Y&R Transcript Friday 2/1/13
Episode # 10087 ~ Lily discovers more about Tyler; Lauren and Michael want to learn the truth about Jamie.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Lily: Hey. We're not late, are we?
Cane: No, not if we leave right now, okay?
Tyler: Lily, hey. Glad I caught you. Jack just called. He wants you to go over the ideas I just pitched him for the second wave of the fragrance campaign.
Lily: Right now?
Tyler: Afraid so. It's the number crunchers. They want to get cracking on production costs.
Lily: Well, we're on our way to a meeting.
Tyler: This'll take 20 minutes, tops.
Cane: I'll go stall Chloe and Chelsea, all right? Make it as soon as you can.
Lily: Okay. I'll be as fast as I can.
Cane: All right.
Lily: Bye. [Sighs] Okay, well, make this quick, please.
Leslie: So, now that it's just the two of us...
Neil: Mmm. Just the way I like it.
Leslie: [Chuckles] How do you really feel about Jack coming back to Jabot?
Neil: Mm. Not sure yet. You know, I was just starting to get my bearings when he fired me. Then he rehired me, then he put me in charge of the new divi-- you know this whole story, right? But I'm good, I am. I'm gaining my bearings again. You okay? You seem a little... distracted. I don't know, troubled?
Leslie: No. Like I told you before, that's all you. Just all atwitter at having a new man in my life. You know, you tried to sell me that bill of goods the first time we talked. And I'm not buying it this time.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Cane: Hello. You okay? Is everything all right?
Summer: I got your gazillion and one messages.
Fenmore: And you're just now tracking me down?
Summer: Yeah. I was sick, and then I heard.
Fenmore: What?
Summer: That you were the one that pushed Jamie off of the roof.
Fenmore: And you thought I could do that?
Summer: I don't know what to think about you anymore.
Fenmore: You are the one who changes your mind every second. Look, you hated Jamie, and then you liked him. You kissed me, and now you're afraid of me?
Summer: Yeah, well, I don't --
Fenmore: I was stupid for falling in love with you. You have messed up everything.
Michael: Can I get you anything? A sandwich, maybe?
Jamie: Just my stuff.
Paul: Jamie, I brought you over here hoping that you'd be able to tell us about... about when you were hurt. You think you might be up for that?
Jamie: I don't want to. It's over. I just...
Michael: It's okay, Kiddo. [Sighs] You've been through a horrible ordeal. We all feel for you. But you got to fill in the blanks for us. We need to know what really happened.
Lauren: Tell them the truth, Jamie -- that Fen had nothing to do with you falling off the roof.
Chelsea: Do most business meetings start this way?
Cane: Sure. Yeah, they do. That's why executives have these big corner offices -- so no one can hear them have these little meltdowns.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Cane: That's for you.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Cane: I know starting a business can be overwhelming.
Chelsea: Yeah, especially when your personal life is crashing down around you. But that's not your problem.
Cane: So...how about we chalk these up to tears of excitement?
Chelsea: Good idea.
Cane: Okay? Good idea.
Chelsea: Um, so, let's get started. Where's Lily?
Cane: She's in a meeting, but Billy has told me about your designs, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them.
Chelsea: There they are. So...what do you think?
Cane: I think they're dynamic. I think they're well-crafted. And I'm having a hard time believing they're yours.
Chelsea: Because a former con artist with no training couldn't possibly have a secret talent she'd been waiting her entire life to show?
Tyler: You know, I really liked your take on those perspective changes.
Lily: Well, it'll be amazing even without the changes, so good job, guy.
Tyler: I don't know. It's like your ideas -- they always make me, like, think and consider. I mean, hell, you were into Esmeralda Spalding before she even hit the map.
Lily: Okay, well, you have a slide show of Gordon Parks as your screen saver, so what can I say?
Tyler: Both got great taste, huh?
Lily: I guess we do.
[Elevator squeals]
Tyler: Try hitting a different floor.
Lily: [Breathing heavily] Oh, God.
Tyler: Hello?
