Y&R Transcript Monday 3/4/13
Episode # 10108 ~ Phyllis receives a warning from Billy; Lauren wants Carmine to keep their secret.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Carmine: [Chuckles] Good morning, Beautiful.
Fen: That was some good French toast.
Michael: [Laughs] Oh, well, I'm out of practice.
Fen: Really? You'd never know.
Michael: Thank you.
Fen: So... what did Mom say when you told her you're quitting your job for us?
Michael: I haven't talked to her yet.
Fen: Seriously? You didn't call? Dad, you're putting Mom and me ahead of being D.A. If she knew that, I'm -- I'm sure she'd be, like, amazed.
Michael: I left her a message. She didn't call back. And I understand why. She still needs time.
Fen: No. No. What she needs is her family.
Jack: And of the 12 names we tested, the winner is "Scarlet Mist."
Phyllis: You know how to pick 'em.
Jack: If you do say so yourself.
Phyllis: I was talking about the name of the perfume.
Jack: Well, of course. What else?
Billy: I still think we can call it "Get a room." Or maybe we can name it "Smells like Phyllis -- isn't that fantastic?"
Phyllis: [Chuckles] It is good. Okay, so, I'll tell the packaging guys that we're going with "Scarlet Mist," right? They can get started. Is that it? 'Cause I have a meeting.
Jack: No, that's about it.
Phyllis: Terrific. See you later.
[Door opens, closes]
Jack: Was that really necessary?
Billy: You know what's not necessary? That whole thing you two have going here, okay? I have a sensitive stomach. That's gross.
Jack: Okay, that's enough.
Billy: All right. I'm joking. But, seriously, are you this into Phyllis all of a sudden because she's the one who got away, or is it because your recent ex is about to get married again tomorrow?
Victoria: Unfortunately, I won't be able to get to the courthouse before it closes. Do you think maybe you can have Bonnie pick up the marriage license? Everything's fine. I'm just really swamped right now, that's all. [Clears throat] If you must know, I'm trying to find something blue. [Sighs] Rehearsal dinner -- yes. 7:00 p.m. I will be there with bells on. No. Nothing's gonna ruin this wedding, Mom, I promise. And I love you. Okay. Bye-bye. [Sighs]
Abby: My dad is so excited about this wedding, you would think it was his first.
Kyle: Well, practice makes perfect.
Abby: Amen. He and Nikki really deserve to be -- oh, no. Here comes trouble.
Kyle: What?
Abby: No, don't look. She might notice you. Don't look. Don't look.
Kyle: Relax. It's just Summer.
Abby: And her epic crush on you.
Kyle: You don't know what you're talking about.
Abby: I know more about schoolgirl crushes than anyone east of the Mississippi. Oh, she spotted us. 5...4...3...2...
Summer: Hi, Abby!
Abby: Hey, Summer.
Kyle: Hey.
Summer: Uh, hey, Kyle. Um, I'm really happy to see you. I was just about to text you.
Kyle: About what?
Summer: To see if your offer was still good, 'cause I'd really like to take you up on it.
Kyle: Offer? What offer?
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: You don't have to clean that up.
Cane: You, uh -- you went to a lot of trouble to make this romantic. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to enjoy it.
Lily: I know. Me too. I'm sorry I stormed out of here. That was childish.
Cane: I went to bed around midnight, and you weren't here. So, um... where did you go?
Lily: I just went back to the office to do some more work.
Cane: Yeah? Was Tyler there? Did you crack another bottle of wine open with him?
Summer: You said that you'd help me study for my physics test, remember?
Kyle: That's right.
Summer: Yeah, so if you're still up for it, I could really use your brainpower.
Kyle: Yeah. Yeah. I, uh -- I have some time right now, if you want.
Summer: Awesome. Okay. Um, I'm just gonna go grab my coffee really quick. Okay.
Abby: What are you doing?
Kyle: I'm helping her study for her physics test.
