Y&R Transcript Friday 1/25/13
Episode # 10082 ~ Victor's Intentions Are Questioned; Billy Receives a Proposition
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: You look more beautiful than ever.
Nikki: Wow. Someone's in a good mood today.
Victor: Why wouldn't I be? I'm gonna marry the love of my life in a few weeks.
Nikki: We have just a few things to do before we get to the altar.
Victor: Why? Is Victoria not helping you?
Nikki: Well, she was until she got caught up in this Newman business. I could say the same thing for you.
Victor: Oh, Sweetheart... apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You should be used to that by now.
Nikki: I'm just grateful that you called off the press conference. Announcing to the world that Jack is addicted to pain pills would have been a mistake on many levels.
Victor: Yeah, you're right. There's no need.
Nikki: What does that mean?
Victor: It means that Jack Abbott stepped down. He's no longer running Newman Enterprises.
Nikki: Victor, what did you do?
Victor: Hmm?
Nikki: What did you do?
Chloe: I've been worried about you since you called. You said you were fine, but you didn't sound fine. I mean, I figured you'd be... I guess the Paris trip is off.
Chelsea: So is my reconciliation with Adam.
Chloe: What did Johnny Jackass do now?
Chelsea: It's not what he did. It's who he is. He's never gonna change. I have to realize that and cut my losses. The divorce is back on.
[Door opens]
[Doorknob rattles]
Billy: Thinking about jumping?
Adam: Nobody I know would bother to stop me. But I won't do it, because I know how very happy it would make you.
Billy: [Chuckles] Aw, that's sweet. Look, uh, since Jack has left and decided not to return... we need to talk about the future of Newman.
Adam: I couldn't agree more. Which is why I called an emergency board meeting this morning.
Billy: Oh, I'm sorry. You did what? Victoria's on that board. She didn't hear anything about it.
Adam: Yeah, there were several people that were absent. They must not have gotten the memo.
Billy: How'd you send that memo? By wagon train?
Adam: Luckily, there were enough board members to hold a vote.
Billy: A vote. A vote about what?
Adam: They decided that it's in Newman Enterprises' best interest if going forward there's only one C.E.O... me.
Cane: Hey.
Eden: Hey. You, uh, meeting somebody?
Cane: Yeah, I'm supposed to, uh, meet Lily, but it doesn't look like she's here yet.
Eden: Oh, is she gonna bring Charlie and Mattie? I'd love to see those little critters.
Cane: I'm afraid not, 'cause she is going straight to the office from here.
Eden: Lily's working again.
Cane: Yeah, at Jabot.
Eden: You okay with that?
Cane: Yeah. I mean, if she wants to have kids and a career, yeah. Good for her.
Eden: Wow. Well, you guys must be crazy busy.
Cane: You know what? Sometimes it's like we're on a marathon. You know, but we have a pact, which is no matter how crazy it gets, we'll always find time for each other, so...
Eden: That's so sweet. [Chuckles]
Cane: Unfortunately, though, today it's just coffee, so...
Eden: Well, I still think it's romantic. Lily's lucky to have you.
Cane: No, I'm lucky to have her.
Avery: Hi. Ooh! Nothing sexier than a man with a clipboard. How's it going?
Nicholas: So far, so good.
Avery: I like the positive attitude.
Nicholas: I am triple-checking everything. There will not be any pipes bursting, any power outages, any speakers falling from the ceiling. Outside a tsunami, which is, you know, pretty rare in Wisconsin, this will not be the Underground debacle, part two.
Avery: Well, good. I have no doubt that the grand reopening will be a huge, whopping success.
Nicholas: Noah went on FacePlace and some other social-media sites, and Tyler's doing what he promised. He's getting the word out there.
Avery: That's great. Good. I'm happy for you.
Nicholas: Really? 'Cause I have seen your happy face many times, and this one... is not it. What's wrong?
Avery: I wanted to help you with the reopening, but I just learned that I have to go out of town.
Nicholas: For Newman?
Avery: For the Innocence Foundation.
Nicholas: I thought you were done with all that.
Avery: Well, occasionally I donate my services when new evidence shows up that could exonerate someone who's been wrongfully accused.
Nicholas: "Exonerate." I had no idea that word was so sexy, but you make it work.
Avery: Oh.
Nicholas: Maybe it's 'cause it's such a...noble cause.
