Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/27/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/27/13


Episode # 10123 ~ Sharon learns devastating news. Leslie and Tyler bicker while waiting for their father's verdict.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: See if you can get an update on Adam's condition. Oh, and get Billy and Abby on the phone and tell them I want to see them with my own eyes to know that they're okay. Oh. And you've seen this, too.

Phyllis: Seen. Read. Heard. I can't believe it.

Jack: Well, near catastrophe makes for great press, especially when it involves the Newman family.

Phyllis: I'm so glad I'm not a journalist today. This hits too close to home.

Jack: Ashley, Billy, and Abby were all at Victor and Nikki's wedding reception.

Phyllis: My daughter, too. Thank God they're all okay.

Jack: Adam wasn't so lucky.

Phyllis: You know, I have a hard time seeing Adam as the heroic one. As the man pulling the trigger, yeah, but --

Jack: Yeah, I can't say I haven't thought of that myself a time or two.

Phyllis: Show of hands of someone who hasn't.

Jack: Well, obviously, "The Mustache" crossed somebody who wanted to follow through. I wonder who it was.

Neil: Yeah. This'll be good. I appreciate your help. Terrible news, isn't it?

Wheeler: Awful. Says you were there.

Neil: Yeah, I sure was, along with a lot of Victor's family and friends. Supposed to be a happy occasion.

Wheeler: A shame things turned out the way they did.

Neil: Could have been a lot worse.

Wheeler: Victor's son was the only one injured, right?

Neil: Miraculously.

Wheeler: Victor must be awfully shaken about all of this.

Neil: You certainly seem to be.

Wheeler: Well, he's a good friend of mine.

Neil: Oh, yeah. He must be, for you to be here instead of Gus Rogan's hearing.

Gus: For a minute there, I thought you had forgotten about testifying for me.

Leslie: I'll tell the judge what I remember and what I believe to be true. It might mean something. It might not.

Gus: It means everything to me. Where's Avery?

Leslie: She, um -- she -- she went ahead to court.

Gus: I guess this is it, huh?

Leslie: It's gonna be okay, all right? Avery is confident that she has enough evidence to prove you didn't get a fair trial.

Gus: Yeah -- all that garbage about mismanaged evidence and lost DNA samples.

Leslie: Yeah, well, that "Garbage" is what's gonna get you out of here.

Gus: Still doesn't prove I didn't kill your mother.

Leslie: We don't need that to get you free. But we'll know the truth.

Gus: "We"? You, me, and Avery. But not your brother.

Leslie: Tyler will come around, okay? And -- and you'll have plenty of time to convince him, because by the end of the day, you are gonna be a free man, Dad.

Nikki: Maybe we shouldn't have come back so soon.

Victor: I won't be chased out of my house.

Nikki: The police were very thorough. They cleaned everything up, nice and tidy.

Victor: Doesn't erase what happened.

Nikki: Nothing can do that.

Victor: Be honest. Would you rather go back to the penthouse?

Nikki: Oh, Darling, no. If you want to be here, I want to be here, too.

Victor: I'm so sorry, Sweetheart.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Victor: I'm so sorry.

Nikki: You have nothing to apologize about.

Victor: [Sighs] This is not how I envisioned our first day as husband and wife, I assure you.

Nikki: Hey, it's better than our last day.

Victor: Yeah. Thanks to Adam.

Sharon: Adam. Adam, can you hear me? [Sighs] Oh, thank God.

Jack: I spoke to Billy and Abby. They said you left before everything happened. Oh, I'm just grateful you're all okay. No, I-I-I know nothing about his condition yet this morning, but as soon as I know something, I'll let you know. Love you, Ash.

Phyllis: Wow. You never thought that people would care this much about Adam.

Jack: You have to admit what he did was heroic, if maybe a little stupid. I wonder if Victor feels that way.

Phyllis: Has there ever been a relationship between parent and child that was simple?

Jack: I've never seen one.

Phyllis: [Sighs] I remember the good, old days, when all Summer and I used to argue about was how late she could stay up at night.

Jack: Oh, come on. It's not that bad.

Phyllis: I don't think you would say that if you knew why I really canceled our trip to Istanbul.

Jack: I thought it was because of what happened at the ranch last night.

Phyllis: As if that weren't enough to kill me, right? No. I saw Summer standing right here half-naked...with Kyle.

