Y&R Transcript Monday 2/4/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 2/4/13


Episode # 10088 ~ Cane is Impressed by Chelsea's Talents; Avery & Dylan Come Face-to-Face

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: [Sighs]

Tyler: All right. We are good to go. Covered the city with fliers, posters, you name it. Social media -- swamped completely. And local radio stations have been giving a shout-out that we got a killer deejay. I loaded them with comps. So, I'm telling you -- if I got to bet money, it's gonna be a stellar opening.

Nick: I like hearing that, Ty.

Tyler: Anyway, let me check the door and make sure everything's looking good out there. Cool? Stellar, Nick. Stellar.

Nick: Stellar. Let's go.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Hey. How's it going?

Nick: You're not here.

Avery: You're not open yet.

Nick: You're gonna miss the pre-opening toast.

Avery: Was that on the itinerary?

Nick: It was gonna be a surprise, but you're gonna miss it.

Avery: Listen to me, Nick. Tonight is going to be a blazing success.

Nick: I don't know. I'm not believing that.

Avery: What do you mean?

Nick: I'm gonna need you to say that here, in my face.

Avery: Okay. Well, let me finish getting ready.

Nick: What are you doing?

Avery: I'm rushing! I'll see you soon. Bye. [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Avery: [Sighs] Congressman Wheeler.

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: [Laughs]

Dylan: It's --

Avery: I think it's special!

Dylan: Avery, it's a rock.

Avery: Would you please look at it? Thank you. Thank you. Is this so hard? Now, really look at it. Isn't it beautiful?

Dylan: Oh, yeah. It's beautiful.

Avery: The rock.

Dylan: It is so --

Avery: The rock, Dylan. Look. It appears simple, but look at the coloration in this.

Dylan: Yeah, it's kind of cool.

Avery: I want you to have it.

Dylan: Oh, Honey, you shouldn't have. A rock?

Avery: [Giggles] I'm serious. And every time you look at it, remember me and this beautiful day.

Dylan: Mine to keep? Always? Then from now on, this rock will be my lucky charm. [Chuckles softly]

[Knock on door]

[Knocking continues]

Sharon: Adam! Are you in there? Adam?

Adam: Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Sharon: [Scoffs] [Scoffs] What is going on? I've been calling and calling you! You haven't been answering your phone!

Adam: Sorry. I'm busy. I've got work. I turned my phone off, and I just forgot about it.

Sharon: Well, did you also forget we're supposed to be going to Nick's club opening tonight?

Adam: That was next week, right?

Sharon: Okay, how badly do you not want to go?

Adam: About as badly as Nicholas doesn't want me to be there.

Sharon: Great. So you're just gonna lock yourself up in your big house and work until you pass out?

Adam: Well, I don't know about passing out. But, uh, eventually, I'm gonna have to go to sleep. But, Sharon, I do have a lot of work to do.

Sharon: Do you really think that's gonna help you forget about Chelsea?

Chelsea: Oh!

Cane: May I?

Chelsea: No, no, no, no, no. No, they're not finished yet. No. [Sighs]

Cane: So, have you talked to Chloe about setting up that meeting with Jack and Neil?

Chelsea: I left her a message. She hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Cane: All right. Well, when you do --

Chelsea: I will let you know.

Cane: Okay.

Chelsea: Well, don't let me keep you from your dinner.

Cane: Oh, I'm just here getting takeout.

Chelsea: Takeout? Aren't you and Lily going to the opening of Underground?

Cane: We were going to, but we settled in. The twins were being extra cuddly.

Chelsea: Oh, that sounds perfect.

Cane: So we're staying home. Anyway, um, I don't want to keep you from your work, so I'm gonna go over there -- far, far away.

Chelsea: Okay, fine. I'm not that antisocial. You can stay and have a drink while you wait for your food.

Cane: I don't want to impede your artistic flow.

Chelsea: Well, just do not try to sneak a peek at my sketches.

