Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/5/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/5/13


Episode # 10089 ~ Fen's Revelation Leaves Michael & Lauren Stunned; Avery is Shocked by Dylan's Return

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Avery, is -- is everything all right?

Avery: I...

Tyler: Hey. Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick. You got two journalists here from GC buzz and a music site. They want to interview you.

Nick: Yeah, um...

Tyler: No, nothing. Come on. Let's generate some more heat.

Avery: It's good. It's good. Talk to the writers. Get more famous.

Dylan: Avery.

Victoria: Oh, Mom. I'm so glad you made it. Nick will be glad that you're here, too.

Nikki: Well, I knew how important it was for him that we would all be here.

Victoria: Yeah. Too bad all of us aren't.

Nikki: Well, your father is still struggling with Nicholas leaving Newman, but he's very proud of him.

Victoria: Well, it would be nice if he could show it. Oh, well. Look at this club. It's great. It's fantastic. It's going great, and Nick is happy.

Nikki: I know. It's -- where is he? I want to congratulate him.

Victoria: I'm not sure.

Neil: Wow. Look at this place, man. You know what? I could do some serious cutting loose here. [Laughs] Yeah, this is the part of the story, Leslie, where you say, "You? Cut loose?" And I say, "Yeah, I can get down with the best of them," right?

Leslie: Okay. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm looking for Tyler. I need to tell him how proud I am of him. There he is. There he is. Baby, do you mind?

Neil: No. Not at all. I'll be over there talking to Nikki and Victoria, okay?

Leslie: Okay. All right. I'll see you in a minute.

Neil: Yeah, Babe.

Leslie: Tyler. Tyler.

Tyler: Hey. So, am I the king of amazing or what?

Leslie: I saw Wheeler.

Tyler: Here?

Leslie: At Jabot. He knew exactly who I was, Tyler.

Avery: Dylan.

Dylan: It's me.

Avery: But how? I thought... [Voice breaking] Is this real? [Sobs]

Dylan: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's real.

Victor: So, you're sure you've done a thorough job investigating Wheeler's past?

P.I.: All the way back to his frat-boy days at Marquette.

Victor: He's a politician, for heaven's sake. He must have had some affair with some married woman or taken some bribe.

P.I.: Not that I can find, Sir.

Victor: Well, keep searching, all right? We have got to find something to keep him from going public with the fact that I...hired his daughter to seduce Jack Abbott. Find out who he hangs out with. What is he up to right now, for example?

P.I.: He's meeting with Avery Clark at her home.

Victor: He's what?

Avery: You died. That's what they told me.

Dylan: I-I know. I know. It's -- it's a long story, and I-I want -- I want to tell you everything. But right now... I-I just want to look at you. Just... just like I remembered you. You're so beautiful.

[Footsteps approach]

Nick: Hey. I've been looking everywhere for you. Mac, I see you met my girlfriend. Avery, this is Mac. He came up with the ripcord. Remember that?

Avery: What?

Nick: Yeah, that drink you said you liked. The ripcord. He came up with it. You said it reminded you of your younger, wilder days.

Avery: Right, right.

Nick: Make sure you send a few over to her booth. She really liked it. Noah, uh, said you had an emergency to take care of?

Dylan: Uh, false alarm. Just gonna grab some bottles before I head back to the bar.

Nick: Thanks, man. Hey, my mom just showed up. Can you keep her and Victoria busy while I deal with these journalists? You know, just talk to them, let them know how much you did with the place?

Avery: I didn't do anything.

Nick: Oh, right. She's being modest, Mac. Come on. You ready to play my better half?

Avery: I'm ready as I'll ever be. [Chuckles]

Nick: Let's do it.

Lauren: Fen still not home?

Michael: He didn't text you?

Lauren: No. He has that chemistry test tomorrow, and he's, you know, probably just out studying.

Michael: Well, we can call Taylor's house and check.

Lauren: I trust him.

Michael: I know you don't want to discuss this. But... we can't ignore Jamie's accusation.

