Y&R Transcript Friday 2/8/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/8/13


Episode # 10092 ~ Victor is Troubled by a Puzzling Phone Call; Jack Tries to Charm Phyllis

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: As soon as Avery reviews your proposal --

Sharon: Our proposal.

Adam: Our proposal, I will have this messengered to Ron Baylor. And who knows -- we'll be lucky enough to possibly have this deal closed before our dinner tonight.

Sharon: I wonder where Avery is. It's not like her to miss a meeting.

Adam: Yeah, you can usually set your watch by that woman.

Sharon: I'm gonna call her again.

Avery: I realize the judge has a full calendar, but I have a family emergency, and I would prefer just not to make the trip today. Can we reschedule for next week? A month and a half?! This man has been imprisoned for 15 years! No, just -- okay, just forget it. Leave it. Leave it, and I will -- I will make it work. [Sighs] You don't want to forget these.

Dylan: Thanks. Hate to think of me wandering around Afghanistan not knowing my own name.

Avery: Promise me you'll come back.

Dylan: Where else am I gonna go? You're the only one who'll put up with me.

Avery: Promise me.

Dylan: I will always... always come back to you. I promise.

Dylan: Good haul, huh?

Nick: Wasn't bad. Could've been better. Maybe if we had a bartender who was actually helping Noah make drinks instead of someone who was supposed to be dead for a couple years. You surprised Avery told me about that, Dylan?

Dylan: I'd be surprised if she didn't. Avery doesn't run from anything.

Nick: Unlike you?

Dylan: I guess I owe you an explanation.

Nick: Nah, you don't owe me anything. I'm not the one whose heart you crushed. But since you brought it up and you misrepresented yourself to me, I would like to hear what you have to say for yourself.

Sharon: Voicemail.

Adam: Again? Well, we can't move forward if this deal is not vetted.

Jack: Ooh, sounds like trouble.

Adam: Hey. Jack.

Jack: As a major shareholder, should I be concerned?

Adam: Just trying to lock down Baylor software.

Jack: Baylor. Wow. That would be a hell of a pick-up.

Sharon: Only we can't find Avery to iron out the deal.

Adam: Yeah, and I would send mason out to look for her, but he's running an errand.

Victor: So, mason, they're still buying your excuse for leaving the office?

Mason: As far as Adam and Sharon are concerned, I'm a loyal Newman employee.

Victor: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. Adam and Sharon in charge of my company. Well... who would've thought that? Ain't gonna last much longer, though.

Mason: I'm looking forward to your return, sir.

Victor: So am I, mason. So am I. Meanwhile, I want you to do something for me, okay?

Mason: Yeah. Sharon's medication?

Victor: These are placebos. I want you to replace Sharon's medication with these, okay? Before we know it, she and my son will self-destruct.

Jack: Well, I hope Avery's okay.

Adam: Well, Sharon should be at her place soon, and she'll let us know.

Jack: You two have, uh, managed to really make this place your own, haven't you?

Adam: You're a big part of the reason that's happened.

Jack: It's the least I could do, after the way you looked after me. Actually, it's why I'm here. I wanted to say thank you. If there's anything I can do for you --

Adam: No, jack. Thank you.

Jack: I mean it. It's only a matter of time before your father makes another play for the company. I mean, has there been any movement lately?

Adam: Victoria came by. She pitched me some idea about, uh, giving control of the company back to dad. Went on about family and whatnot.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's me you're talking to. If anyone knows anything about not wanting to disappoint your father, it is john Abbott Jr.

Adam: Well, I went to my father. And believe it or not, I offered him control of the company.

Jack: What -- you did what?

Adam: No, he didn't accept. He...brushed me off like dandruff from any one of his 386 black shirts. Look... for every time that I've disappointed my father, he has tried to come crush my soul 50 times over. And I'm just done with it.

Jack: But he turned you down. All the more reason to stay vigilant. Now, victor makes a move like that, he's up to something.

