Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/27/13
Episode # 10105 ~ Nick wonders about Dylan's motives; Victor and Nikki visit the new ranch.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: Oh, wow. [Grunts] "Enchanted periwinkle."
Victoria: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Billy: I think we can both agree that this is pretty terrible.
Victoria: Yeah, it's really worse than that. I'm calling a decorator today, because we cannot be trusted to do this. You know, you still have that hideous paint on your face.
Billy: You know, you do, too.
Victoria: Well... it should come off in the shower.
Billy: Oh, okay. You know what? I think that this might be the only part of decorating that we're any good at.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Oh, I love bath time. Yes, I do.
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: What are you doing? No, no, no, no. Don't answer that. Don't answer that. Come on. Don't -- really? Right now?
Victoria: Well, it's Dad.
Billy: Even more reason.
Victoria: You're up early.
Victor: Sweetheart, I need to see you at the ranch as soon as possible, all right?
Victoria: Uh...now?
Victor: As soon as you can get here, and bring Billy boy with you.
Victoria: Billy? Why? W-what's wrong?
Victor: I will explain it to you when we're all together. And one more thing.
Nick: Your grandmother is gonna really love that picture.
Noah: Morning, Guys. Got to go. I'm late.
Nick: Where you off to?
Noah: Athletic Club. Doing a 9:00 to 1:00 today.
Nick: Can you trade shifts with someone?
Noah: I can try. What's up?
Nick: Hey, Faith. Why don't you go up and brush your teeth? Then you can come down and put the finishing touches on that picture before you go see your mom.
Faith: Okay!
Nick: Sit down.
Noah: Sounds serious.
Nick: [Sighs] I wish it wasn't. Your grandmother has multiple sclerosis. She was just diagnosed. She's doing her best to stay positive and strong, but she's gonna need our support.
Noah: Of course. Yeah. Whatever she needs. That goes for you, too, Dad.
Nick: Yeah. Well, what I need from you right now is I need you to get out of work today, then meet us up at the main house. Your grandfather wants us all there.
Victor: Well, that's wonderful. I'll see you then. Okay. Bye. Hi, Sweetheart.
Nikki: Hi.
Victor: Did you get a hold of Dr. Costner?
Nikki: Oh. Yes. He said he'd make time for me either day.
Victor: That's wonderful.
Nikki: Yeah. I have so many questions. Be good to know what I'm facing.
Victor: Sweetheart, what we're facing. You're not in this alone.
Nikki: I know, and I'm so grateful for that. I'd be lost without you and the family.
Victor: You will never be lost. I will always lead you home.
Sharon: So, um, if the foundation is damaged --
Dylan: Well, there's nothing that can't be fixed. You just mudjack the slab on the northeast corner, and she'll be good as new. But, obviously, it's gonna cost more and push back the completion date.
Sharon: So, I mean, in that case, you know, I'll understand if you don't -- I mean, if you want to bail.
Dylan: Why would I? It's my job. Plus, you're paying me. And I like to finish what I start.
Sharon: Good. Okay. I'm glad.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: [Sighs] Its Marlene. I'm sorry. She takes care of my dad. Excuse me one second.
Sharon: Of course.
Dylan: Thanks. Marlene. When? How bad? [Sighs] Do I need to come home?
Leslie: I love what you do with the Innocence Foundation, and I'm considering doing some pro bono work, so I was hoping for some insight.
Avery: Ah. Well, the work is very rewarding. But between that and my day job, I don't have much time for a personal life, so -- I mean, this appeals case that I'm working on right now, for example --
Leslie: The case in Milwaukee, right? The man who murdered his wife.
Avery: Ah, the man wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. I fully expect to overturn this.
Leslie: Really?
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Leslie: Well, from everything I've read, the case seems open and shut.
Avery: Well, that's what I thought when they first approached me with this. But there are so many holes.
Leslie: Yeah, but the killer was caught standing over his wife's body.
Avery: Yes, and he insists that he found her that way. He was actually trying to revive her when the witness saw him.
