Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/20/13
Episode # 10100 ~ Cane wants Chelsea to make peace with Adam; Victor is manipulated.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Neil: [Clears throat]
Nick: My man.
Neil: Hey.
Nick: Getting a late start today?
Neil: Good to see you. Man, I've been up since before you were born. Remember me?
Nick: Please.
Neil: [Chuckles] I had a couple of video conferences with designers in New York this morning.
Nick: You guys are really going forward with this fashion line for Jabot.
Neil: I'll tell you, Jack wants to have us up and running by fall. A little unrealistic, I think.
Nick: Yeah, but you'll work 24/7 to make it happen.
Neil: Well, that's kind of like you with the Underground, right -- all work and no play?
Nick: [Chuckles]
Neil: We're just a couple of hardworking fools, aren't we?
Nick: I've been called worse. But I do miss getting to spend some time with my old friends like you, though.
Neil: Old?
Nick: Very old.
Neil: Oh, okay, youngster. You're forgiven, as long as you spend your precious time with that lady of yours.
Nick: Yeah, well, between her work at Newman and her latest case for the Innocence Foundation in Milwaukee, I definitely don't get to see her as much as I would like.
Neil: You got to take that time, right? You and Avery have a very special thing going -- more valuable than any case or business venture. You know I'm right.
Nick: Yeah. [Sighs]
Avery: Excuse me.
Nurse; Can I help you?
Avery: I'm looking for Dylan McAvoy. This is his room.
Nurse: Oh, Mr. McAvoy checked out.
Avery: He checked out? Already?
Nurse: He left last night.
Sharon: I understand that the storm has damaged a lot of houses. [Chuckles] No. Actually, it doesn't help that half of the construction workers in town are working on the Newman ranch house. Well, that's what all of the other contractors have told me -- that it's gonna be four to six weeks before anyone can even come look at my house. Great. So, in the meantime, what am I supposed to do with the hole in my roof?
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Um, never mind. Dylan.
Chelsea: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Cane: Hey. You okay?
Tyler: How do you do it?
Lily: [Chuckles] What's that?
Tyler: Make the room look better just by being in it.
Lily: Well, we sell beauty, so I'm trying to look good.
Tyler: Job well done.
Lily: I got to get these to Cane.
Tyler: Did you guys make it through the storm okay? You know, you said you were worried about Charlie and Mattie and the power being off at the house when we were trapped in the car.
Lily: Uh, yeah. Everything was fine, so... I really have to get these to Cane, though. [Chuckles]
Tyler: Lily, something wrong?
Leslie: Okay.
Man: Thanks.
Leslie: Congressman Wheeler. Um, if you're here to see Jack, he, uh --
Wheeler: Actually, I came to speak to you, Valerie. I'm sorry. You prefer "Leslie" now, don't you?
Leslie: This is -- this is where I work. I don't appreciate you showing up here to discuss old business.
Wheeler: Well, if you took my phone calls...
Leslie: I heard everything you had to say the other night.
Wheeler: You still haven't told me why you won't speak to the appeals judge who's deciding the fate of your mother's killer.
Leslie: I don't owe you any explanations.
Wheeler: If that man is released from prison, you and your brother will be looking over your shoulders for the rest of your lives. Is that what you want?
Mason: Thank you.
Victor: You taken care of the matter with Sharon?
Mason: Not yet.
Victor: What do you mean, "Not yet"?
Mason: It's not that easy switching Sharon's real meds with fakes.
Victor: You'd better get it done, okay? Because Adam and Sharon are seemingly somewhat successful at Newman. I want them out.
Victor: Before they take hold of the company.
Mason: I'm not sure if switching Sharon's meds is the way to go.
Victor: Do you actually want to do this, or what?
Mason: I want to help, but --
Victor: I get the feeling that... you don't want to do it. That's not good.
Avery: Ohh. Hi. I wasn't expecting you.
