Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/5/13
Episode # 10109 ~ Dylan has a talk with Sharon; Phyllis inquires about Kyle's intentions with Summer.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Neil: And heading into the launch of our very first Jabot clothing line, Gentlemen, we are right on target.
Jack: Great work, Neil.
Neil: Thank you, Jack. You built a great team, my friend.
Jack: Guided by your vision, this expansion is gonna take this company to a whole new level.
Kyle: Sure ain't the same old Jabot anymore.
Neil: That's right. At least we're keeping the family ties -- your kids and mine.
Jack: Bold new products, great new profits, proving all our naysayers wrong.
Kyle: [Laughs]
Jack: Is my enthusiasm embarrassing you, Son?
Kyle: You -- back in the game, excited. It's good to see, but, yes, a little bit embarrassing.
Jack: [Chuckles]
Neil: I will pass on your bravos to the rest of my team.
Jack: Oh, speaking of that. I know you're happy with your staff, but could you maybe add one more person?
Summer: Hi, Mom.
Phyllis: Hey! To what do I owe this surprise visit?
Summer: Just walking by at the right time.
Phyllis: Oh, so, you're not here to see me?
Summer: Jack. I came to follow up with him about my internship.
Phyllis: I heard about that, Ms. Taking Initiative.
Summer: Just like mom.
Phyllis: Yeah. So, you're really that interested in business?
Summer: Yeah, I mean, are you kidding me? I've spent, like, every birthday and holiday dinner listening to my family talk all about business all the time.
Phyllis: Mm. At Jabot?
Summer: Yeah. I felt like it was the perfect option for me to learn the ropes, since Dad would never let me work for Adam at Newman.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Summer: And you're here.
Phyllis: And Kyle's here.
Leslie: I told Neil.
Tyler: Everything?
Leslie: Everything. Our changing our names, our father going to prison.
Tyler: And that he was in for killing Mom?
Leslie: [Sighs]
Tyler: Did he get weirded out?
Leslie: No. He was wonderful, completely supportive.
Tyler: What did I tell you? You had nothing to worry about.
Leslie: No, not with Neil, but, um... when Avery was on her way to Milwaukee to talk to, um...
Tyler: Dad?
Leslie: Yeah, I really -- I hate calling him that. But when she was driving there to meet with him about getting his conviction overturned, she realized her brakes had been tampered with.
Tyler: By who?
Leslie: I don't know. But Avery could have been killed.
Nick: You sure you're okay? So, there's no incidents? You don't sense anything suspicious? No, Avery, I am not calling off the security guard. Your life was threatened. No, he's not leaving your side. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Look, if I can't be there with you, I'm gonna make damn sure that you're safe.
Sarge: Mason!
Mason: Hey, Unc. What's going on? You loading up on caffeine before torturing your latest victim?
Sarge: It's called "Physical therapy," joker.
Mason: [Chuckles]
Sarge: So, are they keeping you busy over there at Newman?
Mason: I don't work there anymore.
Sarge: What happened?
Mason: [Sighs] It was a dead-end job. No upward mobility, so I had to quit.
Sarge: You quit a great job at a major corporation? After I called in a huge favor from Jack Abbott to get you in there?
Mason: I appreciate all that, Uncle, but, listen.
Sarge: Wait. Something tells me you didn't quit, did you? You were fired.
Esther: Mrs. C., you haven't even touched your tea.
Kay: Oh, I need to finish this, Esther.
Esther: I have to pick up Delia from school later. You want me to stop and get a present for you while I'm out?
Kay: Why would you get a present?
Esther: So...you've taken care of it?
Kay: Taken care of what?
Adriana: I finished the filing, Mrs. C. So, if you're ready to talk about a wedding gift for Mr. and Mrs. Newman...
Esther: Oh, good. You've got it covered. I was afraid you'd forgot.
Kay: Well, of course I didn't.
Sharon: Oh, hey.
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: You working inside today?
Dylan: I was just making sure the tarp was secure. How is the ankle?
Sharon: Oh, uh, it's fine. See? No limp.
Dylan: That's good.
Sharon: Yeah. So, you know, you didn't have to come to work today.
Dylan: Why?
Sharon: After hiking around outside looking for my daughter...
Dylan: Come on. That was just a walk in the woods. How is she?
Sharon: Nick called and he said that she slept okay.
