Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/14/13
Episode # 10096 ~ Nikki's diagnosis is revealed; Tyler and Lily end up in close quarters.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Radio: It's starting to come down out there. Blizzard's moving in, devoted listeners. Reports of fender benders, cars in ditches -- stay inside.
Cane: [Sighs] It is getting messy out there. [Sighs]
Lily: Yeah. I heard.
Cane: Lucky for us, the twins are home with the sitter and I have two reservations for us at the club -- one is at a table and the other is a suite, 'cause, as the radio says, we should stay out of the storm, and I can't think of a better way.
Lily: That sounds great. So, will Chelsea still be at your table when we get there?
[Knock on door]
Chelsea: [Sighs] Whoa.
Chloe: Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Chelsea: I just got a little dizzy.
Chloe: Oh, man. Really? Don't tell me you got plastered alone on Valentine’s Day.
Neil: You made it. I was just about to call you to reschedule.
Leslie: Oh, no. You can't reschedule Valentine’s Day. You either miss it or you have to wait an entire year.
Neil: Listen, young lady, I would change the entire calendar just to make sure that you're safe.
Leslie: Well, I am just fine. Couldn't be better. You were really worried about me.
Neil: [Sighs] Leslie, you didn't want to date me while we were working together, and I talked you into it. I promised you no strings attached, nothing serious, but, see, the thing is, now... serious sounds okay. Strings are what I want. You know, you're a tough sell. Help me out here, all right? Tell me what do I have to do, what do I have to say to convince you that serious would be okay?
Jack: Happy Valentine’s Day.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Valentine's Day. You can just hear the champagne corks popping and all the guys getting down on one knee to propose [Chuckling] Right? Ugh. Kill me. Anyway, I'm glad we're having dinner at your house so I can avoid seeing all the couples oozing, you know, hearts and flowers.
Jack: No oozing here -- just you and me.
Phyllis: Oh! Um, you know what, Jack? Summer is here. Um...I got to talk to her. I'll be a little late.
Jack: Okay. Take your time. Drive safely.
Phyllis: Okay. I will. Hey!
Summer: Hi.
Phyllis: You're here.
Summer: Yeah, the, uh...storm kind of changed my plans.
Phyllis: Yeah. I need to talk to you about Jamie Vernon.
Summer: Mom, really?
Phyllis: He tried to kill himself yesterday. I know we talked about this before, and you assured me you had nothing to do with it, but I need to know. Did you bully that kid?
Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want you to be driving in this weather, so meet me at the club since you're out that way anyway, and then we'll spend the evening there. Bye.
[Knocking on door]
Jack: Uh, coming. Hold on!
Nikki: Oh, Jack. Thank God!
Jack: Come in here.
Nikki: I didn't see the ice, and...all of a sudden the wheel jerked, and then, the next thing I knew, I was off the road and I --
Jack: Look at me. Are you hurt?
Nikki: No, no. I-I-I'm just cold. I wasn't exactly wearing my snow boots.
Jack: Come here. Sit down. Sit down.
Nikki: [Shivering]
Jack: Here we go. Here we go. Get these shoes off. Here we go. Come on.
Nikki: Oh, Jack, you don't have to do this.
Jack: Oh, you sit. I'm gonna call a tow truck, and we're gonna get you a cup of tea.
Nikki: [Sighs] I would ordinarily say, "Don't bother," but I think I'll say, "Thank you." [Shivers, sighs]
Jack: Yes. I want to arrange a tow. 603 Glenwood. Sure. I'm on hold. Apparently you're not the only one spinning out tonight. Cover yourself up.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, I'm interrupting something.
Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Sit. Sit. Sit. If the roads are as bad as you say they are, you'll be the only beautiful woman who gets a gander at all my efforts tonight.
Nikki: Well, it must be a very special person for you to have done all of this.
Phyllis: Summer, I just -- I need to know if you were a part of this. I just need to know if you did something to Jamie.
Summer: Is Jamie okay? Is he --?
Phyllis: Yeah. He's okay. He's alive.