Nick: You're on your way to the hospital?
Avery: Uh, I already went.
Nick: How's Dylan?
Avery: He checked out, actually.
Nick: That was fast.
Avery: Well, I guess he was anxious to leave.
Nick: You make it sound like you think he left town.
Avery: Well, there's no reason for him to stay.
Sharon: Wow. Look at you. You're already out of the hospital? You were in pretty bad shape last night.
Dylan: I've been through worse.
Sharon: You know, you ought to think about being a little more careful.
Dylan: Wow -- from the lady who dumped hot coffee on me.
Sharon: Oh, you mean the time when you told me your first name was really "Mac"?
Dylan: Yeah. I-I wasn't -- I wasn't trying to mess with you.
Sharon: No, it was because of Avery. Well, she told me that you two used to be in love.
Dylan: Yeah, it was a long time ago.
Sharon: Well, she thinks she's the reason that you hit that tree last night.
Dylan: Well, did you tell her it was your fault?
Sharon: Do you forgive me?
Dylan: Since you hung around and made sure I got to safety... yeah.
Sharon: Well, you make it sound like I carried you on my back all the way to the hospital when all I did was make a call.
Dylan: No, seriously, that's why I came by. I just -- I wanted to say thank you for everything. I know you came to the hospital. I know you called Avery.
Sharon: Well, you would have done the same thing if somebody had been hurt, especially if you were the one to blame. So, um, I'm glad you're okay.
Dylan: Yeah. We're both lucky that we survived the storm.
Sharon: Yeah.
Dylan: Looks like your house did, too.
Sharon: If you don't count the tree that fell into my kitchen.
Dylan: Really? How -- how bad is it?
Sharon: It's pretty bad. I mean, it was a skylight -- one that I'm really not that happy to have, especially in February, and can you believe I can't get anyone out here to fix it for at least a month?
Dylan: I can do it.
Mason: I'm not backing out of our agreement.
Victor: All right. So, you will switch Sharon's meds today?
Mason: I'll take care of it.
Victor: All right. You let me know when it's done, all right?
Adam: Saw you talking with my father.
Mason: Mr. Newman. He knows my Uncle Augie. He just asked me to send his regards.
Adam: Yeah? Yeah, my dad's famous for being considerate like that.
Mason: [Sighs]
Adam: What's he asking you to do, Mason -- spy on me, work with him to bring me down?
Mason: Sir, I-I told you --
Adam: If you're gonna work with the enemy, you have to be a better liar than you are right now.
Mason: I haven't betrayed you.
Adam: Not yet. There are not many people that are strong enough to stand up against Victor Newman.
Mason: I am. I work for you.
Adam: Do you?
Mason: Of course!
Adam: I don't think so. You're fired.
Sharon: Seriously? You'd be willing to do the work on my house?
Dylan: Yeah. I'm a contractor. I ran my dad's construction company for years.
Sharon: But not anymore.
Dylan: No, I actually wanted to...see the world, so I joined the army.
Sharon: Oh. So, let me guess -- you have been to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Dylan: Yes.
Sharon: How many tours?
Dylan: I don't know. I lost count.
Sharon: So, you survived the war, and now you want to come work for me?
Dylan: Well, when you put it that way, I'm starting to think maybe I was safer in Afghanistan.
Sharon: Come on. I haven't tried to kill you in hours.
Dylan: What have I gotten myself into?
Nick: Wish I was as sure as you are that we'd seen the last of Lieutenant McAvoy.
Avery: Why are you worried? I made my choice.
Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. And the right one, in my opinion, although I don't think your ex would agree.
Avery: Well, Dylan respects my decision.
Nick: Doesn't seem like the kind of soldier that's gonna give up easily.
Avery: [Sighs] Nick, this isn't a battle.
Nick: Tell that to him.
Avery: Look, he's gone. He's not coming back.
Nick: Okay. So, does this mean I'm gonna get more than like 5, 10 minutes a day with you all to myself?
