Y&R Transcript Monday 4/1/13
Episode # 10126 ~ Paul and Alex question Jack; a conflict escalates between Cane and Tyler.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: Do you hear me, Adam? You're gonna be a dad. I'm having your baby. After the miscarriage, we were both so torn up, and now we're getting a second chance. [Sighs] Open your eyes and show me how happy you are that you're gonna be a father.
[Machines beeping]
Chelsea: Adam?
[Beeping quickens]
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Nurse! Nurse!
Reporter: How many more interviews will you do tonight?
Sharon: Um, well, I admit I am glad that you're the last one. But everyone has agreed to hold the story until tomorrow.
Reporter: Well, congratulations. I-I mean...
Sharon: Despite my new job title, no one will be more relieved than I when Adam Newman is well and back to work.
Reporter: Now, Mrs. Newman, your reaction to the shootout in your home?
Nikki: I have no comment. You are neither qualified nor permitted to be a spokesperson for my family.
Sharon: That's not what I was doing.
Nikki: How dare you try to boost your importance by blabbing to the press what happened at my wedding.
Sharon: That interview had nothing to do with you or the shooting. It was about Newman.
Victor: I am Newman, okay?
Sharon: Actually, currently Adam is Newman.
Victor: My son is incapacitated.
Sharon: The reason that I was speaking to the press, I might as well inform you and spare you the need to read it in print -- I'm taking over for Adam.
Nikki: What?!
Jack: Paul, good to see you.
Paul: Hey, Jack. A word?
Jack: Yeah, yeah. Please, come on in. Heard about the new job. Congratulations.
Paul: Thank you.
Jack: How's it going so far?
Paul: Well, I got a brand-new, shiny badge.
Jack: [Chuckles]
Paul: Actually, it's pretty challenging. Listen, this is Detective Chavez. He was one of my first hires after becoming chief of police.
Jack: How do you do?
Alex: Mr. Abbott.
Paul: Um, we are working on a rather unusual case, and we were hoping that maybe you could help us with it.
Jack: Great. I -- does this have something to do with Jabot?
Paul: What do you know about Congressman Marcus Wheeler?
Jack: Next to nothing. I-I really haven't had much of a relationship with him since, well, my political days. Why? Is he in some kind of trouble?
Paul: Well, we're trying to learn as much as we can about him. Do you two get together socially?
Jack: No, I mean -- I guess I bump into him from time to time. Matter of fact, I saw him a couple of months ago at the club.
Paul: What did you talk about?
Jack: Nothing notable. Like I told you, Paul, I don't have much of a relationship with him.
Alex: What about his daughter? We're really interested in your relationship with her.
Kay: Um... [Clears throat] The year is 2013. My name is Katherine Chancellor. My name is Katherine Chancellor, and whatever is happening to me, I can face it. I can do it. I can face it.
Doctor: Ready to begin your tests, Ms. Chancellor?
Kay: Oh, Doctor, I am more than ready. So, let's, uh... let's just...get to this. Find out what the hell is going on with me.
Cane: Keep your hands off my wife.
Tyler: You better calm down.
Cane: Don't you touch her again.
Lily: Cane, you don't understand.
Cane: No, I don't understand why he's always got a reason to hang out with you and meet with you and talk with you.
Tyler: Use your head. We're business associates.
Cane: I see you with your hands on her! That's not business!
Lily: Stop it!
Tyler: You better listen to your lady.
Cane: That lady's married. She's married to me. Do you understand that? Do you understand it?!
Tyler: I'm always here because I work here.
Cane: Your job description doesn't let you hit on my wife.
Lily: He was not hitting on me.
Tyler: You got this whole thing twisted, man. You don't even know what you're talking about.
Cane: You're full of it.
Lily: Okay, enough. Enough! Stop it! Tyler, leave. Please just leave. Go.
[Door closes]
Lily: My God. You completely overreacted.
