Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/7/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/7/13


Episode # 10091 ~ Jill & Katherine Clash; Lauren & Michael's Conflict with Fen Explodes

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: What are you doing?

Jack: I-I just got back --

Phyllis: So all that talk about you being committed to your recovery -- that was just talk?

Jack: I-it's not what it looks like.

Phyllis: You're holding a bag of pills.

Jack: Red, listen to me.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I'm an idiot, aren't I? [Sighs] You've been playing me for a fool this entire time, haven't you?

Michael: I understand there are potential conflict-of-interest issues, Detective, which is why I need you here when Jamie Vernon gives his statement. There must be integrity in the process, Sir. All right. Thank you.

Lauren: I heard you talked to Fen last night.

Michael: I meant what I said. I don't want our son following in my footsteps.

Lauren: You know, can you stop making it about you -- your job, your past?

Michael: Our son has been going down the wrong path. He's been doing that for some time. It is our job as parents --

Lauren: To love and protect him, not threaten him!

Michael: I love my son! I love my son!

Lauren: You were a broken kid from a broken family. You had an abusive father. There's absolutely no comparison between your life and Fen's! It took jail time to turn you around! How far are you willing to go with this?

Neil: It's your job as a grandmother to spoil Delia.

Esther: Oh, okay. Well, I'm gonna tell Chloe that you said so.

Neil: Don't worry about it. I'll tell her myself next time I see her, okay?

Esther: Okay.

Neil: All right.

Kay: Oh. Uh, here they are. Uh, um... uh, Esther, uh... we've got to order a couple pair of these. I'm forever tracking these down. It's ridiculous.

Esther: Okay. I will call them right now.

Neil: Good to see you, Esther.

Esther: You too, Neil.

Neil: All right. Well, there she is.

Kay: [Chuckles]

Neil: Beautiful lady. So good to see you.

Kay: Well, I, uh -- I suspect you didn't come to hear me lament over a pair of misplaced reading glasses.

Neil: [Laughs] I'm here as a friend -- you know, just checking in, Katherine.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, I haven't as yet crated Jill up, shipped her back to Australia, if that's what you're wondering.

Neil: Wow. [Chuckles] That's progress. How are you two really doing, though?

Kay: You know, I, uh -- I should be asking you -- how is the present climate over at Jabot? I mean, Jack moving back in, pushing you out.

Neil: Yeah, that, right. Well, Jack has, in fact, created a brand-new fashion division at Jabot...

Kay: Oh, hmm?

Neil: ...Which he's put yours truly in charge of.

Kay: How does this move affect your girlfriend?

Fen: Traveling with a posse now?

Paul: Let's go. Come on.

Kevin: Fenny. What can I get for you, Bud?

Fen: A new life.

Kevin: Come on. It can't be that bad.

Fen: Oh, its worse, thanks to my dad.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Michael: We know that Fenmore was on the roof that night. The picture on his camera proves it. And yet, all the while, Jamie was lying in a hospital bed, unconscious, Fenmore never said a word.

Lauren: Can you blame him? It's no wonder that he's stopped confiding in us after the way you're acting. I mean, so quick, so quick to assume the worst of him. And now he could be facing going to a juvenile facility because of a lie!

Michael: We have no evidence that's a lie. The evidence actually --

Lauren: Evidence?! Michael, this is our son! You know, one of the things that I love about you is your willingness to make the tough choices. You have moral courage, but you -- you need to stop here and consider that you could be wrong. Fen is innocent. I know it in my heart. [Voice breaking] He does not belong in a juvenile facility! Please! I am begging you! Do not pursue legal action!

Michael: It's too late.

Neil: So, Katherine, how do you know that I'm dating Leslie?

Kay: [Chuckles] Well, I assume the two of you are doing very well, because you certainly look happier and more relaxed.

Neil: Why this sudden inquiry into my personal life?

Kay: Neil, I don't just hire employees. I invest in people, form relationships.

Neil: Mm-hmm. Right. I told you, um, Jack offered me the new division.

Kay: Yes. Oh, yes. Of course. You know, but Jack has made promises to you in the past. You know, if he doesn't live up to all those promises again, I want you to know you'll always have a job at Chancellor.

Neil: Oh. [Chuckles] Katherine, I love you for saying that. And your mind, it's always working.

Kay: Obviously, this Leslie is very good for you, because you look more... relaxed.

Neil: Yeah. So you said. Can I tell you something? Leslie, she has reservations about the obvious romance in the workplace -- doesn't want things to get complicated, right?

Kay: But she followed her heart.