Summer: He's not okay. Of course he's not okay. Is somebody with him right now?
Phyllis: Paul Williams is with him. He's with him.
Summer: [Sighs]
Phyllis: He's getting help. He's getting him medical attention if he needs it. He's not gonna let anything happen to Jamie.
Summer: How did this happen? Who found him?
Phyllis: Paul found him. He was about to jump off the ledge. I need to know what -- what got him there. And you told me before that you had nothing to do with it -- all the texts. You swore it wasn't you.
Summer: No, Mom. I already told you that it --
Phyllis: Yeah. I know what you told me. But I also know it's really easy to lie when you feel guilty or ashamed and you just want it to go away. But, see, the point is Jamie -- he picked a roof. See, he picked a roof because he was feeling sad or lonely. He tried to kill himself. And if you're lying to me, that means you don't care if a boy almost died. It means you don't care that someone wanted to take their own life.
Summer: [Sniffles]
Phyllis: Is that what you're telling me?
Summer: [Voice breaking] No. I sent the e-mails. [Sobbing] But only in the beginning. I-I wanted to make Jamie think that I was his friend so that he would tell me things and I could use it against him. [Crying] I'm sorry.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Yeah. There was a lot going on during that time. [Sniffles] That -- that -- that was a time with the accident, and Chelsea’s baby -- her losing the baby, and... you weren't thinking?
Summer: I was thinking. I was thinking the whole time about Ronan and you and -- and Dad and... I don't know. Ronan likes Jamie, and the way to hurt Ronan was to hurt Jamie. I was thinking the whole time. I did all of this on purpose. [Sniffles] [Crying]
Cane: Yes, I met Chelsea at the club.
Lily: To talk about her designs again.
Cane: She is so convincing when she talks about them. I keep thinking if I can get her face to face with Neil, I know she can sell him.
Lily: Even though he's not interested in bringing her on at all?
Cane: Because he hasn't seen her work.
Lily: Because he wants a designer with experience. Chelsea has never produced a line. So, for you to keep getting her hopes up is just wrong. It's like -- why can't you just let it go?
Cane: Wait, wait. What experience did I have when Katherine gave me a job at Chancellor? I had nothing. I was a bartender.
Lily: Cane, Chelsea is not you.
Cane: No, but she has talent, okay? I'm not saying that Neil has to hire her, but everybody gets their first big break. Neil got his first big break, okay? So, why not just give her a shot? Why dismiss her all the time? I don't get it.
Lily: I understand that you want to show my dad that you were right all along, but to go behind his back --
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no, no. I didn't go behind his back. I didn't go behind anybody's back. I met her at the club, and that's a public place, and it's obvious you heard it from someone, all right? So who? Who -- who told you?
Chelsea: I'm not drunk. I wish.
Chloe: Oh, you better not be. You can't get lush on me now. Then Gloria would be head designer, and I'd have to drink to numb the pain. Look, you told me that Cane would get you in with Neil, so I hauled ass over here, and now you're, like, in no shape to open the door. What's wrong with you?
Chelsea: I have a terrible soon-to-be ex-husband, and I don't think I ate enough today.
Chloe: You know, I never understand that -- people who forget to eat. Food is awesome. Which is why I brought you Chinese take-out.
Chelsea: You do know that there's a whole restaurant downstairs, right?
Chloe: Yes, which I plan on ordering from with Kevin when we have our romantic dinner, and then I'm going to leave you, but... do they have spring rolls and -- ooh, yep -- your favorite garlic shrimp? I think not.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Garlic.
Chloe: What? It's not like I plan on kissing you.
Chelsea: No. [Chuckles] No, it's not that. I just -- I don't know. I think coming down with, like, a stomach bug or something.
Chloe: Oh. Well, then, I'm definitely not kissing you.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Chloe: How long have you felt funky?
Chelsea: Since we found Sharon’s luggage in my guest house. No, I don't know -- like, a couple days or something.
Chloe: Oh. Well, then you're probably not contagious anymore. So, why don't you take a chug of ginger ale from the minibar, and let's get something accomplished so I can take off.