Cane: He had his hands all over you, Baby.
Lily: It wasn't what you thought. He wasn't hitting on me. Why are you acting like this?
Cane: 'Cause I've had this tough day, and all I want to do is come here and see you, and I walk in here, and all I do is see this guy with his hands on you.
Lily: It was a hug, Cane. A hug. That's it.
Cane: Where are we gonna draw the line with this guy, Sweetheart? I mean, when -- when am I allowed to actually get angry about any of this?
Lily: I get that you're upset. I get it, but I will explain it to you later, okay? Tell me why you had a rough day.
Cane: Lily, I can't. I'm just too angry right now.
Lily: What happened with Tyler was nothing.
Cane: I really don't want to talk about it, 'cause I don't want to say anything to you I don't mean.
Lily: Then, fine. Let's -- let's just sit down and talk, okay?
Cane: I can't. I have to go. I have to see Katherine. She needs me.
Lily: Wait, stop it. What happened with Katherine? What is going on?
Cane: I'll tell you about it later. Don't worry about it.
Lily: Cane, wait. Stop.
Cane: Lily, I promise you we'll talk later.
Lily: [Scoffs]
Paul: Tell us about Stephanie Wheeler.
Jack: Well --
Alex: If it'll help cut to the chase, we know you know her.
Jack: Do you?
Alex: Oh, yeah. Your paths crossed at the club, months ago.
Jack: Yes, that's right. New Year’s Eve. We shared a drink.
Alex: And then what?
Jack: And a kiss at midnight.
Alex: Oh, yeah? Where did you two take it after the kiss?
Jack: Did you two decide this was the way you were gonna play it before you came in? He was gonna be the polite one, you were gonna be the pushy one?
Alex: Oh, I thought I was being polite.
Paul: I'm sorry, Jack. He's -- he's from New York. You won't mind answering the question?
Jack: Who says I took the woman anywhere?
Alex: Me. I saw you and Stephanie leave the club that night. So, why don't you tell us how the night ended?
Jack: [Groans, sighs]
Victor: You're despicable.
Sharon: So you have said numerous times.
Victor: You're using my son's misfortune to promote your own self-interests.
Nikki: Oh, well, that's typical. Opportunistic is Sharon's middle name.
Sharon: And my last name is Newman, just like yours. Shall we list all of the opportunities that you both have lied, stolen, cheated, oh, and slept your way into?
Nikki: You know, the same thing happened when Victor was missing. The family barely had time to blink before you had commandeered Newman.
Sharon: Yeah, but, see, this is not the same thing.
Victor: Really? My son heroically took a bullet for me to save my life. He's now lying in intensive care. We don't know if he's gonna make it.
Sharon: Why are you not with your beloved son instead of standing her insulting me?
Victor: You are taking advantage of him. It's disgusting.
Sharon: Let's review, shall we? I am disgusting, exploitative. I'm greedy. What else? Inhumane. Does that cover it?
Victor: That's putting it mildly.
Nikki: Barely scratches the surface, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, there goes our ability to remain civil for Adam's sake. I guess that was just a fleeting moment in the hospital. You know, I'm only following Adam's wishes.
Victor: Really? How convenient of you to claim that he put you in charge.
Sharon: He did.
Victor: He's in a damn coma. What the hell does he know right now? You're taking advantage of this.
Chelsea: Where is that nurse? The doctor?
Victoria: I see him. I see him.
Chelsea: Stay with me Adam. Help is coming, okay? It's gonna be okay. What's happening to him?
Dr. Costner: You two need to wait outside.
Chelsea: Is he gonna be okay?
Victoria: Let's go. Come on.
Dr. Costner: I want you to check on...
Chelsea: Why hasn't the doctor come out?
Victoria: It's only been a few minutes.
Chelsea: What if he's --
Victoria: Hey, listen. Listen to me. You have to stay positive, okay? The doctor got to Adam in time, so I'm sure he's just stabilizing him right now.
