Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/6/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/6/13


Episode # 10110 ~ Michael tries to reconnect with Lauren; the Newman family celebrates Nikki and Victor's impending wedding.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Michael: [Sighs heavily] [Sniffs] Hi, Lauren. It's me...again. I know I said I'd give you some time, but we have Nikki and Victor's wedding tomorrow, and I'd really like to talk to you. So, um... do you think we could get together today?

[Carmine remembering]

Carmine: What happened last night -- strictly between us.

Abby: Hey, Jersey Boy. You mind turning off the pay-per-view channel in your head, coming back down to earth?

Carmine: Why? So you can grill me on who I'm seeing?

Abby: So you can do your job. I need a beer and a glass of pinot delivered to my table. Thank you.

Carmine: Double-fisting, I see, huh? That's one way to cure the pain of rejection.

Abby: You know another way? Call the police. They're really good at chasing away bad memories.

Dylan: Easy, easy, easy.

[Slurps, sighs]

Dylan: You okay?

Dylan’s dad: No. I'm lousy. I hate hospitals.

Dylan: Yeah. You're the only one, Pop. Everyone else loves them. [Sighs] How'd I raise such a wise-ass?

Dylan: I wonder. [Sighs]

Dylan’s dad: This is payback, isn't it? All those times I busted your chops, gave you a hard time. So you bring me up to Wisconsin to die.

Dylan: Don't -- don't say that. I brought you up here because I'm working a job I couldn't leave.

Dylan’s dad: Never leave a job, Dylan.

Dylan: I know, Pop. I know. That's what you said. You always said, "Never leave a job." That's why I brought you up here from Chicago -- that way I can visit you every day until you get out of here.

Dylan’s dad: Wish you'd stop with that.

Dylan: Wh-- what? You don't think I'm gonna come see you?

Dylan’s dad: I'm not getting out of here. We both know it.

Dylan: Come on. You fell off the roof, they said you'd never walk. You beat those odds.

Dylan’s dad: That was broken bones, Son. I'm dying.

Dylan: Stop. Don't say that.

[Piano playing]

Nikki: Ow. [Sighs] I wonder how much longer.

Victor: How much longer what?

Nikki: Before I can't play at all.

Victor: Sweetheart... ...that may not happen, all right? Um, Dr. Costner called.

Nikki: What did he say?

Victor: He is coming over.

Nikki: He's coming here? Now?

Victor: Don't be scared, Sweetheart. We'll face this together, okay?

Billy: Mmm.

Victoria: I told you to sleep in the guest room.

Billy: Yeah, is that the thanks I'm gonna get for being a good husband, hmm?

Victoria: Listen, my parents are getting married in less than 24 hours. You cannot be sick.

Billy: Tell that to my body.

Victoria: Okay, where is the recipe for the Abbott family cold remedy? Where is it?

Billy: No, no. No, Honey. I'm not gonna drink that. I'm gonna get more sick if I drink that.

Victoria: [Scoffs] You made me drink it, and look -- I'm better, okay? Now it's your turn.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. You know what? I think -- I think I'm just gonna suffer through it. I'll be all right in a day or two.

Victoria: Billy, no. I need you better now. I am not going to this wedding by myself. I'm not going without you.

Billy: Would it really be so terrible if I don't go to that wedding?

Victoria: Yes, it would, because Dad wants us all there.

Billy: [Groans] I don't want to go.

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: I don't want to go. I don't want to go.

Adam: We have wonderful amenities here, Ma'am. We have movies on-demand, cleaning staff, a cooking staff, and freshly brewed coffee every morning sometimes actually made by yours truly.

Sharon: Really? I doubt you even know where the kitchen is.

Adam: That is ridiculous. I know the floor it's on. It's here. I think it's around the corner.

Sharon: I thought that -- see, this is not the kind of full-service establishment that the brochures promised.

Adam: Oh, we service everyone's needs here.

Sharon: Mm. Well, I have a need that needs servicing.

Adam: What's that?

Sharon: My bags brought in.

Adam: Coming right up. We aim to please.

