really? Maybe you're gonna have some time to teach her about consequences, Nick. Why don't you and my sister teach her about consequences?

Nick: What do you mean I'm gonna have time?

Phyllis: I'm going out of town with Jack.

Nick: Where are you going at a time like this?

Phyllis: We're going to Istanbul. Not that it's any of your business, okay? So, that's why I came over here. Can you please talk to our daughter and keep a close eye on her?

Nick: [Sighing] Yeah. I will start right now.

Phyllis: Great. Thanks.

[Door closes]

Jack: Victor and I both know all about Belinda Rogan. If we've heard the rumors, others have, too.

Wheeler: There's no proof I was ever involved with Lin -- Belinda.

Victor: With "Lin." How endearing. Lucky she died before the truth came out. Or was it luck?

Jack: We're just trying to help here. If there's even a modicum of truth to it --

Wheeler: There isn't. Belinda's husband was convicted of her murder.

Victor: Because of your testimony against him, right?

Wheeler: Gus Rogan is a thug who treated his wife like dirt. They should have locked him up and thrown away the key.

Jack: And yet, his conviction is now being questioned.

Wheeler: [Chuckles] He'll never get out.

Victor: You seem so pompously sure of that, Marcus.

Tyler: I put together a list of potential candidates for the Jabot face of fashion.

Neil: Yeah, Tyler, man, come on. We can do that later, all right?

Leslie: Any news?

Avery: Uh, no. Not yet.

Leslie: That's good. The judge is just -- he's reviewing the evidence.

Avery: Mm-hmm. That's usually better for the defense.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Oh. Oh. Avery Bailey Clark. Uh-huh. Uh... thank you for letting me know.

Leslie: No.

Avery: Leslie, I'm so sorry.

Leslie: [Sighs]

Summer: Okay, if this is about Kyle, I have heard this from Mom about 200 times.

Nick: Good. 'Cause it's not about Kyle.

Summer: Okay, then, what am I in trouble for?

Nick: What makes you think you're in trouble?

Summer: Because you called me using your dad voice. [As Nick] "Summer, I need to see you right now."

Nick: Yet you came right over.

Summer: [Normal voice] Yeah, well, I'm either in trouble now or later, so...just get it over with.

Nick: I respect that.

Summer: So, am I off the hook?

Nick: No. I want to hear about this stuff with Jamie.

Summer: Okay, well, um...kind of put that stuff behind me.

Nick: Without talking to me about it?

Summer: I hoped I never had to. It's not one of those "Let's get this out of the way" conversations.

Nick: What did you think I was gonna do when I found out? Take your car from you?

Summer: I wasn't worried about punishment. I was -- I was worried about disappointing you.

Nick: I am disappointed.

Summer: I know, Dad. Okay, me too. I-I hate that -- that I got Fen involved. I hate that I started it, and I hate that Jamie got hurt, 'cause he's a sweet guy. He didn't deserve any of it.

Nick: Then why did you do it?

Summer: I don't know. I thought I had a good reason at the time, but it wasn't. I just wanted to hurt Mom.

Nick: By picking on Jamie?

Summer: I wanted to hurt Mom by hurting Ronan.

Nick: Summer.

Summer: I know, okay? That's why I stopped right away.

Nick: Okay. Well, then, what made this kid jump off that roof?

Summer: Okay, well, Fen picked up where I left off. He wanted to hurt me. He didn't care about Jamie.

Nick: Well, apparently, neither did you.

Summer: No, I did, okay? I tried to get Fen to stop. I-I cared.

Nick: So, you're blaming Fen for this?

Summer: No, I'm not. I take all the blame, but just do not tell me that I don't care about Jamie.

Nick: Summer, this kid has none of the advantages that you have in life. Not one of them. And you used him like he was some worthless toy in this stupid game.

Summer: Why are you being so mean?

Nick: Well, I'm sorry, but bullying is something that really strikes a nerve in me. When you are born into the Newman family, you have certain advantages in life, and people just expect us to be bullies. Well, I hate that. I've always gone out of my way to stop it and to teach my children that it is so wrong.

Summer: I know. That's why I didn't tell you.

Nick: Summer, that hurts me more than anything. I needed to know about this. I needed to hear about it from you. You know, I thought we had a lot better communication since the car accident.

Summer: We did. I was just really ashamed. Haven't you ever done something so bad that you didn't want to tell anybody about it?

Leslie: You said even without my testimony you could win this appeal.

Avery: Okay, from a legal standpoint, this makes no sense. The forensic evidence that I presented proved, proved there was DNA at the murder scene that could not be identified.

Neil: I'm no judge, but even I could tell you that means someone else could have murdered your mother.

Avery: Well, it certainly casts reasonable doubt on Gus' guilt.

Neil: There must be something you can do, Avery. I mean, something -- file another appeal.

Leslie: That could take years.

Avery: And even then, the request could be denied.

Leslie: You presented a solid case. This should have been a sure thing.

Tyler: I got to say, I'm -- I'm not sorry about the way things turned out.

Leslie: No. He did something.

Tyler: Who?

Leslie: Marcus Wheeler.

Tyler: Come on, Sis --

Leslie: No, no, no, no. He got to the judge and convinced him not to overturn the conviction. He's behind this.