Abby: While ignoring everything your dad and I have said.
Kyle: Look, I'm not gonna stop being Summer's friend just because she might have a little crush on me.
Abby: "Might" have a crush on you? Are you really that delusional? Every time you look at her, she turns into a puddle. If you string her along, she's gonna be the one that gets hurt.
Kyle: I'm not stringing her along, Abby. Where do you get this stuff? You saw me just the other day tell her that we will never be anything more than friends.
Abby: It went right in that pretty, little ear and out the other.
Kyle: Okay, look, if it becomes a problem between us, I will make it clear that we'll never be anything more than friends.
Abby: Hey, physics tutor, this is about to be an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. I didn't really pay attention in that class, so I don't entirely know what happens next, but I do know that it isn't gonna be good.
Jack: My relationship with Phyllis has nothing to do with Nikki's plans.
Billy: Mm-hmm. You sure?
Jack: I thought you two buried the hatchet when I went into rehab. And don't forget the lengths that Phyllis went to to help me.
Billy: Oh, yes, she stepped up. She did -- for once. But how many times has Phyllis done just the opposite, Jack?
Jack: She makes me happy. End of discussion.
Billy: I'm glad you're happy. Truly, I am. Brother, I'm glad you're happy. It's just that [Chuckles] With Phyllis, it never lasts, and I don't want her stomping all over your heart again, because after the year you had, I'm pretty sure there's not much left.
Jack: Thank you, Mr. Doom and Gloom. Phyllis and I are well aware of our history. We're doing it right this time. Now, if you're through hovering, I have some work to do.
Billy: Okay.
Billy: Hey, Phyllis, hold up a second.
Phyllis: All right. Well, can you make it quick? I have an appointment.
Billy: Don't hurt my brother again. Is that quick enough for you?
Fen: You should call Mom right now. Tell her to come home.
Michael: Fenmore --
Fen: Just keep calling until she picks up. Once she finds out e-everything is fine between us, she's totally gonna come back.
Michael: Look, I want our family together as much as you do, but we have to respect your mother's wishes. She needs more time.
Fen: Well, that -- that was only because everything was so tense. Everything is fine now.
Michael: Yeah, things are improving, and -- and it's great. It's -- it is so great. But only your mother can decide when she wants to come home. I'm gonna shower.
Fen: [Chuckles]
Lauren: Last night was --
Carmine: Intense. It was [Chuckles] Incredible. You -- you were incredible.
Lauren: No. I was going to say "A mistake."
Carmine: Oh, come on.
Lauren: No. No. It -- it should not have happened, and it will never happen again.
Carmine: Well, you say that now...
Lauren: I-I mean it. I'm married. I have a family, and... I'm not gonna lose them. I won't.
Carmine: Hey, Lauren, look. It's okay. There is n-- there's nothing to worry about. No one will hear anything from me, okay? They -- they will never have to know. Hey, it'll be our secret.
Phyllis: Billy, you don't have to be Jack's watchdog. I have no intention of hurting him.
Billy: I know you never do, but if you count all the hearts you've mangled on your little, merry way...
Phyllis: Do you really want to have a disastrous-relationship contest with your history?
Billy: Okay. I guess it does take one to know one, but I know you. And if you give my brother a reason to take those pills again --
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? I was the only one there when he was suffering. I was the only one there while he was detoxing. So don't talk to me about this. I know what kind of pain he went through. I know what those pills cost him. I have no desire to have him spiral back there. Are you done interrogating me?
Billy: Hmph.
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: Hey, good-looking. What's going on?
Victoria: Listen, I need you to come home as soon as possible, okay?
Billy: What's wrong?
Victoria: Everything is wrong. [Sniffles]
Kyle: All right. Tell me the difference between kinetic and static friction.
Summer: Static friction is a whole lot sexier because there's attraction between the two surfaces.
Kyle: Somehow I doubt that's the answer your teacher's gonna want on your test.