Cane: That means I will have to use all of my powers to resist.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Cane: [Clears throat]

Alex: Why'd you call me yesterday and then disappear without talking to me?

Noah: I went out.

Alex: What were you gonna tell me?

Noah: That I was beginning to think that Adriana had left town.

Alex: Adriana was here, wasn't she?

Noah: Listen, Detective --

Alex: What'd she tell you? How'd she change your mind about letting me get to her?

Noah: She didn't.

Alex: Hey! She's playing you for a fool, Noah!

Noah: Is this really about your case, Detective?

Alex: A half a million dollars was stolen, and your girlfriend knows where it is.

Noah: But is this really what that's about? Because I'm getting the feeling that there's more to this.

Alex: Like what?

Noah: Like how you never really treated her like a suspect. Like how this whole thing just seems more personal than professional with you.

Leslie: Time to wrap it up. Tyler put us on the V.I.P. list.

Neil: Yeah?

Leslie: Yep.

Neil: No arguments from me. I'd have been done an hour ago, but, uh, I just can't seem to focus.

Leslie: Mm, is something wrong?

Neil: Steel trap right here. Just a little distracted. Distracted...'cause of you.

Leslie: Oh, I see. Are you wondering if I'm done preparing the Thompson contract?

Neil: I was actually imagining what kind of smoking-hot dress that you're gonna be putting on a little later, you know?

Leslie: ...While I call the regional department store to remind them of their obligation to give Jabot top shelf space.

Neil: As we are dancing, Baby.

Leslie: ...Around the fact that one of the stores is stalling us...

Neil: Mm, which means I'm gonna have to take that dress off your smoking-hot body later.

Leslie: We'll definitely be moving product then.

Neil: Oh, my goodness.

Leslie: [Chuckles]

Cane: Thank you.

Chelsea: I'm sorry for the way I acted at my office yesterday.

Cane: Yes. You were a little defensive, weren't you?

Chelsea: I think I might've lashed out at you a little bit.

Cane: You did. You lashed. There was lashings. Actually, there was quite a lot of lashings. But don't worry about it. It's no sweat. It's okay.

Chelsea: You're letting me off the hook, just like that?

Cane: I know what it's like to have the pressures of a new job. And when you couple that with the, uh, the problems you're having at home, it's...

Chelsea: Ah. Smooth.

Cane: Mm.

Chelsea: A carefully veiled reference to my split with Adam. Well done.

Cane: Thank you. You liked that, huh?

Chelsea: Okay, so... what do you want to know?

Cane: I don't want to know anything. I'm just sorry it didn't work out.

Chelsea: Me, too.

Cane: And I am not gonna give you any marital advice.

Chelsea: And I thank you for that, Cane.

Cane: You are welcome. But I will give you this advice -- follow your passion, okay? That is a good choice.

Chelsea: I hope so. Sometimes, I'm not so sure.

Cane: Why? I believe in you, okay? Billy sees your potential, and Jack will.

Chelsea: But Neil's the one in charge of the fashion department, right?

Cane: Don't worry about Neil. Neil's gonna see these, and he's gonna be so impressed with your stuff.

Chelsea: Can I ask you something?

Cane: Sure.

Chelsea: Why are you suddenly my cheerleader?

Cane: Because when I moved to Genoa City, I had no formal business training. All I had was determination. You have that, plus --

Chelsea: Plus my divorce fund?

Cane: Yeah, your divorce fund. Well, that helps, but I was actually gonna say that you have talent. You have undeniable talent, and that is gonna get you where you want to go. Your drive will get you where you want to go.

Chelsea: That's what it did for you?

Cane: Yeah. I think that we are kindred spirits, hmm?

Chelsea: Cheers.

Cane: Cheers.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Alex: Of course my pursuit of Adriana's personal! She stole half a million dollars in sting money, put my career on the line.