Neil: Leslie is good for me. After Harmony, my romance with Harmony, I decided to put all my time and energy into my job and my kids, that it would be enough. Katherine, I-I put up walls, big ones.

Kay: But when you least expected it...

Neil: Leslie walked right into my life... and right through those walls.

Kay: Mm. I'm so glad you followed your heart. I really am. Life is very short. Very short.

Phyllis: You said you were gonna stay clean. You said that you were gonna do the program.

Jack: I meant every word.

Phyllis: I walk in. You're holding that.

Jack: These pills are a gift from my dealer.

Phyllis: Don't try to talk your way out of this, Jack!

Jack: He brought these here, telling me that he thought we were back in business. I told him I wasn't interested. Motivated salesman that he was, he left them here as a sample. That's the truth. I swear to you.

Phyllis: I'm taking these. They're mine. I'm taking them. I walk in. You're holding a bag of pills. What am I to think?

Jack: It's not an unreasonable assumption, given all the lies that I've told you, all the promises I've broken. Phyllis. I am trying not to be that guy again.

Phyllis: I'm gonna do away with these. I'll be back for the meeting.

[Door closes]

Fen: Everybody was making such a big fuss over poor Jamie. My parents, Paul... Summer. I was sick of it.

Kevin: Fen, you and I talked about this, about you backing off and not making any more trouble for yourself. You said you were gonna make nice with Jamie.

Fen: Look, I just wanted him out of my life. [Chuckles] No. No, no. When -- when I left the roof, Jamie was fine.

Kevin: So he jumped off on his own?

Fen: I-I didn't push him.

Kevin: So then why is he lying? Why is he saying that you did? [Sighs] Because you didn't make nice with him, did you?

Fen: I sent him some texts.

Kevin: What kind of texts?

Fen: It was -- I-I was -- I was just goofing around.

Kevin: What did the texts say, Fen?

Fen: They said that he was a loser, a waste of space, and no one liked him.

Kevin: So you bullied him.

Fen: No! No, it -- it wasn't like that.

Kevin: You were picking on some kid who was less fortunate than you, for no reason at all. That makes you a bully, Fen.

Fen: It wasn't my -- it wasn't my idea. I didn't start it.

Kevin: Are you still sending the texts?

Fen: No. I'm not!

Kevin: Okay, look. I am in no position to judge you. But you are in this equation, and that can't be ignored. This is a kid who has had one bad break after another. And maybe he just had had enough and wanted to end it all.

Fen: You don't think it was an accident?

Kevin: I think the only person who can answer that is Jamie. Maybe he deliberately jumped, looking for attention... or, more likely, looking for help.

Fen: Because I bullied him.

Michael: I got confirmation that Jamie is pressing charges.

Lauren: [Gasps]

Michael: As the district attorney, I can now charge our son Fenmore with assault.

Lauren: And as district attorney, you can also make these charges disappear.

Michael: And if I make these charges disappear, we're all in trouble. Someone else will step in and make an example of Fenmore, possibly charge him with attempted murder. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Lauren: You're trying to scare me.

Michael: No.

Lauren: Yes. Oh, yes. You want to arrest our son, and you want me to go along with it!

Michael: What, you think this is not killing me, having watched the way our son's been behaving, doing everything I can to change it, and feeling like a failure because I can't?! This is beyond teenage acting out. People are getting hurt. A kid could've died.

Lauren: And you don't think that I feel terrible about what happened to Jamie? But that kid is accusing our son of pushing him off the roof!

Michael: And we should ignore that accusation, why? Because Jamie's a poor kid from difficult circumstances, we should just assume he's lying and believe the rich kid, the D.A.'s son.

[Knock on door]

Michael: Listen to me. Listen carefully. We are going to be taking Jamie's statement. Ah, Paul. Jamie, please.

Paul: All right. Hi.

Michael: Officer.

Paul: Listen -- thanks for doing this here and not at the station.

Michael: How you doing?

Jamie: I'll be better once this is over.

Lauren: You can end this right now, Jamie. You tell the truth.

Jamie: I am telling the truth.

Lauren: Do you understand what perjury means?

Michael: Please excuse me, Paul. Lauren, if you would, please.

Paul: Have a seat. Why don't you take off your coat?

Michael: You have to go out.

Lauren: Absolutely not.

Michael: You cannot stay here. You cannot influence this.

