Y&R Transcript Friday 3/29/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/29/13


Episode # 10125 ~ Chloe tries to convince Chelsea to finally come clean with Adam. Cane and Tyler find further distance in conversations.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: What do you like?

Victoria: I'm starving, so everything.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Already eating for two, I see.

Victoria: I'm practicing.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: And then later we'll let the fertility doctor help me with the rest.

Billy: You know, um, I have a little bit to do with that, too.

Victoria: Trust me, that's one part I'm not liable to forget.

Billy: [Laughs] Okay, I-I think I'm, uh, gonna go for the scallops or maybe the shrimp.

Victoria: Of course, everything hinges on my doctor's appointment later. And then I have to actually get pregnant.

Billy: Okay, slow your roll. One thing at a time.

Victoria: [Sighs] You're right. Let's just enjoy date night.

Billy: Because we might not get many more of these if little William or Wilhelmina shows up.

Victoria: And if little William or Wilhelmina shows up, we won't need date night anymore.

Billy: Why?

Victoria: There's nothing like a new baby to bring a couple closer together.

Billy: [Chuckles] Hmm.

Chloe: Hi. I'm sorry. I just got your message. I got here as quick as I could.

Chelsea: How did you get into the ICU? The nurse --

Chloe: Oh, I just snuck past her. Worst thing she can do is throw me out. Just let her try.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Chloe: So, what's going on? You said everything was okay.

Chelsea: It was. Adam had made it through surgery without any complications, and the doctor seemed really positive, and suddenly I get a call that he's in a coma.

Chloe: A call?

Chelsea: Well, I had left. Sharon was here, and...I just figured since she and Adam are... I just felt like I was in the way, and I couldn't think of anything to say to him. [Voice breaking] And now... now I can think of a million things to say to him, and I don't -- I don't know if I'll ever get the chance.

Cane: So, what do you think is wrong with you?

Kay: Alzheimer's. That's the first time I've said that aloud. [Chuckles]

Cane: Have you had a second opinion?

Kay: I didn't even get a first.

Cane: This is self-diagnosed? Katherine, you need to go and see a doctor about this.

Kay: Darling, I don't need a bunch of tests to tell me how much that I am -- am -- am forgetting. And besides, I've read up on this. It's, you know -- I have all the signs of, you know, confusion and, uh, memory loss and, uh, misplacing things. And that -- that's... that's just the early stages of that. Pretty soon, I will... have trouble reading the newspapers, remembering names.

Cane: [Sighs]

Kay: And you want to know something, the saddest part of all? They'll come a time that I won't even be able to remember the people I love the most in this world.

[Door opens]

Lily: Hey. There you are. I was looking for you. I wanted your input on the bottle concepts for Scarlet Mist before I set up the focus group. And personally, I like this one, but... hello? Something wrong?

Tyler: I just got in from Milwaukee.

Lily: You went back?

Tyler: Yeah. To testify against my mom's murderer.

Lily: My God. I can't even imagine.

Tyler: Yeah, it's not easy, especially when you're going up against Avery Clark.

Lily: Wait. She's his lawyer? You didn't tell me that.

Tyler: Well, there's something else I didn't tell you. I only -- only talk about it with my sister, but whatever. I guess since it's out now, I...

Lily: What -- what is it?

Tyler: The son of a bitch who killed my mom? It was my father. And thanks to him, not only have I lost my mother, I lost my sister, too.

Nick: Welcome home.

Avery: A very warm welcome it is. Hi. What are you -- I thought you were working tonight. What is all this?

Nick: I wanted to celebrate in style.

Avery: What are we celebrating?

Chloe: So, you're still listed as Adam's next of kin?

Chelsea: Well, officially, we're not divorced yet, so I'm responsible for any big decisions that have to be made.

Chloe: Does Adam have a living will?

Chelsea: He never mentioned it, and I never asked. I guess I should have, but I guess when you think you have all the time in the world, you don't ask those types of things.

Chloe: Do Victor and the others know the rest?

Chelsea: Victor was here, threw out some threats, and left in a hurry. Adam takes a bullet for his father, yet where is he?

Chloe: Well, not that I'm defending him, but Victor's really not the type to hold vigil at someone's bedside.

Chelsea: He's probably in some bank vault counting his billions.

Chloe: Where is Sharon? Why isn't she hovering around?