Noah: I'm sorry I can't help.

Alex: And I'm sick and tired of people lying to me, trying to throw me off track. The next time she calls you, you tell me, or I swear I'm gonna arrest you.

Noah: [Scoffs] For what?

Alex: Obstruction. See, money might not be a problem for a rich kid like you, but jail is pretty scary for a pretty boy. So think about that -- you're trying to play hero for your girlfriend.

Noah: [Sighs]

Adriana: What did he want?

Noah: You.

Adriana: Okay, then we need to get out of here quick. Okay. Is everything ready? Noah, where's the money?

Noah: Take it. Take it. Disappear.

Adriana: No. But we're doing this together.

Noah: No, I'm not going with you.

Victoria: All right, here's a present for opening night, the sequel.

Nick: You didn't have to do that. Hey! Look at that!

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Nick: That's beautiful. Thanks, Sis.

Victoria: Oh, you're welcome, Bro.

Nick: Where is Billy?

Victoria: Uh, he's swamped with work. He really is working hard helping Jack.

Nick: You know, I'm glad the Abbots are back at Jabot. Feels right.

Victoria: Yes, and Billy seems much happier away from Newman and Adam. You seem a lot happier, too.

Nick: I am. Just wish I could get Dad to understand.

Victoria: Did you invite him?

Nick: Yep. Turned me down flat. I think Mom's coming, but she never returned any of my calls.

Victoria: She left me a message and said that she was going to Chicago and she didn't know when she was coming back. But I'm sure she'll swing by tonight.

Nick: What's she doing in Chicago?

Victoria: I have no idea. She's acting very odd. I think she's freaking out about the wedding.

Nick: Did she say that?

Victoria: Well, she talked about postponing it.

Nick: It's not like this is her first trip down the aisle. What's she worried about?

Victoria: I don't know. [Sighs] But you know what? This is not about the parents. This night is about you. And look at this place. It looks amazing! It really does. And the lights are working. That's nice.

Nick: That's funny.

Victoria: Something's missing, though.

Nick: What?

Victoria: Avery. Where is she?

Avery: Uh, I'm on my way out for the evening, so if you'll call my assistant --

Wheeler: Oh, this won't take very long at all. This is a lovely place you have here.

Avery: Thank you. I assume you're here about the Innocence Foundation case in Milwaukee.

Wheeler: I had Victor Newman call on my behalf, yes.

Avery: Yes, he asked me about the case.

Wheeler: As I'm sure you're aware, it's very important to me. I knew the victim. She worked in my campaign office.

Avery: Yes, I read your testimony from the first trial.

Wheeler: So you can imagine how surprised I was to learn that the man who killed her might now have a shot at freedom.

Avery: Well, I think he's innocent.

Wheeler: Based on what? I-I'm only asking because if that's true, I would feel horrible if I put an innocent man behind bars.

Avery: And that is your only reason for being curious?

Wheeler: Ms. Clark, may I speak confidentially?

Avery: If you speak the truth, yes.

Wheeler: This is very selfish of me, but I do worry what this might look like for my political future. I'm getting it from all sides, and if this situation were to come to light --

Avery: I don't see how I can help you with this.

Wheeler: If I can get on the other side of this, help facilitate this man to get the justice he's due, it would counter any negativity that the case might stir up.

Avery: So you're saying you want to help us on this case, Congressman?

Dylan: You ready for opening night?

Nick: Yeah, I'm getting there. Getting there. Mac, this is my sister, Victoria. Victoria, this is Mac. He tends bar here now.

Victoria: Oh, hey, Mac. Nice to meet you. That's a bartender name if I ever heard one, Mac.

Dylan: What's your favorite drink?

Victoria: Oh, that's easy. Rum.

Dylan: All right. I'll keep them coming all night.

Nick: No, you will not. The last guy that fed her rum all night, she married him.

Dylan: You're pretty cool under pressure on opening night.