Lauren: Oh, yeah. God forbid that Jamie's lies are inadmissible in court. [Voice breaking] I can't believe you're doing this. I can't believe you're believing that kid over Fen. [Crying]

[Door closes]

Michael: Let's begin, Detective. Thank you, Paul. This is the official statement of Jamie Vernon. This is the district attorney of Genoa City, Michael Baldwin. I am present with Detective Archer of the GCPD and private investigator Paul Williams. Jamie, tell us about the night you fell off the roof.

Jamie: I didn't fall. I was pushed...by your son. This girl on FacePlace friended me -- Brittni. She acted all cool, so I told her about the trouble I got into that landed me in juvie. And suddenly, it was all over the internet. Everybody at school knew. I was a joke. I got a dozen texts a day, telling me how much of a loser I was. I found out that the girl's name wasn't Brittni. It was Summer Newman. And the person behind the whole thing was Fen.

Michael: Do you have any idea why Fenmore would single you out like that?

Jamie: I didn't even know the guy. I-it was just a game to him, I guess, like -- like pulling the wings off a fly.

Michael: Did you confront him about that?

Jamie: Well, Summer did. Said she wanted to stop. Fen wasn't too happy about it.

Michael: How do you know that?

Jamie: Summer and I... we actually started to become friends. And that really made Fen lose it. He was the one that told me the whole story about how Brittni was Summer. He was hoping that would make me hate her. He also said that Summer was his and to stay away from her... or he'd make me pay.

Michael: He used those words?

Jamie: Yes. I backed off because I didn't want any more trouble. [Voice breaking] I, uh -- I already had enough on my own.

Paul: Hey, it's okay. It's all right. Believe me -- I know how hard this is. You're gonna do it. You're gonna be fine. We need to know all of it, okay?

Jamie: The Baldwins had been so good to me. I would've done anything to keep from going back to that group home. But... Fen still had it in for me.

Boy 1: Looks tasty. Hand it over.

Boy 2: It's mine. I paid for it.

Boy 1: I said give it to me, or you're gonna be wearing it. Don't make me wait, Princess.

Kevin: You! Out! Do not come back in here. Are you okay?

Boy 2: Yeah.

Kevin: Are you sure?

Boy 2: Yeah.

Kevin: Okay.

Lauren: Fen, I know you're very upset about what's going on, and I really want to talk to you about it, so call me as soon as you can. Okay. Bye. Oh. I-I didn't -- I'm not late for the meeting, right?

Phyllis: No! No, no.

Lauren: I almost forgot about it. I'm sorry.

Phyllis: Oh! No, you're fine. You're fine. Are you okay?

Lauren: [Sighs] No.

Neil: Hi, Ladies. Lauren.

Lauren: Hi, Neil.

Neil: Hi. I think you're really gonna like Jack's proposal.

Lauren: Good. Okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Jack: Lauren!

Lauren: Hi.

Jack: Hey. Good to see you.

Lauren: Good to see you, too.

Jack: Have you told her about your news?

Neil: Oh, no, Jack. I thought I'd let you do the honors.

Jack: That's great!

Lauren: Neil was very enthusiastic.

Jack: Well, now that we're all assembled -- Lauren, I am about to make some bold moves with the company, moves I think you'll be as excited about as we are. Jabot's product line is going to move into a whole new territory.

Lauren: I see.

Jack: You're among the first to hear about this because -- well, because I am loyal to the people who are loyal to me, and I appreciate our partnership. Jabot is going to grow in exponential ways, and we, frankly, need retailers with vision who are ready to grow with us. So... Lauren?

Neil: I'm putting together a lot of young, fresh talent, all right? It's gonna be a game changer. It's gonna be a whole new league for Jabot.

Jack: We want you to be part of that future, Lauren.

Lauren: Uh-huh.

Jack: We want to work out a deal where Fenmore's is a signature outlet for all Jabot products. We want you to cover the entire Jabot line.

Lauren: Um... well --

Jack: At this point, I just need you to agree in principle.

Phyllis: Um, you know what? I think she gets it. You get it. I'm gonna put the numbers together for you, and you can make an informed decision based on that.

Lauren: You know, thank you. Uh, you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you.

Neil: Well, she clearly has a lot of things on her mind.

Jack: Yeah, she's not the only one.

Neil: The launch of our new division? I appreciate the vote of confidence, that you're gonna let me do things my way.

Jack: Actually, Neil... I need a favor.

Kay: No. No, no, no, no. I didn't blow off the meeting as a negotiating ploy, Jonathan. My God, I would never do that to embarrass you in front of your board. It was... a lapse. It's, uh...an uncharacteristic lapse on the part of -- of my assistant. And -- and I'm sorry about that. We'll, uh -- we'll reschedule. Yes. Yes. And, um -- and make it a done deal. I give you my word. Yes.

