Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/6/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/6/13


Episode # 10090 ~ Tyler Finds Out More About Lily & Cane's Relationship; Adriana's History With Alex is Exposed

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

[Knock on door]

Nick: Chicken soup, O.J., to cure what ails you.

Avery: Thank you. [Laughs]

Nick: And these.

Avery: Thank you.

Nick: Oh.

Avery: Ugh!

Nick: You like them that much, huh?

Avery: I can't do anything right today.

Nick: This isn't just you being sick, is it?

[Dylan remember]

Avery: And every time you look at it... ...remember me... and this beautiful day.

Dylan: I've missed you so much.

Avery: I didn't think I was gonna see you again. And I didn't think I was gonna feel your hands again.

[Back to present]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Jack: Hey! Look who's back!

Phyllis: Hi, Jack.

Jack: How was Savannah?

Phyllis: It was beautiful. It was beautiful. Daniel says hi. You looked terrific sitting there.

Jack: Oh, you're just saying that 'cause you made it happen.

Phyllis: Oh, by going to Savannah?

Jack: By helping me get clean, and you know it. You know, it's been two weeks.

Phyllis: You deserve something for the effort, you know.

Jack: A parade, maybe?

Phyllis: [Laughs] I was thinking lunch.

Jack: The two of us out together -- not a date.

Phyllis: No. Well, then, that's the plan.

Cane: Hey. Hey, how was the opening?

Neil: Hey. It was good.

Cane: Cool.

Neil: You got a minute?

Cane: Sure.

Neil: I need to know we're on the same page here.

Cane: Look, if this is about Chelsea's designs, okay -- Jack and Billy were both interested, all right? I took it a step further. But you made it very clear to me that we're not there yet, okay?

Neil: Hey, wait a minute. Jack put me in charge of the division. Even if he or Billy expressed interest in a designer, it's all up to me.

Cane: I know. It's your call. I understand that.

Neil: Okay. Are you good with the structure, though? Because if not, it's something we're gonna have to deal with.

Cane: I brought you back when Jack was out of commission, all right? I know you are the man to lead us.

Neil: Good. Because we're not ready to take meetings yet with designers. I'm not sure if Chelsea would be a right fit for us, or what we're looking for.

Cane: Because of her inexperience.

Neil: This division needs a chance to get off the ground with the best talent possible.

Cane: Or we can get talent that isn't jaded by the business yet, someone who has ambition, someone who has fire.

Neil: Like I said, we're not there yet. And until we are, I would appreciate if you didn't parade around making promises to people that I have no intention of keeping. Have a nice day.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Hey. What was that about?

Chelsea: And it was all tense and awkward, and Neil was all over Cane, like, "He jumped the gun. It's too soon," blah, blah, blah -- stuff like that.

Chloe: But Jack likes us. And we could start now. We need to start fast, like last week.

Chelsea: We are starting, and we're getting good feedback. There are other companies we can sell to, fashion companies. Okay? I'm not giving up.

Chloe: [Sighs] Why do we have to do everything ourselves? I mean, could something good just magically happen to make life easy, just once?

Chelsea: Like find a big bag of money?

Chloe: [Sighs] Hmm. Yeah, like that. That went really well. Um, you know what? I got to go. Kevin has some "Big idea" he wants to talk to me about saving the house.

Gloria: Your house? Thought Kevin solved that pesky problem.

Alex: You helped her, didn't you? She took the money, or you gave it to her, and you let her take off.

Noah: I didn't let her do anything.

Alex: I told you to trust me, Noah -- not her. I told you to let me do my job, not just to save my ass, but for her sake. For hers. Do you have any idea the kind of trouble she's in now?

Noah: Not if she can stay the hell away from you.

Alex: Me? [Chuckles] I'm the bad guy here? I'm the only one standing between her and a jail cell or a grave. I'm protecting her, you idiot.

Noah: Why? What -- do you want her to owe you so she'll sleep with you? Hmm?

Adam: See, we know that your brand interconnectivity is about to boom. Baylor's ahead of the curve, and we want to be in the Baylor business.

Baylor: I've dealt with Newman Enterprises before. Victor told me I was misguided.

Adam: He was wrong. That happens.

