Y&R Transcript Friday 2/15/13
Episode # 10097 ~ Despite a blizzard, passions ignite in Genoa City.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Announcer: It's dangerous out there -- white-out conditions, icy roads, major power outages all over Genoa City.
[Knock on door]
Announcer: And the Valentine blizzard of 2013 is not over. Gather those flashlights and blankets, devoted listeners.
Adam: Get in. Come in here.
Sharon: [Shivers]
Adam: What the hell are you doing out there?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Well, there were some documents for you to sign.
Adam: Documents? So, you drove out in the blizzard of the century while it's moving in, and...you bring documents?
Sharon: They were urgent. Just take the documents.
Adam: Drive through a blizzard for documents -- that's a little...extra kind of devotion, don't you think?
Sharon: Well, a little snow doesn't scare me.
Adam: Is that what this is about? Trying to prove you're not afraid?
Sharon: [Gasps]
Adam: You afraid now? [Sighs]
Nick: Hey. Where are you?
Avery: Home safe.
Nick: Uh...good. No problems driving?
Avery: Well, I hit a few rough patches along the way, but you know me -- slow and steady wins the race.
Nick: And doesn't end up in a ditch. Uh, I'm glad you're back. I'll be right over.
Avery: Uh, no. No, it’s...awful outside.
Nick: You just drove in from Milwaukee.
Avery: I know. Are you at the Underground?
Nick: Yeah. Me and a few customers are just kind of riding out the storm, but Noah’s here. He can cover, and you know I have excellent all-wheel drive.
Avery: If I said I needed time alone tonight, would that be okay? I'm just really tired from the trip, and...I think I could use the time to think.
Nick: Uh...yeah. Of course. Uh...you know, get some rest, and, uh, when you're ready, just...come back to me.
Highway patrol is urging drivers to stay off the roads. Nothing is worth getting caught in this mess. It's just too dangerous.
Lauren: [Shivers] [Chuckles]
Carmine: Hey. You drove through this just for a glass of wine?
Lauren: [Laughs]
Carmine: I would have delivered.
Lauren: Well. Actually, I was on my way home from Fenmore’s, and I was hoping the weather would lighten up.
Carmine: Mm.
Lauren: I have seen weather, but this is really ugly.
Carmine: Well, it's gorgeous in here.
Lauren: I...I wanted to thank you for the ride home the other night. I was drowning my sorrows and clearly was unable to drive home.
Carmine: You were barely in any condition to stand. [Laughs]
Lauren: Now, wait a minute. I wasn't that bad.
Carmine: Uh-huh. So, how's things with your kid?
Lauren: The charges were dropped.
Carmine: That's great.
Lauren: Yeah. I mean, everything else... [Sighs]
Carmine: What? Ugly, like outside?
Lauren: Honestly, I'd rather not talk about it.
Carmine: Well, you know what you should talk about?
Lauren: Hmm?
Carmine: Food.
Lauren: Oh.
Carmine: The pasta here -- it's handmade. It's not like home, but it will do the job. My shift is actually just about to end, and, well, you're here. Have dinner with me.
Michael: Fenmore! Welcome -- what are you guys doing out in all that crazy weather?
Kevin: Uh, well, one night at our place wasn't enough, so, uh, Fen is gonna crash with us again.
Michael: Oh, okay. So, um... you're just gonna pick up your stuff and head back to your Uncle Kevin’s. [Sighs] Listen, you need to hear this. Jamie recanted. He admits you didn't push him. All the charges against you -- they've been dropped.
Kevin: You hear that, Buddy? That's awesome.
Fenmore: I-I got to get my stuff.
Michael: Wait, Son. Listen to me. Look. The longer you ignore me, the harder it will be for us to fix this, and I want to fix this very much. So, right now, we're gonna talk. Please.
