Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/26/13
Episode # 10122 ~ Michael wants answers from his wife. Billy and Victoria make plans for the future.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: Just let me know if you hear anything.
Billy: I'll talk to you later. Thanks.
Both: Bye.
Billy: Got through to Paul. They're, uh, still questioning the shooter.
Victoria: So they don't even have a name?
Billy: No. He's not talking.
Victoria: They have no idea who this guy is or why he wanted to kill my father?
Billy: And take us out in the process -- no, Honey, they don't, and I'm sorry. How is Adam? Any word?
Victoria: He's still in surgery. Dad took Mom to the penthouse because the ranch is a crime scene, and he's back at the hospital now. He's waiting for some news.
Billy: Some wedding, huh?
Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah.
Billy: Yeah. Okay, well, do you want to go to the hospital? Do you want to see your dad? Adam?
Victoria: No. Dad says that I should wait here. I should stay with you and Reed and Johnny. I'm so sorry.
Billy: Why are you sorry? No, no, no. Why are you sorry?
Victoria: Because.
Billy: It's okay.
Victoria: You saved us. Do you realize that? You saved us. If you hadn't have been so brave...we'd all be in the morgue right now.
Victor: You tell my head of security I want everyone covered -- everyone in my family. And you find out who this son of a bitch was that tried to blow me up and my house and my family. You got that? No, I want to know yesterday.
Sharon: How's the surgery going? Have you heard anything?
Victor: No, I haven't. I was just about to talk to the nurse, find out now.
Sharon: God... please don't let Adam die. Give him the strength to keep fighting. He has so much to live for.
[Cell phone rings]
Chelsea: Hello?
Sharon: Chelsea, its Sharon.
Chelsea: What do you want, Sharon?
Sharon: You need to come to the hospital right away. Adam's been shot.
Avery: When I think about my future, you're definitely in it. But marriage?
Nick: So it hasn't crossed your mind? Not even once?
Avery: Has it crossed yours?
Nick: Well, let's just say when you caught that bouquet, I didn't run away screaming.
Avery: Ah, no, you didn't. So, you're superstitious -- like black cats and salt over your shoulder?
Nick: Make fun of me all you want.
Avery: I will. I will.
Nick: I have seen that bouquet thing work too many times for it to be a coincidence.
Avery: Okay. So you think I'm gonna get married very soon because a bunch of flowers -- they actually hit me in the head first and then they fell into my hands.
Nick: All right. When you say it like that, it does sound a little ridiculous.
Avery: Yeah, it is ridiculous, especially when I think about how close we came to not even being around to joke about this kind of thing.
Nick: We're okay. Everyone is okay. Don't worry about it.
Avery: Who would want us all dead, and how do we know they won't do it again?
Nick: I don't know. I just know that it's bigger than you, and it's bigger than this case in Milwaukee.
Lauren: [Scoffs]
[Door opens]
Michael: Hey. You want to tell me where you've been?
Lauren: I needed to...clear my head.
Michael: [Chuckles] Lauren, this needs to stop.
Lauren: I'm not allowed to take a walk now? Is that right? What is this -- prison?
Michael: Don't do that.
Lauren: Don't do what?
Michael: Every time I try to get you to talk, you head for the door.
Lauren: We said that we would take things slowly. But I am -- I'm feeling very pressured right now.
Michael: Well, I thought once you moved home, we could work things out, but it just seems like you're further away than ever.
Lauren: This interrogation isn't helping.
Michael: You don't want to talk to me, that's fine. But you need to talk to someone.
Lauren: I'm not involving our friends in our marital problems.
Michael: I'm not talking about our friends.
Lauren: Then who?
Michael: I think we should see a professional.
Lauren: No. No, no, no. I told you no! No! I have never felt the need for therapy, and I am not gonna start now.
Michael: Even if it could save our marriage?
Lauren: We do not need outsiders to do that. We're two intelligent people.
Michael: Who can't seem to get through a conversation without one of them blowing up.
Lauren: Right -- that's meaning me, because I'm not responding precisely on your timetable. What do you want from me, Michael?
Michael: A little candor would be nice. A little patience.
Lauren: "Candor"?
Michael: Yeah, well... that's beside the point. We can't go on like this anymore, Lauren. I will not go on like this anymore.
Chelsea: How is he?
Sharon: Um... it's pretty bad.
Chelsea: What happened?
Sharon: Look, I don't know that much. Just someone at the wedding had a gun, and when he pointed it at Victor, Adam stepped in front of his dad and took the bullet.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Where did he get hit?