Summer: [Chuckles] I know how to write it out for Mrs. Galloway.
Kyle: Well, write it out for me. Both equations -- talk me through them.
Summer: I would much rather hear more stories about New York. Are the clubs as hot as everyone says they are?
Kyle: Summer... you should really focus on your physics. You got to nail that test.
Summer: I know, I know. I've just been counting down the days till college. Like you said, it's a whole different world. A lot more freedom.
Kyle: Yeah, well, too much freedom can get you into trouble.
Summer: And now you're starting to sound like an adult.
Kyle: Well, guess what.
Summer: So, what are you trying to say? That you were a total drudge? You didn't do anything but study, no fun?
Kyle: No, I'm not saying that. Of course I had fun. But I also used my time there to figure out what direction I wanted to go in.
Summer: And is that why you majored in business instead of art or something?
Kyle: Well, business is in my blood.
Summer: That makes sense.
Kyle: But it wasn't until my internship on Wall Street that I realized I really had a passion for it. Big-time finance, making deals. It's a rush, you know?
Summer: Sounds like it.
Kyle: So what I'm saying is, I had an interest in college that took me in a certain direction. That led to an opportunity that changed my life. Choose a path, then follow it. See where it leads. You spend all your time partying, you're gonna get diverted off the path. Figure out what you want and stick to it, Summer.
Summer: Yeah. That was really brilliant advice. I totally see what you mean.
Kyle: Excellent.
Summer: You really helped me out a lot, Kyle. Thank you.
Lily: Yes, Tyler was at the office when I got there. And b-before you ask, I didn't know he was gonna be there.
Cane: You don't think this is convenient, the way this guy just keeps popping up everywhere?
Lily: Can we please not start this again? Please. We were working, and that's it.
Cane: You know, when I woke up this morning, you weren't there, I panicked a little bit. And then I realized you were in the guest room. All of a sudden, everything was okay.
Lily: I didn't mean to worry you. I just -- I knew that if I came to bed, you would wake up and we'd get into this big discussion. I didn't want that.
Cane: We've been through so much together. You know that, right? And what's going on is my jealousy, and I-I hate myself for feeling this way.
Lily: I know. I hate being jealous of Chelsea. I hate it.
Cane: What are we gonna do to stop it?
[Michael remembering]
Michael: [Sighs] I need you. I need you to help me fix my relationship with Fenmore.
Lauren: Michael...
Michael: No, we can do this. We can.
Lauren: I can't. I can't do this. I'm -- I'm gonna move out.
Michael: What?
Lauren: I need time away from you.
Michael: Why are you doing this?
Lauren: We had everything, Michael. We had a happy child. And we adored each other. But you broke us.
[Back to present]
[Knock on door]
Michael: Yeah? Hold on. Hey.
Paul: Hey. Hey -- hey, there. I was gonna ask how you're doing, but, uh, you look like hell.
Michael: Well, believe it or not, I finally got a couple hours of sleep. [Exhales deeply] Fenmore came home.
Paul: Oh, that's great. How are things?
Michael: I think we've gotten through the worst of it.
Paul: Well, that's a relief, huh?
Michael: One thing I've learned is, uh, my son is not a boy anymore. We had a frank, honest talk. He is definitely growing up.
Paul: No matter how old he gets, he'll always be your kid, and I'm sure he'll want advice from time to time.
Michael: I know. I know. And miracle of miracles, I think Fenmore understands that I did what I did out of love. I just hope Lauren sees it, too.
Carmine: That shower's amazing. Has great water pressure. You should, uh -- you should give it a try. Look, what I said about, you know, you not having to worry, I can be discreet, right? What happened last night -- it -- it was strictly between us.
Lauren: It has to be. You have to give me your word that you won't tell anybody.
Carmine: I swear on my Grandfather Giuseppe's grave I won't tell a soul, okay? Look, um, I'm sorry I have to run, but I'm already late for my morning shift, so...