Nick: I've opened businesses before. It's a piece of cake. All right, I'm a little nervous. [Sighs] The thing that's got me most nervous right now is I cannot get a hold of my other bartender.

Adriana: I'm not going anywhere without you! Where is this coming from? Is this about that cop? Are you afraid of him?

Noah: Chavez is not gonna give up, okay? The way he's hunting you -- he's not acting like a regular cop. It's more personal. I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe he's dirty. But he is 10 times more relentless than any other cop. He's not gonna stop, Ade.

Adriana: It's not what you think.

Noah: It doesn't matter what I think, okay? You don't need me.

Adriana: No, but I do! Look, ever since we've been back together, all of these feelings -- I remembered how great we were together. Noah, you've treated me better than anyone in my entire life, okay? I don't want to lose you again.

Noah: You only think that you want me.

Adriana: No!

Noah: If I went away with you, I would just be afraid that you'd cheat on me again.

Adriana: But I wouldn't! Noah, I wouldn't.

Noah: As beautiful as you are...and as much as I would just love to run away with you, I don't think that I can ever completely trust you.

Adriana: Noah, please.

Noah: You got to go. Okay? Don't make me regret this decision. Don't make me tell Chavez about the money.

Adriana: You wouldn't.

Noah: Time to go.

Leslie: See -- no. Okay.

Neil: Hmm?

Leslie: Mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh! You know better than that!

Neil: What?

Leslie: Kissing me at the office.

Neil: Oh. Oops. My bad. I am officially off the clock.

Leslie: Really?

[Both moan]

Leslie: No. No, but really, I have a few things I have to -- geez...

Neil: Uh-huh. Right.

Leslie: ...Finish before I leave and change into that smoking-hot dress.

Neil: Uh-huh. See, now, you were the one who came in here hollering about V.I.P. lists and wrapping things up.

Leslie: Yeah, because I needed a little kiss to rejuvenate my spirits. But I'm good to go now.

Neil: Well...maybe you want me to stick around, give you a little lift home, and maybe even more rejuvenation?

Leslie: Ooh, now, you know what?

Neil: What?

Leslie: We should really get dressed separately. We need to get ready separately.

Neil: So inefficient.

Leslie: [Chuckles] I'm trying to ensure we actually make it to the opening, Neil.

Neil: We are going to make it, Leslie.

Leslie: Mm-hmm. Okay. Pump your brakes. This is very important to my brother.

Neil: Got it. Meet at the GCAC for a quick dinner?

Leslie: Perfect.

Neil: Okay.

Leslie: One more.

Neil: Two more.

Leslie: Okay. [Chuckles]

Neil: All right.

Leslie: All right.

Neil: I will see you in a little while.

Leslie: You will.

Neil: Yes, Ma'am.

Leslie: [Sighs] All righty. Thompson contract.

Wheeler: All you'd have to do is bring my people into the loop and keep them up to date on everything you're doing for this man and his case.

Avery: Sharing information about a case with a third party.

Wheeler: But I'm an involved party, Ms. Clark. And if my testimony was wrong, I'd like to make it right.

Avery: That's understandable. But this isn't the way to do it.

Wheeler: It's the most efficient way, Ms. Clark. Who has time for motions and "Friend of the courts" briefs, hmm? Give my office a call, and let us know if you have any questions or ideas or concerns, all right? I'll expect to hear from you soon.

[Door opens and closes]

Adam: My wife left me. Am I not supposed to be upset about that? [Sighs]

Sharon: Well, yeah! But that's another reason why you should just go out to the club with me -- so that you can have fun and forget about Chelsea.

Adam: Yeah. That place is bound to be crawling with Newmans.

Sharon: Well, you're a Newman.

Adam: You know what I mean.

Sharon: Okay, Noah told me that with all the publicity, the place is gonna be really crowded. I'm sure you won't even run into your family.

Adam: Well, the place was dead the last time they opened it, so why would it be different this time?