Chelsea: He hasn't been stable since he got shot. He slipped into a coma.
Victoria: I didn't know.
Chelsea: Why would you?
Victoria: Well, that's why I'm here. You know, I just -- I wanted to come and see if he was okay. I know you're scared.
Chelsea: Wouldn't you be if that was Billy in there?
Victoria: You know, those machines -- they monitor activity, right? Blood pressure and heart rate and all that. So, maybe there was a sudden change in activity, and that's why the monitors went off. Maybe it's a good sign. It means Adam's waking up.
Chelsea: Would that disappoint you? Sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
Victoria: Um, that's okay. You know, I've been -- I've been pretty angry at Adam and disappointed in him. Probably wanted him dead a couple times.
Chelsea: Then why are you here?
Victoria: He's my brother. And when that gun was raised at my dad, he just -- he jumped in front of it. And if he hadn't done that, my father would have died. We all probably would have died. He saved us.
Chelsea: Please don't forget that. Ever.
Victoria: I won't.
Chelsea: Adam could lose his life because he loves Victor so much, after everything that man has done to him. [Sighs]
Victoria: Chelsea, I've known Adam a lot longer than you have.
Chelsea: What difference does that make, Victoria?
Victoria: I have seen him in action more than you have. And...he's a fighter. He's in a constant state of attack. He really is. I mean, that's why he's able to claw his way back from impossible odds, right?
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Victoria: That's why I know he's gonna be okay. He's not gonna give up, because he's got too much to fight for.
Sharon: You know I've been working with Adam for months.
Victor: And I'm painfully aware of that, okay?
Sharon: And he knows that he can rely on me. That's why he asked me to do this.
Nikki: Oh, is that the reason?
Sharon: Nikki, after everything that Adam has been through to get Newman, do you really think that he would put me in charge just because we've been involved?
Nikki: Been involved?
Victor: Why are you so eager to take on a job for which you're overwhelmingly underqualified? Your track record as the head of Newman has proven that.
Sharon: And that is past. The only thing that matters here and now is that Adam asked me to do this for him. These were his last words to me before he went into a coma -- to take over for him until he comes back.
Nikki: Really? Were there witnesses?
Sharon: I am praying with everything in me that Adam recovers quickly and goes back to work, but in the meantime, stockholders need to know that the company is secured.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Do you think they will actually be eager to hear that you are the one maintaining that security?
Sharon: I expect them to respect the choice that Adam made.
Victor: Listen to me. Here are the facts -- you never have been, you never will be capable of running a company of that size. Never. Now, if you'll excuse us, my wife and I are having dinner.
Nikki: I'll get us a table.
Victor: Newman is a family business, and you are not family.
Sharon: Oh, really? Why don't you tell that to my children and your grandchildren?
Victor: Listen to me. Outsiders have tried to take over the company several times. They have all failed. And I promise you, you will fail.
Alex: How long have you and Stephanie been dating?
Jack: We weren't.
Paul: You just met?
Jack: Yes. New Year’s Eve.
Alex: And then you left and brought her back here, right?
Jack: Yes, I did.
Alex: And then what?
Jack: Okay, what do all these questions about my personal life have to do with whatever it is you are looking for? You want to tell me? I invite you into my house. I agree to cooperate.
Paul: And we appreciate that.
Jack: I don't get appreciation right now. I feel like I'm being interrogated.
Paul: I'm sorry. We just have a few more questions.
Jack: Okay. I'd like some answers. What is this about?
Paul: It's an ongoing investigation.
Jack: That's it? That's all you're gonna tell me?
Paul: That's all I'm at liberty to say right now.
Jack: Okay, well, Gentlemen, if you can't give me any more details about what it is you're looking for, I'm afraid I have nothing more to say to either one of you.
Lily: [Sighs] You're kidding me. Geez. [Sighs]
Tyler: Hey.