Victor: Something bothering you?

Mason: Uh...it's just -- that's kind of harsh. What if this messes up her head and she does something dangerous?

Victor: Just remember that she's the mother of my grandchildren, mason. I won't let things get too far, okay?

Mason: Maybe you might try not to, but --

Victor: Your conscience weighing on you? I understand that. Once I assume power of my company again, you'll be rewarded with a very generous bonus. Meanwhile, let me give you an incentive. Would you hold that for me for a moment, please? Okay. So... this should make you feel a little better.

Sharon: Thank god you're all right.

Avery: Why wouldn't I be?

Sharon: Um, well, it's almost 5:00.

Avery: And we had a meeting at 4:00.

Sharon: I called you a number of times.

Avery: I never heard the phone. Oh, my -- I-I'm so sorry. I, uh... this -- this -- this pro bono case that I'm -- I'm litigating, I'm so wrapped up in it -- which is no excuse for flaking on the job that I'm actually paid to do.

Sharon: Well, uh, that must be quite a case.

Avery: Oh. Well, I am defending a man against a system that is more concerned with conviction rates than they are actual justice. [Voice breaking] And, um... I'm kind of going through a personal issue, as well. So...

Sharon: Well, look, um... I may be out of line here, but, um, is it nick? Did something come between you?

Nick: You called yourself "Mac." You created this whole background for what? So you could come in, make this big entrance, shock the hell out of Avery?

Dylan: I never meant for her to see me like that.

Nick: How were you going to avoid that -- by hiding in the storage room every time she showed up?

Dylan: I thought I'd be out of here by opening night!

Nick: Until then, why'd you take the job?

Dylan: It's like I told Avery -- I was trying to find her. I came across a photo of you two, and I came to town to see if you and Avery were --

Nick: So that's why you were asking me all those questions.

Dylan: I was trying to get information. I'm not proud of it.

Nick: Yeah, well, it served your purpose.

Dylan: To a point. Look, I knew where things stood. I just -- I wasn't sure what to do about it.

Nick: You weren't? I mean, you didn't have to come here last night. You could've called in sick. You could've quit, but you didn't. You were hoping Avery would see you.

Dylan: I couldn't help myself. I just needed to see her one more time.

Nick: You mean before you went back to where you came from? Or before you make another play for Avery? Is that what you think? You think you got a future with her?

Jack: I thought you had gone home by now.

Phyllis: I did. I had to come back and thank you for the flowers.

Jack: Flowers?

Phyllis: I know it was you. Who else thinks I saved their life except you and, you know, a feral cat I once rescued?

Jack: I don't just think it. It's true.

Phyllis: You did the heavy lifting. I was just there for moral support. And here is something to remind you of that.

Jack: What did you do?

Phyllis: It's just something.

Jack: Here we go. Come on. "If you're going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill." This is one of my dad's favorite quotes.

Phyllis: Mine too. Seemed appropriate.

Jack: He was a wise man.

Phyllis: Churchill or your father?

Jack: Both.

Avery: There was a man... a man I once loved very much. And two years ago, he died. And I've been mourning him ever since. [Voice breaking] Until last night, when I walked into a room... and he was standing right there in front of me. It was the same face -- those eyes. And I-I-I didn't know what to do. I couldn't breathe.

Sharon: Wow. I-I'm sure.

Avery: I mean, Sharon -- Sharon, I thought I was seeing a ghost. I thought he was a ghost. But then he -- he said my name. I had almost forgotten what he sounded like. But then I heard -- I heard that voice. And it was like he hadn't been gone a day.

Sharon: How incredible for you.

Avery: Oh, it was. It is.

Sharon: So, um... does nick know?

Avery: Yes, he knows. He knows everything. And he has been so wonderful and -- and understanding.

Sharon: So now you need to figure out where you go from here.

Avery: Sharon, I don't even know where to begin.

Sharon: Maybe if you just talked it out.