Phyllis: Hey, Summer! I'm gonna get you some dinner, then I'm...I'm gonna decide what to do with the rest of my evening. [Sighs]
Nikki: I wish you wouldn't look at me like that. It makes me want to leave, and given that my car is in a ditch --
Jack: It's not pity. It’s... it's -- its reasonable concern. It’s...practicalities. We got to find out as much as we can about M.S., find some specialists, new research. There's a lot to do. Victor's, I'm sure, made a few phone calls, but I'm gonna be involved in this whether he likes it or not.
Nikki: He hasn't made any calls.
Jack: Why the hell not? Oh, God, the ego on this man. What? Does he think he can magically cure you by sheer force of will?
Nikki: He hasn't done anything because he doesn't know about it. Nobody knows that I have M.S., Jack... except you.
Adam: Here we go.
Sharon: [Laughs] Does that thing even work?
Adam: Classics never, ever die.
Downed trees, live wires -- stay home people. It's Valentine’s Day. Enjoy it.
Adam: Okay, for the record, we are not gonna enjoy this. We're just gonna tolerate one another.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. Oh. [Gasps]
Adam: Yeah. Exactly. You are not going out in this weather.
Sharon: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I realize that.
Adam: Don't worry. I'll keep my distance.
Sharon: I know you will, because we are colleagues and friends.
Adam: Ooph. You and your foul language -- the "F" word. You keep saying "Friends." I know.
Sharon: Well... [Chuckles] ...Just so things are clear.
Adam: We're clear on that. If you want, I can paint a white line right down the middle of the room.
Sharon: Oh. You know what? That's a good idea, because... then I can just slide your card over the line to you. Or I could fly it like a paper airplane.
Adam: My card, huh?
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Adam: A valentine's card. How thoughtful. "Happy Valentine's Day. Adam, a friend may well --" again with the friend thing, right?
Sharon: Well... you are my friend... after everything, no matter what. You know, you've given me support, a job, someone to talk to. You've given me my life back. So, yeah, you are my friend. Happy Valentine’s Day, edam.
Adam: Happy Valentine’s Day, Sharon.
Fenmore: Where's Mom?
Michael: She's at the office or on her way home. I'd call her, but if she's driving, I don't want to distract her. Your mom's not here, Fenmore, but we can talk. We need to.
Kevin: Hey, Chloe and I have plans. I'm gonna take off.
Fenmore: Are you sure about that? I mean, you were sliding all over the road on the way over here.
Michael: Oh, it's that rough out there?
Kevin: Uh, it's -- it's a little slick, but, um, I thought Fen should come home. To -- to get his stuff.
Michael: Thank you, Kevin.
Fenmore: Uh, you should...stay. Please.
Kevin: Can we have a sec? Fen, you got to talk to your dad. Do you know how many times I've had to sit down and have a talk with your dad? In fact, if I had a dollar for every time, it would really helpful right now.
Fenmore: [Chuckles]
Kevin: Every single time, he was looking out for me. And, yeah, you hate the way he does it, but he's looking out for you, too. So, you want me to stay? I can stay. But it means you listen.
Fenmore: [Sighs]
Kevin: Deal?
Mason: Hey, great place, man. My girlfriend loves it.
Nick: Thanks a lot. You know, if you guys have any special music requests, anything, let me know. The place is practically all yours.
Mason: I'll do that.
Nick: Excuse me.
Mason: Yeah.
Nick: Hey, Bud. Sorry, this booth is reserved.
Mason: Well, indeed it is...for the lovely Avery.
Nick: Yeah. You know her?
Mason: Oh, I know the type -- the type that admires men to whimsical adoration. You know, to designate a booth for her and only her -- that's, uh...that is why I'm here -- to meet the lovely Avery. [Laughs] I want to gaze at the face that launched a thousand booths. Whoo-hoo! Must be one hell of a gal. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Announcer: By now, lovers should be in for the night, riding out the Valentine's storm.
Adam: No power, no stove -- which is a good thing, because I am no chef, but, uh, I am the master of making peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwiches.
Sharon: Oh, I forgot.
Adam: Mm. I didn’t. You want one? I can cut the bananas just so, have peanut butter on both sides.
Sharon: I really don't like it when the jelly makes the bread soggy.
Adam: Who are you talking to? I know this.