Sharon: I'll come with you.

Adam: Good, 'cause I want you carrying the heavy bags.

Sharon: [Laughs]

Dr. Costner: Let's start with the good news. You're -- you're in the early stages of M.S.

Nikki: What does that mean, exactly?

Dr. Costner: Nerve damage is minimal at this point. Our goal is to keep it that way as long as possible. Hopefully you can live a long and productive life.

Nikki: "Hopefully"?

Dr. Costner: Multiple sclerosis doesn't have a cure, Nikki. But early detection is critical for slowing its progress.

Victor: And how do we do that?

Dr. Costner: Keep a very close eye on her symptoms. Observe your relapses and remissions. Once a pattern's been established, we'll decide on a course of treatment.

Victor: Does she have to start with medication now or...

Dr. Costner: I'd rather wait to see if Nikki goes into remission on her own. If she does, we won't have to prescribe anything. I-I really don't want to put you through that if we don't have to.

Nikki: Well, is there anything I should be doing right now?

Dr. Costner: Avoid stress, see me regularly, and -- this is crucial -- stay in tune with your body. If anything -- I mean anything -- changes, you call me right away.

Nikki: I will.

Dr. Costner: Good. Any other questions?

Nikki: One thing. Victor and I are planning on getting on married tomorrow.

Dr. Costner: Congratulations.

Nikki: Thank you. Um...I just wondered that that's okay.

Dr. Costner: Getting married? Well, it's not for me, but if -- if you think you can handle the stress. Can you do that?

Nikki: Of course.

Dr. Costner: Good. Well, then, best of luck and congratulations to you both.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: Thank you, Doctor, and thank you for coming by. Appreciate it.

Nikki: Well...

Victor: Now we're gonna get married, my baby.

Nikki: Yes.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: We are.

Dylan’s dad: I just don't think you're being realistic about this.

Dylan: Dad, there's good doctors here. I looked into it.

Dylan’s dad: They gave me every antibiotic ever invented back in Chicago, and this guy can help?

Dylan: You got to believe in something, don't you, Pop? You got to have faith.

Dylan’s dad: That's why you're in this town -- because you have faith. You believe she's gonna come around.

Dylan: I don't know. But that is why I came here, and I know that you don't approve.

Dylan’s dad: No. It's not her. She was lovely. But she was married, Son.

Dylan: To the wrong person, Dad. He wasn't right for her.

Dylan’s dad: What about this new guy? Is he right for her?

Dylan: I don't know.

Dylan’s dad: You're so much like your mother sometimes. You think all you have to do is... believe to change things.

Dylan: There's nothing wrong with...being allowed to hope, right?

Dylan’s dad: Maybe. But your life's about to change, Dylan. You're going to have some hard decisions to make.

Dylan: [Sighs

Adam: Can I get you something, Nicholas? Maybe some coffee?

Nick: I won't be staying.

Adam: Darn.

Sharon: Why are you here?

Nick: Faith told me that you were moving someplace where we couldn't come and see you. It wasn't too hard to figure out where that was.

Adam: And the master detective wins a gold star. Is there anything else we can do for you?

Nick: You didn't mention this when you were at my house earlier -- that you'd be moving here.

Sharon: Because I didn't want to get into an argument with you, and I still don't.

Nick: You were right about Faith not being able to come here.

Sharon: Okay. I'll come see her at your place. Is there something else you came here to say?

Nick: Yes, there is. I'd like to talk to Sharon alone.

Sharon: No. No, this is Adam's house. Anything you have to say, you have to say it in front of him, too.

Victoria: All right, my brave, little patient.

Billy: [Groans]

Victoria: One miracle cure coming up.

Billy: What doesn't cure you is gonna kill you.

Victoria: You know that's not the saying.

Billy: It's still -- it's true. It's still true.

Victoria: Would you stop being such a baby?

Billy: I admit it. I'm a baby. I'm a big, big baby. I'm a bigger baby than Johnny. But I don't want to go. Will you leave me alone? Wah, wah, wah, wah!