Dylan: Yeah, she probably won't even remember. I mean, isn't it crazy how kids can do that? They just move on to the next thing? Wouldn't that be nice?
Sharon: Yeah. There's a lot of things in my life I wish I could forget. Like last night, tossing and turning, worrying about my daughter being outside, scared and freezing.
Dylan: What's important is that she's home and she's safe.
Sharon: How am I ever gonna repay you for bringing her back to me and making sure she was safe?
Neil: I assume you're talking about Mason. I did get the résumé that you passed on.
Jack: Actually, I --
Neil: I'm sorry, Jack. I really don't have the budget for an assistant right now.
Jack: Which is why I thought an intern might be a better fit.
Neil: Are you telling me that he's willing to work for free?
Jack: Summer Newman has expressed some interest.
Kyle: That is a great idea.
Jack: Kyle and Summer are friends.
Neil: If she'd be working for me --
Kyle: Which is why it's a brilliant idea.
Neil: Because you two wouldn't be working together?
Kyle: Because Summer is so smart. She's got a really good eye.
Neil: How old is she?
Kyle: She's 18. She's a senior in high school.
Neil: Yeah? Got her sights on college?
Kyle: Absolutely, and she would be a great resource to help Chloe and Chelsea tap into that demographic. Summer knows what girls her age want, like, and buy.
Summer: If you're gonna start on me with the same annoying warnings that Dad's been giving me --
Phyllis: Wait a second. Are you really seeing that much of Kyle?
Summer: We're just friends.
Phyllis: Okay, you're old enough to make your own choices.
Summer: You mean that?
Phyllis: I can't believe I'm admitting this to you, but you're a lot wiser than I was at your age. In fact, you're a lot wiser than I was at 30.
Summer: Really? Even after all the dumb stuff I've done?
Phyllis: Yeah. Really. You learn from your mistakes. You took responsibility for your mistakes. I'm still learning taking responsibility.
Summer: Why do I feel like there's a "But" coming?
Phyllis: Yeah, there is. I just want to give you a piece of advice.
Summer: "Always listen to your mother"?
Phyllis: Definitely that. Just live your life. Don't let anybody change who you are.
Kyle: Summer! Hey, I was just talking about you.
Phyllis: Were you?
Kyle: Yes. I was singing your praises to Jack and Neil.
Summer: Yeah, right.
Kyle: I was. I was saying what a great asset you'd be as an intern, and it's a done deal.
Summer: I know! I mean, how exciting is it that we're gonna work together?
Neil: Working together here? No, no, no. You won't be working here. You'll be working with me in the other building. It's the fashion division.
Mason: You getting me in the door at Newman was huge. Honestly, I can't thank you enough.
Sarge: So, what went wrong?
Mason: Missed opportunity.
Sarge: What?
Mason: The power shifted when Jack left, and I didn't take full advantage.
Sarge: Mason, speak English.
Mason: Adam fired me because he thought I was doing favors for Victor Newman.
Sarge: What sort of favors?
Mason: Sabotage.
Sarge: Victor Newman tried to get you to go after Sharon and Adam, his own son?
Mason: And there lies the irony. Adam fired me for things I never did.
Sarge: Illegal or unethical things?
Mason: Both.
Sarge: Well, I got to say that I am proud of you for sticking to your principles. There will always be jobs, and you will always want to be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
Mason: I doubt Victor Newman has trouble gazing on his billionaire reflection in the mirror.
Sarge: Victor Newman has no conscience.
Mason: I wish I didn't. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't hesitate to do whatever Victor Newman asked me to do.
Tyler: But who could have cut her brake lines?
Leslie: One of our father's low-life associates trying to send him a message by taking out his attorney.
Tyler: Tell me Avery dropped the case.
Leslie: No. Not at all. She is more determined than ever.
Tyler: That's not gonna sit well with the guys that Dad turned state's evidence against.
Leslie: [Sighs]
Tyler: Wonder who they're gonna come after next.
Leslie: Maybe us.
Tyler: No. Nobody knows we're Gus Rogan's kids.
Leslie: Not yet. This is why it's just too dangerous to testify and expose ourselves. Let me tell you, if Neil thinks my life is in danger, he is gonna try to protect me. And I can't have him getting hurt because our pasts have come back to haunt us.