Sharon: Um... [Clears throat] I'm gonna just go freshen up.
Adam: Mm. Sharon, wait, wait. Don't go. You need a flashlight. [Laughter] "'A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.' Emerson."
Jack: Why haven't you told Victor?
Nikki: I could barely get the words out without crying, so I'm not ready yet.
Jack: What about the symptoms? How could he not notice?
Nikki: Jack, just now, I-I spilled a little tea, and it was nothing. It was just a little tremor in my hand. It -- it doesn't seem like anything, and maybe some muscle aches... I don't know. I thought maybe I was riding too much, maybe I was sitting on the floor playing with Johnny too much. I'm not a teenager anymore. I get aches and pains. I-I didn't see any reason to panic.
Jack: Only it got worse.
Nikki: It was more than aches and pains.
Jack: So, you've seen doctors?
Nikki: Yes, Jack. The verdict is in. It cannot be anything else.
Jack: Okay. So, we fix this.
Nikki: There is no cure. Don't you understand? There's nothing we can do. When I am ready to tell Victor, I will tell him.
Jack: Wait, wait. How many times have you nursed Victor back to health? Maybe it's time for him to cater to you, un-- unless you think he won’t.
Nikki: I think he's gonna do just what you are doing. He's gonna talk a lot about doctors and specialists and he's gonna try to throw money at the problem and then he's going to demand that M.S. leave my body this instant.
Jack: He can be pretty persuasive.
Nikki: [Sighs] I need to find out more information before I can dump this on him.
Jack: Nikki, listen to yourself. Sharing your health concerns is "Dumping this" on him -- this man you're destined to be with?! I swear to --
Nikki: Yes, I know you do, Jack, but, please, don’t. Don't -- don't do this right now.
Jack: Nikki, listen. Listen to me. You are tough. You're tougher than M.S. You're gonna find the right doctors, and you can and will control this.
Nikki: Thank you for your optimism. I don't want to hear it right now.
Jack: Tell me what to do.
Nikki: You're doing it. Shelter from the storm.
Dylan: I heard you were on your way back from Milwaukee.
Avery: How? When?
Dylan: [Sighs] Nick. He came to talk to me. You called. I overheard, so I'm here.
Avery: Okay, well you shouldn't be out on the roads.
Dylan: I had to. I just... I just need to know if -- if we have a chance.
Avery: Look, I thought I was gonna be able to do more thinking while I was away, but...it's complicated.
Dylan: What? Your case or you and me? I'm not -- I'm not pushing.
Avery: [Scoffs]
Dylan: What? You think showing up uninvited during a blizzard -- that's pushing?
Avery: No. Not at all.
Dylan: And your smile... right. You need more time. I'll go. Hey, batteries work.
Avery: Wow. Look at you. Goodness. Do you have any smore's in the truck, too?
Dylan: Ah, the delicious meals ready to eat?
Avery: Uh-huh.
Dylan: Why, yes, I do.
Avery: And?
Dylan: And...what?
Avery: And what else do you have in the truck?
Dylan: What do you mean, what else do I have? Do I have an emergency kit? Do I have a tent, a portable generator, flares? No.
Avery: No?
Dylan: Nope.
Avery: No?
Dylan: Okay, I have the kit and flares. But, if you need a tent, you're on your own. Okay. Uh, now that you're all set... I'm gonna go.
Announcer: The storm is peaking, devoted listeners. The highway patrol is shutting down roads into and out of Genoa City. Stay home. That's an order.
Avery: An order, Soldier. Guess that means you're not going anywhere.
Michael: What you did to Jamie still matters -- the way you harassed him -- and we will deal with that appropriately. But, right now, I'm talking about you and me -- why you're upset with me and why you feel I've let you down. Fenmore, you know my past now. Thank you, internet. The thing is, uh...I was terrified that you were headed down the same path I'd gone down, so when you told me that you didn't push Jamie -- you see, I spent a whole lot of years lying to myself and other people about what I had done wrong. So, when you insisted you didn't do it, I made a huge mistake. I looked at you, but all I saw was myself.