Victoria: You're crazy, okay? We're running out of time. You have to be better for the rehearsal dinner tonight.

Billy: Do you really want me to get your mom sick before her wedding?

Victoria: No! So drink this.

Billy: You know what? It's my completely unbiased opinion that it's better for everyone involved if you go to the dinner and the wedding without me.

Victoria: I have to be there for my mom, okay? She needs me to be strong for her. So I need you to be there for me.

Billy: That is low. Playing on the sympathies of a deathly ill man -- that's low.

Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah. I know. So drink.

Billy: I hate you.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Victor: Well, I thought that was good news.

Nikki: Yeah, it was.

Victor: Well, then why don't you look happier, Sweetheart?

Nikki: [Sighs] It's just stupid. There's this...unrealistic part of me that was hoping the doctor would say, "Nikki, it's all a mistake. You don't have M.S."

Victor: [Sighs] I'd give everything to make that happen, I assure you.

Nikki: And it just makes me...want to throw something or scream or... [Voice breaking] I don't know. An addiction, I-I-I could fight. This, I-I have no control over. This disease is going to take over my body, and there is nothing I can do about it -- nothing.

Victor: You're gonna fight it.

Nikki: How?

Victor: With medication. With alterative treatment. With diet. With exercise. We are not gonna give up.

Nikki: It's only a matter of time before --

Victor: Sweetheart, don't talk about the future. Don't do that now.

Nikki: Victor, even you can't change that.

Victor: Well, I understand that, and realizing that makes me appreciate every moment we have. I'm not gonna waste one moment.

Nikki: Well, neither am I.

Victor: Well, good, then. Then stop worrying right now, okay?

Nikki: Okay. Thank you.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Why are you doing this? Why are you here?

Adam: I guess you missed the part about a tree falling through her house.

Nick: Isn't Dylan working on that?

Sharon: He had to go out of town. I don't know how long it's gonna be until I get my kitchen back.

Nick: You could have moved into the club.

Sharon: I could have if I wanted to.

Nick: This is a bad idea.

Sharon: What I do is none of your business.

Adam: You know, Sharon, you should have that tattooed on your forehead. He'd understand it a little better.

Nick: I know your doctor would agree with me.

Adam: Who found that doctor for her?

Nick: You've been doing so well. You're going to your therapy. You're staying on your meds.

Adam: And who's responsible for all that? Oh, that's right. Me.

Nick: Why do you want to take this giant step backwards?

Adam: You know, it's really touching, Nicholas, this concern you're showing for Sharon. But I have just one question. Where were you when your entire family turned against her?

Abby: So, you ever gonna tell me why you decided to become a cop, or are you sticking with the "My dad was a cop" story?

Alex: No, not just my dad. Grandpa, uncles, Tía Blanca. All blue. Runs in the blood.

Abby: Everyone except your sister, the one who held you at gunpoint.

Alex: Yeah. Adriana. She's not a bad girl. She's just...

Abby: I feel like people used to describe me in the exact same way. "She's not the worst person in the world. She's just..."

Alex: You care to share?

Abby: [Sighs] Well, um... I once rode my horse in here. Naked. [Clears throat]

Alex: That was you? Yeah, I read that story. Very nice.

Abby: Yeah. Yeah, it was, uh... those were crazy times. And I, um... I had a lot of fun. [Laughs] But, you know, people don't take you very seriously without your clothes on, so...

Alex: I'm not sure about that. You care to put it to the test?

Abby: I am not gonna fall for that trick, okay?

Alex: I tried.

Abby: Public nudity was not working for me, so I gave it up. Now I'm focusing on proving to my Uncle Jack that I can be a serious businesswoman.

Alex: That's your focus? Not the bartender over there you can't take your eyes off.

Lauren: Hi.

Michael: Oh. Hi. Thanks for meeting me.

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: Can I get you something? A coffee? Tea?

Lauren: No. No, no. I'm good.

Michael: Uh [Chuckles] Let's sit.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: You look good.

Lauren: Thank you. Uh, Fen said that the two of you talked.

Michael: First step. Went well.

Lauren: I'm really glad.