Lily: We're stuck. This is --
Tyler: Hello? Is anybody there? The elevator just stopped between floors six and seven. Hello?
Lily: Everybody's probably already gone for the day. They're probably gone.
Tyler: No. There's still got to be, like, maintenance and security people here.
Lily: Oh, my God.
Tyler: Come on, damn it. Somebody answer. Hello?
Lily: Okay, okay, okay, okay. You know what? We're just gonna have to wait here until somebody comes back, and then they'll hear us, okay?
Tyler: No. No, that's not gonna work for me.
Lily: What's wrong?
Tyler: Nothing. I'm fine. [Breathing raggedly]
Lily: Well, you don't seem fine. Are you claustrophobic or --?
Leslie: Okay, so, I'm a little off, and you jump to me hiding something from you? I mean, how paranoid are we?
Neil: [Laughs] Is that how I'm coming across?
Leslie: Yes. And we've only been dating a hot minute.
Neil: Can I be honest with you about something? I -- Leslie, I-I feel this connection with you, I do. I feel a very solid connection.
Leslie: Aww. Okay, see, now, that was sweet. I see you digging yourself out of the hole. That's what you're doing. [Chuckles]
Neil: And, really, because of that connection, when we were here for that meeting and then you suddenly had to run off and --
Leslie: I forgot something at the office.
Neil: Right, and you told me that, but ever since then, I've detected, like, this -- this subtle, um...how shall I -- shift in -- in your behavior.
Leslie: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Am I imagining things?
Leslie: No.
Neil: So, then, the next question will be, did I do something wrong?
Leslie: No. Oh, my goodness. You are doing everything right. Neil, I love it that you worry about me and -- and feel connected.
Neil: Because I want you to know that I feel like I can be totally open with you, that I don't have to hide anything. How does that strike you?
Leslie: Um, like you are describing a pretty serious relationship. I mean, are we -- are we at that stage yet?
Neil: I would, uh... [Smooches] I would like to get in that stage.
Leslie: I could, uh, probably tell you anything, and you wouldn't judge.
Neil: Is there something that you want to tell me?
Summer: You are so not in love with me, Fen.
Fenmore: Could you not tell me how I feel? I did love you. I would have done anything for you. But you used me... because you are -- you're -- you're -- you're selfish and vindictive.
Summer: I am not selfish.
Fenmore: [Scoffs]
Summer: Okay, yeah. You're right. I was selfish, and... yeah, I used you, but that was before, Fen.
Fenmore: Before you got into Jamie?
Summer: No, before these past few months, Fen. Okay, with everything that's happened to me and my family, I've -- I've really grown up a lot. And I really just want to make up for all this rotten stuff that I've done, and...and I think that you need to, too, Fen.
Fenmore: What have I done?
Summer: Everybody has been saying that you pushed Jamie off of that roof. Is that right?
Fenmore: You wouldn't believe me even if I told you the truth, so why should I waste my time?
Michael: You know you have to be easy on the boy.
Lauren: Jamie... I'm sorry.
Jamie: It's okay.
Lauren: We're not here to lay blame or -- or point fingers. We just...
Paul: Jamie, can you tell us about that day?
Jamie: Well, after I left here...
[Door slams]
Fenmore: Could you tell them what really happened? Tell them I didn't push you.
Jamie: Get me out of here, please.
Fenmore: So, now you're running?
Michael: Stop it. Stop it!
Jamie: I can't stay here.
Michael: Jamie.
Paul: I'll stick with him, okay? Jamie, hold on a second. Jamie.
Fenmore: So, he gets to accuse me, and then he bolts.
Lauren: Fen, please.
Fenmore: How is that fair?
Michael: Okay, you tell us. Tell us, what happened on that roof?
Fenmore: How do you even know I was there?
Lauren: We saw your pictures, the ones with Jamie and the stolen items in his backpack.
Fenmore: Well, see? See? That proves he stole something --
Michael: No, it proves you were on the roof, that you were with him. The more you lie, Fenmore, the harder it's gonna be on you if charges --
Fenmore: Would you calm down? Are you gonna prosecute me now? Your own son?