Nikki: Any word?

Victor: No.

Nikki: Maybe you should go back to the hospital.

Victor: Sweetheart, you need me here. I mean, what can I do for Adam?

Nikki: Just to show that you care about him.

Victor: He nearly lost his life because of me.

Nikki: That shows how much he loves you.

Victor: Hope took him to Kansas... back to the farm, to protect him. She wanted to raise him and imbue him with her values of honesty and decency. She was proud of the boy she raised. All she wanted me to do is... look after him once she was gone.

Nikki: Somebody broke into this house... to hurt us. Now, who could that be? Why would they want to do that?

Victor: Oh, he's just a two-bit hire, that guy. He's not responsible. It's someone that's behind him.

Nikki: And Nicholas thought that he recognized the guy. Who could that be? W-was he following you?

Victor: Possible.

Nikki: Who is this man? Why would somebody pay him to go after our family?

Victor: I don't know. I sure hope the police find out soon.

Paul: You laid it all out for him -- reduced sentence, nice facility, protection?

Alex: Yeah, the whole 9. Dude wouldn't budge.

Paul: Boy, somebody's paying Bob a lot of money to keep his mouth shut.

Alex: Yeah, or promising him a one-way ticket to the morgue if he doesn't.

Paul: [Groans]

Alex: [Sighs]

Paul: All right. So, when you arrested him, he said he was just as dead as the rest of you?

Alex: I thought it was just the crazy talk, okay? Then I thought it was about the explosion. But then he had the same "I'm a dead man" look on his face after Billy Abbott saved the day, as if he was disappointed.

Paul: There must be some way to get this guy to flip on whoever hired him.

Alex: I can put pressure on him. This type -- I don't know if he scares easily.

Paul: Maybe we're trying to scare the wrong guy.

Wheeler: Why aren't you at Gus Rogan's appeal? I thought you and his daughter were close.

Neil: Leslie didn't want to be distracted from what she had to do today.

Wheeler: Testify on behalf of her father.

Neil: That's right.

Wheeler: I hope it isn't too traumatic for her.

Neil: Don't you mean you hope her testimony doesn't sway the judge?

Wheeler: Gus Rogan belongs in prison.

Neil: So you keep saying. Yet you're here instead of in Milwaukee telling that to the court.

Wheeler: I have confidence in the justice system.

Neil: So you're not worried that Rogan's conviction will be overturned?

Wheeler: Your girlfriend's the one who should be worried if that happens.

Neil: Is that a threat?

Wheeler: You didn't know her father.

Neil: No. But you...knew her mother.

Wheeler: She worked on my campaign.

Neil: Belinda Rogan was a lot more than just a volunteer on your election staff, wasn't she?

Gus: If this doesn't go the way we hope, there's no use blaming yourself.

Leslie: If I hadn't testified at your first trial, Dad --

Gus: No, no, no! None of that! [Sighs] There's nothing any of us can do by going back, all right? Any of us. You're here. That's what matters.

Leslie: I am sorry for not believing you before.

Gus: You were young. And I gave you plenty of reasons to make you not believe me.

Leslie: But you didn't kill her. And I know that now. And I promise you I'm gonna make this right.

Gus: You already have. I'm so proud of you, Valerie. You're beautiful, smart. Who would have thought Gus Rogan's little girl would grow up to be a big-time, successful lawyer? [Chuckles] And I can't take credit for it or nothing! You did it on your own.

Leslie: I'm scrappy... like you.

Gus: No. No. You're nothing like me. You...are just like your mama. And I thank God for that.

Leslie: Well, um, I-I need -- I need to get to court. Um, Dad, I will you see you there, okay? Tyler! Oh, my gosh. I am so glad you came. Okay. We got to tell Avery. Thank you so much for coming.

Tyler: Yeah, well, I'm not here for Gus. I'm here to testify for the prosecution.

Leslie: You can't testify for the prosecution. You weren't even there when Mom died.

Tyler: When she was murdered.

Leslie: You can't swear to something you never saw.

Tyler: I saw the way he treated her. You saw it, too, every day, for years.

Leslie: But that doesn't make him a murderer.

Tyler: Who else would have wanted to hurt Mom?

Leslie: I don't know, Tyler. But I'm telling you -- Dad has spent 12 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

Tyler: How could you even call him that, after all that he's put us through?