Lauren: Well, I can. There is no way that Fen pushed Jamie off the roof and laughed. I mean, come on.

Michael: Yeah. That part's hard to believe.

Lauren: It's ludicrous. And it proves that Jamie is lying.

Michael: Why? Why? Why would Jamie want to hurt Fenmore or us?

Lauren: I have absolutely no idea. I-I -- maybe he is -- he's angry at his parents or the world and he's striking back the only way he knows how.

Michael: [Sighs] And what if you're wrong? What if Jamie's telling the truth and Fenmore tried to hurt him?

Noah: Hey, you get that emergency taken care of already?

Dylan: [Sighs] I'm not so sure. Somebody broke into the hotel safe where I'm staying. The clerk thought something of mine might have been taken.

Noah: You want to go check it out?

Dylan: If something was stolen, not much I can do about it tonight.

Noah: Well, hopefully you didn't lose anything valuable or irreplaceable.

Dylan: Yeah, me, too.

Tyler: Wheeler tracked you down at Jabot?

Leslie: He said he was looking for Jack.

Tyler: But he recognized you.

Leslie: Called me Valerie.

Tyler: Did he mention anything about --

Leslie: No. No. He was not interested in catching up on old times.

Tyler: Okay, cool.

Leslie: Nothing about this is cool, Tyler!

Tyler: Keep it down, all right? All I'm saying is, Wheeler knows you're here and he doesn't seem too bothered by it, all right?

Leslie: So, what? Now you're not worried about it at all?

Tyler: I am, but not about Wheeler. Look, that appeal in Milwaukee is going forward, thanks to your friend Avery Clark.

Leslie: My friend? We're colleagues. I barely know her.

Tyler: Well, it's time to change that. Find out what she thinks her chances are of winning that appeal.

Victor: Why would Congressman Wheeler make a house call to Avery Clark?

P.I.: He must be anxious about that appeal she's working on.

Victor: And risk personal involvement with her? Wow. There's more to this murder than political interest.

P.I.: I'm still waiting for the court transcript.

Victor: When you have them, let me know, all right? There's something Wheeler is... trying to find out... or keep hidden. You let me know as soon as you find out, okay? Thank you.

Nick: Tyler, the Underground is trending. Your media blitz paid off.

Tyler: What can I say? I'm a mad genius.

Nick: And modest. [Both laugh] I'm really glad Avery hooked us up.

Tyler: Yeah, you got a smart girl on your hands, man.

Nick: I do.

Avery: Excuse me for a second.

Nick: Avery. Avery. Hey. What's wrong?

Michael: Okay. We have to look at the facts here, Lauren. Fenmore's changed.

Lauren: He's a teenager. And hormones and mood swings are annoying, but they're normal.

Michael: Bullying somebody with texts and e-mails is not normal. It's cruel.

Lauren: And Fen isn't.

Michael: I saw him lose his temper with Summer. I thought he was gonna hit her.

Lauren: But he didn't. Michael, Fen is not capable of pushing someone off a roof! You have got to get Jamie to tell you exactly what happened that night.

Michael: Oh, really? Why can't Fenmore tell us?

Lauren: Because he is so scared that no matter what he says, you're gonna blame him.

Michael: No, no, no. You know, I don't want to believe Fenmore did this.

Lauren: Then don't! Get Jamie to tell you the truth about that night!

Michael: Oh, that kid's not gonna open up to me! He's back in the group home probably getting the crap kicked out of him after I promised to protect him!

Lauren: Oh, my God! Are you more worried about that kid than our son?!

Michael: I am worried about Fenmore!

Lauren: Only because you think he's guilty.

Michael: No! Because I think he's going to become what I was and there's not a damn thing I can do about it!

Lauren: There is no way that he will be like you! He isn't capable. And if you think he is, I don't even know you anymore.

Avery: Nothing's wrong.

Nick: Are you sure? You seem --

Avery: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm...I'm a little stressed about the case is all. But do not worry about me. This night is about you. And your mom and your sister have been waiting to talk to you. Will you please let them gush about what a big star you are?

Nick: All right. I won't be long.