Michael: Okay, you tell us. You tell us, then. What is the truth? What happened?
Leslie: Everybody has baggage, you know? Nobody has a perfect past.
Neil: Including me.
Leslie: And, um, sometimes, to get away from things, people have to reinvent themselves, start new lives in new places.
Neil: Yeah, yeah, for sure. I can relate to that.
Leslie: Yeah.
Neil: Is that what brought you to Genoa City or...?
Leslie: I needed a fresh start.
Neil: From...?
Leslie: A broken home. My mom died when I was young. And I had a terrible, abusive father.
Neil: Oh, Leslie.
Leslie: Yeah. Tyler and I -- we just -- we got away from him as soon as we could.
Neil: I am so sorry. I apologize. I certainly didn't mean for you to talk about things that you're trying to forget. I'm sorry about that.
Leslie: That's okay. Um... so, uh... that, uh, no-secrets place...
Neil: Yeah. We're kind of --
Leslie: I'd like to get there.
Neil: We're almost there.
Leslie: And if it takes a while, a long while...
Neil: I'm patient. I still want to be here, in your life, when you think you're ready.
Leslie: I want that, too.
Cane: What I should have said was that your sketches are so polished, it looks like they were done by someone who was trained, someone who studied the human form. That's what I should have said. I'm sorry.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Cane: Can you tell me how you learned to do this?
Chelsea: Taught myself... on the road, when I was traveling with my mother when we were on the grift. I would stay up late at night hiding under the covers with a flashlight, making drawings of women in beautiful clothes that I created... clothes I dreamed that, one day, I would eventually have enough money to actually make and actually wear.
Cane: Can we start this again? Do you mind if we do that, so I just don't say the wrong thing like I did before? I'm sorry.
Chelsea: Okay, let's do that.
Cane: Okay.
Chelsea: So, why are we having this meeting? What do you want?
Cane: I want to give you everything you imagined when you were a little girl. I want to make your dreams come true.
Michael: I'm not accusing you.
Fenmore: Go to hell, Dad.
Lauren: How could you do that?
Michael: Oh, well, I'm trying to find out what's really going on, Lauren.
Lauren: Really? Really? By yelling at him? By threatening him?
Michael: That's the only thing that's worked!
Lauren: [Sighs] You know what? We, uh, we all just need to relax and calm down, and then Fen is gonna tell us exactly what really happened.
Michael: We need to be ready.
Lauren: For what?
Michael: For the possibility that our son has done something truly horrible.
Paul: I know you're scared and angry, but you should think very carefully about making charges against Fen.
Jamie: He hurt me. I'm not lying about that.
Paul: Nobody said you were.
Jamie: That's what Lauren thinks.
Paul: Jamie, she doesn't know what to think. We're trying to get a clear idea on what went down that night. So... help me understand.
Jamie: How? Nobody can just understand what it's like to live like this. It never stops, the bullying -- constantly, everywhere -- at school, on my phone, in my face, everywhere.
Paul: Okay. That sounds like torture. Jamie, what can I do to get you to trust me? How can I get you to see me as a friend?
Summer: Hi. Uh, can I talk to Jamie?
Paul: I don't think that's a good idea right now.
Jamie: It's okay.
Summer: Um... look, I have to ask you something because I need to know for absolute sure. Jamie, did Fen really push you off of the rooftop?
Jamie: Fen is completely responsible.
Summer: Oh, my God.
Jamie: And so are you, Summer.
Tyler: You know, what's weird is, when I'm in an elevator that's moving...
Lily: It doesn't affect you?
Tyler: No, it's like... it's like claustrophobia, it only -- it comes when something's wrong.
Lily: Listen, nothing's wrong. Nothing's wrong, okay? I'm here, all right?
Tyler: Oh, God. Here it comes.
Lily: What? What?
Tyler: [Panting] Tight chest and trembling.
Lily: Okay.
Tyler: It's dumb, huh?