Chelsea: She's in the chapel.

Chloe: Probably hoping that he'll recover and put a ring on her finger.

Chelsea: I don't want to make this about Sharon. That's all I've been doing lately when I -- when I should have been... [Sighs] I went back there to Adam's the other day, and, once again, everything disintegrated into a-a complete mess. I'm so tired of all this, but I can't help myself. I walk in there, and Sharon had just moved in. She's -- she's walking around like she completely owns the place. So I...I accused Adam of being cold and selfish and choosing himself over us.

Chloe: Hey, Chelsea, that's not your fault.

Chelsea: Still... it's hard to know that the last time I talked to him, I was so...angry.

Chloe: You had every right to feel that way.

Chelsea: Did I have a right to walk away without telling him that I'm pregnant? Did I have a right to consider passing off his baby as another man's child?

Dylan: [Sighs] Same as before.

Bartender: Gonna stare at that phone all night, or are you gonna call her?

Dylan: [Sighs] Couple more of these and I'm gonna forget how to work this phone. [Chuckles] Is that what you're shooting for? Got to have goals, right?

Bartender: So, what's her name?

Dylan: [Sighs] I can't remember anymore.

Bartender: Oh, that's okay. That one's on me.

Avery: Did I forget a special occasion?

Nick: Listen to Miss Modest here. Did you not just go to Milwaukee and throw down some justice?

Avery: Okay. [Laughs] There hasn't been a ruling yet.

Nick: Yeah, well, you're gonna win. I know it. The judge would be a fool not to rule in your favor.

Avery: So, now you're an expert in appellate court rulings.

Nick: Among other things, yes.

Avery: I appreciate your confidence, but it is premature to celebrate, especially when we still don't know who cut my brakes and who trashed my apartment.

Nick: It's probably the same wacko that was behind the insanity at the ranch the other night.

Avery: How's Adam doing?

Nick: He's still in ICU.

Avery: Yeah, every time I think about what happened to him, what could have happened to all of us...?

Nick: Yeah, I've been thinking about that a lot, too. How we say we're gonna pay attention to the wake-up calls in our lives, but then we just go back to the same, old routines.

Avery: Well, then... here's to a new routine.

Nick: Maybe even before the night's out.

[Glasses clink]

Lily: God, it makes me so sad to even think about it. Like, you were only a kid.

Tyler: I don't remember much from back then. I just -- I always kept my head down. I was hoping that nobody knew, but [Scoffs] They all did. That's why I started tagging.

Lily: Well, I mean, it's probably the only way you were able to get your anger out.

Tyler: It's kind of like graffiti. Well, whatever. At least I turned it into a career, so...

Lily: Well, no wonder your work is so raw and emotional.

Tyler: Yeah, whatever. You know... after that, my sister, she -- she packed us up. We moved out to Cali. You know, we started a whole, new life, new names.

Lily: You changed your name?

Tyler: Well, yeah. Leslie, she testified against Gus. And after that, we had to protect ourselves from all the lowlifes he was hanging around with.

Lily: Why? You thought they were gonna come after you?

Tyler: Yeah. I mean, you know what? Everything was great for 12 years, and then Avery had to file that appeal. And I swear, that woman, she can -- she can convince just about anyone to do anything.

Lily: Is that what you meant when you said that you lost Leslie?

Tyler: Yeah. You see, Avery -- she got Leslie to give Gus a chance. I don't get it. After all this time knowing it was him, now suddenly she's on his side. Said she could see it in his eyes. I looked in his eyes, too. He's good. I'll give him that. Really gets the tears going. Draws them all in. He even got Leslie to testify for him.

Lily: Well, maybe she had a good reason for changing her mind.

Tyler: The man is a murderer. He deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life. [Sighs]

Lily: Are you trying to convince me of that or yourself?

Tyler: [Sighs]

Lily: What if you're wrong? What if your dad really is innocent?

Tyler: What? Now I'm getting this from you, too?

Lily: You were a little boy whose life was completely upended. You had to put the blame somewhere.

Tyler: I put it where it belonged.

Lily: But you said the DNA evidence didn't match your dad's.

Tyler: That does not exonerate Gus. And it doesn't wipe away the fact that Leslie saw him standing over her body.

Lily: If both she and Avery believe him, though...

Tyler: Avery -- she's trying to raise her profile. And Leslie, she's just looking for the easy way out.