Sharon: Look, we know you have some concerns about the deal points, and we can be sensitive about cutbacks in overhead.

Adam: Yes, we will minimize job losses for your people, and we'll touch on that in the revised draft.

Baylor: I look forward to hearing from you.

Adam: We'll talk soon.

Sharon: "We want to be in the Baylor business"?

Adam: Really? That's how I said it? Whatever it takes.

Sharon: Listen. You know what he said about licensing? I didn't want to bring this up when he was here, but I want you to read something I saw this morning.

Adam: Look, if this is about Justin Bieber's new haircut, I'm cool.

Sharon: Oh, are you all caught up on that? Okay. Here. Read.

Lily: See? Isn't this much better than having coffee at the office?

Cane: Uh-huh. You just want to get me away from your dad.

Lily: He respects you. You guys just have very different...styles.

Cane: Oh.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: I know. Maybe I should get stuck in an elevator with him. Then we could have this big, old heart-to-heart. Then, all of a sudden, he's just gonna love my ideas.

Lily: Okay, excuse me. Excuse me. Tyler and I only had half a heart-to-heart. The other half was me helping him not hyperventilate.

Cane: Heavy breathing? I would like to get stuck in an elevator with you, and I would like to arrange that. Is that okay?

Lily: That sounds like fun.

[Both laugh]

Cane: Oh, poor Tyler. The player's got a crush on the gorgeous girl at work, hmm?

Lily: You know what? He's actually a very nice guy, all right? He's pretty vulnerable under there.

Cane: Really? And now you're his hero. Probably wants you even more.

Lily: That's just his vibe. It has nothing to do with me, okay? He's a nice guy.

Cane: Mm. I'm pretty sure it's just part of his act.

Alex: Me and Adriana? What the hell's wrong with you?

Noah: You chase her all over. You swear you're trying to protect her. What do you want? You want to get her into bed?

Alex: Oh, just shut your mouth.

Noah: Maybe you've already been there -- just trying to get a little more?

Alex: Stop right there.

Noah: Man, I've been there. She's hard to forget.

Alex: She's my sister!

Noah: What?

Alex: Yeah. Uh-huh. I'm the jackass cop who got ripped off by his little sister. See, that is the reason I don't tell anyone we're related.

Noah: Her brother.

Alex: Yeah.

Noah: The same brother who loved her so much, he tried to pimp her out?

Alex: [Laughing] Oh. Oh. She told you that? And you listened? Man, you are a sucker, Noah. Ade really knows how to play you, man.

Noah: Yeah. Guess I'm not the only one.

Alex: Touché. But you know what? I'm done with her. She cuffed me to a rail. She stole my freaking gun and ran off with the money. She's on her own. Where is she?

Noah: I thought you just said you don't care about her.

Alex: I don't. But I care about the money. You know who else does? Guys who really don't know how to play nice. I need to find her before they do.

Noah: [Chuckles] I don't know where she is.

Alex: She's gonna call you. And when she does, I want you to find out where she is. Try to get her back here. If you really do care about her, you're gonna help me find her.

Nick: Talk to me.

Avery: I'm not sure --

Nick: Anything. You know that.

Avery: Anything. [Sighs] I need to, uh -- I need to do something first.

Nick: Right now?

Avery: I'll be back.

Nick: And I shouldn't worry.

Avery: Have some pancakes. Not the one on the floor.

Nick: It's a good thing you told me. I probably would have, you know, eaten that one.

Avery: I'll be back soon.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: Okay.

Adam: I want to take these projections further.

Sharon: How long do you want to take them?

Adam: A long time.

Sharon: Okay. I can adjust.

Adam: Perfect. That's exactly what I want to see.

Sharon: I thought so. Um, I'm gonna work on my proposal revision in my office, and you better get back to what you need to get back to in here.

Adam: Yeah. Do you want me to send you --?

Sharon: Send me that e-mail. Yes, please.

Adam: Right, with the file.

Sharon: Okay.

Adam: Look, if you want, you can just grab your laptop and, uh... [Sighs]

Gloria: Love this detail. Brilliant.

Chelsea: Yeah. That's my favorite, too. And see -- it hides the hips.

Gloria: Uh-huh. I see that. I see that. There is such a joie de vivre about all of these, and they look like they cost a fortune.