Avery: Well, maybe. But helping the wrongfully accused is why I became a lawyer in the first place.
Nicholas: Is that 'cause of your father?
Avery: Well, sort of. I mean, it turned out he wasn't innocent. But my experiences with him made me want to help the people who are. And no matter what happened in my life -- my messed-up family, the end of my marriage -- I always felt like I had a purpose, you know. And that helped me really get through the rough times in my life.
Chloe: Oh, Honey, I am so sorry.
Chelsea: You warned me over and over that Adam would end up breaking my heart if I went back to him.
Chloe: That whackadoo Sharon again, huh?
Chelsea: It wasn't Sharon. Not this time.
Chloe: Then what?
Chelsea: Something that has a way more powerful hold over Adam. Newman Enterprises. And his father.
Chloe: [Sighs] Mr. Ruthless himself.
Chelsea: Yeah. You know, I kept on trying to convince myself that being Victor's son didn't define who Adam was, you know, that what we shared, our life together -- it was way more important to Adam than some stupid company. But I was wrong.
Nikki: You forced Jack's hand, didn't you?
Victor: I don't know. What are you talking about?
Nikki: The only reason you didn't attack Jack at that press conference was to appease me.
Victor: Nonsense, okay.
Nikki: Oh, well, then what did you do, find another way to reveal it?
Victor: Baby, Jack resigned all by himself. How's that?
Nikki: He wouldn't do that. He's not going to give up on Newman Enterprises if he has a choice.
Victor: Maybe he realized that Newman Enterprises was a size too large for him, all right? So he went back to play with his little company.
Nikki: All right, with Jack gone, who's minding the store?
Victor: Adam and Billy are minding the store. And I will take care of those two in due time.
[Knock on door]
Victor: Excuse me.
Victoria: Hi.
Victor: Hey.
Victoria: So, I just heard there was an emergency board meeting this morning, and Adam was the only Newman there.
Victor: Hmm.
Victoria: Uh-huh. You don't seem very surprised.
Victor: Only surprised that it took him that long to make a move.
Billy: So, what did you use to bribe the board members at your secret little meeting?
Adam: [Sighs] I handed them big wads of cash, Billy.
Billy: Oh, come on. Tell me. Who'd you blackmail?
Adam: Believe it or not, nobody.
Billy: Must have been difficult to pull it off without Victoria or Victor finding out about it.
Adam: Actually, it wasn't as difficult as you might imagine.
Billy: You had to be up all night manning the phones, digging up dirt.
Adam: What does it matter what way I went about it?
Billy: Why don't you just humor me for this one moment, please?
Adam: [Sighs] Billy... since your brother started working here, there have been a few new faces on the board, and those people have been well aware of the fact that when your brother has been out of commission that I've been keeping this company running. And I have excelled at doing so.
Billy: You excelled. Don't we have a healthy self-image?
Adam: Stating facts, Billy. Another fact I stated was that little incident that happened with you the last time you were here at Newman.
Billy: You mean your twisted biased version of what happened.
Adam: Actually, it's pretty straightforward. You passed on sensitive inside information to my sister, which could leave the company open to a takeover.
Billy: Jack set me up. But hey... at least he forgave me.
Adam: That's right. Jack, your brother, forgave you. The board did not. And they will not. So if you want to fight this, it will be an exercise in futility. The deal, Billy, is done.
Billy: I don't want to fight it. If they don't want me, that's fine. I'm okay with that. But you -- you can't be so stupid to believe that they will stay loyal to you once big daddy comes after you.
Adam: I ain't scared. Look, the board wants stability. Bottom line, end of the day, okay -- you, me, Sharon, my father, your brother... this room, this office, has been a huge farcical game of musical chairs. The board does not want that, okay. They want stability. It has hurt them where it hurts most, and that is their bank accounts.
Billy: Sharon is largely to blame for that. But you hired her.
Adam: That's right. And you signed off on it, as well, Billy, if you remember.
Billy: So the board just welcomed her back with open arms, huh?
Adam: The board has confidence in her abilities because I told them they should.
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Mason said I should just come in, so...
Adam: Sure. Um... what's up?
Sharon: Uh, well, I got an e-mail that there's a staff meeting. So, where is everyone?
Billy: Oh, see, you and Adam are all that's left of upper management. Don't get too cozy. Won't last.
Nicholas: Tell me about this case you're working on.