Avery: March 4th.
Nick: What's that? Your birthday?
Avery: No. That is the day that my appeals case goes in front of the judge. After that, after it's over, I will have so much time to spend with you.
Nick: Well, I don't know if I can wait that long.
Avery: [Sighs] Well, I could take a sick day.
Nick: That'd be lying. You ain't sick.
Avery: I know. Emergency personal day?
Nick: This does seem emergency-ish.
Avery: Yes, it does. All right. It's settled. I am playing hooky and spending all day in bed with you.
Nick: Mmm. Okay. I'm gonna say something to you that I will never say again. I will not spend all day in bed with you.
Avery: Why?
Nick: Because I know how much this case means to you, and I don't want to be the reason that you don't do your best on it.
Chelsea: I'm fine. I'm just annoyed that the bakery sold me stale pastries.
Cane: Ohh. You see, 'cause I thought maybe you ran into Adam, 'cause I know the sight of him makes you sick.
Chelsea: Well, so does talking about him, so let's not, okay?
Cane: Okay. Ready to work on the pitch?
Chelsea: Yes, I am.
Cane: You sure? 'Cause, I mean, you don't look good.
Chelsea: I said I'm ready, okay?! Sorry. Sorry. It's just you said that I really need to nail this pitch to Neil.
Cane: You do. Yeah, I'm not gonna take you in the room if your head's not straight, okay?
Chelsea: Great. Great. Now Adam has managed to mess with my personal and my professional life.
Cane: That's 'cause he's a man, and we are all jerks, all right? And he's putting you through exactly what I put Lily through.
Chelsea: No. Not exactly. You guys got back together.
Cane: Yeah, but, you know, it didn't happen overnight. You think that you and Adam --
Chelsea: No. No, no. There is no happily ever after for Adam and me. That only happens to people like you and Lily.
Cane: Yeah, but just 'cause we worked things out, it doesn't mean we don't have our problems.
Chelsea: At least you got a chance to work through yours.
Cane: And I hope we always do.
Tyler: Why are you freezing me out?
Lily: I'm not. [Chuckles]
Tyler: It's colder in here than when we were stranded in your car. But, then again, we did have some serious body heat going.
Lily: Yes, so that we could stay live. [Chuckles]
Tyler: Frostbite wasn't the only thing out to get you that night. That storm was doing a number on your head. Kicked your mom anxiety into high gear. But I guess it's a good thing that I had a warm body and a cool head.
Lily: Yeah. I appreciate what you did.
Tyler: Well, I owed you from our day in the elevator.
Lily: [Chuckles] It wasn't really a whole day, but...
Tyler: Felt like a whole day.
Lily: Yeah. Well, now we're even, so...
Tyler: Even if I buy you a cup of coffee, then you buy me one. You saved me, and I saved you. Practically makes us soul mates.
Lily: [Chuckles] Okay. I think it just makes us two people that helped each other.
Tyler: Come on. You can't deny that we've done some major bonding under some pretty intense conditions.
Lily: Look, I got to get these proposals to my dad. You know how he gets when things are late, so...
Tyler: This isn't about some proposal...or your dad. Are you mad at me about something?
Leslie: Tyler and I are doing what we have to do to protect ourselves.
Wheeler: The only way to do that is to keep your mother's killer in prison. The man's dangerous.
Leslie: I don't need you to tell me that. I am fully aware of what he's capable.
Wheeler: Yet you're willing to let him go free.
Leslie: We've managed to keep our real identities hidden for years. It's kept us alive. We're not gonna compromise that now.
Wheeler: Even if it puts others in danger? I hope you don't regret that decision, Valerie.
Neil: Hi.
Wheeler: Hello, Neil.
Neil: Congressman.
Wheeler: Excuse me.
Neil: Have a nice day. Leslie, what did he say to you?