Neil: Okay. So, Leslie, should I have saved the romantic pitch until after dessert?
Leslie: No. No. Um...I was, uh, just a little caught off guard.
Neil: Was it too soon -- my romantic declaration of love on Valentine’s Day? I'm a cliché, aren't I?
Leslie: [Chuckles] Yeah, a handsome, sexy, brilliant man who treats me well. Yeah, no. Nothing common or boring about that. I don't know. Maybe I'm the cliché -- the career woman who just needs to take things slow.
Neil: Mm.
Leslie: I don't know, Neil. I just -- it takes me some time to take down the walls.
Neil: Yeah. What about the four walls -- the room that I reserved upstairs? How about that?
Leslie: Oh, no. I never said anything about that. All the hotel suites, the romantic dinners -- that's all in play.
Neil: Nice.
Leslie: Yeah.
Neil: What about gifts? What is your take on gifts?
Leslie: Oh, yes. Gifts. Those are definitely on the list.
Neil: Ooh, I like that. Do you like it?
Leslie: Uh, help me. Help me.
Neil: Sure. I'd be honored to. [Clears throat] Here you go. I'll take that for you. Here you go. Lift up your hair a little bit. There it is. It looks beautiful on you.
Leslie: Thank you.
Cane: So, Tyler now reports to you about my whereabouts. Is that what's going on?
Lily: It was an offhand comment, Cane. You said yourself that you were in a public place.
Cane: Oh, come on! This guy's trying to score points with you.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: You know I like to score points with you, hence my plans for tonight.
Lily: Well, I have plans for tonight for us, too, you know.
Cane: Oh, really?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: So, uh...do you want to play a little game of, uh, you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine?
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. That's all I get?
Lily: Want me to go into more detail?
Cane: Yeah, I'd like that.
Lily: Okay.
Tyler: Oh! Sorry. I didn’t...
Lily: It's okay. It's fine.
Tyler: Well, uh, Neil wants a marketing campaign finalized by the end of the day.
Cane: You know what, Tyler? That deadline's not feasible, all right? Everyone's gone home. It's Valentine’s Day. They want to miss the snow. And Neil’s not here to approve it, okay? Thank you.
Lily: Baby, you're right. You're right, okay? But I should really, maybe, just get this done, get it off my mind so I can give you my full attention on our wedding anniversary, okay? And I will meet you at the club. Okay?
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Make this fast, please.
Tyler: You got it.
Lily: [Smooches]
Phyllis: Come on. Sit down. Let's talk. Let's talk about this. I want you to tell me everything. Okay? Tell me everything.
Summer: [Shakily] I called him a loser just yesterday. [Voice breaking] I was so mad, and he was being so awful, and I just -- I called him a loser. And... then he must have decided to... I never meant for any of this to happen, Mom. [Sighs]
Phyllis: Why did you do it? I mean, do you even know?
Summer: It's this feeling I get when I'm mad. My hands get all hot and my face -- it just feels like fire. And, eventually, I just blow up. And, for a second, it feels good just saying whatever I want knowing that it hurts people. I've done it to you. I've done it to Jamie, and I've done it to Fen. Maybe I'm just a mean person.
Phyllis: No. No. No, you're not. You're human. You're human. You get mad. You want the whole world to suffer. A few vicious words and...[Sighs] ...You feel good. Let me tell you, sometimes it does feel good. But then, afterwards, you feel...worse. You feel horrible. And you're not the genius who got the last shot. You're actually just the sad, lonely person who pushed everybody away who cares. So, listen. Before -- before you say those things -- before you say anything hurtful, just take a few seconds -- just take a few seconds and think. Don't give in to the urges. Don't live your life wishing you could take everything back.
Summer: Um...I saw Fen, and Fen told me that he wanted to run away. And he wanted me to go with him. And I told him I would just to -- just to stall him.
Phyllis: So, he won't go without you?
Summer: I don't know.
Phyllis: But you won't go, right? I'm just asking you that because, before, you said that you wanted to take off.
Summer: I also said that my family was here.