Avery: [Sighs] I met Dylan when he came to do some construction work at my house.

Dylan: Avery -- she worked at home back then. And, uh, she was having a lot of problems with her husband, Joe. The guy -- the guy was never around, and when he was, he was holed up in his study, working.

Nick: Then you came along, paid some attention to her.

Dylan: Wouldn't you? If you found a funny, smart, beautiful woman in tears?

Avery: Joe blew off a surprise that I went to a lot of trouble to set up. There was this band that we saw on our first date, and, uh, it was magical. It was wonderful. And I thought -- I thought maybe we could get some of that back if we went to one of their concerts again.

Sharon: So you bought tickets?

Avery: I did, and it wasn't easy, you know? I had to pull a lot of strings and ask a lot of favors. But, yeah, I got great, great tickets and backstage passes.

Sharon: And he turned that down?

Avery: Yes, he did, for an appointment that he could have easily, easily rescheduled.

Sharon: [Scoffs] I'm sorry, but...what a jerk.

Avery: [Chuckles] That's what Dylan said, too, when he walked in on one of my embarrassingly ugly cries. He was so sweet. He offered to go in Joe's place. He said he was gonna buy me a refrigerator magnet and a concert t-shirt. And, um, so, I-I called his bluff, and I accepted. I told him he had me at the magnet.

Sharon: Did you go?

Avery: No. We settled on having coffee instead. It was the best coffee I ever had.

Sharon: I can imagine.

Avery: We talked for hours,

hours. And the thing I remember most is, right before he left, he got up, he looked at me, and he said... "don't let your happiness depend on someone else."

Sharon: That's good advice.

Avery: Yeah. That night, we became friends. And we ended up having an affair.

Nick: It's still hard for me to imagine Avery cheating on someone, even on a guy who was never there for her.

Dylan: It just -- it just happened, you know? It's just one of those things -- you get caught up, and you can't even -- you can't even see what's going on around you, because all you're doing is focusing on the moment, you know? You're not paying attention to anything or anybody else.

Nick: Until after.

Dylan: Yeah, when things got serious between us... it was -- it was around the time my, uh -- my reserve unit got called up. And Avery made me promise that I would come back to her. And I did. But by then... you know, after where -- where I'd been, I-I-I couldn't see the point of doing anything halfway, you know? Why -- why settle? Why choose to be unhappy when you've only got so much time to live? So I had some money, and I bought her a ring. And I asked Avery to leave her husband for me.

Avery: I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it, not after what I experienced as a kid. You know, I watched my sister walk out on our family, and our whole life disintegrated. But somehow, my mom and dad were able to keep their marriage together, and they made me feel safe. And so [Sighs] When Dylan came to me... I-I thought, "I-I can't -- I can't -- I can't do this to Joe. I can't just divorce him, not after the example that my parents set."

Dylan: Avery broke it off. That was it for me. I said goodbye and volunteered for another tour.

Nick: You never gave her the ring?

Dylan: No, I didn't. I didn't see or speak to her again... until last night.

Nick: Even though word was that you had been killed? You never said to yourself, "Avery might want to know that I'm alive"?

Dylan: I'm sorry to put her through that.

Nick: That's it? That's all you got? I mean, why bother coming back if that's the best you can do?

Dylan: The thought of seeing her again is what made me get through it. I made it through because of her.

Nick: Well, I hope you know how upset Avery is from all this. She's gonna need time, without pressure. And she'll be getting that from me. Better be the same for you.

Sharon: Well, I don't envy you -- having to decide where to go from here, but... when you think about it, it really just comes down to one thing. Which man do you really love?

Jack: That will get me through many a tough time ahead. So let me thank you by taking you out for a drink.

Phyllis: A drink?

Jack: Coffee. And we can share a piece of red velvet cake.

Phyllis: You're supposed to be cleansing your body of all toxins.

Jack: Ah, come on. I got to have one vice, don't I?

Phyllis: All right. I get my own piece.

Jack: You got a deal.