Leslie: Congressman Wheeler's just still harassing me about that contract I drew up when I was with Vance Abrams.
Neil: Leslie Michaelson doesn't let a disagreement over contract language get to her like this. That I know. What is really going on?
Leslie: Wow. You -- you're just really not gonna let this go, are you?
Neil: No, I'm really not. Let me help you, okay? I care about you. What's going on with you and Marcus?
Leslie: Um, Wheeler is an old...family -- he knew my parents, and, uh, things between them weren't exactly amicable.
Neil: So, what does that have to do with you?
Leslie: Nothing. It's just, you know, those old tensions don't really go away.
Neil: Do you need me to have him back off? No, I mean it. I could take the dude. Really, I can.
Leslie: I'm sure you could, Neil, but I just -- I just want to drop it.
Neil: Okay. You let me know if you change your mind.
[Cell phone rings]
Leslie: I will.
Neil: Excuse me one second.
Leslie: Okay.
Neil: Hello? Oh, great. I'll talk to you later. That's excellent news. Yes, I'll be right there.
Wheeler: Five minutes, that's all.
Victor: Come in.
Wheeler: Thank you. Things got out of hand last time that I was here, and...
Victor: I'm a busy man, Marcus, so what's the point?
Wheeler: And you're a powerful one. And yet, Victor, you haven't been able to convince Avery Clark to drop an insignificant little case.
Victor: Well, now, if it's so insignificant, then why the hell are you worried about its outcome?
Wheeler: I'm a representative of the people of this state. It is my duty to serve justice.
Victor: You're giving me a lot of political bull. It doesn't fly around here, okay?
Wheeler: All right. I testified against the defendant in the original trial.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Wheeler: If Miss Clark wins this appeal, a murderer goes free and I look like a fool.
Victor: Oh, yeah. Now I get it. This is about your reputation, about your chances for re-election. Is that it?
Wheeler: What else would it be about?
Victor: Of course. Indeed. What else?
Wheeler: You owe me, Victor.
Victor: I don't owe you a damn thing, Marcus.
Wheeler: If it comes to light that my daughter was hired to seduce Jack Abbott and then ended up overdosing before she was dumped in an alley...
Victor: You're making an idle threat.
Wheeler: Not idle. You hired a prostitute to blackmail a business rival, and someone ended up dead. Now, I wonder what the Newman board would say or think if they had you in place and they knew that, not to mention the Genoa City police department would be interested.
Victor: You know, Marcus, I don't think you really know who you're dealing with. Now kindly leave.
Wheeler: Talk to your son. He's seeing Avery Clark. Maybe he can convince her to drop the case. This is in both of our best interests, Victor.
Victor: You have a nice day.
Adam: What did the honorable Mr. Wheeler want?
Victor: He's a damn politician. What do you think he wants? Money.
Adam: I guess you turned him down.
Victor: What can I do for you?
Avery: What did I do to deserve you?
Nick: That's a tough one. You know, I can review your file and figure out what you have done to earn my love and affection.
Avery: Hmm. Really? You have a file on me?
Nick: Mm-hmm. I do. And I could use it as a refresher since I've seen so little of you the last few days.
Avery: Okay, I get it -- you're feeling neglected. How do we fix this? How do we spend more time together?
Nick: Well, we do have our private booth at the club.
Avery: Yes, but that is pretty public. I mean, can I do this... in our public private booth?
Nick: Well, it is a nightclub. It's not a church.
Avery: Hmm. That's true. Well... would this be acceptable?
Nick: Mmm. You haven't crossed any lines yet.
Avery: Mm-hmm. True. Well [Clears throat] What if I want to do this?
Nick: Oh. Well... if we're going down this route, might need a curtain or something around the booth.
Avery: Oh, you know what? There's no curtain needed around my bed.
Nick: I thought we agreed that we weren't playing hooky today.
Avery: Mm-hmm. Doesn't mean I can't be late.
Nick: Okay.