Lauren: Please. Go. Do whatever you need to do.
Carmine: Okay.
Lauren: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Lauren: You can't keep –
Victoria: [Sneezes loudly]
Billy: Oh, no.
Victoria: [Sniffles] [Sighs] Oh, thank God.
Billy: Oh, no, Baby, those swollen glands turned into something, didn't they?
Victoria: Yes, I know. I am fighting off some bug with every cell in my body.
Billy: Oh, Baby, that's -- that's bad.
Victoria: [Sighs] I can't be sick right now, Billy.
Billy: I know.
Victoria: And I've got to get better for Mom and Dad's rehearsal dinner tonight. And tomorrow -- oh!
Billy: I'm sorry. But the way you look, I don't think you're gonna be standing up at any weddings.
Victoria: But I have to, Billy. I have to be there for her. I can't let her down. I promised her that I'd be there, and she deserves to have a perfect wedding, especially now.
Billy: Okay. Then it's on. This virus doesn't stand a chance with me playing doctor.
Victoria: [Sniffles]
Phyllis: I wouldn't be so hard on Billy. I think he's just looking out for your own best interests. I don't have the greatest track record.
Jack: Well, I've broken a heart or two myself, but that's all in the past. All those bad memories -- gone. Poof. We're making new memories now.
Phyllis: Yeah. You always know the right thing to say to me.
[Door opens]
Abby: Whoa. Maybe a dead bolt for that door. I can show you how it works. It would save us all a lot of embarrassment.
Phyllis: Hey, so would knocking.
Abby: Right. You know, it's so funny how Newman women find Abbott men so irresistible. You and Jack, your daughter and Kyle.
Jack: Wait. I thought that was all handled.
Abby: Yeah, well, apparently no one told Summer, because I just left them at Crimson Lights "Studying." Kyle is being a perfect gentleman, but it was obvious that Summer had other ideas.
Phyllis: Well, Kyle's a decent young man. He wouldn't take advantage of a high school girl.
Abby: She is 18. She isn't a girl in the eyes of the law.
Phyllis: I've learned from experience, it's not good to tell your kids who to date, so I'm sure it's no big deal. It's just probably sweet. Summer could do a lot worse than Kyle. That's for sure.
Jack: Thank you, I think.
Abby: It's too bad you weren't this enlightened when I was dating Daniel.
Phyllis: Evidently, I learned from my mistake.
Abby: That's a first.
Phyllis: I'm sure it's not a big deal. It's probably just a crush for Summer. You know, let's not make a big deal out of it. I think that's the best -- I'm sure Kyle isn't making a big deal out of this.
Abby: Okay. Well, don't say I didn't warn you.
[Door closes]
Lauren: Fen.
Fen: Hey, Mom, can I come in? I really need to talk to you.
Lauren: Sure. Come on.
Fen: Okay. Uh, were you expecting someone else who "Can't keep doing" what?
Lauren: Oh. Oh! Um, that was a room-service guy -- clueless. Keeps delivering breakfasts that aren't mine. I actually was just thinking it was him with my huevos rancheros.
Fen: Well, if I had known you hadn't eaten, I-I would have brought you some of dad's famous French toast.
Lauren: You're at home?
Fen: [Sighs] I did a lot of thinking and decided I should at least hear him out. So we talked, and it was all good.
Lauren: That's wonderful, Sweetheart. It really is.
Fen: He actually treated me like I was an adult -- not like I was a little kid. It felt really good. So I-I slept in my own room last night... and now it is your turn. It's time for you to work things out with Dad, so you can come home, too.
Lauren: I'm sure I won't be thinking of much else.
Lily: I wish I had an answer. All I know is that... I hate fighting with you.
Cane: I hate it more than going to bed without you. And if there's a next time -- I mean, if there is a next time, please just come home and get in bed with me. Don't -- don't sleep in the guest room. All right? And I promise you -- I promise you, no matter what it is, I'll wait till morning to discuss it -- all right? -- As long as it means waking up with you. Okay?