Sharon: [Sighs] Just go with me.

Adam: If it's empty, then I will just become a target.

Sharon: Okay, we don't have to stay long if you don't want to, but I have to make an appearance.

Adam: Then go, Sharon. Do that, all right? Why do I have to go with you?

Sharon: Because Nick is kind of upset that I'm working with you.

Adam: So why force the issue?

Sharon: If you show up there with me, then I can show him how well I'm doing...and that working with you is not so bad. All you have to do is make an effort to be civil.

Adam: Yeah, Nicholas and I -- we really don't do "Civil."

Sharon: Okay. You know what? You took care of me when I was down and out. And now I am gonna do the same for you. I insist.

Adam: By subjecting me to ridicule and scorn from my family. How ever so thoughtful of you, Sharon.

Sharon: Yeah! See? I'm not gonna let you wallow in self-pity!

Adam: But I planned on doing wallowing the likes of which no one's ever seen before.

Sharon: [Chuckles] No. No. Look. I like my job, and I need to keep my boss healthy. So go upstairs and change into something that makes you look like you kind of have it together -- you know, like a master of the universe.

Adam: All right. I will go.

Cane: So then they learn to speak. They add little things. So, like, he says, "Mines."

Chelsea: [Laughing] Oh!

Cane: So it's like, "Mines!"

Chelsea: That's so cute!

Neil: Hey, Chelsea. Good to see you. Cane, what are you doing here?

Cane: I'm picking up takeout. Um, we're staying in tonight.

Neil: Uh-huh. I'm sorry you two won't be making it to the club opening.

Cane: Hey, you should have a look at Chelsea's designs, and we need to set up a meeting with her and Chloe as soon as possible. You're gonna be very impressed with her stuff.

Neil: I had no idea you were a designer.

Chelsea: I'm still learning.

Cane: Don't sell yourself short. Have a look. You're gonna be impressed.

Leslie: Hey, Ty. Um, just want to make sure you have Neil and I on the list for tonight. Really looking forward to it. So proud of you, little brother.

Tyler: All right. So, all the door guys are here, but as far as the crowd goes, I don't know what to tell you, man.

Nick: At least tell me there's a few people out there.

Tyler: It's, uh...

Victoria: Um, well, you know, it's still early, and it's really cold outside.

Tyler: It's freezing cold outside. And there's a line.

Victoria: There's a line?!

Nick: How big a line?

Tyler: It's around the block. And I mean the entire block.

Victoria: Yes!

Nick: Awesome!

Victoria: You're a hit!

Nick: That's so cool. I can't believe you tried to punk me like that.

Tyler: I couldn't help it, man.

Victoria: Let's stop talking. Let's get these paying customers inside, huh?

Nick: I kind of wanted to do something special with Avery before we opened the doors.

Tyler: All right. Do your thing. But I don't know if it's a good idea to leave your new customers out in the frigid cold for too much longer.

Victoria: That's true.

Noah: Sorry I'm late.

Nick: Hey. Uh, everything cool?

Noah: Yeah, it is now.

Tyler: Well, let's rock and roll.

Nick: Let's do it.

[Cell phone thuds]

Victoria: Okay.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Nick: [Sighs]

Adam: Great turnout.

Nick: Thanks, Adam.

Adam: You're welcome, Nicholas.

Sharon: Okay. So, you two have gone 10 seconds without throwing punches. I think I will go and say hello to my son, the bartender.

Nick: You know, it feels real good not having to worry about Newman Enterprises. I suggest you do the same. Find some other interests.

Adam: Well, my, uh -- my focus is on the interest of Newman Enterprises. I won't let anything or anyone take that away.

Sharon: Noah, this place looks great, and the crowd -- I mean, wow. Wow!

Noah: It's good.

Sharon: Oh. Uh, hi, again. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Coffee?

Sharon: [Laughs] I'm glad to see my coffee didn't do any permanent damage.