Leslie: He's still our father.

Tyler: No. He's just a man named Gus Rogan who killed my mom. You know what she told me? She said that the only reason she stayed with him was because of you and me. She was afraid of what he would do to us if she tried to leave.

Leslie: Okay, he regrets all of that. He really does. He regrets the way he treated her, all the pain he caused.

Tyler: Well, he can take his regret and go to hell. You know what? I'm just glad that she found somebody to make her happy before she died.

Wheeler: What you're implying is an insult to me and Belinda Rogan.

Neil: So you deny you were having an affair with the woman who was working on your campaign?

Wheeler: I'm not denying or confirming anything.

Neil: If you're not hiding anything, why not answer the question?

Wheeler: Because it's absurd. I think you should leave, Mr. Winters.

Neil: And you know what I think? I think it makes sense. Yeah -- your interest in Gus' appeal. The pressure that you've been putting on Avery to drop the case, and on Leslie to speak out against her father.

Wheeler: Gus Rogan is a lowlife thug who belongs in jail.

Neil: So you'd rather see him rot in jail than have the truth come out?

Wheeler: That's ridiculous.

[Chair scrapes]

Neil: You know, right now... you look like a hero. You helped to convict the killer of a loyal campaign worker. And if it came out that you were having an affair with the convicted man's wife? Oh, brother. That would be one ugly scandal.

Wheeler: You're treading dangerously close to slander, Mr. Winters.

Neil: It's not slander, Congressman...if it's true.

Victor: Kindly tell the police chief to call me back as soon as possible, all right? Thank you. I appreciate it.

Nikki: Paul will get to the bottom of it. He'll make sure whoever's responsible will be punished.

Victor: What good would that do Adam?

Nikki: He's young and strong. You saw the way he came barging in here. He wasn't about to let Billy or you or Nicholas stop him from crashing this wedding.

Victor: He's always playing the outsider, isn't he?

Nikki: Maybe he thought that was the only way he could get your attention.

Victor: What -- by taunting me and trying to best me?

Nikki: It's never worked before... till he took your company. You know, in his toast, Adam said something about... you would go to any lengths to get Newman back.

Victor: He was bluffing. He came here to spoil the wedding. And instead, he took a bullet for me.

Sharon: Adam. It's me, Sharon. You're in the hospital. You were shot at the ranch.

Adam: [Murmurs]

Sharon: Don't -- don't try to talk. Don't.

Adam: Dad.

Sharon: Victor's -- Victor's fine. You saved his life. Don't worry. It's okay. I know how much you love him. And he loves you, too.

Adam: [Coughing weakly]

Phyllis: She accidentally spilled a coffee on her blouse, and she had to take it off.

Jack: Oh, that old chestnut. Please tell me Kyle realized what Summer was up to.

Phyllis: He said he did.

Jack: Well, that's a situation we're gonna have to keep our eye on, but I trust Kyle. And it's not the worst thing that's happened in the last 24 hours.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, compared to that, of course it's not. But she's my daughter.

Jack: Unfortunately, we can't always protect the people we care about.

Phyllis: Well, she's my daughter. I'm protecting her. I mean, to walk in here, to your office, and see Summer standing here in her bra, wearing Kyle's jacket --

Jack: Well, she is your daughter, isn't she?

Phyllis: That's not a bad thing, to be my daughter. There are a lot of benefits to being my daughter.

Jack: I am your biggest fan. I can think of a million reasons why she's very lucky to have you as a mother. I'm just saying I wouldn't want to be you or Nick right now.

Phyllis: Are you trying to help me?

Jack: If she's like you, she's going to be fine. You turned out pretty okay.

Phyllis: Oh, you didn't know me when I was Summer's age.

Jack: I kind of wish I did.

Phyllis: I hope Kyle's not like you.

Jack: Fortunately, I think he's more like his grandfather. But I will talk to him about Summer.

Phyllis: Okay. I don't know if it's gonna help, because Summer just -- you know, she has her radar on him.

Jack: So what are the options? Lock her in a convent? A chastity belt?

Phyllis: No, no, no. That's -- that's too drastic. Um...I have an idea. I don't think Summer's gonna like it.

Leslie: Tyler! Wait!

Tyler: What?

Leslie: We have been through too much before Mom died and after, and we've always stuck together.

Tyler: Yeah, we did.

