Y&R Transcript Friday 3/15/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/15/13


Episode # 10117 ~ Adam and Victor threaten each other. Leslie comes face to face with her father.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: [Squeals] Ooh! Tomorrow's the big day.

Nikki: Yes. It is the last time your father and I will be walking down the aisle together.

Victoria: Yes, Mom. He called to let me know that everything's back on.

Nikki: Well, now that I'm out of the hospital, Victor is insisting no more postponements.

Victoria: Good. That's good. He's right. You feel good, right?

Nikki: I feel pretty wonderful.

Victoria: Exactly how a bride should feel.

Nikki: So, where do we start?

Victoria: Okay. Well, I've got everything right here. I've got phone numbers, e-mail addresses, Dad's credit-card info.

Nikki: Oh, it's already so late.

Victoria: Mom, if I have to pull an all-nighter, I will. I promise everything is gonna be perfect for your big day.

Nikki: My angel.

Both: Mwah.

Adam: Victor Newman -- the man, the myth, the legend. To what do I owe this prestigious honor?

Victor: Brought your wedding gift back to you, Son.

Adam: My wedding gift? Don't you mean yours? "Body of unknown woman found in alley." Somebody else get you the same thing? Because I was just certain that if I got you a sentimental gift for the guy that has just about everything, that it would be perfect.

Victor: Feeling smug, aren't you? You watch out, Son, because you may end up with nothing.

Chelsea: Oh! [Breathing heavily]

Avery: How are you feeling?

Leslie: Oh, wishing I was in my car driving away.

Neil: Hey. Here you go. Plenty of people around to keep you safe.

Leslie: Yeah. I never wanted to lay eyes on my father again.

Avery: Okay, you do not have to be afraid. We're gonna be right here with you.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Avery: Excuse me. I have to take this. [Sighs]

Neil: Just breathe.

[Door closes]

Avery: Are you gonna call me every two minutes until I answer?

Nick: If that's what it takes. I'm just glad to hear that you're alive and breathing.

Avery: I am fine. I'm just very busy.

Nick: I cannot believe you took off for Milwaukee without me.

Avery: I understand you're upset, but I'm needed here.

Nick: Look, I get it that you care for your client, Avery.

Avery: I care about everybody involved. Leslie has not seen her father in over 12 years, not since she helped put him away for murder. I need her to realize that he is innocent before the hearing. Nick, this is huge.

Nick: Yeah, it's big enough that someone would have you killed if you don't back away from getting his conviction overturned.

Avery: Gus Rogan is counting on me.

Nick: Well, so am I, Avery. This is not worth dying for. Look, I respect you so much for wanting to do what you believe is right. But nothing is more important to me than you being safe. If you're determined to go through with this, at least keep me posted. Let me know so I can be there for you.

Avery: You needed to be with Nikki right now.

Nick: No, Mom's doing better. They released her from the hospital. I'm actually at the ranch now. The wedding's back on.

Avery: That's wonderful. When?

Nick: Tomorrow.

Avery: Wow. So soon.

Nick: Yeah. Can you make it back for the ceremony?

Avery: I will make it a point to be there.

Nick: Good.

Avery: And until then, do not worry about me. I have Neil and Leslie and that very diligent bodyguard that you hired. So please do not worry. And don't be mad at me, okay?

Leslie: I don't know if I can do this.

Neil: Yes, of course, you can do this.

Leslie: What the hell was I thinking agreeing to come here?

Neil: That you wanted to know the truth. That's what you were thinking.

Avery: You need to know the truth.

Nick: Avery should not have gone up there on her own.

Victoria: Well, she's not alone with the bodyguard and everything, right?

Nick: Technically, no.

Victoria: Okay, so, really, what more can you do to protect her?

Nick: Tonight, nothing. I really need to talk to Dad. Where is he?

Victoria: He's not here.

Nick: Where'd he go?

Victoria: I have no idea. I'm sure that Avery will contact you as soon as she's finished. But right now, we have a wedding to put on and less than 24 hours to do it.

Nick: You sure Mom's gonna be up for that? I mean, with all her dizzy spells?

Victoria: She's totally fine. And I have the neatest surprise planned for her.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Nick: Hey, Mom.

Nikki: Hi. Are you here to help your sister pull off the impossible?

Victoria: Oh, ye of little faith.

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Nick: No, I came to talk to Dad, but I guess he's out. Vick was just telling me about the surprise

Victoria: We know how much you love surprises.

Nikki: Well, yes, I do, but I've been thinking about it, and I think maybe we ought to scale back.

Victoria: What? Uh, no.

Nikki: Well, it's just not fair to put all of this on you at the last minute.