Leslie: And you believe him? I mean, this guy was a felon.
Avery: Okay, well, was he a good guy on all accounts? No. He had a record, but it was nothing to suggest that he was a cold-blooded murderer.
Leslie: So, is there new evidence to justify this appeal?
Avery: No, but I don't need it, because I found gross negligence in the original chain of evidence. It borders on malfeasance. The DNA was inconclusive. But the samples were misplaced. They were unaccounted for. Some of them had gone missing.
Leslie: So you're gonna get this guy released on a technicality? I mean, none of that proves he's innocent.
Avery: I don't have to prove he's innocent. I have to prove he didn't have a fair trial, and he didn't. But if you really want to know, I don't think this guy did it.
Neil: Since you haven't responded to any of my messages, I'm guessing that you still feel I broke your trust by asking about Valerie, whoever she is. Um, Leslie, I just -- I was just trying to protect you, you know? And I still want to. [Sighs] Um, call me back whenever you get this message, all right? Thanks. Bye.
Jack: Come in!
Neil: Hey, Jack.
Jack: We have a meeting?
Neil: No. No, we didn't. I'm just touching base, seeing how you're doing. That's all. How you doing?
Jack: Oh! I'm good! I'm better than good, in fact. I haven't been this good in a very long time.
Neil: Judging from that big smile on your face, I'd say that things must really be good... or you're using pills again. Which one is it?
Jack: That's a hell of a question.
Neil: Jack, come on. I'm just asking as a friend and as your unofficial sponsor, all right? I just want to know. Are you using again?
Jack: No, I am clean and sober, and that is the truth. I haven't used anything stronger than aspirin since before I was clean.
Neil: Okay, good. I'm just checking on you, 'cause you seemed a little -- almost, I don't know -- euphoric at yesterday's meeting, and then again today.
Jack: [Chuckles] Euphoric, huh? Maybe that's because I am. And it has nothing to do with pills and everything to do with a certain redhead.
Neil: Wait a minute. Are you and Phyllis --?
Jack: Yes. They say lightning doesn't strike twice, but it appears it may have done just that. And I couldn't be any happier about it.
Neil: Well, wow! I'm glad for you.
Jack: But...
Neil: Well, you know what they say in the program. I mean, getting involved with someone at this point in your recovery --
Jack: Is not a good idea this early on. Yeah, I do keep hearing that. Everything's going great. There's no reason for me to use.
Neil: So you convince yourself, when things are going great, that you can pick up just one drink or maybe just one pill --
Jack: I know where you're going. That is not the case. Neil, I am not gonna let my guard down. I promise.
Neil: All right. Well, you listen to me. If you get the urge, you pick up the phone and you call me. I'll be there.
Jack: Deal. Thanks. You have nothing to worry about.
Neil: All right. Talk to you later. Hey. Tyler. Have you seen your sister this morning?
Tyler: No. I'm sure she's fine, though. You don't need to worry.
Neil: Yeah, that's what people keep saying.
Tyler: Maybe you should listen.
Dylan: Thanks. Yeah, Dad was tuck-pointing a chimney, and he fell off a ladder and broke his back. He couldn't get out of bed for months, let alone work construction. And the business...started to go under, so I had to drop out of school and just take over.
Sharon: Wow. That's really tough. But he got back on his feet?
Dylan: Eventually, but his body never fully recovered. A few years ago, he went in to get the pins replaced in his back, and after surgery, he caught an infection, and it's just been downhill since.
Sharon: I'm sorry.
Dylan: Thank you. It sounds like today was just a scare, but anytime Marlene calls, I-I brace myself.
Sharon: I know how an accident like that can... change your life forever. I, um... I had another daughter. Cassie. [Voice breaking] She was in a car accident. This picture was taken of her right before she died.
Dylan: Ohh. Wow, she is beautiful.
Sharon: Thank you. Yeah, she is.
Noah: Faith, come on! There she is!
