Y&R Transcript Friday 2/22/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/22/13


Episode # 10102 ~ Michael is stunned by Lauren's announcement; Billy recommits to Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: You've been holding out on me.

Kyle: Yeah. You liked that retailer-incentive pitch, huh?

Jack: Everyone in the meeting liked it. It's the perfect price, and it's gonna give us some primo shelf space.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I can't take complete credit on that one. That one actually came out of a brainstorming session with Abby.

Jack: Well, third-generation Abbotts taking Jabot into the future. I love it. And your grandfather would love it.

Kyle: So, wait. You are actually gonna overlook the fact that Abby's part Newman?

Jack: Well, no. But the bright, creative, funny part of her comes from our family.

Kyle: [Chuckles]

Jack: Listen. Thank you very much for making the call to get Abby to come home and give me another chance.

Kyle: Well, I had to. I know how much this company means to you.

Jack: To think I almost lost it all... and my family... all because of pills.

Kyle: That's all in the past, though, now, right?

Summer: I want the blizzard back.

Phyllis: Why?

Summer: What's wrong with being stuck for a few more days?

Phyllis: You wouldn't have to go to school.

Summer: No, no, not just that. I don't know. Hanging out with you, all cozy and warm, that was -- that was okay.

Phyllis: It was fun, right? I was really sad when you were mad at me. It was very hard. I missed you.

Summer: The missing went both ways. I... I was just too stubborn to admit that.

Phyllis: Stubborn. Where'd you get that from?

Summer: Got to be Dad.

Phyllis: It's definitely your dad.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: You're a good girl. You know that?

Summer: What'd I do?

Phyllis: The whole thing with Jamie. You took the hit. You admitted what you did was wrong. You did the right thing. You fessed up. You know, you didn't run away with Fen.

Summer: You're giving me too much credit, but I'm not gonna go anywhere, Mom.

Phyllis: I wish I could say the same thing, but I have to go back to work. Okay?

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay. Let's talk later. All right.

Summer: Love you.

Phyllis: I love you.

Summer: Bye.

Fenmore: You told your mom we were planning on running away? .

Michael: Dinner's all taken care of.

Lauren: I'm not hungry.

Michael: You know what? I'm all out of ideas. I keep asking you what we -- what I need to do to get past what happened with Jamie and Fenmore, but you refuse to give me an answer.

Lauren: It's because I don't have any answers. Million things racing through my head right now.

Michael: I made a mistake. I know that. And I will do everything possible to fix things with you and Fenmore, but...

Lauren: What?

Michael: Is there something else bothering you?

Billy: Okay, Buddy. Which one do you like? Don't say that one. We don't like that one. We don't like that one! You slept through all the fun Mommy and I had picking out paint colors. And I thank you for that. Because, you know... it was adults only. You know what I'm saying? But while we're on that subject, I need to ask you a favor, okay? See, Mom was a little upset when she saw Chelsea holding you. I know. It was my fault. I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm an idiot. Okay. But I'm planning a surprise for her to show her how much we love her. You want in on that? Huh?

[Johnny snorts lightly]

Billy: [Snorts] I'm gonna take that as a yes. I'm gonna take that as a yes! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!

Victoria: Okay, I'll talk to you later.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: Hey.

Nick: Did Mom want to see you, too?

Victoria: Yeah. Did she tell you what's going on?

Nick: I have no idea what's going on.

Victoria: [Sighs] You know, I think maybe... I think maybe Mom told Dad she was sick.

Nick: Sick? What do you mean she's sick?

Victoria: We should get in there.

Nick: Wait a second. What --

Victoria: Hey! We're here!

Nick: Mom's sick?

Victoria: I don't know much, okay? She didn't want me to say anything until she was ready.

Nikki: I don't know that anybody is ever ready to face something like this.

Jack: I'm not gonna lie to you, Kyle.

Kyle: That's progress.

Jack: [Sighs]

Kyle: Sorry.

Jack: No, no, no. You're right. I earned that. But to answer your question, it's a struggle. Every time something goes wrong or something goes right, I want a pill, every hour, every minute.

Kyle: God, Dad. Still?

Jack: It could be that way from here on out. But I've surrounded myself with people who care about me, people who make me strong. And having those people in my life makes me feel a whole lot better than the pills ever did.