Sharon: Well, he's in surgery now, but apparently, the bullet hit a rib, and all the fragments, they cut up his lung pretty bad. He's lost a lot of blood.
Chelsea: Is he gonna be okay?
Sharon: Well, the doctor said they would do everything they could, and all we can do is wait and pray.
Chelsea: Thank you. Um, thank you for calling me.
Sharon: Of course. If things were the other way around, I know you'd do the same.
Chelsea: I just -- I-I don't understand any of this. I mean, who would want to kill Victor?
Victor: That's what I'm trying to find out.
Dylan: What's going on?
Nick: [Sighs] Sorry about that. It's been a rough day.
Avery: Uh, Dylan, how are you?
Dylan: I'm okay. How about you? Did the police figure out who's after you?
Avery: No, nothing concrete yet.
Dylan: I hope you're being careful.
Nick: Yeah, she is. I'm making sure of that.
Dylan: Good. I'm glad. Actually, I was, uh -- I was just -- just leaving this.
Nick: What is it?
Dylan: It's a gift for Faith. She's been my little helper. It's a little -- its a little tool kit.
Avery: Oh, she'll like that.
Nick: She's at her mother's tonight. You can give it to her tomorrow.
Dylan: I won't be here. I just wanted to drop it by before I took off.
Avery: Y-you're leaving?
Dylan: I finished Sharon's kitchen, and since there's nothing keeping me here, I'm heading back to Chicago tonight.
Nick: I'll get this to Faith, let her know it's from you.
Dylan: Please. Please do. She's, uh -- she's a great girl.
Nick: Yeah. Don't I know it.
Avery: So, you're really going back to Chicago, then? Back to school?
Dylan: You know, I don't know about school. It might have to wait. I still have to settle my dad's estate.
Avery: Oh. I can help. I-I know some really good lawyers, so...
Nick: I'm gonna track down my dad, check on...things. Will you be okay here?
Avery: Of course.
Dylan: Don't worry. I'll look after her.
Nick: I appreciate it. Thanks. See you.
Avery: Bye.
[Door opens, closes]
Avery: So, this is -- this is really goodbye?
Billy: I have got you some hot cocoa, Baby.
Victoria: You know, you could have been killed.
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: You could have pulled the wrong wire, and that thing could have gone off.
Billy: I know, okay? Okay? But I wasn't. I'm fine. I'm here. And more importantly, you and Reed are fine.
Victoria: That was a lot of excitement for him, you know. Too much excitement, if you ask me.
Billy: You know, I used to think it was ridiculous when couples would say they wouldn't ever take the same flight. But I have to tell you, I understand where they're coming from now.
Victoria: We're all all right, thank God. I hope that Adam's okay, too. Does it seem strange that I'm saying that?
Billy: No, not at all.
Victoria: Surprises me a little bit.
Billy: Love him or hate him, he's still your brother.
Victoria: I think today was a wake-up call, Billy. I think there are some changes that you and I need to make.
Michael: Sweetie, I have given this a lot of thought, and I think the only way we can salvage things is if we get some counseling.
Lauren: I don't know how a stranger is gonna help us with that.
Michael: Not a stranger. It's an impartial, nonjudgmental therapist, trained in facilitating communication.
Lauren: We know how to communicate, Michael.
Michael: No, no. Well, not lately, anyway. Every time I try to start a conversation, you head for the hills. And besides, it's not just about the two of us.
Lauren: What do you mean?
Michael: Whatever's going on between us affects our son, too. And I know that Fenmore and I are on a better footing, but there are still a lot of issues to deal with. I think we should all see a family therapist, hey? And I have made a list of people in town who are the most highly regarded. Now, you can pick one, or pick someone else. I just can't keep on walking on eggshells around you. We need a place where we can be completely honest.
Lauren: You don't think I've been honest?
Michael: Oh, no. I don't.
Sharon: Victor, I'm sure there's hundreds of people in the world who wouldn't mind seeing you dead. The real question is, why did Adam risk his own life to save yours?
Chelsea: Because he loves his dad. You need to hear this, Victor. Despite all of the damage you two have heaped on each other over the years, in Adam's eyes, you are still his father. You are still a man that he admires. All he's ever wanted is your love and your approval, but he never got it.
Sharon: The only time you ever acknowledge him as your son is when you need something from him.
Victor: And yet he clings to his family and to me. Why do you think that is?
Chelsea: I think after Cliff died, Adam had to grow up without a father at a time when he really needed one. Adam had to sit on the sidelines of the soccer field, watching all of the other kids get high fives from their dads. He had to hear about camping and fishing trips, first cars and first crushes -- all of those important father/son moments.