Noah: What are you guys talking about?

Sharon: Oh, um, I-I just -- I literally ran into, um... Mac at the coffeehouse.

Dylan: Yeah. And I've recovered. So, tonight, what I want you to do is I want you to hold the glass like this, okay?

Sharon: [Giggles] Okay. I'm gonna let you guys get back to work. I'm glad you found a job.

Nick: I'm surprised that you brought Adam.

Sharon: Oh. Well, I mean, it was just because I-I wanted you to see for yourself that me working with him is a good thing.

Nick: We'll see about that.

Sharon: Oh. Okay. Um, well, I'm gonna go find him, unless you had the bouncer throw him out.

Nick: Don't tempt me.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Wheeler: Valerie? I had no idea you were in Genoa City. It's been a while. How are you?

Leslie: I'm -- I'm well.

Wheeler: I'm looking for Jack Abbot.

Leslie: Jack. Uh, he's -- he's gone for the day.

Wheeler: I'm sorry to hear that.

Leslie: Yeah. If -- if you'll excuse me, I'm -- I'm late for a meeting. Have a good night.

Dylan: Right behind you.

Noah: Doing great, man.

Dylan: Moving as fast as I can.

Noah: Can you do a Colorado Bulldog?

Dylan: Uh, a lowball? It's, uh, vodka, coffee liqueur, cream, cola?

Noah: Right. On the rocks? Right. Thank you.

[Dylan remembering]

Avery: And every time you look at it... remember me... and this beautiful day.

Dylan: Mine to keep? Always?

[Back to present]

Noah: Mac, you got it? Mac. You got it?

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah.

Victoria: Any word from Avery?

Nick: She's gonna be here.

Noah: We are a little low on grenadine. Can you grab some?

Dylan: Yeah, sure.

Noah: Thank you.

Neil: Oh, this is rich. You overstepped yourself, man.

Cane: I'm sorry for not consulting with you, okay? I saw her sketches, and I know her ideas match the vision we have for the line. Billy's seen them. He likes them, and he mentioned them to Jack, okay?

Neil: Are you kidding me? Are you her agent now? You do know her history, right?

Cane: Of course I know her history. We all have history, Neil. Don't you think we're entitled a second chance?

Neil: You should've spoken to me.

Cane: [Sighs] I was waiting for Chloe and -- don't worry about it, all right? Forget it. It's my mistake.

Neil: Yeah, it is your mistake.

Cane: Just don't punish her. Just have a look at her things. Give her a chance.

Chelsea: Hey. Uh, am I interrupting something?

Cane: No.

Neil: No. No, you're not. Um... truth is, we just started working out the details of the new fashion division, and it's a little bit early to start taking meetings with designers.

Cane: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Oh. Well, I didn't realize.

Neil: Yeah. But when we're completely set, I'll be sure to give you a call, all right? Excuse me.

Cane: I meant what I said before. You have talent, okay? And I'm gonna fight to get you into Jabot. Trust me on that.

Leslie: Hey, have you been waiting long?

Neil: No, no. I just got here.

Leslie: I was thinking -- can we skip dinner? I'm really not even that hungry, and I was thinking, what if we can't find a space, a parking space, at Nick's club?

Neil: Parking spa-- slow down. Slow your roll. We don't have to eat here. We can take a cab to the club. Leslie, you want to tell me what's really going on?

Nick: Hey!

Avery: I knew it would be like this.

Nick: Where were you? I was worried.

Avery: Oh, don't worry. I-I will tell you about it, all of it, later. But right now, I want to focus on you and this fabulous place. Everybody looks like they're having such a fun time!

Nick: Yeah. Oh, here we go. Look at this. Come with me.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Here you go.

Avery: Please let me make this toast.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: To you, Nick Newman. Your perseverance, your adventurous soul, and your sheer determination to make your own statement.

