Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/14/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/14/13


Episode # 10116 ~ Chelsea and Dylan share an eventful date. Nikki learns more about her medical status.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: [Sighs] This is hard to say.

Michael: Whatever it is, isn't it better to get it out in the open? It might not seems so overwhelming. Listen to me. You can tell me anything.

Carmine: Should I ring you up?

Dylan: Actually, I'll take another -- another beer and... whatever she's having.

Chelsea: Club soda, please.

Carmine: Sounds good.

Chelsea: Guess you decided to take me up on my offer.

Dylan: Well, not a lot of people offer to listen, so when somebody makes the effort... and I could use a friend.

Victor: The nurse tells me you had a restful afternoon.

Nikki: I took a two-hour nap, thank you very much. I am all ready for our next wedding ceremony. I can't wait to see what you've come up with.

Victor: You know, Abby arranged it all by herself.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Well, Lord knows what we're in for.

Victor: [Chuckling] Yes. There she is.

Abby: Happy wedding day -- part three.

Victor: Hello, Sweetheart.

Abby: Hello.

Nikki: Um, what's in the bag? Something old, new, borrowed, and blue?

Abby: Oh, please. When have I ever followed tradition?

Victor: Now, that certainly is true. I'm just relieved to see that you're dressed.

Abby: [Stammers] Actually, you have the man who's going to marry you to thank for that. I met him at a retreat. This man literally changed my life. Nikki, Dad, meet Hari -- Yogi Hari.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. How do you do?

Hari: Namaste.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Jack: No, it's all wrong. It's not the color scarlet we talked about. This is almost crimson.

Kyle: Yeah, I'm not crazy about this one, either.

Jack: I'm gonna see what Phyllis says.

Kyle: Hey, how's things going between you two? Any progress?

Jack: Some. Hopefully some more soon. I booked a, uh, villa for us in Waikiki.

Kyle: Oh, that's cool. I don't know. I think Phyllis might respond more to somewhere a little off the beaten path -- Saigon, Reykjavik. Istanbul, I hear, is the new Paris.

Jack: What's wrong with the old one?

Kyle: You want to impress a woman like Phyllis, you got to take her where the fresh vibe is.

Phyllis: Oh, hey. Am I interrupting?

Jack: No, no, no, no. Perfect timing. We need some help, been working on something.

Kyle: I'm gonna make a call. Let me know what you decide.

Jack: So, look, before we talk work, did you have a chance to think about --

Phyllis: I did. I did.

Jack: And?

Phyllis: And, um... the two of us -- that scares me. That scares me for all the reasons we already talked about.

Jack: Right.

Phyllis: But what scares me more is what life would be like without you. [Chuckles]

Jack: [Chuckles] So, how do we celebrate? Dinner and dancing. I'm not so good on my feet these days -- something about a bullet in my spine -- but I'm still good for a good time.

Phyllis: Uh, wait. Hold on. Hold on. I want to make one thing clear. I-I want to pace ourselves. Nothing too drastic or dramatic. Just...

Jack: Perfect. I agree.

[Cell phone pings]

Phyllis: Uh... God, it's a marketing... hmm. From -- you've -- an e-ticket to Hawaii?

Jack: [Sighs] My assistant is too efficient.

Phyllis: Wow. That's a way to pace ourselves.

Jack: It -- it's a long weekend -- nothing drastic, nothing dramatic, just...

[Intercom buzzes]

Jack: Candace, I don't want to be inter-- [Sighs] Okay, I'm on my way. Okay, Junior Achievement is here for a tour. They want a picture with me. Do not leave. I want to finish this conversation.

Phyllis: Okay.

Kyle: Hey, I just saw Dad rushing off. Is everything okay?

Phyllis: Yeah. He wants to take me away for a long weekend.

Kyle: Is that a problem?

Abby: His teachings made so much sense and really helped to ground me, which is why I thought he'd be the perfect person to officiate the wedding.

Victor: I must say, I'm very grateful for what you have done for my daughter, but I am really not susceptible to this metaphysical mumbo jumbo.