Lily: Easy way out? You think that's easy? I mean, what if you're the one doing that?

Tyler: Me?

Lily: I know that it sounds harsh, but you have held on to this story for so long that what if you're just afraid to let it go?

Tyler: You don't know what the hell you're talking about. [Sighs]

Cane: Since you've already diagnosed yourself, then there's nothing more we need to discuss.

Kay: Cane, what else could it be?

Cane: It could be a bunch of different things. It could be too much work. It could be stress. It could be Lyme disease. You had that before. You had similar symptoms.

Kay: [Chuckles] I was cured. I was cured. I mean... I hardly think that I am host to another tick.

Cane: Which is why you need to go and see a doctor, okay?

Kay: What? And have him tell me that there's nothing that they can do?

Cane: All right, if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for us. Do it for the people who love you. Do it for Murphy, and do it for Jill. Do it for me. No, do it for my kids, 'cause I want them to spend as much time with you as they can. I know you're scared, but it's not gonna get better or just go away if you ignore it. And I'm going to be there with you every step of the way, all right? I promise you that.

Billy: You better enjoy that while you have the chance.

Victoria: Hmm. Oh, you know, it's a small sacrifice for what we'll be experiencing.

Billy: Yes. Swollen ankles, labor pains.

Victoria: So, you're gonna be experiencing labor pains?

Billy: [Laughs mockingly] No, I think I'll actually leave the heavy lifting to you and just coach from the sidelines. I mean, I am a regular Vince Lombardi when it comes to the "He-he-he, hoo." [Laughs]

Victoria: Won't it just be so amazing to go through that together and to have a little infant in the house and hear the sweet, little cooing noises over the monitor?

Billy: That's what I love about women -- your capacity for selective memory. It's like having childbirth amnesia.

Victoria: It'd be so nice for Johnny to have a brother or a sister.

Billy: He's got both.

Victoria: No, I know, but I meant one that lives with us. I mean, as much as I wish Reed could, that's pretty much an impossibility.

Billy: And Dee Dee is so busy with Chloe and Kevin.

Victoria: I know you miss her. Johnny misses her, too. I mean, that's why it's so great to have another kid in the house. They can ride bikes together. They can, you know, giggle upstairs when they're supposed to be sleeping. And I never really had that with Nick since we didn't spend our childhood together, but I'm -- I'm really grateful to have him now.

Billy: I guess it's not all sunshine in siblingland.

Victoria: Well, you don't have to tell me. I learned the hard way with Adam. I don't really want to talk about that. Let's just not get into that right now.

Billy: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of what's going on.

Victoria: It's all right. It's all up here, anyway. You know, as contentious as things have been with us, Adam saved Dad's life. I really hope he pulls through.

Chloe: Here.

Chelsea: Thanks. Do you know the other day I got so pissed off when my masseuse was like 30 minutes late? Can you believe that? People are in here every day going through stuff like this, and I was so upset that I had to sit around and do nothing for 30 minutes.

Chloe: I used to have the same thoughts when Delia was sick. Everything that mattered yesterday meant nothing today.

Chelsea: Why didn't I just suck it up then? Why didn't I just suck it up when Adam got out of surgery? I should have just told him then.

Chloe: Because you had no reason to believe that you wouldn't have other chances.

Chelsea: What if there aren't any other chances? What if he doesn't come out of the coma?

Chloe: Chelsea --

Chelsea: No, what if he dies?

Chloe: Chelsea, that's not gonna happen.

Chelsea: Chloe, what if he dies...never knowing that I love him? What if he dies never knowing that I'll always love him? God, Chloe, what if he dies never knowing that he's gonna be a father?

Billy: Let's talk about how Johnny's gonna get along great with little Victoria.

Victoria: Aww. Or a little Victor.

Billy: Little Victor Abbott? Oh, that is fantastic. That is [Laughs] That's so good. That's almost worth it to see the look of horror on your father's face.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: No, but seriously, I am very excited to turn our Abbott trio into a quartet.

Victoria: Even if I'm a raging lunatic during the fertility treatments?

Billy: [Laughs] I know you're exaggerating, but I also know the side effects are real. So, are you sure that you want to put yourself through this?

Victoria: I told you.

Billy: I know. The end result is worth it. But...

Victoria: What?