Phyllis: As if I would share red velvet -- red velvet with anyone.

Nick: Make sure you emphasize "past experience required." Thanks.

Dylan: I'll pay for that ad.

Nick: The only thing I want from you is to respect Avery's space.

Dylan: Her space and decision.

Nick: Hey.

Avery: I'm sorry. I...

Dylan: You okay?

Avery: Uh, yeah. I'm still not used to this.

Dylan: I-I understand. Uh, I'll leave you two alone.

Nick: We'll settle up for last night some other time.

Avery: What was that about?

Nick: You have to ask?

Avery: Well, I hope you guys kept it civil.

Nick: Considering the crap he handed me when I hired him, I think he got off pretty easy.

Avery: Did he say anything about where he's been all this time or why he stayed away?

Nick: Not a word. Whatever happened to him, he doesn't want us knowing about it.

Jack: Okay, you were right. It is gonna take me a week to get all of that sugar out of my system. [Chuckles]

Phyllis: I was right. [Chuckles] I have to be honest with you. It really scared me earlier when I saw you holding that bag of pills.

Jack: Scared me, too.

Phyllis: Yeah. If I hadn't thrown them away, would you have?

Jack: God, I want to think so. But since I was tempted to use, I decided I better put a safeguard in place. And I asked Neil to be my unofficial sponsor.

Phyllis: You did? Look at you being all responsible.

Jack: Well, I'm just grateful Neil said yes.

Phyllis: Everybody's pulling for you.

Jack: Well... maybe not everybody.

Sharon: I'll have a tall caff Americano, please. Oh, hey, Mac! I'll buy you a cup of coffee? Uh, to drink, not to wear. [Chuckles] Not that spilling coffee on you was funny.

Dylan: No, it's not -- I'm just, uh -- I'm just having a bad day, that's all.

Sharon: Yeah, me too. Thought that you'd be all smiles, though, after your big debut at nick's club.

Dylan: He and I didn't really hit it off.

Sharon: Oh. Oh, that's strange. Nick usually gets along with everyone.

Dylan: Yeah, it's just, uh -- it's a little complicated, that's all.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I'm sure whatever it is will just work itself out. You want me to talk to him for you?

Dylan: You know, I-I appreciate that, Sharon. But it's -- it's really not gonna work out. I-it's okay. You can't let your happiness depend on someone else, right?

Sharon: [Inhales softly] Uh, thank you. Um, here.

Dylan: Here. Let me give you some --

Sharon: No, no, no, no. This one -- this one's on me, remember?

Dylan: Um, okay. Well, the next one's on me. Wait. Let me rephrase that.

Sharon: Yeah, you better, or else you're gonna run out of shirts.

[Both laugh]

Adam: Hey. This is where all the fun is, huh?

Sharon: Oh, you remember Mac. He was bartending last night with Noah.

Adam: Absolutely. Good to see you again, man.

Dylan: You too.

Adam: Uh, you know what? I would actually invite you to sit down and have a drink with me, but I'm just gonna get a quick pick-me-up before dinner.

Dylan: Oh, no problem. I got to go, anyway. Thanks for the drink.

Adam: Guess I'll have a chance to see him from time to time at Nicholas' bar, right?

Sharon: Um, no, I-I don't think you will.

Adam: No, I guess you're right. It's not like I'm gonna be patronizing Nicholas' bar that often, so --

Sharon: No, I don't mean that. I just think that, uh, Genoa city isn't really a fit for him. But anyway, you better order your coffee, 'cause we have to get back to work.

Adam: All right. Any idea what you want to do for dinner, though?

Sharon: [Sighs] You know, if it's all the same to you, I think I've had enough of the public for one day.

Adam: Fine. My place. Come over. I'll have something prepared for us.

Sharon: Well, I don't know if that's a good idea, either.

Adam: Why not? It's just dinner. Just think of it as takeout at the office, only it's not takeout and it's not the office.