Abby: I promise, Dad -- no woo woo stuff. This all about feeling good.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: Well, I am all for that.

Victor: Hmm. We don't have to chant, do we?

Abby: [Chuckles]

Hari: Not unless you want to.

Nikki: Come on, Victor. It'll be fun.

Abby: And you'll look so retro in your mala beads.

Victor: In my what? What's this?

Nikki: Oh, thank you.

Victor: You expect me to wear this damn thing, do you?

Hari: Well, if you're open to them, they're a wonderful tool for clearing the mind.

Victor: Well, to be frank with you, I'd rather have something up here.

Abby: Dad, I thought these weddings were about proving to Nikki that nothing would stop you from marrying her.

Victor: Well...

Nikki: She's right, you know. What am I supposed to think if you won't wear a little strand of beads?

Victor: [Chuckling] You mean I'm gonna put this around my neck?

Nikki: Yeah.

Victor: All right. But, listen, no Mahatma Gandhi nightgowns or anything like that, okay? And no pictures. My goodness. Look at this here. Well, so, what now?

Hari: Let's begin.

Victor: All right.

Hari: Victor and Nikki, to quote "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," "Here begins an adventure as you have never taken before."

Victor: [Chuckles] Certainly not one like this.

Hari: The word yoga in Sanskrit means "Union."

Victor: Uh-huh.

Hari: It's a joining of the mind, body, and spirit, and today we're here to affirm your own union, which began many lifetimes ago when two souls met and vowed to travel eternity together.

Chloe: Past due, past due... [Sighs] Way past due.

Alex: You know, it's a very bad idea to get behind on your payments.

Chloe: Excuse me, but when did my financial situation become your business?

Alex: Oh, when you and your husband stole my sting money.

Chloe: [Chuckling] Right. We can't even scrape together two dimes to buy a cappuccino in our own coffeehouse. Wait. What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be back in New York solving the case?

Alex: Oh, I solved that a couple of weeks ago -- got the money back from my sister and, for all my troubles, got sacked from the NYPD.

Chloe: Aw, you got fired?

Alex: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Gee, what a shame.

Alex: Yeah.

Chloe: Wait. Your sister is Adriana?

Alex: Yeah, she is. And how is it that you happen to know her name if you didn't steal the half a mil from her? Hmm.

Chloe: I thought you said the case was over.

Alex: You're right. I think we should start fresh from the beginning. Alejandro Chavez. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Chloe: [Spanish accent] Chloe Fisher. [Normal voice] And I can't say the same.

Alex: Not yet.

Chloe: Okay.

Michael: Is it that bad?

Lauren: I'm just -- just feeling a little on the spot.

Michael: You're the one who said it was time to be honest.

Lauren: You're right. And -- and it is. And that's why I just wanted to tell you that...I'm glad we're working things out.

Michael: That's it? That's what was so hard to admit?

Lauren: Yes, because I wasn't even sure I wanted to a couple of days ago.

Michael: All right. I have a lot to make up for.

Lauren: Well, we both do.

Michael: You? Why would you feel that way?

Lauren: You know, we don't need to get into this conversation while we're waiting for Fen to come home.

Michael: No. You know, he's studying at Taylor's. I can give him a ring --

Lauren: No! No, no, no. Don't do that.

Michael: Why? If you're --

Lauren: There's nothing more to say. In fact, I have to go by the office. I've got so much to do.

Michael: Now?

Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. I-I-I won't be long. [Sighs] Hi. I really need to see you.

Hari: Life and marriage are a wondrous journey, ever unfolding an opportunity to rediscover ourselves and our beloved again and again, for even on a shared journey, the one true constant is change. Embrace it and let it lead you to many a glorious tomorrow. In lieu of vows, I thought you might like to exchange a blessing from the Hindu Seven Steps. Nikki, you're up first.

Nikki: May our marriage bring our souls an abundance of physical and spiritual nourishment. May we be strong enough to balance each other, caring and giving enough to compliment one another.