Billy: We've talked about this. What are we doing? Let's get dessert. You want dessert? Let's get dessert.

Victoria: Wait a minute. Hold on. You're worried that there won't be an end result.

Billy: Honey, you could get all the shots and all the hormones and...we could end up with, you know, nothing.

Victoria: I won't pretend that I won't be disappointed if I get my hopes up. That's okay, because at the end of the day, I've got Johnny and Reed and Dee Dee and you. You're my family, and I love you very much.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: I can't help but wondering if it would have made a difference.

Chloe: If what would have made a difference?

Chelsea: Telling Adam about the baby. You know, maybe if I'd been honest with him from the beginning, none of this would have happened. Maybe he wouldn't have felt the urge to crash Victor's wedding in the first place.

Chloe: Then Adam wouldn't have been shot?

Chelsea: It's a possibility.

Chloe: Yeah, it's a possibility that you will never know the answer to. And I know Adam, and it was just a matter of time before someone shot him.

Chelsea: Chloe.

Chloe: Sorry. That just slipped out. But what I'm trying to say is that you can't be responsible for Adam's actions.

Chelsea: Well, I certainly didn't help the situation.

Chloe: Well, maybe there is something you can do to help.

Man 1: Aren't you pretty?

Bartender: What'll it be?

Man 1: Bourbon, neat. And your phone number.

Bartender: $7.50.

Man 1: That's only half my order.

Bartender: That's all you're gonna get. Now pay up.

Man 1: I'll pay up when you put out.

Dylan: Hey, man, just lay off.

Man 1: What's it to you, Cupcake?

Bartender: That's okay. I can handle jerks like this.

Dylan: Well, you shouldn't have to. You heard her. Just give her the money and -- and just go.

Man 1: [Sniffles] You gonna make me, tough guy?

Avery: You're being very cagey tonight.

Nick: I got a few surprises in store.

Avery: Mm-hmm. What do you have planned, Newman?

Nick: For starters, dinner -- all your favorite foods.

Avery: Really? Cooked in your microwave?

Nick: Cooked by a caterer on his six-burner, stainless-steel range with lava stone grill. Boom.

Avery: Six burners. You really do know what turns me on. [Chuckles] Mm.

Nick: And he's gonna be here any minute.

Avery: Okay, then. I better go change. I won't be long.

Nick: Okay.

[Door opens]

Nick: [Sighs]

Avery: [Laughs] Oh, this beef bourguignon is so good.

Nick: Well, I know it doesn't exactly go with the okra gumbo, but I wasn't about to leave out any of your favorites.

Avery: Oh, thank you. You really do know me so well. [Chuckles]

Nick: I've got one more surprise for you. I got my fingers crossed that you're really gonna like this one.

Avery: Hmm. Uncharted territory, huh?

Nick: Yep. You almost ready for dessert?

Avery: Yeah.

Lily: Your entire identity is tied up in your dad being guilty.

Tyler: That's ridiculous.

Lily: No, you became Tyler Michaelson, a man whose Mom was killed by his dad, who's filled with rage, and made a career out of it. Take that away, and -- and then what? Then you're forced to let these walls down and feel something other than hate, which I'm sure scares the hell out of you.

Tyler: No. You're so wrong.

Lily: Don't you miss having a dad?

Tyler: Not the one that's sitting in that cell and not the one who would come home drunk all up in our faces.

Lily: So, then what dad do you miss?

Tyler: I don't know. I mean... every now and then... [Sighs]

Lily: What?

Tyler: What's the point?

Lily: "Every now and then," what?

Tyler: [Sighs] I mean, when he was sober... sometimes he'd look at me like... damn it. Why did you start this? It's --

Lily: Just say it.

Tyler: [Sighs] He'd look at me like he did today, like he...

Lily: Like he loves you? Like you mean something to him? If that's the case, then that means that you missed out on 12 years of him showing you that love and you loving him back.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Lily: You were young. You believed what you were told to believe, and you did what you had to do to survive, and that's so brave of you. But you're not that kid anymore. You don't have to keep protecting yourself.

Tyler: That's not what I'm doing.

Lily: Nobody is gonna hurt you. You can tell the world who you really are, okay? And maybe -- maybe you can start with just telling me. What's your name? What's your real name?

Tyler: Davis. I'm Davis Rogan.

Kay: Uh, couldn't this have waited until tomorrow?