Sharon: Oh, hey, Sweetie! Oh!
Noah: What did you do?
Kyle: Physics, huh? Big test today?
Summer: Uh, nope. Friday.
Kyle: Mm.
Summer: Yeah, this is the worst class ever.
Kyle: What?! I like physics. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That's physics, right?
Summer: Yeah. That was on the first page, Kyle, so we're a little bit beyond that now. I just want this to all be over.
Kyle: Oh, high school. Yeah, that can be pretty lame. College -- that's where it's at.
Summer: Yeah, I can't wait.
Kyle: Got any idea where you want to go?
Summer: Uh, I was thinking far away. Any suggestions?
Kyle: Mm...
[Cell phone rings]
Summer: Sorry. Hold on. It's my dad. Hi! Um, no, I am not at school yet. I stopped at the coffeehouse to get some coffee, but I'll be there soon.
Nick: Change of plans. Your grandfather wants us all at the ranch. It's important.
Summer: So, you're actually giving me permission to cut class?
Nick: I'll call the headmaster's office and let him know that you need to be with your family this morning.
Summer: Okay. Um, I'll be on my way. Great. Family meeting. I'd rather sit through 10 hours of physics.
Kyle: Oh, come on. It won't be that bad.
Summer: Not if you come with me.
Kyle: What?!
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: No!
Summer: Why not?
Kyle: Well, for one thing, I'm not family. And for another thing, your dad doesn't want me hanging around with you.
Summer: Okay, well, my grandparents adore you, and I know that they wouldn't have a problem with you being there. Please, Kyle? Okay, and besides, this would give you a way to prove that not all Abbotts are bad!
Kyle: The Abbotts aren't bad!
Summer: Okay, that's the spirit! And if you win my dad over, maybe it'll make things easier between our families. So...are you coming or not?
Victor: Turn.
Nikki: Okay. Where are we?
Victor: One second. Let me close the door. Stay right where you are. There we go. There we go. A few more steps.
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: Come here. [Chuckling] It's like Christmas Eve, isn't it?
Nikki: I know!
Victor: Okay. Why don't you open you eyes?
Nikki: [Gasps] Oh, my God! Oh! Oh, I don't believe it. Oh, Victor. Oh!
Victor: Do you like it, my baby?
Nikki: It's beautiful. It's just beautiful. I love it.
Victor: Yes. Yes.
John: Well, I see you've pulled yourself together.
Jack: Yeah, with a lot of help. You were right, you know. I couldn't do this on my own. I needed my family.
John: And you've always known that, Jack.
Jack: Yeah, a reminder every once in a while doesn't hurt.
John: Here you are, huh? Strong, healthy. Working alongside Billy and Kyle. Nothing could make me happier, Son. And it's where you all belong! And you even found a place for Abby! And you're mentoring all of them.
Jack: Who knows? We may actually put this company on the map one day.
John: Ah, Jackie, I'm so proud of you. Thank you for bringing the Abbotts back together again.
Sharon: I'm fine. I was just talking about Cassie, and you know how that can go.
Faith: Can we bake her special cookies?
Sharon: Um, well, not today. But we can as soon as the kitchen is done. We'll bake a great, big batch.
Noah: And when will that be?
Dylan: Well, it depends on the materials your mom picks out. We could have a new kitchen in a few weeks, or if she picks something on special order, it's gonna take a lot longer.
Noah: How much longer?
Sharon: Hey, Sweetie. Why don't you say goodbye to your brother? Noah has to go to work.
Noah: Actually, I was just headed there to make sure that my shift is covered. I'm supposed to meet Dad and the rest of the family at the main house for a little housewarming party.
Sharon: Really? Wow. It's done already? I mean, I knew they were making progress.
Noah: Yeah, I guess Granddad's been really cracking the whip.
Sharon: Should I even bother putting in a new kitchen? It's only a matter of time before he tries to force me out of here.
Noah: They wouldn't do that, Mom. Seriously, they have more important things to worry about right now.