Lily: I'm not mad at you. [Chuckles]
Tyler: You know, it doesn't happen that often, but I know when I'm getting the brush-off. So, come on. What's going on? I know you. This isn't how you treat a friend.
Lily: Tyler, we are not friends, okay? Look, I am grateful for what you did for me during the storm, and we work very well together, but we're colleagues. That's it.
Tyler: That's it, huh? Is that you talking...or your husband?
Cane: So, are you saying you wish that you could work out problems with Adam?
Chelsea: It wouldn't matter. He and Sharon are... [Sighs] He's moved on.
Cane: Are you sure?
Chelsea: Yeah. The signs were pretty clear.
Cane: [Sighs] Look... I couldn't tell you how many times I thought that Lily and I were finished, but she always found a way to forgive me -- more times than I deserve.
Chelsea: You and Lily are... good people who got caught up in some bad stuff. Adam and I... [Sighs] I'm not sure we deserve to be happy.
Cane: Adam is... not one of my favorite people, okay? But you are a good person.
Chelsea: When you compare me to the Australian mafia?
Cane: [Laughs] You are a good person who has had some tough breaks right from the start, and I can relate to that, 'cause let me say this, all right? You cannot get worse parents than Genevieve and Colin.
Chelsea: Have you met Anita and Jeff?
Cane: Have you met me?
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Cane: All right? I am living proof that you can overcome crappy DNA, all right?
Chelsea: You know, Lily -- she was smart to give you a second chance.
Cane: Lily was smart 'cause she gave me many second chances.
Chelsea: Well, you're worth it.
Cane: Thank you. Is, uh... is Adam worth it?
Chelsea: Our situation is a lot more complicated than yours.
Cane: I really, really find that hard to believe.
Chelsea: There's a lot of stuff that you don't know, Cane. There's -- there's a lot of stuff that Adam doesn't know.
Cane: The one thing I do know is that secrets and lies will kill a marriage faster than anything.
Victor: Want some coffee, Son?
Adam: Did you slip some arsenic into it?
Victor: [Chuckles] Do you think I want you dead? Huh?
Adam: You know what? When you're right, you're right, and you are right, Dad. I mean, all the joy you would miss out on if I were not around for you to try and torture.
Victor: You know, Son, you think about our relationship too much. Maybe that's why you're tortured.
Adam: You know, I just stopped by because I'd like to let you know that you can cross using my assistant to infiltrate Newman off your list of ways to get Newman back.
Victor: What's that young man's name -- Jason or something?
Adam: I think you know his name is Mason.
Victor: [Laughs]
Adam: And he's available now in case you'd like to give him the job that I'm sure you offered him if he were to help you try and get Newman back.
Victor: Interesting idea but a bit paranoid, don't you think?
Adam: You know, I did think you were gonna make this a little more difficult for me, trying to figure out your next moves, but using a kid who's trying to get a leg up -- it's just all too obvious, Dad.
Victor: You have no idea where my next move is coming from, do you, Son? You may look one way, and then suddenly...I'm coming from another direction. You never know, do you?
Adam: And suckers like Mason -- they're just collateral damage to you?
Victor: You fired him, didn't you?
Adam: Your plans with Congressman Wheeler -- I'm a step ahead of that, too.
Victor: So, you didn't want any coffee?
Dylan: Hey, Dad. I called you like 10 times just to check on you after the storm. Is there any damage over there? All right. That doesn't sound too bad. Is the old oak still standing? Yeah. I know. I know it's gonna take more than snow and wind to knock that thing down, huh? How are you feeling? [Sighs] Dad, you -- I understand that, but you got to take your meds every day. Please, can you just listen to the nurse? I don't know when I'm coming home. I'm doing some work for a friend. And you know what? She's actually here and I got to talk to her, so I'll call you back, okay? All right. I'll see you soon. I love you. All right. All right, bye. Oh, thanks. [Clears throat] Thank you. All right. Two cups of Joe, one -- what'd you call this one?