Cane: I think its best we get this over with now, okay?

Kay: I suppose.

Cane: Listen, um, I'm going to have to tell Lily about this 'cause we don't keep secrets from each other anymore.

Kay: Oh, yeah. Darling, yes. Yes, of course. But don't tell anyone else please. If this ever got out...

Cane: It would be bad for business.

Kay: Oh, bad for the bus-- please. It'd be catastrophic.

Cane: All right, let me, uh, just call the office, okay? 'Cause I'm gonna let them know --

Kay: No, no, no, no. You just go back to work. I'm gonna be fine right here.

Cane: I don't want to leave you.

Kay: Well, I'm not gonna run away, if that's what you're afraid of.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Kay: No, you heard what the doctor said. Take those tests, questions, they can take hours.

Cane: Okay.

Kay: I'll -- I'll call you.

Cane: All right. And I'll come back, and I'll pick you up, okay?

Kay: Well, yes, yes, of course, but I'll -- I'll call you when -- when I'm finished. If I remember. [Laughs] Oh, thank you, God. There's something of the old gal left in me yet.

Cane: This is true. I'll see you soon.

Chelsea: Tell him I'm pregnant now? He can't hear me.

Chloe: Maybe he can.

Chelsea: Some people say that coma patients are aware of their surroundings.

Chloe: And you're not one of those people?

Chelsea: I don't know. It just seems too good to be true.

Chloe: Hey, it's worth a shot, right?

Chelsea: Why are you encouraging me? You never wanted me to tell Adam about the baby before.

Chloe: Because Adam has never been in this situation. And I see how much it's killing you not being able to tell him. Even if he can't hear, I think that you should tell him -- for you. Just go, Chelsea. Just go and tell him right now.

Chelsea: Before it's too late?

Chloe: I didn't say that.

Chelsea: You didn't have to.

Chloe: It can't hurt, right? Maybe it will give him something to live for. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Billy: Are you sure you don't want to check in on Adam while we're here?

Victoria: No, not with Chelsea here. She needs to have her time alone with him.

Billy: Okay, well, how long did the receptionist say the doctor was gonna be?

Victoria: I don't know. About 10 minutes.

Billy: 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes.

Victoria: Billy, would you please just stop? Stop that, because you're making me dizzy right now.

Billy: Sorry. Sorry. You would think I'm the one that's gonna be in stirrups. Sorry. [Clears throat]

Victoria: It's all right. I understand. I know -- I know there's a lot riding on this.

Billy: Like watching my wife look like she swallowed a basketball.

Victoria: I think I know why you've been hesitant about this. You don't want to see me get fat.

Billy: Are you kidding me? Pregnant women are sexy. You are going to look gorgeous when you're carrying our baby.

Both: If.

Chelsea: Please pray that this works, that he'll be able to hear me.

Chloe: Just go in, and you speak from your heart.

Chelsea: Thank you.

[Door closes]

Chelsea: [Sniffles] Hey. It's me. I'm back. I had kind of a freak-out moment. [Sniffles] I know. "Cons don't freak out." [Chuckles] Right? I never really let anything get to me before because... I mean, it never even mattered how much was on the line. I'd never let anything get to me, but... nothing this important has ever been on the line. And you need to know what it is.

Dylan: I-I don't want to fight.

Man 1: Oh, hey, look at that haircut. Trying to grow out your high-and-tight. You got that thousand-yard stare. You're a soldier. What kind of soldier backs down like that?

Dylan: I haven't had the best couple of days, so, please, you don't want to start.

Man 1: Oh, uh-oh. You're one of those post-traumatic soldiers who came home, can't fit in, everyone's moved on, left you behind, nobody cares about you anymore. Hey, Honey. Here's your hero. Some nobody who sticks up for a tramp like you 'cause he ain't got no woman of his own. [Grunts]

Nick: I confess, I made this dessert myself.

Avery: Wow. Suddenly I'm feeling so full. [Laughs]

Nick: Don't be too sure about that.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: I think you're really gonna like this.

Avery: Wait a minute. Is that an easy-bake-oven cake?

Nick: Even I can't mess that up.

Avery: What? [Gasps] [Sighs] That is the best thing I've ever tasted in my life.

Nick: [Laughs]

Avery: [Laughs] I know what you're thinking. How can something so simple make me so happy?