Phyllis: Oh, hey. Are you in the middle of something?

Kyle: Hey, Phyllis. Nope. Finishing up. I'll run the numbers on that incentive program.

Jack: Get them to me before you leave. I want to jump on that.

Kyle: Yeah.

Phyllis: Sounds like the sales meeting was successful.

Jack: Oh, better than successful. And the fragrance is a giant hit.

Phyllis: Really? Did you have any doubt?

Jack: What do you say we celebrate... over dinner? What?

Phyllis: Our conversation about me not wanting to get into a serious relationship.

Jack: What, friends can't just have dinner together?

Phyllis: Not the kind of dinner that you want to have.

Jack: [Sighs]

Fenmore: Your mom shot her mouth off to my folks.

Summer: She did?

Fenmore: Yeah. Yeah, they're all over me about running away. I thought I could trust you, Summer.

Summer: You can! It was the first time that my mom and I had talked in forever, and I was just telling her how I felt about everything, and it just... I-I'm sorry that she told your parents, Fen. I'll help you prove you didn't push Jamie.

Fenmore: I don't need you for that.

Summer: But if I can help --

Fenmore: Jamie admitted he lied and they dropped the charges.

Summer: They did?! That's great! That solves everything!

Fenmore: It solves nothing!

Summer: What? How?

Fenmore: Summer, I was ready to forgive you for starting this whole entire mess with Jamie. But you betrayed me.

Summer: I didn't.

Fenmore: You told your mother things that were supposed to be just between you and me!

Summer: I know.

Fenmore: You know what? I will never forgive you for that, Summer.

Billy: Come on, Buddy. You're not doing your part here. You, my little stinker, were supposed to go to bed early so Daddy can set up the surprise for Mommy. So tell me, why aren't you in your crib, sleeping? Hmm? Why? Got to learn to keep your promises, man. Look, I wasn't always a man of my word, either. Yeah, I know. We also know how that turned out. Ended up letting down a lot of people that I love. Yeah. And that's a feeling that I pray you never have to endure. That's why the surprise is so important. Yes! That's why it's important. I want Mom to know how much I love her and that I'll be here always, just like I'm gonna be here for you. Yeah.

Nikki: I've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Nick: M.S.?

Victoria: Are you sure? Did you get a second opinion?

Nikki: Yes, yes, yes. Victoria, I've had all the tests.

Nick: I don't know a lot about M.S.

Victor: Well, neither do we, but we're learning something new every day.

Nick: What caused it?

Nikki: They don't know. For some reason, it affects women more than men.

Victor: We're trying to wrap our minds around the diagnosis.

Victoria: How are you feeling?

Nikki: I get numbness, uh... tremors sometimes, just in my hands right now. Look, I wanted you to know about it, but I don't want it to affect you.

Victoria: How can it not, Mom?

Victor: Sweetheart, we don't know how it's gonna affect your mother in the end, okay? We just know that thousands of people all over the world, with the proper kind of treatment and the proper medication, can live perfectly normal lives.

Victoria: And you?

Nikki: I guess we'll just wait and see.

Nick: Well, you got me and Vic and Dad.

Victor: And you've got your grandchildren, who adore you.

Victoria: I guess what we're trying to say, Mom, is that you're not alone.

Lauren: The only thing bothering me right now is this riff between you and Fen.

[Door closes]

Lauren: Hi, Baby.

Michael: Hey!

Lauren: Hey. Did you have dinner yet?

Fenmore: No, I haven't.

Michael: I ordered pizza. Canadian bacon with black olives.

Fenmore: I'm not hungry.

Michael: You can't even crack a smile for pizza just because I ordered it?

Fenmore: Why should I?

Michael: This is it. What, you gonna hate me for the rest of my life?

Lauren: Michael --

Michael: Okay, okay. I'm sorry.

Fenmore: You keep saying that.

Michael: Because I keep hoping you'll hear it. Look, I am sorry I took the word of that poor, damaged boy over my own son.

Fenmore: Well, Mom didn't.

Michael: No, your smart, wonderful mom clearly knows you better than I do. She said from day one that you had nothing to do with Jamie's fall from that roof.