Michael: It's why I wanted to see you. I was hoping since Fenmore and I have agreed to put the past behind us that, uh... you and I could, too.

Lauren: Michael...

Michael: I miss you. I want you back home -- back in our bed.

Lauren: I need more time.

Michael: I understand I hurt you, and I hate myself for it.

Lauren: Don't say that.

Michael: No, it's true. Look, I would do anything I could to change the way I handled things, but I can't. All we can do is move forward.

Lauren: And I want that, too. It's just...

Michael: You said I had to work things out with Fenmore, and I've done that. I-I've actually gone a step beyond that.

Lauren: What do you mean?

Michael: I resigned as district attorney.

Lauren: What?

Michael: My job was coming between us. Nothing is worth that.

Abby: You think I'm interested in him?

Alex: I may be unemployed, but you can't turn off being a detective.

Abby: Well, your cop radar is way off.

Alex: Never. I could tell the last time we were here that you were...

Abby: His name is Carmine, and I am not into him at all.

Alex: Oh, give me a break. Come on. You can't stop looking at the Italian stallion. You're using me to make him jealous.

Abby: [Sighs] Okay. I was.

Alex: Yeah. Exactly.

Abby: But actually, I'm not anymore.

Alex: Oh, no?

Abby: I like you. You're nice.

Alex: Mm. Nice.

Abby: You're kind of rocking this ruggedly handsome thing, even though, honestly, you have the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a man. And you're funny for a cop.

Alex: For a cop? Wow. Take it easy. Might go to my head with the compliments.

Abby: So, tell me.

Alex: Yeah?

Abby: Why does a guy from the city that never sleeps want to live in a town that's in bed by 9:00?

Alex: Well, why do you stay?

Abby: I'm from here. My family's here, and I finally realize that that's important to me. More important than anything.

Alex: That's how I feel about being a cop. Can't do it in New York. Yeah, G.C.'s a little bit mellow, but it does have its advantages.

Nick: He's gonna hurt you. He always does.

Adam: Then you can come and pick up all the pieces, Nicholas. That's your specialty.

Nick: You think I want Sharon to fall apart?

Adam: Yes, actually, I do think that that's what you want because you get off on it, being the knight in shining armor.

Nick: You son of a --

Sharon: Okay, wait. Stop it, both of you! Nick, I don't need you to rescue me. And, Adam, I can speak for myself, thank you. Adam's right. You know, you've been playing the role of the hero ever since the day we met, and I don't need you to do that for me anymore. Adam taught me how to be strong, and I can take care of myself. You know, he stood up when everyone else had turned their back on me. He took me in. He gave me a place to stay, a place to heal when I needed it. He found Dr. Watkins. And he didn't make me see her. He didn't lock me up. He just pointed me in the right direction, and he let me do all the work, and I did. It's because of Adam that I can stand here today and tell you this is where I'm staying.

Nick: All right. Well, I got to get to my mom and dad's rehearsal dinner. I hope you know what you're doing.

[Door closes]

Sharon: I'm sorry about the wedding.

Adam: Well, I'm sure they'll invite me to the next one.

Nikki: [Gasps] Oh, my God. Victor. [Gasps] Oh, you shouldn't have.

Victor: Why not?

Nikki: My goodness. Our future is so uncertain right now.

Victor: But, my sweet love, my love for you is not.

Nikki: Mm.

Victor: Let me put it on.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: One second. You turn around. Let me put on my glasses.

Nikki: Yes, Sir.

Victor: This may take a while. There we go. Help me a little bit. Thank you. There we go.

Nikki: It is absolutely stunning.

Victor: Do you know that the word "Diamond" is Greek and it means -- there. Look at that -- it means indestructible, unbreakable?

Nikki: Congratulations. No, I did not know that.

Victor: Yeah. Isn't that something? Such beauty and strength. Something so beautiful.

Nikki: I love you.

Victor: Something so delicate and indestructible. You mean everything to me.

Nikki: I love you so much.

Abby: Oh, my gosh. I didn't realize how late it was.

Alex: Is that code for "mission accomplished"?