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: I will... because I want to wake up next to you every morning, too.
Cane: [Smooches]
Lily: And, you know, one of the perks of working until midnight is that I have an excuse to go in late.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Michael: There you go.
Paul: Thanks. So, have you and Lauren talked at all?
Michael: Uh, she has asked for some space. I'm trying very hard to give it to her. I broke down last night and left her a message, but, uh, she hasn't responded.
Paul: Oh. I'm sorry.
Michael: Hey, I refused to believe in her and Fenmore. So if she never comes back, that's on me.
Paul: You know what? Fen was uncooperative after Jamie's accident. Everything pointed to him being guilty. So don't be so hard on yourself.
Michael: But that's why Lauren's gone -- because I saw more truth in the so-called evidence than in my own son's eyes.
Paul: Okay. I'm not comparing Fen to Ricky.
Michael: No, Paul, and you shouldn't.
Paul: But I know what it's like to look at your kid and have doubts and be afraid... even though you love them more than anything. Fen gave you every reason in the world not to trust him. And for you to let him off the hook, not ask any questions, you would not have been doing your job as a father.
Michael: You're a good friend, Paul. I appreciate your support so much. But Lauren is entitled to her feelings, and right now, sorry to say, they are pretty negative.
Paul: She hasn't mentioned anything about a -- a permanent split, has she?
Michael: No.
Paul: Good.
Michael: No. No one has mentioned the "D" word yet. But... if she can't stand the thought of hearing the sound of my voice or being under the same roof...
Lauren: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey.
Lauren: Good morning.
Phyllis: How are you?
Lauren: Uh, you want to ask me that after I've had my coffee?
Phyllis: I hear you.
Lauren: So, you seem very chipper. Any specific reason?
Phyllis: Um... we can thank Jack for that.
Lauren: Jack?
Phyllis: Yeah. [Chuckles]
Lauren: The two of you are back together? That's interesting.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it?
Lauren: So, where do things stand?
Phyllis: I don't know.
Lauren: Well, you look fabulous, so --
Phyllis: That's all that matters.
Lauren: Exactly. I'm glad for you. I'm glad for you.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you. It's -- it's great, you know, to clear the air with him.
Lauren: What do you mean?
Phyllis: I-I spent so much time using him to get over Nick, get back at Nick, or whatever about Nick, and it was wrong. You know, Jack is so wonderful. He's such a loving, good man. He would never cheat on me -- ever. And I-I just -- I'm glad that I didn't ruin our relationship because of...Nick. But that's in the past, right? Jack has forgiven me. Hopefully one day we can be as solid as you and Michael. Lauren, what -- what is it?
Lauren: I, um -- I just don't think that everybody comes back from that kind of betrayal.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Come in.
Summer: Hi, jack.
Jack: Hey, Summer. What a nice surprise. What brings you by?
Summer: Um, I wanted to talk to you about getting an internship.
Jack: Oh? Uh, what brought this on?
Summer: Um, well, I've heard that they can help you decide what to do with your life. So, um, I-I need to start thinking about my future.
Jack: Fair enough. So, why Jabot? You interested in the cosmetics business, or does it have something to do with the fact that Kyle works here?
Summer: Kyle? N-no. We're just friends. That's not why I want to work here. I mean, I love -- I love makeup, and I love perfume, so I'm kind of an expert at that. And, plus, I think that I have business in my blood, you know, being a Newman and all, although I probably shouldn't have reminded you about that.
Jack: I happen to be very fond of certain Newmans -- yourself included. So, when can you start?
Summer: Seriously? I got it?
Jack: I think it would be a good thing for you to learn how a business works from the inside.
Summer: Okay. Um, yeah, I can -- I can come by today after school.
Jack: I'll contact personnel. You go to them first when you get here.