Lauren: Why are we rehashing this?

Michael: I understand why you're both angry with me. But can you understand how devastated I was to learn that you had bullied that boy?

Lauren: Okay, why are you still talking about this?

Michael: Because I want you to understand why I was concerned! Fenmore, you showed no discernible compassion for that man whatsoever! And that terrified me. And I'm sorry. I was scared. I was scared, and it -- it became all about me. And I was frightened that you were becoming the person I was.

Fenmore: You never listened to what I had to say! It's all about you!

Michael: I asked you! I begged you to talk to me about what happened! And you refused! What was I supposed to think?

Fenmore: So now it's all my fault?

Michael: No! No. No, it's not. Because you know what? If there is one person more disappointed in me than you right now, it's me.

[Knock on door]

Michael: Yay! Pizza.

Paul: Hey, man. Come on. Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey.

Paul: How you doing?

Michael: Fine. Come... come in.

Paul: Hey there.

Jack: I have respected all your boundaries, have I not?

Phyllis: You've gone over, around, and through them.

Jack: All I'm talking about is a little dinner between colleagues.

Phyllis: With candles and music.

Jack: Well, if you'd like that, we can arrange that.

Phyllis: I'm trying to avoid that Valentine’s Day schmaltz.

Jack: Come on. It was a little nod to century-old tradition.

Phyllis: You have candlelight dinners with all your friendly associates?

Jack: The candles were a precaution in case the storm took out the electricity.

Phyllis: What about flashlights?

Jack: I had those, too. Always prepared. Ever a scout.

Phyllis: And the music?

Jack: The music was on the radio. I had to hear reports if the weather changed.

Phyllis: What about the dancing? Was that to keep you warm?

Jack: It was a great song, and I would have felt like I was being rude not asking you to dance. What do you say? Dinner?

Nikki: All right, now, I don't want a pity party.

Victor: I don't remember planning one.

Victoria: Mom... [Sighs]

Nikki: And I don't want you asking me, "Mom, are you okay, really?" Every time you see me.

Victor: Well, if she does, it's okay.

Nick: We can do that. Anything else?

Nikki: I don't want you to treat me like an invalid. Okay? I want to be treated normally. Because I'm not an invalid, and I'm not going to allow this disease to make me one.

Victor: Good.

Victoria: Okay, so can we hug you, or will you think that we're coddling you?

Nikki: Oh, Honey, hugs are always welcome.

Paul: Jamie is headed to D.C. tonight.

Michael: To visit Ronan?

Jamie: I'm moving there.

Paul: Ronan used his FBI connections and was granted guardianship now that Jamie's dad is in prison.

Michael: So this is goodbye.

Jamie: Yeah. And I wanted to say thanks.

Lauren: Good luck to you, Jamie.

Jamie: And I want to apologize. You let me stay here, and... I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. Fen, there was a lot of messed-up stuff between us, but... I shouldn't have lied about what happened on the roof.

Fenmore: I should have never written that stuff about you.

Michael: We all make mistakes.

[Cell phone rings]

Kyle: Summer, how's it going?

Summer: Awful.

Kyle: Slightly or hugely?

Summer: Too awful for a phone call.

Kyle: Okay, well, did you want to get together?

Summer: Yeah, can you come to the coffeehouse? Please. I really need your help, Kyle.

Jack: And these are the results of the focus group.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. You're right. The numbers are way better than expected.

Kyle: Here's the numbers, Dad.

Jack: Oh, good. Thanks.

Kyle: I'm heading out.

Phyllis: Hey, Kyle, um, your dad and I were talking about getting a bite. Would you like to join us, if that's okay?

Jack: Absolutely.

Kyle: That sounds great. I just told Summer I'd meet her at the coffeehouse.

Jack: Well, bring Summer along. I'd love to see her.

Kyle: I'll ask her.

Phyllis: What?

Jack: See? I'm right. It's not a date.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Victor: You never cease to amaze me, Sweetheart. Such a brave woman.

Nikki: Even after I just lied to our children.

Victor: Well, what'd you leave out?

Nikki: How very frightened I am and that I don't want to be a burden.

Victor: I don't want you to use that word.

Nikki: Victor, this disease can be very debilitating.