Victoria: Wow. Mom, the place looks amazing.
Nikki: Doesn't it? I know. I'm still in shock. I had no idea it was ready, that your father invited all of you over to see it.
Victor: I'm so glad you all like it.
Billy: Oh, yeah. I guess when it's time to party, you call in the experts, right?
Victor: There's Summer. Hi, Summer.
Nikki: Oh! Kyle, too.
Victor: How are you?
Billy: Your dad's ignoring me, as usual.
Victoria: So what?
Billy: So, it's a good thing. That's what I'm saying. Look -- so is the smile on your mom's face. Whatever reason Victor had for setting all this up -- not bad news.
Nikki: Summer, you look so lovely. We don't see you often enough.
Summer: I know. But now that you guys live in this new house, I'm gonna be here all the time. [Both chuckle] It's so pretty.
Nikki: Oh, wait till you see --
Nick: Mom, excuse me. I'm so sorry.
Nikki: Oh, okay.
Nick: Young lady, I thought I made it very clear to you. I do not want you hanging out with Kyle.
Summer: Yeah, and I made it clear to you that we're just friends. Why are you making such a big deal of it?
Nick: This is a private family event, one that was so important, I pulled you out of school. It was not a plus-one.
Nikki: I want to show you the rest of the house.
Victor: Show him the --
Nikki: I know.
Victor: There you are! Hi, Sweetheart!
Abby: [Laughs]
Victor: I'm happy you're here.
Abby: I wouldn't have missed it! Wow! This place is spectacular! I mean, you designed it, so how could it not be? But wow!
Victor: You approve?
Abby: Yeah! Maybe you should be an architect. No, wait. Retire. It's not a dirty word, Dad. Say it with me. Re...tire...ment.
Victor: Ne...ver...
Abby: [Laughs]
Victor: ...Retire, okay? I will never retire. But when I regain control of Newman, I want you to work at my side, instead of for the Abbotts, okay?
Abby: Well, someday, you are going to realize that I am right, instead of just pretending not to hear me.
Victor: Keep dreaming.
Abby: Shouldn't you focus on Nikki and the grandkids?
Victor: Well, look what I'm doing -- they're all here!
Abby: I just want to make sure that's all you're doing.
Victor: Give me credit for something.
Abby: Last time I saw you in that hospital bed, I just... I don't want anything like that to happen again.
Victor: And I don't want you to worry about that, okay? I'm still full of... [Laughing] Everything.
Abby: [Laughs]
Victor: So, there are many more things I want to do, all right? Many more things I want to accomplish. But I'm so happy you're here.
Tyler: You need to talk to Neil -- that guy is tripping.
Leslie: Yeah, I can't think about that right now.
Tyler: Is everything okay?
Leslie: Tyler, what if we've been wrong? What if Dad didn't do it? What if he's been telling the truth this whole time?
Tyler: Where is this coming from?
Leslie: I just spoke to Avery, and she seems really convinced this conviction will be overturned. And now that I'm looking back at all the evidence through the eyes of a lawyer, it's all circumstantial. He could be innocent!
Tyler: He's not.
Leslie: We don't know that.
Tyler: You saw him standing over her.
Leslie: He could have been trying to help her.
Tyler: You testified.
Leslie: What if I was wrong?
Tyler: Here's what I know. Our mother was murdered, all right? Her killer was brought to justice, and I'm not gonna let that be undone.
Avery: Go ahead and clear my calendar at Newman for the next few days. I need to go to Milwaukee as soon as possible and talk to my client.
Wheeler: Really? New development?
Noah: Thank you for covering my shift. I appreciate it. I owe you one.
Adriana: Just the man I wanted to see.
Noah: Why is that?
Adriana: I wanted to tell you about my first day at work. I mean, that is what couples do, right -- tell each other about their days?
Noah: Right, but we're not a couple.
Adriana: Yeah, I can fix that.
Noah: I can't do this right now, Adriana. I have to be at a family thing.
Adriana: Can I come?