Summer: Fantastic. Okay. Thank -- thank you, Jack. I'm so excited. Thank you.
Jack: You're welcome.
Summer: Bye.
Jack: See ya.
Summer: Kyle. Hey. Okay, so, I took your advice, and I went, and I asked Jack for an internship, and he gave me one.
Kyle: Here?
Summer: Yeah. How great is that? I start this afternoon. So, yeah. [Chuckles] I'll -- I'll see you. Bye.
Kyle: What did you just do?
Jack: [Sighs]
Victoria: [Coughing] [Wheezes] [Groans] I'm afraid if I take too much of this stuff, I'm gonna be in a coma, and I can't be in a coma. I need to toast my parents, okay?
Billy: Yeah, I know. You've had enough of those drugstore meds, Baby. What you need is a dose of this.
Victoria: What is that? It looks awful.
Billy: Well, it's an old Abbott family recipe. Mamie swore by it. Come on.
Victoria: I can hardly smell it.
Billy: Well, believe me, that's a plus. Now, come on.
Victoria: Thanks. I'll pass.
Billy: Sweetheart, no, no, no, no, no. You need this. Now, take a big gulp. You can do it. It's gonna work. Promise. I promise. Mm-hmm.
Victoria: It's not bad.
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: Is there maple syrup in there? Maybe a little brandy?
Billy: I will never tell. But, yes, there's a whole lot of brandy. Now, come on. Lay back. Lay back.
Victoria: [Coughing]
Billy: I want you to visualize yourself getting better. [Inhales, exhales deeply] [Inhales, exhales deeply] Now, think about all the evil germs in your body. Now see yourself in a skin-tight leather, black superhero outfit with a green cape and those thigh-high, high-heeled boots you know I like so much. You know, the ones with the four-inch heels. And now you're blasting those evil germs with your death-ray gun. [Imitates machine-gun fire]
Victoria: [Laughs] [Coughing]
Billy: Here you go. Here you go. Here you go. Here you go.
Victoria: Oh, God, please stop making me laugh.
Billy: Okay. Sorry, sorry, sorry. If humor's not gonna be the ticket, then what do you say we go upstairs and we take a nice, hot, steamy shower together to just suck out all that congestion? What do you think? Hmm?
Kyle: One minute, you and Abby are all over me about not leading Summer on. The next minute, you hire her as an intern? How is that gonna help?
Jack: She may well have been motivated by her crush on you. In fact, I called her on it.
Kyle: Oh, and she denied it, right?
Jack: Of course. But at the end of the day, a job with lots of responsibilities is gonna be good for that girl. She'll have Abby and Phyllis around here. She'll get lots of guidance, lots of support, and she'll be plenty occupied with things besides you.
Kyle: Okay, I'll take your word for it.
Jack: As long as you make the boundaries clear -- and I trust you will -- everything's gonna be fine. You can be more of a big brother to her, can't you?
Kyle: I'll do my best.
Lauren: Thanks.
Phyllis: Sure. I have to be honest. I heard that you and Michael are having problems.
Lauren: [Sighs] "Problems." Yeah. I wish it were that simple.
Phyllis: You didn't really move out, did you?
Lauren: After Jamie came forward and said that Fen never laid a hand on him, I was so angry at Michael, and we just kept fighting and fighting, and we just couldn't get past it. I-I needed some time away.
Phyllis: I understand.
Lauren: Yeah. I, uh -- I moved to the club.
Phyllis: Temporarily, right? Come on. I've known you two forever. And I know in my heart there's nothing that you two can't get past. All right, Michael made a mistake. He knows he made a mistake. He's stubborn.
Lauren: Yeah.
Phyllis: You know that. Like a tree stump.
Lauren: Yeah. [Sniffles]
Phyllis: And you said that Fen has forgiven him. Your son has forgiven him. You can, too. And then maybe you, unlike me, can forgive him without any regret.