Chelsea: Oh, but they won't, though. I want people like me to be able to buy all this.

Gloria: Oh, yeah -- you, before the rich husband and the divorce settlement.

Chelsea: [Scoffs] To feel...beautiful, to feel worthy. To feel like you're not out of place or outclassed. To feel like you belong. I want women to be able to put on this skirt, you know, or try on this jacket, and I want them to feel just as entitled to be at that party or in that office or at that club as anybody else.

Cane: That's what you say, then.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Cane: When you pitch your line, you pitch yourself, because you're selling your vision. You're not just selling a jacket and a skirt.

Chelsea: You could have told me that you were just standing there.

Cane: I just did.

Chelsea: Well, Gloria, don't let me, uh, keep you from your decorating.

Gloria: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not at all. This is all so exciting.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Gloria: But I do need to take a second look at that back hallway, if you know what I mean.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Gloria: Um, excuse me.

Chelsea: Bye.

Cane: Bye.

Chelsea: So, you were just in the neighborhood?

Cane: Yeah. Yeah, I really was. I just wanted to come see how you were after what happened at the club with Neil. I am sorry.

Chelsea: No, don't be. It gave me confidence.

Cane: Good, good. 'Cause you have talent, and you have a unique vision, okay? And I will bet that people are gonna go crazy over it.

Chelsea: Wow. Do you want to see my latest?

Cane: Absolutely.

Chelsea: Great.

Cane: Oh, yeah.

Jack: Now, this is my idea of a non-date. I don't have to be charming. I don't have to be clever. I can just be myself.

Phyllis: Oh. Really? So, on your dates, you're usually more charming than this.

Jack: Well, I'm just saying I'm more relaxed. Normally, when I'm out on dates, a certain level of charm is expected from my companions.

Phyllis: Oh, really? That must be so exhausting.

Jack: It does take a lot out of a guy.

Phyllis: Well, I'm glad that this isn't a date, because I don't have to pretend to be polite and worry about sending my food back because it's not right, you know. My steak -- it's cold. I mean, you know I'm not a low-maintenance kind of gal.

Jack: You do send your food back a lot.

Phyllis: How hard is it to get a steak right? I mean, it's a steak.

[Both chuckle]

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Jack: What happened? I lose you?

Phyllis: No. No, I was looking for the waiter. M-my steak is cold. I've been talking so much.

[Both chuckle]

Phyllis: Hello.

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: I heard that your club re-opening was great.

Nick: Uh, yeah. It went -- it went great.

Phyllis: Good. I really, really wish I could have been there. I'm so sorry to miss it. Daniel says hi.

Nick: Oh, I'm glad he and Lucy are settling in, moving on.

Phyllis: Yeah, he's a great role model. I signed the divorce papers.

Nick: I know. Thank you.

Phyllis: You're welcome! It's great!

Jack: Hey, Nick. Congratulations. I hear the club opening was huge.

Nick: It -- it was, thanks.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's great. We should go.

Jack: Yeah. See you later?

Phyllis: Bye.

Nick: See you.

Jack: We should probably go to his club, huh?

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Yeah. Together? The two of us?

Jack: Strictly as friends.

Phyllis: [Laughs] Really? You want to sit at his club and yell at each other, trying to talk over the music?

Jack: We'd have to sit really close, too, wouldn't we?

Phyllis: We would. [Sighs] I like this. I like that we're friends... and it's elevated above the angst and the drama and... it's the one constant in my life that I just want to protect.

Jack: Absolutely.

Chloe: Okay. So hurry up and tell me how you're gonna save our butts and our house.

Kevin: Remember the arsonist?

Chloe: No. No, I forgot that Gloworm burned down and your mother has glommed on to my new business.

Kevin: Yeah, well, they never caught the firebug, which means he's still on the loose, running free. He may even burn down the coffeehouse. And then we can collect the insurance money.

Avery: What is wrong with you -- showing up in town like this, not calling me, not letting me know. Just in my face?! Letting me see a ghost, because that's what you were. You were a ghost. [Voice breaking] You left, and you died, and I ached for so long, and I still ache.

Dylan: It's okay. I'm here.