Victor: Now, hold on for one second. I got to correct you, okay? The reason why Adam grew up without a father is because his mother, Hope, wanted him to grow up in Kansas, on a farm, and not here in Genoa City. I wanted to raise him. She didn't want that to happen. Do you understand? That is why I was not there as a father when Adam grew up. You must understand that.
Sharon: The other day, Adam was looking at photos of his mother when he was a child, thinking about his life before he knew who Victor Newman was.
Chelsea: No one could live up to the perfect image Adam had of his dad, but I think he at least hoped that you would make an effort.
Victor: I think you're describing a different person.
Sharon: Is that really so hard to believe, Victor? I mean, didn't you grow up without a father? Isn't that what motivated you as a boy?
Victor: Yeah, I grew up without a father, okay? I always felt badly about the fact that Adam grew up without me. But that was his mother's choice. The moment he graduated from Harvard business school -- which I financed, by the way -- he came into this town and he began to wreak havoc with my family. Please don't ever forget that. He had one thing in mind, and that is to take over Newman Enterprises, and now he achieved it.
Chelsea: You think Adam jumped in front of a bullet as part of a business ploy? That is asinine, Victor!
Victor: Listen to me. Whatever you have to say to me and about me, watch your tone now, okay?
Chelsea: I don't care. Do whatever you want to me. Have one of your goons steal me in the middle of the night and put me on a slow boat back to Myanmar.
Sharon: Chelsea.
Chelsea: No, Sharon. He needs to know this. That business was Adam's only connection to you. Don't you see that? It broke up our marriage! Adam couldn't walk away from you or that company, and now it could cost him everything! It's you, Victor. You're the reason he's fighting for his life right now. [Sighs]
[Purse thuds]
Sharon: Oh. Oh, here. Let me.
Chelsea: No, that's okay. I got it. Thank you.
Victor: Look. I know you both care very deeply for Adam, okay? But I want you to know that I'm aware of what he did for me, and I want nothing more than for my son to survive.
Sharon: And when Adam does pull through, are you gonna thank him for his sacrifice, or will it just be business as usual?
Victor: Sharon, let us put our energies together to make sure that he survives.
Sharon: Our energies?
Victor: I think that would be best for Adam right now, okay?
Chelsea: Adam longed to be part of your family, and the Newmans were horrible to him. He was shot trying to save your life, yet no one else is here. Maybe I was wrong, Victor. Maybe you're not the reason Adam might lose his life. Maybe it's your whole damn family.
Victor: Chelsea, I have to remind you that you don't know the whole thing, so please stop criticizing my entire family, now. You have no right to do that.
Lauren: I really don't know how you can say that, Michael. How can you say that I am being dishonest?
Michael: You can barely even look me in the eye. Look -- I've made a career of knowing when people are lying and when they're being truthful.
Lauren: Oh, really? You certainly got it backwards with Jamie and Fen.
Michael: Yes, but I don't believe I'm wrong now.
Lauren: Based on what?
Michael: You're very fidgety. Do I really make you that uncomfortable?
Lauren: Yes. Right now, you do.
Michael: What happened to us, Lauren? We used to be able to tell each other anything.
Lauren: You know what? I have been telling you over and over that I need some time, and you're not listening to me!
Michael: I'm listening to you. And it's obvious to me that you're not telling me something. If you can't confide in me --
Lauren: Do you know where honesty got us before? I kept telling you how I felt, the way you were treating Fen. And you know what? Once again, you didn't listen to me! You just kept telling me what you were doing was best for our family!
Michael: Then what's best?! What's best for us?! You tell me! You stop running away, and you tell me!
Dylan: I thought you wanted me gone. When I said I was leaving, you seemed relieved.
Avery: I was. Dylan, when I found out you had been killed in action... ...part of me died. Part of me died. And so you can't imagine... what it was like when you -- you suddenly just popped up here, and you were working for Nick.
Dylan: I know that upset you.
Avery: No, no, no. No. Upset me? I get upset when I run out of fresh basil, Dylan. That -- that upsets me. There is no word for -- for what this did to me.
Dylan: I'm sorry.
Avery: I know you're sorry. I know.
Dylan: You know, looking back, I-I -- I should have -- I-I definitely should have handled things differently. But I had to see for myself. I had to see for myself how you had moved on. And it was just a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.
Avery: Realizing that I had. [Sighs] What do we do now? What do we do? I already lost you once. Are you just gonna walk out of my life again... for good this time?
Dylan: Are you -- are you asking me if we can be friends?
Avery: Can we?