Avery: Okay.

Victoria: Oh, there he is. Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: You are a huge hit. Congratulations.

Nikki: Spectacular.

Nick: Thanks.

Nikki: Listen, I have to leave soon, but I'm so glad I got here in time to see it.

Nick: Hey, it is awesome to have your parent's support.

Nikki: Well, give your father time. He'll come around.

Nick: Hey, why were you in Chicago? Seemed sudden.

Nikki: Oh. I-I had some things to take care of. No big deal.

Victoria: Oh. For the wedding?

Nikki: Oh, goodness. I suppose I should have told you both.

Victoria: Told us what?

Nikki: Your father and I have postponed the wedding.

Victoria: Mom, why? Are you still afraid you're not gonna get everything done in time?

Nikki: You know how I am. I want it to be perfect. And if I rush things, it won't be. It's as simple as that.

Nick: Well, whenever you decide to have it, just let us know the date. Vic and I will be there, right?

Victoria: Yeah. Absolutely.

[Keyboard clacking]

Dylan: Hey, you know what? We're, uh -- we're low on vodka.

Noah: We got four more bottles right here.

Dylan: That'll be gone in 10 minutes. I'm gonna grab a case from the back. Avery.

Avery: [Gasps]

Dylan: I-I know this is confusing.

Avery: You left me.

Dylan: But I'm back. I-I came back for you.

[Door opens]

Victor: What the hell? I expected you sooner.

Nikki: Oh, Darling, I know. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Victor: Was the flight delayed or what?

Nikki: No. I just decided to swing by Nicholas' nightclub on the way home.

Victor: Why didn't you call me?

Nikki: Why? You would have joined me?

Victor: Well, I don't know about that. Hate to see him throw good money after bad by investing in that joint.

Nikki: Well, then, you would have been very disappointed because it was spectacular.

Victor: Really?

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Why did you take off so suddenly on this trip?

Nikki: You're so inquisitive. It was just a quick emergency run to Northwestern General. They had heard about the event that I chaired last year, and they wanted to get my input for their annual event.

Victor: Huh. I thought you had gone on a, you know, shopping spree. Wedding dress, a gift for me, and all that.

Nikki: Oh, you did? Well, there's plenty of time for that.

Victor: Uh-huh. Come here. Let me have that.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: I changed my mind.

Nikki: About what?

Victor: Postponing the wedding.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Victor: I don't want to wait for caterers and invitations to go out and all that stuff. I've missed you so much. I think you're so beautiful. I want to marry you right now. Let's call Judge O'Brien, have him come over tonight. Why not?

Nikki: [Laughing] We can't get married tonight.

Victor: Why? What's the matter with you? You having second thoughts?

Nikki: Oh. My darling.

Avery: I-I don't understand. How? Why?

Dylan: There's -- there's so much to tell you. I can't do it here. Let's just go somewhere else.

Leslie: Avery. Hi. Great night.

Avery: Yeah.

Leslie: You must be happy for Nick.

Avery: I am. Yes, I am.

Leslie: And how about my little brother? Did he come through or what?

Avery: He did, just like I knew he would. Um, Leslie, Nick has asked me to talk to the bartenders about dealing with fake IDs.

Leslie: Oh.

Avery: If you'll excuse me.

Leslie: Of course. We'll catch up later to toast to Nick and Tyler's success.

Avery: Yes. Okay.

Dylan: Av-- Avery, let's just -- let's just get out of here.

Avery: I-I can't. Tonight is...Nick needs me.

Dylan: I-I don't want to cause any trouble for you. I just -- I just want to explain. I just need to explain.

Avery: I can't leave. Not now.

Dylan: When? When? When?

Avery: [Voice breaking] Later. You can tell me everything later. I have to go back in.

Dylan: Avery --

Avery: I have to go back in to Nick.

Leslie: Uh, you're not thinking about getting back into the nightclub business, are you?

Neil: No, are you kidding me? I'm gonna leave it to the professionals over here, right?

Leslie: Okay.