Avery: No! Stop it! Stop! No. No. [Sniffles] I loved you. I loved you, and you -- you play these head games with me, coming to town this way?

Dylan: There was nothing fun about leaving you! There was nothing fun about what happened over there.

Avery: Missing in action and presumed dead. I wasn't your wife. I wasn't even your girlfriend. No one showed up on my doorstep to tell me the news! [Crying] I had to read it in the newspaper. And you let me think that.

Dylan: Ave, Ave. Hey, its okay.

Avery: [Crying]

Dylan: I'm still in one piece.

Avery: Stop it. Get away. You don't get to do this. You don't get to -- you don't get to hold me and talk to me this way.

Dylan: How else should I talk to you when I'm in love with you? That love kept me alive. The only reason I'm still on this earth is because of you.

Tyler: Hey, there.

Lily: Hi. Congratulations.

Tyler: On what -- running into you?

Lily: [Chuckles] On the reopening of the Underground. Your branding made a huge difference.

Tyler: I believe that you are right.

Lily: Yeah.

Tyler: But thanks.

Lily: So, I just -- I'm waiting for some takeout for Cane and myself.

Tyler: Something up? Did I say something without realizing it?

Lily: No.

Tyler: You're kind of looking at me strange. If I'm right -- and I think I'm right...

Lily: Okay. This is awkward. I-I-I don't want there to be any confusion, but... I love my husband.

Tyler: Well, that's a good thing, since you're married to him.

Lily: [Chuckles nervously] What I mean is, is, um... I don't wander. I-I'm with him, just him.

Tyler: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you think that I... all right. Look. Maybe our signals got crossed somewhere. I don't know. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think that you are amazing. You're a great girl, good at your job. You got this great energy. But, uh, I mean, I could like all -- hell, I could even love all of that and still not be a guy that hits on another man's wife. If you're used to guys who are always trying to get with you, I don't know what to tell you. But give me a little bit more credit, because I see there's way more to you than that. I can see that plain as day.

Chelsea: So, check this out. There's a textile designer who started as a graphic artist. So it's like wearable art...

Cane: Uh-huh.

Chelsea: ...You know, that anybody can afford. How great is that?

Cane: It's genius.

Chelsea: What are you doing here?

Adam: Checking out the new space, see if I could be of service. I remember the startup phase. It can -- it can get a little tricky.

Chelsea: "Service"? You didn't invest in the company. You wrote a check as part of our settlement. You don't get a vote. And you're not the only businessman in town. If I need advice, I'll get it.

Adam: I just wanted to help. That's all. Can you give us a minute?

Cane: That's up to Chelsea.

Chelsea: Stay, please.

Cane: Okay.

Adam: Sure you want to talk with someone else here?

Chelsea: No. I don't want to talk to you at all.

Sharon: Oh, that's okay. I'll just leave him the file and a note.

Noah: Adriana, I'm gonna keep calling until you call me back. Just pick up. Please.

Nick: Yo. I brought food. Cheap pay-off to you for you working so hard last night.

Noah: Great. I'm starving. Haven't eaten in like 10 minutes.

Nick: What are you even doing awake, man? You worked like a madman. How'd closing go? Did you and Mac, uh, cover it?

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, we did okay.

Nick: He's a good guy, right? You like working with him?

Noah: Yeah, I guess.

Nick: What's going on? What's troubling you? Is it about Adriana?

Dylan: I wanted to get back to you.

Avery: Well, you didn't!

Dylan: That's 'cause I was injured.

Avery: What? What happened? How bad was it?

Dylan: I went to find you in Chicago, and you were gone.

Avery: My husband found out about us.

Dylan: Did he find out, or did you tell him?

Avery: Does it matter? We divorced, and I came to Genoa City.

Dylan: Ave, I tried to find you. I did. I found all this stuff about you and your cases here, and then I found a photo of you and Nick.

Avery: When I came to town, I... things have changed. I have family here. I have friends.

Dylan: Are you happy?

Avery: I am.

Dylan: All right. [Clears throat] That's good. I mean, that's good to hear. I don't want to mess things up for you. I just had to see it, up close.

Avery: Now you've seen me. So...

Dylan: Do you want me to go? Are you... do you love Nick?