Lily: No, no, no, no. That's not dumb. It's not -- here, just take your jacket off, okay? All right? Is that better, yeah?
Tyler: A little.
Lily: Okay. See? Listen, don't worry. We are gonna get out of here in no time, all right? Hello? We are stuck in the elevator.
Tyler: "Stuck"? Can you -- can you not say that? We're not stuck.
Lily: Okay, hold on. Um... tell me -- tell me about, um, about -- about your presentation, okay, about -- about the mockup that you drew of -- of the -- the open sky, right? And the girl. She's driving in a car down a wide, wide highway.
Tyler: Sky. Wind. Yeah.
Lily: Yes, yes. Okay, oceans, fields. All right? Wide-open.
Tyler: [Sighs] [Breathing slowly]
Lily: Yeah.
Summer: I know that I bullied you at first, Jamie, and I know that that was really unfair of me.
Jamie: Then, why did you do it?
Summer: It wasn't even about you. Okay, I was just trying to hurt Ronan because he slept with my mom.
Jamie: Wait, so he broke up your parents, so you came after me?
Summer: Yeah, 'cause he was your mentor.
Jamie: So, that made it okay?
Summer: No, okay, I'm not saying that. I didn't -- I didn't know that until I got to know you and really like you.
Jamie: Then why did you use me to make Fen jealous?
Summer: I didn't.
Jamie: It pushed him into a rage, and he took it out on me.
Summer: Yeah, but Fen and I weren't ever into each other like that, Jamie.
Jamie: He obviously thought you were.
Summer: Yeah, because he's warped. Okay, but, really, it's not like Fen to be that violent, so please just be honest with me. Did Fen really push you off of that rooftop?
Lauren: Jamie, we need to talk.
Summer: Okay.
Jamie: What is it?
Lauren: You have to stop lying or this whole thing is gonna blow up in your face.
Michael: Fenmore.
Fenmore: I've got someplace to be.
Michael: We need to get to the bottom of this.
Neil: So, I was kind of hoping that, you know, we could maybe spend the night together.
Leslie: See, now, I can't let you get too used to me spending the night at your house.
Neil: We spend the night at your house -- problem solved.
Leslie: Oh, okay, Mr. Fix-it. [Laughs] No, really, I have a ton of reading to do -- Crosby deal.
Neil: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Leslie: But, um, we're going to the Underground opening tomorrow night, right?
Neil: Yeah, yeah, the Underground. Looking forward to it, sure.
Leslie: Me too. Give me one. Good night.
Neil: Good night. [Sighs]
Leslie: Really? One little weak excuse and you're willing to spend the night alone? You're gonna give up that easily?
Cane: Yeah, Jabot is expanding. We're bringing fashion under the umbrella.
Chelsea: That's what Billy said, but I'm just getting started.
Cane: We're looking for unknown designers -- you know, people who have that special flair that will catch a buyer's eye, and... I think your designs do that.
Chelsea: Okay.
Cane: Okay?
Chelsea: Good. That's great. So, uh -- oh, Billy also said he was willing to show his brother the sketches.
Cane: Which is why I'm here. I'm here to start the process. You can call me an advance scout. Speaking of which, Lily should be here to see these, so let me just call her for a sec, okay? All right. Hey. Hey, it's me. Where are you? You're not here. I've been waiting for you. Um... can you, uh, can you call me when you can? I need to talk to you. All right, bye.
Tyler: When I was a little kid... I was in a situation. I couldn't get out.
Lily: Like what, in a dark room or something?
Tyler: It's always made tight spaces really tough for me.
Lily: "Situation." Is that all the detail I'm gonna get?
Tyler: It's a long story, so...
Lily: Well, we might have some time, so...
Tyler: I hope not. I got to get out of here.
Lily: Hold on. Relax, relax, relax. Just tell me the story. Tell me the story. Okay, or skip to the end. All right? What happened? Did your parents -- they showed up, they made everything better or what?
Tyler: I don't know if I ever got better. I saw something that I-I never should have. I was so scared... and sad and ashamed because I was so afraid that I... I just stayed hidden. It seemed like forever.