Lily: Hey. No, I got it. I got it.
Tyler: No, no, no. Its better -- it's better with two.
Lily: Thank you. So, what do you need?
Tyler: Uh, I need the bottle designs -- perfume, for the focus group.
Lily: Oh, yeah. I have them...right here.
Tyler: Thanks.
Lily: Look, we can't just keep working like nothing happened.
Tyler: Sure we can.
Lily: And pretend like we didn't have a personal discussion about your past right before Cane walked it?
Tyler: Well, I'm willing to pretend that Cane didn't just jump up in my face like some kind of jealous maniac.
Lily: How do you want him to react?
Tyler: Like he trusts you.
Lily: Well, he has a lot of other stuff going on today.
Tyler: I get it. You want to defend your husband. That's admirable.
Lily: Then you understand.
Tyler: No. I don't.
Lily: Look, Cane, he just --
Tyler: Look, the guy hates my guts, all right? That just about covers everything that I need to know about him.
Lily: It's only because you guys both got started off on the wrong foot.
Tyler: The way that I remember it, your husband didn't like me, my ideas, or my portfolio right from the start.
Lily: No matter how it began, if we're gonna work together, you have to both get past your issues with each other.
Tyler: Well, how's that gonna happen?
Lily: I am gonna talk to Cane, because he's never even had the chance to get to know you.
Tyler: Good. Well, tell me when he likes me.
Lily: And you...
Tyler: Me? What about me?
Lily: You have no idea what a great man he really is.
Kay: I thought you weren't coming back until later.
Cane: And then I realized that this is where I needed to be. So, what have I missed? Where are we up to?
Kay: Okay, well, I've had a complete tour of the hospital.
Cane: Really? Did you see anything exciting and interesting?
Kay: Oh, definitely, yes. Yes, yes. I've seen the inside of an MRI machine.
Cane: Oh, and how was that?
Kay: Claustrophobic. As was that, uh -- that, uh -- that scan that... and then...then I was weighed, drained of all my blood...
Cane: [Chuckles]
Kay: ...And -- and every -- what?
Cane: Reflex. Reflex test.
Kay: Every reflex known to man.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Kay: Then, uh, I had a flashlight shone directly -- I mean, directly into my eyes...
Cane: Okay.
Kay: ...Up my nose, into my ears, and down my throat.
Cane: Well, I'm gonna give the doctor extra points for being so thorough.
Kay: Yes, but, um... I'm -- I'm saving the best for last.
Cane: Really? What's, uh -- what's the next leg in this marathon, then? Hmm?
Kay: [Clears throat] Well, for, uh -- for the final event, the doctor's gonna throw a battery of questions at me to see what I remember and how clearly I'm thinking.
Cane: Okay. Listen. If it's all right with you, I'd like to stay for those tests.
Kay: No, no. Cane, no, please. If it doesn't turn out well, God, I'd be so -- I'd be so embarrassed.
Cane: Only if you can remember, hmm?
Kay: [Laughs]
Victor: Psst! I'm so happy that you felt well enough to want to go out tonight.
Nikki: Well, I'd feel even better if she weren't sitting there...
Victor: Sweetheart.
Nikki: ...Ruining my appetite.
Victor: Darling, think about other things, all right? Ignore her.
Nikki: You mean like my brand-spanking-new husband?
Victor: That's right. And the romancing that goes along with a freshly married couple.
Nikki: [Chuckles] Is this your way of getting me to drink my water?
Victor: Mm-hmm. You know that Dr. Costner asked you to drink at least eight glasses a day so that you'd be strong and healthy for a wonderful, happy future together.
Nikki: Yes, I know, and I'm very thankful that we have a chance at that future, and I am very grateful for what Adam did. I just wish I didn't have to look across the room and see her.
Victor: But just don't -- just ignore her. She will no longer be a problem. Trust me.
Nikki: I hope not, but I get a little defensive these days. Forgive me. That's what happens when somebody tries to blow up my house.