Sharon: Okay. Dinner at your place.

Avery: This booth is generally reserved for merriment, not brow-furrowing, deep thought.

Nick: My bad. How about a drink?

Avery: [Sighs] I could use one. Thank you.

Nick: How about some wine?

Avery: Sure. Whatever you have open.

Nick: I would make you a ripcord, but Dylan is the only one who knows how to make those. Has he always been that secretive?

Avery: No, just the opposite, in fact.

Nick: One thing he has not been able to hide... is he is still deeply in love with you.

Avery: What do you want me to say?

Nick: You don't have to say anything. And I already told Dylan this, but I am not gonna push. But I want you. I want you in my life. And with me, you will always know what you're gonna get.

Avery: You're a good man.

Nick: Just don't forget that, all right?

Nick: Come on. Let's sit down for a little bit.

Avery: Listen, I didn't realize what time it is. I have to go.

Nick: Back to work?

Avery: To pack. I have to go back to Milwaukee tonight.

Nick: Ah, for the innocence foundation case.

Avery: Yes. I tried to get it postponed, but I couldn't. Now I think it may have been for the best.

Nick: For the best?

Avery: It'll give us a break and some time to think.

Nick: Yeah, maybe you're right. I wish you didn't have to go.

Avery: I won't be long. Take care of yourself.

Avery: Ohh! Oh, my god! [Shivering]

Dylan: Could you believe the look on their faces?

Avery: It's bad enough we didn't have umbrellas, but splashing around in puddles and pretending you were gene Kelly? You're a very good dancer, by the way.

Dylan: No, no, no, nothing like "singin' in the rain."

Avery: At least our walk had a happy ending.

Dylan: Yeah. Could you believe these downpours?

Avery: Yeah. [Shivers]

Dylan: Cold?

Avery: Yeah. I have to get out of these clothes.

Dylan: You... are so beautiful.

Avery: [Chuckles] I look like I just got off the ark.

Dylan: No. Look. Getting off the ark, waking up in the morning, bad hair day -- it doesn't matter. You're beautiful. It's an immutable fact.

Avery: Is it?

Dylan: It's a scientific constant.

Avery: Ooh, I'm a constant now!

Dylan: No, don't make fun of that. They're very rare. And when you find one... you have to hold on to it. I just wish we could be here forever.

Avery: I do, too.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Victor: Well, this is certainly a sight for sore eyes. My goodness. Phyllis finally out of my son's life and back in jack's. I honestly can't think of two people who deserve each other more.

Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna take that as a compliment.

Victor: You're grossly misinterpreting my intent.

Jack: Quite a coincidence, running into you. I was just at your former company earlier. Stock prices are up. Acquisition's up. New accounts up. I guess Adam and Sharon have a lot to smile about.

Victor: [Chuckles] Yes -- now that you have left the position of C.E.O. And taken your drug habit with you.

Phyllis: He doesn't have a drug habit.

Victor: Anymore. Unfortunately, that comes too late for the poor congressman's daughter. I'm sure he told you about that tragic incident that he was involved in new year's eve?

Phyllis: He wasn't the only one involved.

Jack: Quite an irony, isn't it? Both of us have to keep that quiet. Almost makes us allies.

Victor: Another misinterpretation.

Adam: So, that's all there was to it, huh -- a scheduling mix-up?

Sharon: Um, well, Avery couldn't have been more apologetic.

Adam: Well, as she should be. If she would've got on it, this whole thing could've been done tonight.

Sharon: You know, it won't hurt if it goes one more day. So, in the meantime, I e-mailed her the proposal. I'm sure she'll get to it when she gets a chance.

Adam: "When she gets a chance." What's wrong with right now?

[Knock on door]

Adam: Yes, mason, come in.

Mason: Sorry to interrupt.

Adam: No, no, no.

Mason: I just wanted to remind you they're doing the retirement cake for chuck burke down in business affairs.

Adam: I suppose I can't wiggle out of that one, can I?