Abby: Coffee, please.
Carmine: Yes, Ma'am.
Abby: What? No cold shoulder?
Carmine: What, you want one?
Abby: No. I like this Carmine better. You look...happy.
Carmine: Well, life's good. I got no complaints. Uh, cream?
Abby: You know I drink it black.
Carmine: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I forgot.
Abby: 'Cause your head's in the clouds. Of course I want cream and sugar and a hit of cinnamon. I was testing you.
Carmine: And I flunked. That's the story of my life.
Abby: Oh, good God. I know that smile. That's the "I got some" smile. I would recognize it anywhere. Oh. Ooh. Who is the poor, unlucky woman?
Billy: You want me to read to you?
Victoria: No, thanks.
Billy: You sure? Quarterly accounting reports will put you right to sleep.
Victoria: You know, if you have to get work done...
Billy: No, no, no. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. My only job today is to make sure you kick this flu bug.
Victoria: [Inhales, exhales deeply] Well, you know, it's nothing like my mom's facing, which is why I need to be there for her. She and Dad have finally found each other.
Both: Again.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: I really think they're gonna make it this time.
Billy: Well, if you need me to support you or Nikki in any way, just ask me.
Victoria: Thanks.
Billy: Of course.
Victoria: And you're not gonna believe this.
Billy: What?
Victoria: I'm actually starting to feel better.
Billy: Why wouldn't I believe it? Don't you ever doubt the master, Baby. Mnh-mnh. Honk! [Chuckles]
Phyllis: You gave Summer an internship?
Jack: Actually, it was a very complicated application process. She came in, said she wanted to be an intern, and I gave her the job. Wait, you're all right with this, aren't you?
Phyllis: I-I'm surprised. I didn't think she was interested. Does Kyle know?
Jack: Kyle had a few questions about it.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. What did you tell him?
Jack: I told him I trusted him not to encourage your daughter -- and he won't. But this could be a very good thing for her. There's the three of us and Abby to look after her. It will give her something meaningful to do. It could be a very positive, productive experience for her. Oh! What was that for, not that I'm complaining?
Phyllis: That was for you, just to -- to show you that you're a good person and to thank you.
Carmine: Hey, now. You know I'm not like that.
Abby: What happens in Carmine's bed...?
Carmine: ...Stays in Carmine's bed -- exactly.
Abby: Give me a hint.
Carmine: What did I tell you before?
Abby: [Groans] It's none of my business, blah blah blah. Cough up a name already.
Carmine: Never.
Abby: [Sighs]
Carmine: Hey, do you want a biscotti? I got chocolate, I got cherry.
Abby: In my experience, there are only two possibilities when a guy won't discuss his latest conquest. One, he's ashamed of the lady in question. Or two, he's got something to hide.
Carmine: Or three, he knows how you operate and he doesn't want you tweeting his business all over the bloody universe. Let's face it. Keeping a secret isn't exactly your forte.
Abby: Hey, tall-dark-and-handsome. Are you busy? Yes, Alex, I'm talking to you. Do you want to meet for a drink?
Paul: Michael, I have known you and Lauren a very long time. She loves you. That, I'm sure of. You're gonna work this out.
Michael: You are a really good friend.
Paul: If you need me, call, okay?
Michael: I will.
Paul: You better. Okay? Promise?
Michael: Go.
[Cell phone rings and goes to voicemail]
Michael: Hey, it's me again. Uh, I know I said I'd give you some space, but I got a couple things I really want you to know. Uh, I miss you. I miss us. God... Lauren, I love you so much. And if you'll just come back home, I promise you that I will never give you a reason to doubt that again.
Lauren: [Exhales raggedly] [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Leslie: If Neil thinks my life is in danger, he is gonna try to protect me.
Nick: Do you know who would want to get Avery off this case?
Dylan: I never really had much experience with kids until I went to Afghanistan.
Sharon: Is that something you can talk about?
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