Avery: It's a terrible story. A man wrongly accused of murder. He's been in prison for 12 years.
Nicholas: Well, if anyone can help him, it is Avery Bailey Clark, the champion of the wrongfully accused.
Avery: I hope so. And we have some new DNA evidence that I think is gonna help.
Nicholas: Case like this sounds like you're gonna be gone for, like, a long time.
Avery: Oh, just a day or two. I just have to go over the evidence and talk strategy, and then I will be back for all the festivities.
Nicholas: You promise?
Avery: You couldn't possibly keep me away.
Nicholas: Keep you away? I don't want you to go in the first place.
Avery: I have to. I have to go exonerate someone.
Nicholas: That is so hot.
Cane: Hey. You okay? I was starting to worry about you. Don't worry about it. It's fine. No, no, no. I understand. Sweetheart, do what you have to do. All right. I love you. Bye.
Eden: Sounds like you got stood up.
Cane: Yeah. Lily's got a deadline at the office, so...
Eden: Well, that's too bad. You've been waiting, like, forever.
Cane: Yeah, I know. It's all right. She always waits for me, so...
Eden: Still, it has to be a letdown.
Cane: I'll get over it. Work's important to her, so...
Eden: Well, she'd never be able to juggle that and being a mom if it wasn't for you. It's really great that you're so supportive.
Cane: Yeah.
Billy: My advice -- cut your losses. Go find a gig where you'll actually be appreciated.
Adam: She's appreciated right here, Billy.
Billy: How long before she becomes a pawn in your sick game with your father? Don't kid yourself, Sharon. That's exactly what's gonna happen. Mason, my good man, it's been fun.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe you actually did this. I mean, I can believe it, but...
Mason: Did you need anything else, Sir?
Adam: No. Thank you, Mason.
Sharon: Are you sure that getting rid of Billy this early in the game is a good idea?
Adam: Billy and I would have just butted heads on everything. How would that be good for the company?
Sharon: Gosh, I can't believe you got the board to go along with you.
Adam: Well, I am the next generation. And they recognize that. My father may have built this company from the ground up... but I am the one who's going to lead it into the future.
Sharon: I know how much you really want this. And you deserve this, and you're gonna do an amazing job. But Billy's right. I mean, Victor is gonna come gunning for you one day.
Adam: Game on. I'm ready for him. Now, I have mentioned to you before that I would like you to be by my side in all this, but if you don't want to get involved in a family squabble, I completely understand. But I need to know one way or the other, are you gonna be by my side in this?
Victoria: Okay, well, Billy confirmed it. The board meeting took place, and its purpose was to vote him out of Newman.
Nikki: That doesn't even sound legal.
Victor: It is legal, as long as the majority voted.
Victoria: I cannot believe this. Poor Billy. He shows up at work, and he gets blindsided by that weasel. I have to get home.
Victor: Sweetheart, uh, let's talk later, okay? Let's figure out how to deal with Adam, all right? What are you looking at?
Nikki: Nothing I have said has gotten through to you.
Victor: I don't understand.
Nikki: When you didn't attack Jack at the press conference, I thought you had turned a corner. But no, you haven't given up fighting for Newman. Now that Jack is gone, you're just going after Adam. Same game, different players.
Victor: Listen, if Adam doesn't listen to his father, then I will take care of things, okay?
Nikki: Adam's been C.E.O. for two minutes, and you're already going after him, and you're dragging Victoria with you!
Victor: Victoria, for your information, is as appalled as I am that Adam is sitting behind my desk. Okay? Why are you acting so surprised? You told me you understood why I wanted my company back.
Nikki: I do understand.
Victor: Then why are you so upset now?
Nikki: I was hoping... based on the things that you promised me when we moved in here... that we could sail around the world, that we would take a long, leisurely honeymoon.
Victor: Baby, we will do all that, okay? But please don't be angry now.
Nikki: I'm not angry with you.
Victor: Good.
Nikki: I'm angry with myself. For believing that any of that could ever happen.
Chloe: See? Isn't this better? It's better than being in that mausoleum. It's bright, and it's airy. No reminders of Adam.
Chelsea: I think I'm gonna be miserable no matter where I am.