Neil: I sure had my time with Indigo, though, you know? Lot of headaches. But you pulled off one hell of a grand opening, man.

Victoria: To tonight going off without a hitch.

Neil: Wow. Cheers.

Leslie: Cheers.

Neil: Good luck, man.

Nick: Thank you so much. Thanks for coming.

Neil: Absolutely.

Noah: Hey, Mac, did you get those vodka bottles? You were right, man. We almost ran out.

Dylan: Sorry, man. I got distracted.

Noah: By Avery? Saw you two talking. Do you know my dad's girlfriend? So, what's up? You know Avery?

Dylan: Uh, your dad actually introduced us in the back.

Noah: You seemed pretty friendly.

Dylan: She was just telling me how important this night is for your dad.

Noah: Well, it won't get my grandpa off of his back, but having Avery around helps.

Dylan: They're pretty tight, huh?

Noah: I mean, he's my dad. We don't get into the details of his love life. But from what I can tell, yeah. I'll get that vodka, man.

Leslie: Avery, congratulations.

Avery: Oh. For what? This? The Underground is all Nick's.

Leslie: Oh, come on, now. I know better than that. I am sure you put in a lot of work, too. And at the same time, you're taking on this new Innocence Foundation case.

Avery: Oh, that doesn't take up too much time.

Leslie: It must. All that travel to Milwaukee. Um, what's the case about?

Avery: Um, I-I can't really talk about that.

Leslie: Do you think he's innocent?

Avery: I'm sorry. I-I need to find Nick.

Leslie: Okay.

Nikki: My darling, I am not having second thoughts about marrying you.

Victor: Well, then, what's holding you back?

Nikki: You know, I never should have insisted on the 14th. Valentine's Day is for young lovers.

Victor: Well, who says we're not young?

Nikki: [Chuckles] Anybody who's watched me try to text. [Laughs]

Victor: Then let's do it on the 15th or 16th. How's that?

Nikki: Now, Victor...

Victor: Well, that's not Valentine’s Day.

Nikki: I have a date in mind. I have an approximate date in mind.

Victor: Well, what is that?

Nikki: What would you think of waiting until the house is rebuilt? Then it would give me time to get everything in order. We could get married in the living room, starting our new life together there.

Victor: Not a bad idea.

Nikki: So, you like it? You like the idea? You agree?

Victor: If that's what you want, my baby.

Nikki: Oh. Thank you so much.

Victor: We'll do it, okay?

Nikki: Hmm. Yes, it'll be fabulous. I am exhausted. I'm gonna go get ready for bed.

Victor: I'll be up soon.

Nikki: Okay.

Victor: Okay.

Michael: How did it go at Taylor's?

Fenmore: That code for "Is that really where you were?"

Michael: Is it possible for us to have a civilized conversation?

Fenmore: Yeah, sure. What do you want to talk about? Girls, sports?

Michael: Jamie.

Fenmore: No, thanks.

Michael: I don't know if you realize how serious this is. Jamie has threatened to press charges. This will become a matter for the police.

Fenmore: Even though he's a juvie loser and I'm captain of the swim team carrying a 4.0 GPA? Oh! Wait, oh, and the D.A.'s son.

Michael: They will be harder on you because I'm your father, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Fenmore: [Scoffs] So, you can get me out of a parking ticket but not some bogus assault charges?

Michael: This is not a joke. You could go to prison.

Fenmore: Even if Jamie's flat-out lying?

Michael: If he files a complaint, my office will have to investigate.

Fenmore: And decide if there's enough evidence for a case?

Michael: Yes.

Fenmore: You wouldn't answer me before. Tell me, Dad. Would you put me in jail?

Nick: Hey, thanks for coming to grand opening part two.

Victoria: Which far surpassed the original.

Nick: Looks like we only needed some electricity. [Chuckles]

Neil: Nick, seriously, this place -- absolute winner.

Nick: Thank you so much. I hope so.

Neil: Yeah, and you can definitely count on us to come back.

Nick: Thanks. You guys drive safe.

Neil: We will. All right, man. See you soon.