Nick: Congressman, you got a minute?
Wheeler: Yeah, what can I do for you, Nick?
Nick: Why are you so interested in Avery Clark's murder case?
Wheeler: I testified against Avery's client during his first trial.
Nick: And you helped get him convicted?
Wheeler: I'd like to make sure that I didn't send an innocent man to prison.
Nick: Do you know why anyone would have reason to want Avery dead?
Tyler: You know, you promised that our dad would never be able to harm us again.
Leslie: Yeah, and he won't.
Tyler: Yeah, but you're saying that his friends might. The guy's like a cancer.
Leslie: Yeah, all we can do is just wait this out.
Tyler: I wish Avery would have just taken the hint and backed off. Why is she so willing to risk her life over this?
Leslie: 'Cause she believes in what she's doing with the Innocence Foundation.
Tyler: Innocence? He killed our mom.
Leslie: We know that. But Avery believes our father was falsely convicted.
Tyler: How could she? He's a criminal who hung out with other cons ruthless enough to send Avery's car off a cliff.
Leslie: Yeah, she's just looking at the evidence.
Tyler: Evidence? Forget evidence...and law. How about justice? Is justice really gonna be served if our dad is turned loose?
Leslie: No, it's not, but the congressman, Neil, Avery -- it's too many people asking questions about this case. We've got to keep this hidden.
Dylan: Uh, well, you hired me, so...we're even.
Sharon: Oh, not even close. First I tried to run you off the road.
Dylan: Well, first you christened me with coffee, and then you ran me off the road.
Sharon: Right. That's true. And then you saved my daughter.
Dylan: Which anybody would have done.
Sharon: Anybody who was kind and brave.
Dylan: Leaving now.
Sharon: Okay, wait, can I just say thank you?
Dylan: You're welcome.
Sharon: And Faith thanks you, too. She told me that you kept reassuring her and that she felt strong with you.
Dylan: Good. I was shaking in my boots.
Sharon: Will you stop making this like it's no big deal? You know, it's a really great skill to be good with kids. You have nieces and nephews?
Dylan: No. I never really had much experience with kids until I went to Afghanistan.
Sharon: Is that something you can talk about?
Dylan: Yeah, when my -- when my unit would go out on patrol, we'd give candy to the kids. You know, we'd kick the soccer ball around with them. You know, just stuff like that.
Sharon: Just to be nice?
Dylan: Just to...show them that we were there to help. You know? It was kind of a way to change the perception of the troops. Hearts and minds.
Sharon: What? What are you remembering?
Dylan: I got injured when my convoy hit a patch of IEDs and we fell under attack. And a local family took me in. And they really helped me. But they had a daughter not much older than Faith. Her name was Ara. And Ara would -- she'd read me stories and she'd act them out with her dolls, and she was just very funny. And she kept my -- my spirits high during that time.
Sharon: What happened to her?
Dylan: I don't know.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: It's Marlene. [Sighs] Marlene, what's up? All right, all right. I'll be right there.
Sharon: What is it?
Dylan: It's my dad. He's taken a turn for the worse.
Sharon: You have to go back to Chicago?
Dylan: Yeah, but I can't leave your place like this. I don't know when I'm gonna be back.
Sharon: Dylan, you have to be with your dad. You've got to see him.
Wheeler: Has Avery been threatened?
Nick: Yes, she was on her way up to Milwaukee to work on the case and her brakes were tampered with.
Wheeler: Is she all right?
Nick: She's fine. She insisted on going through with the trial anyway.
Wheeler: Well, I understand why you're upset, but why do you think it's this case?
Nick: Process of elimination. Everything seems to fit.
Wheeler: I see. Have you notified the police?
Nick: Yeah, they're on it. I also have a private security team following her just to make sure she's safe.
Wheeler: Good. That's wise. I recently lost my daughter. I wish I'd done more to ensure her safety.
Nick: I'm sorry. Do you remember anyone from the original trial who would go to such lengths to get Avery off this case?
Wheeler: If Avery's in danger, it's probably because her client turned state's evidence in an effort to reduce his sentence.
Nick: How about the guys he ran around with?
Wheeler: Gus Rogan sent a lot of his former business associates to prison. It's my guess they'd like to assure that Avery doesn't get him freed from prison.
Neil: So, Kyle told us what a great asset you are.