Chloe: If you ask me, that dude has a screw loose -- choosing a stuffy conglomerate over you and Paris.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I knew this was gonna happen. Adam kept stalling. You know, he kept making excuses for why we couldn't leave yet. And I just thought, "Give him some time, Chelsea. Support him. It'll be fine." And then when he -- [Sighs] When he told me he really had to stay for Newman, I just...
Chloe: Honey, please, please don't. Stop crying.
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Chloe: You're gonna embarrass us.
Chelsea: I know. You're right. You're right. I'm done. I am done with the pity party. No more. [Sniffles]
Chloe: Just keep on reminding yourself nobody has ever died of a broken heart.
Chelsea: I know. It's true. I mean, it was hard enough the first time we ended things, you know. You would think that it would get easier this time.
Chloe: It's not.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Why is that?
Chloe: Because when you love someone as much as you love Adam, it's always going to be a knife to the gut.
Chelsea: Oh, God. [Sniffles] [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Oh. Hi.
Victoria: I am so, so sorry.
Billy: What? For what? The C.E.O. job? Oh, come on. It's not the first time I've been canned. It won't be the last.
Victoria: I'm just really furious about the way you were treated.
Billy: I've got tough skin. It's okay.
Victoria: It must have taken all of the restraint that you could muster to not want to slug that little worm in the face. The nerve of Adam, voting you out behind your back.
Billy: Calm down. Okay. Take it easy. Bring it back down to here.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Yes, I'll admit, I would have loved to slug him and knock that smug look off of his face, but, Honey, frankly, it wouldn't have changed anything.
Victoria: You don't seem very upset.
Billy: The only reason I was working at Newman Enterprises was because you and my brother needed me there.
Victoria: I know.
Billy: And Jack -- he left. It was his decision to leave, go back to Jabot. Nobody forced him out. The only regret that I have is that... I might have let you down.
Victoria: No. You didn't let me down. And Adam is not gonna win. And it really, really meant a lot to me that you were willing to work with him to help me. It meant a lot.
Billy: Oh, Baby. When you look at me with those big blue eyes, I'm a goner. So you can commend me all you'd like for choosing to help you, but when you ask me to do something, Honey, I don't really have a choice.
Chelsea: I should get home, clean up the broken glass.
Chloe: Because having clean floors is a priority right now?
Chelsea: I can't believe I freaked out like that. Those were some nice frames.
Chloe: [Chuckles] So, does smashing things make you feel better?
Chelsea: A little.
Chloe: Good! Good. Then that's what you should do. I mean, you can't just walk around, carrying all this anger and hurt inside. You need to get it out. So break something, you know. Take that cup and just smash it.
Chelsea: [Chuckling] No. I think I have a better way to channel my emotions.
Chloe: Like what?
Chelsea: Like our design business. No more just talking about it. I think we actually need to make it happen.
Chloe: Are you serious?
Chelsea: Yes! I am totally serious. Just because my marriage fell apart doesn't mean that I'm going to. Besides, Adam can't take everything away from me.
Chloe: Yeah. Sisters doing it for themselves.
Chelsea: Well, not entirely by ourselves. Adam will be footing the bill for this.
Chloe: I like where your head's at. You're gonna be just fine. But first you need to conquer the next step in the breakup recovery process.
Chelsea: What's that?
Chloe: Revenge sex.
Sharon: So, I had a long talk with my son the other day.
Adam: Oh?
Sharon: Yeah, he told me that he's really proud of me and how I've pulled my life back together.
Adam: That must have felt good.
Sharon: Yeah. I love doing anything that makes my kids proud. This is more than just a job to me.
Adam: So you're not quitting.
Sharon: Nope. And when the time comes that I have to deal with Victor, big deal. I can deal with that. I'm a lot tougher than I used to be, thanks to you.
Adam: No. No, I got you started on the right path, but you did all the work.
Sharon: Um, you know, I know this is probably none of my business, but, um... have you... talked to Chelsea?
Adam: There's nothing to talk about. I promised her the dream life, and, uh... when it was all said and done, I couldn't deliver. I can't make her happy. She knows it. And if we pretended otherwise, it would just be... a lie. [Clears throat]
Sharon: But, um...
Adam: Come on. We got work to do. I have a company to run.
Victor: Lighten up. We can still have the honeymoon that you want. I just need some time to get my company back.
Nikki: Stop! Stop making promises that you can't keep!
Victor: What's the matter with you? Now, listen to me.
Nikki: When we moved into this penthouse... it was going to be the beginning of our new life together.