Phyllis: Good. I love -- I love you so much. Okay, you know that. I love you so much. Nothing you ever do -- nothing you ever do will make me love you any less, okay? I love you as big as the world, Baby.
Gloria: Oh, I love a good brainstorming! Why didn't you call me? Kevin told me you two were here. Ooh!
Chloe: The storm. Brr. I mean, who wants to go out in this cold?
Gloria: Oh, a little excitement about snowflakes? I got to wear this fabulous cashmere scarf. Ooh, very nice, very nice, very nice. Ooh, how about tweed? Retro, yet timeless and very "Downtown Abbey."
Chelsea: [Groans]
Gloria: It was a suggestion, Chelsea. You don't have to give me the rude face.
Chloe: Oh, the face wasn't at you. It was at the food. Yeah. Stomach bug.
Gloria: Thank you for warning me. Are those your chopsticks in there?
Chelsea: I'm not even eating.
Chloe: Yes! Yes! They were just all up in there -- all up in there. You know what? You should really -- you should go home.
Gloria: Wait a minute, Chloe. I am not a dilettante. I am a tough cookie devoted to this cause. These are in plastic. I'll eat these. Over there. No offense. [Sighs]
Chloe: Shouldn't you, uh, be home with Jeffrey planning some sort of evening that you could talk about tomorrow and then make us wish you would stop?
Gloria: Jeffrey. Your father -- still in the doghouse for blowing so much of the insurance money. He can just suffer on his own. Chloe. Chloe! The way your eyes are boring into Chelsea, does she really have the flu or are we waiting for an alien to pop out of her? Hmm?
Victor: Let's see here. So, I was right. Wheeler has a direct connection to the case that Avery’s working on. He testified against the convicted man that Avery’s trying to clear.
P.I.: Wheeler knew the victim personally. She worked in his campaign office. Is this what you were after?
Victor: Avery would not be working on a case if she didn't think the man was innocent. So, if Wheeler helped convict an innocent man, his reputation will suffer a little, but it will not destroy him. So, something else is going on. There's another connection somewhere.
Neil: Okay. So, here it is. We now are at the, uh -- the "Dinner, room, and gift" stage.
Leslie: Yep.
Neil: Right. So, what about the "Stealing food off each other's plate" stage? Are we there yet?
Leslie: Mm. [Chuckles] Entrées, yes. That's cool. Desserts -- mnh-mnh.
Neil: Mnh-mnh?
Leslie: No.
Neil: What?
Leslie: And that's something you should know before I order this raspberry panna cotta.
Neil: What? That is my favorite. Are you kidding me? You're not gonna share that? Uh-oh.
Leslie: What?
Neil: Well, the look on your face when you're touching your necklace -- I mean, too old-school? You probably, back in the day, you wrote big cursive L's everywhere and I'm just late to the party, right?
Leslie: [Laughs] You are not late, Neil. Actually, you are the party. And I've never had L's anywhere. And that's the truth. This is a wonderful gift. You have no idea.
Jack: Well, get comfortable. You're in a long line of people waiting to get towed.
Nikki: [Sighs] Well, I am warmer. Thank you. But I'm sorry I interrupted your --
Jack: Oh, no. It could still happen.
Nikki: Yes. With your friend. You've made it very clear you're not gonna tell me the name of your friend, but I hope she's worthy of this romantic gesture.
Jack: Speaking of worthy -- or, actually, the opposite -- unworthy --
Nikki: Jack --
Jack: How is the mustache? Is it wishful thinking to ask if the wedding is off? It was supposed to happen today, wasn't it?
Nikki: It was postponed for practical reasons.
Jack: Because he's practically unbearable?
Nikki: It'll happen as it's meant to.
Jack: Ah, yes. Because its destiny, and you believe in destiny.
Nikki: Yes.
Jack: Two souls, who might well have beat each other senseless over the years, belong together, forever bound.
Nikki: I do believe in that because I'm proof. And if you want to mock me, go ahead. You usually do.
Jack: Actually, I'm starting to think maybe you're right.