Victor: That's another thing you shouldn't worry about. Investigators are hot on the trail of whoever perpetrated that crime, okay? We'll get him. Trust me. We'll get him.
Paul: We are trying to determine who is responsible for the shooting and the attempted explosion at the Newman ranch.
Jack: Wait. My ongoing battle with Victor is well-known. If you think for a moment I had anything to do --
Paul: We are well-aware that your own family was present at the wedding. And they could have been killed or injured --
Jack: That's right. My sister, my brother, and my niece.
Paul: Right. That's why we are all over this, Jack. We need to explore every aspect of this situation. It has to be examined.
Jack: So, you think Congressman Wheeler is somehow involved?
Alex: We really need you to answer our questions about his daughter, Mr. Abbott.
Paul: Jack, if you know anything that can connect Wheeler to what happened at the Newman ranch, you need to let us know before somebody else ends up in the hospital. Or worse.
Chelsea: When you first got here, when I was in Adam's room, um...did you -- how is he?
Dr. Costner: Well, he appears to be coming around.
Chelsea: Really? Oh, my God.
Dr. Costner: Well, he's weak and disoriented, drifting in and out, but this is a positive step.
Chelsea: Oh, that -- that's great. Can I -- can I go in?
Dr. Costner: Well, he needs his rest, but he can have one visitor at a time.
Chelsea: Thank you. Thanks, Dr. Costner.
Victoria: You should go -- go in there. Tell him how you feel.
Chelsea: Thank you. [Sighs] Hey. Oh, Adam, you really scared the hell out of me. [Chuckles] Thank God you're okay.
Adam: Sharon?
Chelsea: Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Sharon.
Adam: Chelsea. You're here. When...
Chelsea: You don't remember that I was here before? You don't remember what I said? It's -- its okay, Adam. Get some rest. Feel better.
Victoria: What happened? Are you okay?
Chelsea: Yeah, I-I'm fine.
Victoria: Was he awake?
Chelsea: Um...for a -- for a little bit. H-he spoke.
Victoria: What did he say?
Chelsea: Nothing. Just -- just babbling.
Victoria: Well, that's good, though, right? It's good. Um...is it still okay if I go in?
Chelsea: Sure.
Victoria: Great. Thank you. [Clears throat] It's Victoria. Chelsea seemed upset when she walked out of here. I don't know if you can hear me or if you even know that I'm here. Maybe that's a good thing. I don't want you to go into shock after you hear what I have to say. I owe you. I owe you big time, Adam. And when you get out of here, and you will get out of here, it's not like we're gonna be hanging out or be best friends or anything. Adam, I just really needed to say... thank you so much for saving Dad. Thank you.
Chelsea: What did you say?
Victoria: What are you so worried about, Chelsea?
Nikki: That's why you won't tell me what's going on? You're worried about my health?
Victor: Baby, I'm determined to take care of you.
Nikki: And you are doing that splendidly. But that's no reason to keep information from me.
Victor: Stress is no good for you.
Nikki: Well, then, confide in me. I will be more upset if you don't tell me what's going on with the investigation.
Victor: Okay, what I can tell you is that we have guards stationed around our various homes, all right? And the investigation is going on as we speak. We will find whoever's responsible for wanting to kill me and blow up our house. I promise you that, okay?
Paul: So, we have been honest with you, Jack. Now you need to do the same.
Jack: You know I'm an addict, right?
Paul: Yes.
Jack: Well, New Year’s Eve, I was still using. I was here at the house, feeling sorry for myself. I knew there was a party at the club. I went there, and that's -- that's when I ran into Stephanie and spent time with her at the bar.
Alex: Why her?
Jack: I have a lifelong weakness for redheads.
Paul: Did you know she was Wheeler's daughter?
Jack: No.
Alex: And after you two left?
Jack: We came here. And I passed out.
Alex: And after you woke up?