Victoria: Mom, listen. Dad wants to give you the perfect wedding -- for real this time. And I'm here to make that happen. But we have a lot to do, so we need to get going.

Leslie: My truth is the memory of my father standing over my mother's body. God. I spent my whole adult life trying to move past this.

Avery: Okay, but there are questions that need to be answered. Mistakes were made in the investigation that show that it's possible that Gus is innocent.

Leslie: So you keep insisting.

Neil: Leslie, I know you. You're not gonna be satisfied until you know the whole story, and there's only one person who can give you that.

Leslie: Why would he be honest with me when I'm the one who helped put him here?

Avery: I believe he's been honest all along, and he's had 12 long years in a prison cell to do nothing but think. Clearing the air with you and your brother is more important to him now than ever.

Leslie: Gus Rogan was a criminal. He was a bully. Our entire family life was built on lies. If he's lying now, I will be able to tell just by looking in his eyes.

[Knock on door]

Dylan: [Sighs] Wow.

Chelsea: Uh-huh.

Dylan: Wow. That was, uh... that was unexpected.

[Both laugh]

Chelsea: Which part?

Dylan: Well -- well, I, you know, when I said I wanted to have a drink, I-I really actually wanted to -- to have a drink, not this.

Chelsea: So, you didn't want this? Should I be flattered by that?

Dylan: No, no. What I'm saying is, this was, uh -- this was not my intention. I'm not -- I'm not one of those guys, but clearly... clearly I wanted this. Is that satisfactory?

Chelsea: Yep. I'm, um -- I'm satisfied. [Chuckles] Listen, um... we both know what this was and what it wasn't. [Sighs]

Adam: It is nice. But I understand why you wouldn't want that hanging in your house. A dead hooker with a drug problem -- that's bad enough -- but a dead hooker with a daddy whose congressional seat you largely paid for -- that is bound to raise quite a few eyebrows.

Victor: I'm surprised you would want to throw a spotlight on it yourself. A woman died in Jack Abbott's living room. And she was unceremoniously dumped in an alley like someone's garbage -- by you.

Adam: Make an accusation like that, you better have something to back it up.

Victor: Don't you worry, Son.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Dylan: Hey.

Chelsea: Hey.

Dylan: You, uh -- you okay?

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm great. But, um...

Dylan: "But, uh" what?

Chelsea: I know people say this all the time, but I really mean it. I-I don't do this type of thing.

Dylan: Neither, uh -- neither do I.

Chelsea: It's -- it's awkward. I don't really know what to do. [Laughs]

Dylan: Yeah. What -- what do you mean? Like, should you just get dressed and leave right away? Should you give me your number? Should you kiss me goodbye?

Chelsea: Right. All those things.

Dylan: Right.

Chelsea: Do you have the answers?

Dylan: No, I don't, and I really don't want to spend a lot of time with a woman who has all those answers.

Chelsea: Yeah. Well, I guess if we can both acknowledge that this is awkward, we'll be okay.

Dylan: Exactly. I mean, we've been honest with each other up to this point. Let's just keep doing that. We were in the right place at the right time for each other.

Chelsea: Yeah. I feel the same way. I just went through a horrible breakup, and... never mind. I had a really nice time tonight.

Dylan: Yeah, me too. I'm sure you could tell I needed some -- some cheering up.

Chelsea: Did I succeed?

Dylan: [Chuckles] What do you think?

Chelsea: [Laughs] Well, I feel the same way about you, Dylan. I was having a really lousy day until -- until you came around. You made me feel a lot better.

Dylan: I'm glad I could help.

Chelsea: And now I know the answer to one of those questions. Goodbye, Dylan.

[Door closes]

Adam: You know what I think, Dad? I think you should just kick back, work on your golf game a little bit. Because this -- this is just desperate, this attempt to manufacture reasons to come after your enemies.

Victor: Manufacture?

Adam: If you had any proof of what it is you're accusing me of, you would have used it. You haven't. So this, what's happening here, is what I like to refer to as just a lot of noise.

Victor: Son... you're right about one thing. If I were to have proof, I wouldn't hesitate using it... after the wedding.

Adam: Hey. I need you to do something for me.

Victoria: The new catering manager's name is Ted, um, something or other. It's there on the tablet.

Nick: Yeah, it's Rogers. But it's Ed, not Ted.

Victoria: Yeah, okay. That's -- that's the guy. Anyway, he's expecting us.

Nick: Us or you?

Victoria: Hey, you know, if you'd rather deal with the phone calls, then I'll handle the food.

Nick: Done.

Victoria: All right. Okay. So, what do you think about the surprise that I'm planning for the wedding?