Leslie: Don't let this tear us apart.

Tyler: You're the one doing that.

Leslie: Dad didn't get a fair trial.

Tyler: Don't give me that, all right? I'm not gonna let that killer out of prison on some technicality.

Leslie: And I wouldn't either, Tyler. I get it. I understand. It is not easy to just let go of something we've believed for so long. But we can't keep punishing him for something he didn't do.

Tyler: He did do it.

Leslie: No, he didn't.

Tyler: Why? Because he says so?

Leslie: Because I was there. I saw. And what Dad is saying fits what I saw that night.

Tyler: And you think he's telling the truth?

Leslie: I looked in his eyes, Tyler. I know he's telling the truth. You would, too, if you just talked to him.

Tyler: Oh, I did. He didn't tell you that, did he? No?

Leslie: No. No, he didn't.

Tyler: Yeah, 'cause it doesn't quite fit into the story that he's telling. "He didn't kill Mom." "He's a good guy." "He deserves a break." It's bull. All of it.

Gus: Davis. You came.

Tyler: Yeah -- to make sure that you stay in prison, just like I promised.

Nikki: I couldn't get through to Paul, either. Maybe that's a good sign. Maybe he's making headway with the gunman.

Victor: Oh. You know, of all my children, Adam always said that he's the most like me.

Nikki: What do you think?

Victor: Well... he was willing to die for me.

Nikki: You would have done the same thing. You and Adam have a very complicated relationship. But he just proved how much you mean to him.

Victor: Yeah. He certainly did, didn't he?

[Victor remembering]

Bob: Just back up.

Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Alex: Okay, stay back.

[Women gasping, screaming]

Nikki: Victor!

Victoria: Dad!

[Screaming continues]

[Two gunshots]

Sharon: Well, you heard what the nurse said. You need to take it easy until the doctor gets here, so that means no talking for you. And that's good, because I, uh -- I have a lot I want to say to you. Adam, what were you thinking, stepping in front of that gun? I know. I know you just -- you couldn't stand there and let Victor get shot, but... [Voice breaking] You could have died.

Adam: Too mean.

Sharon: Yeah. You're too mean to die. That's what you want everyone to think. Well...it's too late now. Everyone knows the truth. They thought you were a pain in the ass before. Wait till they have to admit that you're a hero, that they owe you for saving Victor's life.

Adam: [Coughs weakly] Never.

Sharon: Yeah. I know. They'll never appreciate you. But I do. [Voice breaking] And when I found out what happened, I -- I just had to be here.

Adam: Have to ask you...

Sharon: What? What do you want to ask me?

[Knock on door]

Neil: Hey. Can I come in?

Jack: Yeah. Come on in, Neil.

Neil: Thanks. So, Phyllis, I got your message.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Neil: Before we get started, any word on Adam?

Jack: No. Nothing.

Neil: Everybody else okay?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Jack: Well, Billy and Abby are a little shaken, but they're gonna be okay. Victoria says Nikki's doing all right. Victor -- Victor will be the one person who escapes this whole thing unscathed.

Neil: Wow. Absolutely amazing. You know, I'm seeing Victor a little later. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Jack: Okay. I'll do the same.

Neil: [Sighs] Okay, so... what'd you want to see me about?

Phyllis: Oh! Yes. Uh, I was going to talk to Jack about this, but I'll just tell you both at the same time. Um, a staffing change.

Neil: What does that mean? Is somebody getting fired?

Phyllis: No, lateral move. Lateral move. Uh, I would like Summer to work in the fashion division.

Neil: I thought you both agreed that she would work here, intern here in the main office.

Phyllis: Not gonna work out.

Jack: We have a potential line-crossing situation with Summer and Kyle.

Phyllis: Okay, well, um... yes, we do. It's just a crush, but you know how those teenage crushes can go.

Neil: Well, yeah. I do remember Lily and Daniel -- they started as a crush way, way back when. But who's gonna tell Summer about this move?

Jack: I'll handle that.

Neil: Okay, Guys. If that's it, send her over when you're ready, huh?

Jack: Thanks, Neil.

Neil: Sure, Jack. Phyllis. Talk to you later.

[Door opens, closes]

Phyllis: Jack, you don't have to talk to Summer. I'll do it. You okay?