Sharon: Frou-frou.
Dylan: Yeah, I'm never saying that word again.
Sharon: [Laughs]
Dylan: And I have mine.
Sharon: Thank you.
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: Um... I can't believe how much it costs just to fix a hole in the roof. And this is just for materials?
Dylan: Yeah. That's actually a rush on the materials, and once that passes, the cost is gonna go way down. But, you know, we can just kind of patch it and wait if you want.
Sharon: Well, no. Then I'd have to tell my daughter she can't have her favorite pancakes -- chocolate chip -- on Sunday mornings.
Dylan: Oh, no. As long as I'm on the job, she's getting those pancakes. That's your daughter with Nick, right?
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, here. I'll show you a picture. I happen to have a few hundred of them here -- I don't know, maybe a few thousand. This is a really cute one of her. [Chuckles]
Dylan: Wow.
Sharon: Scroll through.
Dylan: What a heartbreaker. Look at those eyes. Are you kidding me?
Sharon: Yeah. Nick and I don't agree on much, but when it comes to Faith, we agree -- lock her up until she's 30.
Dylan: Mm-hmm. Well, Faith and Noah are lucky to have you as a mom.
Sharon: That's really sweet.
Dylan: I mean it. I mean it. You can tell when somebody's a good parent, even if they try to run you off a road in a storm and...
Sharon: [Laughs]
Sharon: Oh. Hi, Avery.
Avery: Hi. Hi. I went by the hospital, and you weren't there.
Dylan: Yeah. Just, you know, a little bump on the head, a few cuts and bruises. Didn't really see any reason to hang around.
Avery: Well, I thought you maybe -- maybe you left town.
Dylan: Disappointed?
Avery: [Chuckles] No, I'm just -- I'm surprised to see you here. How long are you planning on staying in Genoa City?
Dylan: You know, I'm not really sure. I just got this new construction gig.
Avery: You -- you got a job?
Sharon: Yeah, thanks to Mother Nature and -- and me. A tree fell through my house.
Avery: Was anyone hurt?
Sharon: Oh, no. Thank you for asking. It's just I couldn't get anyone to repair it, and then Dylan asked -- I mean, not asked -- he offered to do the repairs. And it worked out because he needed a job and I needed a house without a hole in it, so...
Avery: That's great. That's great.
Sharon: You know what? I think I -- yeah, I forgot. I have a lunch date, so I'm gonna have to, um... when can you get started?
Dylan: I can head over there right now.
Sharon: Really? Okay. That's great. Here's the keys.
Dylan: Perfect. I'll get right to work. Thank you.
Sharon: Fantastic. All right. Nice seeing you, Avery.
Avery: You too.
Dylan: You think I stayed because of you.
Avery: [Sighs] Did you?
Lily: It wasn't Cane's idea. It was mine.
Tyler: So, hubby didn't blow an Australian gasket when he saw us all cuddled up under my coat inside --
Lily: We were not cuddling, okay? We were trying to stay alive. And Cane was very grateful that I was able to do that.
Tyler: Yeah, well, I bet he doesn't feel the same way about me.
Lily: [Sighs] Look, Tyler, I like you, okay?
Tyler: Ohhh! That is the worst thing that you could say to a guy. That's right up there with "I love my husband."
Lily: Yeah. You know, I do love my husband.
Tyler: Okay, great. He loves you. You love him. So, why can't you and I be friends?
Lily: Because I think it's better for everybody if we keep things on a professional level.
Tyler: Is that really what you want?
[Door opens]
Cane: Is everything okay?
Lily: Yeah, everything's fine. Were you looking for me?
Cane: Yeah. I'd like to go over these with you.
Lily: Okay. Well, let's go to your office.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: Hey. You sure you're okay?
Lily: Yeah. I am now.