Victor: It still can be and will be.
Nikki: We should be planning our wedding right now, Victor. We should be talking about musicians and flowers and --
Victor: Sweetheart, we will talk about flowers and musicians. We will talk about that in due time.
Nikki: When I walked in that hospital room and saw you when you had collapsed, I was terrified that you would die.
Victor: Sweetheart... I didn't die, did I?
Nikki: No, you didn't, and I was so grateful for that. But I see you. It's getting to you again, Victor. Your -- your constant craving for control, it's consuming you. Victor, you've got to get a grip on it before it kills you. Please.
Victor: Sweetheart... please don't you worry, okay? Let's not talk about my constant desire for control and power. I want my company back. And I will get it back. And then we'll go on a honeymoon. All right? Come here.
Nikki: [Sighs] I'm so worried.
Adam: Our new emphasis has to be on social media.
Sharon: More interactive projects and events.
Adam: We have to make the Newman name synonymous with modern technology.
Sharon: The way that it has always been with industrial development and cosmetics.
Adam: We're moving into the 21st century. If anybody wants to get in the way, that's -- yes, Mason?
Mason: I thought you might be hungry.
Sharon: Oh. Um... let's order in. That way we don't break our momentum.
Adam: [Sighs] What would you like?
Mason: There's a new Cajun Creole place around the corner. Chef's from New Orleans.
Adam: New Orleans.
Mason: Or, hey, if you're not into that...
Sharon: No, no. I think that sounds great. Um, Adam?
Adam: Whatever you'd like.
Mason: What do you want?
Sharon: Uh, surprise us.
[Door closes]
Sharon: Um... you know, before I forget, I just wanted to talk to you about our face-cream packaging. I think we could use some more sustainable materials.
Chelsea: Are you kidding me? He's married. Just because you made him think that you were carrying his child and nearly ruined his relationship with Lily -- I mean, back in the day, I would have considered it. But I'm not like that anymore.
Chloe: [Gasps] Okay, are you kidding me? I'm not saying that you should go ahead and sleep with tall, dark, and Australian. I'm just saying you should... consider finding someone who is like him. I mean, handsome and disposable.
Chelsea: Yeah? And how am I supposed to find this guy? Or are you gonna find him for me?
Chloe: Well, hey, I would if I could clone myself. But I'm gonna be too busy setting up our new business. Oh, which reminds me. I'm gonna need to find us a workspace.
Chelsea: Actually, and I need to get started on more designs.
Chloe: Uh, what about my whole plan for revenge sex?
Chelsea: Not for me. I need something to focus on right now besides my completely screwed-up personal life.
Chloe: Okay. Well, then back to business. I need to know how serious you are about having Adam foot the bill.
Chelsea: Spare no expense.
Avery: Mm. I won't be gone long. Mm. But I am gonna miss you, Newman.
Nicholas: Mm.
Avery: [Sighs] Oh, okay. If you keep doing that, I swear to you, I am gonna rip your clothes off right here.
Nicholas: Promises, promises.
Avery: You think I'm joking?
Nicholas: I don't think you have the guts to take my clothes off in public.
Avery: Really? I can be pretty brave.
Nicholas: Mm.
Avery: Are you?
Nicholas: I... have a lot of courage...
Avery: Oh.
Nicholas: ...When it comes to this sort of thing.
Avery: Mm-hmm. I think... it's getting hot in here.
Nicholas: Pretty sure you're gonna chicken out first.
Avery: Yeah? I think you are.
Nicholas: I think you're scared that somebody's gonna come in here...
Avery: Uh-huh.
Nicholas: ...And catch us.
Avery: I think you should hope that the lights go out. Mm.
Chloe: Ah! Thank God you're home!
Billy: Hi.
Chloe: Oh, hi, Victoria.
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Is something wrong with Delia?
Chloe: No, she's super. I need to talk to you. Billy, you have something I want.
Nikki: Victor, in spite of the fact that you think you control everything, you're not immortal. And Adam is a formidable enemy.
Victor: Don't you worry about Adam. I'll take care of him. All right?
Nikki: Can you at least wait until after we're married and back from our honeymoon before jumping into trenches?
Victor: Sweetheart, the honeymoon and the wedding will be a celebration of my regaining power over Newman Enterprises and a celebration of our love. [Clears throat]
Nikki: It's Nikki Newman. No, I couldn't tell him. Not yet.