Victor: I do not want you to use that word. And we'll adjust, all right? I love you, your children love you, and... you're not and never will be a burden to us. Don't use that word. Okay?

Nikki: Thank you.

Billy: Mm. Oops. [Humming]

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Hey, what's wrong?

Victoria: [Sniffles]

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?

Victoria: [Crying]

Michael: How many slices, Fenmore?

Fenmore: I told you I'm not hungry.

Lauren: Honey, you have to eat.

Fenmore: Not with him.

Michael: Are you kidding me?

Fenmore: No! Enough of this!

Lauren: Fen.

Michael: Is this the way my son and I are gonna deal with each other for the rest of our lives?

Lauren: I'll go talk to him.

Michael: Thank you.

Lauren: Fen? Come on. Wait. Fen. You should really talk to your father.

Fenmore: Why?

Lauren: You have every right to be angry at him for the way he treated you.

Fenmore: Why are you defending him?

Lauren: He didn't just wake up one morning and decide you were a criminal. You bullied Jamie, and then you wouldn't talk to either one of us about it. You were wrong, too.

Fenmore: Not as wrong as he was.

Lauren: Maybe not. But he is your father, and he loves you.

Fenmore: Not when it counts.

Lauren: Honey, you've got --

Fenmore: I need to go to the rec room for a while.

Paul: No. Have you seen the so-called food they sell on airplanes? I'm buying you a sandwich. What do you want?

Jamie: Paul...

Paul: That's okay. I'll get the food.

Summer: You lied about Fen pushing you.

Jamie: If you want to yell, go for it.

Summer: I can't. This was all my fault, and... I wish I could go back and undo all of it, Jamie.

Jamie: Me too. I'm, uh, I'm leaving tonight.

Summer: For where?

Jamie: D.C., to stay with Ronan.

Summer: Oh. Uh, that's good. I hope things work out.

Jamie: Thanks.

Summer: Hi.

Kyle: Hey.

Summer: I'm so happy to see you.

Kyle: Yeah. Well, when a friend calls...

Summer: I, um... I'm not a good friend, Kyle. I just -- I ruined Jamie's life, and just when I thought I had smoothed things over with Fen, I said something to someone that I shouldn't have, and I don't even know if he's gonna forgive me, and I'm starting to think that you should rethink this whole being-my-friend thing.

Kyle: I'll take my chances.

Summer: Okay. Do you want coffee?

Kyle: Yeah, unless -- you want to have dinner at the club?

Summer: Yeah, I'd love that.

Kyle: The catch, though -- we'd be double-dating with my dad and your mom.

Summer: Yeah, I'm so in. Uh, thank you, Kyle. Yeah, you just -- you made me feel so much better. Thank you.

Billy: Are they sure it's M.S.? I'm sorry, Hon. I wish there were something I could do. I... um, if this is too much, it's -- I'll just clean it up. It's, um, not a problem. I understand.

Victoria: Oh, uh...

Billy: I, you know, I...

Victoria: It's just -- it's been such an awful day, and, you know, to come home to this is just...

Billy: Honey, I'm sorry.

Victoria: It's really wonderful. [Sniffles]

Billy: It is? You know, uh... I did it because I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what.

Victoria: I do know that.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: You want some proof? [Sighs]

Victoria: Billy...

Billy: Victoria... will you do the honor of marrying me... again... right here, right now?

Michael: [Chuckles] And the kicker is I have done everything I can not to be like Lowell, and yet here I am, a crappy daddy with a son who cannot stand me. [Exhales] How do I fix this, Lauren?

Lauren: I don't know.

Michael: And how long are we gonna do this? We're not gonna talk. We're not gonna eat. We're --

Lauren: All right, enough with the rationalizations.

Michael: They're not rationalizations. I'm trying to explain things to you!

Lauren: Right! How you arrested our son so he wouldn't become like you!

Michael: Well... given the hideous things I've done in the past --

Lauren: Oh, like I don't have terrible things in my past that I wish weren't there? Hmm? And yet I still manage to have faith in our son.

Michael: I lost sight of who he is.

Lauren: And how could you? I mean, honestly, how -- how do you do that? I knew in my soul that he didn't push Jamie off that roof. Why couldn't you just believe in how we raised him?