Dylan: No.
Victoria: If Adam hadn't have reacted and taken that bullet, I would have lost my father today. And from the way that Dad is sounding, we might lose Adam, too. And with my mom being sick --
Billy: Which I know that hit you very hard.
Victoria: Billy, we just -- our parents are not gonna be alive forever.
Billy: That's true. But, you know, when they're gone, they're a huge, huge part of your life, even after death. I think about my dad all the time. He still influences my decisions.
Victoria: Well, I know that. But I just don't want to wake up one day and find that my parents are gone, and all I have are memories of them. They're here now.
We're here now, you know? So I want to do what I said in that toast today. I want to cherish every minute that I have... on this earth with all of the people that I love the best in my life.
Billy: Okay. Well, how does that fit into Newman and the whole family/career/legacy thing?
Victoria: I don't know. I mean, I guess if Dad still wants to fight for the company, I will help him. But it's more than that, Billy.
Billy: Well, it is good to know that you think there is more to life than the business.
Victoria: I think that we need to add to our legacy in a different way.
Billy: Okay. How do you want to do that?
Victoria: [Sighs] Let's have a baby of our own.
Dylan: You were married before. And I was the other man. I wanted more. And I still do. So, no, Avery. I can't. I can't be friends with you. I won't put myself through that.
Avery: Great. [Chuckles tearfully] Okay. So, wh-- this is it? This is the last time I'm -- this is the last time I'm gonna see you?
Dylan: You've got a great thing with Nick. I don't want to get in the way. Just be happy.
Avery: [Sighs] You be happy, too.
Dylan: It's okay.
Avery: [Sighs, sniffles] Okay.
[Door closes]
Victor: Son, you didn't have to come.
Nick: I couldn't stay away, Dad. Adam's done some terrible things to this family. But he saved your life. I'll always be grateful for that.
Victor: I know that. So will I. And, Chelsea, I don't care what you say about me or what you accuse me of. But one thing I ask of you. Don't ever... say disparaging things about my "Whole damn family" again, because if you do, I assure you, you will find yourself on a slow boat to somewhere.
Nick: Let's just -- let's just focus on Adam, okay, Dad?
Sharon: Adam's still in surgery.
Nick: What's the latest?
Sharon: The nurse went to see what she could find out.
Nick: How's Mom doing?
Victor: She went back to the penthouse. Excuse me for a moment. Yes.
Nick: Thank God you came to get Faith when you did. If she was still at that reception --
Sharon: Nick, I don't even want to think about that.
Nick: I talked to Amy. I guess Faith's asleep. She has no idea any of this even happened.
Sharon: Okay, good. Let's keep it that way. I'm thankful Noah left when he did, too. That way, neither of our kids was in any danger.
Victor: I want security to take care of that. What's the news?
Dr. Costner: Well, it was a difficult procedure. Adam's lost a lot of blood, but he's stable now.
Chelsea: Oh, thank God.
Sharon: Will he be all right?
Dr. Costner: We were able to remove the bullet, and the surgery went as well as can be expected. But Adam's not out of the woods. He's got a long road ahead of him, and the next 24 hours are gonna tell us a lot.
Victor: When can we see him?
Dr. Costner: Well, they're bringing him down from the O.R. He's still under anesthesia. But very soon, he'll be able to see one visitor -- next of kin.
Victor: Well, I'm his father.
Chelsea: And I'm his wife.
Dr. Costner: I'll let you work it out.
Victor: Thank you, Doc.
Nick: Thank you. I'll call Mom, let her know that Adam's out of surgery.
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: You need anything?
Victor: No. Just keep your fingers crossed, okay?
Nick: Let me know if I can do anything at all.
Victor: I'm glad I have you.
Nick: Okay.
Victor: Okay.
Sharon: We'll keep you updated, Nick.
Nick: All right. Chelsea.
Chelsea: Thanks for coming, Nick.
Victor: Are you really gonna fight me on this? I'm his father. You left him, remember?
Chelsea: The only person who has stood by Adam's side... and who has the right to be with him now... is Sharon.
Victoria: A baby -- yours and mine.
Billy: It has been a dream for a long time.
Victoria: But if we're serious about it, then we need to stop dreaming about it, and we need to get a move on. Because every month that goes by, it's less and less likely it's gonna happen for us.
Billy: I mean, the whole fertility thing, with the shots and all the -- that's a -- really?
Victoria: I know, I know, I know.
Billy: And -- and -- and -- [Sighs] I mean, not to mention, if it works -- if it works -- it could take a long time, and it's stressful, and it's exhausting.