Nick: I think Mom's gonna be blown away.

Victoria: Yeah? Good. That's great. All right, you have your to-do list, and I will handle the catering.

Nick: Hey, get some of those, uh, bacon-wrapped dates. I love them. Actually, I love anything wrapped in bacon, so just get a bunch of bacon-wrapped items.

Victoria: Right. Will do.

Nick: Several of them.

Victoria: Right.

Wheeler: Did you get the information you needed? Any questions?

Bob: Like I said, it's tricky, but I got this covered. The less you know, the better. I'll be in touch.

Wheeler: Oh, and, Bob... don't forget about the end game.

Bob: Victor Newman.

Wheeler: I'm counting on you.

Avery: Are you ready?

Leslie: No, but it doesn't matter, does it? It's happening.

Neil: Leslie, if you need me to stay, I'll stay for moral support.

Leslie: Thank you, but no. I have to do this on my own. I need to.

Neil: I'm gonna be right outside.

Leslie: Thank you.

Neil: You'll be fine.

Leslie: All right.

[Door closes]

Avery: Hi, Gus.

Gus: I can't thank you enough, Miss Clark.

Avery: You're welcome. I'm gonna leave you alone to talk, okay?

Leslie: Okay.

Gus: Hello, Valerie.

Gus: Valerie... when your mother was a girl, she went up to one of them summer camps up on a lake. She had a counselor named Valerie. She always loved the sound of it. Did you know that's how you got your name?

Leslie: I go by Leslie now. How did you track me down?

Gus: Someone -- I don't know who -- left me a slip of paper with your new name and number in my cell.

Leslie: You just had to call. Couldn't leave well enough alone.

Gus: I just wanted to talk.

Leslie: Why? So you could convince me that you didn't kill my mother when I saw you? I saw you standing over her, screaming, yelling at her and shaking her! I saw you -- no!

[Leslie remembering]

Gus: Valerie!

Leslie: No! Oh, God.

[Back to present]

Neil: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay.

Nick: This list, who should I, uh, get after first? The florists or the musicians?

Victoria: Either way, once they hear about the bonus for dropping everything and being there tomorrow, I doubt they'll be that upset over a little lost sleep, right? Nick.

Nick: Uh, sorry.

Victoria: I wish you would tell me what has you so preoccupied.

Nick: It's Wheeler. I think he and Dad are up to something.

Victoria: Well, aren't they usually? Can you be a little more specific?

Nick: I'm still trying to piece it together.

Victoria: Is that why you stopped by the house looking for Dad?

Nick: Partly. I've been seeing them with their heads together a lot lately. I get the feeling there's some bad blood there.

Victoria: Since when? Dad's been friends with Marcus and his wife for years. He contributed a lot of money to his last campaign.

Nick: I know he did. But get this -- Wheeler's also involved with this appeal that Avery's been working on.

Victoria: Involved how?

Nick: He testified for the prosecution. He helped put this guy Gus Rogan away.

Victoria: And now she's working to get the conviction overturned?

Nick: Yes, and if Avery is successful, it's gonna make Wheeler look bad. I asked him about it the other day. He made it seem like he didn't care.

Victoria: Oh, please. He's a career politician. That's the last thing he wants.

Nick: See, I think Wheeler is leaning on Dad to persuade Avery to drop the case.

Victoria: What? Why would Dad even entertain that?

Nick: Ordinarily he wouldn't. Which is why I think Wheeler's got something on him.

Victoria: Like what?

Nick: Honestly, I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Victoria: I wonder if this has anything to do with Stephanie.

Nick: Stephanie?

Victoria: Wheeler's dead daughter.

Neil: Leslie, what happened in there?

Leslie: I can't. I can't, okay? Being in the same room with him is just too much. I can't do this, Neil.

Avery: Your father has been in prison for 12 years for a crime he didn't commit.

Leslie: You don't know that.

Avery: In my heart, yes, I do.

Leslie: Feelings are not facts, Avery.

Avery: Okay, you're right. They're not. So, whatever you feel about your father does not make him a killer. At least go in there and hear him out.

Leslie: Why should I? There is no new evidence, no new proof.

Avery: This case was botched from the moment the first investigator arrived on the scene. Your father's conviction is based in circumstantial evidence and erroneous suppositions by the prosecutor. "We can't rule him out, and we can't find a better suspect, so the husband must have done it." I mean, for God's sake, Leslie, you're a lawyer. If you weren't his daughter, if you were representing him, would you be so convinced that he's guilty?

Neil: Leslie, the man in there can't hurt you. Why'd you come here? To prove to your father that you're not afraid of him anymore.