Michael: Because I do not have as much faith in goodness as you do. I need you. I need you to help me fix my relationship with Fenmore.

Lauren: Michael...

Michael: No, we can do this. We can.

Lauren: I can't. [Voice breaking] I can't do this. I'm, uh... I'm gonna move out.

Michael: What?

Lauren: I need time away from you.

Michael: Don't do this. Why are you doing this?

Lauren: [Sighs] We had everything, Michael. We had a happy child. And we adored each other. But you broke us.

Paul: So, ready to head to the airport?

Jamie: Can I ask you something?

Paul: Sure.

Jamie: Why did you help me?

Paul: I felt for you. You've had a rough go of it.

Jamie: Oh.

Paul: What are you asking, Jamie?

Jamie: Ronan. He used to be like a big brother to me. And we got along great... when he was here.

Paul: So you think that's gonna change now?

Jamie: Well, he's a cop. And after all the lies I've told, why would he even want to know me?

Paul: Jamie, those kids bullied you. They drove you up on that roof.

Jamie: I accused Fen of pushing me.

Paul: Okay, so that was wrong. You shouldn't have lied, right? But it's only because you lost sight of what's really important.

Jamie: What's that?

Paul: There are people like Ronan and me and... and even Summer. We care about you, and we want what's best for you.

Jamie: Do you have any kids?

Paul: I have a daughter, and I had a son.

Jamie: "Had"?

Paul: My son, Ricky -- he died.

Jamie: Do, uh... do you think about him a lot?

Paul: We were never very close, and... I will always feel guilty about that. Every day I think about... how I'd want to do things over again with him.

Jamie: I'd like a do-over, too.

Paul: Jamie, you got it. In D.C., you're gonna have a brand-new life. Come on.

Jamie: Did, uh... did your son?

Paul: Uh, no. He never had a chance to have a better life. But you know what? In spite of all the rough times you've had, you're turning yours around. I'm really, really proud of you.

Kyle: Hey, congratulations on your new club.

Nick: Thanks. Uh, I need to speak with my daughter, so if you'll excuse us?

Summer: Um, actually, Dad, Kyle and I have plans.

Nick: Your plans can wait.

Phyllis: What... is taking Kyle and Summer so long?

Jack: What?

Phyllis: Did you call your son and tell him not to show up so you can inadvertently turn this into a date?

Jack: I am not that calculating.

Phyllis: Yes, you are.

Jack: Okay, maybe I am. Don't look at me like you know me inside-out. There are things about me you don't know.

Phyllis: Like what? What do I not know about you?

Jack: Like I'm a... good pinball player. I had the chin-up record in middle school. I.... I'm excellent at Scrabble. I can name every Bond film in order and the guy who played Bond and the villain and the Bond girl. I make a mean martini. I'm an excellent kisser. Or so I'm told.

Phyllis: I do seem to recall that.

Jack: Well, if you need me to jog your memory, I'd be happy to help.

Victoria: Haven't we been here before?

Billy: Oh, yes, we have, actually. Once on a beach, on our front lawn... we even made it to a church once. But every time I marry you, I love you more.

Victoria: For better or for worse.

Billy: For richer or for poorer.

Victoria: In sickness...

Billy: And in health. For as long as we both shall live.

Victoria: You have no idea how much those words mean to me right now.

Billy: Honey, I wake up every morning, I thank God that despite the great many times I've screwed up, you always forgive me, you always take me back.

Victoria: You're done screwing up, right?

Billy: Yes, Ma'am. Because life without you is unimaginable.

Victoria: Well, you know, a lot has changed since our first time around.

Billy: I know. I'm a little older. I'm a little wiser. You're more gorgeous than ever. It's true. We've got our beautiful baby boy.

Victoria: You know... if I had to go through every misstep and every heartache to get to where we are right now... it would definitely be worth it.

Billy: You mean that?

Victoria: Do you know what today's about? It's about things that really matter... things that no amount of money can buy and no amount of power can influence. And I'm just really grateful that no matter what I go through out there I can come home here to you.

Billy: I love you.

Victor: Here, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Oh, sorry, my darling. One second.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Victor: Come here. Come here.