Victor: Well, may we be prosperous in all ways, ever appreciative and grateful for all the gifts our marriage has brought. May we see our children grow old and thrive, and may we live our lives together in perfect harmony.

Hari: And concluding... from the Bhagavad Gita, "Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." May we all say amen?

All: Amen.

Abby: [Squeals] Mazel tov! Oh. [Smooches]


Phyllis: Going away with your dad could lead to all sorts of problems. I just don't know which Phyllis might show up.

Kyle: What do you mean?

Phyllis: I could just go away with him, undermine him, find fault with him, and then drive him back to pills. I don't want to do that especially after he worked so hard. And he shouldn't even be in a relationship right now, really. He should be focusing on his sobriety. That -- that's the only thing he should be -- especially with someone who's so toxic as I am.

Kyle: That is not true at all. If you're so toxic, how did you ever help him kick his habit in the first place? And as for getting involved with someone so soon after rehab... since when have either of you followed the rules in the first place?

Phyllis: We should follow rules. That's what we should do.

Kyle: Not in this case. Not when you're exactly what he needs. He can't wait to get to work in the morning. And it's not just 'cause he's running the family company again. It's like he's been missing this part of himself for so long. He's finally back up to full speed again. He's lucky to have you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: That's so sweet. He's so lucky to have you, too.

Summer: Hi, Mom.

Phyllis: Hey! It's my favorite intern. I'm so glad we're working together.

Summer: Yeah. You can thank Kyle for that. He's the one that inspired me.

Jack: Hey, Summer. Is this your first official day?

Summer: Yes, and I hope to do a good job for you.

Jack: Well, if you're half as good as your mother, we will be thrilled. Let me see if I can find somebody to show you around.

Summer: How about Kyle? I mean, you know, just to get the Abbott perspective.

Kyle: You know, I actually have --

Jack: Actually, that's a great idea. I'll see you two later.

Summer: Great. This is gonna be so much fun. Come on.

[Door closes]

Jack: Wow. She's got it bad.

Phyllis: And he doesn't.

Jack: Well, you know how these things go. She'll find somebody her own age and she'll get over it like that.

Phyllis: I hope so. I don't want to see her get hurt. We should talk about this Hawaii trip.

Chloe: Other kids are still learning to tie a double-knot with their shoelaces, and Delia? Well, she can tell you every ballplayer's batting average, on-base percentage, and vorp.

Alex: Vorp? I don't even know what that is.

Chloe: Neither do I, but my daughter does, and that's the point.

Alex: [Chuckles] Kid after my own heart. I like that.

Chloe: You have kids of your own?

Alex: No, I'm too busy chasing bad guys. Being a cop is -- was my life.

Chloe: Well, can't you be a cop somewhere other than New York?

Alex: Actually, I applied to GCPD, but so far, all I've heard is a deafening silence.

Chloe: You miss it, huh?

Alex: Yeah. Solving crimes and, you know, helping those families and the victims -- giving something back -- nothing like it.

Chloe: A modern-day Robin Hood.

Alex: Except I don't wear the tights anymore. But, yeah, yeah, I like to think that, you know, I've helped out those folks that have been cheated by the system.

Dylan: Thank you. I got my discharge, and that was that.

Chelsea: What brought you to Genoa City?

Dylan: Sins of the past.

Chelsea: Ah. [Chuckles] Funny you should mention that.

Dylan: What? You too?

Chelsea: Yeah. But I've tried to start over.

Dylan: And how's that working out for you?

Chelsea: There were some good times for a while, but now everything's pretty much a mess.

Dylan: I hear that.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] Yeah. You want to talk about it?

Dylan: [Sighs] No, not really. So, where -- where did you call home before you came here?

Chelsea: Uh, everywhere and nowhere.

Dylan: I know that place.

Chelsea: Really?

Dylan: My family used to vacation there in the summers.

Chelsea: [Laughs] Ah.

Paul: Lauren, hi.

Lauren: Thank you for meeting me.

Paul: Well, I know you'd prefer to meet somewhere else, but, uh...