Nick: Hey, I'm just -- I'm glad it does.

Avery: Mmm.

Nick: You got to grab things while you can. And we were talking about that the other day before --

Avery: I know. Before Dylan interrupted us.

Nick: The guy's got great timing.

Avery: I'm sorry that happened. I liked talking about getting closer, moving forward.

Nick: Then what do you say we finish that conversation, then?

Victoria: "Moondoggie" is not gonna happen because that was his nickname. His real name was Jeff.

Billy: Jeff. I don't like Jeff. Jeff's not good.

Victoria: I know. Jeff. It's boring, okay? Never mind. You know, I always really kind of liked the name Cody.

Billy: Hmm, it's too cowboy. How about Rollie?

Victoria: Rollie?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: What is Rollie even?

Billy: Rollie Fingers, the greatest reliever in Brewers' history?

Victoria: No, that is so not happening. Besides, listen, we just had our preliminary appointment. We haven't even starting the testing.

Billy: All right, all right, but its fun. I mean -- hi.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Am I really seeing this? You actually came to see the black sheep?

Victoria: I'm sorry that this happened to Adam.

Chloe: Are you really? I mean, Adam did make the perfect shield for your dad.

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: Do you think I'm happy about this? You think I'm glad that Adam got shot?

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Okay. That's enough of that. All right. Hey, how's Delia? I tried to call her last night, but she was already asleep.

Chloe: Yeah, she's great. She was just really tired. You know, she had the most awesomest time ever at the Titanoboa exhibit.

Billy: Fantastic. My daughter's into big, monstrous snakes. That's awesome. [Chuckles]

Victoria: Yeah. Well, I have no doubt that you two would be oohing and awwing over every slimy scale.

Chloe: You know, the exhibit goes through April. I'm sure she would love to play tour guide.

Billy: That'd be great. Actually, I was gonna talk to you because I want to spend more time with her.

Chloe: Yeah, no objections.

Billy: Yeah?

Chloe: As long as you keep her away from dive bars and poker games.

Billy: We're going to pool halls and hookah lounges. Come on. What? Don't give me that look. I kid. Come on. It's a joke. Take it easy.

Chloe: You can pick her up tonight if you want.

Billy: Yeah? That okay with you?

Victoria: Oh, it's more than okay.

Billy: All right, all right, all right.

Chloe: All right, well, I'll call mom and have her get ready. In the meantime, I'm gonna go drop off this dinner for Chelsea.

Billy: Okey-dokey. Thank you.

Victoria: Well, it looks like I'll be setting another place at the table.

Billy: Oh, Sweetheart, there is plenty of room at the table.

Kay: All right, Katherine, you can do this. My name is Katherine Chancellor. And I live at 12 Foothill... Road, Genoa City. And the President of the United States is Jame-- President -- Jame-- no. Come on, Katherine. Come on. Think. Come on.

Lily: I've just always wondered about you. This hugely talented, good-looking guy who has no one in his life except his sister.

Tyler: Yeah, I sound pretty pathetic.

Lily: No, you're just -- you're hurting. And you have been for a long time. Come here.

[Door slams]

Cane: Hey! Get your damn hands off my wife!

Lily: Cane, stop it!

Avery: I'm not sure where we left off.

Nick: Neither am I. So I'm just gonna jump in. I love you.

Avery: I love you. I love you so much that... look what you do to me. [Chuckles]

Nick: I guess this isn't gonna be as hard as I thought.

Avery: What's that?

Nick: I have something that I've been dying to ask you. And I don't want to wait another second.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: I'm so sorry. Just hold that thought. That could be the judge.

Nick: Sure.

Avery: Dylan?

Bartender: No, but I'm guessing you're friends with him, and you might want to know... he's under arrest.

Chelsea: I should have told you this before [Voice breaking] As soon as I found out. It wasn't just my news. It was yours, too. [Sniffles] [Sobbing] It's beautiful, and it's wonderful, and I really hope that you -- that you will be as happy as I am about it. [Sniffles] I'm pregnant, Adam. You're gonna be a dad. I'm having your baby.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: What do you know about, uh, Congressman Marcus Wheeler?

Sharon: I'm only following Adam's wishes.

Victor: He's in a damn coma. You're taking advantage of this.

Cane: That lady's married. She's married to me. Do you understand that? Do you understand it?!

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