Esther: Are you okay?

Kay: What? Well, yes. It's, uh -- uh, business. Business.

Esther: This is why I was concerned about you going back to work -- the stress.

Kay: Don't start.

Esther: If this is making you so unhappy --

Kay: It is not... it is not the business.

Esther: So, then, it's something else?

Kay: Have Robert bring the car around. I need some fresh air.

Esther: Yes, Ma'am.

Lauren: Michael's taking this kid Jamie's statement right now, as we speak.

Phyllis: So Michael can pursue a case against his own kid. Okay, I get it. I get why you were less than enthusiastic while we were pitching you.

Lauren: Jail time is what turned Michael's life around, and he seems to think that Fen needs the same lesson, that -- [Voice breaking] That Fen is as screwed up as he and Kevin were when they were younger.

Phyllis: So Michael actually believes that Fen would push a kid off the roof of a building?

Lauren: Fen was very resentful when we brought Jamie in. But to physically harm him? No. Never.

Phyllis: Obviously, Michael isn't so convinced.

Lauren: I'm -- I'm terrified as to where this is going. I am so hurt that Michael would take it this far. Just -- what do I do? I mean, how do I stop him?

Michael: There was a picture on Fenmore's camera taken that night of you holding the trinket box that went missing from this apartment.

Jamie: Fen took that and planted it in my bag. He also stole some money, I guess, since your wife accused me of that, too. See, Fen took that picture as proof that I was a thief. Was pretty proud of himself. Said it would land me back in juvie.

Michael: Tell us what happened next.

Jamie: I-I went after Fen, and -- and I-I tried to grab the camera, and we sort of -- we pushed each other, and...

Paul: Its okay, Jamie. You're doing great. You can do this.

Jamie: I grabbed the camera, and -- and Fen -- he just -- he laughed in my face. He said no one would take my word over his -- the son of the D.A. -- about any of it. Said I'd be out of his life for good. And... he -- he had this -- this look in his eyes, like -- like I was nothing. And -- and that -- that -- that's when he pushed me off the roof.

[Door opens]

Fen: What is he doing here?

Phyllis: I'm not the best person to give advice. I mean... your husband, my supposed best friend, was willing to put me in jail, so I don't have advice for you except --

Lauren: What?

Phyllis: Well, be prepared for the worst. Michael doesn't let his personal feelings interfere with a case. He just doesn't. I-I can't imagine he'd put his son behind bars, but --

Kay: Who? Michael?

Phyllis: Oh. Hello.

Kay: Hello.

Phyllis: Yeah, Michael. Um... all I'm saying is, when he decides that something's right, he is ready to go all the way. That's all I have to say. Bye.

Kay: What in God's green earth is going on?

Michael: You need -- you need to go to your room and wait while we finish. Come on.

Fen: F-f-finish up what? Why -- why is there a cop here?

Michael: Jamie's giving his statement about what happened that night on the roof.

Fen: I can't believe this. Y-you are taking him seriously?!

Paul: This is very serious. Jamie could've died in that fall, all right?

Officer: I think we've got enough here.

Fen: No, no, no. No, w-what you've got is a big, steaming pile of --

Michael: Fenmore! Come on. You cannot do this.

Fen: To hell with this.

[Door opens]

Michael: Fen! Fenmore! Where are you going?

Fen: What do you care?!

Michael: Listen to me! Running's only gonna make things worse.

Fen: Running? Wait. What? I-I-I'm under arrest?

Michael: I'm afraid there's no other way.

Neil: When I stepped down as CEO to make room for you, I took over the fashion division with the promise -- with the promise that I was to be left alone. And now, suddenly, you're about to ask me for a favor.

Jack: It is just that -- a favor, and you have every right to turn me down.

Neil: Well, I just might, man, because, you know, I have -- I have options, right? I mean, seriously, I could head up a dozen different companies, or I could start my own company with --

Jack: This favor has nothing to do with your role at Jabot.

Neil: I'm listening.

Jack: I'm having a hard time, Neil. I'm tempted to use again, and -- and I can't just leave the office and go to a meeting. I -- I could use some help, if -- if you'd agree to help me.

Neil: Oh. Wow. I'm -- you're asking me to be your sponsor?

Lauren: He's not guilty, Katherine. I have thought about it over and over in my mind, you know? I have tried to imagine him deliberately pushing that boy... imagining him living with it. And there's no way. There's no way my son could do something so cold-blooded. Never.