Noah: No.
Adriana: Why not?
Noah: Because with all the last names that you have -- Stone, Chavez...whatever -- this is a Newman-only event. You're not a Newman.
Adriana: But I miss you, Noah. I mean, how long until you're gonna forgive me?
Noah: It's gonna take a little bit of time, Adriana. And I don't have any time right now, so...later.
Dylan: I like mine with a tall glass of milk.
Faith: How about peanut butter?
Dylan: Peanut butter? Uh, you know, peanut butter's okay, but chocolate chip are still my favorite.
Sharon: Okay, Honey. Dylan has to get back to work.
Dylan: Ah, I don't mind.
Sharon: You say that now, but this could go on all day.
Faith: How about puppies? Do you like them?
[Both chuckle]
Dylan: Well, who doesn't like puppies? You know, I used to have a dog, and his name was Memphis. And every morning we would go on a hike.
Faith: Can we go hiking with Dylan today?
Sharon: Oh, well, Honey, Dylan has to work.
Dylan: I got to take a break sometime.
Sharon: A short hike. It will not be a quiet one.
Dylan: I've been warned.
Nick: I can only think of one reason why a guy just out of college would be hanging out with a girl in high school.
Kyle: Nick, it is not like that. Summer and I are friends. Nothing else.
Nick: Okay. Well, let me break it down for you, Kyle. She might be 18. But she's still my little girl.
Summer: God, what did my dad say this time?
Noah: Wow, this place -- it looks awesome, Grandma. Congratulations.
Nikki: Oh, thank you, Noah. Your grandfather outdid himself.
Victor: Well, I had to do something, considering what a great job your grandmother did with the penthouse.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Noah: Speaking of the penthouse, any chance that you're looking for a tenant?
Nick: Yeah, I don't think your tips would even cover the utilities, Son.
Noah: Right. A house-sitter, then?
Victor: Well --
Adriana: Would you look at this place? It's gorgeous!
Victor: Hello...
Adriana: I'm with Noah.
Victoria: Does your friend have a name?
Adriana: Oh, I'm Adriana. Pleased to meet everybody.
Victor: How do you and my grandson know each other?
Noah: We met in New York.
Nikki: I see.
Adriana: Long distance wasn't really working, so I relocated.
Abby: To Wisconsin. In the dead of winter.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Adriana: He's worth it.
Nikki: So, what do you do? Do you go to school?
Adriana: Actually, I just got a job working for Katherine Chancellor as a personal assistant.
Victor: Katherine Chancellor is a very good friend of ours.
Adriana: Really?
Victor: Yes.
Adriana: How cool is that?
Noah: It's -- would you excuse us for just a minute?
Victor: Sure.
Billy: Do we have to? [Chuckles]
Victor: Well, may I have everyone's attention? I'd like to propose a toast. We have all taken different paths in our lives, okay? And your mother and Grandmother and I have missed you terribly at times. We just want you to know that whenever you feel like it, whenever you have anything you want to get off your chest, you come here. You talk to us. This is your home. This is all of our home. This is the center of our family, and may it always be thus.
All: Hear, hear.
[Glasses clinking]
John: Well... maybe you spoke too soon.
Jack: I don't need these. I don't want them.
John: And who are you trying to convince?
Jack: I can do this. I can do this.
John: Yes, you can. But the question is... will you?
Tyler: We got to keep him behind bars, and if that means appearing before a judge and telling the whole world my real name --
Leslie: No! No. How many time do I have to tell you this? You cannot come forward, okay? It's too dangerous -- for you, for me, for everybody we care about.
Tyler: Yeah, well, it's not half as dangerous as doing nothing. Dad could go free as early as next week. Are you ready for that?
Leslie: Avery thinks he deserves to get out.
Tyler: She doesn't know him like we do. She didn't live in our house. She sure as hell didn't lay awake at night, listening to our parents fight. Valerie and Davis Rogan did, though. So you need to stop worrying about what Avery thinks. That doesn't mean a damn thing compared to what we know.