Phyllis: You love fashion.
Jack: You get to see the business world and be part of the creative process at the same time.
Summer: Yeah, it's definitely a dream job. I was just kind of hoping to intern for you, though, Jack.
Phyllis: Oh, listen, this is a wonderful opportunity.
Kyle: You'd be in on creating a new clothing line.
Summer: Which sounds amazing. [Sighs]
Neil: But you're not interested.
Summer: It's just that my granddad always told me that the secret to business or in life is knowing what you want, putting it out there, and going for it.
Kyle: Not sure that invoking the advice of Victor Newman is gonna fly around here.
Summer: Yeah, well, it's basically the same advice that you gave me this morning.
Jack: Let her finish.
Summer: Look, I wanted this internship to help me decide if I wanted to follow the whole business career route, and what better way to experience that than to observe the man in charge, right? And, plus, you have a Newman working for you.
Jack: I'm sold. Clearly this girl knows what she wants.
Phyllis: Clearly. Have you seen any of the research on the Argan Oil?
Kyle: No. Is it in yet?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. You should see these numbers. They're pretty spectacular.
Kyle: Oh, wow!
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Can you believe the moxie my little Summer has, coming in here and dictating to Neil and Jack where she wants to intern?
Kyle: Yeah, I wonder where she gets that from.
Phyllis: Oh, God, please don't let her be like me.
Kyle: Oh, she would be lucky to be like you.
Phyllis: You know, my daughter is old enough to make her own decisions, but I can't help but want to butt in if I think she's making a mistake.
Kyle: Hey, if you're worried about me and Summer, I made it really clear to her that I'm a friend -- nothing more.
Jack: This itinerary will give you an idea of my typical schedule.
Summer: Okay. Oh, is this the organizational chart?
Jack: That outlines the Jabot hierarchy.
Summer: Okay. Oh, and there's Abby and there's Kyle. It must be nice having your actual family back at the family business.
Jack: That's been my dream all along. Listen, I want to talk to you about something.
Summer: Okay, yeah. Do you want me to take notes or something?
Jack: No, no, no. Not about this. I want you to know I like you for who you are.
Summer: Thanks.
Jack: My taking you on has nothing to do with Victor -- sticking it to him or teaching him a lesson for having hired my son.
Summer: Yeah, no, I never even thought of it that way. But, yeah, no, really, you must be really happy about having Kyle back home, that way you guys get to hang out and... what do you guys like to do?
Jack: Well, before my injury, we played a lot of tennis. Kyle got me into racquetball.
Summer: And while your back's getting better?
Jack: Well, it's a whole lot less physical now. Kyle plays a mean game of chess. Listen, I got to get going. Could you do me a favor and see that Phyllis gets these mockups?
Summer: Yeah. Sure. Absolutely.
Kyle: I promise.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, it's good that you keep it that way, professionally.
Kyle: I keep it that way every day.
Phyllis: Oh, of course. No, of course you do.
Sarge: You want to be like Victor Newman? Stoop to his reprehensible business tactics?
Mason: You got to admit it's paid off for the guy.
Sarge: You've already proven that you're better than that.
Mason: All I proved is that I wasn't ready to hang with the big boys.
Sarge: [Sighs]
Mason: Now I am.
Sarge: Why would you want to be like that?
Mason: It's the way the real world works. It's the only way to avoid a rut like the --
Sarge: Like the one I'm in?
Mason: You bust your butt rehabbing rich guys every day. Then they go out, run the world, all while you start right back at the beginning. Uncle, where's the payoff?
Sarge: I'm sorry you feel that way.
Mason: [Sighs]
Kay: So, um... any gift ideas for, um... uh, Nikki and Victor?
Adriana: It's not easy figuring out what to give people who have everything.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Adriana: Literally. I saw their new house. It's like a freaking museum.
Esther: You should have seen it before the fire.
Adriana: With all that bling, I can't imagine what else they need.
Kay: [Laughs] Um, any suggestions, Esther, of the perfect gift for the perfect couple?
Esther: Mm, I've given it a lot of thought, actually.
Kay: And come up with?
Esther: Um... nothing. But I'll keep thinking. I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget.
Kay: Well, that's exactly why I hired Adriana, is to make sure that I didn't...forget things.
Leslie: Hey. How's it going, Nick?