Jack: She was gone.
Paul: Did you talk to her after that night?
Jack: No. And the next morning, I determined that I was gonna get clean.
Alex: Oh. So, that's it?
Jack: Yes, that's it. You make it sound like very little, but it was a hell of a wake-up call for me. Now, if you'll excuse me, Gentlemen...
Paul: Thanks for your time, Jack. We'll show ourselves out.
[Door closes]
[Cell phone rings]
Victor: Yes?
Jack: Get to my house. Now.
Victor: I'm having dinner with my wife.
Jack: Then make an excuse and leave.
Victor: Now, why the hell would I do that?
Jack: Because the police were just here questioning me.
Doctor: Do the best that you can.
Kay: Well, Doctor, I'm not going to intentionally blow this. For heaven's sakes, I may have Alzheimer's, but I'm not insane.
Cane: [Chuckles]
Doctor: Duly noted. I'm gonna mention three common items to you. I'd like you to repeat them. Then, later, I'll ask you to recall them again. House, pen, apple.
Kay: House, pen, apple.
Doctor: What is the year?
Kay: 2013. The president of the United States is Barack Obama. 40 cents. That would be eight nickels. I would get back $3.55 in change. No, no, wait, wait, wait. No, no. No, no. No, no. Come on, Katherine, think. [Muttering] I would get back $4.55. Right. A watch and a ruler? Well, they -- they both measure things. Is that what you're looking for? There you go.
Doctor: Can you recall the list of items that we went over earlier?
Kay: House, pen, apple.
Doctor: You can go home now, Ms. Chancellor.
Kay: [Chuckles]
Doctor: I'll review all the findings, and I'll be in touch.
Cane: Thank you, Doctor.
Kay: Yes, God. Thank you. Thank you.
Cane: That is great. You got everything right.
Kay: Oh, come on, now. Let's not pretend that I conquered some great feat. No. All those questions...I should have answered easily.
Cane: All right. Listen, listen. The point is, you did it, all right? Which means it may not be as bad as you initially thought.
Kay: Yet.
Tyler: You know, I was actually pretty surprised when I came back in and it was just you here. I figured Cane would still be hovering.
Lily: Well, he had somewhere he had to be.
Tyler: Did you guys, uh, get a chance to talk things over before he left?
Lily: Not really.
Tyler: Hey, look, Lily. I'm -- I'm really sorry. You know, I'm not trying to create problems for your marriage.
Lily: I know.
Tyler: Does Cane know that? 'Cause I'm serious. I mean, I really -- I'm not trying to mess things up for you. I hope that you can believe me.
Lily: I do. I do.
Tyler: So, uh, where did you leave things with Cane?
Lily: He just promised that we would talk about it later.
Tyler: [Sighs] Is that gonna involve yelling?
Lily: [Chuckles] We'll be fine.
Tyler: Good. Well, then, are you ready to go over the, uh, wardrobe selections for the models?
Lily: You know, we didn't get to finish, so if you want to talk still...
Tyler: You know, I -- I'd rather just get to the fashion and the perfume stuff. I think you'd be happier with that anyway. Plus, that's why Jack pays the medium-sized bucks, huh? [Chuckles]
Lily: I know you like to pretend that things just roll off your back, but I know that what happened with your dad is still bothering you.
Tyler: I'd rather just ignore it.
Lily: Okay. Well, I'm glad that you trusted me enough to tell me.
Tyler: Yeah, you know what? I -- I actually can't even believe that I spilt all of that. I never talk about my old life with anybody, except for my sister, but... some of the stuff that I told you, I've never told anyone, ever. You know, here I go again. I'm dumping all this on you.
Lily: No. Stop. You're not dumping. You're venting. And that's what friends are for.
Chelsea: I mean, even if you went in there with the best intentions, it's not like you and Adam are best buds. You could have upset him.
Victoria: I didn't.