Leslie: [Sighs]
Avery: All dealings with my client are privileged, Congressman.
Wheeler: I'm not asking you to reveal the details of your private conversations. I'm simply wondering if there's been a break in the case that might help exonerate the man. If so, I was hoping that I might get a heads-up so that I can start spinning the political fallout from my previous testimony. Call it a professional courtesy, Ms. Clark.
Avery: I'm sorry, but I can't discuss any aspect of this case with you.
Nikki: You've all been so loving and supportive. I can't tell you what that's meant to me. Victor built me this beautiful house. But all of you are what makes it a home. So here's to you, from the bottom of my heart.
Nick: Cheers.
[Glasses clinking]
Adriana: So, is this piano just for show, or does anyone actually play?
Victoria: Oh, my mother does, quite beautifully.
Summer: Grandma, would you play something for us?
Nikki: Oh, Honey, no. No. I'm so rusty.
Summer: Please?
Nikki: I'm not up for that.
Summer: I haven't heard you play in so long, though.
Victor: Summer would love to hear you play. We all would.
Nikki: Victor --
Victor: Try. Summer would love to hear you. We all would love to hear you. Right? Come on. Let's go. There we go. Can I take your glass? There you go. There.
Nikki: [Chuckles nervously]
[Mid-tempo piano music plays]
[Music ends]
Nikki: [Sighs]
Sharon: So, I have to have Faith back here by 3:00, because I promised we'd go for a hike.
Nick: [Deep voice] Oh, that sounds like fun!
Sharon: Yeah! Well, you're welcome to go with us.
Nick: [Normal voice] I wish I could. I have a meeting.
Sharon: I hope you don't mind -- Dylan's gonna come with us. Faith already invited him.
Nick: Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint her. Come on, Munchkin. Let's go.
Faith: Can I say goodbye to Dylan?
Sharon: Well, Dylan's working, Honey. But you're gonna see him later.
Nick: Okay! Let's go!
Jack: It's the "Romantic Interlude" package? Yeah -- three days, three steamy nights in St. Bart’s. Sounds delightful. What about Hawaii? You got anything romantic that's available there? Key word is "Romantic."
Abby: [Clears throat]
Jack: Oh! Uh, Pam, you know what? Uh, let me call you back when I know more, okay? Thanks for the help. Hey, Guys!
Abby: Wow! Once again, my timing sucks! I always seem to be walking in when you're trying to be romantic.
Jack: So, why weren't you at the office?
Abby: Oh, my God. Dad blew everyone's mind today. He asked us to come by the house and celebrate.
Jack: You mean the penthouse.
Abby: No, no -- the house house. It's done. It's spectacular. Dad really outdid himself, and Nikki seemed really happy.
Jack: Well, I hope she is. And maybe your old man will actually kick back and enjoy his golden years in his brand-new castle.
Abby: I told him as much. I don't think he listened.
Jack: Does he ever?
Summer: Hey.
Jack: Hey!
Summer: Um, I'm sorry that I tracked you down. Your assistant said that you'd be here.
Kyle: Uh, yeah. Yeah. Abby gave me a ride to Crimson Lights to pick up my car. What, uh -- what are you doing? I thought you'd be home by now, studying.
Summer: Yeah. I just wanted to apologize for whatever embarrassing thing my dad told you.
Kyle: Oh, no. No. No apology necessary. Yeah, Nick just...misread the situation. Yeah, I made it clear to him you and I are friends, and we have no intentions to be anything else.
Billy: Hey. What you thinking about?
Victoria: I was thinking about Mom playing the piano. I don't think anyone but Dad or I realized how much pain she was in.
Billy: Really?
Victoria: Well, she was trying to hide it. But I could see it in her face.
Billy: Your dad's gonna make sure that she gets the best possible treatment.
Victoria: I know that, but... you know, this has got to be hard for him, too, even though he's not showing it. I overheard Abby asking him if he should retire early... so that he doesn't wind up in the hospital again, and... I think I saw something in his eye like he might actually be considering it.