Victoria: Are you saying that you don't want to try in vitro?
Billy: No, I'm saying, Honey... you're the one who's gonna have to do all the heavy lifting, with the appointments and the shots and the hormones and then all the aggravation. And that's a lot of work just to get pregnant.
Victoria: I know! I know. And I love our little mishmash of a family. I love Reed and Johnny and Delia. I do. But...
Billy: But what?
Victoria: But something's missing.
Michael: What? I'm waiting, Lauren. What's it gonna be?
Lauren: If you're asking me what it's gonna take us to get back on track, I [Sighs] I have no clue.
Michael: What does that mean?
Lauren: It means I don't know.
Michael: You don't know, or you don't care?
Lauren: I care, Michael.
Michael: Do you? Then put a little effort into it.
Lauren: I don't know which way... what direction to put the effort in. That's what I don't know. That's what I need time to figure out.
Michael: I feel like I'm the only one fighting for our marriage here. And I hate that feeling. I need you to join the fight. Do you not love me anymore? Is that the real issue?
Victor: I just got a text. Nikki's not doing well, so... been a very stressful day for her, so I'm gonna go home and see her, okay?
Sharon: Of course.
Victor: And if Adam wakes up... tell him I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?
Sharon: Thanks for your offer before. But I think you should be the one.
Chelsea: I'm glad Adam made it through surgery. I really only want the best for him. And I'll be thinking positive thoughts, but, um... we're not together anymore.
Sharon: But, still --
Chelsea: I know how close you are to him, Sharon. And I think when he wakes up, it's your face he's gonna want to see. Just keep me posted on everything, if anything changes.
Sharon: Of course. I will. Right away.
Chelsea: Thank you. [Sighs]
Billy: You want to do this? Then, yeah, I'm behind you 100%. Just tell me what you want to do.
Victoria: Yes. I want to have a baby with you. I really do. Let's do it.
Billy: Okay. Let's have a baby, Baby. Let's do it.
Victoria: Okay!
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: [Laughs] I'm gonna call the doctor first thing in the morning and make an appointment, okay?
Billy: However, what do you say we give it a shot the old-fashioned way one more time, huh? You want to try it? You never know what could happen.
Victoria: [Giggles]
[Door opens]
Nick: Dylan take off?
Avery: Uh, yeah. He left. For good. We said our goodbyes, so... how's Adam?
Nick: Uh, he survived the operation. The bullet's out, and the bleeding stopped. But it sounds like it's still touch-and-go.
Avery: [Sighs] This must be so hard on Victor.
Nick: How are you? You feeling better?
Avery: I am, yeah. A little.
Nick: Well, we're gonna get through it together, okay? 'Cause when I look at my future, you're in it. And nothing's gonna get in the way of that.
Chelsea: Hey.
Dylan: Hi.
Chelsea: I thought you left town.
Dylan: Uh, I was just heading out right now. Are you okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. Uh, something -- something with my ex.
Dylan: It's hard to let go, isn't it?
Chelsea: Oh! Actually, I'm really glad I bumped into you. Um, I think -- I think you might have left this in my car the other night.
Dylan: [Sighs] Thank you so much. I was looking all over for this. My St. Christopher medal.
Chelsea: Oh. Yeah. I thought you might be missing it.
Dylan: Yeah, this is, uh -- it's my dad's. It meant a lot to him. It means a lot to me, too. Thank you so much.
Chelsea: Of course. The patron saint of travelers, right?
Dylan: Right. I don't know if I believe in that, but it can't hurt to have a saint on your side, right?
Chelsea: Yeah. We could always use someone or something watching over us.
Dylan: Well, I'm glad I ran into you...again.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Take care of yourself.
Chelsea: You too, Dylan. Good luck with everything.
Michael: I'm just a human being. And we all make mistakes. You can't keep punishing me for what happened, or nothing is ever gonna change.
Lauren: That's not what I'm doing.
Michael: Well, you know, sure feels like it to me.
Lauren: I can't control how you react to things.
Michael: You don't have to. Just tell me. Tell me what's going on with you. Just tell me so I don't have to wonder or speculate... or be afraid we're gonna lose everything.
Lauren: I -- I can't have this conversation.
Michael: No. [Chuckles] You're not walking out on me again. Forget it. Look. Save you the trouble.
[Door closes]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Leslie: Thank you so much for coming.
Tyler: I'm not here for Gus. I'm here to testify for the prosecution.
Neil: Belinda Rogan was a lot more than just a volunteer, wasn't she?
Adam: Have to ask you...
Sharon: What do you want to ask me?
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