Avery: Okay, well, even if that's true, it's gonna be next to impossible to prove it.

Wheeler: The only thing I'm guilty of is not being the father I should have been.

Jack: If the three of us work together, we can help each other.

Wheeler: I don't need your help. And you made a big mistake thinking I did.

Victor: Marcus. One moment. You're so cocksure, aren't you? You made a mistake when you sent that thug into my house to blow it up while my children and grandchildren were inside, and then my one son took a bullet that was meant for me. Now, if the authorities don't get your ass, I will.

Wheeler: You think I'm gonna give in to accusations you have no way of backing up? You can't tie me to Belinda Rogan's death, and no matter how many times the police question me, they can't prove anything, either.

Victor: So, you really think you've covered your tracks?

Wheeler: I know I have. Thanks for the coffee, Jack.

Victor: Have a good day, Marcus.

Jack: Okay, it's clear.

Victor: You think we got enough to nail him?

Phyllis: Hey. Dylan.

Dylan: Hey.

Phyllis: So wild to see you here in Genoa City.

Dylan: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Phyllis: It must be super weird for Avery -- you and Nick hanging out.

Dylan: Probably no weirder than it is for you having your ex hook up with your sister.

Phyllis: Touché. They were together once before. You know Avery. She wants what I have.

Dylan: I didn't know that.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It didn't last long before between Avery and Nick. It won't last long this time. It's not like they're soul mates, you know? [Chuckles] Nick gets bored. He'll get bored again. Anyway, um, my coffee's ready. It was good talking to you.

Dylan: Yeah.

Nick: I have done some things in my life I'm not proud of. But this is not about me. This about us. Summer, you are old enough now that you don't have to tell me everything that's going on in your life, but I would hope that you would want to talk to me.

Summer: I will.

Nick: Sweetheart, if you are in trouble, if you are embarrassed by something, I'm here, and I want to know about it. I want us to be able to talk about anything. That's all I ask.

Summer: So, that's it? No punishment?

Nick: When school's out, you're gonna be spending your summer doing community service.

Summer: Doing what?

Nick: Helping people less fortunate, working in a soup kitchen, in a women's shelter -- I don't know. We'll find something. You're gonna hate it, but it'll be good for you. Is there something interesting on the ceiling?

Summer: No. What do you mean?

Nick: Well, I'm guessing there's something fascinating up there to have grabbed your attention, because I know you didn't just roll your eyes at me after what we talked about.

Summer: I'm sorry. Can I go now?

Nick: Sure. Summer. I love you.

Summer: I love you, too, Dad. Oh.

Avery: Summer.

Summer: Hi, Avery.

Avery: Hi. What was that about?

Nick: She's upset. I'll fill you in later. You okay? What's -- did you get the ruling on the Rogan appeal?

Avery: I was so sure.

Nick: [Sighs] I'm so sorry.

Avery: What went wrong? What did I miss?

Tyler: Hey, you ever wish that we really were Leslie and Tyler Michaelson?

Leslie: Yeah, and that we grew up in a nice house in the suburbs of Detroit -- picket fence, bikes on the lawn, dog.

Tyler: Yeah, and a dad who had a great job. Maybe a mom in the church choir.

Leslie: Parents who helped us with algebra and never missed a recital, basketball game.

Tyler: No fighting. Just birthday parties on birthdays and lots of celebrating on holidays.

Leslie: Life sure would have been different.

Tyler: Yeah.

Leslie: But being Valerie and Davis Rogan has made us strong. Yeah, we need that right now.

Tyler: [Chuckles] I honestly don't know how you do it.

Leslie: What?

Tyler: You just always find the strength to tell the universe that it's not gonna beat you down.

Leslie: Oh, that's easy. I know you're standing right behind me.

Avery: It's not right.

Nick: I'm sorry. I know you believed Gus was innocent.

Avery: No, he is innocent. And he probably just lost his last chance to prove it.

Nick: Avery, you did your best.

Avery: But it wasn't enough, Nick.

Nick: Try not to let this get you down, all right? Please don't take this personally.

Avery: I have to take it personally. It's the only way I know how. And, you know, the part that is the most disturbing in all of this is that not only does Gus Rogan -- he ro-rots in a prison for a crime he didn't commit, but the person that did kill Belinda -- that person will never pay for what he did.

Wheeler: Has the ruling come down? That's good news. Thanks.

Paul: You guys do good work. You got Wheeler to admit covering his tracks.

Jack: Did you get what you needed, though? Did he talk enough?

Alex: This DNA speaks volumes.

Paul: And if that matches the unidentified DNA at the Belinda Rogan murder scene, we should be able to build a very strong case against the Congressman.

Victor: "Should be able"? Paul, Jack and I put ourselves out a limb. You better get that son of a bitch, okay?

Paul: Well, if I can do it, it'll be thanks to you and Jack. You know something? You two make a very good team. Gentlemen.

[Door closes]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Carmine: I'll be here waiting for you.

Lauren: It's a work emergency, and I have to take care of it.

Michael: At this hour?

Chelsea: Oh! Aah! Ow.

Victoria: He put Sharon in charge of Newman. She has to be stopped!

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