Lauren: You were working out. I completely understand. Thank you. I'm just appreciative that you made time for me today.

Paul: You moved back home. That's fantastic.

Lauren: It's a start.

Paul: Well, a lot people wouldn't even do that. I mean, I think it says a lot about your marriage that you would give Michael a second chance.

Lauren: Well, I love him very much. I just wish...

Paul: What?

Lauren: [Sighs] Michael...can't apologize enough, and he's trying so hard.

Paul: Maybe too hard?

Lauren: I know how sorry he is. But that doesn't fix it. It doesn't erase what happened.

Paul: Then that's what you have to tell him. As hard as it is, the best thing for you to do is to be honest with him. What? Would you like a drink?

Lauren: No. Why?

Paul: Well, you keep looking at the bartender.

Kyle: So, that is when my grandfather saw the need for high-end cosmetics, and he founded Jabot.

Summer: I love that he named his first fragrance "Dina" after your grandmother.

Kyle: Ah, you know your stuff. I'm impressed. Hey, uh, Ben? Come over here. I want to introduce you to somebody. Ben Wahlberg, Summer Newman. Ben here knows his stuff, too. Hey, would you do me a favor -- give a fellow intern the grand tour? I've got some work I got to catch up on.

Summer: But --

Kyle: I'll catch you later.

Ben: He must like you.

Summer: Why do you say that?

Ben: I've never seen Kyle talk to an intern, let alone give one a tour. I didn't even know he knew my name.

Phyllis: Kyle is all for this trip. I'm not sure that us going away together would be good for you.

Jack: Sitting on a beach with a gorgeous woman is not good for me? In what universe? Besides, this isn't all about me. It's partly about you. When was the last time somebody pampered you, made you feel special? That's what I thought. Look, we deserve this -- a long-weekend getaway, no pressure, no commitments. We can get separate rooms if you like.

Phyllis: Separate rooms?

Jack: We have a chance to do this right, take it as slow as we want to take it, but we can find out what or who we are together. Worth the risk?

Nikki: You were absolutely right, Abby. Your spiritual teacher was the perfect person to marry us.

Abby: Would you say that again?

Nikki: That the Hari was the right choice?

Abby: Mm, no. That I was right. [Chuckles]

Nikki: [Chuckles] Well, I have been saying that a lot more since you came back to town. And I have to thank you. You've been so kind to me since my diagnosis and helping Victor put all these weddings together.

Abby: Oh, no. We're having the best time. You have no idea how refreshing it is to see two people who are actually in love. I mean, what guy does these kind of swoony things for his fiancée?

[Both chuckle]

Nikki: Well, it's definitely the right kind of medicine for me. I'm feeling much better thanks to Victor. Much stronger. Oh, here he is.

Victor: Look what I found while bidding farewell to hairy Hari.

Dr. Costner: Victor told me about the wedding. Congratulations. I dig the beads.

Victor: You do? I'll be damned. Well, good for you. So, what's the good word?

Nikki: I'm so anxious to hear.

Dr. Costner: Well, I just heard from the lab. I've got your test results.

Nikki: Can I go home?

Abby: I will let you have your privacy. [Smooches]

Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart. So nice of you, okay?

Abby: Will you call me with an update?

Nikki: Absolutely.

Victor: You bet. All right. Okay.

Nikki: Well?

Dr. Costner: You can take a breath, Nikki. It's encouraging news. Your numbers have stabilized. That said, I want to take a proactive path and start you on the medication that we discussed. In addition, I want to recommend a holistic diet that's been very successful with many of my patients.

Nikki: Whatever you think is best.

Dr. Costner: I'll e-mail you the protocols just as soon as I sign the papers.

Nikki: You mean I'm released?

Dr. Costner: Oh, this place is just for sick people.

[All chuckle]

Nikki: Thank you, Doctor.

Dr. Costner: Oh. Peace.

Victor: Peace, my brother. Peace. [Chuckles] Come here.

Nikki: I'm going home.

Victor: Let's get out of here.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Home where you belong. Let me get your stuff.