Kay: And you are so sure?

Lauren: He is my son. I have to believe that.

Kay: But he -- oh, now, stop. Lauren, stop it. "Believe, believe, believe." It's not a matter of believing. This is a matter of you willing to be facing the truth, no matter how difficult or how painful.

Lauren: This is the son that we raised.

Kay: Sweetheart... this is a son who is making his own choices. And apparently, some of them have not been all that good. Now, if he's capable of this kind of violence, pushing this -- what's the kid's name?

Lauren: Jamie.

Kay: Jamie?

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Kay: ...Pushing this Jamie off a roof, and there's no way that you can get through to him, then Michael has no other choice but to...prosecute. Oh, come on. I know this is something you don't want to hear. I know it, and I'm sorry. I wish I could say something you would like to hear.

Lauren: No, I know. It's not what I want to hear. But you know what? I always appreciate your honesty.

Kay: Oh, God.

Lauren: Thank you.

[Both chuckle]

Lauren: Now, I'm -- I'm gonna go check on my son, okay? I love you.

Kay: Love you, too.

Neil: What triggered the urge? I mean, is it work? 'Cause I -- I am willing to do whatever you need me to do, and so are Phyllis and Billy, and Kyle, for that matter.

Jack: It was a bag of oxy sitting here on my desk, courtesy of my dealer -- a sample.

Neil: Okay. Is it still here?

Jack: No, I gave it to Phyllis, asked her to get rid of it. I meant what I said. I don't want it.

Neil: Yeah, but your body is telling you something different. I mean, you are craving. Jack, I remember vividly, itching, itching, for a drink. I would close my eyes, and I could taste it. I could smell it. And I would say to myself, I could have just one, just one drink, to take the edge off. But I'm an addict.

Jack: And you can't stop at just one.

Neil: One's too many, and a thousand's not enough. I have to remind myself every morning... what I'd lose if I pick up a drink again.

Jack: Well, thanks for reminding me.

Neil: Thankfully, I have friends and family that surround me that help to keep me on the wagon, just like -- just like you do.

Phyllis: Sorry. Am I interrupting?

Jack: No, not at all.

Officer: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney --

Lauren: No!

Phyllis: Okay, well, you seem better.

Jack: Well, I have people in my life that truly care what happens to me.

Phyllis: Like Neil?

Jack: Among others.

Phyllis: All right. Well, this is a perfume sample that they gave me at the lab. They wanted you to check it out.

Jack: Paper won't help you at all here. May I?

Phyllis: Sure.

Jack: Now we let it breathe.

Phyllis: So, what do you think of that? It's nice?

Jack: We're not just selling a fragrance. We're telling a story.

Phyllis: So this fragrance, it tells a story?

Jack: Yes. Absolutely. It's one-of-a-kind. It's not flowery. It's earthy. It's...bold. It's... got a little hint of wild.

Phyllis: I'll tell the lab we have a keeper.

Jack: Well, we also have to come up with a name for something with those characteristics. "Simply Red." "Red Rain." "Scarlet Mist."

Phyllis: Are you serious?

Jack: Yeah, I'm serious. Take it to the marketing guys. They're gonna come up with their own names. But that's the direction I want to head in.

Phyllis: So that's the direction you want to head in -- Red?

Jack: Red. Perfect.

[Door closes]

Jack: Yeah, I want you to do me a favor. I want to send a dozen roses to Phyllis Newman's apartment. I want the note to read, "Thank you for saving my life." No. No name. Thank you.

Kay: [Clears throat] "Natural ingredients clinically proven... memory-enhancing."

Esther: The driver wants to know if you're going to be going out again right away.

Kay: Um... no, I think, uh... going to the coffee shop and the pharmacy is exciting enough for one day.

Esther: I'm going to start dinner.

Lauren: Jamie, you can end all this. Just tell the truth!

Jamie: Can you get me out of here?

Paul: Yeah. Let's go.

Lauren: [Crying] Oh, my God.

[Door closes]

Lauren: Fen. I -- I love you. And I know you didn't do this terrible thing. I'm gonna get you an attorney, and you're gonna be out by dinner. I'm gonna do everything I can to stop this insanity. How could you?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: You surprised Avery told me about that?

Dylan: Avery doesn't run from anything.

Victor: These are placebos. I want you to replace Sharon's medication with these.

Sharon: You're afraid of what's staring you right in the face.

One out of every five teens in the U.S. is bullied. Find out what you can do to prevent bullying and help those who have been bullied. Go to www.stopbullying.gov.

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