Chelsea: Yeah. I'm just picking up lunch. Okay. I'll meet you at Crimson Lights in about an hour? Yeah, we did. Cane and I worked on the pitch, and I want to tell you about it when I see you. Okay. Okay, bye. [Gasps] Whoa. [Chuckles] Hi. [Chuckles] I-I-I didn't see you.
Adam: Would you have gone the other way if you had?
Chelsea: No. If I knew I was gonna see you, I probably would have lifted my knee.
Adam: Oh. That old trick. Do you have a minute to talk?
Chelsea: I don't, actually. I'm just picking up my food, so --
Adam: Well, it's probably not ready right away, so maybe you have just a second, 'cause I would like to talk to you. I want to find out why you didn't want to talk to me yesterday.
Chelsea: I-I was just upset about -- [Sighs] I'm better now.
Adam: I'm glad. Chelsea, is there something you've been trying to tell me?
Chelsea: Yeah. Actually, there is. Adam, I --
Victor: So, Avery's client had a criminal history before he was accused of murder?
P.I.: He turned state's evidence against his former associates to get a lighter sentence.
Victor: So, why would Marcus Wheeler be worried about having testified against him? I need to know what the Congressman is hiding, okay?
P.I.: The only connection I've been able to find between the crime and the victim --
Victor: She worked on his campaign. See what you can find out about...Marcus Wheeler and Leslie Michaelson, okay?
P.I.: Anything else?
Victor: See if you can track down a woman...from Wheeler's past. Her name is Valerie.
Neil: So, where are we with the Fenmore contract?
Leslie: Uh, Lauren's reviewing it.
Neil: Okay, good. Well, the sooner we finalize that, the better.
Leslie: Okay. Okay. I'll check in with her.
Neil: Okay. Hey... that's everything. How 'bout some lunch?
Leslie: Oh, I have to draft some letters for Jack.
Neil: Letters for Jack.
Leslie: Yes.
Neil: Rain check?
Leslie: Sure.
Neil: Okay.
Tyler: Incoming.
Leslie: Neil and I were just finishing up some business. I'll let you know when I hear from Lauren, okay?
Neil: All right, Leslie. Talk to you soon.
Leslie: All right.
Neil: Come on in.
Tyler: Hey. I have the revisions for you for the new website.
Neil: Oh, nice. Yeah, we'll talk about that later. I want to ask you something. Have a seat.
Tyler: Shoot.
Neil: Is your sister in some kind of trouble?
Tyler: Why?
Neil: So, she is.
Tyler: Well, it's nothing you have to worry about. I've always looked out for my sister. I always will.
Dylan: I'm not stalking you. You know that's not my style.
Avery: I told Nick earlier you accepted my decision.
Dylan: That's not my style, either.
Avery: Okay, Dylan. He's a good man.
Dylan: What am I?
Avery: Somebody I used to be in love with.
Dylan: Ouch.
Avery: Okay. So, you're repairing Sharon's house. Sounds familiar.
Dylan: Really? You're gonna give me a hard time about that?
Avery: I just know that you have a weakness for women in need.
Dylan: This is strictly professional.
Avery: Okay. If you say so.
Dylan: I do. Nick.
Nick: Dylan.
Dylan: Just wanted to say, um... don't worry. I know Avery's made her decision [Inhales deeply] Not that I agree with it.
Nick: Well, I guess you could say the best man won.
Dylan: Wouldn't go that far. But...good luck.
Nick: Thanks.
Dylan: See you around.
Avery: Okay.
Nick: "See you around"?
Avery: Yeah. He's, um...doing some repairs on Sharon's house, and I'm sure after that, he'll leave town, so...
Adam: Chelsea. What do you want to tell me?
Next on the "The Young and the Restless":
Nikki: Victor will know about the MS when I decide he's ready to know.
Victoria: Newman Enterprises was my driving passion.
Victor: It was your driving passions until you got married to Billy-Boy!
Noah: What do you want?
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