Phyllis: No, no. Don't go. This is fun -- just being with my daughter.
Summer: I thought that you had to go. On the phone, you said that you'd be over soon.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. I was talking to Jack.
Summer: Jack invited you over for Valentine’s Day?
Phyllis: Yeah. We're friends, Summer. You know, we're...besties.
Summer: [Laughs]
Phyllis: Is that -- is that still okay to say? Is that uncool? Besties?
Summer: Besties?
Phyllis: [Laughing] What?
Summer: You can assume that if you said that it's already uncool. Jack likes you, Mom.
Phyllis: [Scoffs]
Summer: Yeah. He wants you back.
Phyllis: No, he doesn’t.
Summer: I thought that we were all about telling the truth now. So, do you want Jack back?
Lily: Hey. I thought you already left.
Tyler: No. The car's dead.
Lily: Well, good luck finding a cab at this time of night.
Tyler: Ah, please don't joke. I don't want my date thinking I stood her up. In fact, I was gonna see if maybe I could catch a ride with you to the club.
Lily: Uh... [Chuckles] Okay. Well, come on. I'm not missing another second of tonight. Let's go.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Neil: That's strange. There shouldn't be anyone left at the office. Let me check this real quick. Excuse me.
Leslie: Mm-hmm. Everything okay?
Neil: It's Sofia. This might be about my kid Moses. Uh, give me a minute, all right? I'll be right back.
Leslie: Okay. [Smooches] Congressman. Hi. Nice seeing you again so soon. Almost feels like you're following me.
Chloe: You know what, Gloria? You're right. I didn't want to say it, but Chelsea is just about to explode -- blood, guts, and aliens all over us.
Chelsea: Okay, can -- can we back to the clothing, please? I need to pitch this line to a man that doesn't want to hire me, so if I could have -- just have some quiet to time think, okay?
Gloria: Of course. Genius must be nurtured. And humored. [Sneezes]
Chloe: Oh, geez Louise! [Laughter]
Gloria: Has -- has she already infected me?
Chelsea: Who said I have a cold?
Chloe: Yes. Multiple symptoms. Millions of them everywhere. You know what? I really think that you should just go. It's very germy in here. Germs are everywhere. And, listen, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything at all.
Gloria: That's very sweet of you to care, Chloe. Um, feel better, genius.
Chloe: Bye. [Sighs]
Chelsea: How is it fair that we're both related to her?
Chloe: You know what? All the horrible stuff that we did in our past -- Gloria is our karma.
Chelsea: Well, she's right to not want to catch this.
Chloe: Tsk. Like that's possible.
Chelsea: You think I'm faking?
Chloe: This isn't your first "Flu." It's not a bug. It's a baby.
Chelsea: You're crazy and shut up.
Chloe: I didn't say anything in front of Gloria. It's okay.
Chelsea: I mean it, Chloe. We're not discussing this. We're not talking about this. At all.
Phyllis: Okay. Come on. Do you really want to hear about your mother's love life?
Summer: I've seen my mother's love life.
Phyllis: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We're not gonna bring that up.
Summer: Well, the time with you and Ronan --
Phyllis: No -- yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Let's not bring that up. It's -- it was not a high point in my life.
Summer: Okay, okay. I won't bring it up. I'm just saying --
Phyllis: It makes me sick. It makes me physically ill to remember that time and everything that was going on with you. It -- it makes my eyes water -- how far apart we were then. I don't want to go through that again with you.
Summer: That's exactly it, Mom. We were so far apart even when we were in the same room. I just...
Phyllis: What is it?
Summer: I just told you this awful thing, something that I will never forget about for the rest of my life, something that I would not tell anybody but you what I did to Jamie.
Phyllis: I'm glad you told me. It was hard hearing it. But I'm very proud that you came clean.
Summer: So, I tell you this huge thing, and you can't even tell me about a date? This isn't how it's supposed to work, Mom. We can't be that far apart again.
Tyler: It's a watch? [Rattling] Cologne? Maybe a fragile glass animal that I shouldn't be shaking?