Billy: Good. I hope he does. He shouldn't be worried about fighting for Newman. He should be worried about fighting for his wife.
Victoria: I know that, but I just can't imagine Dad walking away from Newman.
Billy: Convince him. Maybe if he's able to let go of that company, then, uh -- I don't know.
Victoria: Maybe what?
Billy: Maybe you could do the same.
Neil: Leslie.
Leslie: Neil.
Neil: Hi.
Tyler: Hey, Neil. I'll talk to you later.
Leslie: Okay. Hi.
Neil: Hi. Um... well, listen. I'm really glad that you're okay, you know? I called you a million times. And when you don't call me back, you know, the natural thing is I start to worry.
Leslie: I'm sorry. I really needed some time just to think.
Neil: It's okay. But before you jump to any conclusions, um... I need to apologize. Leslie, the reason I asked you so many questions about your past is because, you know, every time you're around me these days, it just seems like you're overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. And of what, I have no idea. I like you, Leslie. I think you're an incredible woman, and I want to help you. I want to protect you. But I don't know how to do that unless somehow you open up to me.
Leslie: You're right, Neil. I'm scared. I can't keep this to myself any longer. It's time I tell you everything.
[Cell phone chimes]
Nick: "Headed to Milwaukee. Back tomorrow night."
[Knock on door]
Nick: Dylan.
Dylan: Can I come in?
Nick: Please. Little early for the hike, isn't it?
Dylan: Look, I'm not trying to be a nuisance, so if you're not comfortable with me going on the hike with Faith and Sharon, I won't go.
Nick: It's not the hike. You keep finding excuses to stick around, and I don't understand why. What are you after?
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Hey, I just got your text. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Avery, slow down. What happened?
Summer: Yeah, I'm glad that you cleared things up. I wouldn't want anybody, especially my dad, getting the wrong idea about us.
Kyle: Yeah, exactly.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: And, hey -- well, if you need any help studying for your physics test, let me know. I'm happy to quiz you.
Summer: You would?
Kyle: Yeah, sure. Anytime.
Summer: Okay, um...yeah. Uh, all right. Well, I'd better get going, so, uh -- I'm sorry that I barged in.
Jack: No, not at all! Always happy to see you, Summer.
Summer: Thanks. You, too, Jack. Um, bye, Abby.
Abby: Toodles!
[Door opens]
Jack: Okay, I hope you're not leading her on.
Kyle: What are you talking about?
Abby: Oh, hello -- major crush.
Kyle: You're crazy.
Abby: Maybe, but that does not mean that Summer is not crushing hard on you. Can you not see the way she was looking at you?
Kyle: I have never done or said anything to make Summer think...whatever it is you might think she's thinking.
Abby: Meeting her for coffee? Helping her study?
Kyle: It wasn't a date. I happened to run into her there. And since when is doing schoolwork bad, huh? Friends help each other study all the time.
Jack: Well, there's studying, and then --
Abby: And then there's studying.
Kyle: Oh, give me a break.
Abby: Okay, okay. Just a piece of advice, since I was a teenage girl once myself. They fall hard, and they fall fast, and there is no encouragement needed.
Kyle: Summer is not your typical teenager.
Jack: That doesn't mean she isn't vulnerable.
Abby: Or that it'll hurt any less when... [Imitates explosion] ...Her heart gets blown to smithereens.
[Slow music playing]
Nikki: [Sighs] It feels like a dream, being back here.
Victor: Mm-hmm. One that I hope makes you happy, my baby.
Nikki: Very.
Victor: Shall we dance?
Nikki: Okay.
Every whisper in the dark I never thought I could feel again searching for love all those years I can't believe I finally found you I found your gentle heart so strong and real
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: My place. The offer still stands. You can stay there.
Dylan: It wasn't wear and tear. Somebody tampered with your brakes.
Nick: And I need to know what you know. I need to know why you're doing wheeler favors.
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