Chelsea: So, you got some big decisions to make, huh?

Dylan: Like the great philosopher once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, you take it."

Chelsea: [Laughs] Which philosopher was that?

Dylan: That would be Yogi Berra from the Yankees. And I'm sure he got lost all the time. But seriously, I may, uh -- I may head back into the world and start getting my head together.

Chelsea: I thought about taking off, too.

Dylan: You looking for something, or are you running from something?

Chelsea: A little bit of both.

Michael: Ooh. Want some company?

Paul: Actually, I just had some. She was just here. Lauren.

Michael: Lauren was here?

Paul: Yeah.

Michael: She said she was going to the office.

Paul: Well, that's where she's headed. She wanted to come here first and tell me that she moved back home. I'm happy for you, Michael.

Michael: Yeah. Thank God, huh? I thought that, uh, I had blown it for good.

Paul: Well, the Lauren I know wouldn't walk away without giving it another shot.

Michael: And that's the Lauren I know, too.

Paul: What?

Michael: Maybe I was expecting too much -- that things would be exactly like they were before we split.

Paul: Well, she's trying to make peace. You just need to give her some room.

Michael: I-I-I give her room, and then she says she wants to talk it all out, and a second later, she closes up again. This back and forth is making me nuts. I can't get a handle on it. I can't get a handle on her. That's never happened before. It's like I look at her and I don't rec-- am I making too much of this?

Paul: [Chuckles] Maybe a little bit, huh?

Michael: [Laughs]

Paul: Give her some time.

Michael: Give her some time. Yeah, yeah, I know. You know me, though. I generally view time as the enemy. When I know what I want, I want it now. Oh, speaking of which, the mayor called me. That's why I tracked you down. He's wondering why you're taking so long to accept your appointment.

Paul: Well, the chief of police is a big responsibility.

Michael: And there's no one better to take it on than you.

Paul: [Sighs] That's what Chris said.

Michael: Yeah, well, you should listen to the new district attorney.

Paul: I'm pretty much seriously leaning in that direction.

Michael: Yeah, right, really? Why don't you just lean a little more and make the call? I will go get us an adult beverage to celebrate.

Paul: [Chuckles]

Lauren: Michael?

[Cell phone pings]

Nikki: It is so good to be home.

Victor: Isn't it? Would you like to go upstairs and rest for a while, my darling?

Nikki: The only way I'm getting into another bed right now is if you come with me. I mean, we got married today. We're allowed to have a honeymoon.

Victor: Well, shouldn't we, maybe, wait a little until you have all of your strength back?

Nikki: All of these ceremonies that you've arranged for me have given me all the strength I need.

Victor: I would marry you every day if it meant that you were getting better.

Nikki: Oh. Well, remind me of this moment when we have a fight, because we will have another fight.

Victor: Oh. We never have fights.

Nikki: And I will probably threaten to leave you again, but it's like the yogi said -- you and I have chosen to live eternity together, so let's just try to make it a less bumpy ride from now on.

Victor: I love that idea. I love you.

Nikki: I love you. And I can't wait for our big wedding to let everybody know how much.

Victor: How about tomorrow? Yeah.

Paul: Hey. We're gonna have to do drinks another time. The mayor wants to see me.

Michael: All right. Congratulations, Chief.

Paul: Time. You'll be fine.

Michael: All right. All right.

Paul: Hey. Alex Chavez, right?

Alex: Who wants to know?

Paul: The new chief of police. Paul Williams.

Alex: Oh, it's nice to meet you, Sir.

Paul: Your résumé was in a box of files sent for approval. You have a very impressive career.

Alex: Yeah, until that last little bit.

Paul: Well, you know what? That's the good thing about endings -- there's always a new beginning right after. Welcome to the GCPD, Detective.

Phyllis: If I were to go away with you -- if -- where in Hawaii would we stay?

Jack: I booked a villa in Waikiki. We could always go to Maui, though, if you'd like, or we could go in another direction. We could -- I don't know -- go to Istanbul.