Abby: No. I have to be somewhere. I wish I didn't, but I do.

Alex: So, what trumps having drinks with a nice, funny, long-eyelashed guy like me?

Abby: [Chuckles] My father's rehearsal dinner. He's getting married tomorrow. You know, I have a really great idea.

Alex: Does it involve a horse and nudity?

Abby: No. Um, free liquor and plenty of awkward conversations.

Alex: Okay. That's equally entertaining. What are you talking about?

Abby: Come to the wedding with me.

Alex: [Laughs] No. No. First -- no. No, no, no, no, no, no. First date on a -- no. I mean, maybe we can play pinball and have some cervezas at Jimmy's sometimes, but --

Abby: Sure, that sounds perfect. I'd be in for that.

Alex: Really?

Abby: You sound so surprised.

Alex: Didn't think you'd say yes. I mean, I thought that you were using me to -- 'cause you're blowing off steam, you know.

Abby: [Scoffs] No. That's what guys like Carmine are for.

Lauren: I can't believe you quit your job.

Michael: I'd do anything for you and Fenmore. So, uh... will you come home now?

Lauren: I-I can't. Not yet.

Michael: Why? What's stopping you?

Lauren: There are some things I-I need to work through.

Michael: What things?

Lauren: I'm still trying to figure out how the man I married could put his career ahead of his son.

Michael: I said I was sorry. I made up with Fenmore. I quit my job. What more do you want from me? Do you want me to beg? I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna apologize for trying to protect my child.

Lauren: By having him arrested? By making him spend the night in a jail?

Michael: Listen to me. Fenmore's bullying almost pushed another boy to committing suicide, and he has taken responsibility for that, and he's starting to let go of the anger towards me. Why can't you do the same? Why?

Lauren: Because you tore our family apart, Michael.

Michael: And what are you doing by refusing to forgive me? What happened to "For better, for worse"? You remember that one, right? It's our vows.

Lauren: Of course, I remember that!

Michael: Well, I thought they meant something to you!

Lauren: How dare you say that to me? You're the one who turned your back on Fen and me! Don't you make me out to be the bad guy.

Michael: That's not what I was saying, truly.

Lauren: Oh, the hell it isn't.

Michael: It wasn't.

Lauren: I am not going to let you blame me for everything.

Victoria: Oh, Mom, that is gorgeous.

Abby: Dad really knows how to treat the woman in his life.

Billy: It's just the rest of us that he has problems with, right?

Nikki: Actually, I think he just was trying to cheer me up after I met with my doctor today.

Victoria: Why? Did you get bad news about your condition?

Victor: No, no, no. On the contrary. Dr. Costner is very optimistic about your mother's prognosis.

Nikki: I-I think it's just now hitting me, the fact that I have M.S.

Abby: I haven't had a chance to talk to you since Dad told me about your diagnosis. If you need anything...

Nikki: Oh, thank you, Sweetheart. I appreciate all of your support so much, truly. I don't know how I would get through this without you.

Billy: Well, none of us are going anywhere. Sorry, Victor.

Victor: That's all right, Billy boy. I think it's time for a toast.

Nick: Yeah. Billy, if you're gonna be in this family, might as well make yourself useful.

Billy: Pouring booze -- my specialty. Let's go.

Victor: And once we have done that, we shall adjourn to the dining room and have dinner.

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: Are you expecting someone else?

Victor: No.

Adam: Sorry I'm late.

Adam: Hello, everyone.

Victor: What are you doing here, Son?

Nick: That would be my fault. I let it slip that I was coming to the rehearsal dinner tonight. If you're here to ruin this evening --

Adam: Down, Boy. I came to drop off a wedding present.

Abby: Make sure it's not ticking.

Adam: I went with a non-lethal gift.

Victor: The only thing I want from you is my company back, okay?

Adam: Guess you never change, do you, Pops? Here you are in your newly rebuilt house surrounded by the children that you love about to marry the only woman you ever really did want as a wife, and it's not enough, is it?

Victor: Get out, Son.