Adam: I got the business proposal you drew up. You nailed it, kid.

Sharon: You think so?

Adam: Once Baylor reads this, the deal is a lock. So I propose we celebrate with dinner.

Sharon: Oh, well, that's not necessary, you know. It's my job. I get a paycheck. That's good enough.

Adam: This is strictly a business-colleague kind of a thing. I mean, once you strip away the golf talk and the cigars, I guess it's more accurate to call it a friend thing. Let's go with that.

Sharon: Is it just "Friends"? Are you sure?

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: Great idea, huh?

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, it's a great idea. And, you know, I was so worried that you were gonna come up with this crazy, dangerous, you know, shockingly insane, illegal idea. But no -- arson and insurance fraud? Yeah, that's a great idea.

Kevin: I can copycat super easy, use tequila as an accelerant.

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, and the insurance adjuster, they won't look into our finances and see that we are totally broke. And it won't seem the least bit suspicious that your mother's restaurant and your place got hit. No, no. Oh, and your rap sheet. No, no, that won't come into play at all.

Kevin: Do you have a better idea?

Chloe: A better idea than burning this place down? How about not burning this place down? Let's just start there.

Kevin: Well, we can't take out another loan. And remind me not to point out that you are the one who stole the money. You had a plan to launder it, and now -- poof -- all of it is gone.

Chloe: Okay, well, thank you for not pointing that out. Thank you. That's very sweet. Maybe I'll just steal the money back.

Kevin: No. Are you -- walking away. Great. Super. To go talk to the cop. Love that.

Alex: I'm just here for your delicious coffee, so save me the attitude, all right?

Chloe: Oh, Mr. Grumpy-pants. Come on. I was just coming over and saying hey. I'm sorry if I've been a little unpleasant to you. You know, that's -- I mean, it's kind of my thing. But it's really not the way to go through life. So now I'm coming over, and I'm saying that I would like to not be so unpleasant to you, so... let me buy you a coffee, yeah?

Noah: So she cuffed him to a railing. It's her brother, for God's sake. He's just trying to save her.

Nick: You said she's a liar. Sounds like she never stops.

Noah: Yeah, well, now she's out there with a bagful of cash, and drug dealers who would love to teach her a lesson. I keep trying to call her, but she's --

Nick: For what? To warn her? Noah, Adriana knows she's in trouble. She knows she is playing a dangerous game. And, obviously, this is the way she likes it. You need to let her brother deal with this.

Noah: I'm the one that told her to run.

Nick: Did you tell her to steal a half a million dollars? No. She did that on her own.

Noah: I can't let anything happen to her, Dad.

Nick: Look, it doesn't matter how you feel about this girl. Her brother is an NYPD detective. Let him do his job. You got to let it go.

Avery: Dylan, why now? Why like this? Why didn't you call me or send me a letter?

Dylan: I don't -- I don't want to pressure you, okay? You had a life before I walked back in, and you should have whatever you want. You know, when times would get bad, I would... I would close my eyes and go back to our place. [Chuckles] You remember that, um -- that walk you dragged me on in the rain? I can still see the water drops on your cheeks.

Avery: [Crying]

Dylan: Hey, hey, hey. The color of your hair when it's wet.

Avery: [Breathing shakily]

Dylan: And I remember every... every word we said. You know what? I would just have to play those memories, you know, just to get through the tough times, and --

Avery: Okay. Stop. Stop. I can't do this. Um...I told you. You can't talk to me like this.

Chloe: Latte? Triple shot? What's your poison?

Alex: Whiskey. I'll buy. You know, there's a...a new club that just opened up. I think it's time to check it out.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Oh! Okay, um... yeah, I don't really think they're open right now.

Alex: Oh. Okay, well, just call me. You got my card, right?

Chloe: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh, yep. I got it.

Alex: I look forward to it.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Okay. Bye.

Kevin: What the hell is wrong with you? That's your plan to help us -- hit on the cop?

Chloe: I was being nice, and he took it to another level. I...

Kevin: With as obnoxious as you've been to that guy, being nice to him now is like a lap dance! You know, cozying up to Chavez is not gonna help us get the money. It will not save our house.