Nick: Hey, Leslie. Just still pretty rattled by what happened with Avery.
Leslie: She told me. It's scary.
Nick: Attempted-murder victim. I guess its part of her job description.
Leslie: Yeah, you know, even if Avery's guy is innocent, he's still a known criminal, and he's probably ticked off other criminals enough to have them gunning for him.
Nick: And his lawyer?
Leslie: It happens. It's just rough when it's happening to someone you care about. Avery's lucky. She walked away.
Nick: Well, I need to make sure something like this doesn't happen to her again, 'cause next time, she may not be so lucky. Did Avery ever talk to you about this guy's case she's trying to get overturned? Gus "Rogann."
Leslie: Gus Rogan.
Nick: Rogan. Right. Do you know anything about this case?
Adriana: Well, I don't know what we ordered, but it's on its way.
Kay: It's a Fabergé egg. Well, anyway, Nikki lost most of her collection in the fire.
Adriana: Check you out. You remembered your friend likes collecting weird-ass eggs.
Kay: Yes, but I didn't buy her one. Thank you...for not letting on before. Esther and I -- I just don't need her hovering over me like some -- some senile old woman.
Adriana: Mrs. C., I'm not trying to be all up in your business or anything... okay, but maybe we should figure out why all these withdrawals are coming from your memory bank.
Kay: Well, my God, I run an international corporation, this estate, and, I mean, I have a very busy social calendar.
Adriana: My Abuela only had me to look after, okay? And she still didn't take time to take care of herself.
Kay: Where was your mother?
Adriana: Who knows?
Kay: Your father?
Adriana: Around. Sometimes. Mostly it was just me and my Abuela.
Kay: Sounds like you and your grandmother were very close.
Adriana: Yeah, she taught me how to pray, you know, how to make split-pea soup. And how to knee someone. [Chuckles]
Kay: [Laughs] Anything else?
Adriana: [Laughs] She was gentle and sweet and stubborn. Way too stubborn. I used to tell her, "Necesita ver su doctor, Abuela." She said it was nothing. She was scared. And I made her go anyways, and she was so mad. She was wrong. The big "C." Final stage. If she had only gone sooner... Mrs. C., I'm not saying you have cancer or anything, okay? But you should at least go to the doctor and get checked out...before it's too late.
Phyllis: Well, thank you. I'm glad you're being up front with my daughter.
Kyle: That's how I roll.
Phyllis: I knew you wouldn't take advantage of someone so much younger than you.
Summer: Mom, Jack wanted you to have these.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. How's it going?
Summer: Good. I've learned so much that I practically know how the place operates.
Jack: Hey, I finished up that call to Japan. What do you say? Early dinner, now that this place is in such capable hands?
Phyllis: Oh, I --
Summer: Yeah, no, go. Go. It's fine. Have fun.
Phyllis: I have a couple things to do.
Jack: That's what texts and e-mails are for. Come on, let's get out of here before they really need us for something.
Sarge: Hey, Jack. You got a minute?
Jack: I was just on my way out.
Phyllis: Hi.
Sarge: Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have called.
Jack: You know what? I always have time for you, Sarge.
Phyllis: Um...
Jack: Come on.
[Door opens]
Jack: I spoke to Neil about that job.
Sarge: I appreciate it, but I'm not here about that. I do, however, need to speak to you about my nephew.
Jack: Is Mason all right?
Sarge: Well, he got caught up in that Newman backstabbing competition and got himself fired.
Jack: All he said to me was that things weren't working out there.
Sarge: It's probably too embarrassing to tell you anything more than that.
Jack: Listen, he did great work for me. If it's a job recommendation he needs, I'm good for that.
Sarge: It's not that. I'm...actually worried about the kind of man that Mason is becoming.
Jack: Wait, is -- is your nephew in trouble?
Sarge: Victor Newman dangled some kind of big job advancement if mason would act as his mole and do some nasty bit of business to give Victor a leg up.
Jack: And Mason wouldn't play along.
Sarge: Well, he was tempted, but he decided he wouldn't cross that line. So Victor really started putting the screws to him. Adam got wind of it. Fired him.
Jack: [Sighs] You know what? Getting fired is about the best thing that could have happened to Mason. At least it happened before he sold his soul to the devil.
Sarge: Yeah, well, that's the worst part. [Sighs] I think it's too late.