Jack: When we lost Colleen, I thought, "That’s it. The Abbotts have paid their dues. There's no way the big guy would take another one," and... then I hear what happened last night at the ranch -- Billy risking his life. And I don't know who I'm angrier at -- God or Billy.

Phyllis: Oh, listen. Billy was brave. And because of that, everyone's safe.

Jack: Adam isn't. Once again, an innocent person pays for Victor getting on the wrong side of somebody.

Phyllis: Okay. I wouldn't call Adam innocent.

Jack: You gonna be all right talking to Summer?

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Jack: Good. There's somebody I need to talk to.

Sharon: Hey, maybe you shouldn't speak. It's too taxing.

Adam: No.

Sharon: Adam, you just got out of surgery. You need to save your strength.

Adam: Mm. My father... and Newman -- you can't --

Sharon: Okay, Adam, I-I'm not gonna talk with you about business right now. Victor's not gonna try to take advantage of your situation, not after what you did. Do you have any idea how grateful he is?

Adam: [Coughs weakly] Today.

Sharon: He's not gonna forget. Look -- someone tried to kill Victor last night. He has more on his mind right now than trying to take Newman Enterprises away from you.

Wheeler: Chief Williams?

Paul: Congressman Wheeler.

Wheeler: Marcus, please.

Paul: What can I do for you, Marcus?

Wheeler: I wanted to congratulate you on your new post.

Paul: Really? It's hard to believe that someone as busy as you are has the time to come all the way down here just to do that.

Wheeler: Well, as I'm sure you're aware, I'm a staunch supporter of law enforcement.

Paul: Well, I did see a commercial back in November that said you were tough on crime. So it must be true, huh?

Wheeler: [Chuckles] As you probably know, I've been pushing for years to get more cops on the street, which is not easy in these tough fiscal times.

Paul: Well, it's appreciated.

Wheeler: As long as it reduces crime.

Paul: Well, yeah. That's the idea.

Wheeler: Then we agree. And when we have an incident like the one that happened last night at the Newman ranch, it needs to be resolved quickly.

Paul: We've been working on this case around the clock.

Wheeler: Well, then you must be closing in on a suspect who, uh, tried to kill Victor Newman.

Paul: I'm sorry -- I'm gonna have to talk about this later.

Tyler: I got to give it to you, Sis. You really lit up the stand. You almost made Gus sound human.

Leslie: He is.

Tyler: Yeah? Well, you didn't think so when we were kids, hiding in the back of the closet, scared to death that "Mr. Humanity" would come and find us -- you remember that? -- While he was out there going off on Mom.

Leslie: Our parents fought.

Tyler: Yeah -- he was a bully and a drunk!

Leslie: I admit it! He was a lousy husband and an even worse father.

Tyler: But you're still standing by him.

Leslie: This isn't about taking sides, Tyler. This is about what's true and what's not.

Tyler: The truth is, he killed our mom.

Leslie: There is no proof.

Tyler: He's the proof! We're the witnesses!

Leslie: I didn't see him kill her!

Tyler: That does not mean that he didn't do it!

Gus: Valerie! Davis! Stop it. Please! This isn't what your mother would want.

Tyler: I told you -- don't you ever talk about her around me.

Paul: Congressman Wheeler, this is Detective Chavez, formerly of the NYPD.

Wheeler: Welcome to Wisconsin, Detective. How do you like it so far?

Alex: Oh, I love it. It's nice and quiet. No one ever gets shot. Oh, wait a second...

Paul: Well, if you'll excuse us, Congressman, Detective Chavez and I have work to do.

Wheeler: Look -- I appreciate that you're busy with the Newman case, but this crime has repercussions throughout the district, and Victor Newman is a personal friend of mine.

Alex: You guys are really hands-on here.

Paul: Yeah. But unfortunately, I don't have any information for the Congressman as of yet.

Wheeler: Well, I don't think I have to remind you that you're in an appointed position, Chief Williams.

Paul: I'm aware of that.

Wheeler: The mayor is also a close, personal friend of mine. He put you in that position to make himself look good. Every day this case isn't solved, he doesn't look good.

Alex: So who's a closer, "Personal-er-er" friend -- the mayor or Victor Newman?

Wheeler: Please keep my office updated on your progress, Chief.

Alex: [Chuckles] That has got to be the most unpleasant guy in the state, right?

Paul: Yeah, he wants answers.