Lily: So, how did you get through that without freaking out?
Tyler: I made up games, like I was an astronaut floating through space.
Lily: Okay, okay. So, uh... Ground Control to Major Tom?
Tyler: Yeah, stuff like that.
Lily: Okay, so, listen. We are in a starship, right? With lots of windows, lots of windows, and we're -- we're zooming through the galaxy 'cause we're being chased by these, like, slimy creatures from planet Zurtag. [Laughs] And, um, I'm, uh, Captain Galatea, right? And you're, uh...
Tyler: Well, how come you get to be captain?
Lily: Because it's my game, my rules, duh.
Tyler: Okay. Well, then, I'm Commander T...B...D.
Lily: TBD? What, to be determined?
Tyler: Tall, brave, and dangerous.
Lily: [Laughs] No, its okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. All right? That -- that -- that jolt was just -- it was the, um, the -- the thrusters shifting us into warp speed. It's fine.
Tyler: Oh, you're good.
Lily: [Laughs] I'm just -- I'm making it up as I go, all right?
Tyler: Keep it up. I think you're saving my life.
Fenmore: You just make it impossible to talk to you.
Michael: [Scoffs] You don't remember soccer Saturdays or bedtime stories or forts made of blankets?
Fenmore: What does that have to do with any of this?
Michael: I'm your dad, and I want you to remember that, because what I have to ask you now -- and it has nothing to do with my being the D.A.
Fenmore: The way you keep coming at me, it --
Michael: Hold on, do -- do you realize how terrifying it is for me to see you suffering like this as if you had no one in the world to talk to? And I used to be that person who you came to.
Fenmore: Well, now -- now you're that person who's treating me like a criminal.
Michael: I'm trying to help you.
Fenmore: You chose Jamie over me! I will never forgive you for that.
Michael: Fenmore! Fenmore! I love you. I love you with everything in me. I would move a mountain to keep you safe.
Fenmore: Well, then, can you believe me? He is trying to hurt me, Dad.
Jamie: Why are you so sure I'm lying?
Lauren: Look, Jamie, this goes beyond two kids that just don't get along. If you continue this accusation against Fen, you could ruin his life.
Jamie: Yeah, like he keeps trying to ruin mine.
Lauren: How can we make this right? Just tell me. What else can we do?
Jamie: Open your eyes. See who your son really is and stop pretending he's an angel. He's not.
Lauren: Now, wait a minute.
Paul: Lauren, Lauren, come on. The poor kid has been through enough for one night.
Lauren: I-I don't know what to think. I mean, what if? Could Fen really have done this?
[Both sigh with relief]
Lily: That wasn't so bad. See?
Tyler: Uh, yeah, it was.
Lily: But we made it. We made it. [Laughs]
Tyler: Thanks to you.
Lily: Oh, please.
Tyler: You're pretty cool under pressure, you know that?
Lily: Listen, I have toddler twins, okay? This was nothing. You're just one person. But I am glad that I was here to help you through it.
Tyler: Well, you're not half as glad as I am.
Lily: Okay, well... gosh, Cane must be really worried. I'm just gonna call him.
Chelsea: Cane is an executive at Jabot, and they might be interested in my designs.
Anita: Cane looks like a very smart man. Why wouldn't he be interested?
Chelsea: Mom.
Anita: When Chelsea was growing up, I can't tell you how many times I'd walk in and find her stomping down some imaginary runway, pretending to be a model.
Cane: And now that can pay off.
Anita: Do you really think my girl has talent?
Chelsea: So, that meeting -- that meeting you were talking about with Neil and Jack -- you think you can make that happen?
Cane: Yeah. I'll set it up. Here is my card.
Chelsea: Great. Ooh. Sorry. Great. Thank you for stopping by, Cane.
Cane: Sure. Nice to meet you.
Anita: Nice to meet you, Mr. Executive.
Chelsea: Stop.
Anita: Nobody would blame you.
Chelsea: I am still married, Mom. So is he.