Fenmore: So...you want me to say its okay and I get it and I forgive you?
Michael: I hope to hell we can get there, yeah.
Fenmore: I got to get some food.
Michael: Hold -- you know, uh, we have leftovers. I'll get you a plate. Just don't leave. Don't let him leave.
Kevin: We'll be here.
Michael: All right.
Fenmore: Is he kidding? What, like making me a sandwich is gonna make everything better? What are we, a mayonnaise commercial now?
Kevin: [Sighs] Fen, your dad is trying.
Fenmore: No. My dad had me arrested.
Kevin: And the charges were dropped. You're free, Pal.
Fenmore: [Chuckling] Free? No. No, no, no. Free would be me getting out of this town and forgetting I know him or anyone else here.
Kevin: Okay. So -- so freedom means running away from everyone who loves you?
Fenmore: Summer could come with me. We could work. See things.
Kevin: Wh-what are you talking about? Have you guys actually discussed that?
Fenmore: Oh, the second she is ready, we are out of here. Hey! I don't know. I'm just kidding. Relax.
Kevin: Oh. Well, that's hilarious. Seriously, Fen, you do not want to go. Come on, man! You've got an awesome family. This thing with Jamie is cleared up, and I know it is a -- it's a stretch, it's a leap, but cut him some slack. Your dad loves you.
Fenmore: My dad tried to throw my ass in jail! That is not love. And now I hate him for it.
Nikki: Oh, I've learned so many new terms, just like I did when Casey had her cancer and you had your paralysis. Some of my new terms are "Relapsing-remitting" and "Chronic-progressive." Those are the two kinds of M.S.
Jack: Remitting sure has a nice ring to it. Certainly better than chronic, anyway.
Nikki: Yeah, like --
Jack: Any chance...
Nikki: They think that I'm lucky in that sense.
Jack: Well, you think so?
Nikki: It's a tricky thing to diagnose. Apparently, I've had symptoms for a long time, and just didn't know it. But that's indicative of the kind of M.S. That goes away after a while, you know? It relapses. It's in remission after a while, so... [Sighs] There's just so much to do. They're gonna have to figure out the meds and so many more tests. I'll probably keep a journal like Casey did when she had her cancer.
Jack: Listen to me. Can I say something? For someone who hasn't said these words before, you just made that awfully clear to me.
Nikki: I did? Well, maybe I'm just numb.
Jack: You can tell all of this to Victor just like you told me.
Nikki: [Sighing] Victor. After all these years, he still thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the room.
Jack: Well, that's because you are.
Nikki: [Voice breaking] But see... I don't want to suddenly be a disease and not "Nikki." I don't want him to look at a diagnosis. [Crying]
Jack: Hey. Hey. Hey.
Nikki: [Sobbing]
Phyllis: I'm sorry.
Jack: No. Come on in. Come on in. Let me take your coat.
Phyllis: Is everything okay?
Jack: Uh, Nikki lost control of her car. She's a little wet, a little shaken.
Phyllis: Hmm. Yeah, it's really scary out there. I saw about 10 cars stalled in the six blocks it took to get me here.
Nikki: Oh, my gosh! I'm surprised you went out in all that. Oh! Oh, okay. I get -- I'm so sorry. You're -- you're his date.
Phyllis: Date in the dinner-companion sense, but not "Date," not a date.
Nikki: Well. Jack is a wonderful friend. Everybody should be so lucky. So, is the grounds keeper ready?
Jack: I'm sure he is. Come on. I'll walk you out.
Nikki: Thanks. Okay, well. If my car had to crash, I'm glad it was on your street.
Jack: You take care, okay?
Nikki: I will. And, listen, if this is what you want...I hope you get it. [Smooches] Get my purse. Oh!
Sharon: Aww. [Gasps] It's heart-shaped.
Adam: Yes. I was cutting off the crusts and then I figured just go for it. And it's actually a lot more difficult than it looks.
Sharon: I'm really impressed with the sandwich and the card.
Adam: That's the famous wishing star in the constellation of valentine's quiver.