Chelsea: Are you sure about that? 'Cause, I have to be honest, you kind of spooked me earlier when you were just hanging out by the door.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
Chelsea: So, what -- what did you see? Did he move?
Victoria: No. No, he was completely out of it. He seemed very peaceful, though. I suppose this changes things for you.
Chelsea: I don't understand.
Victoria: Adam almost died. That can make a person rethink her decisions.
Chelsea: About the divorce, you mean?
Victoria: Technically, you're not divorced. And I think that it's pretty obvious that you still care for Adam.
Chelsea: It's not that simple, Victoria.
Victoria: Well, couldn't it be if you wanted it to be?
Chelsea: Do you want to know why I was upset earlier when I left his room?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, I do, if you want to tell me.
Chelsea: I was standing there next to his bedside, thanking God that Adam was alive, thinking of all the things that I wanted to tell him, and he opened his eyes, and he said Sharon's name. Do you have any idea what that felt like?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, I can imagine. But, you know, Chelsea, the doctor said that he was completely out of it. I mean, he was literally just waking up.
Chelsea: Well, he spent his waking moment thinking about Sharon, okay? That's where his heart is, okay? I've lost him for good.
Victoria: I think you and I both know that you don't have to lose him if you don't want to.
Kay: I'm sorry, Darling. I-I didn't mean to be morose, but it's just -- I meant...we're gonna have to wait, you know, for the final results to figure out exactly what is going on.
Cane: Okay, but you have to admit that things look pretty good so far, right?
Kay: I am so grateful you're here. I can't tell you what it means to me.
Cane: I, then, will make sure I'm here for every single appointment that you have.
Kay: Well, let's hope this is the last.
Cane: Let's hope. All right. I am going to go get the car, and I'll come back around and pick you up. I'm gonna take you home. Okay.
Tyler: You know, your husband wouldn't want to hear about us being buddies.
Lily: [Scoffs] Well, he'll adapt.
Tyler: I don't know. I wouldn't. I mean, seriously, who can blame the guy being jealous with a wife like you?
Lily: [Chuckles] Cane just didn't understand the context of the hug that he saw. I just have to make him understand that all you want from me is friendship.
Chelsea: Why are you so sure Adam would want me back?
Victoria: It's obvious, isn't it? After Adam married you, he seemed different. He seemed happier. Why wouldn't he want that back?
Chelsea: I need to get some air. Clear my head. It's been a big day.
Victoria: It certainly has.
Sharon: Hey. Did your dinner date dump you?
Nikki: Something came up.
Sharon: What, his meal? Well, I've never been able to stomach you, either.
Nikki: Unlike you, Sharon, Victor will always be in demand.
Sharon: And yet, he isn't missed at Newman.
Nikki: God, do you really think you're that untouchable? You think that people have forgotten who you are and what you've done?
Sharon: I am a woman running an international corporation.
Nikki: You are a sociopath, and there is no way Victor's gonna let you steal his company from him again.
Sharon: The company wasn't stolen, Nikki. It was lost by Victor. Whoops.
Nikki: Be careful, Sharon. Haven't you learned by now that Victor always wins in the end?
Sharon: Well, haven't you learned by now, Nikki, that where it comes to Victor, nothing lasts forever?
Jack: Paul and his sidekick were here asking all kinds of questions about Stephanie Wheeler and her father.
Victor: What did you tell them?
Jack: Nothing they can use against us.
Victor: How much do you think they know?
Jack: I don't think they figured out yet that you hired Wheeler's daughter or that she died in my house, but they are trying to make some connection between that and what happened at the ranch. I feel like they're closing in.
Victor: Then we need to change our plans.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Leslie: Any -- any news on Dad?
Avery: The ruling is coming down today.
Alex: We're not interested in your relationship with Mr. Newman.
Paul: We want to ask you about your daughter, Stephanie.
Avery: Dylan won't be going to Chicago. He's not going anywhere.
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