Chloe: Oh, but your incredible, illegal idea was way better? I'm sorry, but I would rather have a cup of coffee with a cop than go to jail.

Sharon: No one would blame you if you were feeling a little lonely right now. You know, you're going through a divorce, and you look for ways to fill the hollow space.

Adam: It's dinner, Sharon. That's all.

Sharon: Lines get blurred, especially between you and me.

Adam: Which would be a bad idea for the both of us. And that is why I fully intend on keeping my distance.

Sharon: Good. Because what we had, it wasn't sane or healthy, and we can never go back to that place.

Adam: No. But it's just dinner, Sharon. Dinner. What can it hurt?

Chelsea: You see, this line here, and then look at this.

Cane: What am I looking at?

Chelsea: What? Oh. I'm sorry. The, um -- the contrast stitching. See?

Cane: Okay. All right. I think we've done enough today, and we're gonna put this down.

Chelsea: No. No, no. I can keep going.

Cane: Chelsea, you are starting a business, and you're ending a marriage, okay? It's a lot to handle. You're gonna have a career, not just some great space and some drawings, all right? Now, I wish it was at Jabot so I could look like the genius that found you, okay? You're gonna have it all, all right?

Chelsea: Thank you.

Cane: Okay?

Chelsea: Cane, it's amazing to hear. [Sighs]

Cane: And let me tell you this about Adam -- you are better off without him than with him, and you can take that to the bank.

Chelsea: Maybe I should make that my screen saver.

Cane: [Laughs]

Chelsea: Sometimes I forget.

Cane: You're gonna have it all, all right? You deserve better, and you will get it.

Lily: So, can we just pretend that last conversation never happened? 'Cause that was pretty embarrassing.

Tyler: No, don't be embarrassed. I'm just glad that you're comfortable with saying, "Hey, if you're hitting on me, don't." In fact, I think that takes us to the next level of coworkers.

Lily: Well, thank you. But I don't feel any better, so...

Tyler: Well, let me distract you from the, uh -- the awkwardness, I guess. Tell me how you and Cane hooked up. I mean, you guys are kind of two different vibes. You know what I'm saying?

Lily: Yeah. I mean, we have different families, different backgrounds. But somehow... we just work, you know -- as a couple, as parents. We... we fit.

Tyler: I guess. I mean, what -- opposites attract? That's what they say.

Lily: I'm guessing you don't agree?

Tyler: I don't know. I mean, I'm just -- love can be tough, all right? Being able to be on the same page, have the same point of view -- that's kind of what gets you through the tough times. At least, that's how I always saw it.

Lily: So, pretty much, you're looking for a female you?

Tyler: Oh, no. [Chuckles] Can you imagine another me?

Lily: No. [Laughs]

Tyler: No, I'm just -- I'm looking for the one. That's all.

Lily: Well, I hope you find her.

Tyler: Yeah. So do I.

Neil: Leslie, it's me, Neil. Give me a call. Or better yet, find me at the office, would you? Thanks. Bye.

Jack: Well, there he is. It is done. The legalities are all settled. You officially have a fashion division to build.

Neil: Glad to hear it, Jack. Even better once you promise me this won't be a repeat of Jabot. This better be for the long haul, or I'm out of here.

Jack: This is your baby, Neil. Grow it fast, grow it strong, make me some money.

Neil: You got it, Chief.

Jack: What the hell are you doing here? Get out. Now.

Kieran: Hey, now. I saw you were back at work. I could have sent flowers or muffins, but I thought I'd bring something you could actually use. For medicinal purposes only.

Jack: I'm clean now.

Kieran: Then a free taste won't hurt you, will it? From me to you. You know how to reach me, Mr. Abbott. Say hey to Kyle for me.

Avery: Nick? Nick? [Crying]

Nick: Come here. Come here. It's gonna be okay.

Avery: [Crying] No! No, it won't!

Nick: It will. It will. Avery, you just got to talk to me. Let me help you through this.

Avery: The dog tags you found...the man that I had an affair with... ...he's alive.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jamie: I didn't fall. I was pushed...by your son.

Fen: And when I left the roof, Jamie was fine.

Kevin: So he jumped off on his own?

Fen: I-I didn't push him.

Lauren: You want to arrest our son, and you want me to go along with it!

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