Sharon: That's funny -- I've never seen that constellation before.
Adam: Well, you could see it if I took you outside and we looked up at the sky, but we would probably get caught in a snow drift and wouldn't be discovered until may, so you're just gonna have to believe.
Sharon: And if I do believe in this magical valentine's star?
Adam: Well, first you believe, then you make a wish, and then your wish comes true. I want you to have everything that you want.
Sharon: Should I...give it a shot?
Adam: Absolutely. So, what did you wish for?
Sharon: Do you really have to ask?
Mason: You know, it's that smile, right? I mean, Avery’s got that killer smile, I bet.
Nick: Yeah. She does. I mean, it's soft, but it can be giddy sometimes. She really likes cupcakes and legal precedents.
Mason: That's hot. [Laughs]
Nick: Yeah, it is.
Mason: You know, to have a multifaceted lady who can just smile and brighten up a room -- I used to have a lady like that once, many, many moons ago.
Nick: What happened? You blow it?
Mason: Blow it? [Laughs] I didn't even take my shot -- didn't even -- didn't even state my piece. That shows you how brave of a guy I am. I, uh...she, uh -- she found someone else, I guess. Well, here I am with a glass and a booth. You've got the pretty Avery, you lucky guy.
Dylan: Something smells really good.
Avery: Ugh. No. It's a disaster. It's a disgusting soup. I've no idea what I did wrong.
Dylan: Roasted pumpkin?
Avery: Don't even.
Dylan: [ Chuckles] What? Is that still a sore subject?
Avery: I am not kidding.
Dylan: Hold on. Hold on. Let me see. I'll be the judge of this. What are you talk-- that tastes great!
Avery: No, it doesn’t.
Dylan: You know, you're a little contrary today.
Avery: No, I'm not.
Dylan: Must be an occupational hazard.
Avery: Yeah, it must be. [Sighs] I haven't thought about that day in a very long time. That was going to be such a good soup.
Dylan: Well, if you would have listened to me and made it the easy way --
Avery: No, because you do not make pumpkin soup by opening a can of pumpkin. You roast it first, and then you --
Dylan: And then you leave it on the counter to cool off while we take a long walk along the shoreline.
Avery: Again, that was your idea.
Dylan: And then we return to the lake house to find --
Avery: An egret pecking on my pumpkin. That was a very rude bird.
Dylan: That was entrapment. You left it there to entice him.
Avery: No, I didn’t. I remember it stayed there long enough for you to snap a picture.
Dylan: You know, actually, I, uh -- I still have that photo.
Avery: No, you don’t.
Dylan: Yes, I do. Well, not on me. I rarely carry around pictures of birds.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Dylan: But I do. I have it. It's back at my dad's place.
Avery: That was a beautiful bird.
Dylan: That was a beautiful day. And this is a beautiful night.
Michael: Perfect. Perfect!
Fenmore: Well, this is just great.
Michael: Ah, yeah, well, your mother stores batteries, flashlights, and candles like a pack rat. We'll be fine.
Kevin: Where? In the hallway or the kitchen?
Michael: You okay?
Kevin: Huh? Uh, yeah. Yeah. It's just dark. It's not cramped, even though it suddenly feels that way.
Michael: Uh...junk drawer in the kitchen -- get me a flashlight, will you, Buddy? Um...I'm gonna get some candles. You just sit tight.
Kevin: Yeah, I was -- [Chuckles] I was just kidding. I'm fine.
Michael: Joking but not? You will be fine.
Kevin: Yeah, I know.
Michael: All right.
Kevin: Thank you. [Sighs]
Lauren: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. I don't think I should.
Carmine: 'Cause?
Lauren: [Chuckles] Because it was bad enough that you had to drive me home the other night.
Carmine: Well, I still plan on doing that tonight. There's no reason why you should be driving through weather like that by yourself. I know snow. I can handle it. And you can handle that. Besides, I'm not ready to say goodbye yet.
Lauren: I should get home.
Carmine: All right. I'll get the car.
Lauren: No. No, I'm -- I'm fine to drive.