Leslie: I know.

Neil: Now, you've come this far, all right? Whatever you decide, whatever it is, I'm behind you 100%.

Leslie: Okay, I'm -- I'm gonna do it. I just -- just give me a minute.

Neil: [Sighs]

Gus: Honey... I'm so sorry.

Leslie: I just want to know why. Why'd you kill Mom?

Dylan: [Sighs]

Chelsea: This is 10 times more awkward. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Uh, yeah, I had, uh, no idea you were -- you were gonna be here.

Chelsea: I have a meeting out there.

Dylan: Yeah. I only know three places in town, and this one has the best coffee. Can I, uh, get a large coffee, please?

Chelsea: Okay, but I'm gonna become very suspicious if you show up at the next place that I go.

Dylan: Uh, I don't think that's gonna happen unless you're in Chicago.

Chelsea: So, you decided to go home.

Dylan: Yeah, things didn't really work out the -- the way I was hoping. I have some stuff to take care of there. Maybe get back to the degree. To be honest, I-I think my -- my dream of being an architect is -- is fading. Excuse me.

Chelsea: Well, it can happen. Believe me, you just got to keep working at it.

Dylan: Thank you. I will. Well, I don't want to keep you from your meeting.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Dylan: Anytime you want to feel awkward with someone, just -- just give me a call.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] Dylan. You're a really good guy. I hope you do well wherever you end up.

Dylan: Thank you. I hope the same for you. And hold on. For the record, the guy who ended it with you, he's an idiot.

Chloe: [Gasps] Oh, my God.

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: You had sex.

Nick: What does Wheeler's daughter have to do with Avery's case? It doesn't make any sense.

Victoria: I know, but according to Dad... Adam.

Adam: My big bro and my big sis. Hope I'm not interrupting anything important.

Nick: What do you want?

Adam: Well, we didn't get to spend a lot of quality time together the other night at the old man's rehearsal dinner. But, then again, you know, I'm not too good at those family functions, holidays. The bonus is I'm not invited to many.

Nick: Well, they are supposed to be fun, so you wonder why?

Adam: So, Victoria, how'd you ring in the New Year? Plan any big family shindigs?

Victoria: You know, I think I know where you're going with this. I assume that you heard the wedding's tomorrow, and you're planning to cause more trouble.

Nick: If that's the case, don't bother. Mom's in a vulnerable place right now. If you do anything to ruin her day, I will make you pay for that.

Victoria: Yeah, we both will. That's a promise.

Adam: Wow. You'll make me pay. You take personal checks? Hey, uh, where's Dad registered? 'Cause I got to get him a gift, and it's so hard to pick something out for two people who have been married to each other 131 times.

Chelsea: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Chloe: Oh, yeah, you do.

Chelsea: Oh, no, I don't. How can -- how can you just walk in here and take one look at me and, uh, say something so outrageous?

Chloe: Ha! You're stammering. And look, you're blushing. So cute. Plus you have that gleam in your eye.

Chelsea: What gleam?

Chloe: Oh, the same one that you had the last time that -- oh, God. Just please tell me. Just please tell me it was anybody but him.

Chelsea: No. No. It was definitely not Adam.

Chloe: [Gasps] So it was somebody.

Chelsea: Oh! You're delusional.

Chloe: Come on. Please. Just fill me in. Let me live vicariously.

Chelsea: Chloe, I'm not --

Chloe: Was he tall? Ripped? Did he have nice hands? 'Cause I am a sucker for nice hands.

Chelsea: Would you stop it, please?

Chloe: Wait. Was it the trainer with the really awesome biceps? No, wait. Oh, my God. It was -- it was the doorman at the club with the really big, blue eyes, wasn't it? It was. Oh, my God. Tell me everything. Come on, you finally slipped him the key, and then he slipped you the --

Chelsea: Wha-- stop! You're making it sound so cheap.

Chloe: What? Cheap is good. Come on. I was right. You just needed a little mindless steam session because it is great for the soul and the pores.

Chelsea: Can we talk about work, please?

Chloe: [Scoffs] You're kidding me, right? Not until I hear every last little detail about the guy that put that smile on your face.

Adam: Can I buy you a drink? So, uh, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this? Is that what I'm supposed to say in this kind of situation?

Woman: Sure. You want to sound like every cheeseball who ever hit on me in a bar.

Adam: What'd you find out?

Woman: You're right. Victor knows something critical.

Nikki: Mmm. We haven't done this in so long.

Victor: Come here. Give me a kiss. You mean fed each other strawberries? Hmm?

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Boy... what a lot of memories.