Adam: Oh, my gosh. You want some of this crawfish étouffée?
Sharon: Mm. No thanks. I'm good. Oh, you'll never guess.
Adam: Hmm.
Sharon: Remember we were talking about the Delora project?
Adam: Yeah, you said the R&D team wasn't ready to get behind it yet.
Sharon: Right. Well, I spoke to them this morning, and they're not ready to issue their final report, but it looks like they are leaning toward recommending it be green-lit.
Adam: I knew it.
Sharon: Well, don't get too excited. You know, it's not -- it's not definite yet. It's not in stone.
Adam: No, no, no, no. You have to trust me on this. I have a sixth sense about these things. I knew it would go well.
Sharon: This is so amazing. I haven't had gumbo this good since, um...
Adam: Since we were in New Orleans together? Well, we're done here.
Sharon: Yeah, we, uh, covered a lot of ground.
Adam: We did indeed. I'm gonna head out of the office for a while. You stay here. Finish eating. It's delicious.
Sharon: Hey, I will. I'm just gonna jot down a few notes while it's still fresh in my mind.
Adam: I'm really glad you're back in my life, Sharon.
Sharon: You've been a really good friend... when everyone else in town treated me like trash. So I'm happy to repay the favor.
[Adam leaves]
[Sharon imagining]
Sharon: Adam? I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way you wanted with Chelsea.
Adam: They worked out the way I deserved.
[Back to present]
Sharon: [Sighs]
Chloe: Since you're Restless Style, I thought you might also be selling the building.
Billy: I haven't really thought about it. Why?
Chloe: Because I want to buy it.
Billy: Oh, you do? With what? Did the Chipmunk rob another bank? [Chuckles]
Chloe: That's really not funny, Billy.
Billy: It's kind of funny. [Clears throat] What would you do with all that space, anyway?
Chloe: I'm starting a business with Chelsea.
Billy: You guys have a rich backer or something?
Chloe: Not exactly. I'm sure you've heard that Adam's planning on staying in town.
Billy: Yeah, I heard something about it.
Chloe: Well, she's finally getting rid of that pathetic loser.
Victoria: They're getting a divorce?
Chloe: For real this time.
Billy: Imagine that. Adam chose Newman Enterprises over his own wife. What a nice guy.
Chloe: Yeah, he is an obnoxious, smarmy pit of sleaze. But please don't get me started on that. As for where we're getting the money... well, Chelsea just said that she's planning on taking Adam for every dime that she can get. And that's a lot of dimes.
Nicholas: Okay, you were right. It was a little more comfortable upstairs.
Avery: Yes. Well, if your goodbyes are gonna be like that all the time, I'm gonna leave more often.
Nicholas: You got to get the hell out of here. I'm not getting anything done.
Avery: Mm. Oh. Okay. I see how this goes. You have your way with me, and then you toss me aside.
Nicholas: Travel safe. Come home soon.
Avery: Okay. I will.
Chelsea: [Gasps] Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no. [Sighs]
Cane: There you go.
Chelsea: Oh. Thanks. But I don't want to get it dirty.
Cane: It's a handkerchief. It's supposed to get dirty.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] I... I'm not usually this clumsy.
Cane: It's okay. Accidents happen.
Chelsea: Thanks, Cane.
Cane: Sure.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
[Adam dreaming]
Sharon: Why are you back?
Adam: I couldn't stay away.
Sharon: What do you mean?
Adam: You think Chelsea and I split up on account of Newman Enterprises. No, Sharon. It's because I love you. I still do.
Victor: I want a detailed report on what's happening at Newman.
Mason: I can tell you one thing. Adam was very pleased with himself for ousting Billy Abbott.
Victor: Who else has Adam been meeting with?
Mason: So far today, just Billy and Sharon.
Victor: Did Sharon act strangely or erratically in any way?
Mason: She seemed like she totally had it together.
Victor: Well, she doesn't have it together. She has serious psychological problems. She's on medication. I want you to find out what kind of pills she's taking and get back to me, all right? Okay.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: Adam's at the club. He doesn't live here anymore.
Sharon: I know.
Tyler: What the hell is he doing in town?
Leslie: I don't know. Does it matter? We can't let him recognize us.
Lauren: Why are you so determined to blame our son for Jamie's accident?
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