Lily: [Laughing] Okay. Okay, stop. At least one of us is paying attention here.
Tyler: So, it's not a glass unicorn...
Lily: [Gasps]
Wheeler: Valerie, nice to see you again. And, no, I'm not following you.
Leslie: Are you staying at the club?
Wheeler: A drink before I head up. Can I buy you one? You can tell me how you like Genoa City.
Leslie: Oh, no. I wish I could. I'm here with someone.
Wheeler: Well, we'll have to catch up sometime.
Leslie: Yeah, are you -- are you staying at the club long?
Wheeler: Sometimes I think my life is shaking hands and checking into hotels. You have a nice evening.
Leslie: You, too, Congressman Wheeler.
Victor: Hello, Leslie. How nice to see you.
Leslie: And you.
Victor: How do you know Congressman Wheeler? And why did he call you Valerie?
Phyllis: Uh, Jack is very special to me. And to you.
Summer: Oh, my God. Please, please, please do not tell that whole "Jack delivered you in an elevator" story. It's really gross to think about.
Phyllis: There's nothing gross about it.
Summer: It's gross. It's gross.
Phyllis: [Laughs] I don't know. Jack and I have seen each other through a lot of things. That's it. I don't know. What do you think?
Summer: I -- if Jack makes you happy...
Phyllis: I am happy.
Summer: Then that's all that matters, right? I'll just leave it at that.
Phyllis: Okay. What does that mean?
Summer: You're just gonna have to figure it out.
Phyllis: Oh.
Summer: I mean, it's pretty obvious to me. Don't you think?
Nikki: There's something very reassuring about that kind of love -- knowing that no matter what, you'll always have someone's heart and they'll have yours. And look at you, Jack. You're walking, and you've kicked the pills. Kyle is here. He's close to you. Health, family, business -- everything is falling into place for you. You find somebody, and if you already have, keep her. Focus on the things that bring you joy.
Jack: And that's what you're after with Victor? Joy?
Nikki: He is overbearing and infuriating... and loving and generous and infuriating. I know every side of that man, and I accept them all. I know what I have to lose, so I'm not going to.
Jack: Oh, okay. W-what's going on here? I... this isn't usually the way this is played. Usually, I...tease you about Victor and you're...playfully indignant with me.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Jack: What's different this time?
Nikki: Well, I don't know. Maybe I'm allowed a little sentimentality after crashing my car. Maybe I need some tea.
Jack: Oh. Whoa. Whoa.
Nikki: Oh. I --
Jack: Your hand is shaking. Let's get you to the hospital.
Nikki: Oh, no, no, no. It's a terrible night be out there.
Jack: Then we'll get the EMT guys out here.
Nikki: No.
Jack: Nik, you could be hurt and not even know it. You could be in shock.
Nikki: Look... I know what's wrong with me, okay? And the EMTs can't fix it.
Jack: Okay. What is it?
Summer: You can go to Jack's, you know.
Phyllis: Give me a break. Mom's don't get to do this very often -- at least this mom and this kid.
Summer: Fine. Okay, just a little bit longer.
Phyllis: Oh! Good.
Summer: And then you can go on your friend date. But only if you really like him.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Thank you, Summer.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: What happened to "I'll leave it at that?"
Summer: I'm just saying, Fen practically hated me because I pretended to like him more than I actually did. And if Jack really likes you and you really care about him, then make a decision. Don't torture him.
Phyllis: Thanks for the advice.
Summer: You're welcome. No. I didn't mean go this second.
Phyllis: Oh! Gosh, you want me to stay? You actually want your mom to stay?!
Summer: Just a little bit longer.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. You win.
Cane: Hey, hey, hey! Did you see Lily come in?
Neil: No. No, I sure didn’t. Why? Is something wrong?
Cane: We're supposed to meet for dinner.
Neil: Oh, well, that's my fault. I told tiller that I wanted the marketing campaign locked. They shouldn't be that much longer, though. She'll be here soon. I would imagine that Tyler has plans for this evening he won't want to miss.
Cane: Yeah. I'm sure he does.