Sharon: Well, not if you want to keep company morale up.

Adam: What about my morale, damn it?

Sharon: You'll survive.

Adam: [Sighs] Coming along, right, mason?

Mason: Yeah, I'll be right there. I just need to switch the phones to voicemail.

Adam: All right.

Jack: So good.

Phyllis: What is?

Jack: The perfume from earlier. I can still smell it. I think jabot has a winner on its hands.

Phyllis: Speaking of jabot, I have a ton of work I should go finish up.

Jack: Well, don't -- don't push yourself too hard. The boss won't mind.

Phyllis: I want to keep on his good side.

Jack: No worries there. I'm happy you're back in my life.

Phyllis: Me too.

Adam: Dinner's almost ready. Renata's making lamb chops. I hope that's okay.

Sharon: Oh. Well, you didn't have to go to the trouble.

Adam: I didn't go to any trouble. All I had to do was make a phone call, tell the chef what I wanted, and she's putting it all together, doing all the work. To be honest, I think she's probably pretty enthusiastic to be cooking for two again.

Sharon: Mm. Well, that must be nice for you, too. Must get pretty lonely in this big house with nothing to do except remember all the things you used to share with Chelsea.

Adam: Do you want me to get you a drink?

Sharon: No, thanks, I'm fine. Little touches of her everywhere, aren't there? Must bring up a lot of memories.

Adam: Well, I plan on making new memories, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam, what are we doing here?

Adam: We're having dinner, Sharon. That's what we're doing.

Sharon: Okay. But you and I both know that we're not right for each other, or at least we're kind of bad for each other. So why are we tempting fate?

Adam: Tempting fate -- look, let's just break this down. I'm gonna be sitting at a table, eating food, having a glass of wine and a nice conversation with a friend. So how is that so wrong?

Sharon: Well, when you're using it as an excuse to avoid your feelings, it's wrong.

Adam: Avoid my feelings?

Sharon: Yeah. You're afraid of the truth. You're afraid of what's staring you right in the face.

Adam: Okay. You know what? You're right. Fine.

Victor: Sweetheart?

[Telephone rings]

Victor: Yes. No, she's not here. Can I help you? All right, doctor. I will tell her to call you back. Thank you. You have a nice day. Thank you.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Hello.

Nick: Hey, it's me. I just wanted to, uh, call and wish you good luck in your case. I know you're not gonna need it. You're definitely gonna kick ass.

Avery: That's the plan.

Nick: So, go get 'em. I'll be here. Less well-fed, but I will be here.

Avery: Thanks, Newman. Bye.

Nick: See you.

Phyllis: Hey, you're waiting for a table?

Nick: No, just takeout. You?

Phyllis: No. I was with jack earlier, and I forgot my phone.

Nick: How's jack doing?

Phyllis: Jack is great. He's doing really well. I'm very proud of him. I can't say the same for you, though. Sad. Same sad look on your face that I saw before.

Nick: If I told you I was fine, would you promise to believe me?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. I'm not gonna ask you what's wrong.

Nick: I'll take that.

Phyllis: Okay. You know that you can call me whenever you want. I'm completely here for you, completely supportive.

Nick: Might take you up on that.

Dylan: Hello?

Avery: Hi. It's me.

Dylan: Hey. I'm glad you called.

Avery: I just wanted you to know that I'm going out of town for a few days -- for business and to think.

Dylan: I hope it goes well.

Avery: I'll call you when I get back, okay? Be good to yourself. Dylan?

Dylan: Uh, it's just -- you know, that's what you always said before you hung up. "Be good to yourself." It's, uh -- it's nice hearing it again. It's been a long time.

Avery: Yes, it has. Well, I'll speak to you soon.

Dylan: Yeah. Be good to yourself, too.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Michael: I'm still the district attorney.

Lauren: You are also a father.

Abby: Everyone knows you're a bad investment.

Nikki: This might be the last bit of normalcy that I have, so I want to savor it.

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