Victor: I wouldn't want to go back, you know. Not for anything.

Nikki: You wouldn't?

Victor: Mnh-mnh. Do you know that I feel much closer to you than the first time you and I were married?

Nikki: Well, that's good because it'll help us get through whatever it is we're gonna have to get through.

Victor: Well... we're facing the last night of being single. Do you think you can handle that?

Nikki: Yeah, I-I think we can...stomp through it.

Victor: Baby, you're beautiful.

Nikki: Ah.

Victor: You're radiant right now. Do you know that?

Nikki: Well, if I am, it's all because of you, all the wonderful things you do for me, making a bride three times in a week. You are, by far, the most romantic man I've ever known.

Victor: Well, you bring it out of me, my love.

Nikki: Hmm.

Victor: You do.

Nikki: You do realize that Victoria's trying to outdo you in the surprise department. She has something up her sleeve for tomorrow.

Victor: Well, then, she has the right idea, you know. Tomorrow's gonna be the last time in our lives that I will say "I do" to you. You got that?

Nikki: Oh, I got that.

Victor: You better.

Nikki: But I just want it to be small, just family and friends.

Victor: That's a wonderful idea. I love that.

Nikki: Then that's what it shall be.

Victor: Now, I got a surprise for you, too.

Nikki: You do?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Gus: It didn't happen like you think.

Leslie: I know exactly what happened. You fought earlier that night. I heard the whole thing. You found out she was having an affair, and you were out of your mind about it.

Gus: You got that right.

Leslie: You fought, and then you killed her in a jealous rage. Admit it.

Gus: I couldn't take the thought of her being with another man. I couldn't stand it. It hurt so bad, it just about killed me.

Leslie: Because you just loved her so much.

Gus: I did.

Leslie: You know what? Your kind of love, Gus, is toxic. You were horrible to her. You'd go out with your low-life friends and get drunk and then bring that back home with you. Yeah. Yeah, you'd act the tough guy, the big man. You were rough with her. You bullied her. You treated her like some maid!

Gus: I should have treated Lin better. You're right. But there were good times, too -- the best two people ever shared together. I should have done more. I should have treated your mother better.

Leslie: Don't do that. Don't try to play on my sympathy and act like you didn't have it in you. I was there. I walked in, and you were kneeling over her moments before she died. I saw you. You killed her!

Gus: I was trying to save her. That's what you saw. Lin was trying to speak to me.

Leslie: She was yelling "Stop!"

Gus: Yes! I think she was asking me to stop whoever did this. But I couldn't. I couldn't save -- I was too late. I couldn't save the best thing that ever happened to me. Belinda... I didn't deserve her. I didn't treat her -- I should have treated her better. You're right. Sometimes I think my punishment, my being convicted, for throwing away the gift that God gave me. I wanted to save Lin. I would have done anything to save Lin. I would have given my whole life. I didn't kill her, Valerie. I swear to you on everything sacred. I did not kill your mother.

Leslie: Enough. Enough. I-I-I can't listen to any of this anymore.

[Door slams]

Leslie: [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] He didn't do it. I could see it in his eyes. [Sniffles, sighs] Oh, God. Oh, my God. What have I done?

Gus: Thank you for convincing Valerie to come down and for everything you've done.

Avery: The appeal date has been set. The hearing is next week.

Gus: Please get me out of here.

Chelsea: Chloe, I am not discussing this. Especially not here.

Chloe: Meanie.

Chelsea: Look, just -- just be happy that I took your advice and I had a really nice time with someone, okay?

Chloe: It hasn't hit you yet, has it?

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: What really happened tonight. It wasn't just some random hookup. You found your baby daddy.

Woman: Victor's P.I. found a witness who saw you dump the Wheeler girl's body in the alley that morning.

Adam: [Scoffs] Yeah, right. Well, Dad was acting smug. Now I know why. He's gonna make his move after the wedding. Blackmail. Force me out at Newman. At least he's gonna try.

Victor: You can open them now.

Nikki: [Gasps] Oh, my God, Victor.

Victor: They're a perfect match for the necklace I bought you.

Nikki: Oh, they're gorgeous.

Victor: And I can hardly wait for you to wear them tomorrow when we saw our vows, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Oh, yes. Tomorrow. I can't wait.

Victor: Neither can I.

Nikki: Thank you so much. Mm.

Victor: I'm so glad they make you happy.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: Ready to go?

[Door closes]

Ashley: Go? I just got here.

Wheeler: The wedding should be starting within the hour.

Bob: Everything is in place.

Billy: Aren't you gonna let us in?

Victor: What do you mean, us?

Billy: Oh, I brought a surprise guest.

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