Carmine: Well, at least wait for them to plow, which might not be until tomorrow.
Lauren: [Sighs] You are trouble, Carmine.
Carmine: I know. But so are you. I don't mind.
Lauren: Thank you for dinner.
Carmine: Lauren. Wait.
Phyllis: Well, that was intense -- Nikki crying on your shoulder over Victor, you easing the pain.
Jack: Somebody's got her claws out.
Phyllis: Not at all. Nikki chooses Victor over and over and over again, and she keeps you in reserve.
Jack: I'm finding this very entertaining.
Phyllis: Jack, I -- I'm sorry, but...we're just friends. We're meant to be friends. I don't want anything more.
Jack: No, neither do I.
Phyllis: Really? So, this whole set-up -- you do this for your friends? Sarge likes this, does he?
Jack: Well, Sarge doesn't much go for the roses. He's more of a tulip guy.
Phyllis: I told you --
Jack: We're meant to be --
Phyllis: Friends. That's what we're meant to be.
Jack: Isn't that what I said?
Phyllis: This isn't funny.
Jack: It's a little bit funny.
Phyllis: No, it's not. You're trying to suck me in.
Jack: So resist it.
Phyllis: [Chuckling] I am.
Jack: Good. Then you have nothing to worry about.
Nikki: Victor? [Plays piano with sour notes] Oops. I'll start again. I can do this. I can do this. [Plays piano with sour notes] [Breathing shakily] Oh, my God. [Sighs] [Breathing shakily]
[Music plays]
Phyllis: So, you put this entire meal together for Sarge? Tell me you did this for Sarge. I dare you.
Jack: What can I say? Sarge loves candlelight. It's Valentine’s Day. One dance?
Phyllis: I don't dance.
Jack: Just keep telling yourself, "I can resist him." "I can resist him."
Sharon: Very excellent peanut butter and jelly. And banana.
Adam: It is no crawfish étouffée, though.
Sharon: Oh, that was an amazing meal. I'll never forget it.
Adam: Yeah. I'll never forget anything about New Orleans.
Sharon: I'll clean up.
Adam: You know what? I would be a very, very bad host if I let you continue to walk around the house looking like that. You have -- you have food on the corner of your mouth.
Sharon: Did I get it?
Adam: No, but just go like this. No. Here I got it.
Sharon: [Giggles]
Adam: There.
Nick: Hey, I hate to tell you this, but if you didn't tell this woman how you felt, that ain't love. That's just a fantasy from afar.
Mason: Well, who's to say? You know, I do know one thing. Love doesn't wait for courage to come to us. Love -- it, uh -- it demands -- I don't know -- risk, uh, bravery, boldness, damn it. Love demands a decision. You just can't wait for it to come to you. You got to jump on in there, headlong. Otherwise, you'll just be sitting here all by yourself... [Sniffles] ...On Valentine’s.
Nick: Hey, you know what? We got a cot in the back. I want you to go sleep there, all right? My son's the bartender. I'll tell him you'll be back there. Stay off the roads.
Mason: Hey, hey, hey! That Avery... [Laughs] Ooh, that's a pretty name.
Nick: Yes, it is.
Dylan: You know what? I'm gonna find that photo, and I'm gonna send it to you.
Avery: Thank you. I wonder where that egret is.
Dylan: [Sighs] We had some really good weekends.
Avery: It was pure freedom. It's like I turned off a switch and I refused to worry about anything or anyone -- just pure indulgence.
Dylan: Yeah, we had the lake, food, laughing. [Chuckles] Lot of laughing.
Avery: And talking -- sometimes about nothing.
Dylan: Oh, those were the best talks. I got the nothing talk down.
Avery: [Chuckles] We had a world where egrets came into the kitchen, and we could talk until the sun came up over the lake.
Dylan: The only two people in the world. Just you and me. Just like now.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: It's your mom who's late. I hope wherever she is, she's okay and there's electricity.
Abby: Are you flirting with me, Alex?
Alex: What if I am...
Abby: Abby.
Alex: ...Abby?
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