Anita: [Sighs] Come on, Sweetie. I saw you checking out that fine specimen of Cane.
Chelsea: Okay, I looked, like, for a second because I -- well, because he was there.
Anita: And...?
Chelsea: And I feel awful. It feels like adultery.
Anita: Oh, please.
Chelsea: It feels like I'm trying to make Adam pay for hurting me so much.
Anita: And what's wrong with a little revenge roll in the hay?
Chelsea: Mom. I don't want to hear it or even think about it, okay?
Anita: Well, I am not gonna let you mope around feeling sorry for yourself. Forget about Adam, and while that divorce is percolating, I want you to find yourself another man.
Chelsea: I'm not chasing Cane Ashby.
Anita: It doesn't have to be him. It doesn't have to be serious, and it sure as hell doesn't have to be love.
Chelsea: Leaving me with...?
Anita: Lust. Hot, intense. Just drown yourself in whoever he is, but find him... fast.
Chelsea: [Scoffs]
Paul: We shouldn't jump to conclusions about any of this.
Lauren: You should have heard Michael. I'm as terrified of his reaction as I am at the possibility that Fen might be responsible.
Paul: Lauren, you and Michael are really good parents. You're gonna handle this. It's going to be okay. You just need to stay strong and stand by your son.
Lauren: Thanks for being my rock.
Paul: I'm always here for you. Michael, too, okay?
Jamie: Mr. Baldwin, I still need to get the rest of my stuff.
Michael: So, where are you headed?
Jamie: Back to foster care, I think.
Michael: That's probably for the best. Jamie, I'm sorry. I know I have no business asking you this... but have you decided? Are you gonna file formal charges against Fenmore?
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Oh, sorry. Man, I have to take this. Please, I want to finish, all right? I'll be right back. Hello? Talk to me.
Fenmore: We're going to have this out.
Chelsea: Hi. Uh, white wine, please. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Cane: No, no, no, no, no. Whoa! You all right? Minor collision, sorry. See you soon.
Chelsea: Sorry.
Cane: We got to stop meeting like this.
Chelsea: Right? Really have to watch where I'm going. See you.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey. Now, this better be good, all right? Where you been?
Lily: Uh, we just got caught up in the presentation.
Tyler: It's fine. I'm not embarrassed. She was saving me. We got stuck in the elevator, and I got claustrophobia, so I freaked out. And long story short, if it wasn't for Lily here, I'd probably be in a padded room by now, halfway out of my mind.
Lily: No, you weren't that bad.
Cane: Yeah. What did you do?
Lily: Nothing.
Tyler: She told me jokes, made up stories. Just, she got me talking.
Cane: Yeah, that's Lily -- cool under fire, huh, Baby?
Lily: Oh, yeah.
Tyler: Yeah, it's like I'm always telling you, man, you're a pretty lucky guy. Hey, thanks for all the hand holding and intergalactic fantasizing.
Lily: [Laughs] You're welcome. Okay, wipe that jealous look off of your face.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Because I wish I had been stuck in an elevator with you.
Cane: Mm. Me too, Baby.
Paul: So, how are you doing?
Summer: I just feel so bad about all of this.
Paul: You started the bullying, didn't you? You're Brittni.
Summer: Yeah. I didn't expect it to blow up like this.
Paul: People never do.
Summer: I wish I could take it all back.
Fenmore: And now you're trying to blame what happened on me? You are a worthless liar.
Jamie: I hate you! I hate your guts!
Michael: What the hell's going on? Jamie, get -- stop it! Stop it!
Jamie: He did it! He tried to kill me!
Fenmore: What?!
Lauren: What?!
Jamie: He pushed me over the edge, and he was laughing while doing it.
Lauren: You stop it.
Jamie: No, he's evil. He is a monster. I'm gonna press charges. I want Fen in jail for what he did.
Lauren: You stop lying.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: Sharon, I do have a lot of work to do.
Sharon: Do you really think that's gonna help you forget about Chelsea?
Victoria: Something's missing.
Nick: What?
Victoria: Avery. Where is she? Avery.
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