Neil: And now I understand why you're so protective of your sister.
Tyler: [Chuckles] Yeah, she told me she spoke to you.
Neil: About your dad. And why you two changed your names.
Tyler: We just wanted new lives, you know?
Neil: Tyler, man to man... you should know how much I truly care about your sister. You can trust me with anything, so if you ever need to talk -- anything...
Tyler: Thanks, but... Leslie and I, we've been carrying this around for a long time.
Neil: Meaning what?
Tyler: Meaning my sister's pretty much gonna tell you what she wants you to know. All right? So, if you care about her as much as you say, then you'll -- [Sighs]
Neil: I'd never hurt your sister.
Tyler: Then don't push her. 'Cause she's reinvented herself before. All right? She can do it again.
Nick: Did you ask Avery about Gus Rogan's case?
Leslie: Yeah, you know, just one lawyer to another.
Nick: What did you want to know?
Leslie: How she manages to carve out time to do pro-bono work for the Innocence Foundation since she has such a heavy caseload at Newman. We didn't get into the details about the case.
Nick: So it's just [Sighs] Time management?
Leslie: Yeah. We are all about those billable hours.
Nick: Nah, you and Avery are about way more than that.
Leslie: Doesn't it scare you, Nick, that she's continuing with this?
Nick: What can I do? Avery is too principled to just bail on her client, and she doesn't scare easily.
Leslie: I've seen situations like this before, Nick. Criminals putting this type of pressure on an attorney, and it doesn't always end well.
Nick: I've asked her to hand this case off to someone else.
Leslie: If you love her, try harder.
Sarge: And now Mason thinks he should have done exactly what Newman wanted. Because that's the way the real world works.
Jack: Oh, that's the way the world works for Victor, not for everyone else.
Sarge: Yeah, well, you and I both know that, but when I tried to put that point across to Mason, he accused me of being in a career rut, like I'm some sort of deadbeat.
Jack: Well, that proves he knows next to nothing about real life.
Sarge: [Chuckles]
Jack: You're one of the finest people I've ever known.
Sarge: Well, this isn't about me.
Jack: No, I'm making this about you. Your character, hard work, and determination are what got me out of a wheelchair. I owe my life to you.
Sarge: And since you owe me -- big -- tell me how I keep Mason from going down this road.
Jack: You know what? Mason's a bright guy. Victor played him. He got burned. He'll figure it all out.
Sarge: And you're sure about this?
Jack: Well, he's also got you as an excellent example of how to live a life.
Sarge: And since he's not listening to me now, how do you see this happening?
Jack: I'll tell you what. I could talk to him if you'd like.
Sarge: You think? About time you offered.
Jack: You could have just asked.
Sarge: Where's the fun in that? Thank you, Jack.
Jack: Anytime.
Sarge: Don't let this go to your head, but you're looking good.
Jack: Thanks. I'm feeling good.
Sarge: Couldn't have been easy getting past that rough patch with the pills.
Jack: Yeah, well, I had someone help me through it all -- a friend. I couldn't have done this without her.
Kyle: I would never make that kind of move on Summer.
Phyllis: I hoped you wouldn't.
Kyle: Come on. Don't you know me better than that? After everything we've been through the past couple months with my dad?
Phyllis: Speaking of which, he's doing great. He's really turned a corner. He's back to his old self again.
Kyle: Yeah. He's still at the beginning of his recovery. I just worry he might push himself too hard too fast.
Sarge: Jack, thank you.
Jack: Anytime, Sarge. Anytime.
Phyllis: Bye. Buh-bye.
Jack: So...you ready?
Phyllis: Yeah. My purse and my coat.
Jack: Well, let's get out of here.
Kyle: Enjoy your dinner.
Phyllis: All right.
Summer: Oh, they just grow up so fast, don't they? [Laughs] But, no, really. It's nice seeing our parents fall in love again. Don't you think?
Nick: I knew you'd want to hear how Faith was doing. I let her sleep in my room last night.
Sharon: She was that scared? Because when we spoke this morning, you said --
Nick: She slept soundly. No nightmares. Then she woke up this morning and wanted to go to school.
Sharon: How'd she do there?
Nick: I talked to her teacher. She said she was totally fine. Now she's on a play date that she insisted on keeping. I think we just need to accept the fact that our little girl is handling her scary time in the woods a lot better than we are.