Leslie: Good night.

Tyler: See you later.

Neil: So, Moses is with Sofia tonight.

Leslie: Oh, subtle, Winters.

Neil: Ah. I am just saying. That's all.

Leslie: I, um...I have to go by the office first.

Neil: No, no, no, you don't. No more work tonight. Boss's orders.

Leslie: Well, I won't be able to concentrate on anything until I handle this.

Neil: Okay, well, you better handle your business. And then don't take too long.

Leslie: Oh. Shock collar.

Neil: Yeah.

Nick: Have I thanked you yet for everything you did tonight?

Avery: Uh, not in the last 30 seconds.

Nick: Thank you. I got to run up to the office. And when I get back, I'm gonna thank you some more.

Avery: [Chuckling] Okay. Where's Noah?

Dylan: He's in the back.

Avery: Why, Dylan? Why did you show up tonight?

Dylan: Tried to figure out for a long time how to tell you that I was alive. It's not an easy thing to do. What -- what would I do? Am I supposed to call you, send a postcard? Nothing -- nothing felt right.

Avery: This did?!

Dylan: It seemed... it seemed like a good idea. You know, that I could have this job and I could -- I could watch you from a distance and you wouldn't notice me until you looked behind the bar, then you would see me standing there.

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: And then I saw you.

Victoria: Mom's in bed?

Victor: Well, her trip to Chicago and then opening of a nightclub I guess tired her out.

Victoria: She told you she went to Nick's opening?

Victor: Yeah. Why not?

Victoria: Well, did she also tell you that it was a big hit?

Victor: That supposed to make me happy or what?

Victoria: Pragmatic. Dad, Nick's not coming back to Newman, so you just kind of need to accept that.

Victor: Did you come to tell me that?

Victoria: Adam was there tonight with Sharon.

Victor: Really? Probably sniffing around, making sure that Nicholas won't claim his stake to Newman Enterprises.

Victoria: I can just hear him now. "It's all ours, Sharon. All ours." Ugh.

Victor: Yeah, he's a little full of himself now, isn't he?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victor: But, you know, he's the one who was able to wrest control of Newman Enterprises away from Jack Abbott.

Victoria: Are you saying that I let you down?

Victor: Well, he's sitting behind my desk, isn't he?

Victoria: Yes. For now. But I plan to throw him out. Through the window, if I have to.

Victor: I've been wanting to hear you say that for the longest time.

Victoria: Daddy, we're in this together, to the end.

Victor: Baby, that makes me very happy. And that end will come very soon. Sooner than Adam thinks.

Michael: There is no point in dealing in hypotheticals.

Fenmore: This is not a hypothetical. Do you think I'm guilty?

Michael: You tell me. Did you push Jamie off that roof?

Fenmore: Why should I bother answering you? You are going to believe Jamie anyway.

Michael: No. No. Fenmore, no. That's not true. Fenmore.

Fenmore: Will you put my full name on the arrest warrant? Fenmore Michael Baldwin? Or are you gonna distance yourself from the bad seed?

Michael: Whatever happens to Fenmore Michael Baldwin, I'll go through it with him.

Fenmore: Great. Now, can you -- can you tell me about this whole -- this whole jail thing? Now, will they -- will they cuff me when I'm taken away?

Michael: Stop it. Stop it.

Fenmore: Once I'm locked up, what should I expect on the inside, Dad? Tell me your perspective.

Michael: It's not funny.

Fenmore: Am I gonna need protection? Could you get some of your old jailhouse buddies to help me out with that? Yeah. It's called the internet, Dad. You can find out anything on it. Including the fact that your father went to prison for trying to rape somebody. Yeah. I know you tried to rape Christine.

Michael: Everything you read on the internet... isn't necessarily accurate.

Fenmore: Oh, so you didn't try to assault her or try to shoot Paul when he tried to stop you?

Michael: I should have told you. I was waiting for the right time.

Fenmore: [Chuckles] When was that gonna be? What -- the first time you visited me in jail?

Michael: Do you want me to explain?