Bob: It's too bad you guys don't have any.

Alex: [Gasps] It speaks.

Paul: And without a lawyer present. You know what that means.

Alex: Yeah -- he'll be singing like a bald canary before lunch.

Bob: What are you gonna do? You gonna waterboard me? Maybe the rack?

Alex: [Laughing] "The rack"? How about I put you in a room with the Congressman till he bores the answers out of you? How's that sound?

Adam: [Coughs weakly]

Sharon: Adam. Adam, please. Look -- try to relax.

Adam: [Coughs] No.

Sharon: I don't want you to worry about Newman Enterprises right now.

Adam: [Coughing] Promise. Promise you won't let my father --

Sharon: Adam, listen to me. Victor has done some awful things to people to get what he wants, but even he wouldn't stoop this low.

Adam: Promise.

Sharon: Okay. Okay, okay. What do you want me to promise?

Adam: Run... run Newman. [Gasps]

Sharon: Adam. Adam, stay with me. Oh, my gosh.

[Alarms sounding]

Sharon: Open your eyes. [Whimpering] Adam, open your eyes!

Dr. Costner: You need to leave. I need a stat blood gas and chest x-ray. And call downstairs. Order an acute cerebral M.R.I.

Tyler: You know what Mom would have wanted? For you to stay locked up, far away from me and my sister.

Gus: I never wanted --

Tyler: You know what? It's the least that you owe us. And you sure as hell owe it to Mom.

Gus: Davis.

Tyler: My name...is Tyler.

Gus: [Sighs] Maybe he's right.

Leslie: You didn't do it.

Gus: No. But I did destroy our family.

[Cell phone rings]

Leslie: Hi.

Neil: Hey, Babe. Is the hearing over?

Leslie: Just finished.

Neil: How'd it go?

Leslie: No verdict yet. But either way, Neil... I'm gonna lose somebody.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah. Come on in.

Alex: Hey.

Paul: Hi. Any luck with Bob?

Alex: Nothing. I even offered the guy Packers season tickets. Still wouldn't budge. I thought you Cheeseheads would go crazy for those.

Paul: Well, something tells me that Bob is not a local.

Alex: Did you get a chance to look at that file?

Paul: Yeah. So, tell me. What does the Avery Clark investigation have to do with what happened at the Newman ranch?

Alex: Somebody tried to kill her and make it look like an accident.

Paul: Okay, so like the gas explosion was made to look like an accident.

Alex: Ms. Clark thinks that the attempt on her life had something to do with the Innocence Foundation case she was working on. Now, you're never gonna guess who was a witness for the prosecution of the original trial on the case.

Paul: Oh, no -- not one of our elected officials.

Alex: Marcus Wheeler.

Paul: Okay. Did you ask Bob about Avery's case and the brakes and --

Alex: Yeah, I did. And he claims that he knows nothing about that, either.

Paul: Okay, so, Bob won't talk about his attempt on Victor's life. He won't talk about Avery Clark's case. Why don't we see if he talks about Congressman Wheeler?

[Doorbell ringing]

Victor: What do you want?

Jack: When is it gonna stop?

Victor: When is what gonna stop?

Jack: The lying, the plotting, the double-dealing. You'd stab your own mother in the back to get what you want.

Victor: Watch your mouth, you son of a bitch!

Jack: You didn't care that your scheming cost Colleen her life. Billy and Abby could have been killed last night. Do you care about that?

Victor: It is my son, who's lying in the hospital, who was shot last night. That is as much your fault as anybody's!

Sharon: Dr. Costner, what's happening?

Dr. Costner: Adam's slipped into a coma.

Sharon: But he was awake. He -- he was talking.

Dr. Costner: A pulmonary vein we repaired during surgery developed an embolus -- a blood clot. The blood clot has moved to his brain. That's what caused him to lose consciousness.

Sharon: But that's only temporary, right? I mean, he -- he's gonna wake up again, and he's gonna be okay. Tell me he's gonna be okay!

Dr. Costner: I-I'm sorry, but I-I really can't promise anything at this time. I'm sorry.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Cane: Have you seen a doctor?

Kay: No. And I don't intend to.

Kevin: That is a huge mistake.

Michael: It's the only solution. I told her that we should... separate officially.

Victor: This is about your damn weakness, your addiction! That's why Stephanie Wheeler died!

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