Sharon: Well, amen to that. I think it's because of Dylan.
Nick: Right. Right, 'cause... all great things come from him.
Sharon: You know, he didn't even hesitate to search for our daughter, and he knew exactly what to say and do to make her calm.
Nick: I'm thankful for that.
Sharon: You don't seem like it.
Nick: Look, she's my daughter, too. And, of course, I'm glad that Dylan is there to make her being lost less traumatic. But don't make this guy out to be perfect, Sharon, 'cause he's not.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Jack: Personally and professionally, I am one happy man.
Phyllis: You look happy. You seem happy. That must mean something.
Jack: I haven't felt this good in years.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Jack: What? What is it?
Phyllis: Oh, the promo.
Jack: You have to go back?
Phyllis: It may take a bit. Get started without me, okay?
Jack: Listen, I would be gallant and wait, but I'm starving.
Phyllis: [Laughs]
Jack: Hi. I'll have an iced tea, and the lady will have a chardonnay. Uh, you know what? How about two chardonnays? Thanks.
Kyle: All right, so, go through this stack, pull out any doc mentioning Argan oil and scan it. You know where the scanner is?
Summer: Yeah, just down the hall past reception.
Kyle: Oh, good. It's your first day. You already know where everything is.
Summer: Eager to learn.
Kyle: Yeah, we have got to digitize this stuff. I hate all these messy papers laying around when we can just -- everything can be loaded onto here.
Summer: That's so smart.
Kyle: [Laughs] Well, it's just common sense.
Summer: Common sense is such an attractive quality. Don't you think?
Kyle: I don't know. I never really thought about it. Well, uh... let me know when you finish this stuff.
Summer: Okay.
Kyle: All right.
Summer: Yeah.
[Door closes]
Summer: [Sighs]
Kyle: Forgot something.
Summer: What?
Kyle: This. I hate all these things.
Summer: [Laughs]
[Door opens]
Kyle: Hey. Forgot something.
Summer: Yeah?
Kyle: Right. Let me know when you finish.
Summer: Yeah.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Summer: [Scoffs]
Sharon: Where is this coming from? Are you really concerned about Dylan or is there something else?
Nick: I'm worried about Avery and this case she's working on. I don't know if these guys are trying to send a message and scare her or if they were actually trying to hurt her.
Sharon: So, you're worried about that. That's why you're taking it out on Dylan.
Nick: I don't know, Sharon. What do you think it's about?
Sharon: It has got to bother you that Dylan's around. This is a man that Avery cared deeply for, enough that it ruined her marriage.
Nick: Why didn't he just leave?
Sharon: Well, if he's hanging around Genoa City because he wants some resolution with Avery, he didn't have to have this construction job to do that.
Nick: Then what's he after?
Sharon: He's just finding his way in life, like the rest of us are. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but he's not a bad guy. There are no bad guys in this. Just three people stuck in a difficult situation and trying to do their best.
Dylan’s dad: [Sighs] Dylan.
Dylan: Hey, Pop.
Dylan’s dad: You look like hell. What, are you dying or something?
Dylan: Marlene called. And she's worried. I left in the middle of a job to come see you.
Dylan’s dad: Never leave a job.
Dylan: I know. Dad, I know.
Dylan’s dad: Dylan... I'm fine.
Dylan: You and I both know you're too ornery to die. But you're not fine. And I need you closer to me.
Dylan's dad: You moving back home?
Dylan: No, I'm taking you to Genoa City. [Sighs]
Neil: Looking for me?
Leslie: Uh, yes. You're late.
Neil: Or early. Our table is right over here. Come on. Let's sit down.
Wheeler: [Sighs]
Neil: Hey. Um, don't worry about it. I got a better idea. Why don't we go back to my place, and I'm gonna make you the best dinner you've ever eaten?
Leslie: Okay.
Neil: Let me get my coat, all right?
Leslie: Yeah.
Wheeler: Listen, that special project we talked about. I need to set that up.
Phyllis: Jack... what are you doing?
Jack: [Chuckles nervously]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: You're still not sure about this?
Sharon: You and I? Alone? Together?
Carmine: What happened last night is strictly between us.
Nikki: I wonder how much longer.
Victor: How much longer what?
Nikki: Before I can't play at all.
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