Adam: It'll never be enough, because as long as you don't have Newman Enterprises, all the rest of this won't quite fill you up, will it?

Victor: Get out, Punk.

Nick: All right, that's it.

Nikki: Stop this.

Adam: Nikki, I'm sorry to have ruined your evening.

Nikki: Just leave now.

Adam: Oh, Nikki. Good luck with my father. You're gonna need it.

Victor: Son, get out.

[Door closes]

Dylan’s dad: You're gonna have to make some decisions about the house and the...business. Some arrangements are laid out in the will.

Dylan: Okay, you know what, Dad? We're gonna have this conversation when you get out of here, okay?

Dylan’s dad: I'm not afraid to die, Son. I've had a good life. Married your mother. Had some great friends. Plenty of hunting and fishing. What more could a man want?

Dylan: We could see the Cubs take it all.

Dylan’s dad: [Chuckles] Hell, I could live to be 1,000 and never see that.

Dylan: This could be their year, Dad. Opening day is a few weeks away. You and me, Wrigley Field, couple beers, couple dogs. I'll even buy you one of those big foam fingers. [Laughs] [Coughing]

Dylan: Hey, Dad. Dad, take it easy. [Sighs]

Dylan: All this talk's doing you no good. Get some rest. [Sighs] I know that you may think... you don't have faith... like mom and me. But you’re believing that I would come back, that's what kept me alive over there.

Dylan’s dad: No. You came back because you were smart enough and strong enough to survive.

Dylan: I was lucky enough.

Dylan’s dad: All I know...is I was so happy...when I heard your voice, know you were alive. Maybe I never said this. But I am so damn proud of you, Dylan. So damn proud.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. Now just get some rest. [Sighs]

[Footsteps approach]

Carmine: Lauren! Hey.

Lauren: Oh, just go away.

Carmine: What's wrong? What happened?

Lauren: It's none of your business.

Carmine: I don't like seeing you like this. Just let me help.

Lauren: [Voice breaking] You're the last person that should be helping me. [Sniffles]

Carmine: You're wrong. Hey.

Lauren: Carmine, I-I can't. [Gasps]

Carmine: I know. I know.

Lauren: Just -- just -- just stop.

Carmine: I'm gonna get this off.

Dylan: Dad, look what I found in the, uh, the gift shop. [Sighs] Hey, Charlie, it's -- its Dylan. I want to talk to you about my dad's company. I want to look into selling it.

Sharon: [Clears throat] So, you went to see Victor?

Adam: Dropped off a wedding present.

Sharon: And?

Adam: [Sighs] I don't think I'll be getting a "Thank you" note.

Sharon: Did it help -- seeing him?

Adam: Yeah. Sure.

Abby: I understand what urgent means. I'll be there as soon as I can. I am so sorry. I have to go. I'm needed at Jabot.

Victor: Sweetheart, is that Jack Abbott trying to interrupt our celebration?

Abby: It wasn't Uncle Jack. It was my mistake. I have to go fix it.

Nikki: Oh, are you sure you can't stay just a little while longer?

Abby: If this was the old me, I'd be like, "Yeah, pour me another until the sun comes up." But the new me is responsible. How about that? I love you both. And I will see you tomorrow.

Victor: Goodbye, Sweetheart.

Abby: It's gonna be a great day.

Victor: Sorry to see you go. Okay. Time for a toast.

Nick: Yes.

Victor: You know, we've been here before. More than once, haven't we, sweetheart?

Nikki: Yes.

Victor: And yet, this time, it just seems different. I didn't think it was possible that my love for you has gotten stronger. But it has. Without you in my life, it wouldn't feel good. Took me a long time to realize that. I'll never forget it again. So, let's raise our glasses. To you, my sweet love. You okay?

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Okay. To my bride. To my love.

All: Hear, hear.

Billy: Hear, hear.

[Glasses clink]

Victor: What's the matter, Darling?

Nick: Mom?

[All gasp]

Victoria: Mom! Mom! Are you okay? Mom. Mom, what's wrong?

Nick: Dad?

Victoria: What's wrong?

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