[Glasses clink]

Nick: You know, the whole night, to me, is about you. I never could've done this without you -- your encouragement, your belief in me. Thank you, Avery.

Dylan: [Sighs deeply] Hey, I got to leave.

Noah: Are you nuts? I can't handle this crowd by myself.

Dylan: I'm sorry, man. It's an emergency. I got to go.

Noah: Thanks. [Scoffs]

Alex: No. No, no, no, no, no. Come here. This ends right now.

Adriana: Good. Okay? I'm glad. I'm glad it's over. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. It's just -- I've been so scared for so long.

Avery: Noah, how's it going?

Noah: Uh, it's insane. Dad, Mac bailed on us.

Nick: What? He left? What happened?

Noah: Yeah. Uh, just took off.

Nick: Did he say why? You got to be kidding me.

Avery: Noah, who does this belong to?

Noah: Um... I-I think Mac left it.

Avery: [Stammers]

Nick: What's wrong?

Avery: Where is he?

Noah: Uh, he went in the back.

Nick: Does that mean something to you?

Leslie: You don't understand why I-I don't want to be late to the opening?

Neil: Well, Leslie, I mean, it is a club. We have the luxury of getting there when we want.

Leslie: I know. But it's a big deal to Tyler. He's put his whole heart and soul into the publicity, and I just -- I'd feel better if we were there early to support him, so...

Neil: Aww.

Leslie: I don't mean to be difficult.

Neil: You are trying to support your brother, show support. I like that. That's very sweet. That's real. Come on. Let's go.

Leslie: Thank you.

Neil: Sure.

[Chelsea remembering]

Adam: Don't do that. Don't knock yourself.

Chelsea: No. What? It's just -- it's reality.

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Chelsea, you would be perfect for the job. At this stage of the game, it's all people skills. It's convincing the investors to have confidence in the company, laying out the vision for them. You don't think that's in your wheelhouse?

Chelsea: Adam, I am going to have to find something to do. You are gonna be working at Newman, long hours. If I just have to sit around here counting the throw pillows, I am gonna go insane.

Adam: Okay, you're gonna find something that you're passionate about.

Sharon: Okay. I should have never made you go to that club opening. I'm sorry.

Adam: No, no, no. It was fine.

Sharon: Well, but you just did it for me, and then Nick and Victoria came over and acted, you know, the way that they always acted. So, if you want, you can say "I told you so" the rest of the night.

Adam: You realize who you're talking to, right? This was me, so, obviously, I got in a few jabs at Nicholas and Victoria.

Sharon: [Chuckles] Good for you.

Adriana: I just don't know how everything got so messed up.

Alex: [Chuckles] Wow. Well done, Adriana. Great performance. You know, you're so convincing. I can see why Noah fell for your act.

Adriana: Obviously, he wasn't the only one.

Alex: What the hell are you doing? Put the gun down. That's not a toy.

Adriana: And I'm not playing, okay? Give me that money.

Alex: [Clears throat]

[Bag thuds]

Adriana: Okay, now handcuff yourself to this railing.

Alex: What?

Adriana: Do it!

Alex: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Wow. You're making things very hard for yourself, Adriana. Try to be smart about this.

Adriana: I am being smart. I'm making sure you don't follow me anymore.

Alex: I'm gonna find you, damn it. Adriana. Adriana!

Nick: Avery, is everything all right?

Avery: I --

Tyler: Nick, Nick, Nick. You got two journalists here from GC Buzz and a music site. They want to interview you.

Nick: Yeah. Um...

Tyler: "Um" nothing. Come on. Let's generate some more heat.

Avery: It's good. Talk to the writers.

Nick: I will be right back.

Dylan: Avery.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Leslie: I saw Wheeler. He knew exactly who I was.

Victor: Why would Congressman Wheeler make a house call to Avery Clark?

Dylan: God, you're so beautiful.

Nick: Hey. Been looking everywhere for you.

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