[Cell phone rings]

Victor: Excuse me for a moment. Who is this? Hello? Well, that's wonderful news. Yeah. Thank you.

Nikki: Who was that?

Victor: Contractor. The house at the ranch will be finished the first week of March.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: My God, that's wonderful.

Victor: So we'll have our wedding. You and Victoria better finalize the arrangements, okay?

Nikki: Well, I-I think we can move in, but we ought to hold off on the wedding.

Victor: Under no circumstances. Like hell we will.

Summer: Why did you drag me out here like I'm some 2-year-old? It's embarrassing.

Nick: What's going on with you and Kyle?

Summer: Nothing. We're on our way to dinner.

Nick: I don't think it's a good idea for you to be hanging out with him.

Summer: Why, 'cause he's an Abbott?

Nick: Because he's too old for you, Summer.

Summer: We're going to dinner with Mom and Jack.

Nick: I guess that's a little better.

Summer: Yeah, so are we done?

Nick: Well, I was kind of hoping we could have dinner -- you, me, Noah, and Faith.

Summer: Yeah, well, I can't. I'm not gonna hold you up from meeting with them.

Nick: Summer, come on.

Summer: Okay. I'll just meet up with you guys later. Maybe we can watch a movie or something, okay? Bye.

Kyle: Is everything okay?

Summer: Yeah. Um, my dad is just in overprotection mode. He thinks that you're too old for me to be hanging out with.

Kyle: Why would our ages matter? We're just friends.

Summer: Right. Just friends. Let's go.

Kyle: All right.

Jack: I'd be glad to call Kyle and get an E.T.A. if sitting with me is making you nervous.

Phyllis: You don't make me nervous.

Jack: So, what's the problem?

Phyllis: Fear.

Jack: Of me. When we were together in the past and things were good, things were indescribably good.

Phyllis: And when they were bad, they were indescribably bad. Whose fault was that?

Jack: Well, you can't take all the blame.

Phyllis: I'm not taking all the blame.

Jack: Oh, okay.

Phyllis: I don't want to do that to you again. I would rather be safe colleagues than sorry lovers.

Jack: My G-- I've got to tell you, safe is boring. We could give this a try. We don't want to be sorry that we didn't see where this might be leading.

Michael: Hey.

Fenmore: Where's Mom?

Michael: Uh, she decided to take a room at the club for a few days to give you and me some time to work things out.

Fenmore: S-she moved out?

Michael: Fenmore, she's fine.

Fenmore: Unbelievable. You know, I don't blame her. I'm out of here.

Michael: All right, stop!

Fenmore: Or what? What, you'll lock me up? House arrest instead of juvie this time? I would rather be put in jail than be stuck here with you.

Michael: All right, all right, I get it. Listen. Your mom has given us the time and the space to work on this, so let's use it.

Fenmore: Not now, Dad. I just... I can't.

Michael: S-son...

Victoria: What you got there, a little rice to top things off?

Billy: No.

Victoria: Wedding rings?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Actual rings this time. I thought it might be nice to have something to pass along to the kids. Kind of hard to do that with a tattoo.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Billy... wow.

Billy: This ring... there's no beginning. There's no end. Just like my love for you.

Victoria: You know... nobody makes me cry as much as you do. But then again, nobody makes me laugh as much as you do either. I love you, Billy Abbott. I can't imagine my life without you.

Billy: Nothing is gonna take me away from you. That's my solemn vow.

Victoria: I'm gonna hold you to that, okay?

Billy: Well, then start holding me to it.

Victoria: Kiss your wife.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victor: We banish any thought of postponing the wedding, all right? You can invite the whole town or just the two of us... but you and I... will get married, come hell or high water. Got that?

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Victor: What? What's so funny?

Nikki: Well, you certainly aren't treating me like an invalid.

Victor: No, I certainly am not.

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Victor: And...

Nikki: And I love you, too.

Victor: Now let's pick a date. Close your eyes.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Just point to a day.

Nikki: Um, all right. How about, um... that? Whatever that day is, that's it.

Victor: Great. That's the date. Can't come soon enough.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Leslie: We got to stick to the story.

Tyler: Yeah, well, the story is falling apart.

Dylan: Phyllis? You remember me?

Nick: You and Adam? Seriously?

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