Phyllis: Istanbul? I've always wanted to go there.

Jack: Really?

Phyllis: Yes.

Jack: Turkey? That's what appeals to you?

Phyllis: Yes. Well...almost as much as this.

Kyle: Oh! Whoops. I'm sorry.

Jack: No, no, no. That's -- no, no. It's all right. It's all right. We just celebrating. Phyllis and I are taking a trip to Istanbul.

Kyle: Oh, Istanbul, huh? Awesome idea.

[Knock on door]

Phyllis: Yeah, right?

Jack: Come in.

Phyllis: Hey. We're just finished.

Summer: I'm ready for my first assignment.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. That first assignment would be to go shopping with me.

Summer: Now? I'm supposed to be working.

Phyllis: Well, you will be working. I need a new wardrobe for my trip. Let's go.

Summer: What trip?

Phyllis: I'll tell you in the car. What do you know about fashion in Istanbul?

Jack: Okay, I know you're dying to say it. Spit it out. "I told you so."

Kyle: [Chuckling] No. I'd rather say, "I'm happy for you."

Jack: I'm happy, too. Thanks.

Dylan: Well, thank you for the ride. I'm usually more careful about how much I drink.

Chelsea: No, it's fine. I was happy to be of service.

Dylan: Well, you did a hell of a job. You made me feel better, and I didn't really even think that was possible today.

Chelsea: Well, we seem to have that effect on each other. Oh, sorry. [Laughs] Well -- well, if I don't see you, uh, before you go, good luck.

Dylan: Yeah.

Chelsea: I hope you find what you're looking for.

Michael: Paul will make a wonderful chief of police.

Lauren: Yeah. I think so, too. So, have you decided what your next move is? I mean, are you going back into private practice?

Michael: Oh, I wasn't thinking of doing that just yet. [Sighs] I could use a break from the law.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: I was thinking this would be a perfect time spend with you and Fenmore, but given how uncomfortable I've been making you lately --

Lauren: Yeah. I -- I-I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. This is harder than I -- I thought it was gonna be. And -- and if you're gonna be around the apartment constantly...

Michael: No, oh, hey. I'll find a way to make myself scarce. I can start working out at the club more, or, um, I don't know, hang out at the bar. Nothing bad ever happens to you when you're hanging out at a bar alone.

Lauren: Michael.

Michael: [Chuckles] Kidding. Kidding. I'll do whatever it takes to make this work.

Abby: Excuse me. We would like you to bring us a bottle of your very best champagne. Thank you. It's party time, and, um, you're not invited. Okay. We are all set.

Alex: I-I still can't believe that just happened.

Abby: I honestly -- I feel safer now that I know that you're on the force.

Alex: I'm feeling pretty good myself.

Abby: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone pings]

Abby: Oh, sorry. I, um... oh, um, it's my dad. He's getting married tomorrow. For real, this time. So it looks like I will need that plus one after all.

Alex: Mm.

Abby: Okay, technically we've had our first date.

Alex: Mm-hmm. I know, but I was hoping that our second would be in a bar or bowling alley.

Abby: Please tell me that you are not afraid of weddings.

Alex: No. Hey. I'm not afraid of anything. Except clowns. Don't ask. It's --

Abby: Well, you know, just prove that you're not afraid and come with me. But if I catch the bouquet --

Alex: Yeah. I promise I won't head for the hills.

Abby: [Chuckles] But -- that mean that we're on?

Alex: What time am I picking you up?

Victor: All right, then. We'll see you later. Okay. The children are thrilled.

Nikki: So am I.

Victor: I'll alert the staff and contact other guests.

Nikki: Okay. I'm gonna call Katherine.

Victor: Good, Baby. If you need anything, you let me know.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. [Gasps] Ow. Ow. Ow. [Sighing] Ow. No. Nothing is going to stop the wedding this time.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: I wish you would tell me what has you so preoccupied.

Nick: It's Wheeler. I think he and Dad are up to something.

Gus: Honey, I'm so sorry.

Leslie: Why did you kill Mom?

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