Tyler: [Shivers] Well, we're dug in, but we're good. And, uh...I still don't got a signal on my phone. How about you?
Lily: Nothing. This is insane.
Tyler: Are you gonna be okay?
Lily: Yeah. I'm not the one who's claustrophobic, so I'll be fine.
Tyler: [Chuckles] All right, well, I'll be back as soon as I can.
Lily: Well -- wait, what?! No. Get in. Close the door. Close the door!
Tyler: I'm going to get help.
Lily: Do you ever watch the news? Okay, car gets stuck in the snow and the guy -- always a guy -- gets out, searches for help, and freezes to death. All right? So, no. We're gonna sit here. We're gonna wait it out.
Tyler: All right. You were all excited for your date night.
Lily: Well, I'm married. I have a lifetime of date nights, all right? So, if you're trying to get back to you and your date.
Tyler: No. She'll understand.
Lily: Okay. Well, good. Then just sit here and just wait. [Sighs]
Tyler: You're bossy, you know that?
Lily: [Chuckling] Blame it on my mom.
Tyler: [Chuckles]
Lily: All right. Just relax. Okay? Relax. We're gonna be -- we're gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine. [Sighs] At least we still have the heat and radio for now.
If you're out, get home. If you're home, stay there. If you're in the company of someone you love, cuddle up all night. This blizzard may shut down Genoa City, but it can't stop cupid.
Tyler: Happy Valentine’s Day.
Chloe: Pretending it's not real doesn't make it go away. You're pregnant. You probably got pregnant the night of New Year’s Eve, right? I mean, you guys had all of that make-up sex, and I'm sure you guys weren't careful.
Chelsea: Stop it! Focus, okay? We have a big presentation tomorrow, and I don't want to look like an idiot.
Chloe: I know that this is scary, and it's really not good timing, but, Honey, listen. You need to deal with this now, sooner than later, okay? I mean, what are you gonna do? You're gonna come up with some way to cover your bump with a purse or some clever layering so Adam doesn't catch on? Have you taken a test, yet?
Chelsea: Oh, my God. You really don't stop talking, do you? It's like a compulsion with you. It really is.
Chloe: Listen. Just take the test. Talk to Adam. You know, frankly, I don't think that he deserves you or the baby, but paternal rights and all of that.
Chelsea: Okay, well, thank you so much for coming over and bringing over food that made me sick and not listening when I asked you to be quiet, so I hope you have a really fun night with Kevin. There you go.
Chloe: I know that it's scary, okay? But we can ta--
Chelsea: Bye! [Sighs]
Leslie: I-I think Congressman Wheeler just mistook me for someone else. Sometimes the polite thing to do is just not draw attention.
Victor: Oh, of course. So, correcting him would have been impolite?
Leslie: Oh, politicians meet so many people, how could they possibly keep track of all those names?
Victor: And he thinks your name is Valerie?
Leslie: Oh, um, I don't imagine he thinks of me at all. Just another hand to shake.
Victor: Of course.
Leslie: Have a lovely evening, Victor.
Victor: Thank you, Leslie. Please sit down.
Leslie: Okay. Thank you.
Victor: All right. You have a nice evening...
Leslie: You too.
Victor: ...Valerie.
Jack: If you're sick, Nikki, for God's sake --
Nikki: You know, I-I just need a moment, okay? I-I-I haven't actually said these words out loud.
Jack: Oh, okay. Okay. Now you're starting to scare me. Listen to me. You sat by my hospital bed and listened to me go on and on for hours about my legs. You need to talk to me about what's going on with you.
Nikki: You know, these doctors, all of them, the way they announce these things -- I just haven't mastered that yet.
Jack: Let's just start this thing backwards. I'll start. Nikki, you are strong, and you are tough -- a lot stronger than any disease, any illness. You're gonna beat this thing, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to help you. Okay. Now it's your turn.
Nikki: I have M.S.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Carmine: My shift is actually just about to end. Have dinner with me.
Nick: Get some rest, and, uh, when you're ready, just come back to me.
Dylan: I just need to know if -- if we have a chance.
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