Fenmore: Explain what?! What?! What?! That you are a hypocrite?! That the real criminal in the family is you?!

Michael: Look... I did all those awful things. But I am not that person anymore.

Fenmore: Well, isn't that great? It's a little convenient, though.

Michael: I am telling you the truth. I was a screwed-up kid with a lame father and an abusive stepfather.

Fenmore: Yeah, I know. I know all about your -- your horrible past.

Michael: It is not an excuse, but it is because I got wrapped up in a sick and twisted place that I was able to do all those horrible things to so many good, kind people.

Fenmore: But it's all good now. You changed.

Michael: It was not that simple. I won't have it that simple. You know nothing. I didn't change overnight. I went to hell and back to become the person I am now. It took years of therapy and self-examination and begging people for forgiveness for hurting them. And for the longest time, it wasn't enough, and I was afraid it would never be enough. And I look at you... I look at you now, and it scares me to think that you might have to go through the same thing.

Fenmore: Oh, my God. You think I'm like you. That I could actually rape a girl or try to kill somebody.

Michael: No. Because I'm trying to do everything I can to stop you from becoming like me... like I was. And I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that never happens.

Dylan: You guys have a good night. I'm -- I'm staying at the Genoa Inn. Why -- why don't you meet me there?

Avery: I can't. Not tonight.

Dylan: What about tomorrow? Just, you know, name the place. I'll -- I'll be there. Please, Avery. Please. There's so much that we need to talk about.

Avery: Like this? I found this on the bar.

Dylan: This brought me a lot of luck. More than I could ever imagine.

Avery: Dylan.

Dylan: I've missed you so much.

Avery: [Voice breaking] I didn't think I was gonna see you again. [Sniffles] And [Sniffles] I didn't think I was gonna feel your hands again. [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Noah: Well, it was packed tonight. Dad, I got to say you crushed it.

Nick: We did. We crushed it. I couldn't have done it without my leading lady. Hey. You're shaking. Are you all right?

Avery: I think it's just from all the excitement.

Nick: You look a little pale to me. I'm gonna take you home.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Can you close up, Bud?

Noah: Yeah, we -- we can take care of it.

Nick: Okay. I'll call you later. You ready?

Avery: Yes. It's been a very long night.

Nick: [Sighs]

[Piano playing softly]

Nikki: [Sighs] [Sighs]

Tyler: So, what did you find out from Avery?

Leslie: Nothing. And that's what worries me.

Tyler: No, no, no. She's playing it close to the vest.

Leslie: No, something was definitely off with her. It's like she couldn't get away from me fast enough.

Tyler: You think she knows who we are?

Leslie: If she does, he knows where we are.

Tyler: Yeah, if he gets out of prison.

[Door closes]

Nick: 14.

Avery: What?

Nick: You said exactly 14 words on the drive home. Usually you rattle off like 114 before taking a breath.

Avery: I'm sorry, Nick.

Nick: What's wrong?

Avery: I'm just not feeling very well. [Sighs]

Nick: I know. You should have told me. I would have brought you home.

Avery: No, I didn't want to ruin your big night. [Sniffles]

Nick: Can I do something? I'll take you to the doctor, run to the pharmacy.

Avery: No, I'm just -- I'm so tired. [Sniffles] I think this trip to Milwaukee and then the party... I think I just need to sleep.

Nick: Okay. I'll leave you.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: But I'll be back in the morning to check on you.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Good night.

Avery: Good night. Nick. It really was an amazing night. I'll never forget it.

Nick: Thanks for everything.

Avery: [Breathing heavily]

[Door closes]

Dylan: [Sighs] [Sighs]

Avery: [Breathing heavily] [Sniffles, sighs]

[Glass shatters]

Avery: [Sniffles] [Sobs] [Sniffles, sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Cane: Poor Tyler. The player's got a crush on the gorgeous girl at work.

Alex: I care about the money. You know who else does? Guys who really don't know how to play nice.

Avery: [Voice breaking] You don't get to hold me and talk to me.

Dylan: How -- how else should I talk to you when I'm in love with you?

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